Source code for pylayers.antprop.signature

#-*- coding:Utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
.. currentmodule:: pylayers.antprop.signature

.. autosummary::

import os
import glob
import doctest
import numpy as np
#import scipy as sp
import scipy.linalg as la
import pdb
import h5py
import copy
import time
import pickle
import networkx as nx
import shapely.geometry as shg
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import pylayers.gis.layout as layout
import pylayers.util.geomutil as geu
import pylayers.util.cone as cone
#import pylayers.util.graphutil as gph
import pylayers.util.pyutil as pyu
import pylayers.util.plotutil as plu
from pylayers.antprop.rays import Rays
from pylayers.util.project import *
import heapq
import shapely.geometry as sh
import shapely.ops as sho
from tqdm import tqdm
#from numba import autojit

[docs]def plot_lines(ax, ob, color = []): """ plot lines with colors Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib axis ob : list of lines color : list (optional) """ from descartes.patch import PolygonPatch for ii,line in enumerate(ob): if color == []: if ii ==0 : c ='g' elif ii == len(ob)-1: c ='r' else: c= 'k' else: c=color x, y = line.xy ax.plot(x, y, color=c, alpha=0.7, linewidth=3, solid_capstyle='round', zorder=2) return ax
[docs]def plot_poly(ax, ob, color = []): """ plot polygon Parameters ---------- ax : ob : """ from descartes.patch import PolygonPatch for ii,poly in enumerate(ob): pp = PolygonPatch(poly,alpha=0.3) ax.add_patch(pp) return ax
[docs]def showsig(L,s,tx=[],rx=[]): """ show signature Parameters ---------- L : Layout s : tx : rx : """ L.display['thin']=True fig,ax = L.showGs() L.display['thin']=False L.display['edlabel']=True L.showGs(fig=fig,ax=ax,edlist=s,width=4) if tx !=[]: plt.plot(tx[0],tx[1],'x') if rx !=[]: plt.plot(rx[0],rx[1],'+') plt.title(str(s)) L.display['edlabel']=False
[docs]def gidl(g): """ gi without diffraction Returns ------- gr : A graph """ edlist=[] pos={} for n in g.nodes(): if len(n)>1: edlist.append(n) gr = g.subgraph(edlist) for k in gr.edges(): #print(k) #di = gr[k[0]][k[1]] #ke = di['output'].keys() ke = gr[k[0]][k[1]]['output'] #ke = di['output'].keys() #va = di['output'].values() #keva = zip(ke,va) #keva_valid = [ x for x in keva if len(x[0])>1] ke_valid = [ x for x in ke if len(x)>1 ] #gr[k[0]][k[1]]['output'] = dict(keva_valid) gr[k[0]][k[1]]['output'] = ke_valid dpos = {k:g.pos[k] for k in edlist} gr.pos=dpos return(gr)
[docs]def shLtmp(L): seg_connect = {x:L.Gs.edge[x].keys() for x in L.Gs.nodes() if x >0} dpts = {x[0]:(L.Gs.pos[x[1][0]],L.Gs.pos[x[1][1]]) for x in seg_connect.items() } L._shseg = {p[0]:sh.LineString(p[1]) for p in dpts.items()}
[docs]def showsig2(lsig,L,tahe): if isinstance(lsig,list): lsig = np.array([(i[0],len(i)) for i in lsig]) for k in lsig: k0 = k[0] k1 = k[1] if k0>0: npt = L.Gs[k0].keys() pta = np.array(L.Gs.pos[npt[0]]) phe = np.array(L.Gs.pos[npt[1]]) if k1==2: plu.displot(pta.reshape(2,1),phe.reshape(2,1),color='r',linewidth=2) if k1 ==3: plu.displot(pta.reshape(2,1),phe.reshape(2,1),color='g',linewidth=2) for th in tahe: ta = th[0] he = th[1] plu.displot(ta.reshape(2,1),he.reshape(2,1),color='k',linewidth=1) tahe = np.array(tahe) # Nseg x tahe x xy pta = tahe[:,0,:].T #2 x Nseg phe = tahe[:,1,:].T # 2 x Nseg seq = lsig[:,0] if not (geu.ccw(pta[:,0],phe[:,0],phe[:,-1]) ^ geu.ccw(phe[:,0],phe[:,-1],pta[:,-1]) ): vr = ( pta[:,0],phe[:,-1]) vl = ( phe[:,0],pta[:,-1]) # twisted = True lef = sh.LineString((pta[:,0],phe[:,-1])) rig = sh.LineString((phe[:,0],pta[:,-1])) else: vr = ( pta[:,0],pta[:,-1]) vl = ( phe[:,0],phe[:,-1]) lef = sh.LineString((pta[:,0],pta[:,-1])) rig = sh.LineString((phe[:,0],phe[:,-1])) plt.ion() plt.gcf() #L.showG('s',labels=True) lines = [L._shseg[seq[0]]] plt.title(str(lsig)) plot_lines(ax=plt.gca(),ob=lines) plot_lines(ax=plt.gca(),ob=[lef],color='g') plot_lines(ax=plt.gca(),ob=[rig],color='r') plt.scatter(pta[0,:],pta[1,:],marker='d',s=70,label='tail') plt.scatter(phe[0,:],phe[1,:],marker='s',s=70,label='head') #plu.displot(vl[0].reshape(2,1),vl[1].reshape(2,1),arrow=True) #plu.displot(vr[0].reshape(2,1),vr[1].reshape(2,1),arrow=True) plt.axis('auto') plt.legend()
[docs]def valid(lsig,L,tahe=[]): """ Check if a signature is valid. if a segment of a given signature is not in or touches the polygon described by the 1st and last segment, the signature is not valid Parameters ---------- lsig : list of tuple from run |signatures L : layout tahe : lensig , ta|he , x,y Returns ------- inside : boolean is the signature valid ? """ lensi = len(lsig) if lensi<=3: return True # DEBUG # if lensi == 4: # if np.all(lsig == np.array([[ 5, 2, 67, 58],[ 2, 2, 3, 2]]).T): # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() # ensure compatibility with where # lsig is a list of tuple if isinstance(lsig,list): lsig = np.array([(i[0],len(i)) for i in lsig]) pta = np.empty((2,lensi)) phe = np.empty((2,lensi)) seq = lsig[:,0] # upos = np.where(seq>0)[0] # uneg = np.where(seq<0)[0] # tahep = L.seg2pts(seq[upos]) # tahen = np.array([L.Gs.pos[i] for i in seq[uneg]]).T # tahen = np.vstack((tahen,tahen)) # tahe = np.empty((4,lensi)) # tahe[:,upos]=tahep # try: # tahe[:,uneg]=tahen # except: # pass # pts = [k for i in seq for k in [L.Gs[i].keys()[0],L.Gs[i].keys()[1]]] # if tahe ==[]: # print 'run tahe\n',np.array(tahe) # if tahe == []: # pts = [L.Gs[i].keys() for i in seq] # tahe = np.array([[L.Gs.pos[p[0]],L.Gs.pos[p[1]]] for p in pts]) # pta[:,0] = tahe[0,0,:] # phe[:,0] = tahe[0,1,:] # typ = lsig[:,1] # mirror=[] # # lines = [L._shseg[seq[0]]] # for i in range(1,lensi): # # pam = pa[:,i].reshape(2,1) # # pbm = pb[:,i].reshape(2,1) # pam = tahe[i,0,:].reshape(2,1) # pbm = tahe[i,1,:].reshape(2,1) # if typ[i] == 2: # R # for m in mirror: # pam = geu.mirror(pam,pta[:,m],phe[:,m]) # pbm = geu.mirror(pbm,pta[:,m],phe[:,m]) # pta[:,i] = pam.reshape(2) # phe[:,i] = pbm.reshape(2) # mirror.append(i) # elif typ[i] == 3 : # T # for m in mirror: # pam = geu.mirror(pam,pta[:,m],phe[:,m]) # pbm = geu.mirror(pbm,pta[:,m],phe[:,m]) # pta[:,i] = pam.reshape(2) # phe[:,i] = pbm.reshape(2) # elif typ[i] == 1 : # D # pta[:,i] = pam.reshape(2) # phe[:,i] = pbm.reshape(2) # else: tahe = np.array(tahe) # Nseg x tahe x xy pta = tahe[:,0,:].T #2 x Nseg phe = tahe[:,1,:].T # 2 x Nseg # ### ONLY FOR TEST TO BE DELETED # pts = [L.Gs[i].keys() for i in seq] # tahetest = np.array([[L.Gs.pos[p[0]],L.Gs.pos[p[1]]] for p in pts]) # ptat = np.empty((2,lensi)) # phet = np.empty((2,lensi)) # ptat[:,0] = tahetest[0,0,:] # phet[:,0] = tahetest[0,1,:] # typ = lsig[:,1] # mirror=[] #lines = [L._shseg[seq[0]]] # for i in range(1,lensi): # # pam = pa[:,i].reshape(2,1) # # pbm = pb[:,i].reshape(2,1) # pam = tahetest[i,0,:].reshape(2,1) # pbm = tahetest[i,1,:].reshape(2,1) # if typ[i] == 2: # R # for m in mirror: # pam = geu.mirror(pam,ptat[:,m],phet[:,m]) # pbm = geu.mirror(pbm,ptat[:,m],phet[:,m]) # ptat[:,i] = pam.reshape(2) # phet[:,i] = pbm.reshape(2) # mirror.append(i) # elif typ[i] == 3 : # T # for m in mirror: # pam = geu.mirror(pam,ptat[:,m],phet[:,m]) # pbm = geu.mirror(pbm,ptat[:,m],phet[:,m]) # ptat[:,i] = pam.reshape(2) # phet[:,i] = pbm.reshape(2) # elif typ[i] == 1 : # D # ptat[:,i] = pam.reshape(2) # phet[:,i] = pbm.reshape(2) # tahetest = np.dstack((ptat.T,phet.T)).swapaxes(1,2) # if np.sum(tahe-tahetest) != 0: # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() # determine the 2 side of the polygon ( top/bottom = tahe[0]/tahe[-1]) #vl and vr are 2 director vector lying on the polygon side. if not (geu.ccw(pta[:,0],phe[:,0],phe[:,-1]) ^ geu.ccw(phe[:,0],phe[:,-1],pta[:,-1]) ): vr = ( pta[:,0],pta[:,-1]) vl = ( phe[:,0],phe[:,-1]) # vr = ( pta[:,0],phe[:,-1]) # vl = ( phe[:,0],pta[:,-1]) # twisted = True #lef = sh.LineString((pta[:,0],pta[:,-1])) #rig = sh.LineString((phe[:,0],phe[:,-1])) else: vr = ( pta[:,0], phe[:,-1]) vl = ( phe[:,0],pta[:,-1]) # vr = ( pta[:,0],pta[:,-1]) # vl = ( phe[:,0],phe[:,-1]) # twisted = False #lef = sh.LineString((pta[:,0],phe[:,-1])) #rig = sh.LineString((pta[:,-1],phe[:,0])) # looking situation where Tail and head are not inside the polygon # => both tahe are left of vr and vl #=> both tahe are right of vr and vl lta = geu.isleft(pta[:,1:-1],vl[0][:,None],vl[1][:,None]) rta = geu.isleft(pta[:,1:-1],vr[0][:,None],vr[1][:,None]) lhe = geu.isleft(phe[:,1:-1],vl[0][:,None],vl[1][:,None]) rhe = geu.isleft(phe[:,1:-1],vr[0][:,None],vr[1][:,None]) out = (lta & lhe ) | (~rta & ~rhe) inside = ~out # #debug # plt.ion() # plt.gcf() # #plt.title(str(cond)) # #Ok plot_lines(ax=plt.gca(),ob=lines) # plot_lines(ax=plt.gca(),ob=[lef],color='g') # plot_lines(ax=plt.gca(),ob=[rig],color='r') # plt.scatter(pta[0,:],pta[1,:],marker='d',s=70,label='tail') # plt.scatter(phe[0,:],phe[1,:],marker='s',s=70,label='head') # plu.displot(vl[0].reshape(2,1),vl[1].reshape(2,1),arrow=True) # plu.displot(vr[0].reshape(2,1),vr[1].reshape(2,1),arrow=True) # plt.legend() return np.all(inside)
[docs]class Signatures(PyLayers,dict): """ set of Signature given 2 Gt cycle (convex) indices Attributes ---------- L : gis.Layout source : int source convex cycle target : int target convex cycle """ def __init__(self,L,source,target,cutoff=3,threshold = 0.6): """ object constructor Parameters ---------- L : Layout dump : int source : int cycle number target : int cycle index cutoff : int limiting depth level in graph exploration (default 3) A signature ia a dict of arrays The array is an interleaving between nstr and type of interaction typeInt = 1,2,3 (extremity,diffraction,reflexion,transmission) Si[1] np.array([5,2,19,2,26,2,72,2]) """ self.L = L self.dump = -1 self.source = source = target self.cutoff = cutoff self.threshold = threshold self.ratio = {} self.filename = self.L._filename.split('.')[0] +'_' + str(self.source) +'_' + str( +'_' + str(self.cutoff) +'.sig' def __repr__(self): def fun1(x): if x==1: return('R') if x==2: return('T') if x==3: return('D') size = {} s = self.__class__.__name__ + '\n' + '----------'+'\n' #s = s + str(self.__sizeof__())+'\n' for k in self: size[k] = int(len(self[k])/2) s = s + 'from cycle : '+ str(self.source) + ' to cycle ' + str('\n' if self.dump==-1: ldump = self.keys() else: ldump = self.dump for k in ldump: s = s + str(k) + ' : ' + str(size[k]) + '\n' a = np.swapaxes(self[k].reshape(size[k],2,k),0,2) # nl x 2 x nsig for l in np.arange(a.shape[2]): for i in range(k): if i==k-1: s = s + '('+str(a[i,0,l])+','+str(a[i,1,l])+')' else: s = s + '('+str(a[i,0,l])+','+str(a[i,1,l])+'),' s = s+'\n' return(s) def __len__(self): nsig = 0 for k in self: size = int(len(self[k])/2) nsig += size return(nsig)
[docs] def compl(self,lint,L): """ completion from lint Parameters ---------- lint : list list of interactions Examples -------- >>> Si.compl([(6220,3),(6262,3),(6241,3)],DL.L) """ # all group of interactions for k in self: if k > len(lint): Si = self[k] Ns,Nb = Si.shape # all signatures form a group of interactions for l in range(int(Ns/2)): # all interactions b1 = True for i1,it in enumerate(lint): if ((Si[2*l,i1] == it[0]) and (Si[2*l+1,i1] == it[1])): pass else: b1 = False if b1: sig = Si[2*l:2*l+2,:] sigi = self.sig2inter(L,sig)
#print(k,l,' :',sigi) # all
[docs] def sig2inter(self,L,lsi=[]): ''' convert signature to corresponding list of interactions in Gi Paramaters: ---------- L : Layout lsi : nd.array signature (2xnb_sig,sig_length) Examples: --------- >>> lsi = DL.Si[3] >>> DL.Si.sig2inter(DL.L,lsi) ''' assert L.isbuilt, AttributeError('Layout is not built') assert len(lsi)%2==0, AttributeError('Incorrect signature(s) shape') tlinter = [] for uu in range(0,len(lsi),2): si = lsi[uu:uu+2,:] lsig = si.shape[1] linter = [] for k in range(lsig): # nstr : seg or points nstr = si[0,k] typ = si[1,k] # cycles connected to seg or point seg_cy = copy.deepcopy(L.Gs.node[nstr]['ncycles']) if k == 0: cy0 = self.source lcy0 =[cy0] if (typ==3) or (typ==2): cy0 = list(set(seg_cy).intersection(set(lcy0)))[0] cy1 = [x for x in seg_cy if x!= cy0 ][0] if k == (lsig -1): cy1 = if typ == 1: inter = (nstr,) lcy0 = L.Gs.node[nstr]['ncycles'] elif typ == 2: inter = (nstr,cy0) elif typ == 3: inter = (nstr,cy0,cy1) # changing cycle lcy0 = [cy1] linter.append(inter) tlinter.append(linter) if len(lsi) == 2: tlinter=tlinter[0] return tlinter
[docs] def sig2prob(self,L,lsi): """ get signatures probability Parameters --------- L : Layout lsi : nd.array signature (2xnb_sig,sig_length) Returns ------- tlproba : list (nb_sig,sig_length-2) output proba of each triplet of interaction """ slsi = lsi.shape[1] assert L.isbuilt, AttributeError('Layout is not built') assert hasattr(L,'Gi'), AttributeError('Layout has not Gi Graph') assert L.Gi.size != 0, AttributeError('Gi Graph is empty') assert len(lsi)%2==0, AttributeError('Incorrect signature(s) shape') assert slsi>=3, AttributeError('Proba available for signature with at least 3 interacitons') linter = self.sig2inter(L,lsi) if len(lsi) == 2: linter=[linter] tlproba = [] for inter in linter: lproba = [] for k in range(slsi-2): proba = L.Gi[inter[k]][inter[k+1]]['output'][inter[k+2]] lproba.append(proba) tlproba.append(lproba) return tlproba
[docs] def num(self): """ determine the number of signatures """ self.nsig = 0 self.nint = 0 for k in self: size = int(len(self[k])/2) self.nsig += size self.nint += size*k
[docs] def info(self): # print "Signatures for scenario defined by :" # print "Layout" # print "======" # L = # print "================================" # print "source : ", self.source # print "target : ", size = {} print(self.__class__.__name__ + '\n' + '----------'+'\n') #s = s + str(self.__sizeof__())+'\n' for k in self: size[k] = int(len(self[k])/2) print('from cycle : '+ str(self.source) + ' to cycle ' + str('\n') pyu.printout('Reflection',pyu.BLUE) print(' ') pyu.printout('Transmission',pyu.GREEN) print(' ') pyu.printout('Diffraction',pyu.RED) print(' \n') for k in self: print(str(k) + ' : ' + str(size[k])) a = np.swapaxes(self[k].reshape(size[k],2,k),0,2) # nl x 2 x nsig for i in range(k): nstr=a[i,0,:] typ=a[i,1,:] print('[',) for n,t in zip(nstr,typ): if t==1: pyu.printout(str(n),pyu.BLUE) if t==2: pyu.printout(str(n),pyu.GREEN) if t==3: pyu.printout(str(n),pyu.RED) print(']') print('\n')
# s = s + ' '+ str(a[i,0,:]) + '\n' # s = s + ' '+ str(a[i,1,:]) + '\n'
[docs] def check(self): """ check signature Returns ------- OK : np.array KO : np.array """ OK = Signatures(self.L,,self.source) KO = Signatures(self.L,,self.source) for i in self: sigs = self[i] for s in range(int(len(sigs)/2)): sig = sigs[2*s:2*s+2,:] ok = valid(sig.T,self.L) if ok : try : OK[i]=np.vstack((OK[i],sig)) except: OK[i]=[] OK[i]=sig pass else : try : KO[i]=np.vstack((KO[i],sig)) except: KO[i]=[] KO[i]=sig pass return OK,KO
[docs] def saveh5(self): """ save signatures in hdf5 format """ filename=pyu.getlong(self.filename+'.h5',pstruc['DIRSIG']) f=h5py.File(filename,'w') # try/except to avoid loosing the h5 file if # read/write error try: f.attrs['L']=self.L._filename f.attrs['source']=self.source f.attrs['target'] f.attrs['cutoff']=self.cutoff for k in self.keys(): f.create_dataset(str(k),shape=np.shape(self[k]),data=self[k]) f.close() except: f.close() raise NameError('Signature: issue when writting h5py file')
[docs] def loadh5(self,filename=[]): """ load signatures hdf5 format """ if filename == []: _filename = self.filename else : _filename = filename filename=pyu.getlong(_filename+'.h5',pstruc['DIRSIG']) # try/except to avoid loosing the h5 file if # read/write error try: f=h5py.File(filename,'r') for k in f.keys(): self.update({eval(k):f[k][:]}) f.close() except: f.close() raise NameError('Signature: issue when reading h5py file') _fileL=pyu.getshort(filename).split('_')[0]+'.ini' self.L=layout.Layout(_fileL) try: self.L.dumpr() except: self.L.dumpw()
def _saveh5(self,filenameh5,grpname): """ Save in hdf5 compliant with Links Parameters ---------- filenameh5 hrpname """ filename=pyu.getlong(filenameh5,pstruc['DIRLNK']) # if grpname == '': # grpname = str(self.source) +'_'+str( +'_'+ str(self.cutoff) try: # file management fh5=h5py.File(filename,'a') if not grpname in fh5['sig'].keys(): fh5['sig'].create_group(grpname) else : raise NameError('sig/'+grpname +'already exists in '+filenameh5) f=fh5['sig/'+grpname] # write data f.attrs['L']=self.L._filename f.attrs['source']=self.source f.attrs['target'] f.attrs['cutoff']=self.cutoff f.attrs['threshold']=self.threshold f.create_group('ratio') f.create_group('sig') for k in self.keys(): f['sig'].create_dataset(str(k),shape=np.shape(self[k]),data=self[k]) f['ratio'].create_dataset(str(k),shape=np.shape(self.ratio[k]),data=self.ratio[k]) fh5.close() except: fh5.close() raise NameError('Signature: issue when writting h5py file') def _loadh5(self,filenameh5,grpname,**kwargs): """ load signatures in hdf5 format compliant with class Links Parameters ---------- filenameh5 : string filename of the h5py file (from Links Class) grpname : string groupname of the h5py file (from Links Class) kwargs may contain a L: layout object if L = [] the layout is loaded from the layout name stored into the h5 file if L = Layout the layout passed in arg is used See Also -------- pylayers.simul.links """ filename=pyu.getlong(filenameh5,pstruc['DIRLNK']) # if grpname =='': # grpname = str(self.source) +'_'+str( +'_'+ str(self.cutoff) # try/except to avoid loosing the h5 file if # read/write error try: fh5=h5py.File(filename,'r') f=fh5['sig/'+grpname] # compliant with new h5 format: if 'sig' in f.keys(): for k in f['sig'].keys(): self.update({eval(k):f['sig'][k][:]}) self.ratio.update({eval(k):f['ratio'][k][:]}) # old h5 format else: for k in f.keys(): self.update({eval(k):f[k][:]}) Lname=f.attrs['L'] self.cutoff = f.attrs['cutoff'] if 'threshold' in f.attrs.keys(): self.threshold = f.attrs['threshold'] # ensure backward compatibility else: # find threshold th = np.min([np.min(self.ratio[x]) for x in self.ratio]) self.threshold = th.round(decimals=2) fh5.close() except: fh5.close() raise NameError('Signature: issue when reading h5py file') if 'L' in kwargs: self.L = kwargs['L'] else: self.L = layout.Layout(Lname) try: self.L.dumpr() except: self.L.dumpw()
[docs] def save(self): """ save signatures """ L=copy.deepcopy(self.L) del(self.L) filename=pyu.getlong(self.filename+'.h5',pstruc['DIRSIG']) with open(filename, 'wb') as handle: pickle.dump(self, handle) self.L=L
[docs] def load(self,filename=[]): """ load signatures """ if filename == []: _filename = self.filename else : _filename = filename filename=pyu.getlong(_filename,pstruc['DIRSIG']) try: handle=open(filename, 'rb') sitmp = pickle.load(handle) except: raise NameError(filename +' does not exist') # to load a dictionary, use update self.update(sitmp) _fileL=pyu.getshort(filename).split('_')[0]+'.ini' self.L=layout.Layout(_fileL) try: self.L.dumpr() except: self.L.dumpw()
[docs] def sp(self,G, source, target, cutoff=None): """ algorithm for signature determination Parameters ---------- G : Graph source : tuple or int target : tuple or int cutoff : int See Also -------- pylayers.antprop.signature.run3 """ if cutoff < 1: return visited = [source] stack = [iter(G[source])] while stack: children = stack[-1] child = next(children, None) if child is None: stack.pop() visited.pop() elif len(visited) < cutoff: if child == target: for i in range(len(self.ds[source])): s=self.ds[target][i] + visited self.ds[target].append(s) # yield visited +[target] elif child not in visited: visited.append(child) stack.append(iter(G[child])) else: #len(visited) == cutoff: if child == target or target in children: for i in range(len(self.ds[source])): s=self.ds[target][i] + visited self.ds[target].append(s) stack.pop() visited.pop()
[docs] def calsig(self,G,dia={},cutoff=None): """ calculates signature Parameters ---------- G : graph dia : dictionnary of interactions cutoff : integer """ if cutoff < 1: return di=copy.deepcopy(dia) source = 'Tx' target = 'Rx' d={} visited = [source] stack = [iter(G[source])] out=[] while stack: # pdb.set_trace() children = stack[-1] child = next(children, None) if child is None: stack.pop() visited.pop() if len(out) !=0: out.pop() out.pop() elif len(visited) < cutoff: if child == target: lot = len(out) try: d.update({lot:d[lot]+(out)}) except: d[lot]=[] d.update({lot:d[lot]+(out)}) # yield visited + [target] elif child not in visited: visited.append(child) out.extend(di[child]) stack.append(iter(G[child])) else: #len(visited) == cutoff: if child == target or target in children: # yield visited + [target] lot = len(out) try: d.update({lot:d[lot]+(out)}) except: d[lot]=[] d.update({lot:d[lot]+(out)}) stack.pop() visited.pop() if len(out) !=0: out.pop() out.pop() return d
[docs] def exist(self,seq): """ verifies if seq exists in signatures Parameters ---------- seq : list of tuple [(2,2),(5,3),(7,2)] 1 : Diffraction 2 : Reflexion 3 : Diffraction Returns ------- Examples -------- >>> DL=DLink() >>> DL.eval() >>> seq = [(2,3)] # transmission through segment 2 >>> DL.Si.exist(seq) """ # Number of interactions N = len(seq) # signatures with N interaction sig = self[N] # Number signature with N interaction Nsig = int(sig.shape[0]/2) nstr = sig[::2,:] typ = sig[1::2,:] # List of signat lsig = [] for k in range(Nsig): lint = [] for l in range(N): lint.append((nstr[k,l],typ[k,l])) lsig.append(lint) if seq in lsig: return True else: return False
[docs] def run(self,**kwargs): """ evaluate signatures between cycle of tx and cycle of rx Parameters ---------- cutoff : int limit the exploration of all_simple_path bt : boolean backtrace (allow to visit already visited nodes in simple path algorithm) progress : boolean display the time passed in the loop diffraction : boolean activate diffraction threshold : float for reducing calculation time animations : boolean nD : int maximum number of diffraction nR : int maximum number of reflection nT : int maximum number of transmission See Also -------- """ defaults = {'cutoff' : 2, 'threshold': 0.1, 'delay_excess_max_ns': 400, 'nD': 1, 'nR': 10, 'nT': 10, 'bt' : True, 'progress': True, 'diffraction' : True, 'animation' : False } self.cpt = 0 for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k] = defaults[k] self.cutoff = kwargs['cutoff'] if 'threshold' not in kwargs: kwargs['threshold'] = self.threshold else: self.threshold=kwargs['threshold'] nD = kwargs['nD'] nT = kwargs['nT'] nR = kwargs['nR'] bt = kwargs['bt'] progress = kwargs['progress'] diffraction = kwargs['diffraction'] animation = kwargs['animation'] delay_excess_max_ns = kwargs['delay_excess_max_ns'] dist_excess_max = delay_excess_max_ns*0.3 self.filename = self.L._filename.split('.')[0] +'_' + str(self.source) +'_' + str( +'_' + str(self.cutoff) +'.sig' # # AIR : editable AIR separation # _AIR : constructed AIR separation # lair =['AIR'] +['_AIR'] # list of interactions visible from source lisR, lisT, lisD = self.L.intercy(self.source,typ='source') if diffraction: lis = lisT + lisR + lisD else: lis = lisT + lisR # list of interactions visible from target litR, litT, litD = self.L.intercy(,typ='target') if diffraction: lit = litT + litR + litD else: lit = litT + litR pt_source = np.array(self.L.Gt.node[self.source]['polyg'].centroid.coords.xy) pt_target = np.array(self.L.Gt.node[]['polyg'].centroid.coords.xy) d_source_target = np.linalg.norm(pt_source - pt_target) #print("source,lis :",self.source,lis) #print("target,lit :",,lit) # for u in lit: # print u # print "-------------" Gi = self.L.Gi Gi.pos = self.L.Gi.pos # # remove diffractions from Gi # if not diffraction: Gi = gidl(Gi) # initialize dout dictionnary dout = {} # progresss stuff... lmax = len(lis)*len(lit) pe = 0 tic = time.time() tic0 = tic #for interaction source in list of source interactions bvisu = False # signature counter cptsig = 0 if animation: fig,ax = self.L.showG('s',aw=1) ax.plot(self.L.Gt.pos[self.source][0],self.L.Gt.pos[self.source][1],'ob') ax.plot(self.L.Gt.pos[][0],self.L.Gt.pos[][1],'or') # # Loop over all interactions seen from the source # # us : loop counter # s : interaction tuple # s[0] : point (<0) or segment (>0)a # pts : list of neighbour nodes from s[0] # tahe : segment extremities or point coordinates (repeated twice) lhash = [] if progress : pbar = tqdm(total=100, desc='Signatures') for us,s in enumerate(lis): if progress: pbar.update(100./(1.*len(lis))) # start from a segment if s[0] > 0: pts = list(dict(self.L.Gs[s[0]]).keys()) tahe = [ np.array([ self.L.Gs.pos[pts[0]], self.L.Gs.pos[pts[1]]]) ] # start from a point else: tahe = [np.array([self.L.Gs.pos[s[0]], self.L.Gs.pos[s[0]]])] # R is a list which contains reflexion matrices (Sn) and translation matrices(vn) # for interaction mirroring # R=[[S0,v0],[S1,v1],...] R = [(np.eye(2),np.array([0,0]))] # initialize visited list sequence with the first intercation s visited = [s] # if # s is in target interaction list # or # arrival cycle is equal to target cycle # then stack a new signature in self[len(typ)] # # TODO : It concerns self[1] : only one interaction (i.e several single reflection or diffraction) # if (s in lit) or (s[-1] == anstr = np.array([ x[0] for x in visited ]) typ = np.array([len(x) for x in visited ]) assert(len(typ)==1) try: self[len(typ)] = np.vstack((self[len(typ)], anstr, typ)) self.ratio[len(typ)] = np.append(self.ratio[len(typ)],1.) except: self[len(typ)] = np.vstack((anstr, typ)) self.ratio[len(typ)] = np.array([1.]) # update signature counter cptsig +=1 # stack is a list of iterators # # stack = [iter(Gi[s])] # air walls do not intervene in the number of transmission (cutoff criteria) # lawp is the list of airwall position in visited sequence # handle the case of the first segment which can be an airwall # if len(s)==3: nseg = s[0] if ((self.L.Gs.node[nseg]['name']=='_AIR') or (self.L.Gs.node[nseg]['name']=='AIR')): lawp = [1] else: lawp = [0] else: lawp = [0] # while the stack of iterators is not void cpt = 0 while stack: # # iter_on_interactions is the last iterator in the stack iter_on_interactions = stack[-1] # next interaction child interaction = next(iter_on_interactions, None) #print visited #if ((visited ==[(6236,74,91),(-213,)]) and (interaction==(-1002,))): # print(interaction) # pdb.set_trace() #if (visited ==[(6236,74,91),(-213,),(6248,99,111)]): #if (visited ==[(6236,74,91),(-213,),(6248,99,111),(6287,111,118)]): #pdb.set_trace() # import ipdb # cond1 : there is no more interactions # continue if True cond1 = not(interaction is None) # cond2 : enable reverberation # interaction has not been visited yet # or # bt : True (allow reentrance) (unconditionnaly) # continue if True #cond2 = (interaction in visited) and bt (old) cond2 = not (interaction in visited) or bt # cond3 : test the cutoff condition not get to the limit # continue if True cond3 = not(len(visited) > (self.cutoff + sum(lawp))) uD = [ k for k in range(len(visited)) if len(visited[k])==1 ] uR = [ k for k in range(len(visited)) if len(visited[k])==2 ] uT = [ k for k in range(len(visited)) if len(visited[k])==3 ] if cond1: condD = True condR = True condT = True if ((len(interaction)==1) and (len(uD)==nD)): condD = False if ((len(interaction)==2) and (len(uR)==nR)): condR = False if ((len(interaction)==3) and (len(uT)==nT)): condT = False # # animation # if animation : cpt = cpt+1 edge = zip(visited[:-1],visited[1:]) N = nx.draw_networkx_nodes(Gi,pos=Gi.pos, nodelist=visited,labels={}, node_size=15,ax=ax,fig=fig) E = nx.draw_networkx_edges(Gi,pos=Gi.pos, edgelist=edge,labels={},width=0.1, arrows=False,ax=ax,fig=fig) plt.savefig('./figure/' +str(us) +'_' + str(cpt) +'.png') try: ax.collections.remove(N) except: pass try: ax.collections.remove(E) except: pass if (cond1 and cond2 and cond3): if (condD and condR and condT): visited.append(interaction) logger.debug("{}".format(visited)) self.cpt+=1 #print(visited) # [(44,2,7),(62,7,15),(21,15),(62,15,7),(44,7,2),(16,2)] # if visited ==[(6236,74,91),(141,91)]: # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() # update list of airwalls if interaction[0] in lair: lawp.append(1) else: lawp.append(0) # update number of useful segments # if there is airwall in visited nstr = interaction[0] # Testing the type of interaction at rank -2 # R is a list which contains a rotation matrix # and a translation vector for doing the mirroring # operation # diffraction (retrieve a point) if len(visited[-2]) == 1: #th = self.L.Gs.pos[nstr] R.append((np.eye(2),np.array([0,0]))) elif len(visited[-2])==2: # # l'avant dernier point est une reflection # nseg_points = list(dict(self.L.Gs[visited[-2][0]]).keys()) ta_seg = np.array(self.L.Gs.pos[nseg_points[0]]) he_seg = np.array(self.L.Gs.pos[nseg_points[1]]) # # get reflection matrix from segment visited[-2] # R.append(geu.axmat(ta_seg,he_seg)) # direct order #R.append(geu.axmat(tahe[-1][0],tahe[-1][1])) # transmission do nothing else : pass # current interaction is of segment type if (nstr>0): nseg_points = list(dict(self.L.Gs[nstr]).keys()) th = np.array([self.L.Gs.pos[nseg_points[0]], self.L.Gs.pos[nseg_points[1]]]) else: th = self.L.Gs.pos[nstr] th = np.array([th,th]) # current interaction is of point type (diffraction) # apply current chain of symmetries # # th is the current segment tail-head coordinates # tahe is a list of well mirrored tail-head coordinates #tahe.append(a) #if ((visited[0]==(104,23,17)) and (visited[1]==(1,17))): # print("th (avant mirror)",th) ik = 1 r = R[-ik] # # dtarget : distance between th and target # pt_th = np.sum(th,axis=0)/2. d_target = np.linalg.norm(pt_target - pt_th) # # mirroring th until the previous point # th_mirror = copy.copy(th) while np.any(r[0] != np.eye(2)): th_mirror = np.einsum('ki,ij->kj',th_mirror,r[0])+r[1] ik = ik + 1 r = R[-ik] pt_mirror = np.sum(th_mirror,axis=0)/2. d_source = np.linalg.norm(pt_source-pt_mirror) d_excess = d_source + d_target - d_source_target # if at least 2 interactions # or previous point is a diffraction if (len(tahe)<2) or (len(visited[-2])==1) or (len(visited[-1])==1): ratio = 1.0 ratio2 = 1.0 else: # Determine the origin of the cone # either the transmitter (ilast =0) # or the last diffraction point (ilast=udiff[-1] ) udiff = [ k for k in range(len(visited)) if len(visited[k])==1 ] if udiff==[]: ilast = 0 else: ilast=udiff[-1] #print(tahe) pta0 = tahe[ilast][0] # tail first segment (last difraction) phe0 = tahe[ilast][1] # head first segment # # TODO : it would be better to replace pta_ and phe_ with the intersection # of the previous cone with tahe[-1] # pta_ = tahe[-1][0] # tail last segment phe_ = tahe[-1][1] # head last segment # # Calculates the left and right vector of the cone # # vl left vector # vr right vector # # # Detect situations of connected segments # # [(60, 2, 8), (61, 8, 11), (15, 11), (61, 11, 8), (60 ,8, 2), (44, 2, 7)] # if visited == [(60, 2, 8), (61, 8, 11), (15, 11), (61, 11, 8), (60 ,8, 2), (44, 2, 7)]: # print '\n',visited # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() connected = False if (pta0==pta_).all(): apex = pta0 connected = True v0 = phe0 - apex v_ = phe_ - apex elif (pta0==phe_).all(): apex = pta0 connected = True v0 = phe0 - apex v_ = pta_ - apex elif (phe0==pta_).all(): apex = phe0 connected = True v0 = pta0 - apex v_ = phe_ - apex elif (phe0==phe_).all(): apex = phe0 connected = True v0 = pta0 - apex v_ = pta_ - apex if connected: if ((np.linalg.norm(v0)==0) or (np.linalg.norm(v_)==0)): logger.debug("pta0 : %g,%g", pta0[0], pta0[1]) logger.debug("pta_ : %g,%g", pta_[0], pta_[1]) logger.debug("phe0 : %g,%g", phe0[0], phe0[1]) logger.debug("phe_ : %g,%g", phe_[0], phe_[1]) logger.debug("v0 : %g,%g", v0[0], v0[1]) logger.debug("v_ : %g,%g", v_[0], v_[1]) # # Does the cone is built from 2 connected segments or # 2 unconnected segments # if not connected: if not (geu.ccw(pta0,phe0,phe_) ^ geu.ccw(phe0,phe_,pta_) ): vr = (pta0,phe_) vl = (phe0,pta_) else: # twisted case vr = (pta0,pta_) vl = (phe0,phe_) # cone dot product # print vr # print vl vr_n = (vr[1]-vr[0])/np.linalg.norm(vr[1]-vr[0]) vl_n = (vl[1]-vl[0])/np.linalg.norm(vl[1]-vl[0]) vrdotvl =,vl_n) # cone angle angle_cone = np.arccos(np.maximum(np.minimum(vrdotvl,1.0),-1.0)) #angle_cone = np.arccos(vrdotvl) # prepare lines and seg argument for intersection checking if angle_cone!=0: linel = (vl[0], vl[1]-vl[0]) liner = (vr[0], vr[1]-vr[0]) # from origin mirrored segment to be tested seg = (th_mirror[0], th_mirror[1]) # apex calculation a0u =, vr_n) a0v =, vl_n) b0u =, vr_n) b0v =, vl_n) #import warnings #warnings.filterwarnings("error") try: kb = ((b0v-a0v)-vrdotvl*(b0u-a0u))/(vrdotvl*vrdotvl-1) except: pdb.set_trace() apex = phe0 + kb*vl_n else: # cone from connected segments v0n = v0/np.linalg.norm(v0) try: v_n = v_/np.linalg.norm(v_) except: pdb.set_trace() # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() sign = np.sign(np.cross(v_n,v0n)) if sign>0: vr_n = -v0n vl_n = v_n else: vr_n = v_n vl_n = -v0n vrdotvl =,vl_n) # cone angle angle_cone = np.arccos(np.maximum(np.minimum(vrdotvl,1.0),-1.)) # # the illuminating cone is defined # the th_mirror to be tested with this cone are known # if ( (not np.isclose(angle_cone,0,atol=1e-6) ) and ( not np.isclose(angle_cone,np.pi)) ) : #if self.cpt==16176: # pdb.set_trace() seg,ratio2 = geu.intersect_cone_seg((apex,vl_n),(apex,vr_n),(th_mirror[0],th_mirror[1]),bvis=False) elif ( not np.isclose(angle_cone,0) ): ratio2 = 1 else: ratio2 = 0 #print ratio if len(seg)==2: th_mirror = np.vstack((seg[0],seg[1])) else: pass al = np.arctan2(vl_n[1],vl_n[0]) ar = np.arctan2(vr_n[1],vr_n[0]) if np.allclose(th_mirror[0],apex) or np.allclose(th_mirror[1],apex): ratio2 = 1. # On connecte l'apex du cone courant aux extrémités du segment courant mirroré # Dans certaines circonstances par example un cone emanant d'un point colinéaire # avec le segment d'arrivé" (-4) (6,4) le point -4 est aligné avec le segment 6 # l'ouverture du cone est nul => arret. Cela pourrait être géré dans Gi en interdisant # la visibilité (-4) (6,4) # if angle_cone ==0: # ratio = 0 # else: # if np.allclose(th_mirror[0],apex) or np.allclose(th_mirror[1],apex): # ratio = 1. # else: # wseg0 = th_mirror[0] - apex # wseg1 = th_mirror[1] - apex # mod_wseg0 = np.sqrt(np.sum(wseg0*wseg0,axis=0)) # mod_wseg1 = np.sqrt(np.sum(wseg1*wseg1,axis=0)) # # if np.isclose(mod_wseg0,0): # #bvisu = True # #pdb.set_trace()# # pass # if np.isclose(mod_wseg1,0): # #bvisu = True # #pdb.set_trace()# # pass # #wseg0_n = wseg0/mod_wseg0 # #wseg1_n = wseg1/mod_wseg1 # wseg0_n = wseg0/np.linalg.norm(wseg0) # wseg1_n = wseg1/np.linalg.norm(wseg1) # aseg0 = np.arctan2(wseg0_n[1],wseg0_n[0]) # aseg1 = np.arctan2(wseg1_n[1],wseg1_n[0]) # # # if al==aseg0 or al==aseg1 or ar==aseg0 or ar==aseg1: # # ratio = 1 # #print "toto" # # else: # I = geu.angle_intersection2(al,ar,aseg0,aseg1) # ratio = I/angle_cone # #if ratio>=1: # # pdb.set_trace() # # # if connected: # # print "ratio :",ratio # # # #if visited == [(104, 23, 17), (1, 17), (53, 17)]: # if (bvisu): # fig ,ax = self.L.showG('s',aw=1,labels=0) # # # # magenta : start of the cone # # cyan : # # yellow : last interaction # # # ax = geu.linet(ax,pta0,phe0,al=1,color='magenta',linewidth=3) # ax = geu.linet(ax,pta_,phe_,al=1,color='cyan',linewidth=3) # ax = geu.linet(ax,np.array(self.L.Gs.pos[nseg_points[0]]),np.array(self.L.Gs.pos[nseg_points[1]]),al=1,color='yellow',linewidth=4) # # ax = geu.linet(ax,vr[0],vr[1],al=1,color='red',linewidth=3) # # ax = geu.linet(ax,vl[0],vl[1],al=1,color='blue',linewidth=3) # ax = geu.linet(ax,seg[0],seg[1],al=1,color='k',linewidth=3) # ax = geu.linet(ax,th_mirror[0,:],th_mirror[1,:],al=1,color='green',linewidth=3) # nx.draw_networkx_labels(self.L.Gi, # self.L.Gi.pos,labels={x:str(x) for x in visited}, # ax=ax,fontsize=18) # plt.title(str(visited)+' '+str(ratio)) # ax.plot(apex[0],apex[1],'or') # plt.axis('auto') # pdb.set_trace() # #if visited == [(104, 23, 17), (1, 17), (53, 17), (108, 17, 18)]: # # if visited == [(104, 23, 17), (1, 17), (53, 17)]: # if (1==0): # fig ,ax = self.L.showG('s',aw=1,labels=0) # ax = geu.linet(ax,pta0,phe0,al=1,color='magenta',linewidth=3) # ax = geu.linet(ax,pta_,phe_,al=1,color='cyan',linewidth=3) # # ax = geu.linet(ax,np.array(self.L.Gs.pos[pts[0]]),np.array(self.L.Gs.pos[pts[1]]),al=1,color='yellow',linewidth=4) # ax = geu.linet(ax,vr[0],vr[1],al=1,color='red',linewidth=3) # ax = geu.linet(ax,vl[0],vl[1],al=1,color='blue',linewidth=3) # #ax = geu.linet(ax,seg[0],seg[1],al=1,color='k',linewidth=3) # ax = geu.linet(ax,th[0,:],th[1,:],al=1,color='green',linewidth=3) # plt.title(str(visited)+' '+str(ratio)) # ax.plot(apex[0],apex[1],'or') # plt.axis('auto') # #else: # th = self.L.Gs.pos[nstr] # th = np.array([th,th]) # ratio = 1 #print self.cpt,ratio,ratio2 #if (ratio>0.1) and (ratio2==0): # pdb.set_trace() #print d_excess,dist_excess_max #if (ratio2 > self.threshold) and (d_excess<dist_excess_max): if (ratio2 > self.threshold) and (d_excess < dist_excess_max): #if (ratio > self.threshold): # # Update sequence of mirrored points # if nstr<0: tahe.append(th) else: tahe.append(th_mirror) #if (tahe[-1][0]==tahe[-1][1]).all(): # pdb.set_trace() # # Check if the target has been reached # sequence is valid and last interaction is in the list of targets #if (interaction in lit) or (interaction[-1] if (interaction in lit): # idea here is to produce signature without any airwalls # lawp_tmp is a mask where 0 mean no air wall and 1 = airwall # anstr does not contains airwalls # lawp_tmp = [0]+lawp # lll = [x[0] for ix,x in enumerate(visited) if lawp_tmp[ix]==1] # print([self.L.Gs.node[x]['name'] for x in lll]) #anstr = np.array([x[0] for ix,x in enumerate(visited) # if ((lawp[ix]!=1) or (x[0] in['AIR']) or (x in (lit+lis)))] ) #typ = np.array([len(x) for ix,x in enumerate(visited) # if ((lawp[ix]!=1) or (x[0] in['AIR']) or (x in (lit+lis)))] ) #sig = np.array([anstr,typ]) #sighash = hash(str(sig)) # if len(anstr) == 2: # if (anstr == np.array([323,351])).all(): # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() anstr = np.array([x[0] for x in visited ]) typ = np.array([len(x) for x in visited]) sig = np.array([anstr,typ]) sighash = hash(str(sig)) if sighash not in lhash: lhash.append(sighash) try: self[len(typ)] = np.vstack((self[len(typ)],sig)) self.ratio[len(typ)] = np.append(self.ratio[len(typ)],ratio) except: self[len(typ)] = np.vstack((sig)) self.ratio[len(typ)] = np.array([ratio]) # print ('added',visited) cptsig +=1 if animation: Nf = nx.draw_networkx_nodes(Gi,pos=Gi.pos, nodelist=visited,labels={}, node_color='b', node_size=40, ax=ax,fig=fig) Ef = nx.draw_networkx_edges(Gi,pos=Gi.pos, edgelist=edge,labels={}, width=0.1,arrows=False, ax=ax,fig=fig) cpt=cpt+1 plt.savefig('./figure/' +str(us) +'_' + str(cpt) +'.png') try: ax.collections.remove(Nf) except: pass try: ax.collections.remove(Ef) except: pass # # output is no longer a dict but a list # outint = Gi[visited[-2]][interaction]['output'] #outint = Gi[visited[-2]][interaction]['output'].keys() # # proint not used # # proint = Gi[visited[-2]][interaction]['output'].values() nexti = [it for it in outint ] stack.append(iter(nexti)) # 1590 ratio <= threshold else: if len(visited)>1: if ((len(visited[-2])==2) or len(visited[-2])==1): R.pop() last = visited.pop() lawp.pop() # 1389 condR and condT and condD else: pass # 1388 cond1 and cond2 and cond3 else: # if at least 2 interactions # and antepenultiem is a reflexion if len(visited)>1: if ((len(visited[-2])==2) or len(visited[-2])==1): R.pop() last = visited.pop() # # Poping # tahe # lawp # stack #if (tahe[-1][0]==tahe[-1][1]).all(): # pdb.set_trace() tahe.pop() try: lawp.pop() except: pass stack.pop()
[docs] def plot_cones(self,L,i=0,s=0,fig=[],ax=[],figsize=(10,10)): """ display cones of an unfolded signature Parameters ---------- L : Layout i : int the interaction block s : int the signature number in the block fig : ax : figsize : """ if fig == []: fig= plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) elif ax ==[]: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) pta,phe = self.unfold(L,i=i,s=s) # create a global array or tahe segments seg = np.vstack((pta,phe)) lensi = np.shape(seg)[1] for s in range(1,lensi): pseg0 = seg[:,s-1].reshape(2,2).T pseg1 = seg[:,s].reshape(2,2).T # # create the cone seg0 seg1 # cn = cone.Cone() cn.from2segs(pseg0,pseg1) fig,ax = = fig,ax = ax,figsize = figsize) return (fig,ax)
[docs] def unfold(self,L,i=0,s=0): """ unfold a given signature return 2 np.ndarray of pta and phe "aligned" (reflexion interaction are mirrored) Parameters ---------- L : Layout i : int the interaction block s : int the signature number in the block Returns ------- pta,phe See Also -------- Signature.unfold """ si = Signature(self[i][(2*s):(2*s)+2]) si.ev(L) pta,phe = si.unfold() return pta,phe
[docs] def pltunfold(self,L,i=0,s=0): import shapely.ops as sho from descartes.patch import PolygonPatch plt.ion() plt.gcf() plt.clf() def plot_lines(ax, ob, color = []): for ii,line in enumerate(ob): if color == []: if ii ==0 : c ='g' elif ii == len(ob)-1: c ='r' else: c= 'k' else: c=color x, y = line.xy ax.plot(x, y, color=c, alpha=0.7, linewidth=3, solid_capstyle='round', zorder=2) return ax def plot_poly(ax, ob, color = []): for ii,poly in enumerate(ob): pp = PolygonPatch(poly,alpha=0.3) ax.add_patch(pp) return ax pta,phe=self.unfold(L=L,i=i,s=s) ML =sh.MultiLineString([((pta[0][i],pta[1][i]),(phe[0][i],phe[1][i])) for i in range(pta.shape[1])]) fig=plt.gcf() ax=plt.gca() ax = plot_lines(ax,ML) s0=sh.LineString([(pta[0,0],pta[1,0]),(phe[0,-1],phe[1,-1])]) s1=sh.LineString([(phe[0,0],phe[1,0]),(pta[0,-1],pta[1,-1])]) if s0.crosses(s1): s0=sh.LineString([(pta[0,0],pta[1,0]),(pta[0,-1],pta[1,-1])]) s1=sh.LineString([(phe[0,0],phe[1,0]),(phe[0,-1],phe[1,-1])]) cross = sh.MultiLineString([s0,s1,ML[0],ML[-1]]) poly=sho.polygonize(cross) # ax = plot_lines(ax,cross,color='b') ax = plot_poly(ax,poly)
[docs] def show(self,L,**kwargs): """ plot signatures in the simulated environment Parameters ---------- L : Layout i : list or -1 (default = all groups) list of interaction group numbers s : list or -1 (default = all sig) list of indices of signature in interaction group ctx : cycle of tx (optional) crx : cycle of rx (optional) graph : type of graph to be displayed color : string alphasig : float widthsig : float colsig : string ms : int ctx : int crx :int """ defaults = {'i':-1, 's':-1, 'fig':[], 'ax':[], 'graph':'s', 'color':'black', 'alphasig':1, 'widthsig':0.1, 'colsig':'black', 'ms':5, 'ctx':-1, 'crx':-1, 'aw':True } for key, value in defaults.items(): if key not in kwargs: kwargs[key] = value # display layout fig,ax = L.showG(**kwargs) if kwargs['ctx']!=-1: Tpoly = self.L.Gt.node[kwargs['ctx']]['polyg'] Tpoly.coul='r' Tpoly.plot(fig=fig,ax=ax,color='r') if kwargs['crx']!=-1: Rpoly = self.L.Gt.node[kwargs['crx']]['polyg'] Rpoly.plot(fig=fig,ax=ax,color='g') # i=-1 all rays # else block of interactions i if kwargs['i']==-1: lgrint = self.keys() else: lgrint = [kwargs['i']] if kwargs['s'] == -1: for i in lgrint: lsig = range(int(len(self[i])/2)) for j in lsig: sig = [ self.L.Gs.pos[x] for x in self[i][2*j] ] siga = np.array(sig) ax.plot(siga[:,0], siga[:,1], alpha = kwargs['alphasig'], color = kwargs['colsig'], linewidth = kwargs['widthsig']) ax.axis('off') else: lsig = [kwargs['s']] for s1 in lsig: sig = [ self.L.Gs.pos[x[0]] for x in s1] siga = np.array(sig) ax.plot(siga[:,0], siga[:,1], alpha = kwargs['alphasig'], color = kwargs['colsig'], linewidth = kwargs['widthsig']) ax.axis('off') return(fig,ax)
[docs] def showi(self,uni=0,us=0): """ interactive show press n to visit signatures sequentially Parameters ---------- uni : index of interaction dictionnary keys us : signature index """ plt.ion() fig = plt.figure() nit = self.keys() ni = nit[uni] ust = len(self[ni])/2 polyS = self.L.Gt.node[self.source]['polyg'] cp1 = polyS.centroid.xy polyT = self.L.Gt.node[]['polyg'] cp2 = polyT.centroid.xy ptx = np.array([cp1[0][0],cp1[1][0]]) prx = np.array([cp2[0][0],cp2[1][0]]) st='a' while st != 'q': inter=[] ax = fig.add_subplot(111) fig,ax=self.L.showG(fig=fig,ax=ax,graph='s') title = '# interaction :', ni, 'signature #',us,'/',ust ax.set_title(title) line = ptx # draw terminal points (centroid of source and target cycle) ax.plot(ptx[0],prx[1],'xr') ax.plot(prx[0],prx[1],'xb') if ni not in self.keys(): print("incorrect number of interactions") pos={} try: for u in self[ni][us*2]: pos.update({u:self.L.Gs.pos[u]}) line = np.vstack((line,np.array((self.L.Gs.pos[u])))) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(self.L.Gs,pos=pos,nodelist=pos.keys(),node_color='r',ax=ax) for ii in self[ni][(us*2)+1]: if ii == 1: inter.append('R') if ii == 2: inter.append('T') if ii == 3: inter.append('D') except: print("signature index out of bounds of signature") line = np.vstack((line,prx)) ax.plot(line[:,0],line[:,1]) plt.draw() print(inter) st = raw_input() ax.cla() if st == 'n': if us+2 <= ust: us=us+2 else: uni = uni+1 try: ni = nit[uni] ust = len(self[ni])/2 us=0 except: uni=0 ni=nit[uni] us = 0 else: print('press n for next signature')
[docs] def rays(self,ptx=0,prx=1): """ from signatures dict to 2D rays Parameters ---------- ptx : numpy.array or int Tx coordinates is the center of gravity of the cycle number if type(tx)=int prx : numpy.array or int Rx coordinates is the center of gravity of the cycle number if sigtype(rx)=int Returns ------- rays : Rays Notes ----- In the same time the signature of the ray is stored in the Rays object Todo : Find the best memory implementation See Also -------- Signature.sig2ray Signature.raysv """ if type(ptx) == int: ptx = np.array(self.L.Gt.pos[ptx]) if type(prx) == int: prx = np.array(self.L.Gt.pos[prx]) rays = Rays(ptx,prx) # # detect LOS situation # # # cycle on a line between 2 cycles # lc = self.L.cycleinline(self.source, # # if source and target in the same merged cycle # and ptx != prx # los = shg.LineString(((ptx[0], ptx[1]), (prx[0], prx[1]))) # convex cycle of each point cyptx = self.L.pt2cy(ptx) cyprx = self.L.pt2cy(prx) # merged cycle of each point polyctx = self.L.Gt.node[cyptx]['polyg'] polycrx = self.L.Gt.node[cyprx]['polyg'] # # Handling LOS ray # dtxrx = np.sum((ptx-prx)*(ptx-prx)) if dtxrx>1e-15: if cyptx==cyprx: if polyctx.contains(los): rays.los = True else: rays.los = False # k : Loop on interaction group # l : loop on signature # ---> # this part should be a generator # for k in self: # print 'block#',k # if k ==3: # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() # get signature block with k interactions tsig = self[k] shsig = np.shape(tsig) for l in range(shsig[0]/2): sig = tsig[2*l:2*l+2,:] ns0 = sig[0,0] nse = sig[0,-1] validtx = True validrx = True if (ns0<0): pD = self.L.Gs.pos[ns0] TxD = shg.LineString(((ptx[0], ptx[1]), (pD[0], pD[1]))) seg = polyctx.intersection(TxD) validtx = seg.almost_equals(TxD,decimal=4) if not validtx: pass #print "Signature.rays": ns0 if (nse<0): pD = self.L.Gs.pos[nse] DRx = shg.LineString(((pD[0], pD[1]), (prx[0], prx[1]))) validrx = polyctx.contains(DRx) if not validrx: pass #print nse if validtx & validrx: # print sig # print pD s = Signature(sig) # # Transform signature into a ray # --> sig2ray isray,Yi = s.sig2ray(self.L, ptx[:2], prx[:2]) if isray: Yi = np.fliplr(Yi) if k in rays.keys(): Yi3d = np.vstack((Yi[:, 1:-1], np.zeros((1, k)))) Yi3d = Yi3d.reshape(3, k, 1) rays[k]['pt'] = np.dstack(( rays[k]['pt'], Yi3d)) rays[k]['sig'] = np.dstack(( rays[k]['sig'], sig.reshape(2, k, 1))) else: rays[k] = {'pt': np.zeros((3, k, 1)), 'sig': np.zeros((2, k, 1),dtype=int)} rays[k]['pt'][0:2, :, 0] = Yi[:, 1:-1] rays[k]['sig'][:, :, 0] = sig rays.nb_origin_sig = len(self) rays.origin_sig_name = self.filename return rays
[docs] def raysv(self, ptx=0, prx=1): """ transform dict of signatures into 2D rays - default vectorized version Parameters ---------- ptx : numpy.array or int Tx coordinates is the center of gravity of the cycle ptx if type(ptx)=int prx : numpy.array or int Rx coordinates is the center of gravity of the cycle prx if type(prx)=int Returns ------- rays : Rays Notes ----- This is a vectorized version of Signatures.rays. This implementation takes advantage of the np.ndarray and calculates images and backtrace for block of signatures. A block of signatures gathers all signatures with the same number of interactions. For mathematical details see : @phdthesis{amiot:tel-00971809, TITLE = {{Design of simulation platform joigning site specific radio propagation and human mobility for localization applications}}, AUTHOR = {Amiot, Nicolas}, URL = {}, NUMBER = {2013REN1S125}, SCHOOL = {{Universit{\'e} Rennes 1}}, YEAR = {2013}, MONTH = Dec, TYPE = {Theses}, HAL_ID = {tel-00971809}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, } See Also -------- Signatures.image Signatures.backtrace """ if type(ptx)==int: ptx = np.array(self.L.Gt.pos[ptx]) if type(prx)==int: prx = np.array(self.L.Gt.pos[prx]) if len(ptx) == 2: ptx= np.r_[ptx, 0.5] if len(ptx) == 2: prx= np.r_[prx, 0.5] rays = Rays(ptx,prx) # # detect LOS situation # # # cycle on a line between 2 cycles # lc = self.L.cycleinline(self.source, # # if source and target are in the same merged cycle # and ptx != prx # los = shg.LineString(((ptx[0], ptx[1]), (prx[0], prx[1]))) # convex cycle of each point cyptx = self.L.pt2cy(ptx) cyprx = self.L.pt2cy(prx) polyctx = self.L.Gt.node[cyptx]['polyg'] polycrx = self.L.Gt.node[cyprx]['polyg'] # The Line of sight situation is detected here # dtxtx : square distance between Tx and Rx dtxrx = np.sum((ptx-prx)*(ptx-prx)) if dtxrx>1e-15: if polyctx.contains(los): rays.los = True else: rays.los = False M = self.image2(ptx) R = self.backtrace(ptx,prx,M) # # Add LOS ray in ray 2D # if rays.los: R[0]= {'sig':np.zeros(shape=(0,0,1)),'pt': np.zeros(shape=(2,1,0))} rays.update(R) rays.nb_origin_sig = len(self.keys()) rays.origin_sig_name = self.filename return rays
[docs] def backtrace(self, tx, rx, M): ''' backtracing betwen tx and rx Parameters ---------- tx : ndarray position of tx (2,) rx : ndarray position of tx (2,) M : dict position of intermediate points obtained from self.image() Returns ------- rayp : dict key = number_of_interactions value =ndarray positions of interactions for creating rays Notes ----- dictionnary of intermediate coordinated : key = number_of_interactions value = nd array M with shape : (2,nb_signatures,nb_interactions) and 2 represent x and y coordinates See Also -------- pylayers.antprop.signature.image ''' if len(tx) > 2: tx = tx[:2] if len(rx) > 2: rx = rx[:2] rayp={} # loop on number of interactions for ninter in self.keys(): signatures = copy.deepcopy(self[ninter]) #get segment ids of signature with ninter interactions # seg = self[ninter][::2] # unegseg=np.where(seg<0) # uninegseg,idx = np.unique(seg[unegseg],return_inverse=True) # pneg = np.array([self.L.Gs.pos[x] for x in uninegseg]) # nsig = len(seg) # # determine positions of points limiting the semgments # #1 get index in L.tahe # # 2 get associated position in # utahe = self.L.tahe[:,self.L.tgs[seg]] # # pt : (xycoord (2),pt indexes (2),nb_signatures,nb_interactions) # pt =[:,utahe] # ####WARNING BIG TRICK HERE : # #### pa and pb are not set as the same value # #### to avoid a singular matrixnext. # #### set pa =-pb has no incidence but avoid complex and vain code # #### modification for handling diffractions # try: # pt[:,0,unegseg[0],unegseg[1]]=pneg[idx].T # pt[:,1,unegseg[0],unegseg[1]]=-pneg[idx].T # except: # pass # pt shape = # 0 : (x,y) coordinates x=0,y=1 # 1 : 2 points (linking the semgnet) a=0,b=1 #2 : nb of found signatures/segments # 3 : nb interaction ################################ ############################### ####### This part between hash has been copy/paste from self.image2 ###### should be considered to become a function #get segment ids of signature with ninter interactions # nid = node id nid = self[ninter][::2] nsig = len(nid) # pt shape = # 0 : (x,y) coordinates x=0,y=1 # 1 : 2 points (linking the nidment) a=0,b=1 # 2 : nb of found signatures/nidments # 3 : nb interactions pt = np.empty((2,2,nsig,ninter)) # 1 negative points # seek for diffraction # negative index points are diffraction points upoint = np.where(nid<0) unipoint,idx = np.unique(nid[upoint],return_inverse=True) #get their coordinates # # TO BE FIXED # #upointcoord = self.L.iupnt[-unipoint] #pointcoord =[:,upointcoord] pointcoord = np.array([ (self.L.Gs.pos[x][0],self.L.Gs.pos[x][1]) for x in unipoint ]).T # #### WARNING BIG TRICK HERE : # #### pa and pb are not set as the same value # #### to avoid a singular matrixnext. # #### set pa =-pb has no incidence but avoid complex and vain code # #### modification for handling diffractions try: pt[:,0,upoint[0],upoint[1]] = pointcoord[:,idx] pt[:,1,upoint[0],upoint[1]] = -pointcoord[:,idx] except: pass # 2 positive points # seek for segments useg = np.where(nid>0) # removing duplicates ( for increasing speed) uniseg,idxp = np.unique(nid[useg],return_inverse=True) # determine positions of points limiting the nidments #1 get index in L.tahe utahe = self.L.tahe[:,self.L.tgs[uniseg]] segcoord =[:,utahe] pt[:,:,useg[0],useg[1]]=segcoord[:,:,idxp] ################################### ######################################## # how to do this into a while loop ? p=rx # creating W matrix required in eq (2.70) thesis Nicolas AMIOT # Warning W is rolled after and becomes (nsig,4,4) W = np.zeros((4,4,nsig)) I = np.eye(2)[:,:,np.newaxis]*np.ones((nsig)) W[:2,:2,...] = I W[2:4,:2,...] = I # once rolled : # W (nsig,4,4) W = np.rollaxis(W,-1) kinter=ninter-1 ptr = pt Mr = copy.deepcopy(M) epsilon = 1e-12 rayp_i = np.zeros((3,nsig,ninter)) # rayp_i[:2,:,-1]=rx[:,None] #backtrace process # if ninter == 6: # print np.where(((signatures[:,0]==42) &(signatures[:,1]==-277) & (signatures[:,2]==135) & (signatures[:,3]==21) & (signatures[:,4]==46) & (signatures[:,5]==319))) # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() while kinter > -1: #Initilization, using the Tx position if kinter == ninter-1: p_min_m = p[:,np.newaxis]-Mr[ninter][:,:,kinter] else : p_min_m = pvalid[:].T-Mr[ninter][:,:,kinter] a_min_b = ptr[:,0,:,kinter]-ptr[:,1,:,kinter] # Creating W from eq (2.71) # a_min_b <=> a_{Lh-l}-b_{Lh-l} # p_min_m <=> \tilde{p}_{Lh}-\tilde{b}_{Lh-l} # W (nsig,4,4) # p_min_m (2,nsig) # a_min_b (2,nsig) W[...,:2,2] = p_min_m.T W[...,2:,3] = a_min_b.T # create 2nd member from eq (2.72) if kinter == ninter-1: y= np.concatenate((p[:,np.newaxis]*np.ones((nsig)),ptr[:,0,:,kinter])) else: y= np.concatenate((pvalid.T,ptr[:,0,:,kinter])) # y once transposed : # y (nsig,4) y=y.T # search and remove point with singular matrix invalid_sig=np.where(abs(np.linalg.det(W))<1e-15) W = np.delete(W,invalid_sig,axis=0) y = np.delete(y,invalid_sig,axis=0) ptr = np.delete(ptr,invalid_sig,axis=2) Mr[ninter] = np.delete(Mr[ninter],invalid_sig,axis=1) rayp_i = np.delete(rayp_i,invalid_sig,axis=1) #remove signatures usig = np.repeat(invalid_sig[0],2) usig[::2]=usig[::2]*2 usig[1::2]=usig[1::2]*2+1 signatures = np.delete(signatures,usig,axis=0) # detect diffrac uD = signatures[1::2,kinter]==1 uuD = np.where(signatures[1::2,kinter]==1)[0] psolved = np.linalg.solve(W,y) #valid ray is : 0 < \alpha < 1 and 0< \beta < 1 # alpha uvalidA = psolved[:,2]>0. uvalidB = psolved[:,2]<1. #beta uvalidC = psolved[:,3] >= epsilon uvalidD = psolved[:,3] <=1.-epsilon valid = uvalidA & uvalidB & uvalidC & uvalidD # consider valid diffraction interactions valid = valid | uD uvalid = np.where(valid)[0] # re-add correct position of diffraction interations #indeed diffraction point should not been solved with linalg, # but by setting pa=-pb, no singular matrix appear #and diffraction points can be re-add thereafter. psolved[uuD,:2] = ptr[:,0,uuD,kinter].T pvalid = psolved[uvalid,:2] # keep only valid rays for ptr and Mr Mr[ninter]=Mr[ninter][:,uvalid,:] ptr=ptr[:,:,uvalid,:] W = W[uvalid,:,:] # remove signatures usigv = np.repeat(uvalid,2) usigv[::2]=usigv[::2]*2 usigv[1::2]=usigv[1::2]*2+1 signatures = signatures[usigv,:] rayp_i[:2,uvalid,kinter] = pvalid.T rayp_i = rayp_i[:,uvalid,:] #if no more rays are valid , then quit block # (kinter <0 is the exit while condition) if len(uvalid) > 0 : kinter=kinter-1 else : kinter = -2 # rayp_i[:2,:,0]=tx[:,None] if len(uvalid) !=0: N = int(len(usigv)/2) sir1=signatures[::2].T.reshape(ninter,N) sir2=signatures[1::2].T.reshape(ninter,N) sig = np.empty((2,ninter,N)) sig[0,:,:]=sir1 sig[1,:,:]=sir2 rayp_i=np.swapaxes(rayp_i,1,2) rayp.update({ninter:{'pt':rayp_i,'sig':sig.astype('int')}}) return rayp
[docs] def image2(self,tx): """ determine rays from images (second implementation) Parameters ---------- tx : point """ if len(tx) > 2: tx = tx[:2] dM={} # loop on number of interactions for ninter in self.keys(): #get segment ids of signature with ninter interactions # nid = node id nid = self[ninter][::2] nsig = len(nid) M = np.empty((2,nsig,ninter)) # pt shape = # 0 : (x,y) coordinates x=0,y=1 # 1 : 2 points (linking the nidment) a=0,b=1 # 2 : nb of found signatures/nidments # 3 : nb interactions try: pt = np.nan*np.zeros((2,2,nsig,ninter)) except: pdb.set_trace() #1 negative points # seek for diffraction # negative index points are diffraction points upoint = np.where(nid<0) unipoint,idxpt = np.unique(nid[upoint],return_inverse=True) #get their coordinates # # To be FIXED # #upointcoord = self.L.iupnt[-unipoint] #pointcoord =[:,upointcoord] pointcoord = np.array([ (self.L.Gs.pos[x][0],self.L.Gs.pos[x][1]) for x in unipoint ]).T # try except to handle the case where there is no diffraction point try: pt[:,0,upoint[0],upoint[1]] = pointcoord[:,idxpt] pt[:,1,upoint[0],upoint[1]] = pointcoord[:,idxpt] except: pass #2 positive points #seek for segments useg = np.where(nid>0) # removing duplicates ( for increasing speed) uniseg,idxseg = np.unique(nid[useg],return_inverse=True) # determine positions of points limiting the nidments #1 get index in L.tahe utahe = self.L.tahe[:,self.L.tgs[uniseg]] segcoord =[:,utahe] pt[:,:,useg[0],useg[1]]=segcoord[:,:,idxseg] # check every element of pt is filled assert not np.isnan(pt).any() # # TODO Upgrading layout for handling slab offsets # # uncomment those two lines when the numpy array L.norm and # L.offset exist #norm = self.L.normal[:,utahe] #offset = self.L.offset[:,utahe] # pt = pt + offset*norm ############ #formula 2.61 -> 2.64 N.AMIOT PH.D thesis ############ sx = pt[0,1,:,:]-pt[0,0,:,:] sy = pt[1,1,:,:]-pt[1,0,:,:] den = sx**2+sy**2 # den = ((pt[0,0,:,:]-pt[0,1,:,:])**2+(pt[1,0,:,:]-pt[1,1,:,:])**2) # avoiding singularity (should not be possible) uz = np.where(den==0) den[uz] = 1. a = 1 - (2. / den) * (pt[1,0,:, :] - pt[1,1,:, :]) ** 2 b= (2. / den) * (pt[0,1,:, :] - pt[0,0,:, :]) * (pt[1,0,:, :] - pt[1,1,:, :]) c = (2. / den) * (pt[0,0,:, :] * (pt[1,0,:, :] - pt[1,1,:, :]) ** 2 + pt[1,0,:, :] * (pt[1,0,:, :] - pt[1,1,:, :]) * (pt[0,1,:, :] - pt[0,0,:, :])) d = (2. / den) * (pt[1,0,:, :] * (pt[0,1,:, :] - pt[0,0,:, :]) ** 2 + pt[0,0,:, :] * (pt[1,0,:, :] - pt[1,1,:, :]) * (pt[0,1,:, :] - pt[0,0,:, :])) # a = ((pt[0,0,:,:]-pt[0,1,:,:])**2-(pt[1,0,:,:]-pt[1,1,:,:])**2) # a=a/(1.*den) # b = 2*(pt[0,1,:,:]-pt[0,0,:,:])*(pt[1,1,:,:]-pt[1,0,:,:]) # b=b/(1.*den) # c= 2*(pt[0,0,:,:]*(pt[1,0,:,:]-pt[1,1,:,:])**2+pt[1,0,:,:]*(pt[0,1,:,:]-pt[0,0,:,:])*(pt[1,0,:,:]-pt[1,1,:,:])) # c = c/(1.*den) # d= 2*(pt[0,0,:,:]*(pt[1,0,:,:]-pt[1,1,:,:])*(pt[0,1,:,:]-pt[0,0,:,:])+pt[1,0,:,:]*(pt[0,1,:,:]-pt[0,0,:,:])**2) # d= d/(1.*den) # K=np.array([[a,-b],[-b,-a]]) K = np.array([[a,-b],[-b,-a]]) # translation vector v (2.60) v =np.array(([c,d])) ityp = self[ninter][1::2] for n in np.arange(ninter): #get segment ids of signature with ninter interactions uT = np.where(ityp[:,n]==3)[0] uR = np.where(ityp[:,n]==2)[0] uD = np.where(ityp[:,n]==1)[0] if n ==0: p = tx[:,None]*np.ones((nsig)) else : p = M[:,:,n-1] #reflexion 0 (2.67) M[:,uR,n] = np.einsum('ijk,jk->ik',K[:,:,uR,n],p[:,uR])+v[:,uR,n] #transmission 0 (2.67) M[:,uT,n] = p[:,uT] M[:,uD,n] = pt[:,0,uD,n] # if ninter==6: # print np.where(((seg[:,0]==42) & (seg[:,1]==-277) & (seg[:,2]==135) & (seg[:,3]==21)&(seg[:,-1]==319))) # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() dM.update({ninter:M}) return dM
[docs] def image(self,tx=np.array([2.7,12.5])): ''' Warning : Parameters ---------- tx : ndarray position of tx (2,) Returns ------- M : dictionnary dictionnary of intermediate coordinates key = number_of_interactions value = nd array M with shape : (2,nb_signatures,nb_interactions) and 2 represent x and y coordinates ''' if len(tx) > 2: tx = tx[:2] def nb_split(a): nsp = 2 out=False while not out: res=a%nsp if res!=0: nsp=nsp+1 else: out=True return nsp dM={} for ninter in self.keys(): #get segment ids of signature with ninter interactions seg = self[ninter][::2] nsig = len(seg) # determine positions of points limiting the semgments #1 get index in L.tahe # 2 get associated position in #utahe (2 pt indexes,nb_signatures,nb_interactions) utahe = self.L.tahe[:,self.L.tgs[seg]] # pt : (xycoord (2),pt indexes (2),nb_signatures,nb_interactions) pt =[:,utahe] # pt shape = # 0 : (x,y) coordinates x=0,y=1 # 1 : 2 points (linking the semgnet) a=0,b=1 #2 : nb of found signatures/segments # 3 : nb interaction ############ #formula 2.61 -> 2.64 N.AMIOT thesis ############ den = ((pt[0,0,:,:]-pt[0,1,:,:])**2+(pt[1,0,:,:]-pt[1,1,:,:])**2) uz = np.where(den ==0) den[uz] = 1. a = 1 - (2. / den) * (pt[1,0,:, :] - pt[1,1,:, :]) ** 2 b= (2. / den) * (pt[0,1,:, :] - pt[0,0,:, :]) * (pt[1,0,:, :] - pt[1,1,:, :]) c = (2. / den) * (pt[0,0,:, :] * (pt[1,0,:, :] - pt[1,1,:, :]) ** 2 + pt[1,0,:, :] * (pt[1,0,:, :] - pt[1,1,:, :]) * (pt[0,1,:, :] - pt[0,0,:, :])) d = (2. / den) * (pt[1,0,:, :] * (pt[0,1,:, :] - pt[0,0,:, :]) ** 2 + pt[0,0,:, :] * (pt[1,0,:, :] - pt[1,1,:, :]) * (pt[0,1,:, :] - pt[0,0,:, :])) # den = ((pt[0,0,:,:]-pt[0,1,:,:])**2+(pt[1,0,:,:]-pt[1,1,:,:])**2) # a = ((pt[0,0,:,:]-pt[0,1,:,:])**2-(pt[1,0,:,:]-pt[1,1,:,:])**2) # a=a/(1.*den) # b = 2*(pt[0,1,:,:]-pt[0,0,:,:])*(pt[1,1,:,:]-pt[1,0,:,:]) # b=b/(1.*den) # c= 2*(pt[0,0,:,:]*(pt[1,0,:,:]-pt[1,1,:,:])**2+pt[1,0,:,:]*(pt[0,1,:,:]-pt[0,0,:,:])*(pt[1,0,:,:]-pt[1,1,:,:])) # c = c/(1.*den) # d= 2*(pt[0,0,:,:]*(pt[1,0,:,:]-pt[1,1,:,:])*(pt[0,1,:,:]-pt[0,0,:,:])+pt[1,0,:,:]*(pt[0,1,:,:]-pt[0,0,:,:])**2) # d= d/(1.*den) #get segment ids of signature with ninter interactions ityp = self[ninter][1::2] uT = np.where(ityp[:,1:]==3) uR = np.where(ityp[:,1:]==2) uD=np.where(ityp[:,1:]==1) #create matrix AM which is used to create marix A from eq. 2.65 AM = np.eye(2*ninter)[:,:,np.newaxis]*np.ones(nsig) # Reflexion MAtrix K (2.59) K=np.array([[a,-b],[-b,-a]]) # translation vector v (2.60) v =np.array(([c,d])) ############ #Create matrix A (2.66) which is fill by blocks ############ blocks=np.zeros((2,2,nsig,ninter-1)) # Reflexion block blocks[:,:,uR[0],uR[1]]=-K[:,:,uR[0],uR[1]+1] # Transmission block blocks[:,:,uT[0],uT[1]]=-np.eye(2)[:,:,np.newaxis]*np.ones((len(uT[0]))) # Diff block blocks[:,:,uD[0],uD[1]]=0. # fill the AM mda on the diagonal below the mda diagonal.... A=pyu.fill_block_diagMDA(AM,blocks,2,-1) # The 2nd member y is firslty completly fill, without taking into account that the 1st line differst from others. # 1. find which interaction and signature are R|T|D => create a masked array # 2. repeat is created because to each signature/interaction correspond a 2x1 column. Repeat allow to have the correct size to fill y # 3. fill the 1st line of y to take into consideration that difference. #y is the 2nd memeber from from (2.65) and will be filled following (2.67) y = np.zeros((2 * ninter,nsig)) ####### # Determine where y has to be filed with R|T|D ##### #find the position where there is T|R|D. non continuous => need mask array uTf = np.where(ityp==3) uRf = np.where(ityp==2) uDf =np.where(ityp==1) #postiion in signature <=> 2 lines in y . need to repeat to get the correct size uRy2=np.repeat(uRf[0],2) uRy1=np.repeat(uRf[1],2) uRy1=2*uRy1 uRy1[1::2]=uRy1[::2]+1 uDy2=np.repeat(uDf[0],2) uDy1=np.repeat(uDf[1],2) uDy1=2*uDy1 uDy1[1::2]=uDy1[::2]+1 try: y[uRy1,uRy2]=v[:,uRf[0],uRf[1]].ravel(order='F') except: pass #print 'no R' try: pass #uT1mr = np.repeat(uT1m.mask,2,axis=1).T #nothing to do. shoould be a zero vector , already initialized by y except: pass #print 'no T' try: # NEVER TESTED !!!!!!!!!!! y[uDy1,uDy2]=a[uDf] except: print("signatures.image diffraction line 3672 Not yet tested !") pass #print 'no D' ###### #FIRST LINE specific processing of (2.67) ###### uT0 = np.where(ityp[:,0]==3)[0] uR0 = np.where(ityp[:,0]==2)[0] uD0 =np.where(ityp[:,0]==1)[0] #reflexion 0 (2.67) r0 = np.einsum('ijk,j->ik',K[:,:,uR0,0],tx)+v[:,uR0,0] #trnasmission 0 (2.67) t0 = tx[:,np.newaxis]*np.ones(len(uT0)) #diff 0 (2.67) d0 = a[uD0,0] #first line y[0:2,uR0]=r0 y[0:2,uT0]=t0 y[0:2,uD0]=d0 #reshape for compliant size with linalg A=np.rollaxis(A,-1) y=np.rollaxis(y,-1) leA = len(A) res=0 #trick for memory usage if leA > 1e4: nsp = nb_split(leA) if nsp != leA: lA=np.split(A,nsp) ly=np.split(y,nsp) del A del y print(nsp) for s in range(nsp): lm=np.linalg.solve(lA[s], ly[s]) try: m = np.vstack((m,lm)) except: m = lm del lm del lA del ly else: m = np.linalg.solve(A, y) else : m = np.linalg.solve(A, y) M=np.array((m[:,0::2],m[:,1::2])) dM.update({ninter:M}) return dM
[docs]class Signature(PyLayers,object): """ class Signature Attributes ---------- seq : list of interaction point (edges (>0) or vertices (<0) [int] typ : list of interaction type 1-R 2-T 3-D [int] pa : tail point of interaction segment (2xN) ndarray pb : head point of interaction segment (2xN) ndarray pc : center point of interaction segment (2xN) ndarray """ def __init__(self, sig): """ object constructor Parameters ---------- sig : nd.array or list of interactions >>> seq = np.array([[1,5,1],[1,1,1]]) >>> s = Signature(seq) """ def typinter(l): try: l = eval(l) except: pass return(len(l)) def seginter(l): try: l = eval(l) except: pass return l[0] if type(sig) == np.ndarray: self.seq = sig[0, :] self.typ = sig[1, :] if type(sig) == list: self.seq = map(seginter,sig) self.typ = map(typinter,sig) def __repr__(self): s = '' s = s + str(self.seq) + '\n' s = s + str(self.typ) + '\n' if self.evaluated: s = s + str('\n' s = s + str(self.pb)+'\n' return s
[docs] def info(self): for k in self.__dict__.keys(): print(k, ':', self.__dict__[k])
[docs] def ev2(self, L): """ evaluation of Signature Parameters ---------- L : Layout Notes ----- This function converts the sequence of interactions into numpy arrays which contains coordinates of segments extremities involved in the signature. At that level the coordinates of extremities (tx and rx) is not known yet. members data pa tail of segment (2xN) pb head of segment (2xN) pc the center of segment (2xN) norm normal to the segment if segment in case the interaction is a point the normal is undefined and then set to 0 """ def seqpointa(k,L=L): if k>0: ta, he = L.Gs.neighbors(k) pa = np.array(L.Gs.pos[ta]).reshape(2,1) pb = np.array(L.Gs.pos[he]).reshape(2,1) pc = np.array(L.Gs.pos[k]).reshape(2,1) nor1 = L.Gs.node[k]['norm'] norm = np.array([nor1[0], nor1[1]]).reshape(2,1) else: pa = np.array(L.Gs.pos[k]).reshape(2,1) pb = pa pc = pc norm = np.array([0, 0]).reshape(2,1) return(np.vstack((pa,pb,pc,norm))) v = np.array(map(seqpointa,self.seq)) = v[:,0:2,:] self.pb = v[:,2:4,:] self.pc = v[:,4:6,:] self.norm = v[:,6:,:]
[docs] def evf(self, L): """ evaluation of Signature (fast version) Parameters ---------- L : Layout Notes ----- This function converts the sequence of interactions into numpy arrays which contains coordinates of segments extremities involved in the signature. members data pa tail of segment (2xN) pb head of segment (2xN) """ N = len(self.seq) = np.empty((2, N)) # tail self.pb = np.empty((2, N)) # head for n in range(N): k = self.seq[n] if k > 0: # segment ta, he = L.Gs.neighbors(k)[:, n] = np.array(L.Gs.pos[ta]) self.pb[:, n] = np.array(L.Gs.pos[he]) else: # node pa = np.array(L.Gs.pos[k])[:, n] = pa self.pb[:, n] = pa self.evaluated = True
[docs] def ev(self, L): """ evaluation of Signature Parameters ---------- L : Layout Notes ----- This function converts the sequence of interactions into numpy arrays which contains coordinates of segments extremities involved in the signature. At that stage coordinates of extremities (tx and rx) is not known yet members data pa tail of segment (2xN) pb head of segment (2xN) pc the center of segment (2xN) norm normal to the segment if segment in case the interaction is a point the normal is undefined and then set to 0. """ # TODO : use map and filter instead of for loop N = len(self.seq) = np.empty((2, N)) # tail self.pb = np.empty((2, N)) # head self.pc = np.empty((2, N)) # center self.norm = np.empty((2, N)) for n in range(N): k = self.seq[n] if k > 0: # segment ta, he = L.Gs.neighbors(k) norm1 = np.array(L.Gs.node[k]['norm']) norm = np.array([norm1[0], norm1[1]])[:, n] = np.array(L.Gs.pos[ta]) self.pb[:, n] = np.array(L.Gs.pos[he]) self.pc[:, n] = np.array(L.Gs.pos[k]) self.norm[:, n] = norm else: # node pa = np.array(L.Gs.pos[k]) norm = np.array([0, 0])[:, n] = pa self.pb[:, n] = pa self.pc[:, n] = pa self.norm[:, n] = norm self.evaluated = True
[docs] def unfold(self): """ unfold a given signature returns 2 np.ndarray of pta and phe "aligned" reflexion interactions are mirrored Returns ------- pta : np.array phe : np.array """ lensi = len(self.seq) pta = np.empty((2,lensi)) phe = np.empty((2,lensi)) pta[:,0] =[:,0] phe[:,0] = self.pb[:,0] mirror=[] for i in range(1,lensi): pam =[:,i].reshape(2,1) pbm = self.pb[:,i].reshape(2,1) if self.typ[i] == 2: # R for m in mirror: pam = geu.mirror(pam,pta[:,m],phe[:,m]) pbm = geu.mirror(pbm,pta[:,m],phe[:,m]) pta[:,i] = pam.reshape(2) phe[:,i] = pbm.reshape(2) mirror.append(i) elif self.typ[i] == 3 : # T for m in mirror: pam = geu.mirror(pam,pta[:,m],phe[:,m]) pbm = geu.mirror(pbm,pta[:,m],phe[:,m]) pta[:,i] = pam.reshape(2) phe[:,i] = pbm.reshape(2) elif self.typ[i] == 1 : # D pass # TODO not implemented yet return pta,phe
[docs] def evtx(self, L, tx, rx): """ evaluate transmitter Parameters ---------- L : Layout tx : np.array (2xN) rx : np.array (2xM) DEPRECATED """ = tx.reshape(2, 1) self.pb = tx.reshape(2, 1) self.pc = tx.reshape(2, 1) self.typ = np.array([0]) for k in self.seq: if k > 0: ta, he = L.Gs.neighbors(k) norm1 = L.Gs.node[k]['norm'] norm = np.array([norm1[0], norm1[1]]).reshape(2, 1) pa = np.array(L.Gs.pos[ta]).reshape(2, 1) pb = np.array(L.Gs.pos[he]).reshape(2, 1) pc = np.array(L.Gs.pos[k]).reshape(2, 1) = np.hstack((, pa)) self.pb = np.hstack((self.pb, pb)) self.pc = np.hstack((self.pc, pc)) try: self.norm = np.hstack((self.norm, norm)) except: self.norm = norm self.typ = np.hstack((self.typ, np.array([1]))) else: pa = np.array(L.Gs.pos[k]).reshape(2, 1) norm = np.array([0, 0]).reshape(2, 1) = np.hstack((, pa)) self.pb = np.hstack((self.pb, pa)) self.pc = np.hstack((self.pc, pa)) try: self.norm = np.hstack((self.norm, norm)) except: self.norm = norm self.typ = np.hstack((self.typ, np.array([3]))) = np.hstack((, rx.reshape(2, 1))) self.pb = np.hstack((self.pb, rx.reshape(2, 1))) self.pc = np.hstack((self.pc, rx.reshape(2, 1))) self.typ = np.hstack((self.typ, np.array([0]))) # # vecteur entre deux points adjascents de la signature # self.v = s.pc[:, 1:] - s.pc[:, :-1] = self.v / np.sqrt(sum(self.v * self.v, axis=0)) u1 = sum(self.norm *[:, 0:-1], axis=0) u2 = sum(self.norm *[:, 1:], axis=0) self.typ = np.sign(u1 * u2)
#return(vn) #return(typ)
[docs] def image(self, tx): """ compute the tx's images with respect to the signature segments Parameters ---------- tx : numpy.ndarray Returns ------- M : numpy.ndarray """ pa = pb = self.pb pab = pb - pa alpha = np.sum(pab * pab, axis=0) zalpha = np.where(alpha == 0.) alpha[zalpha] = 1. a = 1 - (2. / alpha) * (pa[1, :] - pb[1, :]) ** 2 b = (2. / alpha) * (pb[0, :] - pa[0, :]) * (pa[1, :] - pb[1, :]) c = (2. / alpha) * (pa[0, :] * (pa[1, :] - pb[1, :]) ** 2 + pa[1, :] * (pa[1, :] - pb[1, :]) * (pb[0, :] - pa[0, :])) d = (2. / alpha) * (pa[1, :] * (pb[0, :] - pa[0, :]) ** 2 + pa[0, :] * (pa[1, :] - pb[1, :]) * (pb[0, :] - pa[0, :])) typ = self.typ # number of interactions N = np.shape(pa)[1] S = np.zeros((N, 2, 2)) S[:, 0, 0] = -a S[:, 0, 1] = b S[:, 1, 0] = b S[:, 1, 1] = a blocks = np.zeros((N - 1, 2, 2)) A = np.eye(N * 2) # detect diffraction usig = np.nonzero(typ[1:] == 1)[0] if len(usig) > 0: blocks[usig, :, :] = np.zeros((2, 2)) # detect transmission tsig = np.nonzero(typ[1:] == 3)[0] if len(tsig) > 0: #blocks[tsig, :, :] = np.zeros((2, 2)) blocks[tsig, :, :] = -np.eye(2) # detect reflexion rsig = np.nonzero(typ[1:] == 2)[0] if len(rsig) > 0: blocks[rsig, :, :] = S[rsig + 1, :, :] A = pyu.fill_block_diag(A, blocks, 2, -1) y = np.zeros(2 * N) if typ[0] == 2: vc0 = np.array([c[0], d[0]]) v0 =[0, :, :], tx) + vc0 if typ[0] == 3: v0 = tx if typ[0] == 1: v0 = pa[:, 0] y[0:2] = v0 for i in range(len(typ[1:])): if typ[i + 1] == 2: y[2 * (i + 1):2 * (i + 1) + 2] = np.array([c[i + 1], d[i + 1]]) if typ[i + 1] == 3: #y[2 * (i + 1):2 * (i + 1) + 2] = y[2*i:2*i+2] y[2 * (i + 1):2 * (i + 1) + 2] = np.array([0,0]) if typ[i + 1] == 1: y[2 * (i + 1):2 * (i + 1) + 2] = pa[:, i + 1] x = la.solve(A, y) M = np.vstack((x[0::2], x[1::2])) return M
[docs] def show(self,L,tx,rx,**kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- L : Layout tx : rx : aw """ defaults = {'aw':True, 'axes':True, 'labels':False, 'fig':[], 'ax':[] } for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k]=defaults[k] if kwargs['fig']==[]: fig = plt.gcf() else: fig = kwargs['fig'] if kwargs['ax']==[]: fig = plt.gcf() else: ax = fig.gca() self.ev(L) fig,ax = L.showG('s',labels=kwargs['labels'], aw=kwargs['aw'], axes=kwargs['axes'] ,fig=fig,ax=ax) M = self.image(tx) isvalid,Y,tup = self.backtrace(tx,rx,M) l1 = ax.plot(tx[0],tx[1],'or') l2 = ax.plot(rx[0],rx[1],'og') l3 = ax.plot(M[0,:],M[1,:],'ob') l4 = ax.plot(Y[0,:],Y[1,:],'ok') ray = np.hstack((np.hstack((rx.reshape(2,1),Y)),tx.reshape(2,1))) for k in self.seq: ax.annotate(str(k),xy=(L.Gs.pos[k]),xytext=(L.Gs.pos[k])) if isvalid: l5 = ax.plot(ray[0,:],ray[1,:],color='green',alpha=0.6,linewidth=0.6) else: l5 = ax.plot(ray[0,:],ray[1,:],color='red',alpha=0.6,linewidth=0.6) return fig,ax
[docs] def backtrace(self, tx, rx, M): """ backtrace given image, tx, and rx Parameters ---------- tx : ndarray (2x1) transmitter rx : ndarray (2x1) receiver M : ndarray (2xN) N image points obtained using self.image method Returns ------- isvalid : bool True if the backtrace ends successfully Y : ndarray (2 x (N+2)) sequence of points corresponding to the seek ray Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import numpy as np >>> from pylayers.gis.layout import * >>> from pylayers.antprop.signature import * >>> L = Layout('defstr.ini') >>> s = Signature(seq) >>> tx = np.array([760,1113]) >>> rx = np.array([762,1114]) >>> s.ev(L) >>> M = s.image(tx) >>> isvalid,Y = s.backtrace(tx,rx,M) >>> fig,ax = L.showG('s',labels=1,aw=1,axes=1) >>> l1 = ax.plot(tx[0],tx[1],'or') >>> l2 = ax.plot(rx[0],rx[1],'og') >>> l3 = ax.plot(M[0,:],M[1,:],'ob') >>> l4 = ax.plot(Y[0,:],Y[1,:],'xk') >>> ray = np.hstack((np.hstack((tx.reshape(2,1),Y)),rx.reshape(2,1))) >>> l5 = ax.plot(ray[0,:],ray[1,:],color='#999999',alpha=0.6,linewidth=0.6) >>> Notes ----- For mathematical details see : @INPROCEEDINGS{6546704, author={Laaraiedh, Mohamed and Amiot, Nicolas and Uguen, Bernard}, booktitle={Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2013 7th European Conference on}, title={Efficient ray tracing tool for UWB propagation and localization modeling}, year={2013}, pages={2307-2311},} """ #import ipdb #pdb.set_trace() #import pdb pa = pb = self.pb typ = self.typ N = np.shape(pa)[1] I2 = np.eye(2) z0 = np.zeros((2, 1)) pkm1 = rx.reshape(2, 1) Y = pkm1 k = 0 # interaction counter beta = .5 # to enter into the loop isvalid = True # signature is asumed being valid by default epsilon = 1e-12 # if tuple(self.seq) == ( 42, -277, 135, 21, 46, 319): # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() # while (((beta <= 1) & (beta >= 0)) & (k < N)): while (((beta <= 1-epsilon) & (beta >= epsilon)) & (k < N)): #if int(typ[k]) != 1: # not a diffraction (surprisingly it works) if int(typ[N-(k+1)]) != 1: # not a diffraction # Formula (25) of paper Eucap 2013 l0 = np.hstack((I2, pkm1 - M[:, N - (k + 1)].reshape(2, 1), z0)) l1 = np.hstack((I2, z0, pa[:, N - (k + 1)].reshape(2, 1) - pb[:, N - (k + 1)].reshape(2, 1) )) # print pkm1 # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() T = np.vstack((l0, l1)) yk = np.hstack((pkm1[:, 0].T, pa[:, N - (k + 1)].T)) deT = np.linalg.det(T) if abs(deT) < 1e-15: return(False,(k,None,None)) xk = la.solve(T, yk) pkm1 = xk[0:2].reshape(2, 1) gk = xk[2::] Y = np.hstack((Y, pa[:, N-(k+1)].reshape((2, 1)))) pkm1 = pa[:, N-(k+1)].reshape((2, 1)) k = k + 1 if ((k == N) & ((beta > 0) & (beta < 1)) & ((alpha > 0) & (alpha < 1))): Y = np.hstack((Y, tx.reshape(2, 1))) return isvalid,Y,(k,alpha,beta) else: isvalid = False return isvalid,Y,(k,alpha,beta)
[docs] def sig2ray(self, L, pTx, pRx): """ convert a signature to a 2D ray Parameters ---------- L : Layout pTx : ndarray 2D transmitter position pRx : ndarray 2D receiver position Returns ------- Y : ndarray (2x(N+2)) See Also -------- Signature.image Signature.backtrace """ # ev transforms a sequence of segment into numpy arrays (points) # necessary for image calculation self.ev(L) # calculates images from pTx M = self.image(pTx) #print self #if np.array_equal(self.seq,np.array([5,7,4])): # pdb.set_trace() isvalid,Y,u = self.backtrace(pTx, pRx, M) #print isvalid,Y # # If incremental mode this function returns an alternative signature # in case the signature do not yield a valid ray. # return isvalid,Y,u
if __name__ == "__main__": plt.ion() print("testing pylayers/antprop/") doctest.testmod() print("-------------------------------------")