Table Of Content

  1. CORMORAN Measurement Campaign

    1. Motivation for creating a specific tool

    2. Prerequisite installations

  2. The CorSer Class

    1. Load Serie

    2. Get information on the Series

    3. Available Data Variable

      1. Radio DataFrames

      2. Non Radio DataFrames

      3. Involved Devices

    4. Acessing the Data

      1. Get Device Position

      2. Get Link Value

      3. Get Link Distance

    5. Visualizing the data

      1. Native Pandas Vizualization

      2. Plot Method

      3. Plot Visibility Method

      4. Plot Mobility Method

      5. 3D plot

      6. 3D plot interactively

      7. 3D Interrative Visibility

%matplotlib inline
import  pylayers.util.mayautil as myu

CORMORAN Measurement Campaign

The CORMORAN measurement campaign is the first known campaign in the WBAN context gathering :

  • 3 differents radio technologies (HiKoB, CEA plateform and Beespoon phone)

  • Up to 24 radio devices equiped on a single body

  • A precise capture of the radio device and body movement using a Vicon motion capture (MOCAP) system.

  • A perfect knowledge of the capture environement

  • 58 Series with capture or group navigation scenarios

One of the main characteristics of this measurement campaign is the use of a precise motion capture system which allows to get a ground truth position of any radio device which make the radio observable values open to insightful interpretation.

Motivation for creating a specific tool

In order to exploit the CORMORAN measurement campaign, a dedicated tool has been envisaged. Regarding that one aim of the CORMORAN project ( is to provide a simulation plateform from the Channel to the MAC Layer, the tool natturally takes place inside the PyLayers plateform.

This specific tool creation has been motivated by the intrinsec complexity of the the measurement campaign. First, no existing tool are able to exploit simultaneously the radio and MOCAP information from the measures.

The co-existence of 3 different radio technologies implies 3 different file formats which have to be interpreted and combined together to be exploitable. However, the motion capture, and the 3 differents radio acces technologies (RAT) operating at different sample rate, which leads to manipulating 4 different time basis. As well, no automatic start-synchronization mechanism was availble between the different technologies which leads to a non systematic time shift between the different basis.

Finally the aim of a measurement campaign is to easily provide valuable and exploitable information for the project members and more generally by people in the research community. The goal of such a tool is to help and simplify dissemination.

Prerequisite Installations

Before starting using this tool, some requirements have to be satisfied.

  1. The open source platform PyLayers ( ) has to be installed following the installation notes here:

  2. The CORMORAN measurements have to be downloaded from the gitlab repository

  3. An environement variable $CORMORAN has to be set at the root of your CORMORAN measurements directory (help about setup of environement variables can be found in pylayers’ INSTALL.txt

Once those 3 steps are satisfied, the CORMORAN exploitation measure tool is ready to be used.

The CorSer Class

The exploitation of measures tool takes place as a specific class named CorSer (which stands for Cormoran Series). Once PyLayers has been installed, it is possible to directly access to the class by importing it.

   from pylayers.measures.cormoran import *

Get information on the Series

Before creating the CorSer object it is possible to consult the available measurements series using cor_log(). Then for each serie of a given day it is possible to get:

  • The involved subject(s)

  • The radio technology

  • A short description of the serie

serie day Subject techno Short Notes
0 1 11 Bernard TCR Subject Walk circularly
1 2 11 Bernard TCR Subject Walk circularly
2 3 11 Bernard TCR Subject Walk circularly
3 4 11 Bernard TCR Subject Walk circularly
4 5 11 Nicolas HKB+BS Subject Walk circularly
5 6 11 Nicolas HKB+BS Subject Walk circularly
6 7 11 Nicolas HKB+BS Subject Walk circularly
7 8 11 Nicolas HKB+BS Subject Walk circularly
8 9 11 Bernard TCR INTERRUPTED Subject Walk circularly ++ speed
9 10 11 Bernard TCR Subject Walk circularly ++ speed
10 11 11 Bernard TCR Subject Walk circularly ++ speed
11 12 11 Bernard TCR Subject Walk circularly ++ speed
12 13 11 Nicolas HKB+BS Subject Walk circularly without looking BS pho...
13 14 11 Nicolas HKB+BS Subject Walk circularly + Navigation movement
14 15 11 Nicolas HKB+BS Subject Walk slowly without looking BS phone h...
15 16 11 Nicolas HKB+BS Subject Walk slowly without looking BS phone h...
16 17 11 Bernard TCR Static subject pointing corners then yoga post...
17 18 11 Bernard TCR Static subject pointing corners then yoga post...
18 19 11 Bernard TCR Static subject pointing corners then yoga post...
19 20 11 Bernard TCR Static subject pointing corners then yoga post...
20 21 11 Nicolas HKB+BS Static subject pointing corners (withphone) th...
21 22 11 Nicolas HKB+BS Static subject pointing corners (withphone) th...
22 23 11 Nicolas HKB+BS INTERRUPTED Static subject pointing corners (w...
23 24 11 Nicolas HKB+BS Static subject pointing corners (withphone) th...
24 25 11 Bernard TCR Kung-fu Kata
25 26 11 Bernard TCR Kung-fu Kata with lost sensor
26 27 11 Nicolas HKB+BS subject open door, sit, type on leyboard, take...
27 28 11 Nicolas HKB+BS subject open door, sit, type on leyboard, take...
28 29 11 Nicolas HKB+BS Crossfade Yoga Posture with phone BS left hand
29 30 11 Nicolas HKB+BS Crossfade SLOW Yoga Posture with phone BS lef...
30 31 11 Nicolas HKB+BS Subject Walk circularly
31 32 11 Nicolas TCR+HKB+BS 3 turns circularly inc. speed sequentially
32 33 11 Nicolas TCR+HKB+BS 3 turns circularly inc. speed sequentially
33 34 11 Nicolas TCR+HKB+BS 3 turns circularly inc. Speed + muscle-buildi...
34 35 11 Nicolas TCR+HKB+BS 3 turns circularly inc. Speed + muscle-buildi...
35 1 12 Nicolas Jihad Eric TCR DATA ISSUE 3 FireMen Nav
36 2 12 Nicolas Jihad Eric TCR 3 FireMen Nav (possible mocap issue)
37 3 12 Nicolas jihad Eric TCR 3 FireMen Nav (possible mocap issue)
38 4 12 Nicolas Jihad Eric TCR INTERRUPTED 3 FireMen Nav
39 5 12 Nicolas Jihad Eric TCR subjects Random walk + new interfering subject...
40 6 12 Nicolas Jihad Eric TCR subjects Random walk + new interfering subject...
41 7 12 Nicolas Jihad Eric TCR subjects slow Random walk + interfering subjec...
42 8 12 Nicolas Jihad Eric TCR subjects slow Random walk + interfering subjec...
43 9 12 Nicolas Jihad Eric TCR+HKB+BS Subject??Slow motion: Indoor Nav then Firemen t...
44 10 12 Nicolas Jihad Eric TCR+HKB+BS Subject??Slow motion: Indoor Nav then Firemen t...
45 11 12 Nicolas Jihad Eric TCR+HKB+BS Subject??normal speed: Indoor Nav then Firemen ...
46 12 12 Nicolas Jihad Eric TCR+HKB+BS Subject??normal speed: Indoor Nav then Firemen ...
47 13 12 Nicolas Jihad Eric TCR+HKB+BS subjects Random walk + new interfering subject...
48 14 12 Nicolas Jihad Eric TCR+HKB+BS subjects Random walk + new interfering subject...
49 15 12 Nicolas Jihad Eric TCR+HKB+BS subjects Random walk + new interfering subject...
50 16 12 Nicolas Jihad Eric TCR+HKB+BS subjects Random walk + new interfering subject...
51 17 12 Nicolas Jihad Eric HKB+BS NO HKB Subject??normal speed: Indoor Nav then F...
52 18 12 Nicolas Jihad Eric HKB+BS NO HKB Subject??normal speed: Indoor Nav then F...
53 19 12 Nicolas Jihad Eric HKB+BS NO HKB Subject??normal speed: Indoor Nav then F...
54 20 12 Nicolas Jihad Eric HKB+BS NO HKB Subject??normal speed: Indoor Nav then F...
55 21 12 Nicolas Jihad Eric HKB+BS subjects Random walk + new interfering subject...
56 22 12 Nicolas Jihad Eric HKB+BS subjects Random walk + new interfering subject...
57 23 12 Nicolas Jihad Eric HKB+BS subjects Random walk + new interfering subject...
58 24 12 Nicolas Jihad Eric HKB+BS subjects Random walk + new interfering subject...
Load Serie

As an example, serie 6 from day 11 can be loaded using the following command:

load infrastructure node position: **** Processor coding : Intel-PC
('3GPP_omni.sh3', ' does not exist')
('3GPP_omni.sh3', ' does not exist')
('3GPP_omni.sh3', ' does not exist')
('3GPP_omni.sh3', ' does not exist')

load  Nicolas  body: **** Processor coding : Intel-PC
('3GPP_HeadRight_3.sh3', ' does not exist')
('3GPP_WristLeft_3.sh3', ' does not exist')
('3GPP_WristRight_3.sh3', ' does not exist')
('3GPP_ElbowLeft_3.sh3', ' does not exist')
('3GPP_ElbowRight_3.sh3', ' does not exist')
('3GPP_KneeLeft_3.sh3', ' does not exist')
('3GPP_AnkleLeft_3.sh3', ' does not exist')
('3GPP_AnkleRight_3.sh3', ' does not exist')
('3GPP_HipRight_3.sh3', ' does not exist')
('3GPP_BackCenter_3.sh3', ' does not exist')
('3GPP_TorsoTopLeft_3.sh3', ' does not exist')
('3GPP_TorsoTopRight_3.sh3', ' does not exist')

BS data frame index:  Align on mocap OK... time-offset applied OK

HKB data frame index: Align on mocap OK... time-offset applied OK

Create distance Dataframe... OK
/home/uguen/Documents/rch/devel/pylayers/pylayers/measures/ FutureWarning: fill_method is deprecated to .resample()
the new syntax is .resample(...).ffill()
  df = idf.resample(str(sf)+'U',fill_method='ffill')

Once loaded information about the serie (date, type, …) can be obtained just by calling the object itself:

   filename : Sc20_S6_R2_HKBS
   filewear : /home/uguen/data/CORMORAN/cormoran-measures/POST-TREATED/11-06-2014/BodyandWear/Nicolas_11-06-2014_HKBS.ini
   filebody : /home/uguen/data/CORMORAN/cormoran-measures/POST-TREATED/11-06-2014/BodyandWear/Nicolas.ini
   filemocap : /home/uguen/data/CORMORAN/cormoran-measures/RAW/11-06-2014/MOCAP/serie_006.c3d
   Day : 11/06/2014
   Serie : 6
   Scenario : 20
   Run : 2
   Type : HKBS
   Original Video Id : Single
   Subject(s) : Nicolas

   Body available: True

   BeSPoon : Sc20_S6_R2_HKBS.csv
   HIKOB : Sc2_0_S6_r2_HKB_Single.mat

   VC file :[6]
   Scenario :['2.0']
   Meas Serie :[6]
   Meas Run :[2]
   Subject :['Nicolas']
   techno :['HKB+BS']
   video file :[ nan]
   photo file :['100-0040']
   Radio file :['SC2.0_S6_R2_HKB_single']
   Date :['11/06/14']
   Start time :['16:12']
   Short Notes :['Subject Walk circularly']
   notes pendant mesures :['mxc3xaame chose ras ']

Available data

Radio DataFrames

Data frames are Pandas objects which can be interpreted as tables.

  • Each line correspond a given timestamp

  • Each column correspond to a given link between 2 radio devices

Depending on available RAT involved in the serie, different data frames are available:

  • HiKoB (HKB) data : S.hkb

  • BeSpoon data : S.bespo

  • TCR data : S.tcr

In the example serie chosen, only HiKoB and Bespoon are available.

Here is an example of the RSS values obtained by the HKB sensors for the 120 available links and the 5 first available timestamp :

AP1-AP2 AP1-AP3 AP1-AP4 AP1-HeadRight AP1-TorsoTopRight AP1-TorsoTopLeft AP1-BackCenter AP1-ElbowRight AP1-ElbowLeft AP1-HipRight ... WristRight-WristLeft WristRight-KneeLeft WristRight-AnkleLeft WristRight-AnkleRight WristLeft-KneeLeft WristLeft-AnkleLeft WristLeft-AnkleRight KneeLeft-AnkleLeft KneeLeft-AnkleRight AnkleLeft-AnkleRight
0.00 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
0.01 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
0.02 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
0.03 -60.0 -64.0 -61.0 -71.0 -81.0 -73.0 -78.0 -79.0 -84.0 -73.0 ... -64.0 -88.0 -64.0 -55.0 -63.0 -61.0 -77.0 -60.0 -84.0 -79.0
0.04 -60.0 -64.0 -61.0 -71.0 -81.0 -73.0 -78.0 -79.0 -84.0 -73.0 ... -64.0 -88.0 -64.0 -55.0 -63.0 -61.0 -77.0 -60.0 -84.0 -79.0

5 rows ?? 120 columns

Non Radio DataFrames

Extra data frames are also available to acces to non radio information. In particular, it exists :

  • S.devdf: the device dataframe, which gives mechanical information: position (x,y,z), velocity (v,vx,vy,vz) and acceleration (a,ax,ay,az) of the devices at any time stamps

  • S.distdf: the distance data frame, which gives ground truth distances between the different radio links.

Here is the 5 last data of the device data frame…

id subject x y z v vx vy vz a ax ay az
104.19 HKB:14 Nicolas 0.158588 -1.574102 0.526740 0.012376 -0.005046 0.010522 0.004120 2.242279 1.973267 0.738525 0.767212
104.19 HKB:1 0.018552 -2.749937 0.979166 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
104.19 HKB:16 Nicolas -0.229677 -1.445404 0.175125 0.010564 -0.007414 -0.006641 -0.003540 0.547866 0.122223 -0.250244 -0.471802
104.19 HKB:10 Nicolas 0.262695 -1.433168 1.143153 0.057834 -0.048334 -0.030042 -0.010303 0.924481 -0.697327 0.368652 -0.482178
104.19 HKB:3 0.021135 3.375590 1.003871 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

… and the 5 last data of the distance data frame:

HKB:1-HKB:2 HKB:1-HKB:3 HKB:1-HKB:4 HKB:1-HKB:5 HKB:1-HKB:6 HKB:1-HKB:7 HKB:1-HKB:8 HKB:1-HKB:9 HKB:1-HKB:10 HKB:1-HKB:11 ... HKB:12-HKB:15 HKB:12-HKB:16 HKB:13-HKB:14 HKB:13-HKB:15 HKB:13-HKB:16 HKB:14-HKB:15 HKB:14-HKB:16 HKB:15-HKB:16 BS:0-BS:74 BS:0-BS:157
104.15 6.102589 6.125578 6.135849 1.308815 1.163639 1.131707 1.387571 1.322510 1.350930 1.223406 ... 1.071233 0.990922 0.411064 0.753501 0.910143 0.364396 0.539795 0.445009 1.046829 0.119864
104.16 6.102589 6.125578 6.135849 1.309074 1.163713 1.131587 1.387549 1.322884 1.350486 1.223658 ... 1.071489 0.990873 0.410944 0.753502 0.909901 0.364396 0.539682 0.445027 1.046903 0.119868
104.17 6.102589 6.125578 6.135849 1.309470 1.163938 1.131414 1.387530 1.323230 1.350018 1.223874 ... 1.071624 0.990832 0.410933 0.753522 0.909759 0.364316 0.539533 0.445038 1.046936 0.119734
104.18 6.102589 6.125578 6.135849 1.309873 1.164064 1.131319 1.387509 1.323601 1.349608 1.224129 ... 1.071955 0.990734 0.410871 0.753529 0.909520 0.364281 0.539368 0.445063 1.047000 0.119982
104.19 6.102589 6.125578 6.135849 1.310357 1.164289 1.131228 1.387509 1.323915 1.349214 1.224341 ... 1.072294 0.990736 0.410651 0.753482 0.909291 0.364271 0.539394 0.445110 1.046967 0.119830

5 rows ?? 122 columns

Involved devices (**)

The command allows to obtain the complete list of devices involved in the serie and:

  • the Name of the device used in the radio dataframe

  • the Real device Id used during the measurement campaign

  • The corresponding device Id used on the Body wear description

  • At wich Subject the device is related.

Infrastrucure access point obviously don’t have related Subject.
   Name in Dataframe     | Real Id | Body Id  | Subject
   AP4                   |       4 | HKB:4    |
   AP1                   |       1 | HKB:1    |
   AP2                   |       2 | HKB:2    |
   AP3                   |       3 | HKB:3    |
   AnkleRight            |      16 | HKB:16   | Nicolas
   KneeLeft              |      14 | HKB:14   | Nicolas
   AnkleLeft             |      15 | HKB:15   | Nicolas
   WristRight            |      12 | HKB:12   | Nicolas
   WristLeft             |      13 | HKB:13   | Nicolas
   ElbowLeft             |      10 | HKB:10   | Nicolas
   HipRight              |      11 | HKB:11   | Nicolas
   HeadRight             |       5 | HKB:5    | Nicolas
   TorsoTopRight         |       6 | HKB:6    | Nicolas
   TorsoTopLeft          |       7 | HKB:7    | Nicolas
   BackCenter            |       8 | HKB:8    | Nicolas
   ElbowRight            |       9 | HKB:9    | Nicolas
                         |         |          |
   WristRight            |     157 | BS:157   | Nicolas
   AnkleRight            |      74 | BS:74    | Nicolas
   HandRight             |       0 | BS:0     | Nicolas

Accessing the data

In order to help people not familiar with the Pandas query format, some useful methods are provided in order to extract values from radio and non radio dataframes.

### Get device position (S.getdevp)

The value of the device position at a specific time or range or time can be obtained by specifying:

  • The device (Name in dataframe OR real id OR body id)

  • The radio techno (Precising the techno is optional except when an ambiguity occurs, therefore error is raised)

  • a given time in second or a [start time,stop time]. If no time is given, the position for all time stamps are provided

Hence, It is possible to get the positions of the HKB radio node 11 (Hip Right), between 5.0 seconds and 5.2 seconds with:

Positions = S.getdevp(11,t=[5,5.2])
x y z
5.00 -0.139566 0.224905 1.016796
5.01 -0.139553 0.224845 1.016826
5.02 -0.139545 0.224825 1.016818
5.03 -0.139564 0.224730 1.016849
5.04 -0.139609 0.224642 1.016859
5.05 -0.139580 0.224613 1.016898
5.06 -0.139554 0.224586 1.016920
5.07 -0.139604 0.224492 1.016937
5.08 -0.139545 0.224452 1.016989
5.09 -0.139521 0.224391 1.016992
5.10 -0.139386 0.224397 1.016997
5.11 -0.139296 0.224315 1.017041
5.12 -0.139164 0.224189 1.017098
5.13 -0.138988 0.224128 1.017131
5.14 -0.138810 0.224048 1.017142
5.15 -0.138605 0.223969 1.017148
5.16 -0.138406 0.223877 1.017164
5.17 -0.138043 0.223803 1.017230
5.18 -0.137791 0.223654 1.017305
5.19 -0.137388 0.223580 1.017321
5.20 -0.137016 0.223465 1.017342

NOTE : You may also obtain a classical numpy array instead of this Pandas object by using the “*values*” method :

   array([[-0.13956557,  0.22490462,  1.01679608],
          [-0.13955284,  0.22484492,  1.01682581],
          [-0.13954524,  0.22482529,  1.01681787],
          [-0.1395645 ,  0.2247298 ,  1.01684918],
          [-0.13960907,  0.224642  ,  1.01685901],
          [-0.13957962,  0.2246127 ,  1.01689801],
          [-0.13955351,  0.22458575,  1.01691986],
          [-0.13960399,  0.22449205,  1.01693719],
          [-0.13954485,  0.22445244,  1.01698865],
          [-0.13952087,  0.22439058,  1.0169917 ],
          [-0.13938625,  0.22439655,  1.0169975 ],
          [-0.13929645,  0.22431535,  1.01704102],
          [-0.13916449,  0.22418907,  1.0170979 ],
          [-0.1389884 ,  0.22412761,  1.01713135],
          [-0.13880983,  0.22404759,  1.0171424 ],
          [-0.13860497,  0.22396939,  1.01714777],
          [-0.1384055 ,  0.22387668,  1.01716443],
          [-0.13804305,  0.22380293,  1.01722955],
          [-0.13779123,  0.2236543 ,  1.01730511],
          [-0.13738791,  0.22358025,  1.01732141],
          [-0.13701614,  0.22346536,  1.01734192]])

Get link value (S.getlink)

The value of a link a and b at a specific time or range or time can be obtained by specifying:

  • The device \(a\) (Name in dataframe OR real id OR body id)

  • The device \(b\) (Name in dataframe OR real id OR body id)

  • The radio technoa and technob (Precising the techno is optional except when an ambiguity occurs, therefore error is raised)

  • a given time in second or a [start time,stop time]. If no time is given, the position for all time stamps are provided

Hence, It is possible to get the HKB values between radio node 11 (Hip Right) and node 16 (Ankle Right) , between 5 seconds and 5.2 seconds with:

   Values = S.getlink(11,16,t=[5,5.2])

Get link distance (*S.getlinkd*)

The ground truth distance separating a device a and device b at a specific time or range or time can be obtained by specifying:

  • The device \(a\) (Name in dataframe OR real id OR body id)

  • The device \(b\) (Name in dataframe OR real id OR body id)

  • The radio technoa and technob (Precising the techno is optional except when an ambiguity occurs, therefore error is raised)

  • a given time in second or a [start time,stop time]. If no time is given, the position for all time stamps are provided

Hence, It is possible to get the HKB values between radio node 11 (Hip Right) and node 16 (Ankle Right) , between 5 seconds and 5.2 seconds with:

   Distances = S.getlinkd(11,16,t=[5,5.2])

Visualizing the Data

Native Pandas Vizualization

Because radio data in CorSer are stored into Pandas objects, convenient vizualization method are directly available. Most of them can be found here :

As an example, it is possible to plot the previous obtained values and distance with :

# Ploting
ax=Values.plot() #plot values
l=Distances.plot(secondary_y=True,ax=ax) # plot distances on the right side

ax.legend() # add legend box
ax.set_ylabel('RSS Values (dBm)') #set left ylabel
ax.right_ax.set_ylabel('Distances (m)') #set right ylabel
ax.set_xlabel('time (s)') # set xlabel
ax.set_title('RSS and distance as a function of time')
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f04e8acea50>

In addition, CorSer also provides specific plotting methods which includes extra features.

Plot method (S.plot)

The plot function allows to display the radio values of a link. The main parameters are always the same:

  • The device \(a\) (Name in dataframe OR real id OR body id)

  • The device \(b\) (Name in dataframe OR real id OR body id)

  • The radio techno (Precising the techno is optional except when an ambiguity occurs, therefore error is raised)

  • A given time in second or a [start time,stop time]. If no time is given, the position for all time stamps are provided

More option are availble, please refer to the docstring (S.plot?) for more information

Plot values

Continuying with the same example, it is possible to plot the HKB values between radio node 11 (Hip Right) and node 16 (Ankle Right) , between 5 seconds and 5.2 seconds with:

(<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7f04e8b56f90>,
 <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f04e8b6b450>)

Plot distance

As well, it is possible to plot the distance using the distance parameter

S.plot(11,16,t=[5,5.2],distance = True)
(<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7f04e8931350>,
 <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f04e8946050>)

It is also possible to get the same result than with the Pandas procedure with the following code :

#plot value
f,ax = S.plot(11,16,t=[5,5.2],color ='b',title=False)

# create right axis

# plot distance
S.plot(11,16,t=[5,5.2],color ='g',title=False,
(<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7f04e88d9890>,
 <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f04e8770c50>)

In order to go further in the radio value interpretation, it is convenient to have some extra information about the optical visibility/occultation of devices involved in a link.

This information allows to determine the line of sight (LOS) or non line of sight (NLOS) cases which are crutial for power level and delay interpretation.

This information can be superimposed to the radio values. To this end, the plot visibility (S.pltvisi) method is used. The hatched area denoted NLOS wheras clear area denotes LOS.

Parameters are the same than those the plot method:

f,ax = S.plot(1,16)
/home/uguen/Documents/rch/devel/pylayers/pylayers/mobility/ban/ VisibleDeprecationWarning: using a non-integer number instead of an integer will result in an error in the future
  C = self.d[:,kta,frameId]
/home/uguen/Documents/rch/devel/pylayers/pylayers/mobility/ban/ VisibleDeprecationWarning: using a non-integer number instead of an integer will result in an error in the future
  D = self.d[:,khe,frameId]
(<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7f04e88e4090>,
 <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f04e88788d0>)

As well it is possible to determine and indicate whether the subject is static or not by using the plot mobility method (S.pltmob). The succession of Static and Mobile sequences are denoted \(S_x\) and \(M_x\) resplectively, where \(x\) is an index of the sequence.

f,ax = S.plot(1,16)
(<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7f04e8583750>,
 <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f04e8594790>)

The 2 upmentionned methods can also be used simultaneously as shown in the following example :

# plot data in green)
# plot optical occultation (hatched lines)
# plot subject mobility (grey areas)
(<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7f04e85f2790>,
 <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f04e858b4d0>)

With the help of the Mayavi Library, the CorSer class allows to display in 3D :

  • The building where measurements have taken place

  • The positions of Vicon Cameras

  • The Multi-cylindric representation of the the subjects involved in the selected serie

  • The position/ antenna pattern of the devices on the body(ies) and in the infrastructure.

By default, the use of the *S._show3* method display the complete scene with body(ies) and associated devices at 4 different timestamp


#the following line is only used to display in the notebook a screenshot of the mayavi window
/home/uguen/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mayavi/tools/ FutureWarning: elementwise comparison failed; returning scalar instead, but in the future will perform elementwise comparison
  if focalpoint is not None and not focalpoint == 'auto':

Specify time (bodytime parameter)

In order to display scene at specific timestamps, the parameter bodytime can be used

Example: to show the body position at \(t=0s\), \(t=30s\) and \(t=90s\).

#the following line is only used to display in the notebook a screenshot of the mayavi window

display trajectory (trajectory parameter)

S._show3(trajectory = True,bodytime=[0.,30.,90.])

#the following line is only used to display in the notebook a screenshot of the mayavi window

The method *S._show3i()* allows to display the 3D scene with an extra window incluying a slider acting like a jog shuttle, to choose the timestamp to vizualize.

Note : This function is note available in the notebook

S._show3i(t=35) #t=35 is an initialization value

#the following line is only used to display in the notebook a screenshot of the mayavi window

The visibility matrix can be displayed simultaneously to the 3D view.

For that purpose a visibility/occultation matrix is computed the first time the vizualization is called. The following code displays the tisibility matrix and associated 3D scene at the inital time \(t=35s\)


#the following line is only used to display in the notebook a screenshot of the mayavi window
Visibility is computed only once, Please wait

processing shadowing from  Nicolas
../../_images/Corser_49_1.png ../../_images/Corser_49_2.png

Using Pylayers Ray-tracing with CorSer data

import pylayers.simul.simultraj as st
ST = st.Simul(S)
Warning Unable to read graph Gr
Warning Unable to read graph Gw
Layout Graph loaded