Source code for pylayers.antprop.slab

# -*- coding: latin1 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
import os
import sys
import string
if sys.version_info.major==2:
    import cPickle
    import ConfigParser as configparser
    import _pickle as cPickle
    import configparser
import doctest
#import objxml
import pdb
import copy
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import struct as stru
import pylayers.util.pyutil as pyu
import pylayers.util.plotutil as plu
from pylayers.util.project import *

.. currentmodule:: pylayers.antprop.slab

.. autosummary::

import doctest
import os
import glob
[docs]class Interface(PyLayers): """ Interface between 2 medium The adopted axis convention is the following + nf : axis = 0 frequency axis + nt : axis = 1 angular axis + p : axis = 2 parallel polarization axis + o : axis = 3 orhogonal polarization axis Attributes ---------- fGHz np.array (nf,1) theta np.array (1,nt) Ip np.array (nf,nt,2,2) Io np.array (nf,nt,2,2) """ def __init__(self, fGHz=np.array([2.4]), theta=np.array([[0.0 + 0 * 1j]]), name=''): """ class constructor Parameters ---------- fGHz : np.array frequency in GHz (default 2.4) theta : np.array angle taken from surface normal expressed in radians """ # # reshape theta if necessary # allows to use a ndim = 1 array # if theta.ndim != 2: theta = theta.reshape(1, len(theta)) = len(fGHz) self.nt = np.shape(theta)[1] # f x 1 self.fGHz = fGHz.reshape(, 1) # 1 x q self.thi = theta self.theta = theta # # Io : f x q x 2 x 2 # Ip : f x q x 2 x 2 # self.Ip = np.array(np.zeros([, self.nt, 2, 2]), dtype=complex) self.Io = np.array(np.zeros([, self.nt, 2, 2]), dtype=complex) = name
[docs] def RT(self, metalic=False, RT='RT'): r""" evaluate Reflection and Transmission matrix Parameters ---------- metalic : boolean RT : string choose R or T Notes ----- .. math:: R = \left[\begin{array}[cc]R_{\perp} & 0\\0 & R_{\para}\end{array}\right] T = \left[\begin{array}[cc]T_{\perp} & 0\\0 & T_{\para}\end{array}\right] R : np.array (f , th , 2, 2) T : np.array (f , th , 2, 2) """ sh = np.shape(self.Io) nf = sh[0] nt = sh[1] # # R and T matrices are diagonal # if 'R' in RT: self.R = np.array(np.zeros([nf, nt, 2, 2]), dtype=complex) if 'T' in RT: self.T = np.array(np.zeros([nf, nt, 2, 2]), dtype=complex) if 'R' in RT: #self.R[:, :, 0, 0] = self.Io[:, :, 0, 1] / self.Io[:, :, 0, 0] #self.R[:, :, 1, 1] = self.Ip[:, :, 0, 1] / self.Ip[:, :, 0, 0] self.R[:, :, 1, 1] = self.Io[:, :, 0, 1] / self.Io[:, :, 0, 0] self.R[:, :, 0, 0] = self.Ip[:, :, 0, 1] / self.Ip[:, :, 0, 0] if not metalic and 'T' in RT: #self.T[:, :, 0, 0] = 1.0 / self.Io[:, :, 0, 0] #self.T[:, :, 1, 1] = 1.0 / self.Ip[:, :, 0, 0] self.T[:, :, 1, 1] = 1.0 / self.Io[:, :, 0, 0] self.T[:, :, 0, 0] = 1.0 / self.Ip[:, :, 0, 0]
[docs] def pcolor(self, dB=False): """ display of R & T coefficients wrt frequency an angle Parameters ---------- dB : boolean default False """ rtd = 180 / np.pi #nom ='|' if dB: modRo = 20 * np.log10(abs(self.R[:, :, 0, 0])) modRp = 20 * np.log10(abs(self.R[:, :, 1, 1])) modTo = 20 * np.log10(abs(self.T[:, :, 0, 0])) modTp = 20 * np.log10(abs(self.T[:, :, 1, 1])) else: modRo = abs(self.R[:, :, 0, 0]) modRp = abs(self.R[:, :, 1, 1]) modTo = abs(self.T[:, :, 0, 0]) modTp = abs(self.T[:, :, 1, 1]) plt.subplot(221) plt.pcolor(self.theta[0, :] * rtd, self.fGHz[:, 0], modRo) plt.colorbar() plt.contour(self.theta[0, :] * rtd, self.fGHz[:, 0], modRo) plt.xlabel(r'$\theta$ (degrees) ') plt.ylabel('f (GHz)') #title('R _|_ '+nom) plt.title('R _|_ ') plt.subplot(222) plt.pcolor(self.theta[0, :] * rtd, self.fGHz[:, 0], modRp) plt.colorbar() plt.contour(self.theta[0, :] * rtd, self.fGHz[:, 0], modRp) #title('R // '+nom) plt.title('R // ') plt.xlabel(r'$\theta$ (degrees) ') plt.ylabel('f (GHz)') plt.subplot(223) plt.pcolor(self.theta[0, :] * rtd, self.fGHz[:, 0], modTo) plt.colorbar() plt.contour(self.theta[0, :] * rtd, self.fGHz[:, 0], modTo) #title('T _|_ '+nom) plt.title('T _|_ ') plt.xlabel(r'$\theta$ (degrees) ') plt.ylabel('f (GHz)') plt.subplot(224) plt.pcolor(self.theta[0, :] * rtd, self.fGHz[:, 0], modTp) plt.colorbar() plt.contour(self.theta[0, :] * rtd, self.fGHz[:, 0], modTp) #title('T // '+nom) plt.title('T // ') plt.xlabel(r'$\theta$ (degrees) ') plt.ylabel('f (GHz)')
[docs] def tocolor(self,fGHz): """ convert transmission into color Parameters ---------- fGHz : np.array Returns ------- col : string hexadecimal color See Also --------- pylayers.gis.layout.showGs """ # nf x nt x 2 x 2 modTo = abs(self.T[:, 0, 0, 0]) modTp = abs(self.T[:, 0, 1, 1]) N = len(fGHz) if N>3: M = N/3 ared = (sum(modTo[0:M])+sum(modTp[0:M]))/(2*M) agreen = (sum(modTo[M:2*M])+sum(modTp[M:2*M]))/(2*M) ablue = (sum(modTo[2*M:])+sum(modTp[2*M:]))/(2*(N-2*M)) # hexadsecimal convert vred = hex(int(np.floor(ared*255))).replace('0x','') vgreen = hex(int(np.floor(agreen*255))).replace('0x','') vblue = hex(int(np.floor(ablue*255))).replace('0x','') if len(vred)==1: vred = '0'+vred if len(vgreen)==1: vgreen = '0'+vgreen if len(vblue)==1: vblue = '0'+vblue col = '#'+vred+vgreen+vblue else: alpha = (sum(modTo)+sum(modTp))/(2*N) val = hex(int(np.floor(alpha*255))).replace('0x','') col = '#'+val+val+val return(col)
[docs] def loss0(self, fGHz, display=False): """ evaluate Loss at normal incidence theta=0 Parameters ---------- fGHz : np.array (nf,1) display : boolean default (False) Returns ------- Lo : loss in dB polarization orthogonal Lp : loss in dB polarization parallel """ modTo = abs(self.T[:, :, 0, 0]) modTp = abs(self.T[:, :, 1, 1]) Lo = -20 * np.log10(modTo[:, 0]) Lp = -20 * np.log10(modTp[:, 0]) if display: plt.plot(f, Lo, 'b') #plot(f,Lp,'r') #legend(('L0 _|_','L0 //'),loc='upper right') plt.legend(('L0 (dB)'), loc='upper right') plt.xlabel('frequency (GHz)') return(Lo, Lp)
[docs] def losst(self, fGHz, display=False,dB=True): """ evaluate Loss Parameters ---------- fGHz : np.arrray (nf) display : boolean default False dB : booean default True Returns ------- Lo : np.array Loss orthogonal polarization (dB) Lp : np.array Loss parallel polarization (dB) Examples -------- >>> from pylayers.antprop.slab import * See Also -------- pylayers.antprop.coverage pylayers.antprop.loss """ modTo = abs(self.T[:, :, 0, 0]) modTp = abs(self.T[:, :, 1, 1]) #Lo = -20 * np.log10(modTo[:, 0]) #Lp = -20 * np.log10(modTp[:, 0]) if dB: Lo = -20 * np.log10(modTo) Lp = -20 * np.log10(modTp) else: Lo = modTo Lp = modTp if display: plt.plot(fGHz, Lo, 'b') plt.legend(('L0 (dB)'), loc='upper right') plt.xlabel('frequency (GHz)') return(Lo, Lp)
[docs] def plotwrt(self,var='a',kv=0,**kwargs): """ plot R & T coefficients with respect to angle or frequency Parameters ---------- kv : int variable index polar: string 'po', # po | p | o (parallel+ortho | parallel | ortogonal) coeff: string 'RT', # RT | R | T (Reflexion & Transmission ) | Reflexion | Transmission var: string 'a', # a | f angle | frequency typ : string 'm' | 'r' | 'd' | 'l20' mod rad deg dB Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> from pylayers.antprop.slab import * >>> import matplotlib.pylab as plt >>> import numpy as np >>> theta = np.arange(0,np.pi/2,0.01) >>> fGHz = np.arange(0.1,10,0.2) >>> sl = SlabDB('matDB.ini','slabDB.ini') >>> mat = sl.mat >>> lmatname = [mat['AIR'],mat['WOOD']] >>> II = MatInterface(lmatname,0,fGHz,theta) >>> II.RT() >>> fig,ax = II.plotwrt(var='a',kv=10,typ=['m']) >>> air = mat['AIR'] >>> brick = mat['BRICK'] >>> II = MatInterface([air,brick],0,fGHz,theta) >>> II.RT() >>> fig,ax = II.plotwrt(var='f',color='k',typ=['m']) >>> plt.ion() >>> """ defaults = {'typ':['l20'], 'polar':'po', # po | p | o 'coeff':'RT', # RT | R | T 'att':False } for key, value in defaults.items(): if key not in kwargs: kwargs[key] = value #fGHz = self.fGHz[k] rtd = 180 / np.pi # filtering kwargs argument for mulplot function args ={} for k in kwargs: if k not in defaults.keys(): args[k]=kwargs[k] args['nlin'] = 1 if 'labels' not in kwargs.keys(): args['labels'] = [] args['titles'] = [] args['typ'] = kwargs['typ'] args['att'] = kwargs['att'] # Reflexion if 'R' in kwargs['coeff']: if 'o' in kwargs['polar']: args['titles'].append(u'$R_{\perp}$') if var=='f': # wrt frequency Ro = self.R[:, kv, 0, 0] y = Ro if var=='a': # wrt angle Ro = self.R[kv, :, 0, 0] y = Ro if 'p' in kwargs['polar']: args['titles'].append(u'$R_{//}$') if var=='f': # wrt frequency Rp = self.R[:, kv, 1, 1] try: y = np.vstack((y,Rp)) except: y = Rp if var =='a': # wrt angle Rp = self.R[kv, :, 1, 1] try: y = np.vstack((y,Rp)) except: y = Rp # Transmission if 'T' in kwargs['coeff']: if 'o' in kwargs['polar']: args['titles'].append(u'$T_{\perp}$') if var=='f': # wrt frequency To = self.T[:, kv, 0, 0] try: y = np.vstack((y,To)) except: y = To if var =='a': # wrt angle To = self.T[kv, :, 0, 0] try: y = np.vstack((y,To)) except: y = To if 'p' in kwargs['polar']: args['titles'].append(u'$T_{//}$') if var=='f': # wrt frequency Tp = self.T[:, kv, 1, 1] try: y = np.vstack((y,Tp)) except: y = To if var =='a': # wrt angle Tp = self.T[kv, :, 1, 1] try: y = np.vstack((y,Tp)) except: y = To # setting the x axis if var=='f': # wrt frequency if len(self.fGHz)==1: #x = self.fGHz[np.newaxis,:] x = self.fGHz[:] else: # f x a x = self.fGHz[:,0] args['xlabels'] = ['Frequency (GHz)'] if var=='a': # wrt angle if len(self.thi)==1: x = self.thi[0,:][:]*rtd #x = self.thi[0,:][np.newaxis,:]*rtd else: # f x a x = self.thi[0,:]*rtd args['xlabels'] = ['Angle (deg)'] nplot = np.shape(y)[0] if nplot==1: args['ncol'] = 1 args['nlin'] = 1 if nplot==2: args['ncol'] = 1 args['nlin'] = 2 if nplot==4: args['ncol'] = 2 args['nlin'] = 2 fig,ax = plu.mulcplot(x,y,**args) return fig,ax
[docs]class MatInterface(Interface): r""" MatInterface : Class for Interface between two materials l distance from the next Interface This is required for recursive utilization of this function when the output angle of an interface happens to be the input angle of the next interface. As this angle depends on materials which themselves depends on frequency THETA is becoming a full matrix without redundancy between lines. Examples -------- >>> theta = np.arange(0,np.pi/2,0.01) >>> fGHz = np.arange(3.1,10.6,0.2) >>> Nf = len(fGHz) >>> Nt = len(theta) >>> sl = SlabDB('matDB.ini','slabDB.ini') >>> mat = sl.mat >>> m1 = mat['AIR'] >>> m2 = mat['PLASTER'] >>> II = MatInterface([m1,m2],0,fGHz,theta) Notes ----- .. math:: I_p = \left| \begin{array}{cc} \frac{1}{T_p} & \frac{R_p}{T_p} \\ \frac{R_p}{T_p} & \frac{1}{T_p} \end{array}\right| I_o = \left| \begin{array}{cc} \frac{1}{T_o} & \frac{R_o}{T_o} \\ \frac{R_o}{T_o} & \frac{1}{T_o} \end{array}\right| """ def __init__(self, lmat, l, fGHz, theta): """ Fresnel reflection coefficients Parameters ---------- lmat : [ m1 , m2] list of materials l : distance between interfaces fGHz : frequency (GHz) theta : angle with respect to the reflective surface normal """ #if not isinstance(fGHz,np.ndarray): # fGHz=np.array([fGHz]) #if not isinstance(theta,np.ndarray): # theta=np.array([theta]) name = '|'.join(mat['name'] for mat in lmat) # Interface.__init__(self, fGHz, theta, name=name) super(MatInterface,self).__init__(fGHz, theta, name=name) self.m1 = lmat[0] self.m2 = lmat[1] # 2*np.pi* f(GHz)*eps0 = f(Ghz)/17.98 #epr1 = self.m1['epr'] - 1j * abs(self.m1['sigma']) * 17.98 / self.fGHz #epr2 = self.m2['epr'] - 1j * abs(self.m2['sigma']) * 17.98 / self.fGHz #pdb.set_trace() epr1 = self.m1.eval(self.fGHz) epr2 = self.m2.eval(self.fGHz) mur1 = self.m1['mur'] mur2 = self.m2['mur'] #n1 = sqrte(epr1/mur1) n1 = np.sqrt(epr1 / mur1) n2 = np.sqrt(epr2 / mur2) ct = np.cos(self.theta) # // TM polarization 8.1.4 nT1p = n1 / ct # _|_ TE polarization 8.1.4 nT1o = n1 * ct #print np.shape(n1) #print np.shape(ct) #print "Slab cst n1 et ct ",n1[15,0],ct[0,31] #print "Slab cst nT1p ",nT1p[15,31] #print "Slab cst nT1o ",nT1o[15,31] #cti = pyu.sqrte(1-((n1/n2)*np.sin(self.theta))**2) cti = np.sqrt(1 - ((n1 / n2) * np.sin(self.theta)) ** 2) #CTI = np.sqrt(1-((n1/n2)*np.sin(THETA))**2) self.theta = np.arccos(cti) #print np.shape(cti) #print "cti ",cti[15,31] #print "arcos(cti) ",self.theta[15,31] #print '-------------------------' if l != 0: deltai = 2 * np.pi * l * n2 * cti * self.fGHz / 0.3 else: deltai = 0 nT2p = n2 / cti nT2o = n2 * cti Rp = (nT1p - nT2p) / (nT1p + nT2p) #Ro = (nT1o-nT2o)/(nT1o+nT2o) Ro = -(nT1o - nT2o) / (nT1o + nT2o) # modif Eric Tp = 1.0 + Rp To = 1.0 + Ro self.Ro = Ro self.Rp = Rp jdeltai = 1j*deltai epd = np.exp(jdeltai) emd = np.exp(-jdeltai) epdoTp = epd/Tp emdoTp = emd/Tp self.Ip[:, :, 0, 0] = epdoTp self.Ip[:, :, 0, 1] = Rp * emdoTp self.Ip[:, :, 1, 0] = Rp * epdoTp self.Ip[:, :, 1, 1] = emdoTp epdoTo = epd/To emdoTo = emd/To self.Io[:, :, 0, 0] = epdoTo self.Io[:, :, 0, 1] = Ro * emdoTo self.Io[:, :, 1, 0] = Ro * epdoTo self.Io[:, :, 1, 1] = emdoTo
#print 'Slab MatInterface Ip00',self.Ip[15,31,0,0] #print 'Slab MatInterface Ip01',self.Ip[15,31,0,1] #print 'Slab MatInterface Ip10',self.Ip[15,31,1,0] #print 'Slab MatInterface Ip11',self.Ip[15,31,1,1] #print 'Slab MatInterface Io00',self.Io[15,31,0,0] #print 'Slab MatInterface Io01',self.Io[15,31,0,1] #print 'Slab MatInterface Io10',self.Io[15,31,1,0] #print 'Slab MatInterface Io11',self.Io[15,31,1,1]
[docs]class Mat(PyLayers,dict): """ Handle constitutive materials dictionnary Attributes ---------- name : string name character string (default 'AIR') index : int default 1 er : complex relative permittivity (w.d) (1+0j) mur : complex relative permeability (w.d) (1+0j) sigma : float conductivity (S/m) 0 roughness : float (meter) 0 """ def __init__(self,name,**dm): """ class constructor Parameters ---------- name : string index : int epr : complex mur : complex sigma : float roughness : float a : ITU permittivity parameter b : ITU permittivty exponent parameter c : ITU conductivity parameter d : ITU conductivity exponent parameter Examples -------- >>> from pylayers.antprop.slab import * >>> M = Mat(name='Phantom',index=17,epr=2+0.15j,mur=1,sigma=4,roughness=0) """ defaults = {'epr':1 + 0.0j, 'mur':1 + 0.0j, 'sigma':0.0, 'roughness':0., 'a':None, 'b':None, 'c':None, 'd':None} self['name'] = name for k in defaults: if k not in dm: self[k] = defaults[k] else: self[k] = dm[k] # MATERIAL ; a ; b ; c ; d ; fmin ; fmax # ITU-R P2040 Table 3 ITU_P2040_T3 = { 'ITU_CONCRETE' : np.array([ 5.31 , 0 , 0.0326 , 0.8095, 1, 100]), 'ITU_BRICK' : np.array([ 3.75 , 0 , 0.038 , 0 , 1 , 10]), 'ITU_PLASTERBOARD' : np.array([ 2.94 , 0 , 0.0116 , 0.7076 , 1 , 100]), 'ITU_WOOD' : np.array([ 1.99 , 0 , 0.0047 , 1.0718 , 0.001 , 100]), 'ITU_GLASS' : np.array([ 6.27 , 0 , 0.0043 , 1.1925 , 0.1 , 100]), 'ITU_METAL' : np.array([ 1 , 0 , 1e7 , 0 , 0.1 , 100]), 'ITU_CEILINGBOARD' : np.array([ 1.50 , 0 , 0.0005 , 1.1634 , 1 , 100]), 'ITU_CHIPBOARD' : np.array([ 2.58 , 0 , 0.0217 , 0.7800 , 1 , 100]), 'ITU_FLOORBOARD' : np.array([ 3.66 , 0 , 0.0044 , 1.3515 , 50 , 100]), 'ITU_VERYDRYGROUND' : np.array([ 3 , 0 , 0.00015 , 2.52 , 1 , 10]), 'ITU_MEDIUMDRYGROUND' : np.array([ 15 , -0.1 , 0.035 , 1.63 , 1 , 10]), 'ITU_WETGROUND' : np.array([ 30 , -0.4 , 0.15 , 1.30 , 1 , 10]) } # Parameters a,b,c,d # Table 3 Rec ITU-R P.2040.1 # # epsrp = a * fGHZ ** b # sigma = c * fGHZ ** d # if (name in ITU_P2040_T3.keys()): abcd = ITU_P2040_T3[name] self['a'] = abcd[0] self['b'] = abcd[1] self['c'] = abcd[2] self['d'] = abcd[3]
[docs] def eval(self, fGHz): """ evaluate Mat at given frequencies Parameters ---------- fGHz : np.array() frequency (GHz) Notes ----- w = 2*np.pi*f*1e-9 eps0 = 8.854e-12 100 MHz = 0.1 GHz 10 MHz = 0.01 GHz sigma/(w*eps0) = sigma/(2*pi*fGHz*1e9*eps0) sigma/(w*eps0) = sigma/(2*pi*fGHz*1e9*8.854e-12) sigma/(w*eps0) = sigma/(2*pi*fGHz*1e-3*8.854) sigma/(w*eps0) = 17.98 * sigma/fGHz """ #self['fGHz'] = fGHz if self['a'] == None: epsc = self['epr'] - 1j * 17.98 * abs(self['sigma']) / fGHz else: # from P.2040 epsr = self['a'] * fGHz**self['b'] sigma = self['c'] * fGHz**self['d'] epsc = epsr - 1j * 17.98 * sigma / fGHz return(epsc)
[docs] def info(self): """ display material properties """ print("---------------------------------") for k in self: print(k, self[k])
#print " " #print "name : ", #print "index :",self.index #print "epr :",self.epr #print "mur : ",self.mur #print "sigma :",self.sigma #print "roughness : ",self.roughness
[docs] def R(self, fGHz, theta): """ Calculate Reflection coefficient on the air|mat interface Parameters ---------- fGHz : frequency GHz theta : incidence angle referenced from interface normal Returns ------- Ro,Rp : orthogonal and parallel Reflexion coefficient """ air = Mat('AIR') lmat = [air, self] Nf = len(fGHz) Nt = np.shape(theta)[1] fGHz.reshape(Nf, 1) theta.reshape(1, Nt) II = MatInterface(lmat, 0, fGHz, theta) II.RT() Ro = II.Ro Rp = II.Rp return Ro, Rp
[docs]class MatDB(PyLayers,dict): """ MatDB Class : Material database Attributes ---------- di : dict associate numeric and alphanumeric keys """ def __init__(self, _fileini='',dm={}): """ class constructor Parameters ---------- _fileini : string Notes ----- There are 2 ways to load a MatDB either from a file or a dict. """ if _fileini!='': self._fileini = _fileini self.load(_fileini) else: for matname in dm.keys(): if 'name' in dm[matname].keys(): dm[matname].pop('name') M = Mat(matname,**dm[matname]) #ddm = dm[matname] # fill each field of the dict #for k in ddm: # M[k] = dm[matname][k] # update the MatDB with M self[matname] = M def __repr__(self): st = 'List of Materials' if hasattr(self,'_fileini'): st = st+ 'from '+self._fileini+'\n' else: st = st+'\n' st = st+'-------------------\n' for k in self: epsr = "%.2f" % abs(self[k]['epr']) sigma = "%.2f" % abs(self[k]['sigma']) st = st+k+'|epsr|='+ epsr +' sigma (S/m)='+sigma+'\n' return(st)
[docs] def info(self): """ get MatDB info TODO : make a __repr__ """ for i in self: S = self[i]
[docs] def delete(self, name): """ Delete a material in the DB Parameters ---------- name : string """ self.__delitem__(name)
[docs] def edit(self, name): """ Edit a material in the DB Parameters ---------- name : vstring """ data = multenterbox('Material', 'Enter', ('name', 'epr', 'mur', 'sigma', 'roughness'), (name, str(M.epr), str(M.mur), M.sigma, M.roughness)) self['name'] = data[0] self['epr'] = eval(data[2]) self['mur'] = eval(data[3]) self['sigma'] = eval(data[4]) self['roughness'] = eval(data[5])
# update keys association dictionnary
[docs] def add(self,**kwargs): """ add a material in the DB Parameters ---------- name : string material name cval : float or complex epsilon or index sigma : float or complex conductivity mur : float relative permeability typ : string {'epsr'|'ind'|,'reim',|'THz'|'itu'} Notes ----- Different ways to enter a material are : i) 'epsr' : epsr and sigma cval = epsr sigma = sigma ii) 'ind' : indice @ fGHz cval = indice iii) 'reim' : real(epsr) and imag(epsr) @fGHz iv) 'THz' v) ITU parameter (a,b,c,d) Examples -------- >>> from pylayers.antprop.slab import * >>> m = MatDB() >>> m.load('matDB.ini') >>> m.add(name='ConcreteJcB',cval=3.5+0*1j,alpha_cmm1=1.9,fGHz=120,typ='THz') >>> m.add(name='GlassJcB',cval=3.5+0*1j,alpha_cmm1=1.9,fGHz=120,typ='THz') >>> out ='Jacob.ini') """ defaults = {'name':'MAT', 'cval':1+0*1j, 'sigma':0, 'alpha_cmm1':1, 'mur':1, 'fGHz':1, 'typ':'epsr' } for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k]=defaults[k] # get the next available index M = Mat(kwargs['name']) M['fGHz'] = kwargs['fGHz'] if kwargs['typ'] == 'epsr': M['epr'] = kwargs['cval'] M['sigma'] = kwargs['sigma'] if kwargs['typ']== 'reim': M['epsr'] = kwargs['cval'] M['n'] = np.sqrt(kwargs['mur']*M['epsr']) # warning check causality M['epr'] = np.real(M['epsr']) M['epr2'] = np.imag(M['epsr']) M['sigma'] = -M['epr2'] * M['fGHz'] / 17.98 if kwargs['typ'] == 'ind': M['n'] = kwargs['cval'] M['epsr'] = kwargs['cval'] ** 2 / kwargs['mur'] M['epr'] = np.real(M['epsr']) M['epr2'] = np.imag(M['epsr']) M['sigma'] = -M['epr2'] * M['fGHz'] / 17.98 # # Terahertz Dielectric Properties of Polymers Yun-Sik Jin # Terahertz characterization of building materials (R.Piesiewicz) El.Jou Jan 2005 Vol 41 N18 # if kwargs['typ'] == 'THz': M['n'] = kwargs['cval'] M['alpha_cmm1'] = kwargs['alpha_cmm1'] M['kappa'] = 30 * M['alpha_cmm1'] / (4 * np.pi * M['fGHz']) M['epr'] = np.real(M['n'] ** 2 - M['kappa'] ** 2) M['epr2'] = np.real(2 * M['kappa'] * M['n']) M['sigma'] = M['epr2'] * M['fGHz'] / 17.98 M['Z'] = 1.0 / np.sqrt(M['epr'] + 1j * M['epr2']) if kwargs['typ'] == 'itu': M['a'] = a M['b'] = b M['c'] = c M['d'] = d M['mur'] = kwargs['mur'] M['roughness'] = 0 self[kwargs['name']] = M
# updating dictionnary
[docs] def addgui(self, name='MAT'): """ Add a material in the DB Parameters ---------- name : string default 'MAT' """ #max = self.maxindex() data = multenterbox('Material', 'Enter', ('name', 'epr', 'mur', 'sigma', 'roughness'), (name, '(1+0j)', '(1+0j)', 0, 0)) M = Mat(data[0]) M['epr'] = eval(data[2]) M['mur'] = eval(data[3]) M['sigma'] = eval(data[4]) M['roughness'] = eval(data[5]) self[name] = M
[docs] def choose(self): """ Choose a mat from matdir """ import tkFileDialog FD = tkFileDialog filename = FD.askopenfilename(filetypes=[("Mat file ", "*.ini"), ("All", "*")], title="Please choose a Material .ini file", initialdir=matdir) _filename = pyu.getshort(filename) self.load(_filename)
[docs] def load(self,_fileini): """Load a Material from a .ini file Parameters ---------- _fileini : string name of the matDB file (usually matDB.ini) Notes ----- TODO add the ITU format (abcd) """ fileini = pyu.getlong(_fileini, pstruc['DIRMAT']) materials = configparser.ConfigParser() for k,matname in enumerate(materials.sections()): M = Mat(name=matname) M['sigma'] = eval(materials.get(matname,'sigma')) M['roughness'] = eval(materials.get(matname,'roughness')) M['epr'] = eval(materials.get(matname,'epr')) M['mur'] = eval(materials.get(matname,'mur')) self[matname] = M
[docs] def save(self,_fileini='matDB.ini'): """ save MatDB in an ini file [dict] id1 = name1 [name1] epsr = mur = sigma = roughness = """ fileini = pyu.getlong(_fileini, pstruc['DIRMAT']) fd = open(fileini, "w") config = configparser.ConfigParser() # # config names # config.add_section("dict") for name in self: config.add_section(name) try: config.set(name, "epr", str(self[name]['epr'])) except: config.set(name, "epr", '(9+0j)') try: config.set(name, "mur", str(self[name]['mur'])) except: config.set(name, "mur", '(1+0j)') try: config.set(name, "sigma", str(self[name]['sigma'])) except: config.set(name, "sigma", '(0+0j)') try: config.set(name, "roughness", str(self[name]['roughness'])) except: config.set(name, "roughness", '0') config.write(fd) fd.close()
[docs]class Slab(Interface,dict): """ Handle a Slab Notes ----- A Slab is a sequence of layers which have - a given width - a given material from the material DB Attributes ---------- name : Slab name nbmat : Number of layers index : Slab Index lmatname : list of material name lthick : list of thickness of layers color : color of slab dor display linewidth : linewidth for structure display mat : Associated Material Database evaluated : Boolean """ def __init__(self,name,matDB,ds={}): """ class constructor Parameters ---------- name : string slab name matDB : MatDB material database ds : dict """ # if not specified choose default material database #super(Slab,self).__init__() Interface.__init__(self) #if mat==[]: # self.mat = MatDB() #else: # self.mat = mat self['name'] = name if ds=={}: self['lmatname'] = ['AIR'] self['lthick'] = [0.1] self['color'] = 'black' self['linewidth'] = 1.0 else: self['lmatname'] = ds['lmatname'] self['lthick'] = ds['lthick'] self['color'] = ds['color'] self['linewidth'] = ds['linewidth'] self['evaluated'] = False if matDB!=[]: self.conv(matDB) def __setitem__(self,key,value): """ dictionnary setter lmatname can be changed and lthick is imposed @ 5cm per layer lthick can be changed provided the number of layer is correct """ if key == "lmatname": nbmat = len(value) #for na in value: # if na not in self.mat: # print(self.mat.__repr__()) # raise ValueError(na+ ' not in material Database') dict.__setitem__(self,"lmatname", value) #dict.__setitem__(self,"nbmat",nbmat) dict.__setitem__(self,"lthick",[0.05]*nbmat) elif key == "lthick": #pdb.set_trace() #if len(value)!=len(self['lmatname']): # raise ValueError("wrong number of material layers") #else: dict.__setitem__(self,"lthick",value) else: dict.__setitem__(self,key, value) def __add__(self,u): """ This function makes the addition between 2 Slabs Parameters ---------- u : Slab """ name = self['name']+u['name'] U = Slab(name,[]) # lmatname should be modified before lthick U['lmatname'] = self['lmatname']+u['lmatname'] U['lthick'] = self['lthick']+u['lthick'] U['lmat'] = self['lmat']+u['lmat'] #for i in range(len(U['lmatname'])): # namem = U['lmatname'][i] #U.conv(matDB) return(U) def __repr__(self): st = self['name']+' : ' st1 = '' for x in self['lmatname']: st1 = st1 + '|' + x st = st + st1 + '\n' st = st + str(self['lthick']) + '\n' st = st + ' ' + str(self['color'])+' '+str(self['linewidth']) + '\n' for k in self['lmat']: st = st + ' epr :' + str(k['epr']) + ' sigma : ' + str(k['sigma']) + '\n' if self['evaluated']: nf = len(self.fGHz) nt = len(self.theta) if nf > 1: st = st + "f(GHz) : " + str((self.fGHz[0], self.fGHz[-1], nf))+'\n' else: st = st + "f(GHz) : " + str(self.fGHz[0])+'\n' if nt > 1: st= st + "theta (rad) : " + str((self.theta[0], self.theta[-1], nt))+'\n' else: st = st + "theta (rad) : " + str(self.theta[0])+'\n' return(st)
[docs] def info(self): """ display Slab Info Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from pylayers.antprop.slab import * >>> sl = SlabDB('matDB.ini','slabDB.ini') >>> lmatname = ['PLATRE-57GHz','AIR','PLATRE-57GHz'] >>> lthick = [0.018,0.03,0.018] >>> sl.add('placo',lmatname,lthick) >>> theta = np.arange(0,np.pi/2,0.01) >>> fGHz = np.array([57.5]) >>> sl['placo'].eval(fGHz,theta) >>> fig,ax=sl['placo'].plotwrt(var='a',typ=['m']) >>> plt.ion() >>> """ print("------------") print("name : ", self['name']) print("nbmat : ", len(self['lmatname'])) chaine = "[ " for name in self['lmatname']: Mat(name).info() if self['evaluated']: epsrc = Mat(name).eval(self.fGHz[0]) print("epsrc : ", epsrc) chaine = chaine + name + ' ' chaine = chaine + ']' print("color : ", self['color']) print("linewidth :", self['linewidth']) if self['evaluated']: print("---------------------") nf = len(self.fGHz) nt = len(self.theta) if nf > 1: print("f (GHz) : ", (self.fGHz[0], self.fGHz[-1], nf)) else: print("f (GHz) : ", self.fGHz[0]) if nt > 1: print("theta : ", (self.theta[0], self.theta[-1], nt)) else: print("th (rad) : ", self.theta[0])
[docs] def conv(self,matDB): """ build the Slab list of materials lmat """ self['lmat'] = [] for matname in self['lmatname']: if type(matname)==int: pdb.set_trace() if 'ITU_' in matname: mi = Mat(matname) else: mi = matDB[matname] self['lmat'].append(mi)
[docs] def eval(self, fGHz=np.array([1.0]), theta=np.linspace(0, np.pi / 2, 50),compensate=False,RT='RT'): """ evaluation of the Slab Parameters ---------- fGHz : frequency GHz ( np.array([1.0]) ) theta : np.array incidence angle (from normal) radians compensate : boolean RT : string """ if not isinstance(fGHz, np.ndarray): fGHz = np.array([fGHz]) if not isinstance(theta, np.ndarray): theta = np.array([theta]) theta_in = copy.deepcopy(theta) self.theta = theta self.fGHz = fGHz theta_in = copy.deepcopy(theta) nf = len(fGHz) #nt = len(theta) #thetai = theta[0] #thetaf = theta[-1] ### WARNING thetas can be NOT sorted. ### thetai should be min(theta) ### thetaf should be max(theta) #th1 = np.linspace(thetai,thetaf,nt) metalic = False name1 = '|'.join(mat for mat in self['lmatname']) name2 = '|'.join(str(thick) for thick in self['lthick']) name = '(' + name1 + ')' + '(' + name2 + ')' #super(Slab,self).__init__(fGHz=fGHz, theta=theta, name=name) Interface.__init__(self, fGHz, theta, name=name) #self.lmat = lmat #self.lthick = lthick self.n = len(self['lmat']) + 2 #nf = len(fGHz) #nt = np.shape(self.theta)[1] Co = np.array(np.zeros([, self.nt, 2, 2]), dtype=complex) Co[:, :, 0, 0] = 1 Co[:, :, 1, 1] = 1 # _Co= np.eye(2,dtype=complex) Cp = np.array(np.zeros([, self.nt, 2, 2]), dtype=complex) Cp[:, :, 0, 0] = 1 Cp[:, :, 1, 1] = 1 # _Cp = np.eye(2,dtype=complex) # # loop over the s n-1 materials # lmat[0] est toujours l'air ( modifier) # for i in range(self.n - 1): if i == 0: # first material is AIR ml = Mat('AIR') else: ml = self['lmat'][i - 1] if i == self.n - 2: mr = Mat('AIR') # last material is AIR else: mr = self['lmat'][i] if mr['name'] == 'METAL': Io = np.array(np.ones([, self.nt, 2, 2]), dtype=complex) Io[:, :, 0, 1] = -1 Io[:, :, 1, 0] = -1 # _Io=np.eye(2,dtype=complex)+np.eye(2)-1 Ip = np.array(np.ones([, self.nt, 2, 2]), dtype=complex) Ip[:, :, 0, 1] = 1 Ip[:, :, 1, 0] = 1 # _Ip=np.eye(2,dtype=complex)+np.eye(2)-1 else: if i == self.n - 2: II = MatInterface([ml, mr], 0, fGHz, theta) else: II = MatInterface([ml, mr], self['lthick'][i], fGHz, theta) # # chains the angle, theta can be complex # theta = II.theta # # theta depends on frequency f x th # # THETA = II.THETA Io = II.Io Ip = II.Ip # # dot product Co.Io and Cp.Ip # # old version (keep it for demonstation) # ----------- #for kf in range(nf): # for kt in range(nt): # T =[kf,kt,:,:],Io[kf,kt,:,:]) # Co[kf,kt,:,:] = T # U =[kf,kt,:,:],Ip[kf,kt,:,:]) # Cp[kf,kt,:,:] = U # # Using Einstein summation instead of a for loop increases speed by an order of magnitude # # Co = np.einsum('ijkl,ijln->ijkn', Co, Io) # Cp = np.einsum('ijkl,ijln->ijkn', Cp, Ip) ### array broadcasing version , new increased speed in regard of einsum Co = np.sum(Co[...,:,:,None]*Io[...,None,:,:], axis=3) Cp = np.sum(Cp[...,:,:,None]*Ip[...,None,:,:], axis=3) if mr['name'] == 'METAL': metalic = True break self.Io = Co # attempt to fix bug self.Ip = Cp #self.Ip = -Cp # evaluate reflection and transmission matrix self.RT(metalic,RT=RT) # if compensate: # fGHz = fGHz.reshape(nf,1,1,1) # th1 = th1.reshape(1,nt,1,1) # thickness = sum(self['lthick']) # d = thickness*np.cos(th1) # self.T = self.T*np.exp(1j*2*np.pi*fGHz*d/0.3) # Modification probably not compliant with coverage !!!! # TODO !!! if compensate: thickness = sum(self['lthick']) #pdb.set_trace() #d = thickness*np.cos(theta) d = thickness*np.cos(theta_in[None,:]) self.T = self.T*np.exp(1j*2*np.pi* fGHz[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis,np.newaxis] *d[:,:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis] /0.3) # if 'T' in RT: # epr = [m['epr'] for m in self['lmat']] # epr = sum(epr) # # theta[0] just for 1 freq # self.costt = np.sqrt((epr-1+np.cos(theta[0])**2)/epr) # = sum(self['lthick'])/self.costt # self.gamma = np.cos(theta[0])/self.costt # self.alpha = np.array(([1./epr]),dtype=complex) self['evaluated'] = True
[docs] def filter(self,win,theta=0): """ filtering waveform Parameters ---------- win : Waveform Returns ------- wout : Waveform Notes ----- NOT IMPLEMENTED """ # get frequency base of the waveform f = win.sf.x self.eval(f,theta) wout = Wafeform() return(wout)
[docs] def excess_grdelay(self,fGHz=np.arange(2.4,4.0,0.1),theta=np.array([0])): """ calculate transmission excess delay in ns Parameters ---------- fGHz : array default arange(2.4,4,0.1) theta : default 0 Returns ------- delayo : excess delay polarization o delayp : excess delay polarization p Examples -------- #>>> from pylayers.antprop.slab import * #>>> from matplotlib.pylab import * #>>> import numpy as np #>>> sl = SlabDB('matDB.ini','slabDB.ini') #>>> s1 = sl['PARTITION'] #>>> fGHz = np.arange(3.1,10.6,0.1) #>>> delayo,delayp = s1.excess_grdelay(fGHz,0) #>>> lineo = plt.plot(fGHz[0:-1],delayo) #>>> linep = plt.plot(fGHz[0:-1],delayp) #>>> """ assert len(fGHz)>2 , "fGHz too short needs more than one frequency point" df = fGHz[1]-fGHz[0] self.eval(fGHz,theta=theta,compensate=True) # f x th x p x q T = self.T To = T[:,:,0,0] Tp = T[:,:,1,1] ao = np.unwrap(np.angle(To),axis=0) ap = np.unwrap(np.angle(Tp),axis=0) delayo = -np.mean(np.diff(ao,axis=0)/(2*np.pi*df),axis=0) delayp = -np.mean(np.diff(ap,axis=0)/(2*np.pi*df),axis=0) return (delayo,delayp)
[docs] def tocolor(self, fGHz=np.array([2.4])): """ convert slab properrties into a color Parameters ---------- fGHz : np.array Examples -------- >>> sl = SlabDB('matDB.ini','slabDB.ini') >>> s1 = sl['PARTITION'] >>> col24 = s1.tocolor(np.array([2.4])) >>> fGHz = np.arange(0.5,8,100) >>> col8 = s1.tocolor(fGHz) """ self.eval(fGHz, theta=np.array([0.0]),compensate=True) color = Interface.tocolor(self, fGHz) return(color)
[docs] def loss0(self, fGHz=2.4): """ calculate loss for theta=0 at frequency (fGHz) Parameters ---------- fGHz : frequency (GHz) np.array() default 2.4 Returns ------- Lo : np.array Loss at 0 deg polarization ortho Lp : np.array Loss at 0 deg polarization para Examples -------- >>> from pylayers.antprop.slab import * >>> sl = SlabDB('matDB.ini','slabDB.ini') >>> s1 = sl['AIR'] >>> Lo,Lp = s1.loss0(2.4) >>> assert (np.allclose(Lo[0],0)),'Problem with AIR slab loss' >>> assert (np.allclose(Lo[0],Lp[0])),'something wrong with polarization' """ self.eval(fGHz, theta=np.array([0.0]),compensate=True) Lo, Lp = Interface.loss0(self, fGHz) return(Lo, Lp)
[docs] def losst(self, fGHz, theta): """ Calculate loss w.r.t angle and frequency Parameters ---------- fGHz : np.array() frequency (GHz) theta : np.array theta angle (radians) Returns ------- Lo : np.array Loss orthogonal Lp : np.array Loss paralell """ # for backward compatibility if type(theta)==float: theta = np.array([theta]) self.eval(fGHz, theta) Lo, Lp = Interface.losst(self, fGHz) return(Lo, Lp)
[docs] def show(self, fGHz=2.4, theta=np.arange(0, np.pi / 2., 0.01), dtype=np.float64, dB=False): """ show slab Reflection and Transmission coefficient Parameters ---------- fGHz : float theta : np.array dtype : display : string {'modulus'} dB : boolean False """ self.eval(fGHz, theta) if self['evaluated']: fig,ax=self.M.plotwrt(var='a',typ=['l20']) return fig,ax
[docs]class SlabDB(dict): """ Slab data base Attributes ---------- DB : slab dictionnary """ def __init__(self,fileslab='', filemat='', ds={}, dm={'AIR': {'mur':(1+0j),'epr':(1+0j),'roughness':0.0,'sigma':0.0}, '_AIR': {'mur':(1+0j),'epr':(1+0j),'roughness':0.0,'sigma':0.0}, 'METAL': {'mur':(1+0j),'epr':(1+0j),'roughness':0.0,'sigma':10000000}} ): """ class constructor Parameters ---------- filemat : string fileslab : string ds : dict slab dict read from layout file. if ds == {} load from files dm : dict mat dict read from layout file. Notes ----- There are two ways to initialize a SlabDB either from dict ds and dm usually read in the Layout file .ini or from 2 specified file """ # Load from file if (fileslab != ''): self.fileslab = fileslab if filemat!='': self.filemat = filemat self.mat = MatDB(filemat) else: self.mat = MatDB('matDB.ini') self.load(fileslab) # Load from dict else : assert(type(dm)==dict) assert(type(ds)==dict) # copier le contenu du load ici #self.update(ds) self.mat = MatDB(dm=dm) for slabname in ds: # create slab slabname from ds S = Slab(slabname,self.mat,ds=ds[slabname]) # #for k in ds[slabname]: # S[k] = ds[slabname][k] #S['nmat']=len(ds[slabname]['lmatname']) #S.conv() # add slab to SlabDB self[slabname]=S def __repr__(self): st = 'List of Slabs\n' st = st + '-----------------------------'+'\n'+'\n' for i in self.keys(): st = st + self[i].__repr__() # #st = "Slab file name : " + self.fileslab+ '\n' #st = st + "Material file name : " + self.mat.fileini+'\n' return(st) def __contains__(self,sl): """ slabDB contains slab """ if type(sl).__name__ == 'str': return sl in self.keys() elif type(sl).__name__ == 'Slab': return sl['name'] in self.keys() def __add__(self,sl): """ add new slab to a slabDB or new slabDB to slabDB """ # defaults = {'name':'MAT', # 'cval':1+0*1j, # 'sigma':0, # 'alpha_cmm1':1, # 'mur':1, # 'fGHz':1, # 'typ':'epsr' # } if type(sl).__name__ == Slab.__name__: if sl not in self: # check if material is in the self.mat # otherwise add it lmatname = sl['lmatname'] mat_exist = [m in self.mat for m in lmatname] # add material if not exist in MatDB [self.mat.add(**sl['lmat'][i]) for i in range(len(lmatname)) if not mat_exist[i]] self[sl['name']]=sl elif type(sl).__name__ == SlabDB.__name__: pass
[docs] def showall(self): """ show all slabs """ lsl = self.keys() k = len(lsl) nl = k / 2 cpt = 1 for k in lsl: plt.figure() self[k].show()
[docs] def delete(self, name): """ delete an element from the database Parameters ---------- name : string """ self.__delitem__(name)
[docs] def edit(self, name): """ edit a Slab in the DB Parameters ---------- name : string """ slab = self[name] slab.edit()
[docs] def show(self, name='WOOD', fGHz=np.array([2.4])): """ evaluate and show a given slab Parameters ---------- name : string fGHz : np.array """ slab = self[name] slab.eval(fGHz=fGHz) fig,ax = slab.M.plotwrt(var='a') return fig,ax
[docs] def add(self, name, lmatname, lthick, color='black'): """ add a slab from its properties Parameters ---------- name : string lmatname : list of mat name lthick : list ot float list of layer thickness in meters Examples -------- Examples from the paper: "Reflection and Transmission Properties of Building Materials in D-Band for Modeling Future mm-Wave Communication Systems " Martin Jacob and Thomas Kurner and Robert Geise and Radoslaw Piesiewicz EUCAP 2010 .. plot:: :include-source: >>> from pylayers.antprop.slab import * >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pylab as plt >>> sl = SlabDB(filemat='matDB.ini',fileslab='slabDB.ini') >>> sl.mat.add(name='ConcreteJc',cval=3.5,alpha_cmm1=1.9,fGHz=120,typ='THz') >>> sl.mat.add(name='GlassJc',cval=2.55,alpha_cmm1=2.4,fGHz=120,typ='THz') >>> sl.add('ConcreteJc',['ConcreteJc'],[0.049]) >>> sl.add('DoubleGlass',['GlassJc','AIR','GlassJc'],[0.0029,0.0102,0.0029]) >>> theta = np.linspace(20,60,100)*np.pi/180 >>> sl['ConcreteJc'].eval(120,theta) >>> f,a=sl['ConcreteJc'].plotwrt(var='a',typ=['l20']) >>> fig = plt.figure() >>> sl['DoubleGlass'].eval(120,theta) >>> f,a = sl['DoubleGlass'].plotwrt(var='a',typ=['l20']) >>> freq = np.linspace(110,135,50) >>> fig = plt.figure() >>> sl['DoubleGlass'].eval(freq,theta) >>> sl['DoubleGlass'].pcolor(dB=True) Exemple from paper `"[Kiani2007] Glass Characterization for Designing Frequency Selective Surfaces to Improve Transmission through Energy saving glass windows Kiani 2007" <>`_ The surface impedance is :math:`R = 4 \Omega`, the thicknesss is :math:`d = 100 nm` `Pilkington Spectrum OnLine applet <>`_ `Design of Energy Saving Windows with high Transmission at 900MHz and 1800 MHz <>`_ .. math:: \sigma = \\frac{1}{Rd} = 2.5 10^{6} S/m .. plot:: :include-source: >>> from pylayers.antprop.slab import * >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pylab as plt >>> sl = SlabDB(filemat='matDB.ini',fileslab='slabDB.ini') >>> sl.mat.add(name='CoatingPilkington',cval=1,sigma=2.5e6,typ='epsr') >>> sl.mat.add(name='GlassPilkington',cval = 6.9,sigma = 5e-4,typ='epsr') >>> sl.add('Optitherm382',['CoatingPilkington','GlassPilkington'],[100e-9,0.00382]) >>> fGHz = np.linspace(0.9,2.2,50) >>> theta = np.linspace(0,np.pi/2,100) >>> sl['Optitherm382'].eval(fGHz,theta) >>> sl['Optitherm382'].pcolor(dB=True) """ U = Slab(name,self.mat) U['lmatname'] = lmatname U['lthick'] = lthick U['color'] = color U['linewidth'] = 1 U['evaluated'] = False U.conv(self.mat) self[name] = U
[docs] def addgui(self, name): """ add a slab in the DB Parameters ---------- name """ U = Slab(name,self.mat) U.edit() self[] = U
[docs] def load(self,_fileini='slabDB.ini'): """Load a Material from a .ini file Parameters ---------- _fileini : string """ fileini = pyu.getlong(_fileini, pstruc['DIRMAT']) config = configparser.ConfigParser() if hasattr(self,'mat'): if len(self.mat)==0: mat = MatDB('matDB.ini') self.mat = mat else: mat = MatDB('matDB.ini') self.mat = mat for k,slabname in enumerate(config.sections()): # warning the Slab takes the whole Material Database S = Slab(slabname,self.mat) S['lmatname']=eval(config.get(slabname,'lmatname')) #S['nbmat']=len(S['lmatname']) S['color']=config.get(slabname,'color') S['lthick']=eval(config.get(slabname,'lthick')) S['linewidth']=eval(config.get(slabname,'linewidth')) S.conv(self.mat) self[slabname] = S
[docs] def save(self,_fileini='slabDB.ini'): """ save SlabDB in a .ini file Parameters ---------- _fileini : string """ fileini = pyu.getlong(_fileini, pstruc['DIRSLAB']) fd = open(fileini, "w") config = configparser.ConfigParser() # # config names # config.add_section("dict") for name in self: config.add_section(name) config.set(name, 'color', str(self[name]['color'])) config.set(name, 'linewidth', self[name]['linewidth']) config.set(name, 'lthick', self[name]['lthick']) config.set(name, 'lmatname', self[name]['lmatname']) config.write(fd) fd.close()
# class Wedge(Interface,dict): # """ Handle a Wedge # A Wedge is a cone with, on its 2 faces : # - a Material/Slab s0 # - a Material/slab sn # Attributes # ---------- # mat : MatDB # Associated Material Database # s0 : string |Mat | Slab # Material name |Material |Slab on face 0 # sn : string |Mat | Slab # Material name |Material |Slab on face n # evaluated : Boolean # """ # def __init__(self, mat=[], s0='WOOD', sn='WOOD',alpha=np.array([])): # """ class constructor # Parameters # ---------- # mat : # name : string # Wedge name # Example # ------- # >>> from pylayers.antprop.slab import * # >>> SDB=SlabDB() # >>> s0 = SDB['3D_WINDOW_GLASS'] # >>> sn = SDB['PARTITION'] # >>> W=Wedge(s0=s0,sn=sn) # """ # # if not specified choose default material database # super(Wedge,self).__init__() # if mat==[]: # self.mat = MatDB() # else: # self.mat = mat # # slab 0 is a string name # if isinstance(s0,str): # self['name0']= s0 # try: # self['mat0']=self.mat[s0] # except: # raise AttributeError('s0 is not a material from MatDB') # else: # if isinstance(s0,Mat): # self['mat0']=s0 # self['name0']=s0['name'] # elif isinstance(s0,Slab): # self['mat0']=s0['lmat'][0] # self['name0']=s0['lmatname'][0] # # slab n is a string name # if isinstance(sn,str): # self['namen']= sn # try: # self['matn']=self.mat[sn] # except: # raise AttributeError('sn is not a material from MatDB') # else: # if isinstance(sn,Mat): # self['matn']=sn # self['namen']=sn['name'] # elif isinstance(sn,Slab): # self['matn']=sn['lmat'][0] # self['namen']=sn['lmatname'][0] # self['color'] = 'black' # self['linewidth'] = 1.0 # self['evaluated'] = False # self['alpha']=alpha # self['N']=alpha/np.pi # # def phi0phin(self,u0,si,so): # # """ # # Compute angle phi_0 and phi_nfrom face 0 regarding # # to unit vectors u0 and un along face 0 and n respectively # # Attributes # # ---------- # # u0 : ndarray (2|3xNp) # # unit vector along Np faces 0 # # si : ndarray (2|3x) # # unit vector along incidence ray # # un : ndarray (2|3xNp) # # unit vector along Np faces n # # """ # # geu.
[docs]def calsig(cval, fGHz, typ='epsr'): """ evaluate sigma from epsr or index at a given frequency Parameters ---------- cval : complex value {epsr | epsr ^2 } fGHz : frequency GHz type : {'epsr' | 'ind'} Returns ------- epr1 : ..math:: sigma : float conductivity (S/m) delta : """ if typ == 'epsr': epsr = cval if typ == 'ind': epsr = cval ** 2 epr1 = np.real(epsr) epr2 = np.imag(epsr) sigma = -epr2 * fGHz / 17.98 n = np.sqrt(epsr) n2 = -np.imag(n) delta = (0.3 / (2 * np.pi * fGHz * n2)) return(epr1, sigma, delta)
[docs]def calRT_homogeneous_model(x,epsr,d,fGHz,theta): """ calculate R and T for an homogeneous Slab Parameters ---------- x : np.array() conductivity epsr : complex permittivity d : thickness The model is a slab of thickness d with a known epsr and variable conductivity sigma Returns ------- Rpara , Rortho , Tpara , Tortho """ dm ={} dm['ukn']={'epr':epsr,'mur':1,'sigma':x[0],'roughness':0} ds = {'lthick':[d],'lmatname':['ukn'],'color':'black','linewidth':2} S=Slab('void',MatDB(dm=dm),ds=ds) S.eval(fGHz=fGHz,theta=ang) Rpara = np.abs(S.R[:,:,0,0]) Rortho = np.abs(S.R[:,:,1,1]) Tpara = np.abs(S.T[:,:,0,0]) Tortho = np.abs(S.T[:,:,0,0]) return Rpara,Rortho,Tpara,Tortho
[docs]def calRT_3layers_model(x,epsr,d,fGHz,theta): """ calculate R and T for an homogeneous Slab Parameters ---------- x : np.array() conductivity (S/m) delta (m) epsr : complex permittivity d : thickness The model is a 3 layer slab of thickness d d - delta/2 epsr , sigma delta epsr = 1 sigma = 0 (AIR) d - delta/2 epsr , sigma Returns ------- Rpara , Rortho , Tpara , Tortho """ dm ={} dm['ukn']={'epr':epsr,'mur':1,'sigma':x[0],'roughness':0} ds = {'lthick':[d-x[1]/2.,x[1],d-x[1]/2.],'lmatname':['ukn','AIR','ukn'],'color':'black','linewidth':2} S=Slab('void',MatDB(dm=dm),ds=ds) S.eval(fGHz=fGHz,theta=ang) Rpara = np.abs(S.R[:,:,0,0]) Rortho = np.abs(S.R[:,:,1,1]) Tpara = np.abs(S.T[:,:,0,0]) Tortho = np.abs(S.T[:,:,0,0]) return Rpara,Rortho,Tpara,Tortho
if (__name__ == "__main__"): #plt.ion() doctest.testmod() sl = SlabDB('matDB.ini','slabDB.ini') s1 = sl['PILLAR'] fGHz=np.arange(0.6,5.0,0.1)