
class pylayers.antprop.signature.Signature(sig)[source]

Bases: pylayers.util.project.PyLayers, object

class Signature

seq : list of interaction point (edges (>0) or vertices (<0) [int] typ : list of interaction type 1-R 2-T 3-D [int] pa : tail point of interaction segment (2xN) ndarray pb : head point of interaction segment (2xN) ndarray pc : center point of interaction segment (2xN) ndarray

Methods Summary

backtrace(tx, rx, M)

backtrace given image, tx, and rx


evaluation of Signature


evaluation of Signature


evaluation of Signature (fast version)

evtx(L, tx, rx)

evaluate transmitter


compute the tx’s images with respect to the signature segments


show(L, tx, rx, **kwargs)


sig2ray(L, pTx, pRx)

convert a signature to a 2D ray


unfold a given signature

Methods Documentation

backtrace(tx, rx, M)[source]

backtrace given image, tx, and rx

txndarray (2x1)


rxndarray (2x1)


Mndarray (2xN)

N image points obtained using self.image method


True if the backtrace ends successfully

Yndarray (2 x (N+2))

sequence of points corresponding to the seek ray

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pylayers.gis.layout import *
>>> from pylayers.antprop.signature import *
>>> L = Layout('defstr.ini')
>>> s = Signature(seq)
>>> tx = np.array([760,1113])
>>> rx = np.array([762,1114])
>>> s.ev(L)
>>> M = s.image(tx)
>>> isvalid,Y = s.backtrace(tx,rx,M)
>>> fig,ax = L.showG('s',labels=1,aw=1,axes=1)
>>> l1 = ax.plot(tx[0],tx[1],'or')
>>> l2 = ax.plot(rx[0],rx[1],'og')
>>> l3 = ax.plot(M[0,:],M[1,:],'ob')
>>> l4 = ax.plot(Y[0,:],Y[1,:],'xk')
>>> ray = np.hstack((np.hstack((tx.reshape(2,1),Y)),rx.reshape(2,1)))
>>> l5 = ax.plot(ray[0,:],ray[1,:],color='#999999',alpha=0.6,linewidth=0.6)

(Source code)

For mathematical details see :

@INPROCEEDINGS{6546704, author={Laaraiedh, Mohamed and Amiot, Nicolas and Uguen, Bernard}, booktitle={Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2013 7th European Conference on}, title={Efficient ray tracing tool for UWB propagation and

localization modeling},

year={2013}, pages={2307-2311},}


evaluation of Signature

L : Layout

This function converts the sequence of interactions into numpy arrays which contains coordinates of segments extremities involved in the signature.

At that stage coordinates of extremities (tx and rx) is not known yet

members data

pa tail of segment (2xN) pb head of segment (2xN) pc the center of segment (2xN)

norm normal to the segment if segment in case the interaction is a point the normal is undefined and then set to 0.


evaluation of Signature

L : Layout

This function converts the sequence of interactions into numpy arrays which contains coordinates of segments extremities involved in the signature. At that level the coordinates of extremities (tx and rx) is not known yet.

members data

pa tail of segment (2xN) pb head of segment (2xN) pc the center of segment (2xN)

norm normal to the segment if segment in case the interaction is a point the normal is undefined and then set to 0


evaluation of Signature (fast version)

L : Layout

This function converts the sequence of interactions into numpy arrays which contains coordinates of segments extremities involved in the signature.

members data

pa tail of segment (2xN) pb head of segment (2xN)

evtx(L, tx, rx)[source]

evaluate transmitter

L : Layout tx : np.array (2xN) rx : np.array (2xM)



compute the tx’s images with respect to the signature segments

tx : numpy.ndarray

M : numpy.ndarray

show(L, tx, rx, **kwargs)[source]

L : Layout tx : rx : aw

sig2ray(L, pTx, pRx)[source]

convert a signature to a 2D ray

L : Layout pTx : ndarray

2D transmitter position


2D receiver position

Y : ndarray (2x(N+2))

Signature.image Signature.backtrace


unfold a given signature

returns 2 np.ndarray of pta and phe “aligned” reflexion interactions are mirrored

pta : np.array phe : np.array