Source code for pylayers.gis.layout

#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
#   Layout Module
#   unittesting in tests/
.. currentmodule:: pylayers.gis.layout

.. autosummary::

from __future__ import print_function
    from tvtk.api import tvtk
    from mayavi import mlab
    print('Layout:Mayavi is not installed')

import pdb
import sys
import os
import copy
import glob
import time
import pickle
import tqdm
import numpy as np
import numpy.random as rd
import scipy as sp
import scipy.sparse as sparse
import doctest
import triangle
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm
import matplotlib.colors as clr
import networkx as nx
import pandas as pd
from itertools import combinations, product
import ast
from networkx.readwrite import write_gpickle, read_gpickle
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import shapely.geometry as sh
import shapefile as shp
from shapely.ops import cascaded_union
from matplotlib.collections import PolyCollection
from numpy import array
import PIL.Image as Image
import hashlib
import pylayers.gis.kml as gkml
#from pathos.multiprocessing import ProcessingPool as Pool
#from pathos.multiprocessing import cpu_count
from functools import partial

if sys.version_info.major==2:
    from  urllib2 import urlopen
    import ConfigParser
    from  urllib.request import urlopen
    import configparser as ConfigParser
# from cStringIO import StringIO
# from multiprocessing import Pool

def _pickle_method(method):
	func_name = method.im_func.__name__
	obj = method.im_self
	cls = method.im_class
	if func_name.startswith('__') and not func_name.endswith('__'): #deal with mangled names
		cls_name = cls.__name__.lstrip('_')
		func_name = '_' + cls_name + func_name
	return _unpickle_method, (func_name, obj, cls)

def _unpickle_method(func_name, obj, cls):
	for cls in cls.__mro__:
			func = cls.__dict__[func_name]
		except KeyError:
	return func.__get__(obj, cls)

import types
if sys.version_info.major==2:
    import copy_reg
    copy_reg.pickle(types.MethodType, _pickle_method, _unpickle_method)
    import copyreg
    copyreg.pickle(types.MethodType, _pickle_method, _unpickle_method)

import pylayers.antprop.slab as sb
from pylayers.util import geomutil as geu
from pylayers.util import plotutil as plu
from pylayers.util import pyutil as pyu
from pylayers.util import graphutil as gru
from pylayers.util import cone

# Handle furnitures

import as fur
import pylayers.gis.osmparser as osm
from pylayers.gis.selectl import SelectL
import pylayers.util.graphutil as gph
import pylayers.util.project as pro
from pylayers.util.project import logger

[docs]def pbar(verbose,**kwargs): if verbose: pbar=tqdm.tqdm(**kwargs) return pbar
[docs]class Layout(pro.PyLayers): """ Handling Layout Attributes ---------- Gs : Graph of points and segment (structure) Gt : Graph of convex cycles (topology) Gv : Graph of visibility (visibility) Gi : Graph of interactions (interactions) Gr : Graph of rooms (rooms) Nnode : Number of nodes of Gs Nedge : Number of edges of Gs pt : points sequence tahe : tail head Notes ----- This class uses `networkx` to store Layout information Gs : structure Gt : topology Gv : visibility Gi : interaction Gr : room Gm : Gw : ways Np Ns Nss ax : (xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax) axn : (0,Dx,0,Dy) filefur filegeom filematini fileslabini hasboundary segboundary min_sx min_sy max_sx max_sy labels lbltg lboundary listtransition loadosm lsss name normal p2pc pg pt : points coordinates tahe : segment tail head tgs : graph to segment tsg : segment to graph upnt : array of point index s2pc : segment to point coordinates s2pu : segment to point index sgsg sl typ : 'indoor' | 'outdoor' coordinates : 'cart','lonlat' version _filename _hash _shseg : keys / segment index values / shapely LineString dca : keys / Gt node values / list of air wall degree : keys / point degree values / array of index display : dictionnary for controling various visualization dsseg : indoor : if True allow indoor penetration isbuilt diffraction maxheight zceil zfloor zmin """ def __init__(self,arg='',**kwargs): """ object constructor Parameters ---------- arg : string or tuple layout file name, address or (lat,lon) or '(lat,lon)' mat : material dB file name slab : slab dB file name fur : furniture file name force : boolean check : boolean build : boolean verbose : boolean bcartesian : boolean xlim : '(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax) | () default' dist_m : int typ : string 'indoor' | 'outdoor' """ self.arg = arg self._filematini = kwargs.pop('mat','matDB.ini') self._fileslabini = kwargs.pop('slab','slabDB.ini') self._filefur = kwargs.pop('fur','') self.bcheck = kwargs.pop('bcheck',False) self.bbuild = kwargs.pop('bbuild',False) self.bgraphs = kwargs.pop('bgraphs',False) self.bverbose = kwargs.pop('bverbose',False) self.bcartesian = kwargs.pop('bcartesian',True) self.xlim = kwargs.pop('xlim',()) self.dist_m = kwargs.pop('dist_m',400) self.typ = kwargs.pop('typ','outdoor') self.bexcluded = kwargs.pop('bexcluded',False) self.labels = {} self.Np = 0 self.Ns = 0 self.Nss = 0 self.lsss = [] # # Initializing graphs # Gs : structure # Gt : topology # Gi : interaction # Gr : rooms # Gm : mobility self.Gs = nx.Graph(name='Gs') self.Gr = nx.Graph(name='Gr') self.Gt = nx.Graph(name='Gt') self.Gm = nx.Graph(name='Gm') self.Gs.pos = {} self.tahe = np.zeros(([2, 0]), dtype=int) self.lbltg = [] self.Gt.pos = {} self._shseg = {} self.hasboundary = False self.format = 'cart' self.version = '1.3' assert(self.typ in ['indoor','outdoor','floorplan']) self.isbuilt = False self.loadosm = False # # setting display option self.display = {} self.display['title'] = '' self.display['ticksoff'] = True self.display['nodes'] = False self.display['ndsize'] = 10 self.display['ndlabel'] = False self.display['ndlblsize'] = 20 self.display['edlblsize'] = 20 self.display['fontsize'] = 20 self.display['edlabel'] = False self.display['edges'] = True self.display['ednodes'] = False self.display['subseg'] = True self.display['isonb'] = True self.display['transition'] = True self.display['visu'] = False self.display['thin'] = False self.display['scaled'] = True self.display['alpha'] = 0.5 self.display['layer'] = [] self.display['clear'] = False self.display['activelayer'] = 'AIR' self.display['layers'] = [] self.display['overlay'] = False self.display['overlay_flip'] = "" # self.display['overlay_file']="/home/buguen/Pyproject/data/image/" self.display['overlay_file'] = "" self.display['overlay_axis'] = "" # self.display['layerset'] = if self.xlim!=(): self.display['box']= self.xlim else: self.display['box'] = (-50, 50, -50, 50) = {} = self.display['box'] self.zmin = 0 self.maxheight = 3. newfile = False loadlay = False loadosm = False loadres = False # # Layout main argument # if type(self.arg)==tuple: self.arg = str(self.arg) # # Layout Point of Interest DataFrame # # A Layout is equipped with a DataFrame of Points of Interest # # dfpoi type =['tree','human','tx','rx','support'] # self.dfpoi = pd.DataFrame(columns=['name','type','lon','lat','alt','x',',y','z','radius']) if type(self.arg) is bytes: self.arg = self.arg.decode('utf-8')'analyze input string '+ self.arg) arg, ext = os.path.splitext(self.arg) if arg != '': if ext == '.ini': self._filename = self.arg loadlay = True if ext == '.lay': self._filename = self.arg loadlay = True elif ext == '.osm': self._filename = arg + '.lay' loadosm = True elif ext == '.res': self._filename = arg + '.lay' loadres = True else: self.typ = 'outdoor' self._filename = arg.replace(' ','_')+'.lay' else: # No argument new file self._filename = 'newfile.lay' newfile = True = sb.SlabDB(fileslab=self._fileslabini, filemat=self._filematini) self.zfloor = 0. self.zceil = self.maxheight # # build directory to store graphs # if os.path.splitext(self._filename)[1] == '.lay': dirname = self._filename.replace('.lay','') path = os.path.join(pro.basename, 'struc', 'gpickle', dirname) if not newfile: if loadlay: filename = pyu.getlong(self._filename, pro.pstruc['DIRLAY']) if os.path.exists(filename): # which exists # check the .lay hash fd = open(filename,'rb') self._hash = hashlib.md5( fd.close() # check existence of gpickle graphs if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path,'Gs.gpickle')): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path,'.hash')): fd = open(os.path.join(path,'.hash'),'r') lines = fd.readlines() fd.close() hashGs = lines[0].replace('\n','') self.segboundary = eval(lines[1]) self.typ = lines[2] if hashGs==self._hash:'load from Gs graph') self.hasboundary = True self.dumpr('s') else:'load from .lay file') self.load_fast() else:'load from .lay file') self.load_fast() else:'load from .lay file') self.load_fast() #self.load() else: # which do not exist newfile = True print("new file - creating a void Layout", self._filename) elif loadosm: # load .osm file self.importosm(fileosm=self.arg, cart=self.bcartesian, typ=self.typ) self.loadosm = True elif loadres: self.importres(_fileres=self.arg) = sb.SlabDB() elif '(' in str(arg): # load from osmapi latlon (string or tuple latlon = eval(self.arg) self.importosm(latlon=latlon, dist_m=self.dist_m, cart=self.bcartesian, typ=self.typ) self.loadosm = True else: # load from address geocoding self.importosm(address=self.arg, dist_m=self.dist_m, cart=self.bcartesian, typ=self.typ) self.loadosm = True # add boundary if it not exist if (not self.hasboundary) or (self.xlim != ()): self.boundary(xlim = self.xlim)'call subseg ') self.subseg()'call updateshseg ') self.updateshseg() try: self.geomfile() except: print("problem to construct geomfile") # # check layout # self.bconsistent = True if self.bcheck: self.bconsistent, dseg = self.check() # if Layout is correctly described # check if the graph gpickle files have been built if self.bconsistent: # # build and save graphs # if self.bbuild: # ans = raw_input('Do you want to build the layout (y/N) ? ') # if ans.lower()=='y' self.lbltg.append('s') self.dumpw() # # load graphs from file # elif self.bgraphs: if os.path.splitext(self._filename)[1]=='.lay': dirname = self._filename.replace('.lay','') path = os.path.join(pro.basename, 'struc', 'gpickle', dirname) if os.path.exists(path): # load graph Gt # and compare the self._hash from ini file # with the hash store in node 0 of Gt at time of the last build # If they are different a rebuild is needeed # Otherwise all the stored graphs are loaded # self.dumpr('t') # If node 0 exists : the layout has been built # If .ini file has changed rebuild if self._hash == self.Gt.node[0]['hash']: self.dumpr('stvirw') self.isbuilt = True bbuild = False else: print(".lay file has changed you must rebuild the grahs") else: # if graph are requested and it not exists a pickle of a graph # they are built self.lbltg.append('s') self.dumpw() #self.get_boundary()'end of __init__') def __repr__(self): st = '\n' st = st + "----------------\n" home = os.path.expanduser('~') with open(os.path.join(home, '.pylayers'),'r') as f: paths = f.readlines() uporj = paths.index('project\n') project = paths[uporj+1] st = st + "Project : " + project+'\n' if hasattr(self, '_hash'): st = st + self._filename + ' : ' + self._hash + "\n" else: st = st + self._filename + "\n" if self.isbuilt: st = st + 'Built with : ' + self.Gt.node[0]['hash'] + "\n" st = st + 'Type : ' + self.typ+'\n' if self.display['overlay_file'] != '': filename = pyu.getlong( self.display['overlay_file'], os.path.join('struc', 'images')) st = st + "Image('" + filename + "')\n" st = st + "Coordinates : " + self.format + "\n" if hasattr(self,'extent'): st = st + "----------------\n" st = st+ str(self.extent)+'\n' if hasattr(self,'extent_c'): st = st + "----------------\n" st = st+ str(self.extent_c)+'\n' if hasattr(self, 'Gs'): st = st + "----------------\n" st = st + "Gs : "+str(len(self.Gs.node))+"("+str(self.Np)+'/'+str(self.Ns)+'/'+str(len(self.lsss))+') :'+str(len(self.Gs.edges()))+'\n' if hasattr(self,'Gt'): st = st + "Gt : "+str(len(self.Gt.node))+' : '+str(len(self.Gt.edges()))+'\n' if hasattr(self,'Gv'): st = st + "Gv : "+str(len(self.Gv.node))+' : '+str(len(self.Gv.edges()))+'\n' if hasattr(self,'Gi'): st = st + "Gi : "+str(len(self.Gi.node))+' : '+str(len(self.Gi.edges()))+'\n' if hasattr(self,'Gr'): st = st + "Gr : "+str(len(self.Gr.node))+' : '+str(len(self.Gr.edges()))+'\n' if hasattr(self,'Gw'): st = st + "Gw : "+str(len(self.Gw.node))+' : '+str(len(self.Gw.edges()))+'\n' st = st + "----------------\n\n" # if hasattr(self, 'degree'): # for k in # if (k < 2) or (k > 3): # st = st + 'degree ' + \ # str(k) + ' : ' + str([k]) + "\n" # else: # st = st + 'number of node points of degree ' + \ # str(k) + ' : ' + str(len([k])) + "\n" st = st + "\n" st = st + "xrange : " + str([0:2]) + "\n" st = st + "yrange : " + str([2:]) + "\n" if hasattr(self,'pg'): st = st + "center : " + "( %.2f,%.2f)" % ([0],[1]) + "\n" if hasattr(self,'radius'): st = st + "radius : %.2f " % self.radius + "\n" # st = st + "\nUseful dictionnaries" + "\n----------------\n" # if hasattr(self,'dca'): # st = st + "dca {cycle : []} cycle with an airwall" +"\n" # if hasattr(self,'di'): # st = st + "di {interaction : [nstr,typi]}" +"\n" # if hasattr(self,'sl'): # st = st + "sl {slab name : slab dictionary}" +"\n" # if hasattr(self,'name'): # st = st + "name : {slab :seglist} " +"\n" # st = st + "\nUseful arrays"+"\n----------------\n" # if hasattr(self,'pt'): # st = st + "pt : numpy array of points " +"\n" # if hasattr(self,'normal'): # st = st + "normal : numpy array of normal " +"\n" # if hasattr(self,'offset'): # st = st + "offset : numpy array of offset " +"\n" # if hasattr(self,'tsg'): # st = st + "tsg : get segment index in Gs from tahe" +"\n" # if hasattr(self,'isss'): # st = st + "isss : sub-segment index above Nsmax"+"\n" # if hasattr(self,'tgs'): # st = st + "tgs : get segment index in tahe from self.Gs" +"\n" # if hasattr(self,'upnt'): # st = st + "upnt : get point id index from"+"\n" # #if hasattr(self,'iupnt'): # # st = st + "iupnt : get point index in from point id "+"\n" # if hasattr(self,'lsss'): # st = st + "lsss : list of segments with sub-segment"+"\n" # if hasattr(self,'sridess'): # st = st + "stridess : stride to calculate the index of a subsegment" +"\n" # if hasattr(self,'sla'): # st = st + "sla : list of all slab names (Nsmax+Nss+1)" +"\n" # if hasattr(self,'degree'): # st = st + "degree : degree of nodes " +"\n" # st = st + "\nUseful tip" + "\n----------------\n" # st = st + "Point p in Gs => p_coord:\n" # #st = st + "p -> u = self.iupnt[-p] -> p_coord =[:,u]\n\n" #st = st + "Segment s in Gs => s_ab coordinates \n" #st = st + "s2pc : segment to point coordinates (sparse) [p1,p2] = L.s2pc.toarray().reshape(2,2).T \n" #st = st + \ # "s -> u = self.tgs[s] -> v = self.tahe[:,u] -> s_ab =[:,v]\n\n" return(st) def __add__(self, other): """ addition One can add either a numpy array or an other layout """ Ls = copy.deepcopy(self) if type(other) == np.ndarray: for k in Ls.Gs.pos: Ls.Gs.pos[k] = Ls.Gs.pos[k] + other[0:2] else: offp = -min(Ls.Gs.nodes()) offs = max(Ls.Gs.nodes()) other.offset_index(offp=offp, offs=offs) Ls.Gs.node.update(other.Gs.node) Ls.Gs.edge.update(other.Gs.edge) Ls.Gs.adj.update(other.Gs.adj) Ls.Gs.pos.update(other.Gs.pos) Ls.Np = Ls.Np + other.Np Ls.Ns = Ls.Ns + other.Ns Ls.Nss = Ls.Nss + other.Nss return(Ls) def __mul__(self, alpha): """ scale the layout other : scaling factor (np.array or int or float) Returns ------- Ls : Layout scaled layout """ Ls = copy.deepcopy(self) Gs = Ls.Gs if type(alpha) != np.ndarray: assert((type(alpha) == float) or ( type(alpha) == int)), " not float" alpha = np.array([alpha, alpha, alpha]) else: assert(len(alpha) == 3), " not 3D" # # scaling x & y # x = np.array(Gs.pos.values())[:, 0] x = x * alpha[0] y = np.array(Gs.pos.values())[:, 1] y = y * alpha[1] xy = np.vstack((x, y)).T Ls.Gs.pos = dict(zip(Gs.pos.keys(), tuple(xy))) # # scaling z # nseg = filter(lambda x: x > 0, Gs.nodes()) for k in nseg: Ls.Gs.node[k]['z'] = tuple( (np.array(Ls.Gs.node[k]['z']) - self.zmin) * alpha[2] + self.zmin) if 'ss_z' in Ls.Gs.node[k]: Ls.Gs.node[k]['ss_z'] = list( (np.array(Ls.Gs.node[k]['ss_z']) - self.zmin) * alpha[2] + self.zmin) # # updating numpy array from graph # Ls.g2npy() return Ls def mapconv(xorlon,yorlat,inverse=False): """ map converter spherical to cartesian (default) Parameters ---------- lonorx : np.array of float lon or x latory : np.array of float lat or y inverse : boolean True (cartesian -> spherical) False (spherical -> cartesian) Examples -------- lon = np.array([]) lat = np.array([]) p = L.mapconv(lon,lat) Info ---- Lambert 93 (France) : Proj(init='epsg:2154') """ # spherical projection psph = Proj(init='epsg:4326') # use Basemap (Deprecated) if hasattr(self,'m'): p = self.m(lonorx,latory,inverse=inverse) # use pyproj if hasattr(self,'cartproj'): if inverse: p = projection(self.cartproj,psph,lonorx,latory) else: p = projection(psph,self.cartproj,lonorx,latory) def switch(self): """ switch coordinates Info ---- Use either basemap objet or pyproj object """ if hasattr(self,'m'): if self.format == 'cart': for k in self.Gs.pos.keys(): p = self.m( self.Gs.pos[k][0], self.Gs.pos[k][1], inverse=True) self.Gs.pos[k] = p if hasattr(self,'dpoly'): if hasattr(self.dpoly,'_xy'): for k in self.dpoly: #self.dpoly[k].ndarray() = np.vstack(self.m(self.dpoly[k].ndarray()[0,:],self.dpoly[k].ndarray()[1,:],inverse=True)) self.dpoly[k]._xy = np.vstack(self.m(self.dpoly[k]._xy[0,:],self.dpoly[k]._xy[1,:],inverse=True)) self.format = 'latlon' elif self.format == 'latlon': for k in self.Gs.pos.keys(): p = self.m( self.Gs.pos[k][0], self.Gs.pos[k][1]) self.Gs.pos[k] = p if hasattr(self,'dpoly'): if hasattr(self.dpoly,'_xy'): for k in self.dpoly: #self.dpoly[k].ndarray() = np.vstack(self.m(self.dpoly[k].ndarray()[0,:],self.dpoly[k].ndarray()[1,:],inverse=True)) self.dpoly[k]._xy = np.vstack(self.m(self.dpoly[k]._xy[0,:],self.dpoly[k]._xy[1,:])) self.format ='cart' nodes = self.Gs.nodes() upnt = [n for n in nodes if n < 0][0, :] = np.array([self.Gs.pos[k][0] for k in upnt])[1, :] = np.array([self.Gs.pos[k][1] for k in upnt]) def _help(self): st = '' st = st + "\nUseful dictionnaries" + "\n----------------\n" if hasattr(self,'dca'): st = st + "dca {cycle : []} cycle with an airwall" +"\n" if hasattr(self,'di'): st = st + "di {interaction : [nstr,typi]}" +"\n" if hasattr(self,'sl'): st = st + "sl {slab name : slab dictionary}" +"\n" if hasattr(self,'name'): st = st + "name : {slab :seglist} " +"\n" st = st + "\nUseful arrays"+"\n----------------\n" if hasattr(self,'pt'): st = st + "pt : numpy array of points " +"\n" if hasattr(self,'normal'): st = st + "normal : numpy array of normal " +"\n" if hasattr(self,'offset'): st = st + "offset : numpy array of offset " +"\n" if hasattr(self,'tsg'): st = st + "tsg : get segment index in Gs from tahe" +"\n" if hasattr(self,'isss'): st = st + "isss : sub-segment index above Nsmax"+"\n" if hasattr(self,'tgs'): st = st + "tgs : get segment index in tahe from self.Gs" +"\n" if hasattr(self,'upnt'): st = st + "upnt : get point id index from"+"\n" st = st + "\nUseful Sparse arrays"+"\n----------------\n" if hasattr(self,'sgsg'): st = st + "sgsg : "+"get common point of 2 segment (usage self.sgsg[seg1,seg2] => return common point \n" if hasattr(self,'s2pc'): st = st + "s2pc : "+"from a Gs segment node to its 2 extremal points (tahe) coordinates\n" if hasattr(self,'s2pu'): st = st + "s2pu : "+"from a Gs segment node to its 2 extremal points (tahe) index\n" if hasattr(self,'p2pu'): st = st + "p2pu : "+"from a Gs point node to its coordinates\n" st = st + "\nUseful lists"+"\n----------------\n" #if hasattr(self,'iupnt'): # st = st + "iupnt : get point index in from point id "+"\n" if hasattr(self,'lsss'): st = st + "lsss : list of segments with sub-segment"+"\n" if hasattr(self,'sridess'): st = st + "stridess : stride to calculate the index of a subsegment" +"\n" if hasattr(self,'sla'): st = st + "sla : list of all slab names (Nsmax+Nss+1)" +"\n" if hasattr(self,'degree'): st = st + "degree : degree of nodes " +"\n" st = st + "\nUseful tip" + "\n----------------\n" st = st + "Point p in Gs => p_coord: Not implemented\n" # st = st + "p -> u = self.upnt[-p] -> p_coord =[:,-u]\n\n" st = st + "Segment s in Gs => s_ab coordinates \n" st = st + \ "s -> u = self.tgs[s] -> v = self.tahe[:,u] -> s_ab =[:,v]\n\n" print(st)
[docs] def ls(self, typ='lay'): """ list the available file in dirstruc Parameters ---------- typ : string optional {'lay'|'osm'|'wrl'} Returns ------- lfile_s : list sorted list of all the .str file of strdir Notes ----- strdir is defined in the Project module Examples -------- Display all available structures >>> from pylayers.gis.layout import * >>> L = Layout() >>> fillist = """ if typ == 'lay': pathname = os.path.join(pro.pstruc['DIRLAY'], '*.' + typ) if typ == 'osm': pathname = os.path.join(pro.pstruc['DIROSM'], '*.' + typ) if typ == 'wrl': pathname = os.path.join(pro.pstruc['DIRWRL'], '*.' + typ) lfile_l = glob.glob(os.path.join(pro.basename, pathname)) lfile_s = [] for fi in lfile_l: fis = pyu.getshort(fi) lfile_s.append(fis) lfile_s.sort() return lfile_s
[docs] def offset_index(self, offp=0, offs=0): """ offset points and segment index Parameters ---------- offp : offset points offs : offset segments See Also -------- Portage vers networkx 2. inacheve __add__ """ newpoint = dict((k - offp, v) for k, v in self.Gs.node.items() if k < 0) assert (np.array(list(newpoint.keys())) < 0).all() newseg = dict((k + offs, v) for k, v in self.Gs.node.items() if k > 0) assert (np.array(list(newseg.keys())) > 0).all() newpoint.update(newseg) nx.set_node_attributes(self.Gs,newpoint) #self.Gs.node = newpoint newppoint = dict((k - offp, v) for k, v in self.Gs.pos.items() if k < 0) newpseg = dict((k + offs, v) for k, v in self.Gs.pos.items() if k > 0) newppoint.update(newpseg) self.Gs.pos = newppoint # adjascence list of segments ladjs = [self.Gs.adj[k] for k in self.Gs.adj.keys() if k > 0] # adjascence list of points ladjp = [self.Gs.adj[k] for k in self.Gs.adj.keys() if k < 0] nladjs = map(lambda x: dict((k - offp, v) for k, v in x.items()), ladjs) nladjp = map(lambda x: dict((k + offs, v) for k, v in x.items()), ladjp) lpt = [k - offp for k in self.Gs.adj.keys() if k < 0] lseg = [k + offs for k in self.Gs.adj.keys() if k > 0] dpt = dict(zip(lpt, nladjp)) dseg = dict(zip(lseg, nladjs)) dseg.update(dpt) print("Todo create a dictionnary of edges") nx.set_edge_attributes(self.Gs,dseg)
# self.Gs.adj = dseg # self.Gs.edge = dseg
[docs] def check(self, level=0, epsilon = 0.64): """ Check Layout consistency Parameters ---------- level : int Returns ------- consistent : Boolean True if consistent dseg : dictionnary of segments See Also -------- GeomUtil.isBetween Notes ----- For all segments get the 2 vertices for all the other vertices check if it belongs to segment If there are points which are not valid they are displayed In red point with degree == 1 , In black points with degree == 0 """ bconsistent = True nodes = self.Gs.nodes() if len(nodes) > 0: # # points # segments # degree of segments useg = [ x for x in nodes if x > 0 ] upnt = [ x for x in nodes if x < 0 ] degseg = [, x) for x in useg ] # # 1) all segments have degree 2 # assert(np.all(array(degseg) == 2)) # # degree of points # maximum degree of points # degpnt = [, x) for x in upnt ] # points absolute degrees degmin = min(degpnt) degmax = max(degpnt) # # No isolated points (degree 0) # No points of degree 1 # if (degmin <= 1): f, a = self.showG('s', aw=1) deg0 = [ x for x in upnt if, x) == 0] deg1 = [ x for x in upnt if, x) == 1] if len(deg0) > 0: logger.critical( "It exists degree 0 points : %r", deg0 ) f, a = self.pltvnodes(deg0, fig=f, ax=a) bconsistent = False if len(deg1) > 0: logger.critical( "It exists degree 1 points : %r", deg1 ) f, a = self.pltvnodes(deg1, fig=f, ax=a) bconsistent = False # self.deg = {} # for deg in range(degmax + 1): # num = filter(lambda x: degpnt[x] == deg, range( # len(degpnt))) # position of degree 1 point # npt = map(lambda x: upnt[x], num) # number of degree 1 points # self.deg[deg] = npt # # check if there are duplicate points or segments # # TODO argsort x coordinate # # get all the nodes ke = list(self.Gs.pos.keys()) lpos = list(self.Gs.pos.values()) x = np.array([ pp[0] for pp in lpos ] ) y = np.array([ pp[1] for pp in lpos ] ) p = np.vstack((x, y)) d1 = p - np.roll(p, 1, axis=1) sd1 = np.sum(np.abs(d1), axis=0) if not sd1.all() != 0: lu = np.where(sd1 == 0)[0] for u in lu: # if ke[u]>0: # self.del_segment(ke[u]) if ke[u] < 0: self.del_points(ke[u]) nodes = self.Gs.nodes() # useg = filter(lambda x : x>0,nodes) upnt = filter(lambda x: x < 0, nodes) # iterate on useg : list of segments # s : n1 <--> n2 # # Is there a point different from (n1-n2) in betweeen of an existing segment s ? # # Not scalable. Double for loop dseg = {} if (self.typ == 'indoor') or (self.typ=='outdoor'): for s in useg: # n1, n2 = np.array(self.Gs.neighbors(s)) # node s neighbors n1, n2 = np.array(self.Gs[s]) # node s neighbors p1 = np.array(self.Gs.pos[n1]) # p1 --- p2 p2 = np.array(self.Gs.pos[n2]) # s # # iterate on upnt : list of points for n in upnt: if (n1 != n) & (n2 != n): p = np.array(self.Gs.pos[n]) if geu.isBetween(p1, p2, p,epsilon=epsilon): if s in dseg: dseg[s].append(n) else: dseg[s]=[n] logger.critical("segment %d contains point %d", s, n) bconsistent = False if level > 0: cycle = self.Gs.node[s]['ncycles'] if len(cycle) == 0: logger.critical("segment %d has no cycle", s) if len(cycle) == 3: logger.critical( "segment %d has cycle %s", s, str(cycle)) # # check if Gs points are unique # segments can be duplicated # P = np.array([self.Gs.pos[k] for k in upnt]) similar = geu.check_point_unicity(P) if len(similar) != 0: logger.critical("points at index(es) %s in self.Gs.pos are similar", str(similar)) bconsistent = False return bconsistent, dseg
[docs] def clip(self, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax): """ return the list of edges which cross or belong to the clipping zone Parameters ---------- xmin : float xmax : float ymin : float ymax : float Returns ------- seglist : list of segment number Notes ----- 1) Determine all segments outside the clipping zone 2) Union of the 4 conditions 3) setdiff1d between the whole array of segments and the segments outside """ p0 =[:, self.tahe[0, :]] p1 =[:, self.tahe[1, :]] maxx = np.maximum(p0[0, :], p1[0, :]) maxy = np.maximum(p0[1, :], p1[1, :]) minx = np.minimum(p0[0, :], p1[0, :]) miny = np.minimum(p0[1, :], p1[1, :]) nxp = np.nonzero(maxx < xmin)[0] nxm = np.nonzero(minx > xmax)[0] nyp = np.nonzero(maxy < ymin)[0] nym = np.nonzero(miny > ymax)[0] u = np.union1d(nxp, nxm) u = np.union1d(u, nyp) u = np.union1d(u, nym) iseg = np.arange(self.Ns) return np.setdiff1d(iseg, u)
[docs] def check_Gi(self): for nit1 in self.Gi.nodes(): if len(nit1)>1: cy1 = nit1[-1] for nint2 in self.Gi[nit1].keys(): if len(nint2) > 1 : assert nint2[1] == cy1
# for e0,e1 in self.Gi.edges():
[docs] def g2npy(self,verbose=False): """ conversion from graphs to numpy arrays Parameters ---------- verbose : boolean Notes ----- This function updates the following arrays in self: + pt (2xNp) + pg center of gravity + tahe (2xNs) + tgs : graph to segment + tsg : segment to graph + dca : dictionnary of cycle with an airwall (_AIR) + s2pu : sparse_lil_matrix + s2pc : sparse_lil_matrix + lsss : list of iso segments + maxheight : + normal : assert[self.iupnt[-1]] ==[:,self.iupnt[-1]] See Also -------- extrseg """ nodes = self.Gs.nodes() # nodes include points and segments # segment index useg = [n for n in nodes if n > 0] # points index upnt = [n for n in nodes if n < 0] # sparse matrix segment-segment # usage # self.sgsg[seg1,seg2] => return common point mno = max(nodes) #self.sgsg = sparse.lil_matrix((mno+1,mno+1),dtype='int') # loop over segments # a segment is always connected to 2 nodes'g2npy : loop over segments') for s in useg: # get point index of the segment # s > 0 # v1.1 lpts = [ x for x in nx.neighbors(self.Gs,s)] lpts = [ x for x in self.Gs[s] ] assert(len(lpts)==2) assert(lpts[0]<0) assert(lpts[1]<0) # get point 0 neighbors a = [ x for x in self.Gs[lpts[0]]] # a = self.Gs.edge[lpts[0]].keys() # get point 1 neighbors #b = self.Gs.edge[lpts[1]].keys() b = [ x for x in self.Gs[lpts[1]]] nsa = np.setdiff1d(a,b) nsb = np.setdiff1d(b,a) u = np.hstack((nsa,nsb)) npta = [lpts[0]]*len(nsa) nptb = [lpts[1]]*len(nsb) ns = np.hstack((npta,nptb)) #self.sgsg[s,u]=ns # conversion in numpy array self.upnt = np.array((upnt)) self.useg = np.array((useg)) l1 = [(x, self.Gs.node[x]['name']) for x in self.useg ] for l in l1: try:[l[1]].append(l[0]) except:[l[1]] = [l[0]] # association # utmp = np.array(zip(-self.upnt,np.arange(len(self.upnt)))) # mutmp = max(utmp[:,0]) # self.iupnt = -np.ones((mutmp+1),dtype='int') # self.iupnt[utmp[:,0]]=utmp[:,1] # degree of segment nodes degseg = [,x) for x in useg ] assert(np.all(np.array(degseg) == 2)) # all segments must have degree 2 # # : dictionnary (point degree : list of point index) # # points absolute degrees degpnt = np.array([, x) for x in upnt]) # lairwall : list of air wall segments lairwall = [] if 'AIR' in lairwall +=['AIR'] else:['AIR'] = [] if '_AIR' in lairwall +=['_AIR'] else:['_AIR'] = [] # as['AIR'] and['_AIR'] are tested # we define them as void list if not defined # # function to count airwall connected to a point # probably this is not the faster solution # def nairwall(nupt): #v1.1 lseg = nx.neighbors(self.Gs, nupt) lseg = self.Gs[nupt] n = 0 for ns in lseg: if ns in lairwall: n = n + 1 return n nairwall = np.array([ nairwall(x) for x in upnt]) if verbose: print('buildging nairwall : Done') # # if a node is connected to N air wall ==> deg = deg - N # degpnt = degpnt - nairwall try: degmax = max(degpnt) except: degmax = 1 = {}'g2npy : Start node degree determination') for deg in range(degmax + 1): #num = filter(lambda x: degpnt[x] == deg, range( # len(degpnt))) # position of degree 1 point num = [ x for x in range(len(degpnt)) if degpnt[x] == deg ] # number of degree 1 points #npt = np.array(map(lambda x: upnt[x], num)) npt = np.array([upnt[x] for x in num])[deg] = npt'g2npy : convert geometric information in numpy array') = np.array(np.zeros([2, len(upnt)]), dtype=float) self.tahe = np.array(np.zeros([2, len(useg)]), dtype=int) self.Np = len(upnt) self.Ns = len(useg)[0, :] = np.array([self.Gs.pos[k][0] for k in upnt])[1, :] = np.array([self.Gs.pos[k][1] for k in upnt]) = np.sum(, axis=1) / np.shape([1] ptc =[:,None] dptc = np.sqrt(np.sum(ptc*ptc,axis=0)) self.radius = dptc.max() = np.hstack((, 0.)) if self.Ns>0: ntahe = np.array([ [n for n in nx.neighbors(self.Gs,x) ] for x in useg ]) ntail = ntahe[:,0] nhead = ntahe[:,1] # create sparse matrix from a Gs segment node to its 2 extremal points (tahe) index mlgsn = max(self.Gs.nodes())+1 self.s2pu = sparse.lil_matrix((mlgsn,2),dtype='int') self.s2pu[useg,:] = ntahe # convert to compressed row sparse matrix # to be more efficient on row slicing self.s2pu = self.s2pu.tocsr() if self.Ns > 0: aupnt = np.array(upnt)'g2npy : build tail head tahe') self.tahe[0, :] = np.array([np.where(aupnt==x)[0][0] for x in ntail ]) self.tahe[1, :] = np.array([np.where(aupnt==x)[0][0] for x in nhead ]) # # transcoding array between graph numbering (discontinuous) and numpy numbering (continuous) # Nsmax = 0 self.tsg = np.array(useg) try: Nsmax = max(self.tsg) except: logger.warning("No segments in Layout yet") # # handling of segment related arrays # if Nsmax > 0: self.tgs = -np.ones(Nsmax + 1, dtype=int) rag = np.arange(len(useg)) self.tgs[self.tsg] = rag # # calculate normal to segment ta-he # # This could becomes obsolete once the normal will be calculated at # creation of the segment # X = np.vstack(([0, self.tahe[0, :]],[0, self.tahe[1, :]])) Y = np.vstack(([1, self.tahe[0, :]],[1, self.tahe[1, :]])) normx = Y[0, :] - Y[1, :] normy = X[1, :] - X[0, :] scale = np.sqrt(normx * normx + normy * normy) assert (scale.all() > 0), pdb.set_trace() self.normal = np.vstack( (normx, normy, np.zeros(len(scale)))) / scale # for ks in ds: # # lsss : list of subsegment # # nsmax = max(self.Gs.node.keys()) # Warning # ------- # nsmax can be different from the total number of segments # This means that the numerotation of segments do not need to be # contiguous. # stridess : length is equal to nsmax+1 # sla is an array of string, index 0 is not used because there is # no such segment number. # self.lsss = [x for x in useg if len(self.Gs.node[x]['iso']) > 0] # self.isss = [] # self.stridess = np.array(np.zeros(nsmax+1),dtype=int) # self.stridess = np.empty(nsmax+1,dtype=int) # +1 is for discarding index 0 (unused here) # self.offset = np.empty(nsmax+1+self.Nss,dtype=int) # Storing segment normals # Handling of subsegments # # index is for indexing subsegment after the nsmax value # # index = nsmax+1 # for ks in useg: # k = self.tgs[ks] # index numpy # self.offset[k] = self.Gs.node[ks]['offset'] # self.Gs.node[ks]['norm'] = self.normal[:,k] # update normal # nameslab = self.Gs.node[ks]['name'] # update sla array # assert nameslab!='', "segment "+str(ks)+ " is not defined" # self.sla[ks] = nameslab # # stridess is different from 0 only for subsegments # self.stridess[ks] = 0 # initialize stridess[ks] # #if index==155: # if self.Gs.node[ks].has_key('ss_name'): # if segment has sub segment # nss = len(self.Gs.node[ks]['ss_name']) # retrieve number of sseg # self.stridess[ks]=index-1 # update stridess[ks] dict # for uk,slabname in enumerate(self.Gs.node[ks]['ss_name']): # self.lsss.append(ks) # self.sla[index] = slabname # self.isss.append(index) # self.offset[index] = self.Gs.node[ks]['ss_offset'][uk] # index = index+1 # append sub segment normal to normal # create sparse matrix from a Gs segment node to its 2 extremal points (tahe) coordinates if self.Ns >0: self.s2pc = sparse.lil_matrix((mlgsn,4)) ptail =[:,self.tahe[0,:]] phead =[:,self.tahe[1,:]] A = np.vstack((ptail,phead)).T self.s2pc[self.tsg,:]=A # convert to compressed row sparse matrix # to be more efficient on row slicing self.s2pc = self.s2pc.tocsr() # for k in self.tsg: # assert(np.array(self.s2pc[k,:].todense())==self.seg2pts(k).T).all(),pdb.set_trace() # # This is wrong and asume a continuous indexation of points # TODO FIX : This problem cleanly # # self.p2pc is only used in Gspos in outputGi_func only caled in case of # multiprocessing # # The temporary fix is to comment the 5 next lines # # mino = -min(self.Gs.nodes())+1 # self.p2pc = sparse.lil_matrix((mino,2)) # self.p2pc[-self.upnt,:] # self.p2pc = self.p2pc.tocsr() # normal_ss = self.normal[:,self.tgs[self.lsss]] # self.normal = np.hstack((self.normal,normal_ss)) # if problem here check file format 'z' should be a string lheight = array([v[1] for v in nx.get_node_attributes(self.Gs, 'z').values() if v[1] < 2000 ]) #assert(len(lheight)>0),logger.error("no valid heights for segments") if len(lheight)>0: self.maxheight = np.max(lheight) else: self.maxheight = 3 # self.maxheight=3. # calculate extremum of segments self.extrseg()
[docs] def importshp(self, **kwargs): """ import layout from shape file Parameters ---------- _fileshp : """ pref = kwargs.pop('pref', [np.array([25481100, 6676890]), np.array([60.2043716, 24.6591147])]) dist_m = kwargs.pop('dist_m',250) latlon = kwargs.pop('latlon',True) bd = kwargs.pop('bd', [24, 60, 25, 61]) fileshp = pyu.getlong(kwargs['_fileshp'], os.path.join('struc', 'shp')) polys = shp.Reader(fileshp) verts = [] for poly in polys.iterShapes(): verts.append(poly.points) npt = -1 ns = 0 xmin = 1e16 ymin = 1e16 xmax = -1e16 ymax = -1e16['WALL'] = [] for p in verts: v = np.array(p) - pref[0][None, :] nv = np.sqrt(np.sum(v * v, axis=1)) # if at least one point is in the radius the poygon is kept if (nv < dist_m).any(): npoint = len(p) for k, point in enumerate(p): # add a new node unless it is the last already existing # point if k != (npoint - 1): if k == 0: np0 = npt self.Gs.add_node(npt) x = point[0] y = point[1] xmin = min(x, xmin) xmax = max(x, xmax) ymin = min(y, ymin) ymax = max(y, ymax) self.Gs.pos[npt] = (x, y) npt = npt - 1 # add a new segment from the second point if (k > 0) & (k < npoint - 1): ns = ns + 1 self.Gs.add_node(ns, name='WALL', z=[ 0, 10], offset=0, transition=False, connect=[npt + 1, npt + 2]) self.Gs.add_edge(npt + 1, ns) self.Gs.add_edge(ns, npt + 2) self.Gs.pos[ns] = tuple( (np.array(self.Gs.pos[npt + 1]) + np.array(self.Gs.pos[npt + 2])) / 2.) # add a new segment closing the polygon if k == npoint - 1: ns = ns + 1 self.Gs.add_node(ns, name='WALL', z=[ 0, 10], offset=0, transition=False, connect=[np0, npt + 1]) self.Gs.add_edge(np0, ns) self.Gs.add_edge(ns, npt + 1) self.Gs.pos[ns] = tuple( (np.array(self.Gs.pos[npt + 1]) + np.array(self.Gs.pos[np0])) / 2.) # # TODO change lon_0 and lat_0 hard coded # self.m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=kwargs['bd'][0], llcrnrlat=kwargs['bd'][1], urcrnrlon=kwargs['bd'][2], urcrnrlat=kwargs['bd'][3], resolution='i', projection='cass', lon_0=24.5, lat_0=60.5) if latlon: lat_ref = pref[1][0] lon_ref = pref[1][1] x_ref, y_ref = self.m(lon_ref, lat_ref) Dx = pref[0][0] - x_ref Dy = pref[0][1] - y_ref pos = np.array(self.Gs.pos.values()) for k, keys in enumerate(self.Gs.pos.keys()): self.Gs.pos[keys] = self.m( pos[k, 0] - Dx, pos[k, 1] - Dy, inverse=True) self.format = 'latlon'
[docs] def importres(self,_fileres,**kwargs): """ import res format col1 : x1 coordinates col2 : y1 coordinates col3 : x2 coordinates col4 : y2 coordinates col5 : building height col6 : building number col7 : building class col8 : ground height Notes ----- COST231 data Munich_buildings.res """ fileres = pyu.getlong(_fileres, os.path.join('struc', 'res')) D = np.fromfile(fileres,dtype='int',sep=' ') self.typ = 'outdoor' # number of integer N1 = len(D) # number of lines N2 = N1//8 D = D.reshape(N2,8) # list of coordinates lcoords = [] # list of ring lring = [] # list of (z_ground, height_building) zring = [] # bdg_old = 1 self.zfloor=-1000 self.zceil = 4000 for e in range(N2): # p1 point coordinate p1 = ([D[e,0],D[e,1]]) # p2 point coordinate p2 = ([D[e,2],D[e,3]]) # (ground height,building height+ground_height) z = (D[e,7],D[e,4]+D[e,7]) # building number bdg = D[e,5] # building class bdc = D[e,6] # detect change of building if (bdg_old-bdg)!=0: ring = sh.LinearRing(lcoords) poly = sh.Polygon(ring) if poly.area>0: lring.append(ring) zring.append(z) lcoords = [] bdg_old=bdg # update lcoords if p1 not in lcoords: lcoords.append(p1) if p2 not in lcoords: lcoords.append(p2) npt = 1 self.dpoly = {} for kpol,(r1,z1) in enumerate(zip(lring,zring)): x,y = r1.xy lseg = [] for k2 in range(len(x)): new_pt = (x[k2],y[k2]) kpos = list(self.Gs.pos.keys()) vpos = list(self.Gs.pos.values()) if new_pt not in vpos: # # add node point nde <0 and position # current_node_index = -npt self.Gs.add_node(current_node_index) self.Gs.pos[-npt] = new_pt npt = npt + 1 else: u = [k for k in range(len(vpos)) if (vpos[k] == new_pt)] current_node_index = kpos[u[0]] if k2>0: # at least already one point ns = self.add_segment(current_node_index, previous_node_index, name='WALL', z=z1) lseg.append(ns) else: starting_node_index = current_node_index previous_node_index = current_node_index self.dpoly[kpol+1] = {'connect':lseg, 'z':z1, 'name':''}
# last segment #ns = self.add_segment(previous_node_index, starting_node_index, name='WALL', z=z1)
[docs] def importosm(self, **kwargs): """ import layout from osm file or osmapi Parameters ---------- fileosm : string address : string address to be geocoded latlon : tuple (latitude,longitude) degrees dist_m : float distance in meter from the geocoded address (def 200 m ) cart : boolean conversion in cartesian coordinates Notes ----- The best and recommended manner to edit a layout is to use the josm editor in association with the piclayer plugin. This plugin allows to place a geo-adjusted image in the background which is very convenient for editing floorplan of buildings. In josm editor, nodes are numbered with negative indexes, while in pylayers they have a positive index. See Also -------- pylayers.gis.osmparser.osmparse """ self._fileosm = kwargs.pop('fileosm','') cart = kwargs.pop('cart',False) # # zceil ansd zfloor are obtained from actual data # # indoor default (0,3) # outdoor default (0,3000) #if self.typ=='indoor': self.zceil = -1e10 self.zfloor = 1e10 if self._fileosm == '': # by using osmapi address or latlon'load from osmapi') self.typ = kwargs.pop('typ','indoor') address = kwargs.pop('address','Rennes') latlon = kwargs.pop('latlon',0) if type(latlon) == 'str': latlon = eval(latlon) dist_m = kwargs.pop('dist_m',200) coords, nodes, ways, m , latlon , dpoly = osm.getosm(address = address, latlon = latlon, dist_m = dist_m, bcart = cart, typ = self.typ) self.typ = 'outdoor' if cart: self.format = 'cart' else: self.format = 'latlon' if latlon == '0': self._filename = kwargs['address'].replace(' ', '_') + '.lay' else: lat = latlon[0] lon = latlon[1] self._filename = 'lat_' + \ str(lat).replace('.', '_') + '_lon_' + \ str(lon).replace('.', '_') + '.ini' else: # by reading an osm file'load from osm file') # The osm file is supposed to be in $PROJECT/struc/osm directory fileosm = pyu.getlong(self._fileosm, os.path.join('struc', 'osm')) #coords, nodes, ways, relations, m = osm.osmparse(fileosm, typ=self.typ) # typ outdoor parse ways.buildings # typ indoor parse ways.ways # coords, nodes, ways, relations, m = osm.osmparse(fileosm) coords, nodes, ways, m , (lat,lon) , dpoly = osm.getosm(cart = cart, filename = fileosm, typ = self.typ, bexcluded = self.bexcluded) if cart: self.format = 'cart' else: self.format = 'latlon' self._filename = self._fileosm.replace('osm', 'lay') self.dpoly = dpoly _np = 0 # _ to avoid name conflict with numpy alias _ns = 0 ns = 0 nss = 0 # Reading points (<0 index) # Reorganize points coordinates for detecting # duplicate nodes # duplicate nodes are saved in dict dup kp = [k for k in coords.xy] x = np.array([ coords.xy[x][0] for x in kp ]) y = np.array([ coords.xy[x][1] for x in kp ]) ux = np.argsort(x) x_prev = -100 y_prev = -100 dup = {} # dictionnary of duplicate nodes for u in ux: # if node is not already a duplicate if x[u] == x_prev: # 2 consecutive points with same lon => check lat if y[u] == y_prev: # node u is a duplicate # udate dup dictionnary # printu_prev ,k_prev, x_prev,y_prev # print" ",u ,kp[u], x[u],y[u] dup[kp[u]] = k_prev else: x_prev = x[u] y_prev = y[u] u_prev = u k_prev = kp[u] for npt in coords.xy: # if node is not duplicated add node if npt not in dup: self.Gs.add_node(npt) self.Gs.pos[npt] = tuple(coords.xy[npt]) _np += 1 # Reading segments # # ways of osm # for k, nseg in enumerate(ways.way): tahe = ways.way[nseg].refs for l in range(len(tahe) - 1): nta = tahe[l] nhe = tahe[l + 1] # # if a node is duplicated recover the original node # if nta in dup: nta = dup[nta] if nhe in dup: nhe = dup[nhe] d = ways.way[nseg].tags # # Convert string to integer if possible # for key in d: try: d[key] = eval(d[key]) except: pass # getting segment slab information if 'slab' in d: slab = d['slab'] else: # the default slab name is WALL slab = "WALL" if 'z' in d: z = d['z'] else: if self.typ == 'indoor': z = (0, 3) if self.typ == 'outdoor': z = (0, 3000) if type(z[0])==str: zmin = eval(z[0]) else: zmin = z[0] if type(z[1])==str: zmax = eval(z[1]) else: zmax = z[1] #zmin = z[0] #zmax = z[1] if zmin < self.zfloor: self.zfloor = zmin if zmax > self.zceil: self.zceil = zmax if 'offset' in d: offset = d['offset'] else: offset = 0 # # get the common neighbor of nta and nhe if it exists # #v1.1 u1 = np.array(nx.neighbors(self.Gs, nta)) #v1.1 u2 = np.array(nx.neighbors(self.Gs, nhe)) # import ipdb # u1 = np.array(self.Gs.node[nta]) # u2 = np.array(self.Gs.node[nhe]) # inter_u1_u2 = np.intersect1d(u1, u2) # # Create a new segment (iso segments are managed in add_segment) # ns = self.add_segment(nta, nhe, name=slab, z=z, offset=offset) self.Np = _np #self.Ns = _ns self.Nss = nss # # lon = array([self.Gs.pos[k][0] for k in self.Gs.pos]) lat = array([self.Gs.pos[k][1] for k in self.Gs.pos]) # bd = [lon.min(), lat.min(), lon.max(), lat.max()] # lon_0 = (bd[0] + bd[2]) / 2. # lat_0 = (bd[1] + bd[3]) / 2. # self.m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=bd[0], llcrnrlat=bd[1], # urcrnrlon=bd[2], urcrnrlat=bd[3], # resolution='i', projection='cass', lon_0=lon_0, lat_0=lat_0) self.m = m self.extent = (m.lonmin,m.lonmax,m.latmin,m.latmax) self.pll = self.m(self.extent[0],self.extent[2]) self.pur = self.m(self.extent[1],self.extent[3]) self.extent_c = (self.pll[0],self.pur[0],self.pll[1],self.pur[1]) # # TODO use conversion function # if (cart and (self.format != 'cart')): x, y = self.m(lon, lat) self.Gs.pos = {k: (x[i], y[i]) for i, k in enumerate(self.Gs.pos)} self.format = 'cart' # del coords # del nodes # del ways # del relations # # get slab and materials DataBase # # 1) create material database # 2) load materials database # 3) create slabs database # 4) add materials database to slab database # 5) load slabs database mat = sb.MatDB() mat.load(self._filematini) = sb.SlabDB() = mat # # update with existing slabs database entries # for k in if k not in[k] = [] # convert graph Gs to numpy arrays for speed up post processing self.g2npy() # # add boundary # self.boundary() # save ini file
[docs] def exportosm(self): """ export layout in osm file format Parameters ---------- _filename : string Notes ----- See Also -------- layout.loadosm layout.loadini layout.check """ # export Layout in osm format # The osm filename basenam is the same as the _filename ini file _filename, ext = os.path.splitext(self._filename) filename = pyu.getlong(_filename + '.osm', 'struc/osm') if os.path.exists(filename): filename = pyu.getlong(_filename + '_.osm', 'struc/osm') fd = open(filename, "w") fd.write("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n") fd.write("<osm version='0.6' upload='false' generator='PyLayers'>\n") # creating points for n in self.Gs.pos: if n < 0: if n not in self.lboundary: if self.format == 'latlon': lon, lat = self.Gs.pos[n] if self.format == 'cart': x, y = self.Gs.pos[n] lon, lat = self.m(x, y, inverse=True) fd.write("<node id='" + str(n) + "' action='modify' visible='true' lat='" + str(lat) + "' lon='" + str(lon) + "' />\n") for n in self.Gs.pos: if n > 0: # # Conditions pour ajout segments # # _AIR are not added # # outdoor AIR wall above buildings are not added # cond1 is wrong cond1 = (self.Gs.node[n]['name'] != '_AIR') cond2 = (self.Gs.node[n]['name'] == 'AIR') cond3 = (self.Gs.node[n]['z'][1] == self.zceil) cond4 = (self.Gs.node[n]['z'][0] == self.zfloor) cond5 = (cond2 and cond3) cond6 = (cond2 and cond4) cond7 = (cond2 and cond3 and cond4) if (cond1 and (not cond5) and (not cond6)) or cond7: #v1.1 neigh = nx.neighbors(self.Gs, n) neigh = self.Gs[n].keys() d = self.Gs.node[n] # noden = -10000000 - n fd.write("<way id='" + str(noden) + "' action='modify' visible='true'>\n") fd.write("<nd ref='" + str(neigh[0]) + "' />\n") fd.write("<nd ref='" + str(neigh[1]) + "' />\n") fd.write("<tag k='name' v='" + str(d['name']) + "' />\n") fd.write("<tag k='z' v=\"" + str(d['z']) + "\" />\n") fd.write("<tag k='transition' v='" + str(d['transition']) + "' />\n") fd.write("</way>\n") fd.write("</osm>\n") fd.close()
def savepickle(self): """ save graph in pickle format """ pass
[docs] def save(self): """ save Layout structure in a .lay file """ current_version = 1.4 if os.path.splitext(self._filename)[1]=='.ini': self._filename = self._filename.replace('.ini','.lay') # # version 1.3 : suppression of index in slab and materials # config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() config.optionxform = str config.add_section("info") config.add_section("points") config.add_section("segments") if hasattr(self,'dpoly'): config.add_section("polygons") config.add_section("files") config.add_section("slabs") config.add_section("materials") if self.format == 'latlon': config.set("info", "format", "latlon") else: config.set("info", "format", "cart") config.set("info", "version", current_version) config.set("info", "type", self.typ) if self.typ == 'indoor': config.add_section("indoor") config.set("indoor", "zceil", self.zceil) config.set("indoor", "zfloor", self.zfloor) if self.typ == 'outdoor': config.add_section("outdoor") # # save bounding box in latlon for reconstruction of self.m # if hasattr(self,"m"): config.add_section("latlon") config.set("latlon","llcrnrlon",self.m.llcrnrlon) config.set("latlon","llcrnrlat",self.m.llcrnrlat) config.set("latlon","urcrnrlon",self.m.urcrnrlon) config.set("latlon","urcrnrlat",self.m.urcrnrlat) config.set("latlon","projection",self.m.projection) # config.set("info",'Nsegments',self.Ns) # config.set("info",'Nsubsegments',self.Nss) #for k in self.display: # config.set("display", k, self.display[k]) # iterate on points # boundary nodes and air walls are not saved for n in self.Gs.pos: if n < 0: if n not in self.lboundary: config.set("points", str(n), (self.Gs.pos[n][0], self.Gs.pos[n][1])) # iterate on segments for n in self.Gs.pos: if n > 0: cond1 = (self.Gs.node[n]['name'] != '_AIR') cond2 = (self.Gs.node[n]['name'] == 'AIR') cond3 = (self.Gs.node[n]['z'][1] == self.zceil) cond4 = (self.Gs.node[n]['z'][0] == self.zfloor) cond5 = (cond2 and cond3) cond6 = (cond2 and cond4) cond7 = (cond2 and cond3 and cond4) # # _AIR are not stored (cond1) # AIR segment reaching zceil are not stored (cond4) # AIR segment reaching zfloor are not stored (cond5) # if (cond1 and (not cond5) and (not cond6)) or cond7: d = copy.deepcopy(self.Gs.node[n]) # v1.1 d['connect'] = nx.neighbors(self.Gs, n) d['connect'] = list(self.Gs[n].keys()) try: if d['transition']: pass except: d['transition'] = False try: if 'DOOR' in d['ss_name']: d['transition'] = True except: pass # remove normal information from the strucure try: d.pop('norm') except: pass # remove iso information from the strucure try: d.pop('iso') except: pass # remove ncycles information from the strucure try: d.pop('ncycles') except: pass # transition are saved only if True if not d['transition']: d.pop('transition') # offset are saved only if not zero if 'offset' in d: if d['offset']==0: d.pop('offset') config.set("segments", str(n), d) # # [polygon] # 1 = { 'connect':[1,2,3,4], 'z':(100,115),name:''} # if hasattr(self,'dpoly'): for k in self.dpoly: config.set("polygons", str(k), self.dpoly[k]) # # [ slabs ] # # get the list of used slabs lslab = [x for x in if len([x]) > 0] lmat = [] # # In case an osm file has been read; there is no .sl # By default all the available slabs and materials are provided # if not hasattr(self,'sl'): = sb.SlabDB(filemat='matDB.ini', fileslab='slabDB.ini') for s in lslab: ds = {} if s not in if s not in,cval=6,sigma=0,typ='epsr'),[s],[0.1]) #ds['index'] =[s]['index'] ds['color'] =[s]['color'] ds['lmatname'] =[s]['lmatname'] for m in ds['lmatname']: if m not in lmat: lmat.append(m) ds['lthick'] =[s]['lthick'] ds['linewidth'] =[s]['linewidth'] config.set("slabs", s, ds) if "_AIR" not in lslab: air = {'color': 'white', 'linewidth': 1, 'lthick': [0.1], 'lmatname': ['AIR']} config.set("slabs", "_AIR", air) if "AIR" not in lslab: air = {'color': 'white', 'linewidth': 1, 'lthick': [0.1], 'lmatname': ['AIR']} config.set("slabs", "AIR", air) if "CEIL" not in lslab: ceil = {'color': 'grey20', 'linewidth': 1, 'lthick': [0.1], 'lmatname': ['REINFORCED_CONCRETE']} config.set("slabs", "CEIL", ceil) if "FLOOR" not in lslab: floor = {'color': 'grey40', 'linewidth': 1, 'lthick': [0.1], 'lmatname': ['REINFORCED_CONCRETE']} config.set("slabs", "FLOOR", floor) # # [ materials ] # for m in lmat: dm =[m] try: dm.pop('name') except: pass # store UIT format only if it is used if 'a' in dm: if dm['a'] ==None: dm.pop('a') dm.pop('b') dm.pop('c') dm.pop('d') config.set("materials", m, dm) if "REINFORCED_CONCRETE" not in lmat: reic = {'mur': ( 1 + 0j), 'epr': (8.69999980927 + 0j), 'roughness': 0.0, 'sigma': 3.0} config.set("materials", "REINFORCED_CONCRETE", reic) # config.set("files",'materials',self.filematini) # config.set("files",'slab',self.fileslabini) # # [ furniture ] # config.set("files", 'furniture', self._filefur) # # handling olf format ( to be removed later) # if os.path.splitext(self._filename)[1]=='.ini': fileout = self._filename.replace('.ini','.lay') else: fileout = self._filename filelay = pyu.getlong(fileout, pro.pstruc['DIRLAY']) print(filelay) fd = open(filelay, "w") config.write(fd) fd.close() # convert graph Gs to numpy arrays for speed up post processing # ideally an edited Layout should be locked while not saved. # self.g2npy() self._hash = hashlib.md5(open(filelay, 'rb').read()).hexdigest()
def load_fast(self): """ load a layout from a .lay file The filename is in self._filename Format version 1.3 ------------------ [info] format = {cart | latlon} version = type = {indoor | outdoor} [points] -1 = (x,y) [segments] 1 = {'slab':'',transition:boolean,'connect:[-1,-2],'z':(0,3)} [slabs] WALL = {'lthick':[,],'lmat':[,],'color:'','linewidth':float} [materials] BRICK = {'mur':complex,'epsr':complex,'sigma':float,'roughness':} [polygons] 1 = {'connect':[1,2,3,4],'name':NAME,'z':(zmin,zmax)} [indoor] zceil = zfloor = [latlon] llcrnrlon = llcrnrlat = urcrnrlon = urcrnrlat = projection = """'load lay file in load fast') # di : dictionnary which reflects the content of ini file di = {} config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() config.optionxform = str filelay = pyu.getlong(self._filename, pro.pstruc['DIRLAY']) sections = config.sections() for section in sections: di[section] = {} options = config.options(section) for option in options: try: di[section][option] = config.get(section, option) except: print(section, option) self.Np = len(di['points']) self.Ns = len(di['segments']) # # Ng : number of polygons # polygons introduced in 1.4 format # if config.has_section('polygons'): self.Ng = len(di['polygons']) self.Gs = nx.Graph(name='Gs') self.Gs.pos = {} self.labels = {} # # [info] # format {cart,latlon} # version int # type {'indoor','outdoor'} if 'version' in di['info']: self.version = di['info']['version'] if 'type' in di['info']: self.typ = di['info']['type'] = {} if ((self.typ!='indoor') & (self.typ!='outdoor') & (self.typ!='floorplan')): print("invalid file type in ",self._filename) return(None) # # [indoor] # zceil # zfloor # if self.typ == 'indoor': self.zceil = eval(di['indoor']['zceil']) self.zfloor = eval(di['indoor']['zfloor']) # old format if self.typ == 'floorplan': self.zceil = eval(di['floorplan']['zceil']) self.zfloor = eval(di['floorplan']['zfloor']) # from format 1.3 floorplan is call indoor if self.typ=='floorplan': self.typ = 'indoor' # # [outdoor] # TODO add a DEM file # if self.typ == 'outdoor': if 'outdoor' in di: if 'zceil' in di['outdoor']: self.zceil = eval(di['outdoor']['zceil']) else: self.zceil = 3000 # upper limit for AIR wall if 'zfloor' in di['outdoor']: self.zfloor = eval(di['outdoor']['zfloor']) else: self.zfloor = 0 else: self.zfloor = 0 self.zceil = 3000 # upper limit for AIR walls # # # manage ini file with latlon coordinates # # if the format is latlon, coordinates are converted into # cartesian coordinates with the coords.cartesian method #'load latlon coordinates and convert') if 'format' in di['info']: if di['info']['format'] == 'latlon': or_coord_format = 'latlon' coords = osm.Coords() coords.clean() coords.latlon = {eval(i): np.array( eval(di['points'][i])) for i in di['points']} coords.boundary = np.hstack((np.min(np.vstack(coords.latlon.values()), axis=0), np.max(np.vstack(coords.latlon.values()), axis=0))) assert(len(coords.boundary)==4) coords.cartesian(cart=True) else: or_coord_format = 'cart' else: or_coord_format = 'cart' # # update display section #'load_fast : update display section') if 'display' in di: for k in di['display']: try: self.display[k] = eval(di['display'][k]) except: self.display[k] = di['display'][k] # = self.display['box'] # # [points] # # update points section'load_fast : reading points') lnodeindex = [ eval(x) for x in di['points']] self.Gs.add_nodes_from(lnodeindex) # add point node if self.format=='cart': self.Gs.pos = { eval(i) : eval(di['points'][i]) for i in di['points']} else: self.Gs.pos = { i : coords.xy[i] for i in coords.xy} # # # # limitation of point precision is important for avoiding # # topological problems in shapely. # # Layout precision is hard limited to millimeter precision. # # #self.Gs.pos[nodeindex] = ( # round(1000 * x) / 1000., round(1000 * y) / 1000.) #self.labels[nodeindex] = nn # # [segments] # # update segments section['AIR'] = []['_AIR'] = [] # # get the maximum index # maxnum = max([eval(x) for x in di['segments'].keys()])'load_fast : reading segments') lsegnum = np.sort([ eval(x) for x in di['segments'].keys() ]) maxnum = lsegnum[-1] for k in lsegnum: d = eval(di['segments'][str(k)]) nta = d['connect'][0] nhe = d['connect'][1] name = d['name'] z = d['z'] if not 'transition' in d: transition = False else: transition = d['transition'] if not 'offset' in d: offset = 0 else: offset = d['offset'] # add new segment # # The segment number is the same as in the .lay file # # Very useful feature # if self.typ=='indoor': boutdoor = False else: boutdoor = True num = self.add_segment(nta, nhe, num = k, name = name, transition = transition, offset = offset, z = z, maxnum = maxnum, boutdoor = boutdoor) # only for indoor # exploit iso for segment completion (AIR type) # Complement single segment which do not reach zceil or zfloor with #  an iso segment with AIR property # #if (self.typ == 'indoor') or (self.typ == 'outdoor'): if (self.typ == 'indoor'): segdone = []'segments completion') for key in di['segments']: iseg = eval(key) d = eval(di['segments'][key]) nta = d['connect'][0] nhe = d['connect'][1] # if not already done if iseg not in segdone: # get all the iso from the segment key iso = copy.copy(self.Gs.node[iseg]['iso']) # append key to iso iso.append(iseg) # stack all the intervals in increasing order ziso = [] for ns in iso: ziso.append(self.Gs.node[ns]['z']) # get the complementary intervals if self.typ == 'outdoor': zmin = 1e6 zmax = -1e6 for iz in ziso: zmin = np.minimum(zmin,min(iz)) zmax = np.maximum(zmax,max(iz)) ziso = [(zmin,zmax)] # pyutil compint (get complementary interval) zair = pyu.compint(ziso,self.zfloor,self.zceil) # add AIR wall in the intervals for za in zair: num = self.add_segment(nta, nhe, name='AIR', offset=0, z=(za[0], za[1])) segdone = segdone + iso # # add _AIR wall around the layout # self.boundary(bg2npy = False) # load poygons if config.has_section('polygons'):"reading polygons") self.dpoly = { k : eval(di['polygons'][k]) for k in di['polygons']} # # TODO convert keys into int # compliant with config file without material/slab information # # {latlon] # if config.has_section('latlon'): llcrnrlon = eval(config.get('latlon', 'llcrnrlon')) llcrnrlat = eval(config.get('latlon', 'llcrnrlat')) urcrnrlon = eval(config.get('latlon', 'urcrnrlon')) urcrnrlat = eval(config.get('latlon', 'urcrnrlat')) projection = config.get('latlon','projection') lon_0 = (llcrnrlon+urcrnrlon)/2. lat_0 = (llcrnrlat+urcrnrlat)/2. # Construction of Basemap for coordinates transformation self.m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat=llcrnrlat, urcrnrlon=urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat=urcrnrlat, resolution='i', projection=projection, lon_0=lon_0, lat_0=lat_0) self.extent = (llcrnrlon,urcrnrlon,llcrnrlat,urcrnrlat) self.pll = self.m(self.extent[0],self.extent[2]) self.pur = self.m(self.extent[1],self.extent[3]) self.extent_c = (self.pll[0],self.pur[0],self.pll[1],self.pur[1]) if config.has_section('files'): # self.filematini=config.get('files','materials') # self.fileslabini=config.get('files','slab') self.filefur = config.get('files', 'furniture') if config.has_section('slabs'): #filemat = self._filename.replace('ini', 'mat') #fileslab = self._filename.replace('ini', 'slab') ds = di['slabs'] dm = di['materials'] for k in ds: ds[k] = eval(ds[k]) for k in dm: dm[k] = eval(dm[k]) = sb.SlabDB(ds=ds, dm=dm) # In this section we handle the ini file format evolution if 'fileoverlay' in self.display: self.display['overlay_file'] = self.display.pop('fileoverlay') self.display['overlay_axis'] = self.display['box'] if 'inverse' in self.display: self.display['overlay_flip'] = "" self.display.pop('inverse') # convert graph Gs to numpy arrays for faster post processing'graph 2 numpy : g2npy') self.g2npy() # This hash should be saved with the gpickle file'save the hash') dirname = self._filename.replace('.lay','') path = os.path.join(pro.basename, 'struc', 'gpickle', dirname) if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) fd = open(os.path.join(path,'.hash'),'w') fd.write(self._hash) fd.write('\n'+str(self.segboundary)) fd.write('\n'+self.typ) fd.close()'dump a pickle of Gs') self.lbltg = ['s'] self.dumpw()
[docs] def load(self): """ load a layout from a .lay file The filename is in self._filename Format version 1.4 ------------------ [info] format = {cart | latlon} version = type = {indoor | outdoor} [points] -1 = (x,y) [segments] 1 = {'slab':'',transition:boolean,'connect:[-1,-2],'z':(0,3)} [slabs] WALL = {'lthick':[,],'lmat':[,],'color:'','linewidth':float} [materials] BRICK = {'mur':complex,'epsr':complex,'sigma':float,'roughness':} [polygons] 1 = {'connect':[1,2,3,4],'name':NAME,'z':(zmin,zmax)} [indoor] zceil = zfloor = [latlon] llcrnrlon = llcrnrlat = urcrnrlon = urcrnrlat = projection = """'load lay file') # di : dictionnary which reflects the content of ini file di = {} config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() config.optionxform = str filelay = pyu.getlong(self._filename, pro.pstruc['DIRLAY']) sections = config.sections() for section in sections: di[section] = {} options = config.options(section) for option in options: try: di[section][option] = config.get(section, option) except: print(section, option) self.Np = len(di['points']) self.Ns = len(di['segments']) # # Ng : number of polygons # polygons introduced in 1.4 format # if config.has_section('polygons'): self.Ng = len(di['polygons']) self.Gs = nx.Graph(name='Gs') self.Gs.pos = {} self.labels = {} # # [info] # format {cart,latlon} # version int # type {'indoor','outdoor'} if 'version' in di['info']: self.version = di['info']['version'] if 'type' in di['info']: self.typ = di['info']['type'] = {} if ((self.typ!='indoor') & (self.typ!='outdoor') & (self.typ!='floorplan')): print("invalid file type in ",self._filename) return(None) # # [indoor] # zceil # zfloor # if self.typ == 'indoor': self.zceil = eval(di['indoor']['zceil']) self.zfloor = eval(di['indoor']['zfloor']) # old format if self.typ == 'floorplan': self.zceil = eval(di['floorplan']['zceil']) self.zfloor = eval(di['floorplan']['zfloor']) # from format 1.3 floorplan is call indoor if self.typ=='floorplan': self.typ = 'indoor' # # [outdoor] # TODO add a DEM file # if self.typ == 'outdoor': if 'outdoor' in di: if 'zceil' in di['outdoor']: self.zceil = eval(di['outdoor']['zceil']) else: self.zceil = 3000 # upper limit for AIR wall if 'zfloor' in di['outdoor']: self.zfloor = eval(di['outdoor']['zfloor']) else: self.zfloor = 0 else: self.zfloor = 0 self.zceil = 3000 # upper limit for AIR walls # # # manage ini file with latlon coordinates # # if the format is latlon, coordinates are converted into # cartesian coordinates with the coords.cartesian method #'load coordinates') if 'format' in di['info']: if di['info']['format'] == 'latlon': or_coord_format = 'latlon' coords = osm.Coords() coords.clean() coords.latlon = {i: np.array( eval(di['points'][i])) for i in di['points']} coords.boundary = np.hstack((np.min(np.array(coords.latlon.values()), axis=0), np.max(np.array(coords.latlon.values()), axis=0))) coords.cartesian(cart=True) else: or_coord_format = 'cart' else: or_coord_format = 'cart' # # update display section #'update display section') if 'display' in di: for k in di['display']: try: self.display[k] = eval(di['display'][k]) except: self.display[k] = di['display'][k] # = self.display['box'] # # [points] # # update points section'reading points') for nn in di['points']: nodeindex = eval(nn) if or_coord_format == 'latlon': x, y = coords.xy[nn] else: x, y = eval(di['points'][nn]) # # limitation of point precision is important for avoiding # topological problems in shapely. # Layout precision is hard limited to millimeter precision. # self.Gs.add_node(nodeindex) # add point node self.Gs.pos[nodeindex] = ( round(1000 * x) / 1000., round(1000 * y) / 1000.) self.labels[nodeindex] = nn # # [segments] # # update segments section['AIR'] = []['_AIR'] = [] # # get the maximum index # maxnum = max([eval(x) for x in di['segments'].keys()])'reading segments') for key in di['segments']: d = eval(di['segments'][key]) nta = d['connect'][0] nhe = d['connect'][1] #print(key,nta,nhe) name = d['name'] z = d['z'] if not 'transition' in d: transition = False else: transition = d['transition'] if not 'offset' in d: offset = 0 else: offset = d['offset'] # add new segment # # The segment number is the same as in the .lay file # # Very useful feature # num = self.add_segment(nta, nhe, num = eval(key), name = name, transition = transition, offset = offset, z = z) # exploit iso for segment completion (AIR type) # # Complement single segment which do not reach zceil or zfloor with #  an iso segment with AIR property # segdone = []'segments completion') for key in di['segments']: iseg = eval(key) d = eval(di['segments'][key]) nta = d['connect'][0] nhe = d['connect'][1] # if not already done if iseg not in segdone: # get all the iso from the segment key iso = copy.copy(self.Gs.node[iseg]['iso']) # append key to iso iso.append(iseg) # stack all the intervals in increasing order ziso = [] for ns in iso: ziso.append(self.Gs.node[ns]['z']) # get the complementary intervals if self.typ == 'outdoor': zmin = 1e6 zmax = -1e6 for iz in ziso: zmin = np.minimum(zmin,min(iz)) zmax = np.maximum(zmax,max(iz)) ziso = [(zmin,zmax)] # pyutil compint (get complementary interval) zair = pyu.compint(ziso,self.zfloor,self.zceil) # add AIR wall in the intervals for za in zair: num = self.add_segment(nta, nhe, name='AIR', offset=0, z=(za[0], za[1])) segdone = segdone + iso # # add _AIR wall around the layout # self.boundary() if config.has_section('polygons'):"reading polygons") self.dpoly = di['polygons'] # compliant with config file without material/slab information # # {latlon] # if config.has_section('latlon'): llcrnrlon = eval(config.get('latlon', 'llcrnrlon')) llcrnrlat = eval(config.get('latlon', 'llcrnrlat')) urcrnrlon = eval(config.get('latlon', 'urcrnrlon')) urcrnrlat = eval(config.get('latlon', 'urcrnrlat')) projection = config.get('latlon','projection') lon_0 = (llcrnrlon+urcrnrlon)/2. lat_0 = (llcrnrlat+urcrnrlat)/2. # Construction of Basemap for coordinates transformation self.m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat=llcrnrlat, urcrnrlon=urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat=urcrnrlat, resolution='i', projection=projection, lon_0=lon_0, lat_0=lat_0) self.extent = (llcrnrlon,urcrnrlon,llcrnrlat,urcrnrlat) self.pll = self.m(self.extent[0],self.extent[2]) self.pur = self.m(self.extent[1],self.extent[3]) self.extent_c = (self.pll[0],self.pur[0],self.pll[1],self.pur[1]) if config.has_section('files'): # self.filematini=config.get('files','materials') # self.fileslabini=config.get('files','slab') self._filefur = config.get('files', 'furniture') if config.has_section('slabs'): #filemat = self._filename.replace('ini', 'mat') #fileslab = self._filename.replace('ini', 'slab') ds = di['slabs'] dm = di['materials'] for k in ds: ds[k] = eval(ds[k]) for k in dm: dm[k] = eval(dm[k]) = sb.SlabDB(ds=ds, dm=dm) # In this section we handle the ini file format evolution if 'fileoverlay' in self.display: self.display['overlay_file'] = self.display.pop('fileoverlay') self.display['overlay_axis'] = self.display['box'] if 'inverse' in self.display: self.display['overlay_flip'] = "" self.display.pop('inverse') # convert graph Gs to numpy arrays for faster post processing'g2npy') self.g2npy() # fd = open(filelay,'rb') self._hash = hashlib.md5( fd.close()
[docs] def loadfur(self, _filefur): """ loadfur load a furniture file Parameters ---------- _filefur : string short name of the furniture ini file Notes ----- Furniture objects are stored in self.lfur list Examples -------- Load a Layout file and an associated furniture ini file .. plot:: :include-source: >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from pylayers.gis.layout import * >>> L = Layout('WHERE1.lay') >>> L.loadfur('Furw1.ini') >>> fig = plt.figure() >>> ax = fig.gca() >>> fig,ax = L.showGs(fig=fig,ax=ax,furniture=True) >>> ti = plt.title('loadfur') >>> """ filefur = pyu.getlong(_filefur, pro.pstruc['DIRFUR']) config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() furname = config.sections() self.lfur = [] for name in furname: F = fur.Furniture() F.load(_filefur, name) self.lfur.append(F) self.filefur = _filefur
[docs] def load_modif(self, _filename, build=True, cartesian=False, dist_m=400): """ load a Layout in different formats Parameters ---------- _filename : string Notes ----- + .lay : ini file format (natural one) DIRLAY """ newfile = False filename = pyu.getlong(_filename, pro.pstruc['DIRLAY']) if os.path.exists(filename): # which exists self.loadini(arg) else: # which do not exist self._filename = _filename newfile = True print("new file", self._filename) # construct geomfile (.off) for vizualisation with geomview self.subseg() if not newfile: try: self.geomfile() except: print("problem to construct geomfile") # if check: # self.check() self.boundary(dx=10, dy=10)
# create shapely polygons L._shseg
[docs] def subseg(self): """ establishes the association : name <-> edgelist Returns ------- dico : dict sub segment name as key and segment number as value """ dico = {} listtransition = [] for k in self.Gs.node.keys(): dk = self.Gs.node[k] if 'transition' in dk: transition = dk['transition'] if transition: listtransition.append(k) if 'ss_name' in dk: lname = dk['ss_name'] for j, name in enumerate(lname): if name in dico: dico[name].append((k, j)) else: dico[name] = [(k, j)] self.dsseg = dico self.listtransition = listtransition return(dico)
[docs] def add_pnod(self, p, e1, e2): """ Project point p on segment e1 along segment e2 Parameters ---------- p : ndarray point e1 : int edge number 1 e2 : int edge number 2 ..todo This function is void """ #p1 = p + alpha*ve2 #p1 = pa + beta * (pb-pa) pass
[docs] def add_fnod(self, p=(0.0, 0.0)): """ add free node p Parameters ---------- p : (1x2) tuple Examples -------- >>> from pylayers.gis.layout import * >>> L = Layout('defstr.lay') >>> L.add_fnod((10.0,10.0)) -13 """ # next free node if len(self.Gs.node)>0: num = -( -min(self.Gs.node) + 1 ) else: num = -1 self.Gs.add_node(num) self.Gs.pos[num] = p self.Np = self.Np + 1 # update labels self.labels[num] = str(num) return(num)
[docs] def add_nfpe(self, np0, s1, s2): """ Add node on s1 from projection of np0 along s2 Parameters ---------- np0 : point number s1 : edge number 1 s2 : edge number 2 """ np1 = list(self.Gs[s1].keys()) np2 = list(self.Gs[s2].keys()) xA = self.Gs.pos[np1[0]][0] yA = self.Gs.pos[np1[0]][1] xB = self.Gs.pos[np1[1]][0] yB = self.Gs.pos[np1[1]][1] xC = self.Gs.pos[np2[0]][0] yC = self.Gs.pos[np2[0]][1] xD = self.Gs.pos[np2[1]][0] yD = self.Gs.pos[np2[1]][1] xP = self.Gs.pos[np0][0] yP = self.Gs.pos[np0][1] A = np.array([[xB - xA, xD - xC], [yB - yA, yD - yC]]) b = np.array([xP - xA, yP - yA]) x = sp.linalg.solve(A, b) if ((x[0] > 0.) & (x[0] < 1.0)): self.add_pons(s1, 1 - x[0])
[docs] def add_pons(self, ns, alpha=0.5): """ add point on segment Parameters ---------- ns : int segment number alpha : parameterization of the point alpha = 0 (tail) alpha = 1 (head) Notes ----- delete segment ns create 2 segments with same properties """ # v1.1 nop = self.Gs.neighbors(ns) nop = list(self.Gs[ns]) namens = self.Gs.node[ns]['name'] zminns = self.Gs.node[ns]['z'][0] zmaxns = self.Gs.node[ns]['z'][1] p1 = np.array([self.Gs.pos[nop[0]][0], self.Gs.pos[nop[0]][1]]) p2 = np.array([self.Gs.pos[nop[1]][0], self.Gs.pos[nop[1]][1]]) p = tuple(alpha * p1 + (1 - alpha) * p2) num = self.add_fnod(p) # delete old edge ns self.del_segment(ns) # add new edge np[0] num self.add_segment(nop[0], num, name=namens, z=[ zminns, zmaxns], offset=0) # add new edge num np[1] self.add_segment(num, nop[1], name=namens, z=[ zminns, zmaxns], offset=0)
[docs] def add_segment(self,n1,n2,**kwargs): """ add segment between node n1 and node n2 Parameters ---------- n1 : integer < 0 n2 : integer < 0 num : segment index (-1 default not given) maxnum : maximum number (-1 default not given) name : string layer name 'PARTITION' z : tuple of 2 floats default = (0,40000000) offset : float [-1,1] default (0) bootdoor : boolean if outdoor add an _AIR wall above the segment Returns ------- num : segment number (>0) Notes ----- A segment dictionnary has the following mandatory attributes name : slab name associated with segment z : list (zmin,zmax) (meters) norm : array (1x3) segment normal transition : boolean ncycles : list of involved cycles connect : list of point number iso : list of isosegment If a segment is _AIR it cannnot be duplicated """ num = kwargs.pop('num', -1) maxnum = kwargs.pop('maxnum', -1) transition = kwargs.pop('transition', False) name = kwargs.pop('name', 'PARTITION') offset = kwargs.pop('offset', 0) verbose = kwargs.pop('verbose', True) boutdoor = kwargs.pop('boutdoor', False) zmax = kwargs.pop('zmax', 3000) z = kwargs.pop('z', (0.0, zmax)) # if 2 points are selected if ((n1 < 0) & (n2 < 0) & (n1 != n2)): nseg = [s for s in self.Gs.node if s > 0] if num==-1: if len(nseg) > 0: num = max(maxnum+1, max(nseg) + 1) # index not given else: # first segment index not given num = 1 else: pass # segment index given else: if verbose: print("add_segment : error not a node", n1, n2) return # transition = False if (name == '_AIR'): # if name == 'AIR': transition = True # # unit vector along horizontal segment # p1 = np.array(self.Gs.pos[n1]) p2 = np.array(self.Gs.pos[n2]) p2mp1 = p2 - p1 t = p2mp1 / np.sqrt(, p2mp1)) # # n = t x z (2D) # norm = np.array([t[1], -t[0], 0]) # # Two segments with the same end points are iso segments # # Determine if there are existing segments with the same neighbors ? nbnta = self.Gs[n1].keys() nbnhe = self.Gs[n2].keys() #v1.1 nbnta = self.Gs.neighbors(n1) #nbnhe = self.Gs.neighbors(n2) # # add a segment node to Gs # if boutdoor == True: self.Gs.add_node(num, name=name, z = z, norm = norm, transition = transition, offset = offset, connect = [n1, n2], iso = [num + maxnum], ncycles = [] ) self.Gs.add_node(num + maxnum, name='AIR', z = (z[1], zmax), norm = norm, transition = True, offset = offset, connect = [n1, n2], iso = [num], ncycles = []) else: # # BAD IDEA : Not scalable # same_seg = list(set(nbnta).intersection(nbnhe)) # # Impossible to have duplicated _AIR # # Warning : The 3 following lines are very important # it breaks buildGt if commented # Please do not comment them. # if (name == '_AIR'): if len(same_seg) > 0: return None self.Gs.add_node(num, name=name, z = z, norm = norm, transition = transition, offset = offset, connect = [n1, n2], iso = [], ncycles = [] ) # # update iso of the 2 segments # for k in same_seg: if num not in self.Gs.node[k]['iso']: self.Gs.node[k]['iso'].append(num) if k not in self.Gs.node[num]['iso']: self.Gs.node[num]['iso'].append(k) # # Segment point position is placed at the middle of segment # self.Gs.pos[num] = tuple((p1 + p2) / 2.) # # Connectivity between segment node num and points nodes n1 and n2 # self.Gs.add_edge(n1, num) self.Gs.add_edge(n2, num) if boutdoor: self.Gs.add_edge(n1, num + maxnum) self.Gs.add_edge(n2, num + maxnum) # # Update current total number of segments # self.Ns = self.Ns + 2 try:[name].append(num)['AIR'].append(num + maxnum) except:[name] = [num]['AIR'] = [num+ maxnum] # update label self.labels[num] = str(num) self.labels[num + maxnum] = str(num + maxnum) else: self.Ns = self.Ns + 1 # update slab name <-> edge number dictionnary try:[name].append(num) except:[name] = [num] # update label self.labels[num] = str(num) if name not in self.display['layers']: self.display['layers'].append(name) # update shseg self._shseg.update({num:sh.LineString((self.Gs.pos[n1], self.Gs.pos[n2]))}) return(num)
[docs] def merge_segment(self,n1,n2): """ merge segment n2 included in n1 Parameters ---------- n1 : int segment 1 (the larger) index n2 : int segment 2 (the smaller) index """ # get height/slabname information from segment n1 zn1 = self.Gs.node[n1]['z'] namen1 = self.Gs.node[n1]['name'] # get height/slabname information from segment n2 zn2 = self.Gs.node[n2]['z'] namen2 = self.Gs.node[n2]['name'] if min(zn1)<min(zn2): znlow = (min(zn1),min(zn2)) if max(zn1)>max(zn2): znhigh = (max(zn2),max(zn1)) # get termination points of segment n1 (p1 -- p4) conn_n1 = self.Gs.node[n1]['connect'] conn_n2 = self.Gs.node[n2]['connect'] p1_index = conn_n1[0] p4_index = conn_n1[1] p2_index = conn_n2[0] p3_index = conn_n2[1] p1 = np.r_[self.Gs.pos[p1_index]] p2 = np.r_[self.Gs.pos[p2_index]] p3 = np.r_[self.Gs.pos[p3_index]] p4 = np.r_[self.Gs.pos[p4_index]] # determine point order p1 - p2 - p3 - p4 v14 = p4 - p1 v23 = p3 - p2 if,v23)<0: p2_index, p3_index = p3_index, p2_index p2, p3 = p3, p2 # 1 delete segment n1 self.del_segment([n1]) # create new segment p1 - p2 self.add_segment(p1_index, p2_index, z=zn1, name=namen1) # create new segment p3 - p4 self.add_segment(p3_index, p4_index, z=zn1, name=namen1) # create new segment p2 - p3 with complementary heights if 'zlow' in locals(): self.add_segment(p2_index, p3_index, z=znlow, name=namen1) if 'zhigh' in locals(): self.add_segment(p2_index, p3_index, z=znhigh, name=namen1)
[docs] def repair(self,dseg): """ repair layout Parameters ---------- dseg : dict {ns : [np1,np2]} Notes ----- Merge the superposed segments which has been determined by the check method. """ for nseg in dseg: num_p = dseg[nseg] if len(num_p)==2: ns1 = np.r_[nx.neighbors(self.Gs,num_p[0])] ns2 = np.r_[nx.neighbors(self.Gs,num_p[1])] ns_inter = np.intersect1d(ns1,ns2) for nseg2 in ns_inter: if ((self.Gs.node[nseg2]['name']!='AIR') and ((self.Gs.node[nseg2]['name']!='_AIR'))): self.merge_segment(nseg,nseg2)
[docs] def wedge2(self, apnt): """ calculate wedge angle of a point Parameters ---------- lpnt : array int list of point number """ if isinstance(apnt, list): apnt = np.array(apnt) # 0. Find the position of diffraction point ptdiff =[:, self.iupnt[-apnt]] # 1. Find the associated segments and positions of a diff points #v1.1 aseg = map(lambda x: filter(lambda y: y not in['AIR'], # nx.neighbors(self.Gs, x)), # apnt) aseg = map(lambda x: filter(lambda y: y not in['AIR'], self.Gs[x].keys()),apnt) # manage flat angle : diffraction by flat segment e.g. door limitation) [aseg[ix].extend(x) for ix, x in enumerate(aseg) if len(x) == 1] # get points positions pts = np.array(map(lambda x: self.seg2pts([x[0], x[1]]), aseg)) pt1 = pts[:, 0:2, 0] # tail seg1 ph1 = pts[:, 2:4, 0] # head seg1 pt2 = pts[:, 0:2, 1] # tail seg2 ph2 = pts[:, 2:4, 1] # head seg2 # 2. Make the correct association # pts is (nb_diffraction_points x 4 x 2) # - The dimension 4 represent the 2x2 points: t1,h1 and t2,h2 # tail and head of segemnt 1 and 2 respectively # a segment # - The dimension 2 is x,y # # The following aims to determine which tails and heads of # segments associated to a give diffraction point # are connected # point diff is pt1 updpt1 = np.where(np.sum(ptdiff.T == pt1, axis=1) == 2)[0] # point diff is ph1 updph1 = np.where(np.sum(ptdiff.T == ph1, axis=1) == 2)[0] # point diff is pt2 updpt2 = np.where(np.sum(ptdiff.T == pt2, axis=1) == 2)[0] # point diff is ph2 updph2 = np.where(np.sum(ptdiff.T == ph2, axis=1) == 2)[0] pa = np.empty((len(apnt), 2)) pb = np.empty((len(apnt), 2)) # seg 1 : # if pt1 diff point => ph1 is the other point pa[updpt1] = ph1[updpt1] # if ph1 diff point => pt1 is the other point pa[updph1] = pt1[updph1] # seg 2 : # if pt2 diff point => ph2 is the other point pb[updpt2] = ph2[updpt2] # if ph2 diff point => pt2 is the other point pb[updph2] = pt2[updph2] # pt is the diffraction point pt = ptdiff.T vptpa = pt - pa vptpan = vptpa.T / np.sqrt(np.sum((vptpa) * (vptpa), axis=1)) vptpb = pt - pb vptpbn = vptpb.T / np.sqrt(np.sum((vptpb) * (vptpb), axis=1)) v1 = vptpan v2 = vptpbn ang = geu.vecang(vptpbn, vptpan) ang[~uleft] = geu.vecang(vptpan, vptpan)
[docs] def wedge(self, lpnt): """ calculate wedge angle of a point Parameters ---------- lpnt : list of int list of point number """ #v1.1 aseg = map(lambda x: filter(lambda y: y not in #['AIR'], # nx.neighbors(self.Gs, x)), # lpnt) aseg = map(lambda x: filter(lambda y: y not in['AIR'], self.Gs[x]), lpnt) pts = np.array(map(lambda x: self.seg2pts([x[0], x[1]]).reshape(4, 2), aseg)) #map(lambda x: pt ,pts) N = np.shape(pts)[0] sector = [] for k in range(N): pt1 = pts[k, 0:2, 0] ph1 = pts[k, 2:4, 0] pt2 = pts[k, 0:2, 1] ph2 = pts[k, 2:4, 1] if (pt1 == pt2).all(): pa = ph1 pb = ph2 pt = pt1 ang = geu.sector(pa, pb, pt) if (pt1 == ph2).all(): pa = ph1 pb = pt2 pt = pt1 ang = geu.sector(pa, pb, pt) if (ph1 == pt2).all(): pa = pt1 pb = ph2 pt = ph1 ang = geu.sector(pa, pb, pt) if (ph1 == ph2).all(): pa = pt1 pb = pt2 pt = ph1 ang = geu.sector(pa, pb, pt) sector.append(ang) return(sector)
[docs] def add_furniture(self, name='R1_C', matname='PARTITION', origin=(0., 0.), zmin=0., height=0., width=0., length=0., angle=0.): """ add piece of furniture Parameters ---------- name : string default = 'R1_C' matname : string default = 'PARTITION' origin : tuple of floats height : float default = 0 width : float default = 0 length : float default = 0 angle : float default = 0 """ # compute the four points p0 = origin u = np.array([np.cos(angle * np.pi / 180), np.sin(angle * np.pi / 180)]) v = np.array([-np.sin(angle * np.pi / 180), np.cos(angle * np.pi / 180)]) p1 = p0 + u * length p2 = p1 + v * width p3 = p2 - u * length # adding free nodes n0 = self.add_fnod(p0) n1 = self.add_fnod(p1) n2 = self.add_fnod(p2) n3 = self.add_fnod(p3) # adding segments self.add_segment(n0, n1, name=matname, z=(zmin, zmin + height)) self.add_segment(n1, n2, name=matname, z=(zmin, zmin + height)) self.add_segment(n2, n3, name=matname, z=(zmin, zmin + height)) self.add_segment(n3, n0, name=matname, z=(zmin, zmin + height))
[docs] def add_furniture_file(self, _filefur, typ=''): """ add pieces of furniture from .ini files Parameters ---------- _filefur : string """ filefur = pyu.getlong(_filefur, pro.pstruc['DIRFUR']) config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() furname = config.sections() for fur in furname: name = config.get(fur, "name") matname = config.get(fur, "matname") origin = tuple(ast.literal_eval(config.get(fur, "origin"))) height = config.getfloat(fur, "height") width = config.getfloat(fur, "width") length = config.getfloat(fur, "length") angle = config.getfloat(fur, "angle") thickness = config.getfloat(fur, "thickness") # ~ if matname=='WOOD': # ~ zmin = height # ~ height=thickness # ~ else: # ~ zmin=0.0 # .. todo: be more generic relate to floor level zmin = 0.0 if typ == '': self.add_furniture(name, matname, origin, zmin, height, width, length, angle) else: try: self.add_furniture(name, matname, origin, zmin, height, width, length, angle) except: raise NameError('No such furniture type - ' + typ + '-')
[docs] def del_points(self, lp): """ delete points in list lp Parameters ---------- lp : list node list """ # test if array if (type(lp) == np.ndarray): ln = list(ln) # test if list if (type(lp) != list): lp = [lp] print("lp : ", lp) # get segments involved in points list ls = self.nd2seg(lp) print("ls : ", ls) # 1) delete involved segments for k in ls: assert(k > 0) self.del_segment(k) print('del ', k) # 2) delete involved points for n1 in lp: assert(n1 < 0) # v1.1 nbrs = self.Gs.neighbors(n1) nbrs = self.Gs[n1].keys() self.Gs.remove_node(n1) del self.Gs.pos[n1] self.labels.pop(n1) self.Np = self.Np - 1 # 3) updating structures self.g2npy()
[docs] def del_segment(self, le, verbose=True, g2npy=True): """ delete segments in le Parameters ---------- le : list of segments number See Also -------- pylayers.gis.layout.Layout.del_node Notes ----- 100% of time is in g2npy """ if (type(le) == np.ndarray): le = list(le) if (type(le) != list): le = [le] for e in le: assert(e > 0) name = self.Gs.node[e]['name'] iso = self.Gs.node[e]['iso'] [self.Gs.node[i]['iso'].remove(e) for i in iso if e in self.Gs.node[i]['iso']] del self.Gs.pos[e] # delete edge position self.Gs.remove_node(e) self.labels.pop(e) self.Ns = self.Ns - 1 # update slab name <-> edge number dictionnary[name].remove(e) # delete iso if required try: # remove shapely seg self._shseg.pop(e) except: pass if g2npy: self.g2npy()
[docs] def point_touches_seg(self,pt,lseg=[],segtol=1e-2,tahetol=1e-2): """ determine if a point is touching a segment Parameters ---------- pt : a point (2,) seg : a list of segments to test. if [] => all Gs segments are tested segdtol : distance tolerance point to segment tahetol : distance tolerance point to segment extremeties => a point on segment extremeties is considered not touching the segseg Return ------ ltseg : lsit of touched segments (by the point) """ if lseg == []: lseg = self.Gs.nodes() ltseg = [] allnodes = self.Gs.nodes() for s in lseg : if s > 0 and s in allnodes: n0,n1 = self.Gs.node[s]['connect'] dta,dhe,h = geu.dptseg(np.array(pt)[:,None], np.array(self.Gs.pos[n0])[:,None], np.array(self.Gs.pos[n1])[:,None]) if (h <= segtol) and ((dta > tahetol) and (dhe > tahetol)): ltseg.append(s) return ltseg
[docs] def seg_intersection(self,**kwargs): ''' determine if a segment intersects any other segment of the layout Parameters ---------- shLine : a shapely LineString or ta,he : tail/head of a segment Returns ------- llay_seg : list of layout's segments intersected lshP : list of shapely points of intersections. See Also -------- ''' if ('ta' in kwargs) and ('he' in kwargs): seg = sh.LineString((kwargs['ta'],kwargs['he'])) elif 'shLine' in kwargs: seg = kwargs['shLine'] # WARNING : use crosses instead of interesects # otherwise 2 segments connected to a same node # are considered as intersecting binter = [seg.crosses(x) for x in list(self._shseg.values())] if np.sum(binter) > 0: uinter = np.where(binter)[0] llay_seg = [] lshP = [] for k in uinter: # layout segment llay_seg.append(list(self._shseg.keys())[k]) lay_shseg = self._shseg[llay_seg[-1]] # intersection shapely point lshP.append(seg.intersection(lay_shseg)) return(llay_seg,lshP) else: return ([],[])
[docs] def mask(self): """ returns the polygonal mask of the building Returns ------- mask : geu.Polygon Notes ----- This function assumes graph Gt has been generated """ if hasattr(self,Gt): # takes the 1st cycle polygon p = self.Gt.node[1]['polyg'] # get the exterior of the polygon ps = sh.Polygon(p.exterior) # make the union of the exterior of all the cycles # # cycle : -1 exterior # 0 ?? # for k in self.Gt.node: if (k != 0) & (k != -1): p = self.Gt.node[k]['polyg'] ps = ps.union(sh.Polygon(p.exterior)) mask = geu.Polygon(ps) mask.setvnodes(self) return(mask) else: print("Gt not built")
[docs] def translate(self, vec): """ translate layout Parameters ---------- loa vec : """ for k in self.Gs.pos: pt = self.Gs.pos[k] self.Gs.pos[k] = (pt[0] + vec[0], pt[1] + vec[1])
[docs] def rotate(self, angle=90): """ rotate the layout Parameters ---------- angle : float (degrees) """ a = angle * np.pi / 180 for k in self.Gs.pos: pt = self.Gs.pos[k] ptr = array([[np.cos(a), -np.sin(a)], [np.sin(a), np.cos(a)]]), array(pt)) self.Gs.pos[k] = (ptr[0], ptr[1]) self.g2npy()
[docs] def check2(self): """ Layout checking Returns ------- tseg ; list of segment shapely """ tseg = [] for k in list(self.Gs.node.keys()): if k > 0: #v1.1 lnp = self.Gs.neighbors(k) lnp = list(self.Gs[k].keys()) p1 = self.Gs.pos[lnp[0]] p2 = self.Gs.pos[lnp[1]] tseg.append(sh.LineString([(p1[0], p1[1]), (p2[0], p2[1])])) N = len(tseg) for k in combinations(range(N), 2): seg1 = tseg[k[0]] seg2 = tseg[k[1]] if seg1.crosses(seg2): print("crosses :", k[0], k[1]) if seg1.contains(seg2): print("contains :", k[0], k[1]) if seg2.contains(seg1): print("contains :", k[0], k[1]) if seg1.overlaps(seg2): print("overlaps :", k[0], k[1]) if seg2.overlaps(seg1): print("overlaps :", k[0], k[1]) return(tseg)
[docs] def cleanup(self): """ cleanup the Layout Notes ----- 1. Remove nodes which are not connected 2. Remove supperimposed segments """ lk = list(self.Gs.node.keys()) for n in lk: if ((n < 0) & ( == 0)): self.Gs.remove_node(n) del self.Gs.pos[n] try: self.Gv.remove_node(n) except: pass self.Np = len(np.nonzero(np.array(list(self.Gs.node.keys())) < 0)[0]) aseg_conn=[] for seg in self.Gs.nodes(): if seg >0: n0,n1 = list(nx.neighbors(self.Gs,seg)) aseg_conn.append([seg,n0,n1]) aseg_conn = np.array(aseg_conn) # aseg_conn=np.array([[list(nx.neighbors(self.Gs,x))] for x in self.Gs.nodes() if x >0]) uni,upos=np.unique(aseg_conn[:,1:],axis=0,return_index=True) utbd = [x for x in range(len(aseg_conn)) if not x in upos] tbd = aseg_conn[utbd,0] for k in tbd: self.del_segment(k) self.g2npy()
[docs] def info_segment(self, s1): """ information about segment Parameters ---------- s1 : segment number """ # v1.1 nebd = self.Gs.neighbors(s1) nebd = self.Gs[s1].keys() n1 = nebd[0] n2 = nebd[1] #v1.1 nns1 = self.Gs.neighbors(n1) #nns2 = self.Gs.neighbors(n2) nns1 = self.Gs[n1].keys() nns2 = self.Gs[n2].keys() ds1 = self.Gs.node[s1] print(n1, ' : ', nns1) print(n2, ' : ', nns2) print('------------') print('Slab : ', ds1['name']) print('zmin (m) : ', ds1['z'][0]) print('zmax (m) : ', ds1['z'][1]) try: print('------------') a = ds1['ss_name'] print('subseg Slabs : ', ds1['ss_name']) print('subseg (zmin,zmax) (m) : ', ds1['ss_z']) except: pass
[docs] def edit_seg(self, e1, data={}): """ edit segment Parameters ---------- e1 : integer edge number data : dict dictionnary of value of seg or subseg Notes ----- A segment has the following properties : + name : string + z : tuple + transition : boolean (default FALSE) + offset : [-1,1] If a segment has subsegments attached the following properties are added : + ss_name : list of string + ss_z : list of subsegment e.q. [(min height (meters),max height (meters))] + ss_offset : list of offset in [0,1] """ if data == {}: pass else: ename = self.Gs.node[e1]['name'] # manage[ename].pop([ename].index(e1)) # manage self.display['name'] if len([ename]) == 0: try: self.display['layers'].pop( self.display['layers'].index(ename)) except: pass for k in data: self.Gs.node[e1][k] = data[k] if data['name'] in[data['name']].append(e1) else:[data['name']]=[e1] if data['name'] not in self.display['layers']: self.display['layers'].append(data['name']) return data
[docs] def have_subseg(self, e1): """ check if edge e1 have subseg Parameters ---------- e1 : int Returns ------- have_subseg_bool : boolean """ dk = self.Gs.node[e1] if len(dk['iso'])>0: return True else: return False
[docs] def find_edgelist(self, edgelist, nodelist): """ edgelist = find_edgelist(edgelist,nodelist) edgelist : input edgelist nodelist : input nodelist return the subset of edgelist Not Finished : """ tail = self.tahe[0, edgelist] head = self.tahe[1, edgelist] nt = np.intersect1d_nu[tail, nodelist] nh = np.intersect1d_nu[head, nodelist] edgelist = edgelist[np.unique(ed_t, ed_h)] return(edgelist)
[docs] def diag(self, p1, p2, l, al1, al2, quadsel=0): """ return edge list from a diagonal zone Parameters ----------- p1 : np.array p2 : np.array tol : al1 : al2 : quadsel : 0 all quadrant 2 1 3 4 Returns ------- edgelist """ x =[0, :] y =[1, :] # # selection du quadran # if (quadsel == 0): u0 = np.arange(self.Np) if (quadsel == 1): u0 = np.nonzero((y > p1[1]) & (x > p1[0]))[0] if (quadsel == 2): u0 = np.nonzero((y > p1[1]) & (x <= p1[0]))[0] if (quadsel == 3): u0 = np.nonzero((y <= p1[1]) & (x <= p1[0]))[0] if (quadsel == 4): u0 = np.nonzero((y <= p1[1]) & (x > p1[0]))[0] x_u0 = x[u0] y_u0 = y[u0] # # Permutation points # if (p1[0] > p2[0]): pt = p2 p2 = p1 p1 = pt # # Box length # Dx = p2[0] - p1[0] Dy = p2[1] - p1[1] L = np.sqrt(Dx ** 2 + Dy ** 2) # # p1 p2 # if ((abs(Dx) > finfo(float).eps) & (abs(Dy) > finfo(float).eps)): a = Dy / Dx b = p1[1] - a * p1[0] b1 = p1[1] + p1[0] / a b2 = p2[1] + p2[0] / a delta_b = tol * L / abs(Dx) delta_b1 = al1 * L * L / abs(Dy) delta_b2 = al2 * L * L / abs(Dy) u1 = np.nonzero(y_u0 < a * x_u0 + b + delta_b / 2.)[0] x_u1 = x_u0[u1] y_u1 = y_u0[u1] u2 = np.nonzero(y_u1 > a * x_u1 + b - delta_b / 2.)[0] x_u2 = x_u1[u2] y_u2 = y_u1[u2] if (a > 0): u3 = np.nonzero(y_u2 > -x_u2 / a + b1 - delta_b1)[0] x_u3 = x_u2[u3] y_u3 = y_u2[u3] u4 = np.nonzero(y_u3 < -x_u3 / a + b2 + delta_b2)[0] else: u3 = np.nonzero(y_u2 < -x_u2 / a + b1 + delta_b1)[0] x_u3 = x_u2[u3] y_u3 = y_u2[u3] u4 = np.nonzero(y_u3 > -x_u3 / a + b2 - delta_b2)[0] x_u4 = x_u3[u4] y_u4 = y_u3[u4] # # p1 p2 vertical # if (abs(Dx) <= finfo(float).eps): u1 = np.nonzero(x < p1[0] + tol / 2.)[0] x_u1 = x[u1] y_u1 = y[u1] u2 = np.nonzero(x_u1 > p1[0] - tol / 2.)[0] y_u2 = y[u2] if (p1[1] > p2[1]): u3 = np.nonzero(y_u2 < p1[1] + al1 * L)[0] y_u3 = y[u3] u4 = np.nonzero(y_u3 > p2[1] - al2 * L)[0] else: u3 = np.nonzero(y_u2 < p2[1] + al2 * L)[0] y_u3 = y[u3] u4 = np.nonzero(y_u3 > p1[1] - al1 * L)[0] # # p1 p2 horizontal # if (abs(Dy) <= finfo(float).eps): u1 = np.nonzero(y < p1[1] + tol / 2.)[0] y_u1 = y[u1] u2 = np.nonzero(y_u1 > p1[1] - tol / 2.)[0] x_u2 = x[u2] if (p1(1) > p2(1)): u3 = np.nonzero(x_u2 < p1[0] + al1 * L)[0] x_u3 = x[u3] u4 = np.nonzero(x_u3 > p2[0] - al2 * L)[0] else: u3 = np.nonzero(x_u2 < p2[0] + al2 * L)[0] x_u3 = x[u3] u4 = np.nonzero(x > p1[0] - al1 * L)[0] nodelist = u0[u1[u2[u3[u4]]]] edgelist = np.arange(self.Ns) edgelist = self.find_edge_list(edgelist, nodelist) return(edgelist)
[docs] def nd2seg(self, ndlist): """ convert node list to edge list Parameters ---------- ndlist : list or ndarray node list Returns ------- seglist : ndarray edge list Notes ----- previously nd2ed """ if isinstance(ndlist, np.ndarray): ndlist = ndlist.tolist() seglist = [] # for n in ndlist: # seglist = seglist + self.Gs.adj[n].keys() #l = map(lambda x: self.Gs.adj[x].keys(), ndlist) l = [ list(dict(self.Gs.adj[x]).keys()) for x in ndlist ] seglist = [] for y in l : seglist = seglist + y #reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, l) return(np.unique(np.array(seglist)))
[docs] def ed2nd(self, edlist): """ convert edgelist to nodelist Parameters ---------- edlist : list or ndarray edge list Returns ------- ndlist : ndarray node list """ if isinstance(edlist, np.ndarray): edlist = edlist.tolist() # mecanisme de concatenation de listes ndlist = [] for e in edlist: ndlist = ndlist + self.Gs.adj[e].keys() return(np.unique(ndlist))
[docs] def get_zone(self, ax): """ get point list and segment list in a rectangular zone Parameters ---------- ax : list ot tuple [xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax] Returns ------- ptlist,seglist """ xmin = ax[0] xmax = ax[1] ymin = ax[2] ymax = ax[3] ptlist = [] for n in self.Gs.node.keys(): if n < 0: x = self.Gs.pos[n][0] y = self.Gs.pos[n][1] if ((x > xmin) & (x < xmax) & (y > ymin) & (y < ymax)): ptlist.append(n) seglist = self.nd2seg(ptlist) return ptlist, seglist
[docs] def get_points(self, boxorpol , tol = 0.05): """ get points list and segments list in a polygonal zone Parameters ---------- boxorpol : list or tuple [xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax] or shapely Polygon Returns ------- (pt,ke) : points coordinates and index pt : (2xn) ke : (,n) Notes ----- This method returns all the existing Layout points inside a box zone or the boundary of a polygon """ if type(boxorpol) == geu.Polygon: N = len(boxorpol.vnodes)/2 eax = boxorpol.bounds xmin = eax[0] - tol xmax = eax[2] + tol ymin = eax[1] - tol ymax = eax[3] + tol else: xmin = boxorpol[0] xmax = boxorpol[1] ymin = boxorpol[2] ymax = boxorpol[3] # # layout points # x =[0,:] y =[1,:] uxmin = (x>= xmin) uymin = (y>= ymin) uxmax = (x<= xmax) uymax = (y<= ymax) # # k True when all conditons are True simultaneously # k = np.where(uxmin*uymin*uxmax*uymax==1)[0] #pt = np.array(zip(x[k],y[k])).T # pt (2 x N ) pt = np.vstack((x[k],y[k])) ke = self.upnt[k] # if(pt.shape[1]<N): # plt.ion() # fig,a=self.showG('s') # a.plot(pt[0,:],pt[1,:],'or') # a.plot(eax[0],eax[1],'or') # # ux = ((x>=xmin).all() and (x<=xmax).all()) # uy = ((y>=ymin).all() and (y<=ymax).all()) return((pt,ke))
[docs] def angleonlink3(self, p1=np.array([0, 0, 1]), p2=np.array([10, 3, 1])): """ returns (seglist,angle) in retangular area defined by p1 and p2 Parameters ---------- p1 : np.array (3 x N) or (3,) p2 : np.array (3 x N) or (3,) Returns ------- data : structured array x N 'i' : index 's' : slab 'a' : angle (in radians) Examples -------- >>> from pylayers.gis.layout import * >>> L = Layout('DLR2.lay') >>> p1 = np.array([0,0,1]) >>> p2 = np.array([10,3,2]) >>> data = L.angleonlink3(p1,p2) #array([(0, 141, 1.2793395519256592), (0, 62, 0.29145678877830505), (0, 65, 0.29145678877830505)], dtype=[('i', '<i8'), ('s', '<i8'), ('a', '<f4')]) See Also -------- antprop.loss.Losst geomutil.intersect3 """ sh1 = np.shape(p1) sh2 = np.shape(p2) assert sh1[0] == 3, pdb.set_trace() assert sh2[0] == 3, pdb.set_trace() # p1 (1 axe) and p2 (2 or 3 axes) if (len(sh1) < 2) & (len(sh2) > 1): p1 = np.outer(p1, np.ones(sh2[1])) # p2 (1 axe) and p1 (2 or 3 axes) if (len(sh2) < 2) & (len(sh1) > 1): p2 = np.outer(p2, np.ones(sh1[1])) if (len(sh2) < 2) & (len(sh1) < 2): p1 = np.outer(p1, np.ones(1)) p2 = np.outer(p2, np.ones(1)) # 3 x N u = p1 - p2 # 1 x N nu = np.sqrt(np.sum(u * u, axis=0)) # 3 x N un = u / nu[np.newaxis, :] # # warning : seglist contains the segment number in tahe not in Gs # seglist = self.seginframe2(p1[0:2], p2[0:2]) useglist = np.unique(seglist) #seglist = np.unique(self.seginframe(p1[0:2], p2[0:2])) upos = np.nonzero(useglist >= 0)[0] uneg = np.nonzero(useglist < 0)[0] # nNLOS = len(uneg) + 1 # # retrieve the number of segments per link # if nNLOS > 1: # llink = np.hstack( # (uneg[0], np.hstack((uneg[1:], array([len(seglist)]))) - uneg - 1)) # else: # llink = np.array([len(seglist)]) # [(link id,number of seg),...] # nl = zip(np.arange(nlink),llink)n useglist = useglist[upos] npta = self.tahe[0, useglist] nphe = self.tahe[1, useglist] Pta =[:, npta] Phe =[:, nphe] Nscreen = len(npta) # get segment height bounds zmin = np.array([self.Gs.node[x]['z'][0] for x in self.tsg[useglist]]) zmax = np.array([self.Gs.node[x]['z'][1] for x in self.tsg[useglist]]) # centroid of the screen Pg = np.vstack(((Phe + Pta) / 2., (zmax + zmin) / 2.)) Ptahe = Phe - Pta L1 = np.sqrt(np.sum(Ptahe * Ptahe, axis=0)) # 3 x Nscreen U1 is in plane xy U1 = np.vstack((Ptahe / L1, np.zeros(Nscreen))) L2 = zmax - zmin U2 = np.array([0, 0, 1])[:, None] # 3 x 1 U2 is along z # # p1 : 3 x Ng # p2 : 3 x Ng # Pg : 3 x Nscreen # U1 : 3 x Nscreen # U2 : 3 x 1 # L1 : ,Nscreen # L2 : ,Nscreen bo, pt = geu.intersect3(p1, p2, Pg, U1, U2, L1, L2) ubo = np.where(bo) Nseg = len(ubo[0]) data = np.zeros(Nseg, dtype=[('i', 'i8'), ('s', 'i8'), ('a', np.float32)]) data['i'] = ubo[0] data['s'] = self.tsg[useglist[ubo[1]]] # # Calculate angle of incidence refered from segment normal # norm = self.normal[:, useglist[ubo[1]]] # vector along the link uu = un[:, ubo[0]] unn = abs(np.sum(uu * norm, axis=0)) angle = np.arccos(unn) data['a'] = angle return(data)
[docs] def angleonlinkold(self, p1=np.array([0, 0]), p2=np.array([10, 3])): """ angleonlink(self,p1,p2) returns seglist between p1 and p2 Parameters ---------- p1 : (1 x 2 ) [0,0] p2 : (1 x 2 ) [10,3] Returns ------- seglist : list list of segment number on the link theta Examples -------- #>>> from pylayers.gis.layout import * #>>> L = Layout('DLR.lay','matDB.ini','slabDB.ini') #>>> p1 = np.array([0,0]) #>>> p2 = np.array([10,3]) #>>> L.angleonlinkold(p1,p2) #(array([59, 62, 65]), array([ 1.27933953, 0.29145679, 0.29145679])) """ logger.warning('This function is deprecated use') u = p1 - p2 nu = np.sqrt(, u)) un = u / nu seglist = self.seginframe(p1, p2) # new implementation of seginframe is faster # #seglist = self.seginframe2(p1, p2) npta = self.tahe[0, seglist] nphe = self.tahe[1, seglist] Pta =[:, npta] Phe =[:, nphe] P1 = np.outer(p1, np.ones(len(seglist))) P2 = np.outer(p2, np.ones(len(seglist))) bo = geu.intersect(P1, P2, Pta, Phe) seglist = seglist[bo] # # Calculate normal angle angle of incidence # tail = self.tahe[0, seglist] head = self.tahe[1, seglist] vn = np.vstack(([1, head] -[1, tail],[0, head] -[0, tail])) mvn = np.outer(np.ones(2), np.sqrt(np.sum(vn * vn, axis=0))) n = vn / mvn uu = np.outer(un, np.ones(len(seglist))) unn = abs(np.sum(uu * n, axis=0)) theta = np.arccos(unn) # printvn # printmvn # print'n :',n # print'un : ',unn # print'theta (deg)',the*180./pi # seglist = seglist+1 seglist = np.array([self.tsg[x] for x in seglist]) return(seglist, theta)
[docs] def seguv(self, iseg): """ returns unitary vector along segments Parameters ---------- iseg : np.array index of segments Examples -------- >>> from pylayers.gis.layout import * >>> L = Layout('DLR.lay') >>> idx = np.array([1,2,3,17]) >>> v1 = L.seguv(idx) >>> idx = np.array([1]) >>> v2= L.seguv(idx) """ # idx : npt idx = self.tgs[iseg] # tahe : 2 x npt tahe = self.tahe[:, idx] if len(iseg) > 1: ta = tahe[0, :] he = tahe[1, :] else: ta = tahe[0] he = tahe[1] pta =[:, ta] phe =[:, he] # v : 2 x npt v = pta - phe # mv : npt mv = np.sqrt(np.sum(v * v, axis=0)) # vn : 2 x npt if len(idx) > 1: vn = v / mv[np.newaxis, :] else: vn = (v / mv).reshape(2) return(vn)
[docs] def seg2pts(self, aseg): """ convert segments array from Gs numerotation to corresponding termination points array in pt Parameters ---------- aseg : np.array (,Ns) or int for single value:w array of segment number (>0) Returns ------- pth : np.array (4 x Ns) pth is a vstacking of tail point (2,Ns) and head point (2,Ns) Examples -------- >>> from pylayers.gis.layout import * >>> import numpy as np >>> L = Layout('defstr.lay') >>> aseg = np.array([1,3,6]) >>> pt = L.seg2pts(aseg) Notes ----- surprisingly self.s2pc is slower than this function """ if not isinstance(aseg, np.ndarray): aseg = np.array([aseg]) assert(len(np.where(aseg < 0)[0]) == 0) utahe = self.tgs[aseg] #if (utahe>=0).all(): tahe = self.tahe[:, utahe] ptail =[:, tahe[0, :]] phead =[:, tahe[1, :]] pth = np.vstack((ptail, phead)) pth = pth.reshape(pth.shape[0], pth.shape[-1]) return pth
#else: # pdb.set_trace()
[docs] def segpt(self, ptlist=np.array([0])): """ return the seg list of a sequence of point number Parameters ---------- ptlist array(1xNp) point number array Returns ------- seglist array seglist associated with ptlist Examples -------- >>> from pylayers.gis.layout import * >>> L = Layout('TA-Office.lay') >>> ptlist = np.array([0,1]) >>> seg = L.segpt(ptlist) Notes ----- """ seglist = np.array([], dtype=int) for i in ptlist: ut = np.nonzero(self.tahe[0, :] == i)[0] uv = np.nonzero(self.tahe[1, :] == i)[0] seglist = np.hstack((seglist, ut, uv)) seglist = np.unique(seglist) return(seglist)
[docs] def extrseg(self): """ calculate extremum of segments Notes ----- update the following members `min_sx` `max_sx` `min_sy` `max_sy` Used in seginframe """ # 2 x Np pt = # tahe 2 x Nseg #th = zip(self.tahe[0, :], self.tahe[1, :]) ta = self.tahe[0,:] he = self.tahe[1,:] self.max_sx = np.maximum(pt[0,ta],pt[0,he]) self.min_sx = np.minimum(pt[0,ta],pt[0,he]) self.max_sy = np.maximum(pt[1,ta],pt[1,he]) self.min_sy = np.minimum(pt[1,ta],pt[1,he])
#self.max_sx = np.array([ np.maximum(pt[0, x[0]], pt[0, x[1]]) for x in th ]) #self.min_sx = np.array([ np.minimum(pt[0, x[0]], pt[0, x[1]]) for x in th ]) #self.max_sy = np.array([ np.maximum(pt[1, x[0]], pt[1, x[1]]) for x in th ]) #self.min_sy = np.array([ np.minnimum(pt[1, x[0]], pt[1, x[1]]) for x in th ])
[docs] def seginframe2(self, p1, p2): """ returns the seglist of a given zone defined by two points (vectorised version) Parameters ---------- p1 array (2 x N) array of N 2D points p2 array (2 x N) array of N 2D points Returns ------- seglist list of segment number inside a planar region defined by p1 an p2 separated by -1 Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> from pylayers.gis.layout import * >>> L = Layout('TA-Office.lay') >>> p1 = np.array([[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]) >>> p2 = np.array([[10,10,10],[10,10,10]]) >>> seglist = L.seginframe2(p1,p2) >>> edlist = [ L.tsg[x] for x in seglist ] >>> fig,ax = L.showG('s',edlist=edlist) """ sh1 = np.shape(p1) sh2 = np.shape(p2) assert sh1[0] == 2 assert sh2[0] == 2 if (len(sh1) < 2) & (len(sh2) > 1): p1 = np.outer(p1, np.ones(sh2[1])) if (len(sh2) < 2) & (len(sh1) > 1): p2 = np.outer(p2, np.ones(sh1[1])) if (len(sh2) < 2) & (len(sh1) < 2): p1 = np.outer(p1, np.ones(1)) p2 = np.outer(p2, np.ones(1)) # clipping conditions to keep segment # # max_sx > min_x # min_sx < max_x # max_sy > min_y # min_sy < max_y # N x 1 #max_x = [ max(x[1], x[0]) for x in zip(p1[0, :], p2[0, :]) ] #min_x = [ min(x[1], x[0]) for x in zip(p1[0, :], p2[0, :]) ] #max_y = [ max(x[1], x[0]) for x in zip(p1[1, :], p2[1, :]) ] #min_y = [ min(x[1], x[0]) for x in zip(p1[1, :], p2[1, :]) ] max_x = np.maximum(p1[0,:],p2[0,:]) min_x = np.minimum(p1[0,:],p2[0,:]) max_y = np.maximum(p1[1,:],p2[1,:]) min_y = np.minimum(p1[1,:],p2[1,:]) seglist = [ np.nonzero((self.max_sx > x[0]) & (self.min_sx < x[1]) & (self.max_sy > x[2]) & (self.min_sy < x[3]))[0] for x in zip(min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y) ] # np.array stacking # -1 acts as a deliminiter (not as a segment number) # seglist = reduce(lambda x, y: np.hstack((x, array([-1]), y)), seglist) x = np.array([]).astype(int) for y in seglist: x = np.hstack((x, np.array([-1]), y)) return(x)
[docs] def seginframe(self, p1, p2): """ return the seg list of a given zone defined by two points Parameters ---------- p1 array (1 x 2) p2 array (1 x 2) Returns ------- seglist list of segment number inside a planar region defined by p1 an p2 Examples -------- >>> from pylayers.gis.layout import * >>> L = Layout('TA-Office.lay') >>> p1 = np.array([0,0]) >>> p2 = np.array([10,10]) >>> L.seginframe(p1,p2) array([ 1, 3, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 46, 47, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 81, 82, 85, 86]) """ #assert( (p1.shape==(1,2)) or (p1.shape==(2))) #assert( (p2.shape==(1,2)) or (p2.shape==(2))) max_x = max(p1[0], p2[0]) min_x = min(p1[0], p2[0]) max_y = max(p1[1], p2[1]) min_y = min(p1[1], p2[1]) Dx = max_x - min_x Dy = max_y - min_y if Dx < 0.5: max_x = max_x + 0.5 min_x = min_x - 0.5 if Dy < 0.5: max_y = max_y + 0.5 min_y = min_y - 0.5 if (Dy < Dx): up = np.nonzero(([0, :] < max_x) & ([0, :] > min_x))[0] else: up = np.nonzero(([1, :] < max_y) & ([1, :] > min_y))[0] seglist = self.segpt(up) return(seglist)
[docs] def layerongrid(self, grid, Tx): """ grid Nx,Ny,2 Tx 1x2 .. todo:: layeron grid Not finished """ Nx = grid.shape[0] Ny = grid.shape[1] for ix in range(Nx): for iy in range(Ny): p = grid[ix, iy, :] seglist, theta = self.layeronlink(p, Tx)
[docs] def cycleinline(self, c1, c2): """ returns the intersection between a given line and all segments Parameters ---------- c1 : int point c2 : int point Returns ------- I : numpy.ndarray See Also -------- pylayers.antprop.signature.Signatures.rays pylayers.gis.layout.Layout.seginframe2 Notes ----- This function is used to detect LOS conditions """ I = np.array([]).reshape(3, 0) # polygon cycle 1 poly1 = self.Gt.node[c1]['polyg'] p1t = poly1.centroid.xy # polygon cycle 2 poly2 = self.Gt.node[c2]['polyg'] p2t = poly2.centroid.xy # centroid of cycle 1 and 2 p1 = np.array([p1t[0][0], p1t[1][0]]) p2 = np.array([p2t[0][0], p2t[1][0]]) line = sh.LineString((p1, p2)) # els = self.seginframe(p1,p2) # new implementation of seginframe is faster els = self.seginframe2(p1, p2) elg = self.tsg[els] lc = [] ls = [] I = np.array([]).reshape(2, 0) for seg in elg: #v1.1 ta, he = self.Gs.neighbors(seg) ta, he = self.Gs[seg] pa = np.array(self.Gs.pos[ta]) pb = np.array(self.Gs.pos[he]) segline = sh.LineString((pa, pb)) if line.intersects(segline): lc.extend(self.Gs.node[seg]['ncycles']) # printseg,self.Gs.node[seg]['ncycles'] ls.append(seg) psh = line.intersection(segline) I = np.hstack((I, np.array([[psh.x], [psh.y]]))) v = (I - p1[:, np.newaxis]) dv = np.sum(v * v, axis=0) u = np.argsort(dv) lss = np.array(ls)[u] lc = [c1] for s in lss: cy1, cy2 = self.Gs.node[s]['ncycles'] if cy1 not in lc: lc.append(cy1) elif cy2 not in lc: lc.append(cy2) else: assert NameError('Bad transisiton in Layout.cycleinline') return lc
[docs] def seginline(self, p1, p2): """ returns the intersection between a given line and all segments Parameters ---------- p1 : numpy.ndarray p2 : numpy.ndarray Returns ------- I : numpy.ndarray """ I = np.array([]).reshape(3, 0) line = sh.LineString((p1, p2)) for seg in self.Gs.nodes(): if seg > 0: # v1.1 ta, he = self.Gs.neighbors(seg) ta, he = self.Gs[seg] pa = np.array(self.Gs.pos[ta]) pb = np.array(self.Gs.pos[he]) else: pa = np.array(self.Gs.pos[seg]) pb = pa segline = sh.LineString((pa, pb)) if line.intersects(segline): psh = line.intersection(segline) liseg = np.array([[psh.x], [psh.y]]) I = np.hstack((I, np.vstack(([[seg]], liseg)))) return I
[docs] def visilist(self, p): """ returns the list of nodes which are visible from point p Parameters ---------- p np.array point Returns ------- Notes ----- AAS = [0:2pi] While (AAS != void set) 1) Find segment ns either i) the closest segment from p in AAS ii) neighbor of prec(ns) 2) Find the edgelist visible from ns edgelist = vedgelist(ns) 3) Check_occultation(p,ns,edgelist) Occultation 8 situations [p1,pM,p2] = [T,T,T] : fully occulted [ ] partially visible [F,F,F] : fully visible 4) Update Allowed Angular Sector (AAS) """ AAS = Intvl([0, 2 * pi]) nsprev = np.inf edgelist = np.array([]) while AAS.measure() != 0: if nsprev == np.inf: ns = self.closest(p, AAS) else: ns = self.neighbors(nsprev) edgelist = self.vedgelist(ns) [b1, bM, b2] = self.check - occultation(p, ns, edgelist) AAS = self.update(AAS,)
[docs] def closest_edge(self, p, AAS): """ not implemented Parameters ---------- This function return the closest segment from p which belong to the AAS (Allowed Angular Sector) [ns] = closest_edge(self,p,AAS) """ pass
# not implemented
[docs] def visi_papb(self, pa, pb, edgelist=np.array([])): """ visi_papb : determine if pa and pb are in visibility for the structure graph visi_papb(pa,pb,edgelist) pa : 1x2 pb : 1x2 edgelist : exclusion edge list """ # # .. todo: avoid utilisation tahe # x =[0, :] y =[1, :] ta = self.tahe[0, :] he = self.tahe[1, :] x1 = x[ta] y1 = y[ta] x2 = x[he] y2 = y[he] den = (pb[1] - pa[1]) * (x2 - x1) - (pb[0] - pa[0]) * (y2 - y1) w = np.nonzero(abs(den) < 1e-12)[0] den[w] = 1e-12 numa = (pb[0] - pa[0]) * (y1 - pa[1]) - (pb[1] - pa[1]) * \ (x1 - pa[0]) numb = (x2 - x1) * (y1 - pa[1]) - (y2 - y1) * (x1 - pa[0]) ua = numa / den ub = numb / den #ua[edgelist] = 1000 u = np.nonzero((ua >= 0) & (ua <= 1) & (ub >= 0) & (ub <= 1))[0] # Si le segment de droite pa-pb intercepte des paroies de la structure if (u != []): visi = 0 else: visi = 1 return(visi)
[docs] def show_nodes(self, ndlist=[1e8], size=10, color='b', dlabels=False, font_size=15, alpha=1, node_shape='o', fig=[], ax=[]): """ show nodes Parameters ---------- ndlist size : int default 10 color : 'b' dlabels : Boolean False font_size : int 15 alpha : float transparancy See Also -------- show_segment showGs """ if fig == []: fig = plt.figure() if ax == []: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if type(ndlist) == np.ndarray: ndlist = list(ndlist) if len(ndlist) == 0: # ndlist.append(1e8) dlabels = False elif ndlist[0] == 1e8: ndlist = self.Gs.node.keys() # elif ndlist[0]==1e8: # ndlist = self.Gs.node.keys() # printndlist Z = nx.draw_networkx_nodes(self.Gs, self.Gs.pos, node_color=color, node_size=size, nodelist=ndlist, alpha=alpha, node_shape=node_shape, fig=fig, ax=ax) try: fig = Z.figure ax = Z.axes except: pass if dlabels: dicopos = {} dicolab = {} for n in ndlist: dicopos[n] = np.array(self.Gs.pos[n]) dicolab[n] = self.labels[n] Z = nx.draw_networkx_labels(self.Gs, dicopos, dicolab, font_size=font_size, font_color=color, fig=fig, ax=ax) try: fig = Z.figure ax = Z.axes except: pass return fig, ax
[docs] def show_seg1(self, edlist=[], alpha=1, width=1, size=2, color='black', font_size=15, dlabels=False): """ show segment Parameters ---------- edlist alpha width size color font_size dlabels """ if type(edlist) == 'ndarray': edlist = edlist.tolist() elif type(edlist) == int: edlist = [edlist] # printndlist nx.draw_networkx_nodes( self.Gs, self.Gs.pos, node_size=size, nodelist=edlist) if dlabels: dicopos = {} dicolab = {} for n in ndlist: # dicopos[n]=tuple(np.array(self.Gs.pos[n])+np.array((0.8,0.2))) dicopos[n] = np.array(self.Gs.pos[n]) dicolab[n] = self.labels[n] nx.draw_networkx_labels( self.Gs, dicopos, dicolab, font_size=font_size)
[docs] def show_segment(self, **kwargs): """ show segment Parameters ---------- edlist : list segment list alpha : float transparency 0< alpha < 1 width : float line width (default 1) color : string default 'black' dnodes : boolean display nodes ( Default False) dlabels : boolean display labels ( Default False) font_size : int Default 15 See Also -------- show_nodes """ defaults = {'fig': [], 'ax': [], 'edlist': [], 'alpha': 1, 'width': 1, 'color': 'black', 'dnodes': False, 'dlabels': False, 'font_size': 15, 'node_shape': 'o' } for key, value in defaults.items(): if key not in kwargs: kwargs[key] = value if kwargs['fig'] == []: fig = plt.figure() else: fig = kwargs['fig'] if kwargs['ax'] == []: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: ax = kwargs['ax'] clrlist = [] cold = pyu.coldict() # html color or string if kwargs['color'][0] != '#': clrlist.append(cold[kwargs['color']]) else: if color == '#FFFFF0': color = '#00000F' clrlist.append(color) ecmap = clr.ListedColormap(clrlist) U = self.Gs.edges(kwargs['edlist']) # ue = (np.ones(2 * len(kwargs['edlist']))).astype('int').tolist() ue = np.ones(len(U),dtype='int').tolist() if len(U) > 0: Z = nx.draw_networkx_edges(self.Gs, self.Gs.pos, edgelist=U, edge_color=ue, edge_cmap=ecmap, alpha=kwargs['alpha'], width=kwargs['width'], fig=fig, ax=ax) try: fig = Z.figure ax = Z.axes except: pass if kwargs['dlabels']: # printedlist # nodelist = self.ed2nd(edlist) fig, ax = self.show_nodes(ndlist=kwargs['edlist'], dlabels=kwargs['dlabels'], color='b', font_size=kwargs['font_size'], node_shape=kwargs['node_shape'], fig=fig, ax=ax) if kwargs['dnodes']: fig, ax = self.show_nodes(ndlist=kwargs['edlist'], color='b', fig=fig, ax=ax) return fig, ax
[docs] def show_layer(self, name, edlist=[], alpha=1, width=0, color='black', dnodes=False, dthin=False, dlabels=False, font_size=15, fGHz=[], fig=[], ax=[]): """ show layer Parameters ---------- name : edlist : [] alpha : float transparency width : int if width = 0 width depends on slab property color : string default black' dnodes : display nodes (False ) dthin : display thin ( False ) dlabels : display labels ( False ) font_size See Also -------- show_segment """ if fig == []: fig = plt.figure() if ax == []: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if edlist == []: edlist =[name] else: # intersect layer edge list with local zone edge list (in function # argument) a1 = np.array([name]) a2 = np.array(edlist) edlist = list(np.intersect1d(a1, a2)) if self.display['thin']: fig, ax = self.show_segment(edlist=edlist, alpha=1, width=1, color=color, dlabels=dlabels, font_size=font_size, fig=fig, ax=ax) else: slab =[name] if width == 0: linewidth = slab['linewidth'] / 3. else: linewidth = width if fGHz == []: color = slab['color'] else: if (name != 'METAL') & (name != 'METALIC'): color = slab.tocolor else: color = 'black' fig, ax = self.show_segment(edlist=edlist, alpha=1, width=linewidth, color=color, dnodes=dnodes, dlabels=dlabels, font_size=font_size, fig=fig, ax=ax) return fig, ax
def _showGi(self, **kwargs): """ show graph of interactions Gi Parameters ---------- seed : float alpha : float transparency sig : list of signatures (isequence of Gi nodes format) cycles : list [cystart,cyend] ninter : int interaction index inter : tuple interaction tuple See Also -------- Signatures.siginter """ defaults = {'seed':1, 'alpha':0.4, 'sig':[], 'cycles':[], 'ninter':0, 'node_size':30, 'fontsize':18, 'labels':False, 'inter':[]} for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k]=defaults[k] edges = self.Gi.edges() cy = kwargs['cycles'] if cy!=[]: pstart = self.Gt.pos[cy[0]] pstop = self.Gt.pos[cy[1]] if kwargs['sig']!=[]: lsig = kwargs['sig'] edgelist = [] startlist = [] stoplist = [] phe_start = np.array([]) phe_stop = np.array([]) phe_start.shape = (2,0) phe_stop.shape = (2,0) for sig in lsig: edgelist = edgelist + list(zip(sig[0:-1],sig[1:])) if cy!=[]: p1 = np.array(self.Gi.pos[sig[0]])[:,None] p2 = np.array(self.Gi.pos[sig[-1]])[:,None] phe_start=np.hstack((phe_start,p1)) phe_stop=np.hstack((phe_stop,p2)) elif kwargs['inter']!=[]: edinter = kwargs['inter'] outlist = self.Gi[edinter[0]][edinter[1]]['output'] outprob = outlist.values() edgelist = [(edinter[1],x) for x in outlist] dprob = dict(zip(edgelist,[str(x) for x in outprob])) elif kwargs['ninter']!=[]: edinter = [ e for e in edges][kwargs['ninter']] outlist = self.Gi[edinter[0]][edinter[1]]['output'] outprob = outlist.values() edgelist = [(edinter[1],x) for x in outlist] dprob = dict(zip(edgelist,[str(x) for x in outprob])) else: pass ns = kwargs['node_size'] np.random.seed(kwargs['seed']) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,10)) ax1 = plt.subplot(121) pos = nx.spring_layout(self.Gi) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(self.Gi,pos,nodelist=[x for x in self.Gi.nodes() if len(x)==1], node_color='r',node_size=ns,ax=ax1,alpha=kwargs['alpha']) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(self.Gi,pos,nodelist=[x for x in self.Gi.nodes() if len(x)==2], node_color='b',node_size=ns,ax=ax1,alpha=kwargs['alpha']) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(self.Gi,pos,nodelist=[x for x in self.Gi.nodes() if len(x)==3], node_color='g',node_size=ns,ax=ax1,alpha=kwargs['alpha']) nx.draw_networkx_edges(self.Gi,pos,edgelist=self.Gi.edges(),width=.1,edge_color='k',arrow=False,ax=ax1) if (kwargs['sig']==[]): nx.draw_networkx_edges(self.Gi,pos,edgelist=[edinter],width=2,edge_color='g',arrow=False,ax=ax1) nx.draw_networkx_edges(self.Gi,pos,edgelist=edgelist,width=2,edge_color='r',arrow=False,ax=ax1) ax2 = plt.subplot(122) fig,ax2 = self.showG('s',aw=1,ax=ax2) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(self.Gi,self.Gi.pos,nodelist=[x for x in self.Gi.nodes() if len(x)==1], node_color='r',node_size=ns,ax=ax2,alpha=kwargs['alpha']) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(self.Gi,self.Gi.pos,nodelist=[x for x in self.Gi.nodes() if len(x)==2], node_color='b',node_size=ns,ax=ax2,alpha=kwargs['alpha']) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(self.Gi,self.Gi.pos,nodelist=[x for x in self.Gi.nodes() if len(x)==3], node_color='g',node_size=ns,ax=ax2,alpha=kwargs['alpha']) nx.draw_networkx_edges(self.Gi,self.Gi.pos,edgelist=self.Gi.edges(),width=.1,edge_color='k',arrow=False,ax=ax2) if kwargs['labels']: nx.draw_networkx_labels(self.Gi,self.Gi.pos,labels=[str(x) for x in self.Gi.nodes()],ax=ax2,fontsize=kwargs['fontsize']) if (kwargs['sig']==[]): nx.draw_networkx_edges(self.Gi,self.Gi.pos,edgelist=[edinter],width=2,edge_color='g',arrow=False,ax=ax2) nx.draw_networkx_edges(self.Gi,self.Gi.pos,edgelist=edgelist,width=2,edge_color='r',arrow=False,ax=ax2) if (kwargs['sig']==[]): nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(self.Gi,self.Gi.pos,edge_labels=dprob,ax=ax2,fontsize=kwargs['fontsize']) if cy!=[]: ptstart = pstart[:,None]*np.ones(phe_start.shape[1])[None,:] ptstop = pstop[:,None]*np.ones(phe_start.shape[1])[None,:] plu.displot(ptstart,phe_start,ax=ax2,arrow=True) plu.displot(phe_stop,ptstop,ax=ax2,arrow=True) # interactions corresponding to edge en # int0, int1 = self.Gi.edges()[kwargs['en']] # # print("int0 : ", int0) # print("int1 : ", int1) # # # if interaction is tuple (R or T) # if ((len(int0) > 1) & (len(int1) > 1)): # nstr0 = int0[0] # nstr1 = int1[0] # e01 = self.Gi.edge[int0][int1] # lseg = [] # if e01.has_key('output'): # output = e01['output'] # print(" output ", output) # ltup = filter(lambda x: type(x) == tuple, output.keys()) # lref = filter(lambda x: len(x) == 2, ltup) # ltran = filter(lambda x: len(x) == 3, ltup) # lseg = np.unique(np.array(map(lambda x: x[0], output.keys()))) # probR = np.array(map(lambda x: output[x], lref)) # segR = np.array(map(lambda x: x[0], lref)) # probT = np.array(map(lambda x: output[x], ltran)) # segT = np.array(map(lambda x: x[0], lref)) # dprobR = dict(zip(segR, probR)) # dprobT = dict(zip(segT, probT)) # # print" Sum pR : ",sum(dprobR.values()) # # print" Sum pT : ",sum(dprobT.values()) # # print"lseg", lseg # # termination points from seg0 and seg1 # pseg0 = self.s2pc[nstr0].toarray().reshape(2, 2).T # pseg1 = self.s2pc[nstr1].toarray().reshape(2, 2).T # # # # create the cone seg0 seg1 # # # cn = cone.Cone() # cn.from2segs(pseg0, pseg1) # # show cone # # show Gt # self.display['thin'] = True # self.display['subseg'] = False # fig, ax = self.showG('s',aw=1,labels=True) # fig, ax =, ax=ax) # for nse in lseg: # ta, he = self.Gs.neighbors(nse) # pta = np.array(self.Gs.pos[ta]) # phe = np.array(self.Gs.pos[he]) # # try: # pR = dprobR[nse] # except: # pR = 0 # # try: # pT = dprobT[nse] # except: # pT = 0 # # alpha = (pR + pT) / 2. # segment = ax.plot([pta[0], phe[0]], # [pta[1], phe[1]], # 'g', linewidth=7, visible=True, alpha=alpha) # return(fig, ax1) def _showGt(self, ax=[], roomlist=[], mode='indoor'): """ show topological graph Gt Parameters ----------- ax : matlplotlib axes roomlist : list list of room numbers mode : string 'indoor','open','area','start' """ if not isinstance(ax, plt.Axes): fig = plt.gcf() ax = fig.gca() G = self.Gt for k, nc in enumerate(G.node.keys()): if nc!=0: poly = G.node[nc]['polyg'] a = poly.signedarea() if mode == 'area': if a < 0: poly.plot(color='red', alpha=0.5, fig=fig, ax=ax) else: poly.plot(color='green', alpha=0.5, fig=fig, ax=ax) if mode == 'start': if poly.vnodes[0] < 0: poly.plot(color='blue', alpha=0.5, fig=fig, ax=ax) else: poly.plot(color='yellow', alpha=0.5, fig=fig, ax=ax) if mode == 'indoor': if G.node[nc]['indoor']: poly.plot(color='green', alpha=0.5, fig=fig, ax=ax) else: poly.plot(color='blue', alpha=0.5, fig=fig, ax=ax) if mode == 'open': if G.node[nc]['isopen']: poly.plot(color='green', alpha=0.5, fig=fig, ax=ax) # else: # poly.plot(color='blue', alpha=0.5,fig=fig,ax=ax) ax.axis('scaled')
[docs] def showGs(self, **kwargs): """ show structure graph Gs Parameters ---------- ndlist : np.array set of nodes to be displayed edlist : np.array set of edges to be displayed roomlist : list default : [] axis : width : int 2 fGHz : float show : boolean default True furniture : boolean default False display parameters are defined in display dictionnary Returns ------- ax See Also -------- pylayers.gis.layout.showG """ defaults = {'ndlist': [], 'edlist': [], 'roomlist': [], 'axis': [], 'width': 2, 'fGHz': [], 'show': False, 'furniture': False, } for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k] = defaults[k] args = {} for k in kwargs: if k not in defaults: args[k] = kwargs[k] if 'fig' not in kwargs: fig = plt.figure() else: fig = kwargs['fig'] if 'ax' not in kwargs: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: ax = kwargs['ax'] if self.display['clear']: ax.cla() # display overlay image if self.display['overlay']: # imok : Image is OK imok = False if len(self.display['overlay_file'].split('http:')) > 1: #img_file = urllib.urlopen(self.display['overlay_file']) img_file = urlopen(self.display['overlay_file']) #im = StringIO( image = imok = True else: if self.display['overlay_file'] != '': image = pro.basename, pro.pstruc['DIRIMAGE'], self.display['overlay_file'])) imok = True if imok: if 'v' in self.display['overlay_flip']: image = image.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) if 'h' in self.display['overlay_flip']: image = image.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM) ax.imshow(image, extent=self.display[ 'overlay_axis'], alpha=self.display['alpha'], origin='lower') if kwargs['ndlist'] == []: tn = np.array(list(self.Gs.node.keys())) u = np.nonzero(tn < 0)[0] ndlist = tn[u] if kwargs['edlist'] == []: tn = self.Gs.node.keys() #u = np.nonzero(tn > 0)[0] #edlist = tn[u] edlist = filter(lambda x: (x > 0), tn) #& (not self.Gs.node[x].has_key('ss_name')),tn) else: edlist = kwargs['edlist'] if self.display['nodes']: dlabels = self.display['ndlabel'] fig, ax = self.show_nodes( ndlist, size=30, color='k', dlabels=dlabels, node_shape='s', fig=fig, ax=ax) if self.display['isonb']: if hasattr(self,'lsss'): seg = [x for x in self.Gs.nodes() if x >0] # psseg = np.array([[self.Gs.pos[x][0],self.Gs.pos[x][1]] for x in seg]) # nbsseg = np.array([len(self.Gs.node[x]['iso']) for x in seg],dtype='int') try: psseg = np.array([[self.Gs.pos[x][0],self.Gs.pos[x][1]] for x in seg if len(self.Gs.node[x]['iso']) >1]) except: import ipdb ipdb.set_trace() # [ax.text(psseg[x,0]+0.2,psseg[x,1]+0.2,str(nbsseg[x]), # fontdict={'size':8},ha='center') for x in range(len(seg))] [ax.text(psseg[x,0]+0.2,psseg[x,1]+0.2,'+', fontdict={'size':8},ha='center') for x in range(len(psseg))] if self.display['transition']: try: segwtrans = [y for y in [x for x in self.Gs.nodes() if x > 0]if self.Gs.node[ y]['transition']] posseg = np.array([self.Gs.pos[x] for x in segwtrans]) normseg = np.array([self.Gs.node[x]['norm'] for x in segwtrans])[:, :2] b1 = (posseg - normseg / 2) b2 = (posseg + normseg / 2) [ax.annotate('', xy=b1[x], xycoords='data', xytext=b2[x], textcoords='data', arrowprops={'arrowstyle': '<->'}) for x in range(len(segwtrans))] except: pass slablist = if self.display['edges']: dlabels = self.display['edlabel'] font_size = self.display['fontsize'] dnodes = self.display['ednodes'] dthin = self.display['thin'] alpha = self.display['alpha'] for nameslab in color =[nameslab]['color'] edlist =[nameslab] fig, ax = self.show_layer(nameslab, edlist=edlist, alpha=alpha, dthin=dthin, dnodes=dnodes, dlabels=dlabels, color=color, font_size=font_size, width=kwargs['width'], fGHz=kwargs['fGHz'], fig=fig, ax=ax) if self.display['subseg']: dico = self.subseg() for k in dico.keys(): if kwargs['fGHz'] == []: color =[k]['color'] else: if (k != 'METAL') & (k != 'METALIC'): color =[k].tocolor(fGHz) #color = 'red' else: color = 'black' # printk,color edlist2 = [] for ts in dico[k]: edlist2.append(ts[0]) # edlist2.append(ts) edlist3 = list(set(edlist2).intersection(set(edlist))) # printk , color , edlist fig, ax = self.show_segment( edlist=edlist3, color=color, alpha=1.0, width=2, fig=fig, ax=ax) if self.display['scaled']: ax.axis('scaled') ax.set_title(self.display['title']) #fig = plt.gcf() #ax = fig.axes[0] # # TODO Not working in python 3 #if self.display['ticksoff']: # ax.xaxis.set_ticks([]) # for loc, spine in ax.spines.iteritems(): # spine.set_color('none') if kwargs['furniture']: if 'lfur' in self.__dict__: for fur1 in self.lfur: if fur1.Matname == 'METAL': fig, ax =, ax) else: print("Warning : no furniture file loaded") for nr in kwargs['roomlist']: ncy = self.Gr.node[nr]['cycle'] fig, ax = self.Gt.node[ncy]['polyg'].plot(fig=fig, ax=ax) if kwargs['axis'] == []: ax.axis('scaled') else: ax.axis(kwargs['axis']) if kwargs['show']: return fig, ax
[docs] def build(self, graph='tvirw', verbose=False, difftol=0.15, multi=False): """ build graphs Parameters ---------- graph : string composed of 't' : Gt 'v' : Gv 'i' : Gi 'r' : Gr 'w" : Gw verbose : boolean difftol : diffraction tolerance multi : boolean enable multi processing Notes ----- This function builds all the graph associated with the Layout. Warning : by default the layout is saved (dumpw) after each build """ # list of built graphs if not self.hasboundary: self.boundary() # to save graoh Gs self.lbltg.extend('s') Buildpbar = pbar(verbose,total=5,desc='Build Layout',position=0) if verbose: Buildpbar.update(1) if 't' in graph:'buildGt') self.buildGt(difftol=difftol, verbose=verbose, tqdmpos=1) self.lbltg.extend('t') if verbose: Buildpbar.update(1) if 'v' in graph:'buildGv') self.buildGv(verbose=verbose, tqdmpos=1) self.lbltg.extend('v') if verbose: Buildpbar.update(1) if 'i' in graph:'buildGi') self.buildGi(verbose=verbose, tqdmpos=1) if not multi:'outputGi') self.outputGi(verbose=verbose,tqdmpos=1) else: self.outputGi_mp() self.lbltg.extend('i') if verbose: Buildpbar.update(1) # if 'r' in graph: # if verbose: # print"Gr" # self.buildGr() # self.lbltg.extend('r') # if 'w' in graph and len(self.Gr.nodes())>1: # self.buildGw() # self.lbltg.extend('w') # add hash to node 0 of Gs filelay = pyu.getlong(self._filename, pro.pstruc['DIRLAY']) fd = open(filelay,'rb') _hash = hashlib.md5( fd.close() self.Gt.add_node(0, hash=_hash) # There is a dumpw after each build self.dumpw() self.isbuilt = True if verbose: Buildpbar.update(1)
[docs] def dumpw(self): """ pickle dump of specified Graphs Notes ----- graphs which are in lbltg are saved in pickle format 't' : Gt 's' : Gs 'v' : Gv 'i' : Gi 'r' : Gr """ # create layout directory if os.path.splitext(self._filename)[1]=='.ini': dirname = self._filename.replace('.ini','') if os.path.splitext(self._filename)[1]=='.lay': dirname = self._filename.replace('.lay','') path = os.path.join(pro.basename, 'struc', 'gpickle', dirname) if not os.path.isdir(path): os.mkdir(path) for g in self.lbltg: try: # if g in ['v','i']: # gname1 ='G'+g # write_gpickle(getattr(self,gname1),os.path.join(basename,'struc','gpickle','G'+g+'_'+self._filename+'.gpickle')) # else: gname = 'G' + g write_gpickle(getattr(self, gname), os.path.join( path, 'G' + g + '.gpickle')) except: raise NameError( 'G' + g + ' graph cannot be saved, probably because it has not been built') if 's' in self.lbltg: if hasattr(self,'sl'): write_gpickle(getattr(self, 'sl'), os.path.join(path, 'sl.gpickle')) if hasattr(self,'dpoly'): with open(os.path.join(path, 'dpoly.pickle'),'wb') as fd: pickle.dump(getattr(self,'dpoly'),fd) # save dictionnary which maps string interaction to # [interaction node, interaction type] if 't' in self.lbltg: if hasattr(self,'ddiff'): write_gpickle(getattr(self, 'ddiff'), os.path.join(path, 'ddiff.gpickle')) if hasattr(self,'lnss'): write_gpickle(getattr(self, 'lnss'), os.path.join(path, 'lnss.gpickle')) if hasattr(self,'dca'): write_gpickle(getattr(self, 'dca'), os.path.join(path, 'dca.gpickle')) # write_gpickle(getattr(self,'sla'),os.path.join(path,'sla.gpickle')) if hasattr(self, 'm'): write_gpickle(getattr(self, 'm'), os.path.join(path, 'm.gpickle'))
[docs] def dumpr(self, graphs='stvirw'): """ read of given graphs Notes ----- graph : string 's' : Gv 't' : Gt 'r' : Gr 'v' : Gv 'i' : Gi .gpickle files are store under the struc directory of the project specified by the $BASENAME environment variable """ if os.path.splitext(self._filename)[1]=='.ini': dirname = self._filename.replace('.ini','') if os.path.splitext(self._filename)[1]=='.lay': dirname = self._filename.replace('.lay','') path = os.path.join(pro.basename, 'struc', 'gpickle', dirname) for g in graphs: try: # if g in ['v','i']: # gname1 ='G'+g # setattr(self, gname1, read_gpickle(os.path.join(basename,'struc','gpickle','G'+g+'_'+self._filename+'.gpickle'))) # else: gname = 'G' + g filename = os.path.join(path, 'G' + g + '.gpickle') G = read_gpickle(filename) setattr(self, gname, G) self.lbltg.extend(g) except: print("Warning Unable to read graph G"+g) pass # retrieve md5 sum of the original ini file if 's' in graphs: #self._hash = self.Gs.node.pop(0)['hash'] # self._hash = self.Gs.node[0]['hash'] # update lseg = [x for x in self.Gs.node if x > 0] for name in[name] = [ x for x in lseg if self.Gs.node[x]['name'] == name] # TODO not necessary useful to call g2npy self.g2npy() # TODO use a pickle file instead of gpickle filesl = os.path.join(path, 'sl.gpickle') if os.path.isfile(filesl): sl = read_gpickle(filesl) setattr(self, 'sl', sl) filediff = os.path.join(path, 'ddiff.gpickle') if os.path.isfile(filediff): ddiff = read_gpickle(filediff) setattr(self, 'ddiff', ddiff) else: self.ddiff={} filelnss = os.path.join(path, 'lnss.gpickle') if os.path.isfile(filelnss): lnss = read_gpickle(filelnss) setattr(self, 'lnss', lnss) else : self.lnss=[] filedpoly = os.path.join(path, 'dpoly.pickle') if os.path.isfile(filedpoly): fd = open(filedpoly,'rb') dpoly = pickle.load(fd) setattr(self, 'dpoly', dpoly) #self.dpoly = {k:eval(self.dpoly[k]) for k in self.dpoly} self.dpoly = {k:self.dpoly[k] for k in self.dpoly} else : self.dpoly = {} filedca = os.path.join(path, 'dca.gpickle') if os.path.isfile(filedca): dca = read_gpickle(filedca) setattr(self, 'dca',dca) # # TODO Replace self.m by pyproj # filem = os.path.join(path, 'm.gpickle') if os.path.isfile(filem): setattr(self, 'm', read_gpickle(filem)) self.extent = (self.m.lonmin,self.m.lonmax,self.m.latmin,self.m.latmax) self.pll = self.m(self.extent[0],self.extent[2]) self.pur = self.m(self.extent[1],self.extent[3]) self.extent_c = (self.pll[0],self.pur[0],self.pll[1],self.pur[1])
[docs] def polysh2geu(self, poly): """ transform sh.Polygon into geu.Polygon """ try: Gsnodes = np.array(self.Gs.nodes()) # get node coordinates nodept = [self.Gs.pos[i] for i in Gsnodes] # transform into shapely points shpt = [sh.Point(pt) for pt in nodept] # IV 1 get nodes and vnodes # Create a ring to avoid taking points inside the polygon. # This helps to avoid polygon inside polygons # take exterior of polygon. embose it with buffer and find difference with original polygon*. # polye = poly.intersection((poly.exterior).buffer(1e-3)) uvn = np.where([poly.exterior.buffer(1e-3).contains(p) for p in shpt])[0] vnodes = Gsnodes[uvn] # IV 1.b transform vnodes to an ordered cycle with Cycle class # NOTE ! Using class cycle is MANDATORY # because, some extra vnodes can be pickup during the contain # process before S = nx.subgraph(self.Gs, vnodes) cycle = nx.cycle_basis(S) if len(cycle) > 1: lc = np.array([len(c) for c in cycle]) dif = abs(lc - len(vnodes)) ud = np.where(dif == min(dif))[0] cycle = cycle[ud] else: cycle = cycle[0] if cycle[0] > 0: cycle = np.roll(cycle, -1) pos = [self.Gs.pos[c] for c in cycle if c < 0] # IV 1.c create a new polygon with correct vnodes and correct # points P = geu.Polygon(p=pos, vnodes=cycle) except: import ipdb ipdb.set_trace() return P
[docs] def getangles(self, poly, unit='rad', inside=True): """ find angles of a polygon Parameters ---------- poly : geu.Polygon or sh.Polygon unit : str 'deg' : degree values 'rad' : radian values inside : boolean True : compute the inside angles of the cycle. (a.k.a. the interior of the polygon) False : compute the outside angles of the cycle. (a.k.a. the exterior of the polygon) Returns ------- (u,a) u : int (Np) point number a : float (Np) associated angle to the point Notes ----- TODO : This function should be moved in (NOT USED) """ if isinstance(poly, sh.Polygon): poly = polysh2geu(poly) cycle = poly.vnodes upt = cycle[cycle < 0] # rupt=np.roll(upt,1) # for debug # rupt2=np.roll(upt,-1) # for debug # # See OSM bug fix # pt =[:, self.iupnt[-upt]] if geu.SignedArea(pt) < 0: upt = upt[::-1] pt = pt[:, ::-1] ptroll = np.roll(pt, 1, axis=1) v = pt - ptroll v = np.hstack((v, v[:, 0][:, None])) vn = v / np.sqrt(np.sum((v) * (v), axis=0)) v0 = vn[:, :-1] v1 = vn[:, 1:] cross = np.cross(v0.T, v1.T) dot = np.sum(v0 * v1, axis=0) ang = np.arctan2(cross, dot) uneg = ang < 0 ang[uneg] = -ang[uneg] + np.pi ang[~uneg] = np.pi - ang[~uneg] if not inside: ang = 2 * np.pi - ang if unit == 'deg': return upt, ang * 180 / np.pi elif unit == 'rad': return upt, ang
# atan2(cross(a,b)), dot(a,b))
[docs] def pltlines(self, lines, fig=[], ax=[], color='r', alpha=1): """ plot a line with a specified color and transparency Parameters ----------- lines : shapely lines fig : matplotlib figure ax : figure axis color : string alpha : float transparency See Also -------- pylayers.gis.layout.Layout.plot """ if fig == []: fig = plt.gcf() if ax == []: ax = plt.gca() c = np.array([l.xy for l in lines]) [ax.plot(x[0, :], x[1, :], color=color, alpha=alpha) for x in c] plt.axis( plt.draw()
[docs] def pltpoly(self, poly, fig=[], ax=[], color='r', alpha=0.2): """ plot a polygon with a specified color and transparency TODO : To be deplaced in an ither class """ if fig == []: fig = plt.gcf() if ax == []: ax = plt.gca() try: mpl = [ PolygonPatch(x, alpha=alpha, color=color) for x in poly] except: mpl = [ PolygonPatch(x, alpha=alpha, color=color) for x in [poly]] [ax.add_patch(x) for x in mpl] plt.axis( plt.draw()
[docs] def pltvnodes(self, vn, fig=[], ax=[]): """ plot vnodes Parameters ---------- vn : list of nodes fig : ax : """ if fig == []: fig = plt.gcf() if ax == []: ax = plt.gca() if len(vn) > 0: X = np.array([self.Gs.pos[x] for x in vn]) ax.plot(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], 'or') [ax.text(x[0], x[1], vn[xx]) for xx, x in enumerate(X)] return fig, ax
[docs] def updateshseg(self): """ update shapely segment build a shapely object for all segments This function is called at the beginning of buildGt. See Also -------- buildGt """ seg_connect = {x: self.Gs.node[x]['connect'] for x in self.Gs.nodes() if x > 0} dpts = {x[0]: (self.Gs.pos[x[1][0]], self.Gs.pos[x[1][1]]) for x in seg_connect.items()} self._shseg = {p[0]: sh.LineString(p[1]) for p in dpts.items()}
def _triangle_old(self, poly_surround, poly_holes=[], mesh_holes=False): """ perfome a delaunay partitioning on shapely polygons Parameters ---------- poly_surround : sh.Polygon A single polygon to be partitionned poly_holes : list of sh.Polygon A list of polygon contained inside poly_surround. they are considered as holes mesh_holes : bool If True make the delaunay partition of poly_holes else : only partitioning poly_surround and traits poly_holes as holes Returns ------- T : dict dictionnary from triangle.triangulate library T.keys() ['segment_markers', 'segments', 'holes', 'vertices', 'vertex_markers', 'triangles' ] Notes ----- uses triangle library """ if not isinstance(poly_surround, list): poly_surround = [poly_surround] lP = poly_surround + poly_holes vertices = np.ndarray(shape=(2, 0)) segments = np.ndarray(shape=(2, 0), dtype='int') holes = np.ndarray(shape=(2, 0)) segcpt = 0 for p in lP: pts = np.array(p.exterior.xy)[:, :-1] vertices = np.hstack((vertices, pts)) nbv = pts.shape[1] segments = np.hstack((segments, np.array( [np.arange(nbv), np.mod(range(1, nbv + 1), nbv)], dtype='int') + segcpt)) segcpt = segcpt + nbv if not mesh_holes: holes = np.hstack((holes, np.array(p.centroid.xy))) if not mesh_holes: C = {'vertices': vertices.T, 'segments': segments.T, 'holes': holes.T} else: C = {'vertices': vertices.T, 'segments': segments.T} import ipdb ipdb.set_trace() T = triangle.triangulate(C, 'pa') # import triangle.plot as plot # ax=plt.gca() # plot.plot(ax,**T) return T def _merge_polygons(self, lP): """ merge triangle (polygon object) to cvx polygon Parameters ---------- lP : list list of polygon to be merged Return ------ lMP : list list of merged polygons """ lMP = [] # MERGE POLYGONS # move from delaunay triangles to convex polygons while lP != []: p = lP.pop(0) # restrict research to polygon that are touching themself restp = [(ix, x) for ix, x in enumerate(lP) if isinstance(p.intersection(x), sh.LineString)] # self.pltpoly(p,ax=plt.gca()) conv = False pold = p # for ip2,p2 in restp: for ip2, p2 in restp: # inter = p.intersection(p2) # if 2 triangles have a common segment p = p + p2 if p.isconvex(): lP.pop(ip2) lP.insert(0, p) conv = True break else: # if pold not in cpolys: # cpolys.append(pold) p = pold # if (ip2 >= len(polys)):# and (conv): # if conv : # if p not in cpolys: # cpolys.append(p) if restp == [] and conv == True: lMP.append(p) if not conv: # else: if pold not in lMP: lMP.append(pold) if len(lP) == 0: if p not in lMP: lMP.append(p) return lMP def _triangle(self, holes=[], vnodes=[] ,bplot = False): """ Delaunay partitioning on shapely polygons Parameters ---------- holes : ndarray if holes ==[] : it means the merge is applied on the interior of the layout (indoor) if holes == np.ndarray (centroid of polygon). indoor is discarded and delaunay is applied on outdoor Returns ------- T : dict dictionnary from triangle.triangulate library with the following keys ['segment_markers', 'segments', 'holes', 'vertices', 'vertex_markers', 'triangles'] map_vertices : points index Notes ----- This methods uses the `triangle` library """ # this means Delaunay is applied on exterior # and inside polygon will be discarded segbounds = [] ptbounds = [] if holes == []: # remove air segments around layout pass # [segbounds.extend(nx.neighbors(L.Gs,x)) for x in L.lboundary] # ptbounds = L.lboundary if vnodes == []: vnodes = self.Gs.nodes() # find termination points of segments of layout if nx.__version__!='1.10': seg = np.array([self.Gs[x] for x in vnodes if x > 0 and x not in segbounds]) else: seg = np.array([nx.neighbors(self.Gs, x) for x in vnodes if x > 0 and x not in segbounds]) # get vertices/points of layout ivertices = np.array([(x, self.Gs.pos[x][0], self.Gs.pos[x][1]) for x in vnodes if x < 0 and x not in ptbounds]) # map_vertices : points negative index (Np,) map_vertices = ivertices[:, 0].astype('int') # vertices : coordinates (Np x 2) vertices = ivertices[:, 1:] sorter = np.argsort(map_vertices) # mapping between Gs graph segments and triangle segments segments = sorter[np.searchsorted(map_vertices, seg, sorter=sorter)] if holes == []: C = {'vertices': vertices, 'segments': segments} else: C = {'vertices': vertices, 'segments': segments, 'holes': holes} T = triangle.triangulate(C, 'pa') if bplot: import triangle.plot as plot ax=plt.gca() plot.plot(ax,**T) ax = plt.gca() ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(True) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(True) return T, map_vertices
[docs] def buildGt(self, check=True, difftol=0.01, verbose=False, tqdmpos=0): """ build graph of convex cycles Parameters ---------- check : boolean difftol : float verbose : boolean tqdmpos : progressbar todo : - add an option to only take outside polygon => pass to self._triangle a hole coreesponding to centroid of polygon except those of boundary ( see buildGtold ) """ # 1. Do a Delaunay triangulation # build a list of triangle polygons : lTP # vnodes refers to the nodes of Gs # if vnodes == 0 it means this is a created # segment which is tagged as _AIR ### # if verbose : # Gtpbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=100., desc='BuildGt',position=0) # pbar_awloop = tqdm.tqdm(total=100., desc ='airwalls loop',leave=False,position=1) Gtpbar = pbar(verbose,total=100., desc ='BuildGt',position=tqdmpos) pbartmp = pbar(verbose,total=100., desc ='Triangulation',leave=True,position=tqdmpos+1)'buildGt : Triangulation') T, map_vertices = self._triangle() if verbose: pbartmp.update(100.) Gtpbar.update(100./12.) ptri = T['vertices'][T['triangles']] # List of Triangle Polygons pbartmp = pbar(verbose,total=100., desc ='Transfer polygons list', leave=True, position=tqdmpos+1)'buildGt : create list of Polygons') lTP = [geu.Polygon(x) for x in ptri] if verbose: pbartmp.update(100.) Gtpbar.update(100./12.) # update vnodes of Polygons pbartmp = pbar(verbose,total=100., desc ='Update Polygons vnodes', leave=True, position=tqdmpos+1) # # p is a polygon # get_points(p) : get points from polygon # this is for limiting the search region for large Layout #'buildGt : setvnodes_new on each polygon') [ polygon.setvnodes_new(self.get_points(polygon), self) for polygon in lTP ] if verbose: pbartmp.update(100.) Gtpbar.update(100./12.) # 2.add air walls to triangle poly ### # luaw : list of tuples # ( polygon , array of _AIR segments) pbartmp = pbar(verbose,total=100., desc ='Build list of airwalls', leave=True, position=tqdmpos+1)'buildGt : get list of airwalls') luaw = [(p, np.where(p.vnodes == 0)[0]) for p in lTP] if verbose: pbartmp.update(100.) Gtpbar.update(100./12.) # # For a triangle polygon the number of vnodes # creates new _AIR segments # cpt = 1./(len(luaw)+1) _airseg = [] pbartmp = pbar(verbose,total=100., desc ='Add airwalls',leave=True,position=tqdmpos+1)'buildGt : add new airwalls segments') for p, uaw in luaw: # for each vnodes == 0, add an _AIR if verbose : pbartmp.update(100.*cpt) for aw in uaw: modpt = len(p.vnodes) _airseg.append(self.add_segment(p.vnodes[np.mod(aw - 1, modpt)], p.vnodes[np.mod(aw + 1, modpt)], name='_AIR', z=(0, 40000000), verbose=False)) # update polygon segments with new added airwalls p.setvnodes_new(self.get_points(p),self) if verbose: Gtpbar.update(100./12.) pbartmp = pbar(verbose,total=100., desc ='Update Graph',leave=True,position=tqdmpos+1)'buildGt : temporary graph') tri = T['triangles'] nbtri = len(T['triangles']) # temporary name/node_index of triangles MT = -np.arange(1, nbtri + 1) # 3. Create a temporary graph # where : positive nodes (>0) are triangles segments # negative nodes (<0) are triangles centroids # edges link triangle centroids to their respective segments # Ex represent list of points in Gs corresponging to segments #[pt_head pt_tail] E0 = map_vertices[tri[:, 1:]] E1 = map_vertices[tri[:, :2]] E2 = map_vertices[tri[:, 0::2]] # from [pt_tail pt_head] get segment id in Gs n0 = [self.numseg(e[0], e[1]) for e in E0] n1 = [self.numseg(e[0], e[1]) for e in E1] n2 = [self.numseg(e[0], e[1]) for e in E2] # creation of a temporary graph G = nx.Graph() G.add_edges_from(zip(n0, MT)) G.add_edges_from(zip(n1, MT)) G.add_edges_from(zip(n2, MT)) # 4. search in the temporary graph ### # nodes of degree 2 : # - they correspond to Gs segments that link to triangle centroid # - their neighbors are the triangles centroids # find nodes of degree 2 (corresponding to segments linked to a # triangle centroid) rn = [] rn.extend([un for un in n0 if, un) == 2]) rn.extend([un for un in n1 if, un) == 2]) rn.extend([un for un in n2 if, un) == 2]) rn = np.unique(rn) # determine the neighbors of those segments (the 2 connected triangles # centroids) # v1.1 neigh = [nx.neighbors(G, un) for un in rn] #neigh = [ dict(G[un]).keys() for un in rn ] neigh = [[n for n in nx.neighbors(G,un)] for un in rn ] # store into networkx compliant format uE = [(neigh[un][0], neigh[un][1], {'segment': [ rn[un]] + self.Gs.node[rn[un]]['iso']}) for un in range(len(rn))] iuE = {rn[un]: [-neigh[un][0], -neigh[un][1]] for un in range(len(rn))} # delete temporary graph del G'buildGt : creates graph Gt') # create graph Gt self.Gt = nx.Graph(name='Gt') self.Gt.add_edges_from(uE) self.Gt = nx.relabel_nodes(self.Gt, lambda x: -x) # add polyg to nodes # add indoor to nodes # add isopen to nodes nno = [(n, {'polyg': lTP[n - 1], 'indoor':True, 'isopen':True}) for n in self.Gt.nodes()] self.Gt.add_nodes_from(nno) self.Gt.pos = {} self.Gt.pos.update({n: np.array( self.Gt.node[n]['polyg'].centroid.xy).squeeze() for n in self.Gt.nodes()}) # self.Gtpos = {-MT[i]:pMT[i] for i in xrange(len(MT))} # plt.figure() # # G=nx.Graph() # # G.add_edges_from(E0) # # G.add_edges_from(E1) # # G.add_edges_from(E2) _airseg = np.array(_airseg) _airseg = _airseg[_airseg != np.array(None)].astype('int') _airseg = np.unique(_airseg) # # Mikado like progression for simplification of a set of convex polygons # # Loop over AIR segments # mapoldcy = {c: c for c in self.Gt.nodes()} # self.showG('st',aw=1) if verbose: pbartmp.update(100.) Gtpbar.update(100./12.) Nairseg = len(_airseg) cpt = 1./(Nairseg+1) pbartmp = pbar(verbose,total=100., desc ='Mikado',leave=True,position=tqdmpos+1) for a in _airseg: if verbose: pbartmp.update(100.*cpt) # # n0,n1 : cycle number # n0, n1 = iuE[a] found = False while not found: nn0 = mapoldcy[n0] if n0 == nn0: found = True else: n0 = nn0 found = False while not found: nn1 = mapoldcy[n1] if n1 == nn1: found = True else: n1 = nn1 p0 = self.Gt.node[n0]['polyg'] p1 = self.Gt.node[n1]['polyg'] # Merge polygon P = p0 + p1 # If the new Polygon is convex update Gt # if geu.isconvex(P): # updates vnodes of the new merged polygon P.setvnodes_new(self.get_points(P),self) # update edge n0s = n0 n1s = n1 # get segments information from cycle n0 dne = dict(self.Gt[n0]) # remove connection to n0 to avoid a cycle being # connected to itself # v1.1 self.Gt[n1].pop(n0) dict(self.Gt[n1]).pop(n0) # add information from adjacent cycle n1 dne.update(dict(self.Gt[n1])) # list of items of the merged dictionnary ine = dne.items() # update n0 with the new merged polygon self.Gt.add_node(n0, polyg=P) # connect new cycle n0 to neighbors # for x in ine: # if x[0]!=n0: # ncy = x[0] # dseg = x[1] # # a link between cycles already exists # if self.Gt.has_edge(n0,ncy): # dseg_prev = self.Gt.edge[n0][ncy] # dseg['segment']=list(set(dseg['segment']+dseg_prev['segment'])) # printn0,ncy,dseg['segment'] # self.Gt.add_edge(n0,ncy,segment=dseg['segment']) self.Gt.add_edges_from([(n0, x[0], x[1]) for x in ine if x[0] != n0]) # remove old cycle n1 n self.Gt.remove_node(n1) # update pos of the cycle with merged polygon centroid self.Gt.pos[n0] = np.array((P.centroid.xy)).squeeze() self.Gt.pos.pop(n1) # delete _air segment a # do not apply g2npy self.del_segment(a, verbose=False, g2npy=False) mapoldcy[n1] = n0 # fig,a=self.showG('st',aw=1) # ###### # fix renumbering Gt nodes if verbose: Gtpbar.update(100./12.) pbartmp = pbar(verbose,total=100., desc ='Update Gs ncy',leave=True,position=tqdmpos+1) pos = self.Gt.pos nl = {c: uc + 1 for uc, c in enumerate(self.Gt.nodes())} self.Gt = nx.relabel_nodes(self.Gt, nl) self.Gt.pos = {} self.Gt.pos = {nl[n]: pos[n] for n in nl} self._updGsncy() if verbose: pbartmp.update(100.) Gtpbar.update(100./12.) # # add cycle 0 to boundaries segments # cycle 0 is necessarily outdoor # self.Gt.add_node(0, indoor=False) for s in self.segboundary: self.Gs.node[s]['ncycles'].append(0) # # boundary adjascent cycles # #adjcyair = np.array(map(lambda x: filter(lambda y: y != 0, # self.Gs.node[x]['ncycles'])[0], self.segboundary)) adjcyair = np.array([[n for n in self.Gs.node[s]['ncycles'] if n!=0] for s in self.segboundary]).ravel() # connect cycles separated by air wall to cycle 0 for cy, seg in zip(adjcyair, self.segboundary): self.Gt.node[cy]['indoor'] = False self.Gt.node[cy]['isopen'] = True self.Gt.add_edge(0, cy, segment=[seg]) # # # if check: # print("check len(ncycles) == 2",) nodes = [i for i in self.Gs.nodes() if i > 0] cncy = np.array([len(self.Gs.node[i]['ncycles']) for i in nodes]) ucncyl = np.where(cncy < 2)[0] ucncym = np.where(cncy > 2)[0] assert len(ucncyl) == 0, "Some segments are connected to LESS than 2 cycles" + \ str(np.array(nodes)[ucncyl]) assert len(ucncym) == 0, "Some segments are connected to MORE than 2 cycles" + \ str(np.array(nodes)[ucncym]) # print("passed") # is updated in g2npy # has to be called before determination of diffraction points # which relies of the full determination of the degree of each point of Gs # including the corner point with degree 0 ( only connected to _AIR) self.g2npy() # find diffraction points : updating self.ddiff tqdmkwargs={'total':100.,'desc':'Find Diffractions','position':1} self._find_diffractions(difftol=difftol,verbose=verbose,tqdmkwargs=tqdmkwargs) if verbose: Gtpbar.update(100./12.) # print('find diffraction...Done 8/12') pbartmp = pbar(verbose,total=100., desc ='Diffraction on airwalls',leave=True,position=tqdmpos+1) # # explanation of lnss # # list of diffraction point involving different segment # list of diffraction point involving subsegment ( = iso segments) # needs checking height in rays.to3D for constructing the 3D ray # self.lnss = [x for x in self.ddiff if len(set(self.Gs[x]).intersection(set(self.lsss))) > 0] #set(nx.neighbors(self.Gs, x)).intersection(set(self.lsss))) > 0] if verbose: pbartmp.update(100.) Gtpbar.update(100./12.) # # VIII - Construct the list of interactions associated to each cycle # # Interaction labeling convention # # tuple (npoint,) : Diffraction on point npoint # tuple (nseg,ncycle) : Reflection on nseg toward cycle ncycle # tuple (nseg,cy0,cy1) : Transmission from cy0 to cy1 through nseg # # At that stage the diffraction points are not included # not enough information available. # The diffraction points are not known yet tqdmkwargs={'total':100.,'desc':'List of interactions','position':1} self._interlist(verbose=verbose,tqdmkwargs=tqdmkwargs) if verbose: Gtpbar.update(100./12.) # # dca : dictionnary of cycles which have an air wall # pbartmp = pbar(verbose,total=100., desc ='Build dca',leave=True,position=tqdmpos+1) self.dca = {} for seg, d in self.Gs.node.items(): if seg > 0: if ((d['name'] == 'AIR') or d['name'] == '_AIR'): cy = d['ncycles'] try: self.dca[cy[0]].append(cy[1]) except: self.dca[cy[0]] = [cy[1]] try: self.dca[cy[1]].append(cy[0]) except: self.dca[cy[1]] = [cy[0]] if verbose: # print('build dca...Done 11/12') pbartmp.update(100.) Gtpbar.update(100./12.) # # indoor property is spread by contagion # pbartmp = pbar(verbose,total=100., desc ='Indoor properties',leave=False,position=tqdmpos+1) visited = [0] #v1.1 to_visit = nx.neighbors(self.Gt, 0) to_visit = list(dict(self.Gt[0]).keys()) law =['_AIR'] +['AIR'] while len(to_visit) > 0: # get current cycle cur_cy = to_visit.pop() # get neighbors of current_cycle # v1.1 neighbors = nx.neighbors(self.Gt, cur_cy) neighbors = self.Gt[cur_cy].keys() # get neighbors separated by an air_wall neighbors_aw = [x for x in neighbors if (len(self.Gt[cur_cy][x]['segment'])==1 and self.Gt[cur_cy][x]['segment'][0] in law ) ] # get not visited neighbors_aw nv_neighbors_aw = [ x for x in neighbors_aw if x not in (visited + to_visit)] # not visited neighbors air wall separated cycles are outdoor cycle for x in nv_neighbors_aw: self.Gt.node[x]['indoor'] = False self.Gt.node[x]['isopen'] = True # extend to_visit to not visited neighbors to_visit.extend(nv_neighbors_aw) visited.append(cur_cy) if verbose: pbartmp.update(100.) Gtpbar.update(100./12.) self.g2npy()
def _visual_check(self,fontsize=18): """ visual checking of graphs Parameters ---------- fontsize : int """ fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2,figsize=(10,10)) plt.subplots_adjust(left = 0 , right = 1.0, bottom = 0 , top = 1 , wspace = 0 , hspace =0) if hasattr(self,'Gs') and hasattr(self,'Gt'): ax = axs[0, 0] self.showG('s', aw=1, ax=ax, fig=fig) indoor = [self.Gt.node[p]['polyg'] for p in self.Gt.nodes() if p != 0 and self.Gt.node[p]['indoor']] outdoor = [self.Gt.node[p]['polyg'] for p in self.Gt.nodes() if p != 0 and not self.Gt.node[p]['indoor']] self.pltpoly(indoor, color='r', ax=ax, fig=fig) self.pltpoly(outdoor, color='g', ax=ax, fig=fig) ax = axs[0, 1] f, ax = self.showG('s', aw=1, ax=ax, fig=fig) if hasattr(self,'ddiff'): diffpos = np.array([self.Gs.pos[x] for x in self.ddiff.keys()]) ax.scatter(diffpos[:, 0], diffpos[:, 1],s=130) #ax.set_title('Diffraction points') ax = axs[1, 0] f, ax = self.showG('st', aw=1, ax=ax, fig=fig) #ax.set_title('$\mathcal{G}_t$',fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_axis_off if hasattr(self,'Gv'): ax = axs[1, 1] f, ax = self.showG('sv', aw=1, ax=ax, fig=fig) #ax.set_title('$\mathcal{G}_v$',fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_axis_off else: print('no Gv found. Yet computed ?') plt.savefig('visual_check.pdf') #plt.tight_layout() # axs[2,1].remove() def _delaunay(self, poly, polyholes=[]): """ make a Delaunay partitioning of a polygon If polyhole == [] if a cycle is non convex 1- find its polygon 2- partition polygon into convex polygons (Delaunay) 3- try to merge partitioned polygons in order to obtain the minimal number of convex polygons If polyholes != [] polygon poly contains holes (polyholes) This methods returns a partitioning of the polygon poly into several convex polygons (voronoi). Parameters ---------- poly : sh.Polygon polyhole : list of sh.Polygon Returns ------- ncpol : list list of new created geu.Polygons Notes ----- The algorithm updates the Gt nodes and edges created into self.buildGt by adding new nodes and new _AIR segments. Called In --------- pylayers.gis.layout.buildGt See Also -------- pylayers.gis.layout.buildGt pylayers.gis.layout.add_segment pylayers.gis.layout.del_segment pylayers.util.geomutil.Polygon sp.spatial.Delaunay """ pucs = np.array(poly.exterior.xy).T # keep all convex points (in + out) to build a Delaunay triangulation if polyholes != []: if not isinstance(polyholes, list): polyholes = [polyholes] for ph in polyholes: # sum up polyholes to their gathered polygones pucsh = np.array(ph.exterior.xy).T pucs = np.vstack((pucs, pucsh)) if len(pucs) != 0: #### # perform a Delaunay Partioning #### trid = sp.spatial.Delaunay(pucs) tri = trid.simplices polys = [] naw = [] popo = [] for t in tri: ts = geu.Polygon(pucs[t]) # check if the new polygon is contained into # the original polygon (non guarantee by Delaunay) try: C0 = poly.contains(ts) except: from IPython.core.debugger import Tracer Tracer()() if polyholes == []: C = [False] I = 0 else: C = [isinstance(ii.intersection(ts), sh.Polygon) for ii in polyholes] popo.append(ts) # if poly contains triangle but not the polyholes # if polyholes !=[]: # self.pltpoly([ts],color='b') # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() if C0 and (not np.any(C)): # if polyholes!=[]: # self.pltpoly([ts],color='r') # plt.draw() cp = ts cp.setvnodes(self) uaw = np.where(cp.vnodes == 0)[0] lvn = len(cp.vnodes) for i in uaw: # keep track of created airwalls, because some # of them will be destroyed in step 3. naw.append(self.add_segment( cp.vnodes[np.mod(i - 1, lvn)], cp.vnodes[np.mod(i + 1, lvn)], name='_AIR')) polys.append(cp) # # 3. merge Delaunay triangulation in order to obtain # the larger convex polygons partitioning # diff = poly.difference(sh.MultiPolygon(polys)) if isinstance(diff, sh.Polygon): diff = sh.MultiPolygon([diff]) if isinstance(diff, sh.MultiPolygon): for d in diff: extra = geu.Polygon(d) extra.setvnodes(self) polys.append(extra) cpolys = [] nbpolys = len(polys) while polys != []: p = polys.pop(0) for ip2, p2 in enumerate(polys): conv = False inter = p.intersection(p2) # if 2 triangles have a common segment pold = p if isinstance(inter, sh.LineString): p = p + p2 if p.isconvex(): polys.pop(ip2) polys.insert(0, p) conv = True break else: # if pold not in cpolys: # cpolys.append(pold) p = pold # if (ip2 >= len(polys)):# and (conv): # if conv : # if p not in cpolys: # cpolys.append(p) if not conv: # else: if pold not in cpolys: cpolys.append(pold) if len(polys) == 0: cpolys.append(p) # 4. ensure the correct vnode numerotation of the polygons # and remove unecessary airwalls # ncpol : new created polygons ncpol = [] vnodes = [] for p in cpolys: interpoly = poly.intersection(p) if isinstance(interpoly, sh.MultiPolygon): raise AttributeError('multi polygon encountered') else: try: ptmp = geu.Polygon(interpoly) # ptmp = self.polysh2geu(interpoly) except: import ipdb ipdb.set_trace() ptmp.setvnodes(self) ncpol.append(ptmp) vnodes.extend(ptmp.vnodes) # if no polyholes if polyholes == []: # 4bis # Check if all the original area is covered # sometimes, area surrounded by 2 new airwalls is not found # the following code re-add it. cpdiff = poly.difference(cascaded_union(cpolys)) if isinstance(cpdiff, sh.Polygon): cpdiff = sh.MultiPolygon([cpdiff]) if isinstance(cpdiff, sh.MultiPolygon): for cp in cpdiff: ptmp = geu.Polygon(cp) ptmp.setvnodes(self) ncpol.append(ptmp) vnodes.extend(ptmp.vnodes) daw = filter(lambda x: x not in vnodes, naw) for d in daw: self.del_segment(d, verbose=False, g2npy=False) self.g2npy() return ncpol def _updGsncy(self): """ update Gs ncycles using Gt information Update graph Gs segment with their 2 cycles information initialize a void list 'ncycles' for each segment of Gs See Also -------- pylayers.gis.layout.buildGt pylayers.gis.layout.convexify """ for k in self.Gs.node: self.Gs.node[k]['ncycles'] = [] # filter out node 0 Gtnodes = filter(lambda x: x != 0, self.Gt.nodes()) # loop over all cycles for ncy in Gtnodes: # get vnodes : points and segments number vnodes = self.Gt.node[ncy]['polyg'].vnodes for n in vnodes: if n == 0: pdb.set_trace() if ncy not in self.Gs.node[n]['ncycles']: self.Gs.node[n]['ncycles'].append(ncy) if n > 0: if len(self.Gs.node[n]['ncycles']) > 2: print(n, self.Gs.node[n]['ncycles']) logger.warning( 'A segment cannot relate more than 2 cycles') for nseg in self.Gs.node: if nseg > 0: ncycles = self.Gs.node[nseg]['ncycles'] if len(ncycles) > 1: #if nseg not in self.Gt.edge[ncycles[0]][ncycles[1]]['segment']: # self.Gt.edge[ncycles[0]][ncycles[1]][ # 'segment'].append(nseg) if nseg not in self.Gt[ncycles[0]][ncycles[1]]['segment']: self.Gt[ncycles[0]][ncycles[1]]['segment'].append(nseg) def _addoutcy(self, check=False): """ Probably use in a future version of buildGt , managing the upcoming inifile add outside cycle (absorbant region index 0 ) Parameters ---------- check : Boolean # if ncycles is a list which has only one element then the adjascent # cycle is the outside region (cycle 0) """ seg0 = [] for macvx in self.macvx: seg = [i for i in macvx.vnodes if i > 0] seg0 = seg0 + seg [self.Gs.node[i]['ncycles'].append(0) for i in seg0] if check: print("check len(ncycles) == 2",) nodes = [i for i in self.Gs.nodes() if i > 0] cncy = np.array([len(self.Gs.node[i]['ncycles']) for i in nodes]) ucncyl = np.where(cncy < 2)[0] ucncym = np.where(cncy > 2)[0] assert len(ucncyl) == 0, "Some segments are connected to LESS than 2 cycles" + \ str(np.array(nodes)[ucncyl]) assert len(ucncym) == 0, "Some segments are connected to MORE than 2 cycles" + \ str(np.array(nodes)[ucncym]) print("passed") def _interlist(self, nodelist=[],verbose = False,tqdmkwargs={}): """ Construct the list of interactions associated to each cycle Parameters ---------- nodelist: list list of Gt nodes (cycles) for which interactions have to be found Notes ----- if selfr.indoor==True , get list of interaction of Gt cycle with indoor =True else list of indoor interaction is skipped Interaction labeling convention tuple (npoint,) : Diffraction on point npoint tuple (nseg,ncycle) : Reflection on nseg toward cycle ncycle tuple (nseg,cy0,cy1) : Transmission from cy0 to cy1 through nseg At that stage the diffraction points are not included not enough information available. The diffraction point are not known yet See Also -------- pylayers.gis.layout.buildGt pylayers.gis.layout._convex_hull """ if tqdmkwargs=={}: tqdmkwargs={'total':100., 'desc':'list of interactions', 'position':0} if nodelist == []: nodelist = self.Gt.nodes() elif not isinstance(nodelist, list): nodelist = [nodelist] # for all cycles k (node of Gt) if verbose : cpt = 1./(len(nodelist)+1.) pbar = tqdm.tqdm(tqdmkwargs) for k in nodelist: if verbose: pbar.update(100.*cpt) if k != 0: if self.typ=='indoor' or not self.Gt.node[k]['indoor']: #vnodes = self.Gt.node[k]['vnodes'] vnodes = self.Gt.node[k]['polyg'].vnodes ListInteractions = [] for inode in vnodes: if inode > 0: # segments cy = set(self.Gs.node[inode]['ncycles']) name = self.Gs.node[inode]['name'] # segment name # # Reflexion occurs on segment different # from AIR and ABSORBENT (segment number, cycle) # if ((name != '_AIR') & (name != 'AIR') & (name != 'ABSORBENT')): ListInteractions.append((inode, k)) # # Transmission requires 2 cycles separated by a # segment which is different from METAL and ABSORBENT # # (segment number, cycle in , cycle out ) if len(cy) == 2: if ('METAL' not in name) & ('ABSORBENT' not in name): ncy = list(cy.difference({k}))[0] ListInteractions.append((inode, k, ncy)) ListInteractions.append((inode, ncy, k)) else: # points pass # add list of interactions of a cycle self.Gt.add_node(k, inter=ListInteractions) else: self.Gt.add_node(k, inter=[]) def _convex_hull(self, mask): """ Add air walls to the layout enveloppe in self.Gs in order the hull of the Layout to be convex. Parameters ---------- mask : Polygon Returns ------- polys : list of geu.Polygon nsew polygon of the convex hull self.macvx : convex mask of the layout Notes ----- This is a post processing of BuildGt See Also -------- pylayers.gis.layout._interlist """ # 1 - Find differences between the convex hull and the Layout contour # The result of the difference are polygons masku = cascaded_union(mask) ch = masku.convex_hull P = ch.difference(masku) polys = [] if isinstance(P, sh.MultiPolygon): for p in P: if p.area > 1e-3: polys.append(geu.Polygon(p)) polys[-1].setvnodes(self) lncy = [] for p in polys: # p.coorddeter() uaw = np.where(p.vnodes == 0) for aw in uaw: # 2 - non existing segments are created as airwalls awid = self.add_segment( p.vnodes[aw - 1][0], p.vnodes[aw + 1][0], name='AIR') p.vnodes[aw] = awid # U = cascaded_union([mask]+polys) # self.macvx = geu.Polygon(U) # self.macvx.setvnodes(self) return polys
[docs] def buildGv(self, show=False,verbose=False,tqdmpos=0): """ build visibility graph Parameters ---------- show : boolean default False verbose : boolean tqdmpos : progressbar Examples -------- >>> from pylayers.gis.layout import * >>> L = Layout('TA-Office.lay') >>> L.buildGt() >>> Ga = L.buildGr() >>> L.buildGv() Notes ----- This method exploits cycles convexity. """ if not hasattr(self,'ddiff'): self.ddiff={} Gvpbar = pbar(verbose,total=100., desc ='build Gv',position=tqdmpos) self.Gv = nx.Graph(name='Gv') # # loop over convex cycles (nodes of Gt) # self.dGv = {} # dict of Gv graph cpt = 1./(len(self.Gt.node) + 1.) for icycle in self.Gt.node: if verbose: Gvpbar.update(100.*cpt) if icycle != 0: #if self.indoor or not self.Gt.node[icycle]['indoor']: #print(icycle) # pass # # If indoor or outdoor all visibility are calculated # If outdoor only visibility between iso = 'AIR' and '_AIR' are calculated # #if self.indoor or not self.Gt.node[icycle]['indoor']: polyg = self.Gt.node[icycle]['polyg'] #,ax=plt.gca()) # take a single segment between 2 points vnodes = polyg.vnodes # list of index of points in vodes unodes = np.where(vnodes<0)[0] # list of position of an incomplete list of segments # used rule : after a point there is always a segment useg = np.mod(unodes+1,len(vnodes)) # list of points #npt = filter(lambda x: x < 0, vnodes) npt = [ x for x in vnodes if x <0 ] nseg_full = [x for x in vnodes if x > 0] # nseg : incomplete list of segments # # if mode outdoor and cycle is indoor only # the part above the building (AIR and _AIR) is considered if ((self.typ=='outdoor') and (self.Gt.node[icycle]['indoor'])): nseg = [ x for x in nseg_full if ((self.Gs.node[x]['name']=='AIR') or (self.Gs.node[x]['name']=='_AIR') ) ] else: nseg = vnodes[useg] # # nseg_full : full list of segments # #nseg_full = filter(lambda x: x > 0, vnodes) # # keep only airwalls without iso single (_AIR) # nseg_single = filter(lambda x: len(self.Gs.node[x]['iso'])==0, nseg) # lair1 =['AIR'] # lair2 =['_AIR'] # lair = lair1 + lair2 # # list of airwalls in nseg_single # airwalls = filter(lambda x: x in lair, nseg_single) # diffraction points ndiff = [x for x in npt if x in self.ddiff.keys()] # # Create a graph # Gv = nx.Graph(name='Gv') # # in convex case : # # i) every non aligned segments see each other # for nk in combinations(nseg, 2): nk0 = self.tgs[nk[0]] nk1 = self.tgs[nk[1]] tahe0 = self.tahe[:, nk0] tahe1 = self.tahe[:, nk1] pta0 =[:, tahe0[0]] phe0 =[:, tahe0[1]] pta1 =[:, tahe1[0]] phe1 =[:, tahe1[1]] aligned = geu.is_aligned4(pta0,phe0,pta1,phe1) # A0 = np.vstack((pta0, phe0, pta1)) # A0 = np.hstack((A0, np.ones((3, 1)))) # A1 = np.vstack((pta0, phe0, phe1)) # A1 = np.hstack((A1, np.ones((3, 1)))) # d0 = np.linalg.det(A0) # d1 = np.linalg.det(A1) #if not ((abs(d0) < 1e-1) & (abs(d1) < 1e-1)): if not aligned: if ((0 not in self.Gs.node[nk[0]]['ncycles']) and (0 not in self.Gs.node[nk[1]]['ncycles'])): # get the iso segments of both nk[0] and nk[1] if ((self.typ=='indoor') or (not self.Gt.node[icycle]['indoor'])): l0 = [nk[0]]+self.Gs.node[nk[0]]['iso'] l1 = [nk[1]]+self.Gs.node[nk[1]]['iso'] else: l0 = [nk[0]] l1 = [nk[1]] for vlink in product(l0,l1): #printicycle,vlink[0],vlink[1] Gv.add_edge(vlink[0], vlink[1]) # # Handle diffraction points # # ii) all non adjascent valid diffraction points see each other # iii) all valid diffraction points see segments non aligned # with adjascent segments # #if diffraction: # # diffraction only if indoor or outdoor cycle if outdoor # if ((self.typ=='indoor') or (not self.Gt.node[icycle]['indoor'])): ndiffvalid = [ x for x in ndiff if icycle in self.ddiff[x][0]] # non adjascent segment of vnodes see valid diffraction # points for idiff in ndiffvalid: # # segments voisins du point de diffraction valide # # v1.1 nsneigh = [x for x in # nx.neighbors(self.Gs, idiff) # if x in nseg_full] nsneigh = [x for x in self.Gs[idiff] if x in nseg_full] # segvalid : not adjascent segment seen_from_neighbors = [] # # point to point # for npoint in ndiffvalid: if npoint != idiff: Gv.add_edge(idiff, npoint) # # All the neighbors segment in visibility which are not connected to cycle 0 # and which are not neighbors of the point idiff # for x in nsneigh: # v1.1 neighbx = [ y for y in nx.neighbors(Gv, x) # if 0 not in self.Gs.node[y]['ncycles'] # and y not in nsneigh] neighbx = [ y for y in Gv[x] if 0 not in self.Gs.node[y]['ncycles'] and y not in nsneigh] seen_from_neighbors += neighbx for ns in seen_from_neighbors: Gv.add_edge(idiff, ns) # # Graph Gv composition # self.Gv = nx.compose(self.Gv, Gv) self.dGv[icycle] = Gv
[docs] def buildGi(self,verbose=False,tqdmpos=0): """ build graph of interactions Notes ----- For each node of graph Gv creates 5 different nodes associated to the same segment (np,) D (ns,cy0) R -> cy0 (ns,cy1) R -> cy1 (ns,cy0,cy1) T 0->1 (ns,cy1,cy0) T 1->0 Gi is an oriented Graph (DiGraph) """ Gipbar = pbar(verbose,total=100., desc ='Build Gi',position=tqdmpos) if verbose: Gipbar.update(0.) self.Gi = nx.DiGraph(name='Gi') self.Gi.pos = {} # # 1 ) Create nodes of Gi and their positions # # diffraction node (D,) # reflexion node (R,cy0) # transmission node (T,cy0,cy1) # cpt = 100./(len(self.Gv.node)+1) pbartmp = pbar(verbose,total=100., desc ='Create Gi nodes',position=tqdmpos+1) for n in self.Gv.node: # espoo_journal debug #if n == 530: if verbose: pbartmp.update(cpt) if n < 0: # D self.Gi.add_node((n,)) self.Gi.pos[(n,)] = self.Gs.pos[n] if n > 0: # R | T cy = self.Gs.node[n]['ncycles'] name = self.Gs.node[n]['name'] assert(len(cy) == 2) cy0 = cy[0] cy1 = cy[1] #nei = self.Gs.neighbors(n) # get neighbor nei = list(dict(self.Gs[n]).keys()) # get neighbor np1 = nei[0] np2 = nei[1] p1 = np.array(self.Gs.pos[np1]) p2 = np.array(self.Gs.pos[np2]) l = p1 - p2 nl =, l) ln = l / nl delta = nl / 10. # On AIR or ABSORBENT there is no reflection if ((name != '_AIR') & (name != 'AIR') & (name != 'ABSORBENT')): self.Gi.add_node((n, cy0)) self.Gi.pos[(n, cy0)] = tuple(self.Gs.pos[n] + ln * delta) self.Gi.add_node((n, cy1)) self.Gi.pos[(n, cy1)] = tuple(self.Gs.pos[n] - ln * delta) # Through METAL or ABSORBENT there is no transmission # except if n has a subsegment if (name != 'METAL') & (name != 'ABSORBENT'): self.Gi.add_node((n, cy0, cy1)) self.Gi.add_node((n, cy1, cy0)) self.Gi.pos[(n, cy0, cy1)] = tuple( self.Gs.pos[n] + ln * delta / 2.) self.Gi.pos[(n, cy1, cy0)] = tuple( self.Gs.pos[n] - ln * delta / 2.) # # 2) Establishing link between interactions # # Loop over all Gt nodes cy # # if cy > 0 # calculates vnodes of cycles # for all node of vnodes # iprint = 0 if verbose : Gipbar.update(33.) cpt = 100./(len(self.Gt.node)+1) pbartmp = pbar(verbose,total=100., desc ='Create Gi nodes',position=tqdmpos+1) for cy in self.Gt.node: if verbose: pbartmp.update(cpt) # for all >0 convex cycles if cy > 0: vnodes = self.Gt.node[cy]['polyg'].vnodes npt = [] # # find all diffraction points involved in the cycle cy # for x in vnodes: if x < 0: if x in self.ddiff: for y in self.ddiff[x][0]: if y == cy: npt.append(x) nseg = [ k for k in vnodes if k>0 ] # all segments and diffraction points of the cycle vnodes = nseg + npt for nstr in vnodes: if nstr in self.Gv.nodes(): # list 1 of interactions li1 = [] if nstr > 0: # output cycle # cy -> cyo1 cyo1 = self.Gs.node[nstr]['ncycles'] cyo1 = [ x for x in cyo1 if x!= cy] [0] #cyo1 = filter(lambda x: x != cy, cyo1)[0] # R , Tin , Tout if cyo1 > 0: if (nstr, cy) in self.Gi.nodes(): li1.append((nstr, cy)) # R if (nstr, cy, cyo1) in self.Gi.nodes(): li1.append((nstr, cy, cyo1)) # T cy -> cyo1 if (nstr, cyo1, cy) in self.Gi.nodes(): li1.append((nstr, cyo1, cy)) # T : cyo1 -> cy # if (nstr,cy) in self.Gi.nodes(): # li1 = [(nstr,cy),(nstr,cy,cyo1),(nstr,cyo1,cy)] # else:# no reflection on airwall # li1 = [(nstr,cyo1,cy)] else: if (nstr, cy) in self.Gi.nodes(): li1 = [(nstr, cy)] # else: # li1 =[] else: # D li1 = [(nstr,)] # list of cycle entities in visibility of nstr # v1.1 lneighb = nx.neighbors(self.Gv, nstr) lneighb = list(dict(self.Gv[nstr]).keys()) #if (self.Gs.node[nstr]['name']=='AIR') or ( # self.Gs.node[nstr]['name']=='_AIR'): # lneighcy = lneighb #else: # list of cycle entities in visibility of nstr in the same cycle lneighcy = [ x for x in lneighb if x in vnodes ] # lneighcy = filter(lambda x: x in vnodes, lneighb) for nstrb in lneighcy: if nstrb in self.Gv.nodes(): li2 = [] if nstrb > 0: cyo2 = self.Gs.node[nstrb]['ncycles'] cyo2 = [ x for x in cyo2 if x!= cy] [0] #cyo2 = filter(lambda x: x != cy, cyo2)[0] if cyo2 > 0: if (nstrb, cy) in self.Gi.nodes(): li2.append((nstrb, cy)) if (nstrb, cy, cyo2) in self.Gi.nodes(): li2.append((nstrb, cy, cyo2)) if (nstrb, cyo2, cy) in self.Gi.nodes(): li2.append((nstrb, cyo2, cy)) # if (nstrb,cy) in self.Gi.nodes(): # li2 = [(nstrb,cy),(nstrb,cy,cyo2),(nstrb,cyo2,cy)] # else: #no reflection on airwall # li2 = [(nstrb,cy,cyo2),(nstrb,cyo2,cy)] else: if (nstrb, cy) in self.Gi.nodes(): li2 = [(nstrb, cy)] else: li2 = [(nstrb,)] # if cy==4: # printnstr,nstrb #if iprint: # print("li1",li1) # print("li2",li2) #if cy == 91: # print(" ",li2) for i1 in li1: for i2 in li2: if (i1[0] != i2[0]): if ((len(i1) == 2) & (len(i2) == 2)): # print"RR" self.Gi.add_edge(i1, i2) self.Gi.add_edge(i2, i1) if ((len(i1) == 2) & (len(i2) == 3)): # print"RT" if i1[1] == i2[1]: self.Gi.add_edge(i1, i2) if ((len(i1) == 3) & (len(i2) == 2)): # print"TR" if i1[2] == i2[1]: self.Gi.add_edge(i1, i2) if ((len(i1) == 3) & (len(i2) == 3)): # print"TT" if i1[2] == i2[1]: self.Gi.add_edge(i1, i2) if i2[2] == i1[1]: self.Gi.add_edge(i2, i1) if ((len(i1) == 1) & (len(i2) == 3)): # print"DT" if i2[1] == cy: self.Gi.add_edge(i1, i2) if ((len(i1) == 3) & (len(i2) == 1)): # print"TD" if i1[2] == cy: self.Gi.add_edge(i1, i2) if ((len(i1) == 1) & (len(i2) == 2)): # print"DR" self.Gi.add_edge(i1, i2) if ((len(i1) == 2) & (len(i2) == 1)): # print"RD" self.Gi.add_edge(i1, i2) if ((len(i1) == 1) & (len(i2) == 1)): # print"DD" self.Gi.add_edge(i1, i2) if verbose : Gipbar.update(66.) # updating the list of interactions of a given cycle pbartmp = pbar(verbose,total=100., desc ='update interraction list', leave=False, position=tqdmpos+1) for c in self.Gt.node: if verbose: pbartmp.update(cpt) if c != 0: vnodes = self.Gt.node[c]['polyg'].vnodes for k in npt: self.Gt.node[c]['inter'] += [(k,)] if verbose : Gipbar.update(100.) # cleaning deadend Gi # if outdoor for all nodes of Gi # if not diffraction # if termination cycle is indoor # or if starting point is indoor # then delete interaction ldelete = [] if self.typ=='outdoor': for k in list(dict(self.Gi.node).keys()): # R and T if len(k)>1: segtype = self.Gs.node[k[0]]['name'] if ((segtype!='AIR') and (segtype!='_AIR')): cyend = k[-1] if self.Gt.node[cyend]['indoor']: # if k[0]>0: # if self.Gs.node[k[0]]['name']!='AIR': ldelete.append(k) if len(k) == 3: cystart = k[1] if self.Gt.node[cystart]['indoor']: # if k[0]>0: # if self.Gs.node[k[0]]['name']!='AIR': ldelete.append(k) self.Gi.remove_nodes_from(ldelete) # build adjacency matrix of Gi graph self.Gi_A = nx.adjacency_matrix(self.Gi) #store list of nodes of Gi ( for keeping order) self.Gi_no = self.Gi.nodes()
[docs] def filterGi(self, situ='outdoor'): """ filter Gi to manage indoor/outdoor situations Not called """ # get outdoor notes cy = np.array(self.Gt.nodes()) uout = np.where([not self.Gt.node[i]['indoor'] for i in cy]) cyout = cy[uout] inter = self.Gi.nodes() Ti = [i for i in inter if ((len(i) == 3) and i[0] > 0)] Ri = [i for i in inter if ((len(i) == 2) and i[0] > 0)] Di = [i for i in inter if i[0] < 0] Ti = [i for i in Ti if ((i[1] in cyout) and (i[2] in cyout))] Ri = [i for i in Ri if (i[1] in cyout)] Di = [i for i in Di if (i in self.ldiffout)] rinter = Ti + Ri + Di rGi = nx.subgraph(self.Gi, rinter) rGi.pos = {i: self.Gi.pos[i] for i in self.Gi.nodes()} self.Gi = rGi self.Gi.pos = rGi.pos
[docs] def outputGi(self, verbose=False, tqdmpos=0.): """ filter output of Gi edges Parameters ---------- L : Layout Notes ----- Let assume a sequence (nstr0,nstr1,{nstr2A,nstr2B,...}) in a signature. This function checks whether this sequence is feasible or not , whatever the type of nstr0 and nstr1. The feasible outputs from nstr0 to nstr1 are stored in an output field of edge (nstr0,nstr1) See Also -------- pylayers.util.cone.Cone.from2seg pylayers.util.cone.Cone.belong_seg """ assert('Gi' in self.__dict__) oGipbar=pbar(verbose,total=100.,leave=False,desc='OutputGi',position=tqdmpos) # loop over all edges of Gi Nedges = len(self.Gi.edges()) cpt = 100./Nedges # print "Gi Nedges :",Nedges cn = cone.Cone() for k, e in enumerate(self.Gi.edges()): # if (k%100)==0: # print"edge : ",k # extract both termination interactions nodes if verbose: oGipbar.update(cpt) i0 = e[0] i1 = e[1] nstr0 = i0[0] nstr1 = i1[0] # list of authorized outputs. Initialized void output = [] # nstr1 : segment number of central interaction if nstr1 > 0: # central interaction is a segment pseg1 = self.seg2pts(nstr1).reshape(2, 2).T #pseg1 = self.s2pc[nstr1].toarray().reshape(2, 2).T # list all potential successors of interaction i1 # v1.1 i2 = nx.neighbors(self.Gi, i1) i2 = list(dict(self.Gi[i1]).keys()) # create a Cone object #cn = cone.Cone() # if starting from segment if nstr0 > 0: pseg0 = self.seg2pts(nstr0).reshape(2, 2).T #pseg0 = self.s2pc[nstr0].toarray().reshape(2, 2).T # if nstr0 and nstr1 are connected segments # v1.1 if (len(np.intersect1d(nx.neighbors(self.Gs, nstr0), nx.neighbors(self.Gs, nstr1))) == 0): if (len(np.intersect1d(self.Gs[nstr0], self.Gs[nstr1])) == 0): # from 2 not connected segment cn.from2segs(pseg0, pseg1) else: # from 2 connected segments cn.from2csegs(pseg0, pseg1) # if starting from a point else: pt = np.array(self.Gs.pos[nstr0]) cn.fromptseg(pt, pseg1) # ipoints = [x for x in i2 if len(x)==1 ] # i0 i1 i2[x] # Avoid to have the same diffaction point after reflection # exemple : (-10,),(245,12),(-10,) impossible # nstr0 nstr1 if nstr0<0: ipoints = [x for x in ipoints if x[0]!=nstr0] #ipoints = filter(lambda x: len(x) == 1, i2) pipoints = np.array([self.Gs.pos[ip[0]] for ip in ipoints]).T # filter tuple (R | T) #istup = filter(lambda x : type(eval(x))==tuple,i2) # map first argument segment number #isegments = np.unique(map(lambda x : eval(x)[0],istup)) #isegments = np.unique( # filter(lambda y: y > 0, map(lambda x: x[0], i2))) isegments = np.unique(np.array([ s for s in [ n[0] for n in i2] if s >0 ] )) # if nstr0 and nstr1 are adjescent segment remove nstr0 from # potential next interaction # Fix 01/2017 # This is not always True if the angle between # the two adjascent segments is < pi/2 # v1.1 nb_nstr0 = self.Gs.neighbors(nstr0) # v1.1 nb_nstr1 = self.Gs.neighbors(nstr1) nb_nstr0 = self.Gs[nstr0] nb_nstr1 = self.Gs[nstr1] #common_point = np.intersect1d(nb_nstr0,nb_nstr1) common_point = np.array([x for x in nb_nstr0 if x in nb_nstr1]).astype('int') if len(common_point) == 1: num0 = [x for x in nb_nstr0 if x != common_point] num1 = [x for x in nb_nstr1 if x != common_point] p0 = np.array(self.Gs.pos[num0[0]]) p1 = np.array(self.Gs.pos[num1[0]]) pc = np.array(self.Gs.pos[common_point[0]]) v0 = p0 - pc v1 = p1 - pc v0n = v0/np.sqrt(np.sum(v0*v0)) v1n = v1/np.sqrt(np.sum(v1*v1)) if,v1n)<=0: isegments = np.array([ x for x in isegments if x != nstr0 ]) # filter(lambda x: x != nstr0, isegments)) # there are one or more segments if len(isegments) > 0: points = self.seg2pts(isegments) pta = points[0:2, :] phe = points[2:, :] # add difraction points # WARNING Diffraction points are added only if a segment is seen # it should be the case in 99% of cases if len(ipoints) > 0: isegments = np.hstack((isegments, np.array(ipoints)[:, 0])) pta = np.hstack((pta, pipoints)) phe = np.hstack((phe, pipoints)) # # if i0 == (38,79) and i1 == (135,79,23): # printi0,i1 # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() # i1 : interaction T if len(i1) == 3: #if ((e[0]==(53,17)) and (e[1]==(108,17,18))): # typ, prob = cn.belong_seg(pta, phe,visu=True) #else: #typ, prob = cn.belong_seg_old(pta, phe, prob=False) typ = cn.belong_seg(pta, phe) # if bs.any(): # plu.displot(pta[:,bs],phe[:,bs],color='g') # if ~bs.any(): # plu.displot(pta[:,~bs],phe[:,~bs],color='k') # i1 : interaction R --> mirror if len(i1) == 2: Mpta = geu.mirror(pta, pseg1[:, 0], pseg1[:, 1]) Mphe = geu.mirror(phe, pseg1[:, 0], pseg1[:, 1]) typ = cn.belong_seg(Mpta, Mphe) #typ, prob = cn.belong_seg_old(Mpta, Mphe, prob=False) # keep segment with typ <> 0 utypseg = typ != 0 isegkeep = isegments[utypseg] # dict {numint : proba} #dsegprob = {k: v for k, v in zip(isegkeep, prob[utypseg])} ######### # output = filter(lambda x: x[0] in isegkeep, i2) output = [x for x in i2 if x[0] in isegkeep] # probint = map(lambda x: dsegprob[x[0]], output) #probint = [dsegprob[x[0]] for x in output] # dict interaction : proba #dintprob = {k: v for k, v in zip(output, probint)} # keep all segment above nstr1 and in Cone if T # keep all segment below nstr1 and in Cone if R else: # central interaction is a point (nstr1 <0) # 1) Simple approach # output interaction are all visible interactions # 2) TO BE DONE # # output of the diffraction points # exploring # b # + right of ISB # + right of RSB # # + using the wedge cone # + using the incident cone # # v1.1 output = nx.neighbors(self.Gi, (nstr1,)) output = self.Gi[(nstr1,)] #nout = len(output) #probint = np.ones(nout) # temporarybns #dintprob = {k: v for k, v in zip(output, probint)} #self.Gi.add_edge(i0, i1, output=dintprob) self.Gi.add_edge(i0, i1, output=output)
[docs] def outputGi_new(self,verbose=False,tqdmpos=0.): """ filter output of Gi edges this version of outputGi, uses sparses matrix instead of NetworkX for MP purpose Parameters ---------- L : Layout Notes ----- Let assume a sequence (nstr0,nstr1,{nstr2A,nstr2B,...}) in a signature. This function checks whether this sequence is feasible or not , whatever the type of nstr0 and nstr1. The feasible outputs from nstr0 to nstr1 are stored in an output field of edge (nstr0,nstr1) See Also -------- pylayers.util.cone.Cone.from2seg pylayers.util.cone.Cone.belong_seg """ def Gspos(n): if n>0: return np.mean(self.s2pc[n].toarray().reshape(2,2),axis=0) else: return self.p2pc[-n].toarray() #s2pc = self.s2pc.toarray() #s2pu = self.s2pu.toarray() #p2pc = self.p2pc.toarray() #A = self.Gi_A.toarray() assert('Gi' in self.__dict__) oGipbar = pbar(verbose,total=100.,leave=False,desc='OutputGi',position=tqdmpos) # loop over all edges of Gi Nedges = len(self.Gi.edges()) cpt = 100./Nedges # print "Gi Nedges :",Nedges for k, e in enumerate(self.Gi.edges()): # if (k%100)==0: # print"edge : ",k # extract both termination interactions nodes if verbose: oGipbar.update(cpt) i0 = e[0] # first interaction i1 = e[1] # central interaction nstr0 = i0[0] nstr1 = i1[0] # list of authorized outputs. Initialized void output = [] # nstr1 : segment number of central interaction if nstr1 > 0: # central interaction is a segment # pseg1 = self.s2pc[nstr1,:].toarray().reshape(2, 2).T pseg1 = self.s2pc[nstr1,:].toarray().reshape(2, 2).T # pseg1 = self.s2pc[nstr1,:].data.reshape(2, 2).T # pseg1o = self.seg2pts(nstr1).reshape(2, 2).T # create a Cone object cn = cone.Cone() # if starting from segment if nstr0 > 0: # pseg0 = self.s2pc[nstr0,:].toarray().reshape(2, 2).T pseg0 = self.s2pc[nstr0,:].toarray().reshape(2, 2).T # pseg0 = self.s2pc[nstr0,:].data.reshape(2, 2).T # pseg0o = self.seg2pts(nstr0).reshape(2, 2).T # if nstr0 and nstr1 are connected segments if self.sgsg[nstr0,nstr1] == 0: # from 2 not connected segment cn.from2segs(pseg0, pseg1) else: # from 2 connected segments cn.from2csegs(pseg0, pseg1) # if starting from a point else: pt = Gspos(nstr0)[0,:] # pt = np.array(self.Gs.pos[nstr0]) cn.fromptseg(pt, pseg1) # list all potential successors of interaction i1 ui2 = self.Gi_no.index(i1) ui = np.where(self.Gi_A[ui2,:].toarray()!=0)[1] i2 = [self.Gi_no[u] for u in ui] # i2 = nx.neighbors(self.Gi, i1) # how to find neighbors without network # ngi=L.Gi.nodes() # A=nx.adjacency_matrix(L.Gi) # inter = ngi[10] # u = ngi.index(inter) # ui = A[u,:].indices # neigh_inter = np.array([ngi[u] for u in ui]) ipoints = [x for x in i2 if len(x)==1 ] #ipoints = filter(lambda x: len(x) == 1, i2) # pipoints = np.array([self.Gs.pos[ip[0]] for ip in ipoints]).T pipoints = np.array([Gspos(ip[0]) for ip in ipoints]).T # filter tuple (R | T) #istup = filter(lambda x : type(eval(x))==tuple,i2) # map first argument segment number #isegments = np.unique(map(lambda x : eval(x)[0],istup)) # isegments = np.unique( # filter(lambda y: y > 0, map(lambda x: x[0], i2))) isegments = np.unique([x[0] for x in i2 if x[0]>0]) # if nstr0 and nstr1 are adjescent segment remove nstr0 from # potential next interaction # Fix 01/2017 # This is not always True if the angle between # the two adjascent segments is < pi/2 # nb_nstr0 = self.Gs.neighbors(nstr0) # nb_nstr1 = self.Gs.neighbors(nstr1) # nb_nstr0 = np.array([self.s2pu[nstr0,0],self.s2pu[nstr0,1]]) # nb_nstr1 = np.array([self.s2pu[nstr1,0],self.s2pu[nstr1,1]]) # nb_nstr0 = self.s2pu[nstr0,:].toarray()[0] # nb_nstr1 = self.s2pu[nstr1,:].toarray()[0] # first interaction is a point if nstr0<0: nb_nstr0 = [nstr0] else: nb_nstr0 = self.s2pu[nstr0,:].toarray()[0,:] nb_nstr1 = self.s2pu[nstr1,:].toarray()[0,:] # common_point = np.intersect1d(nb_nstr0,nb_nstr1) common_point = np.array([x for x in nb_nstr0 if x in nb_nstr1]) #print(common_point) # if len(common_point) == 1: # pdb.set_trace() if common_point.any(): num0 = [x for x in nb_nstr0 if x != common_point] num1 = [x for x in nb_nstr1 if x != common_point] p0 = Gspos(num0[0])[0,:] p1 = Gspos(num1[0])[0,:] pc = Gspos(common_point[0])[0,:] v0 = p0 - pc v1 = p1 - pc v0n = v0/np.sqrt(np.sum(v0*v0)) v1n = v1/np.sqrt(np.sum(v1*v1)) if,v1n)<=0: isegments = np.array([ x for x in isegments if x != nstr0 ]) # [ x for x in rle if x != nstr0, isegments)) # there are one or more segments # if len(isegments) > 0: if isegments.any(): li1 = len(i1) # points = self.s2pc[isegments,:].toarray().T points = self.s2pc[isegments,:].toarray().T # points = self.s2pc[isegments,:].data.reshape(4,len(isegments)) # pointso = self.seg2pts(isegments) pta = points[0:2, :] phe = points[2:, :] # add difraction points # WARNING Diffraction points are added only if a segment is seen # it should be the case in 99% of cases if len(ipoints) > 0: isegments = np.hstack( (isegments, np.array(ipoints)[:, 0])) pta = np.hstack((pta, pipoints)) phe = np.hstack((phe, pipoints)) # # if i0 == (38,79) and i1 == (135,79,23): # printi0,i1 # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() # i1 : interaction T if li1 == 3: typ, prob = cn.belong_seg(pta, phe, prob=False) # if bs.any(): # plu.displot(pta[:,bs],phe[:,bs],color='g') # if ~bs.any(): # plu.displot(pta[:,~bs],phe[:,~bs],color='k') # i1 : interaction R --> mirror elif li1 == 2: Mpta = geu.mirror(pta, pseg1[:, 0], pseg1[:, 1]) Mphe = geu.mirror(phe, pseg1[:, 0], pseg1[:, 1]) #typ, prob = cn.belong_seg_old(Mpta, Mphe, prob=False) typ = cn.belong_seg(Mpta, Mphe) # printi0,i1 # if ((i0 == (6, 0)) & (i1 == (7, 0))): # pdb.set_trace() # if bs.any(): # plu.displot(pta[:,bs],phe[:,bs],color='g') # if ~bs.any(): # plu.displot(pta[:,~bs],phe[:,~bs],color='m') # # pdb.set_trace()) ######## # SOMETIMES PROBA IS 0 WHEREAS SEG IS SEEN ########### # # keep segment with prob above a threshold # isegkeep = isegments[prob>0] # # dict {numint : proba} # dsegprob = {k:v for k,v in zip(isegkeep,prob[prob>0])} # 4 lines are replaced by # keep segment with prob above a threshold utypseg = typ != 0 isegkeep = isegments[utypseg] # dict {numint : proba} dsegprob = {k: v for k, v in zip(isegkeep, prob[utypseg])} ######### # output = [ x for x in rle if x[0] in isegkeep, i2) output = [x for x in i2 if x[0] in isegkeep] # probint = map(lambda x: dsegprob[x[0]], output) probint = [dsegprob[x[0]] for x in output] # dict interaction : proba dintprob = {k: v for k, v in zip(output, probint)} # keep all segment above nstr1 and in Cone if T # keep all segment below nstr1 and in Cone if R else: # central interaction is a point # 1) Simple approach # output interaction are all visible interactions # 2) TO BE DONE # # output of the diffraction points # exploring # b # + right of ISB # + right of RSB # # + using the wedge cone # + using the incident cone # # output = nx.neighbors(self.Gi, (nstr1,)) uout = self.Gi_no.index((nstr1,)) ui = np.where(self.Gi_A[uout,:].toarray()!=0)[1] output = [self.Gi_no[u] for u in ui] nout = len(output) probint = np.ones(nout) # temporarybns dintprob = {k: v for k, v in zip(output,probint)} try: self.Gi.add_edge(i0, i1, output=dintprob) except: pass
[docs] def outputGi_mp(self): """ filter output of Gi edges Parameters ---------- L : Layout Notes ----- Let assume a sequence (nstr0,nstr1,{nstr2A,nstr2B,...}) in a signature. This function checks whether this sequence is feasible or not , whatever the type of nstr0 and nstr1. The feasible outputs from nstr0 to nstr1 are stored in an output field of edge (nstr0,nstr1) See Also -------- pylayers.util.cone.Cone.from2seg pylayers.util.cone.Cone.belong_seg """ # assert('Gi' in self.__dict__) # oGipbar=pbar(verbose,total=100.,leave=False,desc='OutputGi',position=tqdmpos) # # loop over all edges of Gi # Nedges = len(self.Gi.edges()) # cpt = 100./Nedges # print "Gi Nedges :",Nedges e = self.Gi.edges() #Gi_no = [self.Gi_no]*len(e) # densify sparse matrix #aGi_A = self.Gi_A.toarray() #ap2pc = self.p2pc.toarray() #asgsg = self.sgsg.toarray() #as2pc = self.s2pc.toarray() #as2pu = self.s2pu.toarray() global Gi_A global Gi_no global p2pc global sgsg global s2pc global s2pu Gi_A = self.Gi_A Gi_no = self.Gi_no p2pc = self.p2pc sgsg = self.sgsg s2pc = self.s2pc s2pu = self.s2pu #Gi_A = [aGi_A]*len(e) #p2pc = [ap2pc]*len(e) #s2pc = [as2pc]*len(e) #s2pu = [as2pu]*len(e) #sgsg = [asgsg]*len(e) pool = Pool(cpu_count()) # multiprocessing style #Z=zip(e, Gi_no, Gi_A, p2pc, sgsg, s2pc, s2pu) #res =,Z) Z = zip(e) res =,Z) self.Gi.add_edges_from(res)
# res =,e) # print('e') # time.sleep(1) # res =,Gi_no) # print('no') # time.sleep(1) # res =,Gi_A) # print('A') # time.sleep(1) # res =,Gspos) # print('pos') # time.sleep(1) # res =,sgsg) # print('sgsg') # time.sleep(1) # res =,s2pc) # print('s2pc') # time.sleep(1) # res =,s2pu) # print('s2pu') # time.sleep(1) # res =,Z) # print('Z') #def outputGi_func(arg): # if (k%100)==0: # print"edge : ",k # extract both termination interactions nodes #for k in arg: # Z=arg*arg # e=arg[0] # s2pc=arg[1] # Gs=arg[2] # Gi=arg[3] # i0 = e[0] # i1 = e[1] # nstr0 = i0[0] # nstr1 = i1[0] # print(i0,i1) # for k in range(1000): # y=k*k # # list of authorized outputs. Initialized void # output = [] # # nstr1 : segment number of central interaction # if nstr1 > 0: # # central interaction is a segment # pseg1 = np.array(s2pc[nstr1,:].todense()).reshape(2, 2).T # # create a Cone object # cn = cone.Cone() # # if starting from segment # if nstr0 > 0: # pseg0 = np.array(s2pc[nstr0,:].todense()).reshape(2, 2).T # # if nstr0 and nstr1 are connected segments # if (len(np.intersect1d(nx.neighbors(Gs, nstr0), nx.neighbors(Gs, nstr1))) == 0): # # from 2 not connected segment # cn.from2segs(pseg0, pseg1) # else: # # from 2 connected segments # cn.from2csegs(pseg0, pseg1) # # if starting from a point # else: # pt = np.array(Gs.pos[nstr0]) # cn.fromptseg(pt, pseg1) # # list all potential successors of interaction i1 # i2 = nx.neighbors(Gi, i1) # ipoints = [x for x in i2 if len(x)==1 ] # #ipoints = [ x for x in rle if len(x) == 1, i2) # pipoints = np.array([Gs.pos[ip[0]] for ip in ipoints]).T # # filter tuple (R | T) # #istup = filter(lambda x : type(eval(x))==tuple,i2) # # map first argument segment number # #isegments = np.unique(map(lambda x : eval(x)[0],istup)) # isegments = np.unique( # filter(lambda y: y > 0, map(lambda x: x[0], i2))) # # if nstr0 and nstr1 are adjescent segment remove nstr0 from # # potential next interaction # # Fix 01/2017 # # This is not always True if the angle between # # the two adjascent segments is < pi/2 # nb_nstr0 = Gs.neighbors(nstr0) # nb_nstr1 = Gs.neighbors(nstr1) # common_point = np.intersect1d(nb_nstr0,nb_nstr1) # if len(common_point) == 1: # num0 = [x for x in nb_nstr0 if x != common_point] # num1 = [x for x in nb_nstr1 if x != common_point] # p0 = np.array(Gs.pos[num0[0]]) # p1 = np.array(Gs.pos[num1[0]]) # pc = np.array(Gs.pos[common_point[0]]) # v0 = p0-pc # v1 = p1-pc # v0n = v0/np.sqrt(np.sum(v0*v0)) # v1n = v1/np.sqrt(np.sum(v1*v1)) # if,v1n)<=0: # isegments = np.array([ x for x in isegments if x != nstr0 ]) # # [ x for x in rle if x != nstr0, isegments)) # # there are one or more segments # if len(isegments) > 0: # points = np.array(s2pc[isegments,:].todense()).T # pta = points[0:2, :] # phe = points[2:, :] # # add difraction points # # WARNING Diffraction points are added only if a segment is seen # # it should be the case in 99% of cases # if len(ipoints) > 0: # isegments = np.hstack( # (isegments, np.array(ipoints)[:, 0])) # pta = np.hstack((pta, pipoints)) # phe = np.hstack((phe, pipoints)) # # # # if i0 == (38,79) and i1 == (135,79,23): # # printi0,i1 # # import ipdb # # ipdb.set_trace() # # i1 : interaction T # if len(i1) == 3: # typ, prob = cn.belong_seg(pta, phe) # # if bs.any(): # # plu.displot(pta[:,bs],phe[:,bs],color='g') # # if ~bs.any(): # # plu.displot(pta[:,~bs],phe[:,~bs],color='k') # # i1 : interaction R --> mirror # if len(i1) == 2: # Mpta = geu.mirror(pta, pseg1[:, 0], pseg1[:, 1]) # Mphe = geu.mirror(phe, pseg1[:, 0], pseg1[:, 1]) # typ, prob = cn.belong_seg(Mpta, Mphe) # # printi0,i1 # # if ((i0 == (6, 0)) & (i1 == (7, 0))): # # pdb.set_trace() # # if bs.any(): # # plu.displot(pta[:,bs],phe[:,bs],color='g') # # if ~bs.any(): # # plu.displot(pta[:,~bs],phe[:,~bs],color='m') # # # # pdb.set_trace()) # ######## # # SOMETIMES PROBA IS 0 WHEREAS SEG IS SEEN # ########### # # # keep segment with prob above a threshold # # isegkeep = isegments[prob>0] # # # dict {numint : proba} # # dsegprob = {k:v for k,v in zip(isegkeep,prob[prob>0])} # # 4 lines are replaced by # # keep segment with prob above a threshold # utypseg = typ != 0 # isegkeep = isegments[utypseg] # # dict {numint : proba} # dsegprob = {k: v for k, v in zip(isegkeep, prob[utypseg])} # ######### # # output = [ x for x in rle if x[0] in isegkeep, i2) # output = [x for x in i2 if x[0] in isegkeep] # # probint = map(lambda x: dsegprob[x[0]], output) # probint = [dsegprob[x[0]] for x in output] # # dict interaction : proba # dintprob = {k: v for k, v in zip(output, probint)} # # keep all segment above nstr1 and in Cone if T # # keep all segment below nstr1 and in Cone if R # else: # # central interaction is a point # # 1) Simple approach # # output interaction are all visible interactions # # 2) TO BE DONE # # # # output of the diffraction points # # exploring # # b # # + right of ISB # # + right of RSB # # # # + using the wedge cone # # + using the incident cone # # # output = nx.neighbors(Gi, (nstr1,)) # nout = len(output) # probint = np.ones(nout) # temporarybns # dintprob = {k: v for k, v in zip(output, probint)} # return(i0,i1,dintprob) #self.Gi.add_edge(i0, i1, output=dintprob)
[docs] def intercy(self, ncy, typ='source'): """ return the list of interactions seen from a cycle Parameters ---------- ncy : cycle number( Project -> save project) typ : string if 'source' connect source cycle if 'target' connect target cycle Notes ----- This method is called at the beginning of signature evaluation in order to get the starting and ending interaction. It exploits the information contained in teh graph Gi. """ # list of interactions lint = self.Gi.node # list of tuple interactions (R|T) lD = [x for x in lint if len(x)==1] lR = [x for x in lint if len(x)==2] lT = [x for x in lint if len(x)==3] # lD = [ x for x in rle if len(x) == 1, lint) # lR = [ x for x in rle if len(x) == 2, lint) # lT = [ x for x in rle if len(x) == 3, lint) # visible R|T source cycle is ncy lR = [ x for x in lR if x[1] == ncy ] if typ == 'source': lT = [ x for x in lT if x[1] == ncy ] if typ == 'target': lT = [ x for x in lT if x[2] == ncy ] if typ == 'all': lT = lT # Finding the diffraction points # Diffraction points are different from indoor cycle and outdoor # cycles # # TODO check wedge validity. # vnodes = self.Gt.node[ncy]['polyg'].vnodes vpoints = [ x for x in vnodes if x < 0 ] lD = [] for x in vpoints: if x in self.ddiff: for y in self.ddiff[x][0]: if y == ncy: lD.append((x,)) # indoor = self.Gt.node[ncy]['indoor'] # if indoor: # lD = map(lambda y : (y,),filter(lambda x : x in # self.ldiffin,vpoints)) # else: # lD = map(lambda y : (y,),filter(lambda x : x in # self.ldiffout,vpoints)) return lR, lT, lD
[docs] def show(self, **kwargs): """ show layout See also -------- showG """ defaults = {'show': True, 'fig': [], 'ax': [], 'nodes': False, 'edges': True, 'labels': False, 'alphan': 1.0, 'alphae': 1.0, 'width': 2, 'node_color': 'w', 'edge_color': 'k', 'node_size': 200, 'font_size': 30, 'nodelist': [], 'figsize': (5, 5), 'mode': 'cycle', } for key, value in defaults.items(): if key not in kwargs: kwargs[key] = value lair = [] if 'AIR' in lair =['AIR'] if '_AIR' in lair = lair +['_AIR'] # # tsg : list of segment index for mapping with self.tahe segfilt = [ x for x in self.tsg if x not in lair ] # get the association between segment and nx edges edges = self.Gs.edges() Ne = len(edges) # segments = np.array(edges)[:,0] # segments are >0 index so max in necesssarily # a segment number whatever the order segments = np.array([max(x) for x in edges]) dse = {k: v for k, v in zip(segments, range(Ne))} edfilt = list( np.ravel(np.array(map(lambda x: [dse[x] - 1, dse[x]], segfilt)))) # edgelist is to be understood as edges of Graph and not segments of # Layout if hasattr(self,'extent'): fig, ax = gkml.gearth_fig(self.extent,self.extent_c) else: fig = plt.gca() ax = plt.gca() fig, ax = self.showG('s', nodes=False, edgelist=edfilt,fig=fig,ax=ax) # display degree 1 nodes if 1 in ldeg1 = list([1]) print(ldeg1) fig, ax = self.showG('s', fig=fig, ax=ax, nodelist=ldeg1, edges=kwargs['edges'], nodes=kwargs['nodes'], node_size=kwargs['node_size'], node_color='r') # display degree 4 nodes if 4 in ldeg4 = list([4]) fig, ax = self.showG('s', fig=fig, ax=ax, nodelist=ldeg4, edges=kwargs['edges'], nodes=kwargs['nodes'], node_size=kwargs['node_size'], node_color='g') if hasattr(self,'extent'): pnglayout = 'kmllayout.png' kmzlayout = 'kmzlayout.kmz' fig.savefig(pnglayout,transparent=True,format='png') gkml.make_kml(self.extent, figs = [pnglayout], kmzfile = kmzlayout, name = 'Layout')
# if k==1: # fig,ax = self.showG('s',fig=fig,ax=ax,nodelist=ldeg,edges=False,nodes=True,node_size=50,node_color='c') # if k==4: # fig,ax = self.showG('s',fig=fig,ax=ax,nodelist=ldeg,nodes=False,node_size=50,node_color='b') def show_poly(self,**kwargs): """ show polygons Parameters ---------- bmap : boolean (display smpoy map) Returns ------- fig,ax,args, """ import smopy bmap = kwargs.pop('bmap',True) figsize = kwargs.pop('figsize',(15,15)) lm = self.extent[0] lM = self.extent[1] Lm = self.extent[2] LM = self.extent[3] zoom = 15 = smopy.Map((Lm,lm,LM,lM), z=zoom) bcond = bmap and hasattr(self,'map') ax = #ax = kwargs.pop('ax',plt.gca()) BLUE='#6699cc' verts = [] lbdg_height = [] if hasattr(self.dpoly,'_xy'): for kpoly in self.dpoly: verts.append(self.dpoly[kpoly]._xy.T) else: for kpoly in self.dpoly: connect = self.dpoly[kpoly]['connect'] z = self.dpoly[kpoly]['z'] building_height = z[1] - z[0] lbdg_height.append(building_height) lpol = [] lprev = 0 # # Take care of the order of the sequence of points # for seg in connect: ta = self.Gs.node[seg]['connect'][0] he = self.Gs.node[seg]['connect'][1] if ((he==lprev) or (lprev==0)): lpol.append((self.Gs.pos[ta][0],self.Gs.pos[ta][1])) lprev = ta else: lpol.append((self.Gs.pos[he][0],self.Gs.pos[he][1])) lprev = he llL = [ self.m(x[0],x[1],inverse=True) for x in lpol ] lpol2 = [[1],lL[0]) for lL in llL] verts.append(lpol2) hmax = np.max(lbdg_height) hmin = np.min(lbdg_height) arg = 255*(np.array(lbdg_height)-hmin)/(hmax-hmin) facecolors = cm.jet(arg.astype(int)) coll = PolyCollection(verts, edgecolors='k', facecolors=facecolors) ax.add_collection(coll) plt.axis('on') #ax.autoscale_view() #ax.axis('equal') fig = plt.gcf() return fig,ax,arg,facecolors
[docs] def showG(self, graph='s', **kwargs): """ show the different graphs Parameters ---------- graph : char 't' : Gt 'r' : Gr 's' : Gs 'v' : Gv 'i' : Gi fig : matplotlib figure [] ax : matplotlib figure [] show : boolean False nodes : boolean alse edges : boolean True airwalls | aw: boolean display airwalls (False) subseg: boolean display subsegments (False) slab : boolean display color and width of slabs (False) labels : boolean |list display graph labels (False) if list precise label of which cycle to display (e.g. ['t']) alphan : float transparency of nodes (1.0) alphae : float transparency of edges (1.0) width : float line width (2) node_color: string w posnode_color: string positive node color (k) negnode_color: string negative node color (b) edge_color : string k node_size : float 20 font_size : float 15, nodelist : list list of nodes to be displayed (all) edgelist : list list of edges to be displayed (all) mode : string 'cycle' | 'none' | 'room' alphacy : string transparency of cycles (0.8) colorcy : '#abcdef' linter : list list of interaction for Gi ['RR','TT','RT','TR','RD','DR','TD','DT','DD'] show0 : boolean If true display connection to cycle 0 of Gt (False) eded : boolean True ndnd : boolean True nded : boolean True width : int 2 nodelist : list [] overlay : boolean diffraction :boolean False defaults = {'show': False, 'fig': [], 'ax': [], 'nodes': False, 'edges': True, 'sllist':[], 'airwalls': False, 'subseg': False, 'slab': True, 'labels': False, 'alphan': 1.0, 'alphae': 1.0, 'width': 2, 'node_color':'w', 'edge_color':'k', 'node_size':20, 'font_size':15, 'nodelist': [], 'edgelist': [], 'figsize': (5,5), 'mode':'nocycle', 'alphacy':0.8, 'colorcy':'abcdef', 'linter' : ['RR','TT','RT','TR','RD','DR','TD','DT','DD'], 'show0':False, 'axis':False, 'overlay':False, 'diffraction':False } Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> from pylayers.gis.layout import * >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> L = Layout('TA-Office.lay') >>> L.dumpr() >>> fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(221) >>> fig,ax = L.showG('s',fig=fig,ax=ax) >>> tis = plt.title("Gs") >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(222) >>> fig,ax = L.showG('t',fig=fig,ax=ax) >>> tit = plt.title("Gt") >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(223) >>> fig,ax = L.showG('r',fig=fig,ax=ax) >>> tic = plt.title("Gr") >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(224) >>> fig,ax = L.showG('v',fig=fig,ax=ax) >>> tiv = plt.title("Gv") >>> See Also -------- pylayers.util.graphutil.draw """ defaults = {'show': False, 'fig': [], 'ax': [], 'nodes': [], 'edges': True, 'sllist': [], 'airwalls': False, 'aw': [], 'subseg': False, 'slab': True, 'labels': False, 'alphan': 1.0, 'alphae': 1.0, 'width': 2, 'node_color': 'w', 'edge_color': '', 'node_size': 20, 'font_size': 15, 'nodelist': [], 'edgelist': [], 'figsize': (8, 8), 'mode': 'nocycle', 'alphacy': 0.8, 'colorcy': '#abcdef', 'lvis': ['nn', 'ne', 'ee'], 'linter': ['RR', 'TT', 'RT', 'TR', 'RD', 'DR', 'TD', 'DT', 'DD'], 'show0': False, 'axis': True, 'overlay': False, 'diffraction': False } for key, value in defaults.items(): if key not in kwargs: kwargs[key] = value if kwargs['aw'] != []: kwargs['airwalls'] = kwargs['aw'] if 'graph' in kwargs: graph = kwargs['graph'] # get color dictionnary from pyutil cold = pyu.coldict() if isinstance(kwargs['labels'], list): labels = kwargs['labels'] elif kwargs['labels'] == True: labels = ['s', 't', 'v', 'i', 'w'] elif isinstance(kwargs['labels'], str): labels = kwargs['labels'] else: labels = [] if isinstance(kwargs['nodes'], list): dis_nodes = kwargs['nodes'] elif kwargs['nodes'] == True: dis_nodes = ['s', 't', 'v', 'i', 'w'] elif isinstance(kwargs['nodes'], str): dis_nodes = kwargs['nodes'] else: dis_nodes = [] # # s : structure graph # if 's' in graph: # not efficient G = self.Gs # lss = [ x for x in self.Gs.nodes if # self.Gs.node[x].has_key('ss_name')] # lss = [ x for x in lss if len(self.Gs.node[x]['ss_name'])>0 ] # keep track of segments already printed nodelistbkup = kwargs['nodelist'] edgelistbkup = kwargs['edgelist'] widthbkup = kwargs['width'] nodecolbkup = kwargs['edge_color'] try: sllist = [kwargs['sllist'].pop()] except: sllist = list(dict( # # Draw segment slab per slab with proper linewidth and color # for lmat in sllist: #print(lmat) lseg =[lmat] if lseg != []: lseg2 = [np.where(np.array(self.Gs.edges()) == i)[0] for i in lseg] kwargs['edgelist'] = [] for y in lseg2: kwargs['edgelist'] = kwargs['edgelist'] + list(y) #kwargs['edgelist'] = list(reduce(lambda x, y: list(x) + list(y), lseg2)) if kwargs['slab']: if[lmat]['color'][0]=="#": kwargs['edge_color'] =[lmat]['color'] else: kwargs['edge_color'] = cold[[lmat]['color']] kwargs['width'] =[lmat]['linewidth'] else: kwargs['edge_color'] = 'k' kwargs['width'] = 1 if 's' in labels: kwargs['labels'] = True else: kwargs['labels'] = False if 's' in dis_nodes: kwargs['nodes'] = True else: kwargs['nodes'] = False kwargs['fig'], kwargs['ax'] = gru.draw(G, **kwargs) kwargs['nodelist'] = nodelistbkup kwargs['width'] = widthbkup kwargs['edge_color'] = nodecolbkup kwargs['edgelist'] = edgelistbkup if kwargs['subseg']: # # Display doors and windows subsegments with a slight offset # cold = pyu.coldict() d = self.subseg() for ss in list(dict(d).keys()): color = cold[[ss]['color']] for ns in d[ss]: norm = self.Gs.node[ns[0]]['norm'] # v1.1 np1, np2 = self.Gs.neighbors(ns[0]) np1, np2 = self.Gs[ns[0]] x = np.array( [self.Gs.pos[np1][0], self.Gs.pos[np2][0]]) y = np.array( [self.Gs.pos[np1][1], self.Gs.pos[np2][1]]) xoff = (1 + ns[1]) * 0.05 * norm[0] yoff = (1 + ns[1]) * 0.05 * norm[1] kwargs['ax'].plot(x + xoff, y + yoff, linewidth=2, color=color) # # t : graph of cycles # if 't' in graph: G = self.Gt if not kwargs['show0']: # filter out the 0 cycle nodes = list(G.nodes()) edges = list(G.edges()) nodf = [ x for x in nodes if x != 0 ] edf = [ x for x in np.arange(len(edges)) if ((edges[x][0]!=0) & (edges[x][1]!=0)) ] kwargs['nodelist'] = nodf kwargs['edgelist'] = edf else: kwargs['nodelist'] = G.nodes() kwargs['edgelist'] = np.arange(len(G.edges())) if kwargs['edge_color'] == '': kwargs['edge_color'] = 'r' if 't' in labels: kwargs['labels'] = True else: kwargs['labels'] = False if 't' in dis_nodes: kwargs['nodes'] = True else: kwargs['nodes'] = False fig, ax = gru.draw(G, **kwargs) kwargs['fig'] = fig kwargs['ax'] = ax # # r : graph of rooms # if 'r' in graph: G = self.Gr if kwargs['edge_color'] == '': kwargs['edge_color'] = 'g' kwargs['fig'], kwargs['ax'] = gru.draw(self.Gs, nodes=False, edges=True, alphacy=1., fig=kwargs['fig'], ax=kwargs['ax'], labels=False) if 'r' in labels: kwargs['labels'] = True else: kwargs['labels'] = False if 'r' in dis_nodes: kwargs['nodes'] = True else: kwargs['nodes'] = False fig, ax = gru.draw(G, **kwargs) kwargs['fig'] = fig kwargs['ax'] = ax # # v : visibility graph # In blue : segment segment # In red : point point (Diffraction) # In green : point segment # if 'v' in graph: G = self.Gv G.pos = {} # nodes of Gv are nodes of Gs G.pos.update(self.Gs.pos) if kwargs['edge_color'] == '': kwargs['edge_color'] = 'm' edges = list(G.edges()) rle = range(len(edges)) eded = [ x for x in rle if (edges[x][0] > 0) & (edges[x][1] > 0)] ndnd = [ x for x in rle if (edges[x][0] < 0) & (edges[x][1] < 0)] nded = [ x for x in rle if (((edges[x][0] < 0) & (edges[x][1] > 0)) | ((edges[x][0] > 0) & (edges[x][1] < 0)))] if 'v' in labels: kwargs['labels'] = True else: kwargs['labels'] = False if 'v' in dis_nodes: kwargs['nodes'] = True else: kwargs['nodes'] = False if 'ee' in kwargs['lvis']: kwargs['edgelist'] = eded kwargs['edge_color'] = 'blue' kwargs['node_size'] = 200 kwargs['fig'], kwargs['ax'] = gru.draw(G, **kwargs) if 'nn' in kwargs['lvis']: kwargs['edgelist'] = ndnd kwargs['edge_color'] = 'red' kwargs['fig'], kwargs['ax'] = gru.draw(G, **kwargs) if 'ne' in kwargs['lvis']: kwargs['edgelist'] = nded kwargs['edge_color'] = 'green' kwargs['fig'], kwargs['ax'] = gru.draw(G, **kwargs) # # i : interaction graph # if 'i' in graph: G = self.Gi if kwargs['edge_color'] == '': kwargs['edge_color'] = 'k' # # Parsing the type of interactions # edges = list(G.edges()) # range len edges rle = range(len(edges)) DD = [ x for x in rle if ((len(edges[x][0]) == 1) & (len(edges[x][1]) == 1))] RR = [ x for x in rle if ((len(edges[x][0]) == 2) & (len(edges[x][1]) == 2))] TT = [ x for x in rle if ((len(edges[x][0]) == 3) & (len(edges[x][1]) == 3))] RT = [ x for x in rle if ((len(edges[x][0]) == 2) & (len(edges[x][1]) == 3))] TR = [ x for x in rle if ((len(edges[x][0]) == 3) & (len(edges[x][1]) == 2))] RD = [ x for x in rle if ((len(edges[x][0]) == 2) & (len(edges[x][1]) == 1))] TD = [ x for x in rle if ((len(edges[x][0]) == 3) & (len(edges[x][1]) == 1))] DR = [ x for x in rle if ((len(edges[x][0]) == 1) & (len(edges[x][1]) == 2))] DT = [ x for x in rle if ((len(edges[x][0]) == 1) & (len(edges[x][1]) == 3))] tabcol = ['b', 'g', 'r', 'm', 'c', 'orange', 'purple', 'maroon', 'purple', 'k'][::-1] li = [] if 'i' in labels: kwargs['labels'] = True else: kwargs['labels'] = False if 'v' in dis_nodes: kwargs['nodes'] = True else: kwargs['nodes'] = False for inter in kwargs['linter']: if len(eval(inter)) > 0: li.append(inter) kwargs['edgelist'] = eval(inter) # ndlist = map(lambda x: edges[x][0],kwargs['edgelist'])+\ # map(lambda x: edges[x][1],kwargs['edgelist']) #ndlist = map(lambda x: edges[x][0], kwargs['edgelist']) +\ # map(lambda x: edges[x][1], kwargs['edgelist']) ndlist = [ edges[x][0] for x in kwargs['edgelist']] + [edges[x][1] for x in kwargs['edgelist']] # keep only unique interaction unique = [] [unique.append(it) for it in ndlist if it not in unique] kwargs['nodelist'] = unique kwargs['edge_color'] = tabcol.pop() kwargs['fig'], kwargs['ax'] = gru.draw(G, **kwargs) legtxt = ['Gs'] + li # plt.legend(legtxt) # # w : waypoint graph # if 'w' in graph: G = self.Gw if kwargs['edge_color'] == '': kwargs['edge_color'] = 'k' kwargs['fig'], kwargs['ax'] = gru.draw(self.Gs, nodes=False, edges=True, alphacy=1., fig=kwargs['fig'], ax=kwargs['ax'], labels=False) if 'w' in labels: kwargs['labels'] = True else: kwargs['labels'] = False fig, ax = gru.draw(G, **kwargs) kwargs['fig'] = fig kwargs['ax'] = ax args = {'fig': kwargs['fig'], 'ax': kwargs['ax'], 'show': False} if len(kwargs['edgelist']) == 0: if kwargs['mode'] == 'cycle': for k, ncy in enumerate(list(dict(self.Gt.node).keys())): if k != 0: fig, ax = self.Gt.node[ncy]['polyg'].plot( alpha=kwargs['alphacy'], color=kwargs['colorcy'], **args) args['fig'] = fig args['ax'] = ax if kwargs['mode'] == 'room': for k, nro in enumerate(list(dict(self.Gr.node.keys()))): if k != 0: fig, ax = self.Gr.node[nro]['cycle'].show(**args) args['fig'] = fig args['ax'] = ax kwargs['ax'].axis('scaled') if not kwargs['axis']: kwargs['ax'].axis('off') if kwargs['overlay']: imok = False if self.display['overlay_file'] != '': image = basename, pro.pstruc['DIRIMAGE'], self.display['overlay_file'])) imok = True if imok: if 'v' in self.display['overlay_flip']: print("flip v") image = image.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) if 'h' in self.display['overlay_flip']: image = image.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM) print("flip h") plt.axis() kwargs['ax'].imshow(np.array(image), extent=self.display[ 'overlay_axis'], alpha=self.display['alpha'], origin='lower') if kwargs['diffraction']: if len(self.ddiff.keys())>0: pt = np.array([self.Gs.pos[x] for x in self.ddiff.keys()]) pta = np.array([self.Gs.pos[x] for x in self.lnss]) kwargs['ax'].scatter(pt[:, 0], pt[:, 1], c='r', s=75) if len(self.lnss) > 0: kwargs['ax'].scatter(pta[:, 0], pta[:, 1], c='b', s=20) if kwargs['show']: return kwargs['fig'], kwargs['ax']
def _showGv(self, **kwargs): """ show graph Gv (visibility) Parameters ---------- display fig ax nodes : boolean display nodes edges : boolean display edges Returns ------- fig : figure instance ax : axes instance """ defaults = {'show': False, 'ax': [], 'nodes': False, 'eded': True, 'ndnd': True, 'nded': True, 'linewidth': 2, } for key, value in defaults.items(): if key in kwargs: setattr(self, key, kwargs[key]) else: setattr(self, key, value) kwargs[key] = value if kwargs['ax'] == []: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca() else: ax = kwargs['ax'] nodes = np.array(self.Gv.nodes()) uneg = list(nodes[np.nonzero(nodes < 0)[0]]) upos = list(nodes[np.nonzero(nodes > 0)[0]]) if kwargs['nodes']: nx.draw_networkx_nodes(self.Gv, self.Gs.pos, nodelist=upos, node_color='blue', node_size=300, alpha=0.3) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(self.Gv, self.Gs.pos, nodelist=uneg, node_color='red', node_size=300, alpha=0.3) nx.draw_networkx_labels(self.Gv, self.Gs.pos) ndnd, nded, eded = gru.edgetype(self.Gv) if kwargs['eded']: nx.draw_networkx_edges(self.Gv, self.Gs.pos, edgelist=eded, edge_color='blue', width=2) if kwargs['ndnd']: nx.draw_networkx_edges(self.Gv, self.Gs.pos, edgelist=ndnd, edge_color='red', width=2) if kwargs['nded']: nx.draw_networkx_edges(self.Gv, self.Gs.pos, edgelist=nded, edge_color='green', width=2) if kwargs['show']: return ax
[docs] def waypointGw(self, nroom1, nroom2): """ get the waypoint between room1 and room2 Parameters ---------- nroom1 nroom2 Examples -------- >>> from pylayers.gis.layout import * >>> L = Layout('TA-Office.lay') >>> Notes ----- nodes of Gw are no longer room number """ rooms = nx.dijkstra_path(self.Gw, nroom1, nroom2) return(rooms, [tuple(self.Gw.pos[i]) for i in rooms])
[docs] def thwall(self, offx, offy): """ Create a list of wall tuples ( format ) Parameters ---------- offx offy Returns ------- walls : list of wall tuples (Transit format) Examples -------- >>> from pylayers.gis.layout import * >>> L = Layout('DLR.lay') >>> walls = L.thwall(0,0) """ keyn = list(dict(self.Gs.node).keys()) walls = [] for nd in keyn: if nd > 0: #v1.1 nb = self.Gs.neighbors(nd) nb = list(dict(self.Gs[nd]).keys()) pta = self.Gs.pos[nb[0]] phe = self.Gs.pos[nb[1]] pn = self.Gs.node[nd]['norm'] name = self.Gs.node[nd]['name'] transition = self.Gs.node[nd]['transition'] sl =[name] thick = sum(sl['lthick']) p1 = np.array(pta) + \ np.array((pn[0], pn[1])) * thick / 2. + \ np.array([offx, offy]) p2 = np.array(phe) + \ np.array((pn[0], pn[1])) * thick / 2. + \ np.array([offx, offy]) p3 = np.array(phe) - \ np.array((pn[0], pn[1])) * thick / 2. + \ np.array([offx, offy]) p4 = np.array(pta) - \ np.array((pn[0], pn[1])) * thick / 2. + \ np.array([offx, offy]) wall = (tuple(p1), tuple(p2), tuple(p3), tuple(p4)) if not transition and name != 'AIR': walls.append(wall) return(walls)
[docs] def ptin(self, pt=np.array((0, 0, 0))): """ check if a point is in the Layout Parameters ---------- pt : point (ndarray) Returns ------- boolean : True if inside See Also -------- ispoint """ pt = pt[:2] x = np.array(([:2])) y = np.array(([2:])) # being in [xmin xmax] c0 = pt[0] <= x[1] and pt[0] >= x[0] # being in [ymin ymax] c1 = pt[1] <= y[1] and pt[1] >= y[0] return (c0 & c1)
[docs] def ptGs2cy(self, n=-1): """ Gs node to cycle Parameters ---------- upt : point (ndarray) Returns ------- ncy : cycle number Notes ----- If a cycle contains the Gs pointt this function returns the cycle(s) number """ if n > 0: return self.Gs.node[n]['ncycles'] else: nseg = list(dict(self.Gs[n]).keys()) cy = [] for nn in nseg: cy.extend(self.ptGs2cy(nn)) cy = np.unique(cy).tolist() return cy
[docs] def isindoor(self,pt=np.array([0,0])): """ test if a point is indoor Parameters ---------- pt : np.array 1x2 2d point Returns ------- b1 : boolean True if indoor """ cy = self.pt2cy(pt) b1 = self.Gt.node[cy]['indoor'] return b1
[docs] def pt2cy(self, pt=np.array((0, 0))): """ point to cycle Parameters ---------- pt : point (ndarray) Returns ------- ncy : cycle number Notes ----- If a cycle contains point pt this function returns the cycle number See Also -------- Layout.cy2pt """ ptsh = sh.Point(pt[0], pt[1]) cycle_exists = False for ncy in list(dict(self.Gt.node).keys()): if ncy > 0: criter1 = self.Gt.node[ncy]['polyg'].touches(ptsh) criter2 = self.Gt.node[ncy]['polyg'].contains(ptsh) if (criter1 or criter2): cycle_exists = True return(ncy) if not cycle_exists: raise NameError(str(pt) + " is not in any cycle")
[docs] def cy2pt(self, cy=0, h=1.2): """returns a point into a given cycle Parameters ---------- cy : int cycle number h : float point height Returns ------- point : nd.array 3d point See Also -------- Layout.pt2cy """ if cy in self.Gt.nodes(): pt = np.array((self.Gt.pos[cy])) pt = np.hstack((pt, h)) return(pt) else: raise NameError("cycle " + str(cy) + " not in self.Gt")
[docs] def pt2ro(self, pt=np.array((0, 0))): """ point to room Parameters ---------- pt : point (ndarray) Returns ------- nr : Room number Notes ----- If a room contains point pt this function returns the room number """ ptsh = sh.Point(pt[0], pt[1]) ptshinroom = False for nr in list(dict(self.Gr.node.keys())): if self.Gr.node[nr]['polyg'].contains(ptsh)\ or self.Gr.node[nr]['polyg'].touches(ptsh): ptshinroom = True return(nr) if not ptshinroom: raise NameError(str(pt) + " is not in any room")
[docs] def seg2ro(self, seg): """ return room number of a point Parameters ---------- seg : int Returns ------- nr : Room number Notes ----- If a room contains point pt this function returns the room number """ rooms = [] for nr in list(dict(self.Gr.node.keys())): # if seg in self.Gt.node[self.Gr.node[nr]['cycle']]['vnodes']: ncy = self.Gr.node[nr]['cycle'] if seg in self.Gt.node[ncy]['cycle'].cycle: rooms.append(nr) return rooms
[docs] def room2segments(self, room): """ returns the segments of a room Parameters ---------- room : int Returns ------- seg : list """ try: # old vnodes was there ncy = self.Gr.node[room]['cycle'] seg = self.Gt.node[ncy].cycle except: raise NameError(str(room) + " is not in not on Gr") u = np.where(seg >= 0) seg = seg[u] return np.sort(seg.tolist())
[docs] def room2nodes(self, room): """ returns the nodes of a room Parameters ---------- room : int Returns ------- nod : sorted list """ try: ncy = self.Gr.node[room]['cycle'] nod = self.Gt.node[ncy].cycle #nod = self.Gt.node[self.Gr.node[room]['cycle']]['vnodes'] except: raise NameError(str(room) + " is not in not on Gr") u = np.where(nod < 0) nod = nod[u] return np.sort(nod.tolist())
[docs] def get_diffslab(self,npt,lz): """ get the 2 slabs associated to a diffraction point Parameters ---------- lnpt : diffraction point numbers (node of Gs) lz : array of candidate heights of the diffraction point Notes ----- As a diffraction point may involve iso segments the nature of the diffraction interaction depends on a height parameter This function extacts the couple of slab from this information Returns ------- - a list of 2-segments . the length of this list == length of lz - a list of slab tuples. the length of this list == length of lz [[443, 529], [444, 530]] [['WALL', 'WALL'], ['AIR', 'AIR']] """ assert(npt in self.ddiff), logger.error('npt not a diffraction point') lcy = self.ddiff[npt][0] ls = [] llz = len(lz) dz_seg= {z:[] for z in range(llz)} dz_sl= {z:[] for z in range(llz)} for cy in lcy: vn = set(self.Gt.node[cy]['polyg'].vnodes) # v1.1 lneig_pt = set(nx.neighbors(self.Gs,npt)) lneig_pt = set(self.Gs[npt]) lseg = lneig_pt.intersection(vn) lseg_valid = [ x for x in lseg if self.Gs.node[x]['name']!='_AIR'] for x in lseg_valid: zsup = lz >self.Gs.node[x]['z'][0] zinf = lz <=self.Gs.node[x]['z'][1] z = zsup & zinf uz = np.where(z)[0] # fill dz_seg at the correct height with a lseg_valid # and simulnaneously # fill dz_sl at the correct height with correspondong slab [(dz_seg[i].append(x),dz_sl[i].append(self.Gs.node[x]['name'])) for i in uz] return dz_seg.values(),dz_sl.values()
def _find_diffractions(self, difftol=0.01,verbose = False,tqdmkwargs={}): """ find diffractions points of the Layout Parameters ---------- difftol : float tolerance in radians Returns ------- Update self.ddiff {nseg : ([ncy1,ncy2],wedge_angle)} """ # dangles = self.get_Gt_angles() # # Problem here point number are converted into float64 if tqdmkwargs=={}: tqdmkwargs={'total':100., 'desc':'find_diffractions'} dangles = {cy: np.array(geu.get_pol_angles(self.Gt.node[cy]['polyg'])) for cy in self.Gt.nodes() if cy != 0} # # The candidate points for being diffraction points have degree 1 or 2 # A point diffracts toward one or several cycles # #ldiff = list(np.hstack(([1],[2])).astype('int')) lpnt = [x for x in self.Gs.node if (x < 0 and x not in[0])] self.ddiff = {} if verbose : cpt = 1./(len(lpnt)+1) pbar = tqdm.tqdm(tqdmkwargs) for k in lpnt: if verbose : pbar.update(100.*cpt) # list of cycles associated with point k lcyk = self.Gs.node[k]['ncycles'] if len(lcyk) > 2: # Subgraph of connected cycles around k Gtk = nx.subgraph(self.Gt, lcyk) # ordered list of connections between cycles try: lccyk = nx.find_cycle(Gtk) except: pdb.set_trace() # list of segment neighbours neigh = list(dict(self.Gs[k]).keys()) # sega : list of air segment in neighors sega = [n for n in neigh if (self.Gs.node[n]['name'] == 'AIR' or self.Gs.node[n]['name'] == '_AIR')] sega_iso = [n for n in sega if len(self.Gs.node[n]['iso']) > 0] sega_eff = list(set(sega).difference(set(sega_iso))) nsector = len(neigh) - len(sega) dsector = {i: [] for i in range(nsector)} # # team building algo # ct = 0 # if k ==-44: # pdb.set_trace() for ccy in lccyk: #segsep = self.Gt[ccy[0]][ccy[1]]['segment'][0] segsep = self.Gt[ccy[0]][ccy[1]]['segment'] # filter only segments connected to point k (neigh) lvseg = [x for x in segsep if x in neigh] if len(lvseg) == 1 and (lvseg[0] in sega_eff): # same sector dsector[ct].append(ccy[1]) else: # change sector ct = (ct + 1) % nsector dsector[ct].append(ccy[1]) # typslab = self.Gs.node[segsep]['name'] # if (typslab=='AIR' or typslab=='_AIR'): # same sector # dsector[ct].append(ccy[1]) # else: # change sector # ct=(ct+1)%nsector # dsector[ct].append(ccy[1]) # lcy2.append(ccy[1]) # lcy1,lcy2 = lcy2,lcy1 dagtot = {s: 0 for s in range(nsector)} save = [] for s in dsector: for cy in dsector[s]: da = dangles[cy] u = np.where(da[0, :].astype('int') == k)[0][0] save.append((cy, da[1, u])) dagtot[s] = dagtot[s] + da[1, u] for s in dagtot: if dagtot[s] > (np.pi + difftol): self.ddiff[k] = (dsector[s], dagtot[s]) break # if agtot1 > (np.pi+tol): # self.ddiff[k]=(lcy1,agtot1) # elif 2*np.pi-agtot1 > (np.pi+tol): # self.ddiff[k]=(lcy2,2*np.pi-agtot1) else: # diffraction by half-plane detected if k in[1]: self.ddiff[k] = (lcyk, 2 * np.pi)
[docs] def buildGr(self): """ build the graph of rooms Gr Notes ----- adjascent rooms are connected Gr is at startup a deep copy of Gt The difficulty here is to take into account the AIR transition segments """ self.Gr = copy.deepcopy(self.Gt) self.Gr.remove_node(0) self.Gr.remove_edges_from(self.Gt.edges()) for e in list(self.Gt.edges()): if ((not 0 in e) and (self.Gt.node[e[0]]['indoor']) and (self.Gt.node[e[1]]['indoor']) ): seg = self.Gt[e[0]][e[1]]['segment'] seg = np.unique(seg) trans_seg = [n for n in seg if (self.Gs.node[n]['transition']) and n not in self.segboundary] if trans_seg != []: self.Gr.add_edge(e[0],e[1],segment=trans_seg) deg = dict( #pdb.set_trace() self.Gr.remove_nodes_from([n for n in deg if deg[n] == 0])
[docs] def buildGw(self): """ build Graph of waypaths See Also -------- buildGr Notes ----- for all edges of Gr (adjascent room) if room1 and room2 have a common transition """ self.Gw = nx.Graph(name='Gw') self.Gw.pos = {} d_id = max(self.Gr.nodes()) # for numerotation of Gw nodes d_id_index = d_id + 1 for e in self.Gr.edges(): # iterator on Gr edges self.Gw.add_node(e[0], room=e[0], door=False) self.Gw.add_node(e[1], room=e[1], door= False) # transitions of room e[0] # trans1 = self.Gr.node[e[0]]['segment'] # # transitions of room e[1] # trans2 = self.Gr.node[e[1]]['segment'] # Id = np.intersect1d(trans1, trans2)[0] # list of common doors # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() Ids = self.Gr[e[0]][e[1]]['segment'] # here is supposed that 2 room may have more than 1 door in common for Id in Ids: #v1.1 unode = self.Gs.neighbors(Id) # get edge number of common doors unode = list(dict(self.Gs[Id]).keys()) # get edge number of common doors up0 = self.Gs.pos[unode[0]] up1 = self.Gs.pos[unode[1]] name = self.Gs.node[Id]['name'] pn = self.Gs.node[Id]['norm'] sl =[name] thick = (sum(sl['lthick']) / 2.) + 0.2 # for ""doors"" extra waypoints points are added # in front and back of the aperture. # this is not done for AIR slabs if 'AIR' not in name: # middle of the common door pdoor0 = (np.array(up0) + pn[:2] * thick + np.array(up1) + pn[:2] * thick) / 2. pdoor1 = (np.array(up0) - pn[:2] * thick + np.array(up1) - pn[:2] * thick) / 2. P0 = sh.Point(pdoor0) P1 = sh.Point(pdoor1) ep0 = self.Gr.pos[e[0]] ep1 = self.Gr.pos[e[1]] if self.Gr.node[e[0]]['polyg'].contains(P0): upd0 = d_id_index self.Gw.pos[upd0] = pdoor0 self.Gw.add_node(upd0, room=e[0], door=True) # if self.seginline(pdoor0,ep0).shape[1] <= 1: self.Gw.add_edges_from([(e[0],upd0)]) d_id_index = d_id_index + 1 upd1 = d_id_index self.Gw.pos[upd1] = pdoor1 self.Gw.add_node(upd1, room=e[1], door=True) # if self.seginline(pdoor1,ep1).shape[1] <= 1: self.Gw.add_edges_from([(e[1],upd1)]) d_id_index = d_id_index + 1 else: upd0 = d_id_index self.Gw.pos[upd0] = pdoor0 self.Gw.add_node(upd0, room=e[1], door=True) # if self.seginline(pdoor0,ep1).shape[1] <= 1: self.Gw.add_edges_from([(e[1],upd0)]) d_id_index = d_id_index + 1 upd1 = d_id_index self.Gw.pos[upd1] = pdoor1 self.Gw.add_node(upd1, room=e[0], door=True) # if self.seginline(pdoor1,ep0).shape[1] <= 1: self.Gw.add_edges_from([(e[0],upd1)]) d_id_index = d_id_index + 1 self.Gw.add_edges_from([(upd0, upd1)]) else: self.Gw.add_edges_from([(e[0],e[1])]) self.Gw.pos.update(self.Gr.pos)
[docs] def info(self): """ gives information about the Layout """ print("filestr : ", self._filename) # print("filematini : ", self.filematini) # print("fileslabini : ", self.fileslabini) try: print("filegeom : ", self.filegeom) except: print("geomfile (.off) has no been generated") # self.boundary() print("boundaries ", print("number of Points :", self.Np) print("number of Segments :", self.Ns) print("number of Sub-Segments :", self.Nss) try: print("Gs Nodes : ", self.Gs.number_of_nodes()) print("Gs Edges : ", self.Gs.number_of_edges()) except: print("no Gs graph") try: print("Gt Nodes : ", self.Gt.number_of_nodes()) print("Gt Edges : ", self.Gt.number_of_edges()) print("vnodes = Gt.node[Nc]['polyg'].vnodes") print("poly = Gt.node[Nc]['polyg']") except: print("no Gt graph") try: print("Gr Nodes :", self.Gr.number_of_nodes()) print("Gr Edges :", self.Gr.number_of_edges()) except: print("no Gr graph")
[docs] def facets3D(self, edlist, name='Layer', subseg=False): """ create facet 3D for geomview Parameters ---------- edlist name : string subseg : boolean """ filename = name + '.list' filestruc = pyu.getlong(filename, pro.pstruc['DIRGEOM']) fos = open(filestruc, "w") fos.write("LIST{\n") for e in edlist: filename = self.facet3D(e, subseg) if filename == 'void': pass else: chaine = '{<' + filename + "}\n" fos.write(chaine) fos.write("}\n") fos.close()
[docs] def numseg(self, ta, he, first=True): """ get segment number from 2 points index Parameters ---------- ta : int <0 he : int <0 first : Boolean if True returns only one among the several iso segments else returns a np.array of iso segments Returns ------- nseg : > 0 if 0 not a segment """ # v1.1 nta = np.array(nx.neighbors(self.Gs, ta)) # v1.1 nhe = np.array(nx.neighbors(self.Gs, he)) nta = np.array(list(dict(self.Gs[ta]).keys())) nhe = np.array(list(dict(self.Gs[he]).keys())) nseg = np.intersect1d(nta, nhe) if len(nseg > 0): if first: return(nseg[0]) else: return nseg else: return(0)
[docs] def isseg(self, ta, he): """ test if ta<->he is a segment Parameters ---------- ta : int <0 he : int <0 Returns ------- boolean See Also -------- """ # transpose point numbering upnt = [ x for x in self.Gs.nodes() if x < 0 ] ta = np.nonzero(np.array(upnt) == ta)[0][0] he = np.nonzero(np.array(upnt) == he)[0][0] res = [x for x in zip(self.tahe[0], self.tahe[1]) if (((x[0] == ta) & (x[1] == he)) | ((x[0] == he) & (x[1] == ta))) ] if len(res) > 0: return True else: return False
[docs] def ispoint(self, pt, tol=0.05): """ check if pt is a point of the Layout Parameters ---------- pt : point (2,1) tol : float default (0.05 meters) if True the point number (<0) is returned else 0 is return Returns ------- pt : point number if point exists 0 otherwise See Also -------- pylayers.util.geomutil.Polygon.setvnodes """ # print"ispoint : pt ", pt pts = np.array(list(self.Gs.pos.values())).T ke = np.array(list(self.Gs.pos.keys())) diff = pts - pt.reshape(2, 1) v = np.sqrt(np.sum(diff * diff, axis=0)) nz = (v > tol) b = if b == 1: # if all layout points are different from pt #return(0,np.min(v)) return(0) else: nup = np.where(nz == False)[0] if len(nup) == 1: return(ke[nup][0]) else: mi = np.where(min(v[nup]) == v[nup])[0] return(ke[nup[mi]][0])
[docs] def onseg(self, pt, tol=0.01): """ segment number from point (deprecated) return segment number which contains point pt Parameters ---------- pt np.array(1x2) tol = 0.01 tolerance """ pts = np.array(self.Gs.pos.values()).T # structure points ke = np.array(list(dict(self.Gs.pos).keys())) # point keys n = np.shape(pts)[1] nbu = np.array([]) if (n > 0): num = np.arange(n) # b = self.inbox(pt, tol) ta = self.tahe[0, b] he = self.tahe[1, b] nb = num[b] n = len(nb) p = np.outer(pt, np.ones(n)) # printta v1 = p - pts[:, ta] v2 = pts[:, he] - p nv1 = np.sqrt(v1[0, :] * v1[0, :] + v1[1, :] * v1[1, :]) nv2 = np.sqrt(v2[0, :] * v2[0, :] + v2[1, :] * v2[1, :]) v1n = v1 / nv1 v2n = v2 / nv2 ps = v1n[0, :] * v2n[0, :] + v1n[1, :] * v2n[1, :] u = abs(1. - ps) < tol nbu = nb[u] return nbu
[docs] def facet3D(self, e, subseg=False): """ calculate 3D facet from segment Parameters --------- s : int segment number subseg : boolean default False """ P1 = np.array(np.zeros(3), dtype=np.float64) P2 = np.array(np.zeros(3), dtype=np.float64) P3 = np.array(np.zeros(3), dtype=np.float64) P4 = np.array(np.zeros(3), dtype=np.float64) # v1.1 nebr = self.Gs.neighbors(s) nebr = list(dict(self.Gs[s]).keys()) n1 = nebr[0] n2 = nebr[1] P1[0:2] = np.array(self.Gs.pos[n1]) P1[2] = self.Gs.node[s]['z'][0] P2[0:2] = np.array(self.Gs.pos[n2]) P2[2] = self.Gs.node[s]['z'][0] P3[0:2] = np.array(self.Gs.pos[n2]) P3[2] = self.Gs.node[s]['z'][1] P4[0:2] = np.array(self.Gs.pos[n1]) P4[2] = self.Gs.node[s]['z'][1] cold = pyu.coldict() if subseg: nsseg = len(self.Gs.node[s]['ss_name']) else: nsseg = 0 filename = 'fa' + str(s) + '.off' filestruc = pyu.getlong(filename, pro.pstruc['DIRGEOM']) fos = open(filestruc, "w") fos.write("OFF\n") fos.write("%d %d \n\n" % (1 + (nsseg + 1) * 4, nsseg + 1)) fos.write("0.000 0.000 0.000\n") if subseg: try: for k, name in enumerate(self.Gs.node[s]['ss_name']): P1[2] = self.Gs.node[s]['ss_z'][k][0] P2[2] = self.Gs.node[s]['ss_z'][k][0] P3[2] = self.Gs.node[s]['ss_z'][k][1] P4[2] = self.Gs.node[s]['ss_z'][k][1] fos.write("%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f \n" % (P1[0], P1[1], P1[2])) fos.write("%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f \n" % (P2[0], P2[1], P2[2])) fos.write("%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f \n" % (P3[0], P3[1], P3[2])) fos.write("%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f \n" % (P4[0], P4[1], P4[2])) except: print('no subsegment on ', s) return('void') else: name = self.Gs.node[s]['name'] fos.write("%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f \n" % (P1[0], P1[1], P1[2])) fos.write("%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f \n" % (P2[0], P2[1], P2[2])) fos.write("%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f \n" % (P3[0], P3[1], P3[2])) fos.write("%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f \n" % (P4[0], P4[1], P4[2])) if subseg: for k, name in enumerate(self.Gs.node[s]['ss_name']): colname = sl[name]['color'] colhex = cold[colname] col = pyu.rgb(colhex) / 255. fos.write("4 %i %i %i %i %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f 0.4\n" % (1 + 4 * k, 2 + 4 * k, 3 + 4 * k, 4 + 4 * k, col[0], col[1], col[2])) else: name = self.Gs.node[s]['name'] colname = sl[name]['color'] colhex = cold[colname] col = pyu.rgb(colhex) / 255. fos.write("4 %i %i %i %i %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f 0.4\n" % (1, 2, 3, 4, col[0], col[1], col[2])) return(filename)
[docs] def geomfile(self, centered=False): """ create a .off geomview file Parameters ---------- centered : Boolean if True the layout is centered around its center of gravity Notes ----- The `.off` file can be vizualized through the show3 method Examples -------- >>> from pylayers.gis.layout import * >>> L = Layout('DLR.lay') >>> pg = L.geomfile() """ # calculate center of gravity if centered: pg = np.sum(, axis=1) / np.shape([1] else: pg = np.array([0, 0]) # en = self.Ns # number of segments en = len(np.where(np.array(list(dict(self.Gs.node).keys())) > 0)[0]) if en != self.Ns: logger.warning("wrong number of segments, consistency problem in layout") #cen = self.Nss # d : dictionnary of layout sub segments # d = self.subseg() cen = 0 for k in d: lss = d[k] cen = cen + len(lss) if cen != self.Nss: logger.warning("wrong number of subsegments, consistency problem in layout") sl = # # Create a polygon for each segment and subsegment # P1 = np.array(np.zeros([3, en + cen], dtype=np.float64)) P2 = np.array(np.zeros([3, en + cen], dtype=np.float64)) P3 = np.array(np.zeros([3, en + cen], dtype=np.float64)) P4 = np.array(np.zeros([3, en + cen], dtype=np.float64)) ik = 0 dikn = {} for i in list(dict(self.Gs.node).keys()): if i > 0: # segment if ((self.Gs.node[i]['name'] != 'AIR') and (self.Gs.node[i]['name'] != '_AIR')): #v1.1 nebr = self.Gs.neighbors(i) nebr = list(dict(self.Gs[i]).keys()) n1 = nebr[0] n2 = nebr[1] P1[0:2, ik] = np.array(self.Gs.pos[n1]) - pg P1[2, ik] = self.Gs.node[i]['z'][0] P2[0:2, ik] = np.array(self.Gs.pos[n2]) - pg P2[2, ik] = self.Gs.node[i]['z'][0] P3[0:2, ik] = np.array(self.Gs.pos[n2]) - pg P3[2, ik] = self.Gs.node[i]['z'][1] P4[0:2, ik] = np.array(self.Gs.pos[n1]) - pg P4[2, ik] = self.Gs.node[i]['z'][1] dikn[ik] = i ik = ik + 1 else: en = en - 1 # d = self.subseg() # k : ss_name v: seg number cpt = 0 subseg = {} # pdb.set_trace() for k in d.keys(): for l in d[k]: ids = l[0] subseg[cpt] = ids order = l[1] cpt = cpt + 1 # v1.1 nebr = self.Gs.neighbors(l[0]) nebr = list(dict(self.Gs[l[0]]).keys()) n1 = nebr[0] n2 = nebr[1] # printik,n1,n2 P1[0:2, ik] = np.array(self.Gs.pos[n1]) - pg P1[2, ik] = self.Gs.node[ids]['ss_z'][order][0] # printP1[:,ik] P2[0:2, ik] = np.array(self.Gs.pos[n2]) - pg P2[2, ik] = self.Gs.node[ids]['ss_z'][order][0] # printP2[:,ik] P3[0:2, ik] = np.array(self.Gs.pos[n2]) - pg P3[2, ik] = self.Gs.node[ids]['ss_z'][order][1] # printP3[:,ik] P4[0:2, ik] = np.array(self.Gs.pos[n1]) - pg P4[2, ik] = self.Gs.node[ids]['ss_z'][order][1] # printP4[:,ik] dikn[ik] = l ik = ik + 1 npt = 4 * (en + cen) _filename, ext = os.path.splitext(self._filename) _filegeom = _filename + '.off' self.filegeom = _filegeom filegeom = pyu.getlong(_filegeom, pro.pstruc['DIRGEOM']) fos = open(filegeom, "w") fos.write("OFF\n") fos.write("%d %d \n\n" % (npt + 1, en + cen)) fos.write("0.000 0.000 0.000\n") for i in range(en + cen): fos.write("%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f \n" % (P1[0, i], P1[1, i], P1[2, i])) fos.write("%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f \n" % (P2[0, i], P2[1, i], P2[2, i])) fos.write("%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f \n" % (P3[0, i], P3[1, i], P3[2, i])) fos.write("%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f \n" % (P4[0, i], P4[1, i], P4[2, i])) cold = pyu.coldict() # ke = cold.keys() # for i in range(en + cen): q = 4 * i if i < en: #ne = i + 1 ne = dikn[i] name = self.Gs.node[ne]['name'] else: ne = dikn[i][0] order = dikn[i][1] #nss = i - en ##ne = subseg[nss] name = self.Gs.node[ne]['ss_name'][order] # if (i<en): # name =[i] # else: # core = self.ce[subseg[i-en]][0] # name = sl.di[core] colname = sl[name]['color'] colhex = cold[colname] col = pyu.rgb(colhex) / 255. fos.write("4 %i %i %i %i %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f 0.4\n" % (q + 1, q + 2, q + 3, q + 4, col[0], col[1], col[2])) fos.close() return pg
def _show3(self, centered=False, newfig=False, opacity=1., ceil_opacity=1., show_ceil=False, cyid=False, **kwargs): """ mayavi 3D vizualisation Parameters ---------- newfig : Boolean create a new mayavi Figure opacity : float ([0,1]) set slab opacity ceil_opacity : float centered : Boolean if True the layout is centered around its center of gravity cyid : boolean display cycle number show_ceil: boolean display ceil or not Notes ----- The `.off` file can be vizualized through the show3 method Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> from pylayers.gis.layout import * >>> L = Layout() """ # # calculate center of gravity of the layout # if centered: pg = np.sum(, axis=1) / np.shape([1] else: pg = np.array([0, 0]) # en = self.Ns # number of segments en = len(np.where(np.array(list(dict(self.Gs.node).keys())) > 0)[0]) if en != self.Ns: logger.warning( "wrong number of segment consistency problem in layout") #cen = self.Nss # d : dictionnary of layout sub segments # d = self.subseg() cen = 0 for k in d: lss = d[k] cen = cen + len(lss) if cen != self.Nss: logger.warning( "wrong number of subsegment consistency problem in layout") sl = # # Create a 3D polygon for each segment and subsegment # P1 = np.array(np.zeros([3, en + cen], dtype=np.float64)) P2 = np.array(np.zeros([3, en + cen], dtype=np.float64)) P3 = np.array(np.zeros([3, en + cen], dtype=np.float64)) P4 = np.array(np.zeros([3, en + cen], dtype=np.float64)) ik = 0 dikn = {} # # segments which are not _AIR or AIR # for i in list(dict(self.Gs.node).keys()): if i > 0: # segment if ((self.Gs.node[i]['name'] != 'AIR') and (self.Gs.node[i]['name'] != '_AIR')): #v1.1 nebr = self.Gs.neighbors(i) nebr = list(dict(self.Gs[i]).keys()) n1 = nebr[0] n2 = nebr[1] P1[0:2, ik] = np.array(self.Gs.pos[n1]) - pg P1[2, ik] = self.Gs.node[i]['z'][0] P2[0:2, ik] = np.array(self.Gs.pos[n1]) - pg P2[2, ik] = self.Gs.node[i]['z'][1] P3[0:2, ik] = np.array(self.Gs.pos[n2]) - pg P3[2, ik] = self.Gs.node[i]['z'][1] P4[0:2, ik] = np.array(self.Gs.pos[n2]) - pg P4[2, ik] = self.Gs.node[i]['z'][0] dikn[ik] = i ik = ik + 1 else: en = en - 1 # d = self.subseg() # k : ss_name v: seg number cpt = 0 subseg = {} for k in d.keys(): for l in d[k]: ids = l[0] subseg[cpt] = ids order = l[1] cpt = cpt + 1 # v1.1 nebr = self.Gs.neighbors(l[0]) nebr = list(dict(self.Gs[l[0]]).keys()) n1 = nebr[0] n2 = nebr[1] # printik,n1,n2 P1[0:2, ik] = np.array(self.Gs.pos[n1]) - pg P1[2, ik] = self.Gs.node[ids]['ss_z'][order][0] # printP1[:,ik] P2[0:2, ik] = np.array(self.Gs.pos[n2]) - pg P2[2, ik] = self.Gs.node[ids]['ss_z'][order][0] # printP2[:,ik] P3[0:2, ik] = np.array(self.Gs.pos[n2]) - pg P3[2, ik] = self.Gs.node[ids]['ss_z'][order][1] # printP3[:,ik] P4[0:2, ik] = np.array(self.Gs.pos[n1]) - pg P4[2, ik] = self.Gs.node[ids]['ss_z'][order][1] # printP4[:,ik] dikn[ik] = l ik = ik + 1 npt = 4 * (en + cen) npt_s = (en + cen) points = np.hstack((P1[:, 0:npt_s], P2[:, 0:npt_s])) points = np.hstack((points, P3[:, 0:npt_s])) points = np.hstack((points, P4[:, 0:npt_s])) points = points.T boxes = np.empty((int(npt / 4), 4), dtype='int') b = np.arange(int(npt / 4)) boxes[:, 0] = b boxes[:, 1] = b + npt_s boxes[:, 2] = b + 2 * npt_s boxes[:, 3] = b + 3 * npt_s # _filename,ext = os.path.splitext(self._filename) # _filegeom = _filename+'.off' # self.filegeom=_filegeom # filegeom = pyu.getlong(_filegeom, pro.pstruc['DIRGEOM']) # fos = open(filegeom, "w") # fos.write("OFF\n") # fos.write("%d %d \n\n" % (npt + 1, en + cen)) # fos.write("0.000 0.000 0.000\n") # for i in range(en + cen): # fos.write("%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f \n" % (P1[0, i], P1[1, i], P1[2, i])) # fos.write("%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f \n" % (P2[0, i], P2[1, i], P2[2, i])) # fos.write("%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f \n" % (P3[0, i], P3[1, i], P3[2, i])) # fos.write("%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f \n" % (P4[0, i], P4[1, i], P4[2, i])) cold = pyu.coldict() color = np.zeros((4 * (cen + en), 3)) for i in range(en + cen): # q = 4 * i if i < en: ne = dikn[i] name = self.Gs.node[ne]['name'] else: ne = dikn[i][0] order = dikn[i][1] name = self.Gs.node[ne]['ss_name'][order] colname = sl[name]['color'] colhex = cold[colname] color[i, :] = pyu.rgb(colhex) color[i + npt_s, :] = pyu.rgb(colhex) color[i + 2 * npt_s, :] = pyu.rgb(colhex) color[i + 3 * npt_s, :] = pyu.rgb(colhex) colname = sl['FLOOR']['color'] colhex = cold[colname] colf = np.repeat((pyu.rgb(colhex))[np.newaxis, :], 4, axis=0) color = np.vstack((color, colf)) # trick for correcting color assignement sc = tvtk.UnsignedCharArray() sc.from_array(color) # manage floor # if Gt doesn't exists try: # z=np.ones([1]) z = np.zeros([1]) F = np.vstack((, z)) tri = np.arange(len(z)) meshf = tvtk.PolyData(points=F.T, polys=np.array([tri])) meshf.point_data.scalars = sc = 'scalars' surff = mlab.pipeline.surface(meshf, opacity=opacity) mlab.pipeline.surface(mlab.pipeline.extract_edges(surff), color=(0, 0, 0), ) # otherwise except: floorx = np.array((points[:, 0].min(), points[:, 0].max())) floory = np.array((points[:, 1].min(), points[:, 1].max())) zmin = np.min(points[:, 2]) Pf = np.array([floorx[0], floory[0], zmin]) Pf = np.vstack((Pf, np.array([floorx[0], floory[1], zmin]))) Pf = np.vstack((Pf, np.array([floorx[1], floory[1], zmin]))) Pf = np.vstack((Pf, np.array([floorx[1], floory[0], zmin]))) points = np.vstack((points, Pf)) bf = np.arange(npt, npt + 4) boxes = np.vstack((boxes, bf)) mesh = tvtk.PolyData(points=points, polys=boxes) mesh.point_data.scalars = sc = 'scalars' if newfig: mlab.clf() f = mlab.figure(bgcolor=(1, 1, 1)) else: f = mlab.gcf() f.scene.background = (1, 1, 1) f.scene.disable_render = True surf = mlab.pipeline.surface(mesh, opacity=opacity) mlab.pipeline.surface(mlab.pipeline.extract_edges(surf), color=(0, 0, 0), ) f.children[-1].name = 'Layout ' + self._filename if show_ceil == True: if len(self.Gt.nodes()) != 0: uin = [kn for kn in self.Gt.nodes() if self.Gt.node[kn] ['indoor'] == True] ptc = np.ndarray(shape=(3, 0)) boxc = np.ndarray(shape=(0, 3)) cpt = 0 for u in uin: p = self.Gt.node[u]['polyg'] no = self.Gt.node[u]['polyg'].vnodes[ self.Gt.node[u]['polyg'].vnodes > 0] for n in no: if self.Gs.node[n]['z'][1] != 40000000: h = self.Gs.node[n]['z'][1] break vert = {"vertices": np.array(p.exterior.xy).T} dt = triangle.triangulate(vert) nbpt = len(dt['vertices']) pt = np.vstack((dt['vertices'].T, [h] * nbpt)) box = dt['triangles'] # if u == 114: # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() # box = np.roll(box,1,1) ptc = np.hstack((ptc, pt)) boxc = np.vstack((boxc, box + cpt)) cpt = cpt + nbpt # if box.shape[0] == 2 : # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() # print(cpt,nbpt) # print(box) # print(pt) # break # manage Ceil color colname = sl['CEIL']['color'] colhex = cold[colname] colf = np.repeat((pyu.rgb(colhex))[np.newaxis, :], cpt, axis=0) # color = np.vstack((color, colf)) color=colf # trick for correcting color assignement sc = tvtk.UnsignedCharArray() sc.from_array(color) meshc = tvtk.PolyData(points=ptc.T, polys=boxc) meshc.point_data.scalars = sc = 'scalars' mlab.pipeline.surface( meshc, opacity=ceil_opacity, reset_zoom=False) # ptc = # ptcxy = np.array([self.Gt.node[u]['polyg'].exterior.xy[0],self.Gt.node[u]['polyg'].exterior.xy[1]]) # ptcz = [self.Gs.node[self.Gt.node[u]['polyg'].vnodes[1]]['z'][1]]*len(self.Gt.node[u]['polyg'].exterior.xy[0]) # ptc = np.vstack((ptcxy,ptcz)) # nbpt = ptc.shape[1] # pdb # ceil = tvtk.PolyData(points=ptc.T, polys=np.arange(nbpt).reshape(1,nbpt)) # surf2 = mlab.pipeline.surface(ceil, opacity=opacity) # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() if cyid: if len(self.Gt.nodes()) > 0: pk = self.Gt.pos.keys() v = np.array(self.Gt.pos.values()) [mlab.text3d(v[ik, 0], v[ik, 1], 0.5, str(k)) for ik, k in enumerate(pk)] # if segpt: # seg = dict(filter(lambda x: x[0]>0,self.Gs.pos.items())) # pt = dict(filter(lambda x: x[0]<0,self.Gs.pos.items())) # pseg = np.array(seg.values()) # ppt = np.array(pt.values()) # [mlab.text3d(pseg[ik,0],pseg[ik,1],0.5,str(k)) for ik,k in enumerate(seg)] # [mlab.text3d(ppt[ik,0],ppt[ik,1],3.,str(k)) for ik,k in enumerate(pt)] f.scene.disable_render = False return(f)
[docs] def show3(self, bdis=True, centered=True): """ geomview display of the indoor structure Parameters ---------- bdis boolean (default True) boolean display (call geowview if True) centered : boolean if True center the layout before display """ pg = self.geomfile(centered=centered) filename = pyu.getlong(self.filegeom, pro.pstruc['DIRGEOM']) if (bdis): #chaine = "geomview -nopanel -b 1 1 1 " + filename + " 2>/dev/null &" chaine = "geomview -b 1 1 1 " + filename + " 2>/dev/null &" os.system(chaine) else: return(filename) return(pg)
[docs] def signature(self, iTx, iRx): """ Determine signature between node iTx and node iRx Parameters ---------- cy1 : int source cycle cy2 : int target cycle Returns ------- sigarr : signature : Warnings -------- This a temporary function There is some algorithmic work to find the best way to determine signature T4 : limit the ndt to only edges and nodes in visibility from Tx """ # Here we take all the vnodes >0 from the room # # Practically those list of nodes should depend on pTx , pRx # try: self.Gi except: raise NameError( 'Interaction graph layout.Gi must be build before signature computation') if isinstance(iTx, np.ndarray): NroomTx = self.pt2ro(iTx) elif isinstance(iTx, int): NroomTx = iTx else: raise NameError('iTx must be an array or a room number') if isinstance(iRx, np.ndarray): NroomRx = self.pt2ro(iRx) elif isinstance(iRx, int): NroomRx = iRx else: raise NameError('iRx must be an array or a room number') if not self.Gr.has_node(NroomTx) or not self.Gr.has_node(NroomRx): raise AttributeError('Tx or Rx is not in Gr') # # .. todo:: modifier inter afin de ne pas retenir les points non diffractants # ndt = self.Gt.node[self.Gr.node[NroomTx]['cycle']]['inter'] ndr = self.Gt.node[self.Gr.node[NroomRx]['cycle']]['inter'] sigarr = np.array([]).reshape(2, 0) for nt in ndt: for nr in ndr: addpath = False if (type(nt) != type(nr)): try: path = nx.dijkstra_path(self.Gi, nt, nr) addpath = True except: pass # print'no path between ',nt,nr elif (nt != nr): try: path = nx.dijkstra_path(self.Gi, nt, nr) addpath = True except: pass # print'no path between ',nt,nr else: addpath = True path = [nt] if addpath: sigarr = np.hstack((sigarr, np.array([[0], [0]]))) for interaction in path: it = eval(interaction) if type(it) == tuple: sigarr = np.hstack((sigarr, np.array([[it[0]], [1]]))) elif it < 0: sigarr = np.hstack((sigarr, np.array([[it], [-1]]))) else: sigarr = np.hstack((sigarr, np.array([[it], [2]]))) return sigarr
[docs] def plot(self, **kwargs): """ plot the layout with shapely MultiLineString Parameters --------- show : boolean fig :figure ax : labels : list nodes : boolean Returns ------- fig, ax Examples -------- >>> L= Layout('Munich.lay',bbuild=False) >>> L.plot(show=True) """ #fig = kwargs.pop('fig', plt.gcf()) #ax = kwargs.pop('ax', plt.gca()) fig, ax = plt.subplots(facecolor='none') bnodes = kwargs.pop('bnodes', False) bsegs = kwargs.pop('bsegs', True) ax.axis( fig.canvas.draw() xc = ([0] +[1])/2 yc = ([2] +[3])/2 # if isinstance(labels, bool): # labels = ['s', 't', 'v', 'i', 'w'] # elif isinstance(labels, str): # labels = labels # else: # labels = [] k = list(self.Gs.pos.keys()) v = list(self.Gs.pos.values()) kk = np.array(k) vv = np.array(v) w = [str(x) for x in kk] #if 's' in labels: # [ax.text(vv[i, 0], vv[i, 1], w[i]) for i in range(len(w))] if bnodes: point = ax.scatter([xc], [yc], color=[0,0,1], alpha=1) point.set_offsets(vv) ax.draw_artist(point) #ax.scatter(vv[:, 0], vv[:, 1]) pdb.set_trace() if bsegs: ML = sh.MultiLineString(list(self._shseg.values())) pt = np.array([l.xy for l in ML]) line, = plt.plot(pt[0,0],pt[0,1],color='k') line.set_data(pt) #self.pltlines(ML, color='k', fig=fig, ax=ax) return fig, ax
[docs] def get_Sg_pos(self, sigarr): """ return position of the signatures Parameters ---------- sigarr : signature See Also -------- showSig """ signature = sigarr[0] sposfull = np.zeros((len(signature), 2)) iz = np.nonzero(signature != 0)[0] spos = np.array([self.Gs.pos[i] for i in signature if i != 0]) sposfull[iz, :] = spos return (sposfull)
[docs] def plot_segments(self, lns, **kwargs): """" Parameters ---------- lns *kwargs """ defaults = {'show': False, 'fig': None, 'ax': None, 'color': 'b', 'linewidth': 1} for key, value in defaults.items(): if key not in kwargs: kwargs[key] = value if kwargs['fig'] is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) elif kwargs['ax'] is None: ax = kwargs['fig'].add_subplot(111) else: fig = kwargs['fig'] ax = kwargs['ax'] # v1.1 nth = np.array(map(lambda n: nx.neighbors(self.Gs, n), lns)) nth = np.array(map(lambda n: self.Gs[n], lns)) nt = nth[:, 0] nh = nth[:, 1] # pt : 2 x Ns pt = np.array(map(lambda n: [self.Gs.pos[n][0], self.Gs.pos[n][1]], nt)).T # ph : 2 x Ns ph = np.array(map(lambda n: [self.Gs.pos[n][0], self.Gs.pos[n][1]], nh)).T fig, ax = plu.displot(pt, ph, fig=fig, ax=ax, color=kwargs['color']) return fig, ax
[docs] def showSig(self, sigarr, Tx=None, Rx=None, fig=[], ax=None): """ Show signature Parameters ---------- Tx : np.array (2,1) Transmitter coordinates Rx : np.array (2,1) Receipter coordinates sr : boolean show room signature Returns ------- fig : figure instance ax : axes instance lines : lines instance Examples -------- """ sig = sigarr[0] if fig == []: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) elif ax is None: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) lines = [] ps = self.get_Sg_pos(sigarr) nz = np.nonzero(sig == 0)[0] mask = np.zeros((2, len(sig))) mask[:, nz] = 1 vertices =, mask) lines.extend(ax.plot(vertices[0, :], vertices[1, :], color='k')) if Tx != []: itx = np.unique(sig[nz[1:-1] + 1], return_index=True)[1] itx2 = np.kron(itx, [1, 1]) tx = ps[itx2] tx[range(0, len(tx), 2)] = Tx lines.extend(ax.plot(tx[:, 0], tx[:, 1], color='r')) if Rx != []: irx = np.unique(sig[nz[1:-1] - 1], return_index=True)[1] irx2 = np.kron(irx, [1, 1]) rx = ps[irx2] rx[range(0, len(rx), 2)] = Rx lines.extend(ax.plot(rx[:, 0], rx[:, 1], color='b')) return (fig, ax, lines)
# lines=[] # for s in sig: # l=[self.Gs.pos[s[ii]] for ii in xrange(len(s))] # if Tx!=None and Rx!=None: # l.insert(0,Tx) # l.insert(-1,Rx) # ls=sh.LineString(l) # x,y=ls.xy # lines.extend(ax.plot(x,y,'k',lw=0.1,alpha=0.2)) # return (fig,ax,lines) # def distwall(self, p, nroom): # """ calculate distance to wall # # Parameters # ---------- # # p : ndarray # point coordinate # # nroom : int # room number of p # # Returns # ------- # # dist # list of distances to walls of room nroom # # Notes # ----- # # Return dist a list of all the distances to the walls of a room # # # """ # pp = sh.Point(p[0], p[1]) # # dist = [] # p0_xy = [] # p1_xy = [] # # vnode = self.Gr.node[nroom]['cycle'].cycle # # # for j in range(len(Gr[nroom]['vnodes'])): # for j in range(len(vnodes)): # nn = self.b_Gr[5]['vnodes'][j] # nta = G1.tahe[0, nn - 1] # nhe = G1.tahe[1, nn - 1] # p0 = np.array([[0, nta],[1, nta]]) # p1 = np.array([[0, nhe],[1, nhe]]) # p0_xy.insert(j, p0) # p1_xy.insert(j, p1) # # pstartwll = np.array(p0_xy) # pfinwll = np.array(p1_xy) # # for i in range(len(self.b_Gr[nroom]['vnodes'])): # line_wall = sh.LineString([(pstartwll[i, 0], # pstartwll[i, 1]), (pfinwll[i, 0], pfinwll[i, 1])]) # dist.insert(i, line_wall.distance(pp)) # return(dist)
[docs] def randTxRx(self): """returns random coordinates for Tx and Rx. Returns ------- p_Tx : numpy.ndarray A point of the placement of the Tx p_Rx : numpy.ndarray A point of the placement of the Rx Examples -------- >>> from pylayers.gis.layout import * >>> L = Layout('defstr.lay') >>> p_Tx,p_Rx = L.randTxRx() Notes ----- ex fn Tx_Rx_pos """ # self.boundary() Tx_x = rd.uniform([0],[1]) Tx_y = rd.uniform([2],[3]) Rx_x = rd.uniform([0],[1]) Rx_y = rd.uniform([2],[3]) p_Tx = np.array([Tx_x, Tx_y]) p_Rx = np.array([Rx_x, Rx_y]) return(p_Tx, p_Rx)
def get_boundary(self): """ get and update Layout boundary """ xmax = max(p[0] for p in self.Gs.pos.values()) xmin = min(p[0] for p in self.Gs.pos.values()) ymax = max(p[1] for p in self.Gs.pos.values()) ymin = min(p[1] for p in self.Gs.pos.values()) = (xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax)
[docs] def boundary(self, **kwargs) : """ add a blank boundary around layout Parameters ---------- percx : float percentage of Dx for x offset calculation (default 0.15) percy : float percentage of Dy for y offset calculation (default 0.15) xlim : tuple minD : minimum distance for boundary force : boolean force modification of boundaries even if one boundary already exists minD : int minimal distance over x and y self.lboundary is the list of the nodes of the added boundary self.axn is the zone without the boundary extension is updated Examples -------- >>> from pylayers.gis.layout import * >>> L = Layout('defstr.lay') >>> L.boundary() Notes ----- This function calls g2npy """ percx = kwargs.pop('percx',0.15) percy = kwargs.pop('percy',0.15) xlim = kwargs.pop('xlim',()) force = kwargs.pop('force', False) minD = kwargs.pop('minD', 10) bg2npy = kwargs.pop('bg2npy', True) if not self.hasboundary or force: if xlim != (): xmin = xlim[0] xmax = xlim[1] ymin = xlim[2] ymax = xlim[3] elif len(self.Gs.pos.values()) != 0: xmax = max(p[0] for p in self.Gs.pos.values()) xmin = min(p[0] for p in self.Gs.pos.values()) ymax = max(p[1] for p in self.Gs.pos.values()) ymin = min(p[1] for p in self.Gs.pos.values()) else: xmin = -20. xmax = 20. ymin = -10. ymax = 10. Dx = np.maximum(xmax - xmin, minD) Dy = np.maximum(ymax - ymin, minD) dx = Dx * percx dy = Dy * percy n1 = self.add_fnod((xmin - dx, ymin - dy)) n2 = self.add_fnod((xmax + dx, ymin - dy)) n3 = self.add_fnod((xmax + dx, ymax + dy)) n4 = self.add_fnod((xmin - dx, ymax + dy)) self.lboundary = [n1, n2, n3, n4] self.segboundary = [] ns1 = self.add_segment(n1, n2, name='_AIR') ns2 = self.add_segment(n2, n3, name='_AIR') ns3 = self.add_segment(n3, n4, name='_AIR') ns4 = self.add_segment(n4, n1, name='_AIR') self.segboundary.append(ns1) self.segboundary.append(ns2) self.segboundary.append(ns3) self.segboundary.append(ns4) self.axn = (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) = (xmin - dx, xmax + dx, ymin - dy, ymax + dy) self.display['box'] = self.hasboundary = True elif xlim!=(): # change points coordinates self.Gs.pos[self.lboundary[0]] = (xlim[0], xlim[2]) self.Gs.pos[self.lboundary[1]] = (xlim[1], xlim[2]) self.Gs.pos[self.lboundary[2]] = (xlim[1], xlim[3]) self.Gs.pos[self.lboundary[3]] = (xlim[0], xlim[3]) = xlim self.display['box'] = xlim if bg2npy: self.g2npy()
[docs] def off_overlay(self, dx=0, dy=0): """ offset overlay image Parameters ---------- dx : float dy : float """ axis = ([0] + dx,[1] + dx,[2] + dy,[3] + dy) self.display['overlay_axis'] = axis
[docs] def scl_overlay(self, ax=1.0, ay=1.0): """ scale overlay image Parameters ---------- ax : float ay : float """ axis = ([0] * ax,[1] * ax,[2] * ay,[3] * ay) self.display['overlay_axis'] = axis
[docs] def get_paths(self, nd_in, nd_fin): """ returns the possible paths of graph Gs between two nodes. Parameters ---------- nd_in: int initial graph node (segment or point) nd_fin: int final graph node (segment or point) Returns ------- paths : list paths between nd_in and nd_fin """ paths = gph.find_all_paths(self.Gs, nd_in, nd_fin) return paths
[docs]def outputGi_func_test(args): for k in range(10000): y = k*k+k*k return y
[docs]def outputGi_func(args): # def outputGi_func(e, Gi_no, Gi_A, Gspos, sgsg, s2pc, s2pu): # for k in range(10000): # y = k*k # # time.sleep(0.01) # return y def Gspos(n): if n>0: #return np.mean(s2pc[n].reshape(2,2),axis=0) return np.mean(s2pc[n].toarray().reshape(2,2),axis=0) else: return p2pc[-n] e = args[0] #Gi_no = args[1] #Gi_A = args[2] #p2pc = args[3] #sgsg = args[4] #s2pc = args[5] #s2pu = args[6] print(e) i0 = e[0] i1 = e[1] nstr0 = i0[0] nstr1 = i1[0] # list of authorized outputs. Initialized void output = [] # nstr1 : segment number of central interaction if nstr1 > 0: # central interaction is a segment # pseg1 = self.s2pc[nstr1,:].toarray().reshape(2, 2).T pseg1 = s2pc[nstr1,:].toarray().reshape(2, 2).T # pseg1 = self.s2pc[nstr1,:].data.reshape(2, 2).T # pseg1o = self.seg2pts(nstr1).reshape(2, 2).T # create a Cone object cn = cone.Cone() # if starting from segment if nstr0 > 0: # pseg0 = self.s2pc[nstr0,:].toarray().reshape(2, 2).T pseg0 = s2pc[nstr0,:].toarray().reshape(2, 2).T # pseg0 = self.s2pc[nstr0,:].data.reshape(2, 2).T # pseg0o = self.seg2pts(nstr0).reshape(2, 2).T # if nstr0 and nstr1 are connected segments if sgsg[nstr0,nstr1] == 0: # from 2 not connected segment cn.from2segs(pseg0, pseg1) else: # from 2 connected segments cn.from2csegs(pseg0, pseg1) # if starting from a point else: pt = Gspos(nstr0) cn.fromptseg(pt, pseg1) # list all potential successors of interaction i1 ui2 = Gi_no.index(i1) ui = np.where(Gi_A[ui2,:]!=0)[0] i2 = [Gi_no[u] for u in ui] # i2 = nx.neighbors(self.Gi, i1) # how to find neighbors without network # ngi=L.Gi.nodes() # A=nx.adjacency_matrix(L.Gi) # inter = ngi[10] # u = ngi.index(inter) # ui = A[u,:].indices # neigh_inter = np.array([ngi[u] for u in ui]) ipoints = [x for x in i2 if len(x)==1 ] #ipoints = filter(lambda x: len(x) == 1, i2) pipoints = np.array([Gspos(ip[0]) for ip in ipoints]).T # filter tuple (R | T) #istup = filter(lambda x : type(eval(x))==tuple,i2) # map first argument segment number #isegments = np.unique(map(lambda x : eval(x)[0],istup)) # isegments = np.unique( # filter(lambda y: y > 0, map(lambda x: x[0], i2))) isegments = np.unique([x[0] for x in i2 if x[0]>0]) # if nstr0 and nstr1 are adjescent segment remove nstr0 from # potential next interaction # Fix 01/2017 # This is not always True if the angle between # the two adjascent segments is < pi/2 # nb_nstr0 = self.Gs.neighbors(nstr0) # nb_nstr1 = self.Gs.neighbors(nstr1) # nb_nstr0 = np.array([self.s2pu[nstr0,0],self.s2pu[nstr0,1]]) # nb_nstr1 = np.array([self.s2pu[nstr1,0],self.s2pu[nstr1,1]]) nb_nstr0 = s2pu[nstr0,:].toarray()[0] nb_nstr1 = s2pu[nstr1,:].toarray()[0] print('nb_nstr0',nb_nstr0) #nb_nstr0 = s2pu[nstr0,:] #nb_nstr1 = s2pu[nstr1,:] # common_point = np.intersect1d(nb_nstr0,nb_nstr1) common_point = np.array([x for x in nb_nstr0 if x in nb_nstr1]) # if len(common_point) == 1: if common_point.any(): num0 = [x for x in nb_nstr0 if x != common_point] num1 = [x for x in nb_nstr1 if x != common_point] p0 = Gspos(num0[0]) p1 = Gspos(num1[0]) pc = Gspos(common_point[0]) v0 = p0-pc v1 = p1-pc v0n = v0/np.sqrt(np.sum(v0*v0)) v1n = v1/np.sqrt(np.sum(v1*v1)) if,v1n)<=0: isegments = np.array([ x for x in isegments if x != nstr0 ]) # filter(lambda x: x != nstr0, isegments)) # there are one or more segments # if len(isegments) > 0: if isegments.any(): li1 = len(i1) points = self.s2pc[isegments,:].toarray().T #points = s2pc[isegments,:].T # points = self.s2pc[isegments,:].data.reshape(4,len(isegments)) # pointso = self.seg2pts(isegments) pta = points[0:2, :] phe = points[2:, :] # add difraction points # WARNING Diffraction points are added only if a segment is seen # it should be the case in 99% of cases if len(ipoints) > 0: isegments = np.hstack( (isegments, np.array(ipoints)[:, 0])) pta = np.hstack((pta, pipoints)) phe = np.hstack((phe, pipoints)) # # if i0 == (38,79) and i1 == (135,79,23): # printi0,i1 # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() # i1 : interaction T if li1 == 3: typ, prob = cn.belong_seg(pta, phe) # if bs.any(): # plu.displot(pta[:,bs],phe[:,bs],color='g') # if ~bs.any(): # plu.displot(pta[:,~bs],phe[:,~bs],color='k') # i1 : interaction R --> mirror elif li1 == 2: Mpta = geu.mirror(pta, pseg1[:, 0], pseg1[:, 1]) Mphe = geu.mirror(phe, pseg1[:, 0], pseg1[:, 1]) typ, prob = cn.belong_seg(Mpta, Mphe) # printi0,i1 # if ((i0 == (6, 0)) & (i1 == (7, 0))): # pdb.set_trace() # if bs.any(): # plu.displot(pta[:,bs],phe[:,bs],color='g') # if ~bs.any(): # plu.displot(pta[:,~bs],phe[:,~bs],color='m') # # pdb.set_trace()) ######## # SOMETIMES PROBA IS 0 WHEREAS SEG IS SEEN ########### # # keep segment with prob above a threshold # isegkeep = isegments[prob>0] # # dict {numint : proba} # dsegprob = {k:v for k,v in zip(isegkeep,prob[prob>0])} # 4 lines are replaced by # keep segment with prob above a threshold utypseg = typ != 0 isegkeep = isegments[utypseg] # dict {numint : proba} dsegprob = {k: v for k, v in zip(isegkeep, prob[utypseg])} ######### # output = filter(lambda x: x[0] in isegkeep, i2) output = [x for x in i2 if x[0] in isegkeep] # probint = map(lambda x: dsegprob[x[0]], output) probint = [dsegprob[x[0]] for x in output] # dict interaction : proba dintprob = {k: v for k, v in zip(output, probint)} # keep all segment above nstr1 and in Cone if T # keep all segment below nstr1 and in Cone if R else: # central interaction is a point # 1) Simple approach # output interaction are all visible interactions # 2) TO BE DONE # # output of the diffraction points # exploring # b # + right of ISB # + right of RSB # # + using the wedge cone # + using the incident cone # # output = nx.neighbors(self.Gi, (nstr1,)) uout = Gi_no.index((nstr1,)) ui = np.where(Gi_A[uout,:]!=0)[0] output = [Gi_no[u] for u in ui] nout = len(output) probint = np.ones(nout) # temporarybns dintprob = {k: v for k, v in zip(output, probint)} return (i0,i1, {'output':dintprob})
# self.Gi.add_edge(i0, i1, output=dintprob) if __name__ == "__main__": plt.ion() doctest.testmod() # L = Layout('Servon Sur Vilaine',verbose=True,dist_m=60) #