Source code for pylayers.signal.bsignal

#-*- coding:Utf-8 -*-
.. currentmodule:: pylayers.signal.bsignal

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: generated

Bsignal Class

.. autoclass:: Bsignal

Usignal Class

.. autoclass: Usignal

TBsignal Class

.. autoclass:: TBsignal

TUsignal Class

.. autoclass:: TUsignal

FBsignal Class

.. autoclass:: FBsignal

FUsignal Class

.. autoclass:: FUsignal

FHsignal Class

.. autolass:: FHsignal

Noise Class

.. autoclass:: Noise

import doctest
import os
import pdb
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.interpolate as interp
import numpy.fft as fft
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
from copy import *
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from pylayers.util.pyutil import *
from pylayers.util.plotutil import *
import as ios
from scipy.signal import cspline1d, cspline1d_eval, iirfilter, iirdesign, lfilter, firwin , correlate
import seaborn as sns
#from sklearn import mixture
import scipy.stats as st

[docs]class Bsignal(PyLayers): r""" Signal with an embedded time base This class gathers a 1D signal and its axis indexation. The x base is not necessarily uniform x has 1 axis x and the last axes of y have the same length By construction shape(y)[-1] :=len(x), len(x) takes priority in case of observed conflict """ def __init__(self, x=np.array([]), y=np.array([]),label=[]): r""" object constructor Parameters ---------- x : ndarray (,Nx) primary axis (time or frequency) y : ndarray values (...,Nx) the number of dimensions of y is arbitrary. the last dimension of y must be the primary axis label : list of labels """ self.x = x.astype(float) self.y = y.astype(complex) ndim = self.y.ndim if ndim==1: self.y=self.y.reshape((1,len(self.y))) ndim = 2 assert((len(x)==self.y.shape[-1])or (self.y.shape[-1]==1) )," Dimension problem" # default naming of the axis if label==[]: self.label=[] for k in range(ndim): self.label.append('ax'+str(k)) else: self.label=label shx = np.shape(self.x) shy = np.shape(self.y) self.N = shx[0] ly = shy[-1] # multi axes indexation self.uax = np.hstack((np.ones(ndim-1),np.r_[self.N])).astype('int') # last dimension of y should be equal to first dimension of x #if (ly != self.N) : # print "Error in Bsignal : Dimension incompatibility " # print "x : ", self.N # print "y : ", ly def __repr__(self): st = '%s : %s %s ' % ( self.__class__.__name__, str(np.shape(self.x)), str(np.shape(self.y))) #for k in range(self.y.ndim): # st = st + '\n' +self.label[k]+ ' : ' + str(self.y.shape[k]) return(st)
[docs] def mean(self): """ mean value of the signal """ S = type(self)() S.__dict__=self.__dict__ S.x = self.x S.y = np.mean(self.y,axis=0)[None,:] return(S)
[docs] def min(self): """ min value of the signal (module if complex) """ S = type(self)() S.__dict__=self.__dict__ S.x = self.x if np.iscomplex(self.y).any(): S.y = np.min(np.abs(self.y),axis=0)[None,:] else: S.y = np.min(self.y,axis=0)[None,:] return(S)
[docs] def max(self): """ max value of the signal (module if complex) """ S = type(self)() S.__dict__=self.__dict__ S.x = self.x if np.iscomplex(self.y).any(): S.y = np.max(np.abs(self.y),axis=0)[None,:] else: S.y = np.max(self.y,axis=0)[None,:] return(S)
[docs] def append(self,bs): """ append bs to Bsignal """ assert((self.x==bs.x).all()) self.y = np.vstack((self.y,bs.y))
[docs] def extract(self,u): r""" extract a subset of signal from index Parameters ---------- u : np.array Returns ------- O : Usignal Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> from pylayers.signal.bsignal import * >>> import numpy as np >>> x = np.arange(0,1,0.01) >>> y = np.sin(2*np.pi*x) >>> s = Bsignal(x,y) >>> su = s.extract(np.arange(4,20)) >>> f,a = s.plot() >>> f,a = su.plot() """ O = copy(self) O.x = O.x[u] O.y = O.y[...,u] return(O)
[docs] def save(self, filename): r""" save Bsignal in Matlab File Format Parameters ---------- filename : string Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> from pylayers.signal.bsignal import * >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> e = TUsignal() >>> e.EnImpulse(feGHz=100) >>> fig,ax = e.plot(typ=['v']) >>> tit1 = plt.title('original waveform') >>>'impulse.mat') >>> del e >>> h = TUsignal() >>> h.load('impulse.mat') >>> fig,ax = h.plot(typ=['v']) >>> tit2 = plt.title('retrieved waveform') See Also -------- Bsignal.load """ d = {} d['x'] = self.x d['y'] = self.y ios.savemat(filename, d)
[docs] def load(self, filename): r""" load a Bsignal from a Matlab File Parameters ---------- filename : string See Also -------- """ d = ios.loadmat(filename) self.x = d['x'][0,:] self.y = d['y'] if self.y.ndim==1: self.y = self.y[None,:] self.N = len(self.x)
[docs] def setx(self, x): r""" setx : set x vector Parameters ---------- x : np.array Notes ----- y is set to a zero vector Use __set__ instead """ self.x = x Np = len(self.x) self.y = np.zeros(Np, dtype=float)
[docs] def sety(self, fun): r""" sety : set y vector Parameters ---------- fun : function """ self.y = fun(self.x)
[docs] def stem(self, **kwargs): r""" stem display Parameters ---------- color : string default 'b-' Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> from pylayers.signal.bsignal import * >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> si = Bsignal() >>> si.x= np.arange(100) >>> si.y= np.arange(100)[None,:] >>> f,a = si.stem() """ ndim = self.y.ndim if 'fig' not in kwargs: fig = plt.figure() else: fig = kwargs['fig'] if 'ax' not in kwargs: ax = fig.gca() else: ax = kwargs['ax'] if ndim > 1: nl = len(self.y) for k in range(nl): ax.stem(self.x, self.y[k].squeeze(), **kwargs) else: ax.stem(self.x, self.y,**kwargs) return(fig,ax)
[docs] def step(self, color='b'): r""" plot steps display Parameters ---------- color : string default 'b-' """ if ndim > 1: nl = len(self.y) for k in range(nl): plt.plot(self.x, self.y[k], color, linestyle='steps') else: plt.plot(self.x, self.y, color, linestyle='steps')
[docs] def cformat(self,**kwargs): r""" complex format Parameters ---------- sax : list selected output axis from y default [0,1] typ : string 'm' : modulus 'v' : value 'l10' : dB (10 log10) 'l20' : dB (20 log10) 'd' : phase degrees 'r' : phase radians 'du' : phase degrees unwrap 'ru' : phase radians unwrap 'gdn' : group delay (ns) 'gdm' : group distance (m) 're' : real part 'im' : imaginary part sel : list of ndarray() data selection along selected axis, all the axis void default [[],[]] ik : fixed axis value default (0) Returns ------- a0 : first data axis this axis can be self.x or not a1 : second data axis dt : data ylabels : string label for the selected complex data format Notes ----- This function returns 2 arrays x and y and the corresponding labels Convention : the last axis of y has same dimension as x y can have an arbitrary number of axis i.e a MIMO channel matrix could be x : f and y : t x r x f Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> S = Bsignal() >>> x = np.arange(100) >>> y = np.arange(400).reshape(2,2,100)+1j*np.arange(400).reshape(2,2,100) >>> S.x = x >>> S.y = y >>> S.cformat() (array([[-240. , 43.01029996], [ 49.03089987, 52.55272505]]), 'Magnitude (dB)') """ defaults = {'sax' : [0,1], 'typ':'l20', 'sel' : [[],[]], 'ik' : 0 } for key, value in defaults.items(): if key not in kwargs: kwargs[key] = value # shape of y and number of dimensions sely = np.squeeze(self.y) shy = sely.shape naxy = len(shy) # 2 axis selection ax = kwargs['sax'] assert(len(ax)==2) # selected range on axis sel = kwargs['sel'] ik = kwargs['ik'] # data selection on first axis if sel[0]==[]: # whole range us = 0 uf = shy[ax[0]] else: # subset of values us = sel[0][0] uf = sel[0][-1] # data selection on second axis if sel[1]==[]: # whole range vs = 0 vf = shy[ax[1]] else: # subset of values vs = sel[1][0] vf = sel[1][-1] # radians to degree conversion rtd = 180./np.pi t = kwargs['typ'] if naxy ==1: dt = self.y[us:uf] elif naxy==2: dt = self.y[us:uf,vs:vf] elif naxy==3: if ((ax[0]==0) & (ax[1]==1)): dt = sely[us:uf,vs:vf,ik] if ((ax[0]==0) & (ax[1]==2)): dt = sely[us:uf,ik,vs:vf] if ((ax[0]==1) & (ax[1]==2)): dt = sely[ik,us:uf,vs:vf] elif naxy==4: if ((ax[0]==0) & (ax[1]==1)): dt = sely[0,us:uf,vs:vf,ik] if ((ax[0]==0) & (ax[1]==2)): dt = sely[0,us:uf,ik,vs:vf] if ((ax[0]==1) & (ax[1]==2)): dt = sely[0,ik,us:uf,vs:vf] if t=='m': ylabels='Magnitude' dt = np.abs(dt) if t=='v': ylabels='Amplitude' dt = dt if t=='l10': ylabels='Magnitude (dB)' dt = 10*np.log10(np.abs(dt)+1e-12) if t=='l20': ylabels='Magnitude (dB)' dt = 20*np.log10(np.abs(dt)+1e-12) if t=='d': ylabels='Phase (deg)' dt = np.angle(dt)*rtd if t=='r': ylabels='Phase (rad)' dt = np.angle(dt) if t=='du': ylabels='Unwrapped Phase (deg)' dt = np.unwrap(np.angle(dt))*rtd if t=='ru': ylabels='Unwrapped Phase (rad)' dt = np.unwrap(np.angle(dt)) if t=='re': ylabels='Real part' dt = np.real(dt) if t=='im': ylabels='Imaginary part' dt = np.imag(dt) if t=='gdn': ylabels='Group delay (ns)' df = self.x[1]-self.x[0] dt = -np.diff(np.unwrap(np.angle(dt)))/(2*np.pi*df) if t=='gdm': ylabels='Group distance (m)' df = self.x[1]-self.x[0] dt = -0.3*np.diff(np.unwrap(np.angle(dt)))/(2*np.pi*df) if 'ylabels' in kwargs: ylabels = kwargs['ylabels'] return(dt,ylabels)
[docs] def imshow(self,**kwargs): r""" imshow of y matrix Parameters ---------- interpolation : string 'none'|'nearest'|'bilinear' cmap : colormap aspect : string 'auto' (default) ,'equal','scalar' function : string {'imshow'|'pcolormesh'} typ : string 'l20','l10' vmin : min value vmax : max value sax : list select axe bindex Examples -------- >>> f = np.arange(100) >>> y = np.random.randn(50,100)+1j*np.random.randn(50,100) >>> F = FUsignal(f,y) """ defaults = {'interpolation':'none', 'cmap', 'aspect':'auto', 'fontsize':20, 'typ':'l20', 'function':'imshow', 'sax':[0,1], 'bindex':[], 'xlabel':'', 'ylabel':''} for k in defaults.keys(): if not k in kwargs: kwargs[k]=defaults[k] if not 'fig' in kwargs: fig = plt.figure() else: fig = kwargs['fig'] if not 'ax' in kwargs: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: ax = kwargs['ax'] # # bindex bound index [ixmin,ixmax,iamin,iamax] # if kwargs['bindex']==[]: ixmin=0 ixmax=len(self.x)-1 iamin=0 iamax=np.shape(np.squeeze(self.y))[0]-1 else: ixmin = kwargs['bindex'][0] ixmax = kwargs['bindex'][1] iamin = kwargs['bindex'][2] iamax = kwargs['bindex'][3] # axis selection with sax sax = kwargs['sax'] # convert y data in desired format dt,ylabels = self.cformat(**kwargs) if 'vmin' not in kwargs: vmin = dt.min() else: vmin = kwargs['vmin'] if 'vmax' not in kwargs: vmax = dt.max() else: vmax = kwargs['vmax'] xmin = self.x[ixmin] xmax = self.x[ixmax] if hasattr(self,'a'): ymin = self.a[iamin] ymax = self.a[iamax] else: ymin = max(iamin,0) imax = np.squeeze(dt).shape[0] ymax = min(iamax,imax) if kwargs['function']=='imshow': im = ax.imshow(np.squeeze(dt)[iamin:iamax,ixmin:ixmax], origin = 'lower', vmin = vmin, vmax = vmax, aspect = kwargs['aspect'], extent = (xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax), interpolation=kwargs['interpolation'], cmap = kwargs['cmap'], ) ax.set_xlabel(kwargs['xlabel'],fontsize=kwargs['fontsize']) ax.set_ylabel(kwargs['ylabel'],fontsize=kwargs['fontsize']) ll = ax.get_xticklabels()+ax.get_yticklabels() for l in ll: l.set_fontsize(kwargs['fontsize']) if kwargs['function'] =='pcolormesh': im = ax.pcolormesh(xn,np.arange(dt.shape[0]),dt) cb = fig.colorbar(im) cb.set_label(ylabels,size=kwargs['fontsize']) for t in t.set_fontsize(kwargs['fontsize']) plt.axis('auto') fig.tight_layout() return fig, ax
[docs] def plot(self, **kwargs): r""" plot signal Bsignal Parameters ---------- iy : index of the waveform to plot (-1 = all) col : string default 'black' vline : ndarray hline : ndarray unit1 : string default 'V' unit2 : string default 'V' xmin : float xmax : float ax : axes instance or [] dB : boolean default False dist : boolean default False display : boolean default True logx : boolean defaut False logy : boolean default False Returns ------- fig : figure ax : np.array of axes See Also -------- pylayers.util.plotutil.mulcplot """ iy = kwargs.pop('iy',-1) vline = kwargs.pop('vline',np.array([])) hline = kwargs.pop('hline',np.array([])) idx = kwargs.pop('idx',[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) unit1 = kwargs.pop('unit1','V') unit2 = kwargs.pop('unit2','V') xmin = kwargs.pop('xmin',-1e15) xmax = kwargs.pop('xmax',1e15) dist = kwargs.pop('dist',False) logx = kwargs.pop('logx',False) logy = kwargs.pop('logy',False) # filtering kwargs argument for plot function args = {} for k in kwargs: args[k]=kwargs[k] conversion = 1.0 if ((unit1 == 'V') & (unit2 == 'mV')): conversion = 1000 # restriction of x support u = np.nonzero((self.x > xmin) & (self.x < xmax))[0] # # convert ns in meter if dist=True # if dist: x = 0.3 * self.x[u] else: x = self.x[u] ndim = self.y.ndim # # if ndim(y) > 1 # if ndim == 4: Nmeas = self.y.shape[0] Nr = self.y.shape[1] Nt = self.y.shape[2] if iy==-1: fig,ax = plt.subplots(Nr,Nt) if ((Nr==1) and (Nt==1)): ax = np.array([[ax]]) for k in range(Nr): for l in range(Nt): for ix in idx: yx = self.y[ix,k,l,u] fig,a = mulcplot(self.x[u],yx*conversion,fig=fig,ax=ax[k,l],**args) else: fig = plt.gcf() ax = np.array([[plt.gca()]]) yx = self.y[iy[0],iy[1],iy[2],u] fig,a = mulcplot(self.x[u],yx*conversion,fig=fig,ax=ax[0,0],**args) if ndim == 3: shy = self.y.shape yx = self.y.reshape(shy[0]*shy[1],shy[2])[:,u] fig,ax = mulcplot(self.x[u],yx*conversion,**args) if ndim == 2: if iy==-1: yx = self.y[:,u] else: yx = self.y[idx[0],u] fig,ax = mulcplot(self.x[u],yx*conversion,**args) if ndim == 1: fig,ax = mulcplot(self.x[u],self.y[u]*conversion,**args) # # Draw vertical and horizontal lines # # To be added in mulcplot # tcolor = ['red', 'green', 'green', 'green', 'black', 'black', 'black'] nl,nc = np.shape(ax) for l in range(nl): for c in range(nc): for i in range(len(vline)): ax[l,c].axvline(vline[i], color=tcolor[i]) for i in range(len(hline)): ax.axhline(hline[i] * conversion, color='red') return(fig,ax)
[docs] def flatteny(self,yrange=[],reversible=False): r""" flatten y array Parameters ---------- yrange : array of y index values to be flattenned reversible : boolean if True the sum is place in object member yf else y is smashed """ if self.y.ndim>1: if yrange==[]: yrange = np.arange(self.y.shape[0]) if reversible: self.yf = np.sum(self.y[yrange,:],axis=0) else: self.y = np.sum(self.y[yrange,:],axis=0)
[docs] def gating(self, xmin, xmax): r""" gating between xmin and xmax Parameters ---------- xmin : float xmax : float Returns ------- nothing self is modified Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from pylayers.signal.bsignal import * >>> x = np.linspace(-10,10,100) >>> y = np.sin(2*np.pi*12*x)+np.random.normal(0,0.1,len(x)) >>> s = TUsignal(x,y) >>> fig,ax = s.plot(typ=['v']) >>> txt1 = plt.title('before gating') >>> >>> s.gating(-3,4) >>> fig,ax=s.plot(typ=['v']) >>> txt2 = plt.title('after gating') >>> Warnings -------- When a gating is applied the removed information is lost """ u = np.nonzero((self.x > xmin) & (self.x < xmax))[0] Nx = len(self.x) shy = np.shape(self.y) if len(shy) > 1: if shy[0] == Nx: Ny = shy[1] ind = 0 else: Ny = shy[0] ind = 1 w = np.zeros(Nx) w[u] = np.ones(len(u)) if len(shy) > 1: if ind == 0: w = np.outer(w, np.ones(Ny)) else: w = np.outer(np.ones(Ny), w) self.y = self.y * w
[docs] def len(self): r""" returm length of x axis """ return(len(self.x))
[docs]class Usignal(Bsignal): r""" Signal with an embedded uniform Base This class inheritate from Bsignal. The only difference is that the x base is supposed to be uniform """ def __repr__(self): s = Bsignal.__repr__(self) return(s)
[docs] def setx(self, start, stop, dx): r""" set the x array of the Usignal (y=0) Parameters ---------- start : float stop : float dx : float Examples -------- >>> u = Usignal() >>> u.setx(0,10,0.1) """ self.x = np.arange(start, stop, dx) Np = len(self.x) self.y = 1.0 * np.zeros(Np)
[docs] def dx(self): r""" get the time step of Usignal.x Examples --------- >>> from pylayers.signal.bsignal import * >>> u = Usignal() >>> u.setx(0,10,0.1) >>> assert(u.dx()==0.1) """ if (len(self.x)>1): return(self.x[1] - self.x[0]) else: return(0)
[docs] def resample(self, x_new, kind='linear'): """ resample the Usignal with a new x base x_new needs to be strictly included in the original x base of the Usignal. x is a 1D array y is a 2D array if y is complex the interpolation is done on module and unwrapped phase separately Parameters ---------- x_new : ndarray kind : string 'linear' |'spline' """ if kind == 'linear': if np.iscomplex(self.y).any(): module = abs(self.y) argu = np.unwrap(np.arctan2(np.imag(self.y), np.real(self.y))) fm = interp.interp1d(self.x, module) fa = interp.interp1d(self.x, argu) mod_new = fm(x_new) arg_new = fa(x_new) y_new = mod_new * (np.cos(arg_new) + 1j * np.sin(arg_new)) else: f = interp.interp1d(self.x, self.y) y_new = f(x_new) if kind == 'spline': if np.iscomplex(self.y).any(): module = abs(self.y) argu = unwrap(np.arctan2(np.imag(y), np.real(y))) coefm = splrep(self.x, module, s=0) coefa = splrep(self.x, argu, s=0) mod_new = splev(x_new, coefm, der=0) arg_new = splev(x_new, coefa, der=0) y_new = mod_new * (np.cos(arg_new) + 1j * np.sin(arg_new)) else: coef = splrep(self.x, self.y, s=0) y_new = splev(x_new, coef, der=0) U = type(self)(x_new, y_new) return(U)
[docs] def alignc(self, u2): """ align 2 Usignal alignc <=> intersection alignc : align two Usignal on a same base return a list which contains the two aligned signals Returns ------- L : Usignal concatenated signal L1.y and L2.y """ u1 = self # shape analysis sh1 = list(u1.y.shape) sh2 = list(u2.y.shape) naxis1 = len(sh1) naxis2 = len(sh2) if naxis2==naxis1+1: # Ctt(2) x F(3) u1.y=u1.y[:,None,:] elif naxis2==naxis1+2: # w(2) x H (4) u1.y=u1.y[:,None,None,:] elif naxis2!=naxis1: print("alignement not allowed") # Function to determine iuf 2 shape are compatible # if naxis1>naxis2: # shs = sh2 # shl = sh1 # else: # shs = sh1 # shl = sh2 # for k in range(len(shl)): # sht = copy.copy(shs) # sht.insert(k,1) # g = list(np.array(sht)-np.array(shl)).pop(k) # if np.sum(np.abs(np.array(g)))==0: # u1.y = u1.y # nothing to align if len(u1.x)==len(u2.x): if (u1.x==u2.x).all(): return u1.x,u1.y,u2.y #assert(naxis1==naxis2), dx1 = u1.dx() dx2 = u2.dx() u1_start = u1.x[0] u2_start = u2.x[0] u1_stop = u1.x[-1] u2_stop = u2.x[-1] # it starts at the maximum of both signal # stops at the minimum of both signal xstart = max(u1_start, u2_start) xstop = min(u1_stop, u2_stop) assert(xstop>=xstart), "error the 2 signal have disjoint support" dx = min(dx1, dx2) if tstincl(u1.x, u2.x) == 0: print('Warning: impossible to align the 2 signals') if (dx1 <= dx2): xnew = ininter(u1.x, xstart, xstop) dim1 = u1.len() #pstart1 = findpos(u1.x, xnew[0]) pstart1 = np.where(u1.x==xnew[0])[0] #pstop1 = pstart1 + findpos(u1.x[pstart1:dim1], xnew[-1]) pstop1 = pstart1 + np.where(u1.x[pstart1:dim1]==xnew[-1])[0] u1 = u1.truncate(pstart1, pstop1 + 1) u2 = u2.resample(xnew) if (dx2 < dx1): xnew = ininter(u2.x, xstart, xstop) dim2 = u2.len() #pstart2 = findpos(u2.x, xnew[0]) pstart2 = np.where(u2.x==xnew[0])[0] #pstop2 = pstart2 + findpos(u2.x[pstart2:dim2], xnew[-1]) pstop2 = pstart2 + np.where(u2.x[pstart2:dim2] == xnew[-1])[0] u2 = u2.truncate(pstart2, pstop2 + 1) u1 = u1.resample(xnew) #L = Usignal() #L.x = u1.x #L.y = np.vstack((u1.y,u2.y)) #u1.y=u1.y[...,None] #u2.y=u2.y[...,None] #pdb.set_trace() #L.y = np.concatenate((u1.y,u2.y),axis=naxis1) return(u1.x,u1.y,u2.y)
[docs] def width(self): r""" get the extension support of the Usignal width is conventionnaly equal to the difference between extremities + dx Returns ------- w : float """ w = self.x[-1] - self.x[0] + self.dx() return(w)
[docs] def expand(self, a): """ expand the time support by a scale factor a Parameters ---------- a : float expansion factor Returns ------- Usignal : support extended signal return a new Usignal with expanded factor a """ dx = self.dx() T1 = self.width() T2 = a * T1 N3 = np.ceil((T2 - T1) / (2 * dx)) s = self xstart = self.x[0] - N3 * dx xstop = self.x[-1] + N3 * dx sl = Usignal() sr = Usignal() sl.setx(xstart, self.x[0], dx) sr.setx(self.x[-1], xstop, dx) som = sl + s + sr return(som)
[docs] def max(self): """ maximum of Usignal Returns ------- m : maximum value of self.y """ y = self.y nd = np.ndim(y) if nd == 1: m = y.max() else: m = y.max(axis=1) return (m)
[docs] def min(self): """ minimum of Usignal Returns ------- m : maximum value of self.y """ y = self.y nd = np.ndim(y) if nd == 1: m = y.min() else: m = y.min(axis=1) return (m)
[docs] def truncate(self, imin, imax,axis=-1): """ truncate USignal in range [posmin, posmax] Parameters ---------- imin : int imax : int axis : axis to truncate (default -1) Returns ------- Usignal """ t = type(self).__name__ shap = self.y.shape if axis==-1: x_new = self.x[imin:imax] else: x_new = self.x if (axis==-1): y_new = self.y[..., imin:imax] if (axis==0): y_new = self.y[imin:imax,...] if (axis==1): y_new = self.y[...,imin:imax,...] U = type(self)(x_new, y_new) return(U)
[docs] def abs(self): """ return the absolute value of an Usignal Returns ------- Usignal """ A = Usignal(self.x, abs(self.y)) return(A)
[docs] def eprfl(self,axis=-1): r""" Energy profile Parameters ---------- axis : int Notes ----- if axis==0 $$\delta_x \sum_l |y(l,k)|^2$$ if axis==1 $$\delta_x \sum_k |y(l,k)|^2$$ See Also -------- cut """ eprfl = np.real(np.sum(self.y * np.conj(self.y),axis=axis))*self.dx() return eprfl
[docs] def energy(self,axis=0): """ calculate the energy of an Usignal Parameters ---------- axis : int (default : 0) Returns ------- energy : float """ shy = self.y.shape nay = len(shy) energy = self.dx() * np.sum(self.y * np.conj(self.y),axis=nay-1) return(energy)
[docs] def fftshift(self): self.y = fft.fftshift(self.y,axes=1)
[docs] def zright(self, xmax): """ add zeros on the right until xmax Parameters ---------- xmax : float """ dx = self.dx cmax = max(self.x) assert xmax > cmax, 'Warning xmax <= cmax' xadd = np.linspace(cmax + dx, xmax, dx) yadd = np.zeros(len(xadd)) self.x = np.hstack((self.x, xadd)) self.y = np.hstack((self.y, yadd))
[docs] def zleft(self, xmin): """ add zeros on the left until xmin Parameters ---------- xmin : float """ dx = self.dx cmin = min(self.x) assert xmin < cmin, 'Warning xmin >= cmin' xadd = np.linspace(xmin, cmin - dx, dx) yadd = np.zeros(len(xadd)) self.x = np.hstack((xadd, self.x)) self.y = np.hstack((yadd, self.y))
[docs] def zlr(self, xmin, xmax): """ add zeros to the left and to the right Parameters ---------- xmin : float add zeros before xmin xmax : float add zeros after xmax Notes ----- This corresponds to a gating between xmin and xmax Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> from pylayers.signal.bsignal import * >>> from matplotlib.pylab import * >>> ip = TUsignal() >>> ip.EnImpulse() >>> f,a = ip.plot(typ=['v']) >>> ip.zlr(-10,10) >>> f,a = ip.plot(typ=['v']) """ dx = self.dx() cmin = min(self.x) cmax = max(self.x) shy = self.y.shape shyl = shy[0:-1] if cmin > xmin: xaddl = np.arange(xmin, cmin - dx, dx) nshy = list(shyl)+[len(xaddl)] yaddl = np.zeros(nshy) self.x = np.hstack((xaddl, self.x)) self.y = np.concatenate((yaddl, self.y)) else: u = np.nonzero(self.x >= xmin) self.x = self.x[u[0]] self.y = self.y[...,u[0]] if cmax < xmax: xaddr = np.arange(cmax + dx, xmax, dx) nshy = list(shyl)+[len(xaddr)] yaddr = np.zeros(nshy) self.x = np.hstack((self.x, xaddr)) self.y = np.concatenate((self.y, yaddr)) else: u = np.nonzero(self.x <= xmax) self.x = self.x[u[0]] self.y = self.y[...,u[0]]
[docs] def window(self, win='hamming'): """ windowing Usignal Parameters ---------- win : string window type ('hamming','blackman','hanning') Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from pylayers.signal.bsignal import * >>> x = np.arange(2,8,0.1) >>> y = np.ones(len(x)) >>> U = Usignal(x,y) >>> fig,ax = U.plot() >>> U.window('hamming') >>> fig,ax = U.plot() """ if win=='rect': exit if win == 'hamming': w = np.hamming(len(self.x))[None,:] if win == 'blackman': w = np.blackman(len(self.x))[None,:] if win == 'hanning': w = np.hanning(len(self.x))[None,:] self.windowed = True self.y = self.y * w
[docs]class TBsignal(Bsignal): """ Based signal in Time domain """ def __init__(self, x=np.array([]), y=np.array([]),label=[]): Bsignal.__init__(self, x, y) self.label = 'time (ns)' def __repr__(self): s = Bsignal.__repr__(self) return(s)
[docs] def plot(self,**kwargs): """ plot TBsignal Parameters ---------- unit1 : actual unit of data unit2 : unit for display dist : boolean xmin : float xmax : float logx : boolean logy :boolean Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from pylayers.signal.bsignal import * >>> from matplotlib.pylab import * >>> x = np.array( [ 1, 3 , 6 , 11 , 18]) >>> y = np.array( [ 0,1 ,-5, 8 , 10]) >>> s = Bsignal(x,y) >>> fi = figure() >>> fig,ax=s.plot(typ=['v']) >>> ti = title('TBsignal : plot') >>> show() """ defaults = {'iy' : -1, 'vline' : np.array([]), 'hline' : np.array([]), 'unit1' : 'V', 'unit2' : 'V', 'dist' : False , 'xmin' :-1e15, 'xmax' : 1e15, 'logx' : False, 'logy' : False } for key, value in defaults.items(): if key not in kwargs: kwargs[key] = value # if tmin != -1e5: # xmin = tmin # else: # xmin = -1e5 # # if tmax != 1e5: # xmax = tmax # else: # xmax = tmax if kwargs['dist']: kwargs['xlabels']=['distance (m)'] else: kwargs['xlabels']=['Time (ns)'] # if kwargs['unit2'] == 'mV': # if kwargs['type']=='l20': # kwargs['ylabel']=['Voltage (dBmV)'] # if kwargs['type']=='v': # kwargs['ylabel']=['Voltage (mV)'] # # if kwargs['unit2'] == 'V': # if kwargs['type']=='l20': # kwargs['ylabel']=['Voltage (dBmV)'] # if kwargs['type']=='v': # plt.ylabel('Voltage (mV)') fig,ax = Bsignal.plot(self,**kwargs) #fig,ax = self.plot(**kwargs) return(fig,ax)
[docs] def integ(self,Tns,Tsns=50): """ integation of alphak tauk of TBsignal used energy detector for IEEE 802.15.6 standard Parameters ---------- Tns : Tsns : """ u1 = np.where(self.x<(self.x[0]+Tns))[0] u2 = np.where((self.x<(self.x[0]+Tsns+Tns)) & (self.x>=(self.x[0]+Tsns)))[0] Hp = np.sum((self.y[u1])**2) Hi = np.sum((self.y[u2])**2) return(Hp,Hi)
[docs] def translate(self, tau): """ translate TBsignal signal by tau Parameters ---------- tau : float delay for translation Warnings -------- Once translated original signal and translated signal might not be on the same grid Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> from pylayers.signal.bsignal import * >>> from matplotlib.pylab import * >>> ip = TUsignal() >>> ip.EnImpulse() >>> ip.translate(-10) >>> fig,ax=ip.plot(typ=['v']) >>> show() """ self.x = self.x + tau
[docs] def b2tu(self, N): """ conversion from TBsignal to TUsignal Parameters ---------- N : integer Number of points Returns ------- U : TUsignal Notes ----- This function exploits linear interp1d Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> from pylayers.signal.bsignal import * >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> x = np.array( [ 1, 3 , 6 , 11 , 18]) >>> y = np.array( [ 0,1 ,-5, 8 , 10]) >>> sb = TBsignal(x,y) >>> su20 = sb.b2tu(20) >>> su100 = sb.b2tu(100) >>> fi = plt.figure() >>> st = sb.stem() >>> fig,ax = su20.plot(color='k') >>> fig,ax = su100.plot(color='r') >>> ti = plt.title('b2tu : sb(blue) su20(black) su200(red)') """ fi = interp.interp1d(self.x, self.y, kind='linear') xn = np.linspace(self.x[0], self.x[-1], N) yn = fi(xn) U = TUsignal(xn, yn) return U
[docs] def b2tu2(self, fsGHz ,Tobsns): """ conversion from TBsignal to TUsignal Parameters ---------- N : integer Number of points Returns ------- U : TUsignal Notes ----- This function exploits linear interp1d Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> from pylayers.signal.bsignal import * >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> x = np.array( [ 1, 3 , 6 , 11 , 18]) >>> y = np.array( [ 0,1 ,-5, 8 , 10]) >>> sb = TBsignal(x,y) >>> su20 = sb.b2tu(20) >>> su100 = sb.b2tu(100) >>> fi = plt.figure() >>> st = sb.stem() >>> fig,ax = su20.plot(color='k') >>> fig,ax = su100.plot(color='r') >>> ti = plt.title('b2tu : sb(blue) su20(black) su200(red)') """ Nf = np.round(fsGHz*Tobsns) dfGHz = fsGHz/(1.0*Nf) fGHz = np.linspace(0,fsGHz,Nf) tns = np.arange(0,Tobsns,1./fsGHz) assert(len(tns)==len(fGHz)) uf = np.sum(self.y.T * np.exp(-2*1j*np.pi*fGHz[None,:]*self.x[:,None]),axis=0) ut = np.fft.ifft(uf) U = TUsignal(tns, ut) return U
[docs] def tap(self,fcGHz,WGHz,Ntap): """ Back to baseband Parameters ---------- fcGHz : float center frequency WGHz : float bandwidth Ntap : int Number of tap Notes ----- Implement formula (2.52) from D.Tse book page 50 """ # self.x : tauk (,Nx) # self.y : alphak (1,Nx) # yb : 1 x delay x 1 yb = self.y[...,None]*np.exp(-2 * 1j * np.pi *self.x[None,:,None] * fcGHz ) # create a tap axis index l # l : 1 x 1 x tap l = np.arange(Ntap)[None,None,:] # get delay # tau : 1 x delay x 1 tau = self.x[None,:,None] # S : 1 x delay x tap S = np.sinc(l-tau*WGHz) # htap : 1 x delay x tap htap = np.sum(yb*S,axis=0) # htapi : integrates over delays # 1 x tap htapi = np.sum(htap,axis=1) U = TUsignal(x=l,y=htapi)
[docs]class TUsignal(TBsignal, Usignal): """ Uniform signal in time domain This class inheritates from TBsignal and Usignal The signal can either be complex or real """ def __init__(self, x=np.array([]), y=np.array([]),label=[]): super(TUsignal,self).__init__(x,y,label) def __add__(self, u): t = type(u).__name__ if ((t == 'int') | (t == 'float')): U = type(self)(self.x, self.y + u) if type(u)==type(self): x,y1,y2 = self.align(u) U = type(self)() U.x = x #U.y = y1 + y2 U.y = np.vstack((y1,y2)) return(U) def __sub__(self, u): t = type(u).__name__ if ((t == 'int') | (t == 'float')): U = type(self)(self.x, self.y - u) if type(u)==type(self): x,y1,y2 = self.align(u) U = type(self)() U.x = x U.y = y1 - y2 return(U) def __mul__(self, u): t = type(u).__name__ if ((t == 'int') | (t == 'float') | (t== 'float64') ): U = type(self)() U.x = self.x U.y = self.y*u if issubclass(type(self),type(u)): x,y1,y2 = self.align(u) U = type(self)() U.x = x U.y = y1 * y2 return(U)
[docs] def diff(self): """ numerical differentiation TUsignal Warnings --------- the number of points is reduced by one Examples -------- .. plot:: :source-include: #>>> import numpy as np #>>> from pylayers.signal.bsignal import * #>>> from matplotlib.pyplot import * #>>> x = np.arange(0,1.0,0.1) #>>> y = x**3 #>>> su = TUsignal(x,y) #>>> dsu = su.diff() #>>> ddsu = dsu.diff() #>>> dddsu = ddsu.diff() #>>> fi = plt.figure() #>>> fig,ax=su.plot(typ=['v'] ,color='k') #>>> fig,ax=dsu.plot(typ=['v'],color='g',fig=fig,ax=ax) #>>> fig,ax=ddsu.plot(typ=['v'],color='r',fig=fig,ax=ax) #>>> fig,ax=dddsu.plot(typ=['v'],color='b',fig=fig,ax=ax) #>>> ti = plt.title('TUsignal : diff') #>>> """ V = TUsignal() V.y = np.diff(self.y) V.x = self.x[0:-1] return(V)
[docs] def info(self): """ display information about TUsignal """ print('TUsignal') print('--------') print('shx : ', np.shape(self.x)) print('shy : ', np.shape(self.y)) print('dx : ', self.dx()) print('xmin :', self.x.min()) print('xmax :', self.x.max()) print('ymin :', self.y.min()) print('ymax :', self.y.max())
[docs] def fft(self, shift=False): """ forward fast Fourier transform of TUsignal Parameters ---------- shift : boolean default False Warnings -------- This fft is a scaled fft and takes into account the value of the sampling period. Returns ------- FHsignal Examples -------- >>> from pylayers.signal.bsignal import * >>> e = TUsignal() >>> e.EnImpulse() >>> E = e.fft() """ Np = len(self.x) te = self.x[1] - self.x[0] fe = 1.0 / te f = np.linspace(0, fe, Np, endpoint=False) y = fft.fft(self.y) S = FHsignal() S.x = f S.y = y S.y = S.y * te return(S)
[docs] def fftsh(self): """ returns an FHsignal Warnings -------- This fft is a scaled fft and takes into account the value of the sampling period. Returns ------- FHsignal : Frequency signal with enforced Hermitian symetry """ Np = len(self.x) te = self.x[1] - self.x[0] fe = 1.0 / te f = np.linspace(0, fe, Np, endpoint=False) #y = fft(self.y) #y = fftshift(y) y = fft.fftshift(self.y) y = fft.fft(y) S = FHsignal() S.x = f S.y = y S.y = S.y * te return(S)
[docs] def align(self, u2): """ align two TUsignal on a same base returns a list which contains the two aligned signals It is assume that both signal u1 and u2 share the same dx This function can be improved regarding time granularity Parameters ---------- u2 : TUsignal Returns ------- TUsignal y extended TU signal, x bases are adjusted Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> import matplotlib.pylab as plt >>> from pylayers.signal.bsignal import * >>> i1 = TUsignal() >>> i2 = TUsignal() >>> i1.EnImpulse() >>> i2.EnImpulse() >>> i2.translate(-10) >>> i3 = i1.align(i2) >>> fig,ax=i3.plot(typ=['v']) >>> """ # copy object u1 = self # get the time termination of both signals u1_start = u1.x[0] u1_stop = u1.x[-1] u2_start = u2.x[0] u2_stop = u2.x[-1] # get dimensions #if u1.y.ndim>1: # N1 = self.y.shape[0] # M1 = self.y.shape[1] #else: # N1 = 1 # M1 = len(u1.y) # u1.y = u1.y.reshape(1,M1) # #if u2.y.ndim>1: # N2 = u2.y.shape[0] # M2 = u2.y.shape[1] #else: # N2 = 1 # M2 = len(u2.y) # u2.y = u2.y.reshape(1,M2) # get left shape and number of points on the last axis (time) shl1 = u1.y.shape[0:-1] M1 = u1.y.shape[-1] shl2 = u2.y.shape[0:-1] M2 = u2.y.shape[-1] # test if both signals share the same time support bool1 = abs(u1_start - u2_start) < 1e-10 bool2 = abs(u1_stop - u2_stop) < 1e-10 bool = bool1 & bool2 if (bool): # same x support (concatenation is direct) # L = Usignal(u1.x, np.vstack((u1.y,u2.y))) #L = Usignal(x = u1.x, # y = np.concatenate((u1.y,u2.y),axis=-1)) #L = Usignal(x = u1.x, # y = np.concatenate((u1.y,u2.y),axis=0)) U1 = Usignal(x=u1.x,y=u1.y) U2 = Usignal(x=u1.x,y=u2.y) else: # different x support # => extension to the largest interval xstart = min(u1_start, u2_start) xstop = max(u1_stop, u2_stop) b1i = abs(xstart - u1.x[0]) < 1e-15 b2i = abs(xstart - u2.x[0]) < 1e-15 b1f = abs(xstop - u1.x[-1]) < 1e-15 b2f = abs(xstop - u2.x[-1]) < 1e-15 if (b1i & b2f): # u1 is left u2 is right dx = u1.dx() T = xstop - xstart N = int(np.floor(T / dx)) x = xstart + dx * np.arange(N) #Y1 = np.zeros((N1,N), dtype=float) #Y2 = np.zeros((N2,N), dtype=float) Y1 = np.zeros(list(shl1)+[N], dtype=float) Y2 = np.zeros(list(shl2)+[N], dtype=float) yleft = u1.y yright = u2.y Nleft = min(N,M1) Nright = min(N,M2) Y1[...,0:Nleft] = yleft[...,0:Nleft] Y2[...,-Nright:] = yright[...,0:Nright] U1 = Usignal(x, Y1[...,0:N]) U2 = Usignal(x, Y2[...,0:N]) if (b2i & b1f): # u2 is left u1 is right dx = u1.dx() T = xstop - xstart N = int(np.floor(T / dx)) x = xstart + dx * np.arange(N) Y1 = np.zeros(list(shl1)+[N], dtype=float) Y2 = np.zeros(list(shl2)+[N], dtype=float) #Y1 = np.zeros((N1,N), dtype=float) #Y2 = np.zeros((N2,N), dtype=float) yleft = u2.y yright = u1.y Nleft = min(N, M2) Nright = min(N, M1) Y2[...,0:Nleft] = yleft[...,0:Nleft] Y1[...,-Nright:] = yright[...,0:Nright] U1 = Usignal(x, Y1[...,0:N]) U2 = Usignal(x, Y2[...,0:N]) if (b1i & b1f): # u2 is included in u1 U1 = u1 x = u1.x indx = np.where((x >= u2_start) & (x <= u2_stop))[0] U2 = Usignal(x=x, y = np.zeros(list(shl2)+[len(x)] )) U2.y[...,indx] = u2.y[..., 0:np.shape(indx)[0]] if (b2i & b2f): # u1 is included in u2 U2 = u2 x = u2.x indx = np.where((x >= u1_start) & (x <= u1_stop))[0] U1 = Usignal(x=x, y = np.zeros(list(shl1)+[len(x)])) U1.y[...,indx] = u1.y[...,0:np.shape(indx)[0]] #L = [U1, U2] #L = Usignal() #L.x = U1.x #L.y = np.vstack((U1.y,U2.y)) return U1.x,U1.y,U2.y
[docs] def filter(self, order=4, wp=0.3, ws=0.4, ftype='butter'): """ TUsignal filtering Parameters ---------- order : int wp : float ws : float ftype : string Returns ------- O : Output filtered TUsignal """ O = TUsignal() #ba = iirfilter(order,[wp,ws],ftype=ftype) print("wp = ", wp) print("ws = ", ws) #ba = iirdesign(wp,ws,1,40,ftype=ftype) h = firwin(1001, [wp, ws]) O.y = lfilter(h, 1, self.y) O.x = self.x return(O)
[docs] def ftshift(self): """ return the associated FUsignal Returns ------- H : FUsignal See Also -------- pylayers.signal.bsignal.TUsignal.fftsh pylayers.signal.waveform.ip_generic """ A = self.fftsh() AU = A.unrex() return(AU)
[docs] def psd(self, Tpns=100, R=50,periodic=True): """ calculate TUsignal power spectral density Parameters ---------- R : Resistance (default 50 Ohms) Tpns : real PRP (default 100 ns) .. note:: If time is in ns the resulting PSD is expressed in dBm/MHz (~10-9) """ P = self.esd(mode='unilateral') if periodic: P.y = P.y / (R * Tpns) return(P)
[docs] def showpsd(self,fig=[],ax=[],display=True,PRPns=100): """ show psd Parameters ---------- fig ax display See Also --------- pylayers.signal.bsignal.TUsignal.psd pylayers.signal.bsignal.Usignal.zlr """ if fig == []: fig = plt.gcf() Y = self.psd(PRPns) kboltzmann = 1.3806503e-23 T = 300 # +30 dBW/Hz -> dBm/MHz N0dB = 10*np.log10(kboltzmann*T)+30 u = np.nonzero(Y.y>N0dB) Pnoise = sum(Y.y[u])*Y.dx() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121) self.plot() ax1.axhline(3*np.sqrt(Pnoise),color='r',linewidth=2) ax1.axhline(-3*np.sqrt(Pnoise),color='r',linewidth=2) plt.grid() ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122) #self.zlr(0,150) # unilateral plt.plot(Y.x, 10 * np.log10(Y.y), 'k') plt.xlabel('Frequency (GHz)') plt.xlim([1,10]) ax2.axhline(N0dB,color='r',linewidth=2) plt.ylabel('PSD (dBm/MHz) assuming PRP='+str(PRPns)+' ns') plt.grid() if display: return(fig,[ax1,ax2])
[docs] def esd(self, mode='bilateral'): """ Calculate the energy spectral density of the U signal Parameters ---------- mode : string 'unilateral' | 'bilateral' Returns ------- FHsignal : if mode == 'bilateral' FUsignal : if mode == 'unilateral' See Also -------- FHsignal.unrex """ te = self.dx() Y = self.fft() #YY = (te*te)*abs(Y.y)**2 YY = abs(Y.y) ** 2 O = FHsignal(Y.x, YY) if mode == 'unilateral': Ou = O.unrex() Ou.y = 2 * Ou.y return(Ou) return(O)
[docs] def shift(self, tau): """ shift the Usignal by tau (expressed in the same unit as Bsignal.x) This method uses fft and ifft to produce a shift which is not necessarily a multiple of the time step dx. Parameters ---------- tau : float """ t = self.x S = self.fft() N = len(t) f = S.x Y = S.y arg = (2 * np.pi * f * tau) % (2 * np.pi) E = np.exp(-1j * arg) SD = Y * E cc = np.array([SD[0]]) ze = np.array([0]) if N % 2 == 0: U = SD[1:N / 2 + 1] V = np.concatenate((cc, U, np.flipud(np.conjugate(U[0:-1]))), 1) else: U = SD[1:(N - 1) / 2 + 1] V = np.concatenate((cc, U, np.flipud(np.conjugate(U))), 1) self.y = np.real(ifft(V)) return(self)
[docs] def correlate(self, s, normalized = True): """ correlates with an other TUsignal Parameters ---------- s : TUsignal normalized : boolean default True Notes ----- The time step dx should be the same The chosen time reference is the one of the self signal This means that this function can be used to detect events appearing in the self signal by correlating with signal ..math:`s`, maximum of the correlation function appears in the proper time of the self signal history. **Interpretation of the correlation levels** We assume that s1 is the self signal and s2 is the correlating signal s1 = a1 * sn(t-tau) where sn is normalized in energy s2 = a2 * sn(t) " " " " " the maximum of correlation appears at time tau and its value is max (s1.correlate(s2,True)) = a1*a2 In the case of the propagation simulation we have s1 : the time domain UWB received waveform s2 : the corresponding emitted waveform s2, To determine the ratio a1/a2 or a2/a1 in order to evaluate the propagation Loss L = 20 log10(a2/a1) This calculus assumes implicitely that the shape of the transmitted signal has not been modified during the propagation, which is a strong hypothesis. This calculus is then a minorant of the received energy. L = max(s1.correlate(s2,True)/s1.Energy) with a1**2 = sum(s1**s1)*dx """ x = self.x xcorr = np.correlate(self.y, s.y, mode='full') dx = self.dx() Ns = len(s.x) Nxc = len(xcorr) t_left = x[0] + dx * (-np.arange(Ns / 2))[-1:0:-1] t = np.concatenate((t_left, x)) Nt = len(t) Nright = Nxc - Nt t_right = x[-1] + dx + dx * np.arange(Nright) t = np.concatenate((t, t_right)) phi = TUsignal() phi.x = t if normalized: phi.y = xcorr * dx else: phi.y = xcorr return(phi)
[docs] def corrgauss(self, sigma): """ Correlate TUsignal with a normalized gaussian of standard deviation sigma Parameters ---------- sigma : float standard deviation of Gaussian """ dx = self.dx() t = np.arange(-10 * sigma, 10 * sigma, dx) gn = TUsignal(t, 1. / (np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * sigma) * np.exp(-(t ** 2) / (2 * sigma ** 2))) pcorr = self.correlate(gn) fac = np.sqrt(2) * 1.15 p = TUsignal(pcorr.x, pcorr.y * fac) return p
[docs] def Efirst_loc(self, nint, E0): """ find the Efirst using the mean like Parameters ---------- nint E0 """ x = self.x y = self.y M = max(self.y) step = M / 1e2 thre = M - step while step > M / 1e5: u = np.nonzero(self.y > thre)[0] if nbint(u) < nint: thre = thre - step else: thre = thre + step step = step / 2 w = u[1:] - u[0:-1] w0 = np.nonzero(w != 1)[0] vv = u[0:w0[0] + 1] ff = max(y[vv]) Efirst = ff / E0 Efirst = 20 * np.log10(Efirst) return(Efirst)
[docs] def ft(self): """ return the associated FUsignal """ A = self.fft() AU = A.unrex() return(AU)
[docs] def convolve(self, u): """ time domain convolution """ dx = u.dx() i0 = np.nonzero((u.x < dx) & (u.x > -dx))[0] ind0 = i0[0] N1 = len(self.x) N2 = len(u.x) t0 = self.x[0] t = np.arange(t0 - ind0 * dx, t0 + (N1 + N2 - 1 - ind0) * dx, dx) y = convolve(self.y, u.y) v = TUsignal(t[0:len(y)], convolve(self.y, u.y)) return(v)
[docs] def Yadd_zeros2l(self, N): """ time domain extension on the left with N zeros Parameters ---------- N : integer number of additinal zero values See Also -------- Yadd_zeros2r Work only for single y """ te = self.dx() self.y = np.hstack((np.zeros(N), self.y)) aux = np.arange(N) * te t0 = self.x[0] self.x = np.hstack((aux - (aux[-1] - t0 + te), self.x))
[docs] def Yadd_zeros2r(self, N): """ time domain extension on right with N zeros Parameters ---------- N : integer number of additinal zero values See Also -------- Yadd_zeros2l """ te = self.dx() self.y = np.hstack((self.y, np.zeros(N))) aux = np.arange(N) * te t1 = self.x[-1] self.x = np.hstack((self.x, aux - (aux[0] - t1 - te)))
# def window(self,**kwargs): # """ # """ # defaults = {'kind':'rect', # 'fGHz':[]} # # for k in defaults: # if k not in kwargs: # kwargs[k]=defaults[k] # def Impulse(self,**kwargs): """ Create a Gaussian impulse (Usignal) Parameters ---------- fcGHz : float WGHz : float threshdB : float feGHz : float """ fcGHz = kwargs.pop('fcGHz',26) fsGHz = kwargs.pop('feGHz',100) t0 = kwargs.pop('t0',1) Ts = 1.0 / fsGHz Tww = 10 * t0 Ni = int(round(Tww / (2 * Ts))) Tww = 2 * Ts * Ni x = np.linspace(-0.5 * Tww, 0.5 * Tww, 2 * Ni + 1) y = np.exp(-(x / (np.sqrt(2)*t0)) ** 2) * np.cos(2 * np.pi * fcGHz * x) self.x = x self.y = y[None,:] self.fcGHz = fcGHz
[docs] def EnImpulse(self,**kwargs): """ Create an energy normalized Gaussian impulse (Usignal) Parameters ---------- fcGHz : float WGHz : float threshdB : float feGHz : float """ defaults = {'fcGHz' : 4, 'WGHz' : 3, 'threshdB' : 10, 'fsGHz' : 20 } for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k]=defaults[k] WGHz = kwargs.pop('WGHz') fcGHz = kwargs.pop('fcGHz') fsGHz = kwargs.pop('fsGHz') threshdB = kwargs.pop('threshdB') #TUsignal.__init__(self) Tp = (2 / (WGHz * np.pi)) * np.sqrt(abs(threshdB) * np.log(10) /20.) coeff = np.sqrt(2 * np.sqrt(2)/ (Tp * np.sqrt(np.pi))) ts = 1.0 / fsGHz Tww = 10 * Tp Ni = int(round(Tww / (2 * ts))) # Tww/2 multiple de ts Tww = 2 * ts * Ni x = np.linspace(-0.5 * Tww, 0.5 * Tww, 2 * Ni + 1) y = coeff * np.exp(-(x / Tp) ** 2) * np.cos(2 * np.pi * fcGHz * x) self.x = x self.y = y[None,:] self.Tp = Tp self.fcGHz = fcGHz
[docs] def MaskImpulse(self,**kwargs): """ MaskImpulse : Create an Energy normalized Gaussian impulse (Usignal) """ def __init__(self, x=np.array([]), fc=4, band=3, thresh=10, Tp=100, Pm=-41.3, R=50, fe=100): """ Parameters ---------- fc : center frequency (GHz) band : bandwidth (GHz) Tp : Pulse repetion rate R : Resistance Pm : PSD max fe : sampling freqeuncy thresh : definition of band at Pm - thresh (dB) """ self.fc = fc = band self.thresh = thresh self.Tp = Tp self.Pm = Pm self.R = R self.fe = fe Usignal.__init__(self) #alpha = 1./(2*np.sqrt(abs(thresh)*np.log(10)/20)) alpha = 1. / (2 * np.sqrt(abs(thresh) * np.log(10) / 10)) tau = 1 / (alpha * band * np.pi * np.sqrt(2)) A = np.sqrt(2 * R * Tp * 10 ** (Pm / 10)) / (tau * np.sqrt(np.pi)) if len(x) == 0: te = 1.0 / fe Tw = 10. / band Ni = int(round(Tw / (2 * te))) # Tww/2 multiple de te Tww = 2 * te * Ni x = np.linspace(-0.5 * Tww, 0.5 * Tww, 2 * Ni + 1) y = A * np.exp(-(x / tau) ** 2) * np.cos(2 * np.pi * fc * x) self.x = x self.y = y
[docs]class FBsignal(Bsignal): """ FBsignal : Base signal in Frequency domain plot : plot modulus and phase plotri : plot real part and imaginary part plotdB : plot modulus in dB """ def __init__(self, x=np.array([]), y=np.array([]),label=[]): Bsignal.__init__(self, x, y) self.label='Frequency (GHz)' def __repr__(self): s = Bsignal.__repr__(self) return(s)
[docs] def plotri(self, nb=-1): """ plot real and imaginary part Parameters ---------- nb : int """ ndim = self.y.ndim if ndim > 1: # plot all if (nb == -1): nl = len(self.y) for k in range(nl): plt.subplot(211) plt.plot(self.x, np.real(self.y[k])) plt.xlabel('Frequency (GHz)') plt.ylabel('Real part') plt.subplot(212) plt.plot(self.x, np.imag(self.y[k])) plt.xlabel('Frequency (GHz)') plt.ylabel('Imaginary part') # plot nb only else: plt.subplot(211) plt.plot(self.x, np.real(self.y[nb])) plt.xlabel('Frequency (GHz)') plt.ylabel('Real part') plt.subplot(212) plt.plot(self.x, np.imag(self.y[nb])) plt.xlabel('Frequency (GHz)') plt.ylabel('Imaginary part') else: plt.subplot(211) plt.stem(self.x, np.real(self.y)) plt.xlabel('Frequency (GHz)') plt.ylabel('Real part') plt.subplot(212) #plot(self.x,np.unwrap(np.angle(self.y))) plt.stem(self.x, np.imag(self.y)) plt.xlabel('Frequency (GHz)') plt.ylabel('Imaginary part')
[docs] def plot(self, **kwargs): """ plot FBsignal Parameters ---------- phase : boolean default True dB : boolean default True iy : index of y value to be displayed typ : string ['l10','m,'l20','d','r','du','ru'] xlabels ylabels Examples -------- >>> from pylayers.signal.bsignal import * >>> from numpy import * >>> from scipy import * >>> S = FBsignal() >>> S.x = arange(100) >>> S.y = cos(2*pi*S.x)+1j*sin(3*pi*S.x+pi/3) >>> fig,ax = S.plot() >>> See Also -------- Bsignal.plot pylayers.util.plotutil.mulcplot """ if 'typ' not in kwargs: kwargs['typ'] = ['l20'] kwargs['xlabels'] = ['Frequency (GHz)'] fig,ax = Bsignal.plot(self,**kwargs) return fig,ax
[docs] def plotdB(self, mask=False, n=2, phase=True): """ usage : plotdB() Parameters ---------- mask : n : phase : """ ndim = self.y.ndim if ndim > 1: nl = len(self.y) for k in range(nl): if phase: plt.subplot(211) plt.plot(self.x, 10 * n * np.log10( abs(self.y[k]) + 1.0e-15)) plt.xlabel('Frequency (GHz)') plt.ylabel('Modulus (dB)') plt.subplot(212) plt.plot(self.x, np.unwrap(np.angle(self.y[k]))) plt.xlabel('Frequency (GHz)') plt.ylabel('Phase') else: plt.plot(self.x, 10 * n * np.log10( abs(self.y[k]) + 1.0e-15)) plt.xlabel('Frequency (GHz)') plt.ylabel('Modulus (dB)') else: if mask: n = 1 xfcc = np.array([0., 0.96, 0.96, 0.96, 0.96, 1.61, 1.61, 1.61, 1.61, 1.99, 1.99, 1.99, 1.99, 3.1, 3.1, 3.1, 3.1, 10.6, 10.6, 10.6, 10.6, 15]) xcept = np.array([0., 1.61, 1.61, 1.61, 1.61, 3.8, 3.8, 3.8, 3.8, 6., 6, 6, 6, 8.5, 8.5, 8.5, 8.5, 10.6, 10.6, 10.6, 10.6, 15]) ycept = np.array([-90, -90, -90, -85, -85, -85, -85, -70, -70, -70, -70, -41.3, -41.3, -41.3, -41.3, -65, -65, -65, -65, -85, -85, -85]) yfcc = np.array([-41.3, -41.3, -41.3, -75.3, -75.3, -75.3, -75.3, -53.3, -53.3, -53.3, -53.3, -51.3, -51.3, -51.3, -51.3, -41.3, -41.3, -41.3, -41.3, -51.3, -51.3, -51.3]) xnoise = np.array([0., 15]) ynoise = np.array([-114., -114]) plt.step(xfcc, yfcc, 'b', linewidth=2) plt.step(xcept, ycept, 'r', linewidth=2) plt.step(xnoise, ynoise, 'k', linewidth=2) phase = False plt.axis([0, 15, -120, -40]) plt.xlabel('Frequency (GHz)') plt.ylabel('PSD (dBm/MHz)') if phase: plt.subplot(211) plt.plot(self.x, 10 * n * np.log10(abs(self.y) + 1.0e-15),linewidth=0.3) if phase: plt.subplot(212) plt.plot(self.x, np.unwrap(np.angle(self.y))) plt.xlabel('Frequency (GHz)') plt.ylabel('Phase')
[docs] def stem(self, color='b-'): """ stem plot Parameters ---------- color : string """ ndim = self.y.ndim if ndim > 1: nl = len(self.y) for k in range(nl): plt.subplot(211) plt.stem(self.x, np.real(self.y[k].squeeze()), color) plt.xlabel('Frequency (GHz)') plt.ylabel('real part)') plt.subplot(212) plt.stem(self.x, np.imag(self.y[k].squeeze()), color) plt.xlabel('Frequency (GHz)') plt.ylabel('imaginary part)') else: plt.subplot(211) plt.stem(self.x, np.real(self.y), color) plt.xlabel('Frequency (GHz)') plt.ylabel('real part)') plt.subplot(212) plt.stem(self.x, np.imag(self.y), color) plt.xlabel('Frequency (GHz)') plt.ylabel('imaginary part)')
[docs]class FUsignal(FBsignal,Usignal): """ FUsignal : Uniform signal in Frequency Domain Attributes ---------- x : nd.array((1xN)) y : Complex nd.array((... x N ) Methods ------- symH : force Hermitian symetry --> FHsignal symHz : force Hermitian symetry with zero padding --> FHsignal align : align two FUsignal on a same frequency base enthrsh : Energy thresholding thresh = 99.99 % dBthrsh : dB thresholding thresh = 40dB ift : Inverse Fourier transform resample : resampling with a new base newdf : resampling with a new df zp : zero padding until len(x) = N plotri : plot real part and imaginary part plotdB : plot modulus in dB get : get k th ray window : """ def __init__(self, x=np.array([]), y=np.array([]),label=[]): super(FUsignal,self).__init__(x,y,label) self.isFriis = False def __repr__(self): s = FBsignal.__repr__(self) return(s) def __add__(self, u): x,y1,y2 = self.alignc(u) U = FUsignal(x, y1 + y2) return(U) def __sub__(self, u): x,y1,y2 = self.alignc(u) U = FUsignal(x, y1 - y2) return(U) def __mul__(self, u): x,y1,y2 = self.alignc(u) U = FUsignal(x, y1 * y2) return(U) def __div__(self, u): x,y1,y2 = self.alignc(u) U = FUsignal(x, y1 / y2) return(U)
[docs] def applyFriis(self): r""" apply Friis factor The Friis factor is multiplied to y .. math:: y := \( \frac{-j c}{4 \pi f} \) y x is frequency in GHz boolean `isFriis` is set to `True` """ if not self.isFriis: factor = -1j*0.3/(4*np.pi*self.x) factor = factor.reshape(self.uax) self.y = self.y*factor self.isFriis = True
[docs] def electrical_delay(self,tauns): self.y = self.y * np.exp(-2*1j*np.pi*self.x[None,:]*tauns)
[docs] def get(self, k): """ get the kth signal from the FUsignal Parameters ---------- k : indes to get Returns ------- G : FUsignal """ G = FUsignal() G.x = self.x G.y = self.y[k, :] return(G)
[docs] def info(self): """ Display Information about the FUsignal """ N = len(self.x) sh = np.shape(self.y) fmin = self.x[0] fmax = self.x[-1] df = self.x[1] - self.x[0] T = 1.0 / df print('FUsignal') print('--------') print('N Freq ', N) print('shape(y) ', sh) print('Fmin (GHz) : ', fmin) print('Fmax (GHz) : ', fmax) print('Frequency sampling step : ', df)
[docs] def energy(self,axis=-1,Friis=False,mode='mean'): r""" calculate energy along a given axis of the FUsignal Parameters ---------- axis : (default 0) Friis : boolean mode : string mean (default) | center | integ | first | last Examples -------- >>> ip = TUsignal() >>> ip.EnImpulse() >>> En1 = >>> assert((En1>0.99) & (En1<1.01)) Notes ----- If Friis is true energy is multiplied by :math:`\frac{-j*c}{4 pi fGHz}` axis = 0 is ray axis if mode == 'mean' :math:`E=\frac{1}{K} \sum_k |y_k|^2` if mode == 'integ' :math:`E=\delta_x \sum_k |y_k|^2` if mode == 'center' :math:`E= |y_{K/2}|^2` """ H = self.y if Friis: factor = -1.j*0.3/(4*np.pi*self.x) H = H*factor[...,:] MH2 = abs(H * np.conjugate(H)) if mode=='mean': EMH2 = MH2.mean(axis=-1) if mode=='integ': EMH2 = MH2.sum(axis=-1)*(self.x[1]-self.x[0]) if mode=='center': EMH2 = MH2[...,int(len(self.x)/2)] if mode=='first': EMH2 = MH2[...,0] if mode=='last': EMH2 = MH2[...,-1] return(EMH2)
[docs] def enthrsh(self, thresh=99.99): """ Energy thresholding of an FUsignal Parameters ---------- thresh : float threshold in percentage (default 99.99) Returns ------- EMH2 : cumul energie H """ H = self.y MH2 = abs(H * np.conjugate(H)) EMH2 = MH2.sum(axis=1) EMH2max = EMH2.max() ind1 = EMH2.argsort() ind1rev = ind1[::-1, ] EMH2sorted = EMH2[ind1rev] EMH2cum = EMH2sorted.cumsum() EMH2cumnor = EMH2cum * 100 / EMH2cum[-1] ind2 = np.nonzero(EMH2cumnor < thresh)[0] indices = ind1rev[ind2] self.indices = indices self.y = H[indices, :] self.taud = self.taud[indices] return indices
[docs] def dBthrsh(self, threshdB=40): """ dBthrsh : dB thresholding of an FUsignal """ H = self.y MH2 = abs(H * np.conjugate(H)) EMH2 = MH2.sum(axis=1) EMH2dB = 10 * np.log10(EMH2) EMH2dBmax = EMH2dB.max() ind1 = EMH2.argsort() EMH2dBsorted = EMH2dB[ind1] ind2 = np.nonzero(EMH2dBsorted > (EMH2dBmax - threshdB))[0] indices = ind1[ind2] return indices
[docs] def zp(self, N): """ zero padding until length N Parameters ---------- N : int Returns ------- FUsignal """ N0 = len(self.x) sh = np.shape(self.y) ndim = np.shape(sh)[0] if (ndim > 1): N1 = sh[0] N2 = sh[1] dx = self.dx() if N0 < N: M = N - N0 ex = np.linspace(self.x[-1] + dx, self.x[-1] + M * dx, M) if (ndim > 1): ey = np.zeros((N1, M)) else: ey = np.zeros(M) x_new = np.hstack((self.x, ex)) y_new = np.hstack((self.y, ey)) U = FUsignal(x_new, y_new) return(U)
[docs] def newdf(self, df): """ resample the FUsignal using phase and module interpolation Parameters ---------- df Returns ------- U : FUsignal """ module = abs(self.y) df0 = self.x[1] - self.x[0] argu = np.unwrap(np.arctan2(np.imag(self.y), np.real(self.y))) fm = interp.interp1d(self.x, module) fa = interp.interp1d(self.x, argu) f_new = np.arange(self.x[0], self.x[-1], df) mod_new = fm(f_new) arg_new = fa(f_new) y_new = mod_new * (np.cos(arg_new) + 1j * np.sin(arg_new) ) * np.exp(-1j * f_new * 2 * np.pi * 100) U = FUsignal(f_new, y_new) return(U)
[docs] def dftresamp(self, df_new): """ non finished Parameters ---------- df_new : """ FH = self.symH(0) fh = FH.ifft()
[docs] def symH(self, parity=0): """ enforce Hermitian symetry Parameters ---------- parity : integer 0 even 1 odd Returns ------- V : FHsignal """ #assert self.x[0]!=0 f = self.x U = self.y N = len(f) ys = U.shape ze_x = np.array([0]) ze_y = np.zeros((ys[0],1)) if parity == 0: Up = np.concatenate((ze_y, U, np.flipud(np.conjugate(U[:, 0:-1]))), 1) fp = np.concatenate((ze_x, f, f[0:-1] + f[-1])) else: Up = np.concatenate((ze_y, U, np.flipud(np.conjugate(U))), 1) fp = np.concatenate((ze_x, f, f + f[-1])) V = FHsignal(fp, Up) return V
[docs] def symHz(self,Nz,scale='extract'): r""" Force Hermitian symmetry with zero padding Parameters ---------- Nz : int Number of zero above f[-1] scale : string default : 'extract' | 'cir' Returns ------- SH : FHsignal Warnings -------- The signal is rescaled in order to conserve energy Let denotes the FUsignal as :math:`mathcal{X}_d` The Fourier matrix is :math:`\left[ \matrix{\mathbb{1}\\ \mathbb{W}_d\\ \mathbb{W}_u}\right]` See Also -------- FHSignal Examples -------- >>> N = 11 >>> x = np.linspace(2,11,N) >>> y1 = sp.randn(N)+1j*sp.rand(N) >>> y2 = sp.randn(N)+1j*sp.rand(N) >>> y1[0] = 0 >>> y2[0] = 0 >>> y = np.vstack((y1,y2)) >>> S = FUsignal(x,y) >>> FH = S.symHz(10) """ f = self.x df = self.dx() if df == 0: df = 1. U = self.y[:] N = len(f) Nl =[0] / df)) ndim = U.ndim # # nline first dimension of self.y # nline = np.shape(U)[0:-1] if ndim > 1: zl = np.zeros(list(nline)+[Nl]) zlm1 = np.zeros(list(nline)+[Nl-1]) else: zl = np.zeros(Nl) zlm1 = np.zeros(Nl-1) if Nz > 0: if ndim > 1: zh = np.zeros(list(nline)+[Nz]) UZ = np.concatenate((U, zh), -1) #UZF = np.fliplr(np.conjugate(UZ)) UZF = np.conjugate(UZ)[...,::-1] else: zh = np.zeros(Nz) UZ = np.concatenate((U, zh), 1) UZF = np.flipud(np.conjugate(UZ)) # # frequency base is divided into two parts # # fl [ 0 , (Nl-1) *df ] # fh [ f[-1]+df , f[-1] + Nz *df ] #a fl = np.linspace(0, (Nl-1) * df, Nl) fh = np.linspace(f[-1] + df, f[-1] + Nz * df, Nz) fz = np.concatenate((f, fh), 0) #Up = np.concatenate((zl, UZ, UZF, zl), 1) #fp = np.concatenate((fl, fz, fz + fz[-1], fl + 2 * fz[-1]), 0) Up = np.concatenate((zl, UZ, UZF,zlm1), -1) fp = np.concatenate((fl, fz, fz + fz[-1], fl[0:-1] + 2 * fz[-1]), 0) Nfp = len(fp) if scale=='extract': scale = np.sqrt(Nfp/(2.*N)) if scale=='cir': Df = df*Nfp #scale = ((Nfp-1)/(2*N))/Df scale = ((Nfp-1)/(2.*N))/Df #self.hermitian=True #self.x = fp #self.y = Up*scale V = FHsignal(fp, Up * scale) return V
[docs] def ifft(self, Npt=-1): r""" Inverse Fourier transform Parameters ---------- Npt : int default -1 (same number as x) Returns ------- tc : TUsignal Notes ----- .. math:: x = \textrm{linspace}(0,\frac{1}{\delta f},N) .. math:: y = [0,\mathbb{X}_u^T] """ if Npt == -1: Npt = len(self.x) Y = self.y y = fft.ifft(Y, Npt,axis=-1) df = self.dx() x = np.linspace(0, 1 / df, Npt) tc = TUsignal(x, y) return tc
[docs] def ift(self, Nz=1, ffts=0 ,beta = 0): """ Inverse Fourier Transform - returns the associated TUsignal Parameters ---------- Nz : Number of zeros (-1) No forcing ffts : 0 (no fftshift 1:fftshift) beta : kaiser window shape 0 : rectangular 5 : similar to a Hamming 6 : similar to a Hanning 8.6 : similar to a blackman Returns ------- uh : Examples -------- >>> from pylayers.signal.bsignal import * >>> e = TUsignal() >>> e.EnImpulse() >>> E = e.fft() >>> EU = E.unrex() Notes ------ 1 - Force Hermitian symmetry --> FHsignal with or without zero padding 2 - Inverse Fourier transform with or without fftshift See Also -------- FHsignal.ifft, FUsignal.symH, FUsignal.symHz """ # enforce Hermitian Symetry if beta == 0 : V = FUsignal(self.x,self.y) else: window = np.kaiser(len(self.x),beta) V = FUsignal(self.x,self.y*window[...,:]) # if (Nz == -1): # UH = self.symH(1) # else: #UH = self.symHz(Nz,scale='cir') UH = V.symHz(Nz,scale='extract') # Back in time # UH is an FHsignal # uh is a TUsignal uh = UH.ifft(ffts) return(uh)
[docs] def iftshift(self, Nz=1): """ Return the associated TUsignal Notes ----- apply the inverse fftshift operator to come back in time """ if (Nz == -1): UH = self.symH(1) else: #UH = self.symHz(Nz,scale='cir') UH = self.symHz(Nz,scale='extract') uh = UH.ifft(ffts=0) #uh.y=fliplr(fftshift(fliplr(uh.y))) uh.y = flipud(fftshift(flipud(uh.y))) return(uh)
[docs] def show(self,**kwargs): """ imshow visualization of Modulus and Phase vmin : vmax : cmap : colormap """ if 'fig' not in kwargs: fig = plt.figure() else: fig = kwargs['fig'] kwargs.pop('fig') ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121) fig,ax1 = self.imshow(typ='l20',fig=fig,ax=ax1,**kwargs) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122) if 'vmin' in kwargs: del kwargs['vmin'] if 'vmax' in kwargs: del kwargs['vmax'] fig,ax2= self.imshow(typ='d',fig=fig,ax=ax2,**kwargs) return fig,[ax1,ax2]
[docs] def decimate(self, N=2): """ decimate FUsignal by N Parameters ---------- N : int decimation factor (default 2) """ x = self.x y = self.y u = np.arange(0, len(x), N) xn = x[u] if len(np.shape(y)) == 2: yn = y[:, u] else: yn = y[u] V = FUsignal(xn, yn) return(V)
[docs] def tap(self,**kwargs): r""" calculates channel taps Parameters ---------- fcGHz : float center frequency GHz WGHz : float bandwidth GHz Ntap : number of taps baseband : boolean default : True Returns ------- htapi Notes ----- [Tse] David Tse, page 26 """ defaults = {'fcGHz':4.5, 'WMHz':1, 'Ntap':100, 'baseband':True} for key, value in defaults.items(): if key not in kwargs: kwargs[key] = value fcGHz=kwargs['fcGHz'] WGHz=kwargs['WMHz'] Ntap=kwargs['Ntap'] # yb : tau x f x 1 if baseband: yb = self.y[:,:,np.newaxis]*np.exp(-2 * 1j * np.pi *self.taud[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis] * fcGHz ) else: yb = self.y[:,:,np.newaxis] # l : 1 x 1 x tap l = np.arange(Ntap)[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:] # l : tau x 1 x 1 tau = self.taud[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis] # S : tau x f x tap (form 2.34 [Tse]) S = np.sinc(l-tau*WMHz/1000.) # sum over tau : htap : f x tap htap = np.sum(yb*S,axis=0) # sum over frequency axis : htapi : tap # to be considered !! what about the frequency step htapi = np.sum(htap,axis=0) return htapi
[docs]class FHsignal(FUsignal): """ FHsignal : Hermitian uniform signal in Frequency domain Methods ------- ifft : inverse Fourier transform --> TUsignal unrex : unredundant extraction --> FUsignal """ #def __init__(self, x=np.array([]), y=np.array([]),label=[]): # FUsignal.__init__(self, x, y,label) def __repr__(self): s = FUsignal.__repr__(self) return(s) def __mul__(self, u): x = self.x # rescaling 19/05/2009 #Df= x[1]-x[0] U = FHsignal(x, self.y * u.y) return(U)
[docs] def ifft(self, ffts=0, centered=True): """ Inverse Fourier Transform Parameters ---------- ffts : int 0 no fftshift (default) 1 apply fftshift centered: boolean Returns ------- a real TUsignal Examples -------- >>> e = TUsignal() >>> e.EnImpulse(feGHz=200) >>> E = e.fft() >>> ee = E.ifft() >>> assert(abs(sum(e.y-ee.y).all())<1e-13) """ Np = len(self.x) df = self.x[1] - self.x[0] Df = Np * df te = 1.0 / Df Tww = 1.0 / df if centered: t = np.linspace(-0.5 * Tww + te / 2, 0.5 * Tww + te / 2, Np, endpoint=False) else: t = np.linspace(0, Tww, Np, endpoint=False) y = fft.ifft(self.y) s = TUsignal() s.x = t if (ffts == 0): s.y = np.real(y) else: nd = np.ndim(y) #print "Nombre de dimensions : ",nd #print "shape (y) : ",shape(y) if (nd > 1): s.y = np.real(fft.fftshift(y, axes=[-1])) else: s.y = np.real(fft.fftshift(y)) s.y = s.y * Df return(s)
[docs] def unrex(self): r""" extraction of the non redundant part of a real signal expressed in the frequency domain Examples -------- >>> x = np.arange(0,6,1) >>> y = np.arange(0,6,1) >>> s = TUsignal(x,y) >>> S = s.fft() >>> U = S.unrex() """ N = len(self.x) # even case if np.mod(N, 2) == 0: xu = self.x[1:int((N + 2) / 2)] yu = self.y[...,1:int((N + 2) / 2)] # odd case else: xu = self.x[1:int((N + 1) / 2)] yu = self.y[...,1:int((N + 1) / 2)] O = FUsignal(x=xu, y=yu) return(O)
#class RefPulse154(TUsignal): # """ # Reference pulse of the IEEE 802.15.4a standard # """ # def __init__(self,x=np.array([]),numchanxxfc=4,band=3,thresh=10,fe=20):
[docs]class Noise(TUsignal): """ Create noise """ def __init__(self, ti = 0, tf = 100, fsGHz = 50, PSDdBmpHz = -174, NF = 0, R = 50, seed = 1): """ object constructor Parameters ---------- ti : float time start (ns) tf : float time stop (ns) fsGHZ : float sampling frequency PSDdBmpHz : float Power Spectral Density Noise (dBm/Hz) R : float 50 Ohms NF : float (Default Value : 0) seed : float """ TUsignal.__init__(self) self._tsns = 1./fsGHz self._ti = ti self._tf = tf self._fsGHz = fsGHz self._PSDdBmpHz = PSDdBmpHz self._NF = NF self._R = R self._seed=seed self.eval() @property def ti(self): return(self._ti) @property def tf(self): return(self._tf) @property def tsns(self): return(self._tsns) @property def R(self): return(self._R) @property def seed(self): return(self._seed) @property def NF(self): return(self._NF) @property def PSDdBmpHz(self): return(self._PSDdBmpHz) @property def fsGHz(self): return(self._fsGHz) #------- @ti.setter def ti(self,ti): self._ti = ti self.eval() @tf.setter def tf(self,tf): self._tf = tf self.eval() @tsns.setter def tsns(self,tsns): self._tsns = tsns self._fsGHz = 1./tsns self.eval() @R.setter def R(self,R): self._R = R self.eval() @fsGHz.setter def fsGHz(self,fsGHz): self._fsGHz=fsGHz self._tsns=1./fsGHz self.eval() @NF.setter def NF(self,NF): self._NF = NF self.eval() @seed.setter def seed(self,seed): self._seed = seed np.random.seed(seed) self.eval() @PSDdBmpHz.setter def PSDdBmpHz(self,PSDdBmpHz): self._PSDdBmpHz = PSDdBmpHz #self.eval()
[docs] def eval(self): r""" noise evaluation $$N_0 = 4 \times 10^{-21}$$ """ e = self._PSDdBmpHz + self._NF emJ = 10 ** (e / 10.) # DSP : dBm/Hz -> mW/Hz eJ = emJ / 1e3 # DSP : mw/Hz -> W/Hz self.PW = eJ * (self._fsGHz * 1e9) # Power : p * Bandwith Hz self.vrms = np.sqrt(self._R*self.PW) self.x = np.arange(self.ti,, self.tsns) N = len(self.x) n = self.vrms * np.random.randn(N) self.y = n self.var = np.var(n) self.Pr = self.var/self._R self.Er = self.Pr/(self._fsGHz*1e9)
def __repr__(self): st = '' st = st+ 'Sampling frequency : '+ str(self.fsGHz)+' GHz\n' st = st+ 'ti : %.2f' % self.ti+'ns \n' st = st+ 'tf : %.2f' %'ns \n' st = st+ 'ts : %.2f' % self.tsns+'ns \n' st = st+ 'N : %i ' % len(self.x)+'\n' st = st + '-------------\n' st = st+ 'DSP : %.2f' % self.PSDdBmpHz+ ' dBm/Hz\n' st = st+ ' : %.2e' % 10**(self.PSDdBmpHz/10.)*1e-3+ ' Joules\n' st = st + '-------------\n' st = st+ 'Noise Figure : %.2f ' % self.NF+ ' dB\n' st = st+ 'Vrms : %.2e' % self.vrms+ ' Volts\n' st = st+ 'Variance :%.2e ' % self.var + ' V^2\n' st = st+ 'Power (dBm) / %.2f' % self.R + ' Ohms : '+ str(10*np.log10(self.PW)-60)+ ' dBm\n' st = st+ 'Power realized / %.2f' % self.R + ' Ohms : '+ str(10*np.log10(self.Pr)-60)+ ' dBm\n' return(st)
[docs] def ppsd(self,mask=True): """ plot Power Spectral Density Parameters ---------- mask : boolean True """ W = TUsignal.psd(self,periodic=False) W.plotdB(mask=mask)
[docs] def amplify(self, GdB, NF): sel
[docs] def fgating(self, fcGHz, WGHz, window='rect'): """ apply a frequency gating Parameters ---------- fcGHz : float WGHz : float window : string 'rect' """ N = self.fft() if len(self.x) % 2 == 0: parity = 0 else: parity = 1 U = N.unrex() f = U.x f1 = fcGHz - WGHz / 2. f2 = fcGHz + WGHz / 2. u = np.nonzero((f > f1) & (f < f2))[0] gate = np.zeros(len(f)) if window=='rect': gate[u] = np.ones(len(u)) G = FUsignal(f, gate) V = G * U NF = V.symH(parity) nf = NF.ifft() return(nf)
#fe = 1./(self.x[1]-self.x[0]) #fN = fe/2 #print "fN : ",fN #wp = (fcGHz-WGHz/2.)/fN #ws = (fcGHz+WGHz/2.)/fN #print "fN : ",wp #print "fN : ",ws #o = self.iirfilter(order=4,wp=wp,ws=ws) # self.x = o.x # self.y = o.y
[docs]def test(): dx1 = 0.01 x1 = np.arange(-5, 5, dx1) s1 = TUsignal() s1 = s1.EnImpulse(x1, fcGHz=4, WGHz=2, feGHz=10) S1 = s1.fft() is1 = S1.ifft() S12 = S1 * S1 s12 = S12.ifft(1) # Nouveau signal moins echantillonne dx2 = 0.01 x2 = np.arange(-3, 3, dx2) s2 = EnImpulse(x2, 4, 2, 10) S2 = s2.fft() U1 = S1.unrex() U2 = S2.unrex() U3 = U1 * U2 H3 = U3.symH(1) # Comparer H3 et S12 s3 = H3.ifft(1) plt.figure() plt.subplot(221) plt.title('s1') s1.plot() plt.subplot(222) s12.plot() plt.title('s12 = s1*s1') plt.subplot(223) s2.plot() plt.title('s2') plt.subplot(224) s3.plot() plt.title('s3= s1*s2') plt.figure() S1.plot() plt.title('S1') plt.figure() S12.plot() plt.title('S12 = S1*S1') plt.figure() S2.plot() plt.title('S2') plt.figure() H3.plot() plt.title('H3 ')
## # # if __name__ == "__main__": pass #plt.ion() doctest.testmod() #ip1 = EnImpulse(fc=4.493,band=0.499,thresh=3,fe=40) #ip2 = EnImpulse(fc=4.493,band=0.499,thresh=3,fe=40) #ip2.translate(1.123) #ip3 = EnImpulse(fc=4.493,band=0.499,thresh=3,fe=40) #ip3.translate(2.067) #ip4 = EnImpulse(fc=4.493,band=0.499,thresh=3,fe=40) #ip4.translate(3.45677) #p = ip1+ip2+ip3+ip4 # ip.zlr(-10,10) # s=TUsignal() # s.load('fitest.mat') #tau=s.toa() #print tau # print "> " # print "> generate a normalized energy impulse" # print "> " # print "i1=EnImpulse()" # i1=EnImpulse() # print "i1.plot()" # i1.plot() # print "> " # print "> translation of the signal acts only on x base " # print "> " # figure() # i1.translate(3) # print"i1.translate(3)" # i1.plot() # print "> " # print "> I1 is the fft of i1 " # print "> " # I1=i1.fft() # print "I1=i1.fft()" # print "> " # print "> Then we extract the unredundant part of I1 " # print "> " # U =I1.unrex() # print "U =I1.unrex()" # V =U.symH(1) # show() # W =U.symHz(4) # x = np.arange(-5,5,0.01) # s1 = EnImpulse(x,4,2,10) # s1.plot() # s2 = EnImpulse(x,5,3,10) # s2.translate(5) # # u = s1.convolve(s2) # # S1 = s1.ft() # S2 = s2.ft() # # S1S2 = S1*S2 # S1S2H = S1S2.symHz(100) # s1s2h = S1S2H.ifft(1) # v = s1s2h