
class pylayers.antprop.slab.MatInterface(lmat, l, fGHz, theta)[source]

Bases: pylayers.antprop.slab.Interface

MatInterface : Class for Interface between two materials

l distance from the next Interface

This is required for recursive utilization of this function when the output angle of an interface happens to be the input angle of the next interface. As this angle depends on materials which themselves depends on frequency THETA is becoming a full matrix without redundancy between lines.

>>> theta = np.arange(0,np.pi/2,0.01)
>>> fGHz = np.arange(3.1,10.6,0.2)
>>> Nf = len(fGHz)
>>> Nt = len(theta)
>>> sl = SlabDB('matDB.ini','slabDB.ini')
>>> mat = sl.mat
>>> m1 = mat['AIR']
>>> m2 = mat['PLASTER']
>>> II = MatInterface([m1,m2],0,fGHz,theta)

I_p = left| begin{array}{cc} frac{1}{T_p} & frac{R_p}{T_p} \ frac{R_p}{T_p} & frac{1}{T_p} end{array}right|

I_o = left| begin{array}{cc} frac{1}{T_o} & frac{R_o}{T_o} \ frac{R_o}{T_o} & frac{1}{T_o} end{array}right|