Source code for pylayers.antprop.antenna

# -*- coding:Utf-8 -*-
.. currentmodule:: pylayers.antprop.antenna

.. autosummary::

from __future__ import print_function
import doctest
import os
import glob
import re
import pdb
import sys
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from scipy import io
from matplotlib import rc
from matplotlib import cm  # colormaps
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
from scipy.special import sici, fresnel
import pandas as pd
import pylayers.util.pyutil as pyu
import pylayers.util.geomutil as geu
from pylayers.util.project import PyLayers
from pylayers.antprop.spharm import *
from pylayers.antprop.antssh import ssh, SSHFunc2, SSHFunc, SSHCoeff, CartToSphere
from pylayers.antprop.coeffModel import *
import copy
from mayavi import mlab
    from pylayers.antprop.antvsh import vsh

import PIL.Image as Image

[docs]class Pattern(PyLayers): """ Class Pattern MetaClass of Antenna A pattern is evaluated with the 3 np.array parameters theta phi fGHz This class implements pattern methods. The name of a pattern method starts by p. Each pattern method has a unique dictionnary argument 'param' If self.grid dimensions are Nt x Np x Nf else: Ndir x Nf """ def __init__(self): PyLayers.__init__(self) self.grid = False self.evaluated = False self.full = False
[docs] def eval(self, **kwargs): """ evaluate pattern functions Parameters ---------- th: np.array if this array is present it means grid = False ph: np.array pt : np.array (3,N) pr : np.array (3,N) azoffset : int (0) Rfloor:bool if true add gain value to reflected ray on the floor. values are append at the end of sqG. fGHz:list [] nth: int 90 nph: int 181 first: boolean True if first call (to define self.param) th0 : float theta initial value th1 : float theta finale value ph0 : float phi initial value ph1 : float phi final value Examples -------- >>> from pylayers.antprop.aarray import * >>> A0=Antenna('Omni', param={'pol':'t','GmaxdB':0}) >>> A1=Antenna('Gauss') >>> A2=Antenna('3gpp') >>> A3=ULArray() >>> A0.eval() >>> A1.eval() >>> A2.eval() >>> #A3.eval() """ defaults = {'Rfloor': False, 'nth': 90, 'nph': 181, 'th0': 0, 'th1': np.pi, 'ph0': 0, 'ph1': 2*np.pi, 'azoffset': 0, 'inplace': True } for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k] = defaults[k] if 'fGHz' not in kwargs: # case antenna has been measured if hasattr(self,'_fGHz'): self.fGHz=self._fGHz elif 'fGHz' not in self.__dict__: self.fGHz = np.array([2.4]) else: if type(kwargs['fGHz'])==np.ndarray: self.fGHz = kwargs['fGHz'] else: self.fGHz = np.array([kwargs['fGHz']]) # if current antenna is a measured antenna, pass the request frequencies # in particular if antenna pattern is type = nfc if hasattr(self,'_fGHz'): self.param.update({'fGHz':self.fGHz}) = len(self.fGHz) # # if th and ph are empty # if pt and pr are empty # calculates from th0,th1,nth # ph0,phi,nph # else # calculates from points coordinates pt and pr # else # take specified values # if ('th' not in kwargs) and ('ph' not in kwargs): if ('pt' not in kwargs) and ('pr' not in kwargs): # grid = True # Determine theta and phi fr self.theta = np.linspace(kwargs['th0'],kwargs['th1'],kwargs['nth']) self.phi = np.linspace(kwargs['ph0'],kwargs['ph1'],kwargs['nph'],endpoint=False) self.grid = True condth = np.abs((kwargs['th1']-kwargs['th0'])-np.pi)<1e-2 condph = np.abs((kwargs['ph1']-kwargs['ph0'])-2*np.pi)<1e-2 if (condth and condph): self.full = True else: # Gain between 2 points (One or 2 directions (uf Rfloor) # grid = False si = kwargs['pr']-kwargs['pt'] ssi = np.sqrt(np.sum(si*si,axis=0)) sn = si/ssi[None,:] self.theta = np.arccos(sn[2,:]) self.phi = np.mod(np.arctan2(sn[1,:],sn[0,:])+kwargs['azoffset'],2*np.pi) self.grid = False if kwargs['Rfloor']: dR = np.sqrt(ssi**2 + (kwargs['pr'][2,:] + kwargs['pt'][2,:])**2) #  reflexion length thetaR = np.arccos((kwargs['pr'][2,:] + kwargs['pt'][2,:]) / dR) self.theta = np.hstack([self.theta,thetaR]) self.phi = np.hstack([self.phi,self.phi]) else : self.grid = False self.full = False assert(len(kwargs['th'])==len(kwargs['ph'])) self.theta = kwargs['th'] self.phi = kwargs['ph'] if self.typ=='azel': self.theta=np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,360) self.phi=np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,360) self.nth = len(self.theta) self.nph = len(self.phi) # # evaluation of the specific Pattern__p function # Ft,Fp = eval('self._Pattern__p'+self.typ)(param=self.param) if kwargs['inplace']: self.Ft = Ft self.Fp = Fp self.evaluated = True self.gain() else: return Ft,Fp
[docs] def vsh(self,threshold=-1): if self.evaluated: vsh(self) self.C.s1tos2() self.C.s2tos3(threshold=threshold) else: print('antenna must be evaluated to be converted into spherical harmonics.')
[docs] def ssh(self,L=89,dsf=1): if self.evaluated: ssh(self,L,dsf)
def __pdipole(self,**kwargs): """ dipole antenna along z axis From Balanis (Formula 4.62(a)) .. math:: F_{\theta}(\theta,\phi) = \left[ \frac{\cos\left(\frac{kl}{2}\cos\theta\right)- \cos\left(\frac{kl}{2}\right)}{\sin \theta} \right] """ defaults = { 'param' : { 'l' : 0.25 } } if 'param' not in kwargs or kwargs['param']=={}: kwargs['param']=defaults['param'] l = kwargs['param']['l'] if self.grid: # Nth x Nphx Nf k = 2*np.pi*self.fGHz[None,None,:]/0.3 usmall = self.theta<=1e-1 Ft = (np.cos((k*l/2)*np.ones(len(self.phi))[None,:,None]*np.cos(self.theta[:,None,None]))-np.cos(k*l/2))/np.sin(self.theta[:,None,None]) Ft[usmall,:,:] = -(k*l/4)*self.theta[usmall][:,None,None]*np.sin(k*l/2) self.evaluated = True else: k = 2*np.pi*np.fGHz[None,:] /0.3 usmall = self.theta<=1e-1 Ft = (np.cos((k*l/2)*np.cos(self.theta[:,None]))-np.cos(k*l/2))/np.sin(self.theta[:,None]) Ft[usmall,:,:] = -(k*l/4)*self.theta[usmall][:,None,None]*np.sin(k*l/2) # Nd x Nf Fp = np.zeros(Ft.shape) return Ft,Fp def __pPatch(self,**kwargs): """ Patch antenna from Balanis (14-40b) page 835 (Rectangular Patch) """ defaults = { 'param' : { 'h':0.001588, 'W':0.01186, 'L':0.00906 } } if 'param' not in kwargs or kwargs['param']=={}: kwargs['param']=defaults['param'] def __pOmni(self,**kwargs): """ omnidirectional pattern Parameters ---------- param : dict dictionnary of parameters + pol : string 't'| 'p' + GmaxdB : float 0 self.grid is used for switching between : if True angular grid : nth x nph x nf if False direction : ndir x nf """ defaults = { 'param' : { 'pol' : 't', 'GmaxdB': 0 } } if 'param' not in kwargs or kwargs['param']=={}: kwargs['param']=defaults['param'] self.param = kwargs['param'] self.GmaxdB = self.param['GmaxdB'] self.pol = self.param['pol'] G = pow(10.,self.GmaxdB/10.) # linear gain if self.grid: # Nth x Nphx Nf self.sqG = np.array(np.sqrt(G))*np.ones(len(self.fGHz))[None,None,:] self.evaluated = True else: # Nd x Nf self.sqG = np.array(np.sqrt(G))*np.ones(len(self.fGHz))[None,:] Ft,Fp = self.radF() return Ft,Fp def __paperture(self,**kwargs): """ Aperture Pattern Aperture in the (x,y) plane. Main lobe in theta=0 direction polar indicates the orientation of the Electric field either 'x' or 'y' See theoretical background in : Parameters ---------- HPBW_x_deg : float Half Power Beamwidth (degrees) HPBW_y_deg : float Half Power Beamwidth (degrees) """ defaults = {'param': {'HPBW_x_deg':40, 'HPBW_y_deg':10, 'Gfactor':27000, 'fcGHz': 27.5, 'polar':'x', 'window':'rect' }} if 'param' not in kwargs or kwargs['param']=={}: kwargs['param']=defaults['param'] self.param = kwargs['param'] deg_to_rad = np.pi/180. ld_c = 0.3/self.param['fcGHz'] ld = 0.3/self.fGHz Dx = 0.886*ld_c/(self.param['HPBW_x_deg']*deg_to_rad) Dy = 0.886*ld_c/(self.param['HPBW_y_deg']*deg_to_rad) Dx_n = Dx/ld Dy_n = Dy/ld if self.grid: # Nth x Nph x Nf theta = self.theta[:,None,None] phi = self.phi[None,:,None] else: # Ndir x Nf theta = self.theta[:,None] phi = self.phi[:,None] vx = Dx_n[...,:]*np.sin(theta)*np.cos(phi) # 18.1.4 vy = Dy_n[...,:]*np.sin(theta)*np.sin(phi) # 18.1.4 F_nor = ((1+np.cos(theta))/2.)*np.abs(np.sinc(vx)*np.sinc(vy)) HPBW_x = (0.886*ld/Dx)/deg_to_rad HPBW_y = (0.886*ld/Dy)/deg_to_rad Gmax = self.param['Gfactor']/(HPBW_x*HPBW_y) F = np.sqrt(Gmax[...,:])*F_nor # Ndir x Nf # Handling repartition on both vector components # enforce E.y = 0 if self.param['polar']=='x': Ft = F/np.sqrt(1+(np.cos(theta)*np.sin(phi)/np.cos(phi))**2) Fp = (-np.cos(theta)*np.sin(phi)/np.cos(phi))*Ft nan_bool = np.isnan(Fp) Fp[nan_bool] = F[nan_bool] # enforce E.x = 0 if self.param['polar']=='y': Ft = F/np.sqrt(1+(np.cos(theta)*np.cos(phi)/np.sin(phi))**2) Fp = (np.cos(theta)*np.cos(phi)/np.sin(phi))*Ft nan_bool = np.isnan(Fp) Fp[nan_bool] = F[nan_bool] # enforce E.x = 0 # # This is experimental # How to apply the 2D windowing properly ? # # if self.param['window']!='rect': # Nt = self.Fp.shape[0] # Np = self.Fp.shape[1] # Wp = np.fft.ifftshift(np.hamming(Nt)[:,None]*np.ones(Np)[None,:])[:,:,None] # Wt = np.fft.ifftshift(np.ones(Nt)[:,None]*np.hamming(Np)[None,:])[:,:,None] # Wu = np.fft.ifftshift(np.ones(Nt)[:,None]*np.ones(Np)[None,:])[:,:,None] # Wi = np.fft.ifftshift(np.hamming(Nt)[:,None]*np.hamming(Np)[None,:])[:,:,None] # W = np.fft.fftshift(np.hamming(Nt)[:,None]*np.hamming(Np)[None,:])[:,:,None] # # Fp : t x p x f ou r x f # # Ft : t x p x f ou r x f # # Kp = np.fft.ifft2(self.Fp,axes=(0,1)) # Kt = np.fft.ifft2(self.Ft,axes=(0,1)) # # self.Fp = np.fft.fft2(Kp*Wt,axes=(0,1)) # self.Ft = np.fft.fft2(Kt*Wp,axes=(0,1)) return Ft,Fp def __pnfc(self,**kwargs): """ nfc Pattern interpolation of Ft,Fp for measured antenna Interpolation between known values of Ft and Fp contained in self._Ft and self._Fp to a given set of theta, phi. """ defaults = {'param': {'fGHz':[]}} if 'param' not in kwargs or kwargs['param']=={}: kwargs['param']=defaults['param'] self.param = kwargs['param'] # if self.grid: # # Nth x Nph x Nf # theta = self.theta[:,None,None] # phi = self.phi[None,:,None] # else: uf=np.ndarray(shape=0,dtype=int) for k in self.param['fGHz']: uf = np.hstack((uf,np.where(self._fGHz<=k)[0][-1])) theta = self.theta phi = self.phi # th0=np.array([0.12,3.1415,0.01]) # ph0=np.array([0.01,0.5,2]) # find closest theta arg : N dth = self._theta[:,None]-theta udth = abs(dth).argmin(axis=0) # determine sign of this arg to know which from N-1 or N+1 is candidate sdth = np.sign(np.diag(dth[udth])) # specific process if the find argument is N-1 or N+1 a.k.a self._theta-th >0 or <0 neg_mask = sdth<0 pos_mask = ~neg_mask cudth= np.ndarray((len(theta)),dtype=int) cudth[pos_mask]=udth[pos_mask]-1 cudth[neg_mask]=udth[neg_mask] ratio_th = (theta-self._theta[cudth])/(self._theta[cudth+1]-self._theta[cudth]) # find closest phi arg : N dph = self._phi[:,None]-phi udph = abs(dph).argmin(axis=0) # determine sign of this arg to know which from N-1 or N+1 is candidate sdph = np.sign(np.diag(dph[udph])) # specific process if the find argument is N-1 or N+1 a.k.a self._phi-ph >0 or <0 neg_mask = sdph<0 pos_mask = ~neg_mask cudph= np.ndarray((len(phi)),dtype=int) cudph[pos_mask]=udph[pos_mask]-1 cudph[neg_mask]=udph[neg_mask] ratio_ph = (phi-self._phi[cudph])/(self._phi[cudph+1]-self._phi[cudph]) if self.grid: Ft=self._Ft[cudth,:,:][...,uf]*(1.-ratio_th[:,None,None])+ratio_th[:,None,None]*self._Ft[cudth+1,:,:][...,uf] Ft=Ft[:,cudph,:]*(1.-ratio_ph[None,:,None])+ratio_ph[None,:,None]*Ft[:,cudph+1,:] Fp=self._Fp[cudth,:,:][...,uf]*(1.-ratio_th[:,None,None])+ratio_th[:,None,None]*self._Fp[cudth+1,:,:][...,uf] Fp=Fp[:,cudph,:]*(1.-ratio_ph[None,:,None])+ratio_ph[None,:,None]*Fp[:,cudph+1,:] else: Ft0=self._Ft[cudth,cudph,:][...,uf]*(1.-ratio_th[:,None])+ratio_th[:,None]*self._Ft[cudth+1,cudph,:][...,uf] Ft1=self._Ft[cudth,cudph+1,:][...,uf]*(1.-ratio_th[:,None])+ratio_th[:,None]*self._Ft[cudth+1,cudph+1,:][...,uf] Ft = Ft0*(1.-ratio_ph[:,None])+Ft1*ratio_ph[:,None] Fp0=self._Fp[cudth,cudph,:][...,uf]*(1.-ratio_th[:,None])+ratio_th[:,None]*self._Fp[cudth+1,cudph,:][...,uf] Fp1=self._Fp[cudth,cudph+1,:][...,uf]*(1.-ratio_th[:,None])+ratio_th[:,None]*self._Fp[cudth+1,cudph+1,:][...,uf] Fp = Fp0*(1.-ratio_ph[:,None])+Fp1*ratio_ph[:,None] return Ft,Fp def __paperture2(self,**kwargs): """ Aperture Pattern Aperture in the (x,y) plane. Main lobe in theta=0 direction polar indicates the orientation of the Electric field either 'x' or 'y' See theoretical background in : Parameters ---------- HPBW_x_deg : float Half Power Beamwidth (degrees) HPBW_y_deg : float Half Power Beamwidth (degrees) """ defaults = {'param': {'HPBW_a_deg':40, 'HPBW_b_deg':10, 'Gfactor':27000, 'fcGHz': 27.5, 'polar':'x', 'window':'rect' }} if 'param' not in kwargs or kwargs['param']=={}: kwargs['param']=defaults['param'] self.param = kwargs['param'] deg_to_rad = np.pi/180. ld_c = 0.3/self.param['fcGHz'] ld = 0.3/self.fGHz a = 1.189*ld_c/(self.param['HPBW_a_deg']*deg_to_rad) b = 0.886*ld_c/(self.param['HPBW_b_deg']*deg_to_rad) a_n = a/ld b_n = b/ld if self.grid: # Nth x Nph x Nf theta = self.theta[:,None,None] phi = self.phi[None,:,None] else: # Ndir x Nf theta = self.theta[:,None] phi = self.phi[:,None] vx = a_n[...,:]*np.sin(theta)*np.cos(phi) # 18.1.4 vy = b_n[...,:]*np.sin(theta)*np.sin(phi) # 18.1.4 #F_nor = ((1+np.cos(theta))/2.)*np.abs(np.sinc(vx)*np.sinc(vy)) F_nor = (1+np.cos(theta))/2*(np.cos(np.pi*vx)/(1-4*vx**2))*np.sinc(vy) # 18.1.3 + suppression rear radiation HPBW_a = (1.189*ld/a)/deg_to_rad HPBW_b = (0.886*ld/b)/deg_to_rad Gmax = self.param['Gfactor']/(HPBW_a*HPBW_b) F = np.sqrt(Gmax[...,:])*F_nor # Ndir x Nf # Handling repartition on both vector components # enforce E.y = 0 if self.param['polar']=='x': Ft = F/np.sqrt(1+(np.cos(theta)*np.sin(phi)/np.cos(phi))**2) Fp = (-np.cos(theta)*np.sin(phi)/np.cos(phi))*Ft nan_bool = np.isnan(Fp) Fp[nan_bool] = F[nan_bool] # enforce E.x = 0 if self.param['polar']=='y': Ft = F/np.sqrt(1+(np.cos(theta)*np.cos(phi)/np.sin(phi))**2) Fp = (np.cos(theta)*np.cos(phi)/np.sin(phi))*Ft nan_bool = np.isnan(Fp) Fp[nan_bool] = F[nan_bool] # enforce E.x = 0 # # This is experimeintal # How to apply the 2D windowing properly ? # # if self.param['window']!='rect': # Nt = self.Fp.shape[0] # Np = self.Fp.shape[1] # Wp = np.fft.ifftshift(np.hamming(Nt)[:,None]*np.ones(Np)[None,:])[:,:,None] # Wt = np.fft.ifftshift(np.ones(Nt)[:,None]*np.hamming(Np)[None,:])[:,:,None] # Wu = np.fft.ifftshift(np.ones(Nt)[:,None]*np.ones(Np)[None,:])[:,:,None] # Wi = np.fft.ifftshift(np.hamming(Nt)[:,None]*np.hamming(Np)[None,:])[:,:,None] # W = np.fft.fftshift(np.hamming(Nt)[:,None]*np.hamming(Np)[None,:])[:,:,None] # # Fp : t x p x f ou r x f # # Ft : t x p x f ou r x f # # Kp = np.fft.ifft2(self.Fp,axes=(0,1)) # Kt = np.fft.ifft2(self.Ft,axes=(0,1)) # # self.Fp = np.fft.fft2(Kp*Wt,axes=(0,1)) # self.Ft = np.fft.fft2(Kt*Wp,axes=(0,1)) return Ft,Fp def __phplanesectoralhorn(self,**kwargs): """ H plane sectoral horn Parameters ---------- rho1 : float sector radius (meter) a1 : float aperture dimension along x (greatest value in meters) b1 : float aperture dimension along y (greatest value in meters) Notes ----- Maximum gain in theta =0 Polarized along y axis (Jx=0,Jz=0) """ defaults = {'param': {'rho1':0.198, 'a1':0.088, # aperture dimension along x 'b1':0.0126, # aperture dimension along y 'fcGHz':28, 'GcmaxdB':19, 'Nx':20, 'Ny':20}} if 'param' not in kwargs or kwargs['param']=={}: kwargs['param']=defaults['param'] self.param = kwargs['param'] #H-plane antenna rho1 = self.param['rho1'] a1 = self.param['a1'] b1 = self.param['b1'] Nx = self.param['Nx'] Ny = self.param['Ny'] fcGHz = self.param['fcGHz'] GcmaxdB = self.param['GcmaxdB'] assert(a1>b1), "a1 should be greater than b1 (see fig 13.1O(a) Balanis" lbda = 0.3/self.fGHz k = 2*np.pi/lbda eta0 = np.sqrt(4*np.pi*1e-7/8.85429e-12) if self.grid: # X,Y aperture points (t,p,x,y,f) X = np.arange(-a1/2,a1/2,a1/(Nx-1))[None,None,:,None,None] Y = np.arange(-b1/2,b1/2,b1/(Ny-1))[None,None,None,:,None] # angular domain (theta,phi) Theta= self.theta[:,None,None,None,None] Phi = self.phi[None,:,None,None,None] else: # X,Y aperture points (r,x,y,f) X = np.arange(-a1/2,a1/2,a1/(Nx-1))[None,:,None,None] Y = np.arange(-b1/2,b1/2,b1/(Ny-1))[None,None,:,None] # angular domain (theta,phi) Theta= self.theta[:,None,None,None] Phi= self.phi[:,None,None,None] #% Aperture field Ea: # Ea is an approximation of the aperture field: # (from: C. A. Balanis, Antenna Theoy: Analysis and Design. New York # Wiley, 1982. ... Section 13.3.1 ) Ea = np.cos(X*np.pi/a1)*np.exp(-.5*1j*k*((X**2)/(rho1)+(Y**2)/(rho1))) Jy = -Ea/eta0 Mx = Ea # cosine direction ctsp = np.cos(Theta)*np.sin(Phi) cp = np.cos(Phi) ctcp = np.cos(Theta)*np.cos(Phi) sp = np.sin(Phi) stcp = np.sin(Theta)*np.cos(Phi) stsp = np.sin(Theta)*np.sin(Phi) # N & L ejkrrp = np.exp(1j*k*( X*stcp + Y*stsp)) # exp(jk (r.r')) if self.grid: N_theta = np.einsum('tpnmf->tpf',Jy*ctsp*ejkrrp) # 12-12 a assuming Jx,Jz=0 N_phi = np.einsum('tpnmf->tpf',Jy*cp*ejkrrp) # 12-12 b "" L_theta = np.einsum('tpnmf->tpf',Mx*ctcp*ejkrrp) # 12-12 c assuming My,Mz=0 L_phi = np.einsum('tpnmf->tpf',-Mx*sp*ejkrrp) # 12-12 d "" else: N_theta = np.einsum('rnmf->rf',Jy*ctsp*ejkrrp) # 12-12 a assuming Jx,Jz=0 N_phi = np.einsum('rnmf->rf',Jy*cp*ejkrrp) # 12-12 b "" L_theta = np.einsum('rnmf->rf',Mx*ctcp*ejkrrp) # 12-12 c assuming My,Mz=0 L_phi = np.einsum('rnmf->rf',-Mx*sp*ejkrrp) # 12-12 d "" # Far-Field Ft = -L_phi - eta0*N_theta # 12-10b p 661 Fp = L_theta - eta0*N_phi # 12-10c p 661 G = Ft*np.conj(Ft)+Fp*np.conj(Fp) if self.grid: # Umax : ,f self.Umax = G.max(axis=(0,1)) Ft = Ft/np.sqrt(self.Umax[None,None,:]) Fp = Fp/np.sqrt(self.Umax[None,None,:]) # centered frequency range fcc = np.abs(self.fGHz-fcGHz) idxc = np.where(fcc==np.min(fcc))[0][0] # Gain @ center frequency #G = _gain(Ft[:,:,idxc],Fp[:,:,idxc]) G = _gain(Ft,Fp) # effective half power beamwidth self.ehpbw, self.hpster = _hpbw(G,self.theta,self.phi) self.Gfactor = 10**(GcmaxdB/10.)*self.ehpbw[idxc] Gmax = self.Gfactor/self.ehpbw Ft = np.sqrt(Gmax[None,None,:])*Ft Fp = np.sqrt(Gmax[None,None,:])*Fp else: ## ## Ft (r x f ) ## Fp (r x f ) ## Ft = Ft/np.sqrt(self.Umax[None,:]) Fp = Fp/np.sqrt(self.Umax[None,:]) Gmax = self.Gfactor/self.ehpbw Ft = np.sqrt(Gmax[None,:])*Ft Fp = np.sqrt(Gmax[None,:])*Fp return Ft,Fp def __patoll(self,**kwargs): """ """ paramdef = {'iband':0, 'polar':-45.0, 'tilt':0 } param = kwargs.pop('param') if param =={}: param = paramdef iband = param.pop('iband') polar = param.pop('polar') tilt = param.pop('tilt') # TODO check tilt value is compatible lbands = list(dict(self.atoll).keys()) # Gver : 360,Nf # Ghor : 360,Nf Gver = self.atoll[lbands[iband]][polar]['ver'][:,tilt,:] self.fGHz = self.atoll[lbands[iband]][polar]['freq'] self.tilt_theo = self.atoll[lbands[iband]][polar]['tilt'][tilt] Ghor = self.atoll[lbands[iband]][polar]['hor'][:,tilt,:] shG = Gver.shape Nhor = Ghor.shape[0] Nver = Gver.shape[0] # grid mode (180,360,Nf) rmax = int(Nver/2) self.theta = np.linspace(0,np.pi,rmax+1) self.phi = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi-2*np.pi/Nhor,Nhor) #self.nth = len(self.theta) #self.nph = len(self.phi) #a1 = np.kron(self.theta,np.ones(len(self.phi))) #2 = np.kron(np.ones(len(self.theta)),self.phi) #g = np.hstack((a1[:,None],a2[:,None])) sqG = np.ones((181,360,shG[-1])) uvermax = zeros(shG[-1]).astype(int) for k in range(shG[-1]): # find the maximum in the vertical plane uvermax[k] = np.where(Gver[:,k]==np.max(Gver[:,k]))[0][0] # offset of vertical pattern Gver_roll = np.roll(Gver[:,k],-uvermax[k]) # first row (pole) sqG[0,:,k] = np.sqrt(10**(Gver_roll[0]/10)) # last row (pole) sqG[-1,:,k] = np.sqrt(10**(Gver_roll[rmax]/10)) # first column (Vertical) c1 = 0 sqG[:,c1,k] = np.sqrt(10**(Gver_roll[0:rmax+1]/10)) # third column (Vertical) c3 = 180 sqG[1:-1,c3,k] = np.sqrt(10**(Gver_roll[rmax+1:][::-1]/10)) # second column (Horizontal) c2 = 90 sqG[:,c2,k] = np.sqrt(10**(Ghor[0:181,k]/10)) # fourth column (Horizontal) c4 = 270 sqG[1:-1,c4,k] = np.sqrt(10**(Ghor[rmax+1:,k][::-1]/10)) u1 = np.linspace(1,89,89)/89. # # interpolation # sqG[1:-1,1:90,k] = sqG[1:-1,0,k][:,None]*(1-u1[None,:])+sqG[1:-1,90,k][:,None]*u1[None,:] sqG[1:-1,91:180,k]= sqG[1:-1,90,k][:,None]*(1-u1[None,:])+sqG[1:-1,180,k][:,None]*u1[None,:] sqG[1:-1,181:270,k] = sqG[1:-1,180,k][:,None]*(1-u1[None,:])+sqG[1:-1,270,k][:,None]*u1[None,:] sqG[1:-1,271:,k]= sqG[1:-1,270,k][:,None]*(1-u1[None,:])+sqG[1:-1,0,k][:,None]*u1[None,:] #plt.plot(sqG[:,0,:]) #plt.plot(sqG[:,180,:]) #plt.plot(sqG[:,90,:]) #plt.plot(sqG[:,270,:]) Ft = sqG/np.sqrt(2) Fp = sqG/np.sqrt(2) return Ft,Fp def __phorn(self,**kwargs): """ Horn antenna (18.2) Parameters ---------- Half Power Beamwidth (degrees) """ defaults = {'param': {'sigma_a':1.2593, 'sigma_b':1.0246, 'A_wl':16, 'B_wl':3, 'fcGHz':28., 'polar':'x' }} if 'param' not in kwargs or kwargs['param']=={}: kwargs['param']=defaults['param'] self.param = kwargs['param'] deg_to_rad = np.pi/180. ld_c = 0.3/self.param['fcGHz'] ld = 0.3/self.fGHz A_wl = kwargs['param']['A_wl'] B_wl = kwargs['param']['B_wl'] A = A_wl*ld_c B = B_wl*ld_c sigma_a = kwargs['param']['sigma_a'] sigma_b = kwargs['param']['sigma_b'] #b = kwargs['param']['b'] #Ra = (A/(A-a))*RA #Rb = (B/(B-b))*RB #La = np.sqrt(Ra**2+A**2/4) #Lb = np.sqrt(Rb**2+B**2/4) #alpha = np.arctan(A/(2*Ra)) #beta = np.arctan(B/(2*Rb)) #Delta_a = A**2/(8*Ra) #Delta_b = B**2/(8*Rb) #sigma_a = A/np.sqrt((2*ld*Ra)) #sigma_b = B/np.sqrt((2*ld*Rb)) A_n = A/ld B_n = B/ld if self.grid: # Nth x Nph x Nf theta = self.theta[:,None,None] phi = self.phi[None,:,None] else: # Ndir x Nf theta = self.theta[:,None] phi = self.phi[:,None] vx = A_n[...,:]*np.sin(theta)*np.cos(phi) # 18.3.4 vy = B_n[...,:]*np.sin(theta)*np.sin(phi) # 18.3.4 F = ((1+np.cos(theta))/2.)*(F1(vx,sigma_a)*F0(vy,sigma_b)) normF = np.abs(F1(0,sigma_a)*F0(0,sigma_b))**2 F_nor = F/np.sqrt(normF) efficiency = 0.125*normF # 18.4.3 Gmax = efficiency*4*np.pi*A*B/ld**2 F = np.sqrt(Gmax[...,:])*F_nor # Ndir x Nf # Handling repatition on both vector components # enforce E.y = 0 if self.param['polar']=='x': Ft = F/np.sqrt(1+(np.cos(theta)*np.sin(phi)/np.cos(phi))**2) Fp = (-np.cos(theta)*np.sin(phi)/np.cos(phi))*Ft nan_bool = np.isnan(Fp) Fp[nan_bool] = F[nan_bool] # enforce E.x = 0 if self.param['polar']=='y': Ft = F/np.sqrt(1+(np.cos(theta)*np.cos(phi)/np.sin(phi))**2) Fp = (np.cos(theta)*np.cos(phi)/np.sin(phi))*Ft nan_bool = np.isnan(Fp) Fp[nan_bool] = F[nan_bool] return Ft,Fp def __pazel(self,**kwargs): """ Azimuth elevation pattern from file Parameters ---------- filename : ANT filename Notes ----- The 3D pattern is obtained by taking the product of azimuth pattern and elevation pattern. """ defaults = {'param': {'filename' : '', 'pol':'V'}} f = open(kwargs['param']['filename']) Gthetaphi = f.readlines() f.close() Gthetaphi = np.array(Gthetaphi).astype('float') Gaz = Gthetaphi[360:] Gel = Gthetaphi[:360] sqGazlin = np.sqrt(pow(10,Gaz/10.)) sqGellin = np.sqrt(pow(10,Gel/10.)) if self.grid : # Nth x Nph x Nf if kwargs['param']['pol']=='V': Ft = np.ones((360,360,1)) Fp = np.zeros((360,360,1)) #Ft[180,:] = sqGazlin[:,None] #Ft[:,180] = sqGellin[:,None] Ft = sqGazlin[None,:,None]*sqGellin[:,None,None] if kwargs['param']['pol']=='H': Fp = np.ones((360,360,1)) Ft = np.zeros((360,360,1)) Fp = sqGazlin[None,:,None]*sqGellin[:,None,None] #self.Fp[180,:]= sqGazlin[:,None] #self.Fp[:,180]= sqGellin[:,None] if kwargs['param']['pol']=='45': Fp = np.ones((360,360,1)) Ft = np.ones((360,360,1)) # Azimuth Ft = (1/sqrt(2))*sqGazlin[None,:,None]*sqGellin[:,None,None] Fp = (1/sqrt(2))*sqGazlin[None,:,None]*sqGellin[:,None,None] #self.Fp[180,:]= sqGazlin[:,None] #self.Fp[180,:]= (1/sqrt(2))*sqGazlin[:,None] #Ft[180,:]= (1/sqrt(2))*sqGazlin[:,None] # Elevation #self.Fp[:,180]= (1/sqrt(2))*sqGellin[:,None] #Ft[:,180]= (1/sqrt(2))*sqGellin[:,None] #Ft = sqGthlin[:,None,None] #self.Fp = sqGphlin[None,:,None] # Ft = self.sqGmax * ( np.exp(-2.76*argth[:,None,None]) * np.exp(-2.76*argphi[None,:,None]) ) # self.Fp = self.sqGmax * ( np.exp(-2.76*argth[:,None,None]) * np.exp(-2.76*argphi[None,:,None]) ) self.evaluated = True else: pass # # # # Nd x Nf # # # Ft = self.sqGmax * ( np.exp(-2.76*argth) * np.exp(-2.76*argphi) ) # Fp = self.sqGmax * ( np.exp(-2.76*argth) * np.exp(-2.76*argphi) ) # # add frequency axis (Ndir x Nf) # Ft =[:,None],np.ones(len(self.fGHz))[None,:]) # self.Fp =[:,None],np.ones(len(self.fGHz))[None,:]) return Ft,Fp def __pGauss(self,**kwargs): """ Gauss pattern Parameters ---------- p0 : phi main lobe (0-2pi) p3 : 3dB aperture angle t0 : theta main lobe (0-pi) t3 : 3dB aperture angle TODO : finish implementation of polar """ defaults = {'param':{'p0' : 0, 't0' : np.pi/2, 'p3' : np.pi/6, 't3' : np.pi/6, 'pol':'th' }} if 'param' not in kwargs or kwargs['param']=={}: kwargs['param']=defaults['param'] self.typ='Gauss' self.param = kwargs['param'] p0 = self.param['p0'] t0 = self.param['t0'] p3 = self.param['p3'] t3 = self.param['t3'] pol = self.param['pol'] self.Gmax = 16/(t3*p3) self.GdB = 10*np.log10(self.Gmax) self.sqGmax = np.sqrt(self.Gmax) argth = ((self.theta-t0)**2)/t3 e1 = np.mod(self.phi-p0,2*np.pi) e2 = np.mod(p0-self.phi,2*np.pi) e = np.minimum(e1,e2) argphi = (e**2)/p3 Nf = len(self.fGHz) if self.grid : Nt = len(self.theta) Np = len(self.phi) # Nth x Nph x Nf # Ft = self.sqGmax * ( np.exp(-2.76*argth[:,None,None]) * np.exp(-2.76*argphi[None,:,None]) ) # self.Fp = self.sqGmax * ( np.exp(-2.76*argth[:,None,None]) * np.exp(-2.76*argphi[None,:,None]) ) if pol=='th': Ft = self.sqGmax * ( np.exp(-2.76*argth[:,None,None]) * np.exp(-2.76*argphi[None,:,None]) *np.ones(len(self.fGHz))[None,None,:]) Fp = np.zeros((Nt,Np,Nf)) if pol=='ph': Ft = np.zeros((Nt,Np,Nf)) Fp = self.sqGmax * ( np.exp(-2.76*argth[:,None,None]) * np.exp(-2.76*argphi[None,:,None]) *np.ones(len(self.fGHz))[None,None,:]) else: # # Nd x Nf # Nd = len(self.theta) assert(len(self.phi)==Nd) if pol=='th': Ft = self.sqGmax * ( np.exp(-2.76*argth) * np.exp(-2.76*argphi) ) Fp = np.zeros(Nd) if pol=='ph': Ft = np.zeros(Nd) Fp = self.sqGmax * ( np.exp(-2.76*argth) * np.exp(-2.76*argphi) ) # add frequency axis (Ndir x Nf) Ft =[:,None],np.ones(len(self.fGHz))[None,:]) Fp =[:,None],np.ones(len(self.fGHz))[None,:]) return Ft,Fp def __p3gpp(self,**kwargs): """ 3GPP antenna pattern Parameters ---------- thtilt : theta tilt antenna hpbwv : half power beamwidth v hpbwh : half power beamwidth h sllv : side lobe level fbrh : front back ratio gm : pol : h | v | c if pattern Ft nth x nphi x nf Fp nth x nphi x nf else Ft ndir x nf (==nth, ==nph) Fp ndir x nf (==nth, ==nph) """ defaults = {'param' : {'thtilt':0, # antenna tilt 'hpbwv' :6.2,# half power beamwidth v 'hpbwh' :65, # half power beamwidth h 'sllv': -18, # side lobe level 'fbrh': 30, # front back ratio 'gm': 18, # 'pol':'p' #t , p , c }} if 'param' not in kwargs or kwargs['param']=={}: kwargs['param'] = defaults['param'] #if 'param' not in kwargs: #kwargs['param']=defaults['param'] self.typ = "3gpp" self.param = kwargs['param'] thtilt = self.param['thtilt'] hpbwh = self.param['hpbwh'] hpbwv = self.param['hpbwv'] sllv = self.param['sllv'] fbrh = self.param['fbrh'] gm = self.param['gm'] pol = self.param['pol'] self.pol = pol # convert radian to degree phi = self.phi*180/np.pi-180 theta = self.theta*180/np.pi-90 if self.grid: #Nth x Nph x Nf GvdB = np.maximum(-12*((theta-thtilt)/hpbwv)**2,sllv)[:,None,None] GhdB = (-np.minimum(12*(phi/hpbwh)**2,fbrh)+gm)[None,:,None] GdB = GhdB+GvdB self.sqG = np.sqrt(10**(GdB/10.))*np.ones([None,None,:] self.evaluated = True else: #Nd x Nf GvdB = np.maximum(-12*((theta-thtilt)/hpbwv)**2,sllv)[:,None] GhdB = (-np.minimum(12*(phi/hpbwh)**2,fbrh)+gm)[:,None] GdB = GhdB+GvdB self.sqG = np.sqrt(10**(GdB/10.)) # radiating functions are deduced from square root of gain Ft,Fp = self.radF() return Ft,Fp def __pvsh1(self,**kwargs): """ calculate pattern from VSH Coeffs (shape 1) Parameters ---------- theta : ndarray (1xNdir) phi : ndarray (1xNdir) k : int frequency index Returns ------- Ft , Fp """ assert hasattr(self,'C'),'no spherical coefficient' assert hasattr(self.C.Br,'s1'),'no shape 1 coeff in vsh' if self.grid: theta = np.kron(self.theta, np.ones(self.nph)) phi = np.kron(np.ones(self.nth),self.phi) else: theta = self.theta phi = self.phi Nt = len(theta) Np = len(phi) if self.grid: theta = np.kron(theta, np.ones(Np)) phi = np.kron(np.ones(Nt),phi) nray = len(theta) Br = self.C.Br.s1[:, :, :] Bi = self.C.Bi.s1[:, :, :] Cr = self.C.Cr.s1[:, :, :] Ci = self.C.Ci.s1[:, :, :] L = self.C.Br.L1 M = self.C.Br.M1 # The - sign is necessary to get the good reconstruction # deduced from observation # May be it comes from a different definition of theta in SPHEREPACK ind = index_vsh(L, M) l = ind[:, 0] m = ind[:, 1] # V, W = VW(l, m, theta, phi) # # broadcasting along frequency axis # V = np.expand_dims(V,0) W = np.expand_dims(V,0) # # k : frequency axis # l : axis l (theta) # m : axis m (phi) # # The following cannot work du to shape issue!: # Fth = np.einsum('klm,kilm->ki',Br,np.real(V.T)) - \ # np.einsum('klm,kilm->ki',Bi,np.imag(V.T)) + \ # np.einsum('klm,kilm->ki',Ci,np.real(W.T)) + \ # np.einsum('klm,kilm->ki',Cr,np.imag(W.T)) # Fph = -np.einsum('klm,kilm->ki',Cr,np.real(V.T)) + \ # np.einsum('klm,kilm->ki',Ci,np.imag(V.T)) + \ # np.einsum('klm,kilm->ki',Bi,np.real(W.T)) + \ # np.einsum('klm,kilm->ki',Br,np.imag(W.T)) # this is replaced without garantee of correct # broadcasting on fequency by : Brr = Br[:,l,m] Bir = Bi[:,l,m] Crr = Cr[:,l,m] Cir = Ci[:,l,m] Fth =, np.real(V.T)) - \, np.imag(V.T)) + \, np.real(W.T)) + \, np.imag(W.T)) Fph =, np.real(V.T)) + \, np.imag(V.T)) + \, np.real(W.T)) + \, np.imag(W.T)) # here Nf x Nd Ft = Fth.transpose() Fp = Fph.transpose() # then Nd x Nf if self.grid: # Nth x Nph x Nf Ft = Ft.reshape(self.nth, self.nph, Fp = Fp.reshape(self.nth, self.nph, # last axis should be frequency assert(Ft.shape[-1] assert(Fp.shape[-1] return Ft, Fp def __pvsh3(self,**kwargs): """ calculate pattern from vsh3 """ assert hasattr(self,'C'),'no spherical coefficient' assert hasattr(self.C.Br,'s3'),'no shape 3 coeff in vsh' if self.grid: theta = np.kron(self.theta, np.ones(self.nph)) phi = np.kron(np.ones(self.nth),self.phi) else: theta = self.theta phi = self.phi Br = self.C.Br.s3 lBr = self.C.Br.ind3[:, 0] mBr = self.C.Br.ind3[:, 1] Bi = self.C.Bi.s3 Cr = self.C.Cr.s3 Ci = self.C.Ci.s3 L = lBr.max() M = mBr.max() # vector spherical harmonics basis functions # V, W = VW(lBr, mBr, theta, phi) V, W = VW(lBr, mBr, theta, phi) Fth =, np.real(V.T)) - \, np.imag(V.T)) + \, np.real(W.T)) + \, np.imag(W.T)) Fph =, np.real(V.T)) + \, np.imag(V.T)) + \, np.real(W.T)) + \, np.imag(W.T)) # here Nf x Nd Ft = Fth.transpose() Fp = Fph.transpose() # then Nd x Nf if self.grid: # Nth x Nph x Nf Ft = Ft.reshape(self.nth, self.nph, Fp = Fp.reshape(self.nth, self.nph, # last axis should be frequency assert(Ft.shape[-1] assert(Fp.shape[-1] return Ft,Fp def __psh3(self,**kwargs): """ calculate pattern for sh3 Parameters ---------- """ assert hasattr(self,'S'),'no spherical coefficient' assert hasattr(self.S.Cx,'s3'),'no shape 3 coeff in ssh' if self.grid: theta = np.kron(self.theta, np.ones(self.nph)) phi = np.kron(np.ones(self.nth),self.phi) else: theta = self.theta phi = self.phi cx = self.S.Cx.s3 cy = self.S.Cy.s3 cz = self.S.Cz.s3 lmax = self.S.Cx.lmax Y ,indx = SSHFunc2(lmax, theta,phi) k = self.S.Cx.k2 if self.grid: Ex =,Y[k]) Ey =,Y[k]) Ez =,Y[k]) Fth,Fph = CartToSphere(theta, phi, Ex, Ey,Ez, bfreq = True, pattern = True ) Ft = Fth.transpose() Fp = Fph.transpose() Ft = Ft.reshape(self.nth, self.nph, Fp = Fp.reshape(self.nth, self.nph, else: Ex =,Y[k]) Ey =,Y[k]) Ez =,Y[k]) Fth,Fph = CartToSphere(theta, phi, Ex, Ey,Ez, bfreq = True, pattern = False) Ft = Fth.transpose() Fp = Fph.transpose() assert(Ft.shape[-1] assert(Fp.shape[-1] return Ft,Fp def __pwireplate(self,**kwargs): """ pattern wire plate antenna """ defaults = {'param':{'t0' : 5*np.pi/6, 'GmaxdB': 5 }} if 'param' not in kwargs or kwargs['param']=={}: kwargs['param']=defaults['param'] self.typ='wireplate' self.param = kwargs['param'] t0 = self.param['t0'] GmaxdB = self.param['GmaxdB'] Gmax = pow(GmaxdB/10.,10) sqGmax = np.sqrt(Gmax) uth1 = np.where(self.theta < t0)[0] uth2 = np.where(self.theta >= t0)[0] p = t0 q = np.pi/2. A = np.array(([[3*p**2,2*p,1],[p**3,p**2,p],[q**3,q**2,q]])) Y = np.array(([0,1,1/(1.*sqGmax)])) self.poly = la.solve(A,Y) argth1 = np.abs(self.poly[0]*self.theta[uth1]**3 + self.poly[1]*self.theta[uth1]**2 + self.poly[2]*self.theta[uth1]) argth2 = -(1/(np.pi-t0)**2)*(self.theta[uth2]-t0)**2+1 argth = np.hstack((argth1,argth2))[::-1] if self.grid: Ft = sqGmax * (argth[:,None]) Fp = sqGmax * (argth[:,None]) else: Fat = sqGmax * argth Fap = sqGmax * argth Ft =[:,None],np.ones(len(self.fGHz))[None,:]) Fp =[:,None],np.ones(len(self.fGHz))[None,:]) return Ft,Fp def __pcst(self,**kwargs): """ read antenna in text format """ defaults = {'param':{'p' : 2, 'directory':'ant/FF_Results_txt_port_1_2/', 'fGHz':np.arange(2,6.5,0.5)}} if 'param' not in kwargs or kwargs['param']=={}: param=defaults['param'] else: param=kwargs['param'] self.fGHz = param['fGHz'] = len(self.fGHz) for f in param['fGHz']: if ((int(f*10))%10)==0: _filename1 = 'E_port'+str(param['p'])+'_f'+str(int(f))+'GHz.txt' _filename2 = 'E_port'+str(param['p'])+'_f'+str(int(f))+'Ghz.txt' # print 'toto' else: _filename1 = 'E_port'+str(param['p'])+'_f'+str(f)+'GHz.txt' _filename2 = 'E_port'+str(param['p'])+'_f'+str(f)+'Ghz.txt' filename1 = pyu.getlong(_filename1, param['directory']) filename2 = pyu.getlong(_filename2, param['directory']) try: df = pd.read_csv(filename1,sep=';') except: df = pd.read_csv(filename2,sep=';') columns = df.columns theta = (df[columns[0]]*np.pi/180).values.reshape(72,37) phi = (df[columns[1]]*np.pi/180).values.reshape(72,37) modGrlzdB = df[columns[2]] mFt = df[columns[3]] pFt = df[columns[4]] mFp = df[columns[5]] pFp = df[columns[6]] ratiodB = df[columns[7]] Ft = (10**(mFt/20)*np.exp(1j*pFt*np.pi/180)).values.reshape(72,37) Fp = (10**(mFp/20)*np.exp(1j*pFp*np.pi/180)).values.reshape(72,37) Ft = Ft.swapaxes(0,1) Fp = Fp.swapaxes(0,1) try: tFt=np.concatenate((tFt,Ft[...,None]),axis=2) tFp=np.concatenate((tFp,Fp[...,None]),axis=2) except: tFt=Ft[...,None] tFp=Fp[...,None] self.phi = phi[:,0] self.theta = theta[0,:] self.nth = len(self.theta) self.nph = len(self.phi) Ft = tFt Fp = tFp return Ft,Fp def __pHertz(self,**kwargs): """ Hertz dipole param = {'param':{'le':np.array([0,0,1])}} le unit vector defining the dipole orientation """ defaults = {'param':{'le':np.array([0,0,1])}} if 'param' not in kwargs or kwargs['param']=={}: kwargs['param']=defaults['param'] #k = 2*np.pi*self.fGHz[None,None,None,:]/0.3 param=kwargs['param'] if self.grid: le = param['le'][:,None,None] xr = np.sin(self.theta)[None,:,None]*np.cos(self.phi)[None,None,:] yr = np.sin(self.theta)[None,:,None]*np.sin(self.phi)[None,None,:] zr = np.cos(self.theta)[None,:,None]*np.ones(len(self.phi))[None,None,:] r = np.concatenate((xr,yr,zr),axis=0) xp = -np.sin(self.phi)[None,None,:]*np.ones(len(self.theta))[None,:,None] yp = np.cos(self.phi)[None,None,:]*np.ones(len(self.theta))[None,:,None] zp = np.zeros(len(self.phi))[None,None,:]*np.ones(len(self.theta))[None,:,None] ph = np.concatenate((xp,yp,zp),axis=0) xt = np.cos(self.theta)[None,:,None]*np.cos(self.phi)[None,None,:] yt = np.cos(self.theta)[None,:,None]*np.sin(self.phi)[None,None,:] zt = -np.sin(self.theta)[None,:,None]*np.ones(len(self.phi))[None,None,:] th = np.concatenate((xt,yt,zt),axis=0) vec = le - np.einsum('kij,kij->ij',le,r)[None,...]*r #G = 1j*30*k*vec Ft = np.sqrt(3/2.)*np.einsum('kij,kij->ij',vec,th)[...,None] Fp = np.sqrt(3/2.)*np.einsum('kij,kij->ij',vec,ph)[...,None] else: le = param['le'][:,None] xr = np.sin(self.theta)*np.cos(self.phi) yr = np.sin(self.theta)*np.sin(self.phi) zr = np.cos(self.theta) r = np.concatenate((xr,yr,zr),axis=0) xp = -np.sin(self.phi) yp = np.cos(self.phi) zp = np.zeros(len(self.phi)) ph = np.concatenate((xp,yp,zp),axis=0) xt = np.cos(self.theta)*np.cos(self.phi) yt = np.cos(self.theta)*np.sin(self.phi) zt = -np.sin(self.theta) th = np.concatenate((xt,yt,zt),axis=0) vec = le - np.einsum('ki,ki->i',le,r)[None,...]*r #G = 1j*30*k*vec Ft = np.sqrt(3/2.)*np.einsum('ki,ki->i',vec,th)[...,None] Fp = np.sqrt(3/2.)*np.einsum('ki,ki->i',vec,ph)[...,None] return Ft,Fp def __pHuygens(self,**kwargs): """ Huygens source param : dict le : direction of electric current n : normal to aperture """ defaults = {'param':{'le':np.array([0,0,1]), 'n':np.array([1,0,0])}} if 'param' not in kwargs or kwargs['param']=={}: kwargs['param']=defaults['param'] #k = 2*np.pi*self.fGHz[None,None,None,:]/0.3 param=kwargs['param'] if self.grid: le = param['le'][:,None,None] n = param['n'][:,None,None] xr = np.sin(self.theta)[None,:,None]*np.cos(self.phi)[None,None,:] yr = np.sin(self.theta)[None,:,None]*np.sin(self.phi)[None,None,:] zr = np.cos(self.theta)[None,:,None]*np.ones(len(self.phi))[None,None,:] r = np.concatenate((xr,yr,zr),axis=0) xp = -np.sin(self.phi)[None,None,:]*np.ones(len(self.theta))[None,:,None] yp = np.cos(self.phi)[None,None,:]*np.ones(len(self.theta))[None,:,None] zp = np.zeros(len(self.phi))[None,None,:]*np.ones(len(self.theta))[None,:,None] ph = np.concatenate((xp,yp,zp),axis=0) xt = np.cos(self.theta)[None,:,None]*np.cos(self.phi)[None,None,:] yt = np.cos(self.theta)[None,:,None]*np.sin(self.phi)[None,None,:] zt = -np.sin(self.theta)[None,:,None]*np.ones(len(self.phi))[None,None,:] th = np.concatenate((xt,yt,zt),axis=0) vec1 = le - np.einsum('kij,kij->ij',le,r)[None,...]*r cro1 = np.cross(le,n,axisa=0,axisb=0,axisc=0) vec2 = np.cross(cro1,r,axisa=0,axisb=0,axisc=0) vec = vec1-vec2 #G = 1j*30*k*vec Ft = np.sqrt(3/4.)*np.einsum('kij,kij->ij',vec,th)[...,None] Fp = np.sqrt(3/4.)*np.einsum('kij,kij->ij',vec,ph)[...,None] #Ft = np.einsum('kij,kij->ij',vec,th)[...,None] #Fp = np.einsum('kij,kij->ij',vec,ph)[...,None] else: le = param['le'][:,None] xr = np.sin(self.theta)*np.cos(self.phi) yr = np.sin(self.theta)*np.sin(self.phi) zr = np.cos(self.theta) r = np.concatenate((xr,yr,zr),axis=0) xp = -np.sin(self.phi) yp = np.cos(self.phi) zp = np.zeros(len(self.phi)) ph = np.concatenate((xp,yp,zp),axis=0) xt = np.cos(self.theta)*np.cos(self.phi) yt = np.cos(self.theta)*np.sin(self.phi) zt = -np.sin(self.theta) th = np.concatenate((xt,yt,zt),axis=0) vec1 = le - np.einsum('ki,ki->i',le,r)[None,...]*r cro1 = np.cross(le,n,axisa=0,axisb=0,axisc=0) vec2 = np.cross(cro1,r,axisa=0,axisb=0,axisc=0) vec = vec1-vec2 #G = 1j*30*k*vec Ft = np.sqrt(3)*np.einsum('ki,ki->i',vec,th)[...,None] Fp = np.sqrt(3)*np.einsum('ki,ki->i',vec,ph)[...,None] return Ft,Fp def __pArray(self,**kwargs): """ Array factor Parameters ---------- Sc : np.array coupling S matrix Notes ----- Nd : Number of directions Np : Number of points (antenna elements) Nf : Number of frequency Nb : Number of beams """ defaults = {'param':{'Sc':[]}} if 'param' not in kwargs or kwargs['param']=={}: kwargs['param']=defaults['param'] self.param = kwargs['param'] lamda = (0.3/self.fGHz) k = 2*np.pi/lamda if self.grid: sx = np.sin(self.theta[:,None])*np.cos(self.phi[None,:]) # Ntheta x Nphi sy = np.sin(self.theta[:,None])*np.sin(self.phi[None,:]) # Ntheta x Nphi sz = np.cos(self.theta[:,None])*np.ones(len(self.phi))[None,:] # Ntheta x Nphi sx = sx.reshape(self.nth*self.nph) sy = sy.reshape(self.nth*self.nph) sz = sz.reshape(self.nth*self.nph) else: sx = np.sin(self.theta)*np.cos(self.phi) # ,Nd sy = np.sin(self.theta)*np.sin(self.phi) # ,Nd sz = np.cos(self.theta) # ,Nd self.s = np.vstack((sx,sy,sz)).T # Nd x 3 # # F = exp(+jk s.p) # lshp = np.array(self.p.shape) if len(lshp)>2: Np =[1:]) p = self.p.reshape(3,Np) else: p = self.p Np = p.shape[1] self.Sc = self.param['Sc'] if self.Sc==[]: # Sc : Np x Np x Nf self.Sc = np.eye(Np)[...,None] #Sc2 = np.random.rand(Np,Np)[...,None] #pdb.set_trace() # # Get the weights # # w : b x a x f lshw = np.array(self.w.shape) if len(lshw)>2: Np2 =[0:-1]) assert(Np2==Np) w = self.w.reshape(Np,lshw[-1]) else: w = self.w # s : Nd x 3 # p : 3 x Np # # sdotp : Nd x Np sdotp =,p) # s . p for a in if not self.grid: a.eval(grid=self.grid,ph=self.phi,th=self.theta) else: a.eval(grid=self.grid) # aFt : Nt x Np x Nf |Nd x Nf # aFp : Nt x Np x Nf |Nd x Nf aFt = a.Ft aFp = a.Fp # # Force conversion to Nd x Nf # shF = aFt.shape aFt = aFt.reshape([0:-1]),shF[-1]) aFp = aFp.reshape([0:-1]),shF[-1]) # # Same pattern on each point # aFt = aFt[:,None,:] aFp = aFp[:,None,:] # # Nf : frequency # Nd : direction # Np : points or array antenna element position # Nb : number of beams # # w : Np x Nf # Sc : Np x Np x Nf # # # w' = w.Sc Np x Nf # # Coupling is implemented here # Rules : The repeated index k is the common dimension of the product # w : Np(k) x Nf(i) # Sc : Np(k) x Np(m) x Nf(i) # wp : Np(m) x Nf(i) wp = np.einsum('ki,kmi->mi',w,self.Sc) # add direction axis (=0) in w #if len(.w.shape)==3: # self.wp = self.wp[None,:,:,:] # aFT : Nd x Np x Nf # E : Nd x Np x Nf E = np.exp(1j*k[None,None,:]*sdotp[:,:,None]) # # wp : Np x Nf # Fp : Nd x Np x Nf # Ft : Nd x Np x Nf # Ft = wp[None,...]*aFt*E Fp = wp[None,...]*aFp*E if self.grid: # # Integrate over the Np points (axis =1) # only if self.grid # Fp : Nd x Nf # Ft : Nd x Nf # Ft = np.sum(Ft,axis=1) Fp = np.sum(Fp,axis=1) sh = Ft.shape Ft = Ft.reshape(self.nth,self.nph,sh[1]) Fp = Fp.reshape(self.nth,self.nph,sh[1]) return Ft,Fp
[docs] def radF(self): """ evaluate radiation fonction w.r.t polarization self.pol : 't' : theta , 'p' : phi n, 'c' : circular """ assert self.pol in ['t','p','c'] if self.pol=='p': Fp = self.sqG Ft = np.zeros(Fp.shape) #if len(self.sqG.shape)==3: # Ft = np.array([0])*np.ones(len(self.fGHz))[None,None,:] #else: # Ft = np.array([0])*np.ones(len(self.fGHz))[None,:] if self.pol=='t': #if len(self.sqG.shape)==3: # Fp = np.array([0])*np.ones(len(self.fGHz))[None,None,:] #else: # Fp = np.array([0])*np.ones(len(self.fGHz))[None,:] Ft = self.sqG Fp = np.zeros(Ft.shape) if self.pol=='c': Fp = (1./np.sqrt(2))*self.sqG Ft = (1j/np.sqrt(2))*self.sqG return Ft,Fp
[docs] def gain(self): """ calculates antenna gain Notes ----- This function updates the following attributes + self.G : np.array(Nt,Np,Nf) dtype:float linear gain or np.array(Nr,Nf) + self.sqG : np.array(Nt,Np,Nf) dtype:float linear sqare root of gain or np.array(Nr,Nf) + self.efficiency : np.array (,Nf) dtype:float efficiency + self.hpster : np.array (,Nf) dtype:float half power solid angle : 1 ~ 4pi steradian + self.ehpbw : np.array (,Nf) dtyp:float equivalent half power beamwidth (radians) .. math:: G(\\theta,\\phi) = |F_{\\theta}|^2 + |F_{\\phi}|^2 """ self.G = np.real( self.Fp * np.conj(self.Fp) + self.Ft * np.conj(self.Ft)) if self.grid: dt = self.theta[1]-self.theta[0] dp = self.phi[1]-self.phi[0] Nt = len(self.theta) Np = len(self.phi) Gs = self.G * np.sin(self.theta)[:, None, None] * np.ones(Np)[None, :, None] self.efficiency = np.sum(np.sum(Gs,axis=0),axis=0)*dt*dp/(4*np.pi) self.sqG = np.sqrt(self.G) self.GdB = 10*np.log10(self.G) # GdBmax (,Nf) # Get direction of Gmax and get the polarisation state in that direction self.GdBmax = np.max(np.max(self.GdB,axis=0),axis=0) # # The GdB maximum is determined over all the frequencies # GdBmax = np.max(self.GdBmax) #self.umax = np.array(np.where(self.GdB==self.GdBmax))[:,0] self.umax = np.array(np.where(self.GdB==GdBmax))[:,0] self.theta_max = self.theta[self.umax[0]] self.phi_max = self.phi[self.umax[1]] M = geu.SphericalBasis(np.array([[self.theta_max,self.phi_max]])) = M[:,2].squeeze() uth = M[:,0] uph = M[:,1] el = self.Ft[tuple(self.umax)]*uth + self.Fp[tuple(self.umax)]*uph eln = el/np.linalg.norm(el) self.el = eln.squeeze() self.hl = np.cross(,self.el) #assert((self.efficiency<1.0).all()),pdb.set_trace() self.hpster=np.zeros(len(self.fGHz)) self.ehpbw=np.zeros(len(self.fGHz)) for k in range(len(self.fGHz)): U = np.zeros((Nt,Np)) A = self.GdB[:,:,k]*np.ones(Nt)[:,None]*np.ones(Np)[None,:] u = np.where(A>(self.GdBmax[k]-3)) U[u] = 1 V = U*np.sin(self.theta)[:,None] self.hpster[k] = np.sum(V)*dt*dp/(4*np.pi) self.ehpbw[k] = np.arccos(1-2*self.hpster[k]) else: self.sqG = np.sqrt(self.G) self.GdB = 10*np.log10(self.G)
[docs] def plotG(self,**kwargs): """ antenna plot gain in 2D Parameters ---------- fGHz : frequency plan : 'theta' | 'phi' depending on the selected plan to be displayed angdeg : phi or theta in degrees, if plan=='phi' it corresponds to theta GmaxdB : max gain to be displayed (20) polar : boolean dyn : 8 , legend : True, polar : boolean linear or polar representation topos : False, source :satimo, show : True, mode : string 'index' | color: string 'black' Returns ------- fig ax Notes ----- self.nth and self.nph has to be correctly set Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from pylayers.antprop.antenna import * >>> A = Antenna('defant.vsh3') >>> fig,ax = A.plotG(fGHz=[2,3,4],plan='theta',angdeg=0) >>> fig,ax = A.plotG(fGHz=[2,3,4],plan='phi',angdeg=90) """ if not self.evaluated: self.eval(pattern=True) dtr = np.pi/180. defaults = {'fGHz' : [], 'dyn' : 8 , 'plan': 'phi', 'angdeg' : 90, 'legend':True, 'GmaxdB':20, 'polar':True, 'topos':False, 'source':'satimo', 'show':True, 'mode':'index', 'color':'black', 'u':0, } for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k] = defaults[k] args = {} for k in kwargs: if k not in defaults: args[k] = kwargs[k] if 'fig' not in kwargs: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) else: fig = kwargs['fig'] if 'ax' not in kwargs: #ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8], polar=True, facecolor='#d5de9c') if kwargs['polar']: ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8], polar=True ) else: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: ax = kwargs['ax'] u = kwargs['u'] rc('grid', color='#316931', linewidth=1, linestyle='-') rc('xtick', labelsize=15) rc('ytick', labelsize=15) DyndB = kwargs['dyn'] * 5 GmindB = kwargs['GmaxdB'] - DyndB #print "DyndB",DyndB #print "GmindB",GmindB # force square figure and square axes looks better for polar, IMO t1 = np.arange(5, DyndB + 5, 5) t2 = np.arange(GmindB + 5, kwargs['GmaxdB'] + 5, 5) col = ['k', 'r', 'g', 'b', 'm', 'c', 'y'] cpt = 0 #if len(self.fGHz) > 1 : # fstep = self.fGHz[1]-self.fGHz[0] #else : # fstep = np.array((abs(self.fGHz-kwargs['fGHz'][0])+1)) #dtheta = self.theta[1,0]-self.theta[0,0] #dphi = self.phi[0,1]-self.phi[0,0] dtheta = self.theta[1]-self.theta[0] dphi = self.phi[1]-self.phi[0] if kwargs['fGHz']==[]: lfreq = [self.fGHz[0]] else: lfreq = kwargs['fGHz'] for f in lfreq: df = abs(self.fGHz-f) ik0 = np.where(df==min(df)) ik = ik0[0][0] #ik=0 chaine = 'f = %3.2f GHz' %(self.fGHz[ik]) # all theta if kwargs['plan']=='theta': itheta = np.arange(self.nth) iphi1 = np.where(abs(self.phi-kwargs['angdeg']*dtr)<dphi)[0][0] Np = self.nph # 0 <= theta <= pi/2 u1 = np.where((self.theta <= np.pi / 2.) & (self.theta >= 0))[0] # 0 < theta < pi u2 = np.arange(self.nth) # pi/2 < theta <= pi u3 = np.nonzero((self.theta <= np.pi) & ( self.theta > np.pi / 2))[0] # # handle broadcasted axis =1 --> index 0 shsqG = self.sqG.shape if shsqG[0]==1: u1 = 0 u2 = 0 u3 = 0 if shsqG[1]==1: iphi1 = 0 iphi2 = 0 if len(shsqG)==3: # if only one frequency point if shsqG[2]==1: ik = 0 else: if shsqG[3]==1: ik = 0 # handle parity if np.mod(Np, 2) == 0: iphi2 = np.mod(iphi1 + int(Np / 2), Np) else: iphi2 = np.mod(iphi1 + int((Np - 1) / 2), Np) if len(shsqG)==3: arg1 = (u1,iphi1,ik) arg2 = (u2,iphi2,ik) arg3 = (u3,iphi1,ik) else: if shsqG[3]==1: u = 0 arg1 = (u1,iphi1,u,ik) arg2 = (u2,iphi2,u,ik) arg3 = (u3,iphi1,u,ik) # polar diagram #pdb.set_trace() if kwargs['polar']: if kwargs['source']=='satimo': r1 = -GmindB + 20 * np.log10( self.sqG[arg1]+1e-12) r2 = -GmindB + 20 * np.log10( self.sqG[arg2]+1e-12) r3 = -GmindB + 20 * np.log10( self.sqG[arg3]+1e-12) #print max(r1)+GmindB #print max(r2)+GmindB #print max(r3)+GmindB if kwargs['source']=='cst': r1 = -GmindB + 20 * np.log10( self.sqG[arg1]/np.sqrt(30)+1e-12) r2 = -GmindB + 20 * np.log10( self.sqG[arg2]/np.sqrt(30)+1e-12) r3 = -GmindB + 20 * np.log10( self.sqG[arg3]/np.sqrt(30)+1e-12) if type(r1)!= np.ndarray: r1 = np.array([r1])*np.ones(len(self.phi)) if type(r2)!= np.ndarray: r2 = np.array([r2])*np.ones(len(self.phi)) if type(r3)!= np.ndarray: r3 = np.array([r3])*np.ones(len(self.phi)) negr1 = np.nonzero(r1 < 0) negr2 = np.nonzero(r2 < 0) negr3 = np.nonzero(r3 < 0) r1[negr1[0]] = 0 r2[negr2[0]] = 0 r3[negr3[0]] = 0 r = np.hstack((r1[::-1], r2, r3[::-1], r1[-1])) a1 = np.arange(0, 360, 30) a2 = [90, 60, 30, 0, 330, 300, 270, 240, 210, 180, 150, 120] rline2, rtext2 = plt.thetagrids(a1, a2) # linear diagram else: r1 = 20 * np.log10( self.sqG[arg1]+1e-12) r2 = 20 * np.log10( self.sqG[arg2]+1e-12) r3 = 20 * np.log10( self.sqG[arg3]+1e-12) r = np.hstack((r1[::-1], r2, r3[::-1], r1[-1])) # angular basis for phi angle = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, len(r), endpoint=True) plt.title(u'$\\theta$ plane') if kwargs['plan']=='phi': iphi = np.arange(self.nph) itheta = np.where(abs(self.theta-kwargs['angdeg']*dtr)<dtheta)[0][0] angle = self.phi[iphi] if len(self.sqG.shape)==3: arg = [itheta,iphi,ik] else: arg = [itheta,iphi,u,ik] if kwargs['polar']: if!=1: r = -GmindB + 20 * np.log10(self.sqG[arg]) neg = np.nonzero(r < 0) r[neg] = 0 else: r = -GmindB+ 20*np.log10(self.sqG[0,0,0]*np.ones(np.shape(angle))) # plt.title(u'H plane - $\phi$ degrees') a1 = np.arange(0, 360, 30) a2 = [0, 30, 60, 90, 120 , 150 , 180 , 210, 240 , 300 , 330] #rline2, rtext2 = plt.thetagrids(a1, a2) else: r = 20 * np.log10(self.sqG[arg]) plt.title(u'$\\phi$ plane ') # actual plotting if len(lfreq)>1: ax.plot(angle, r, color=col[cpt], lw=2, label=chaine) else: ax.plot(angle, r, color=kwargs['color'], lw=2, label=chaine) cpt = cpt + 1 if kwargs['polar']: rline1, rtext1 = plt.rgrids(t1, t2) #ax.set_rmax(t1[-1]) #ax.set_rmin(t1[0]) if kwargs['legend']: ax.legend() if kwargs['show']: plt.ion() return(fig,ax)
[docs]class Antenna(Pattern): """ Antenna Attributes ---------- name : Antenna name nf : number of frequency nth : number of theta nph : number of phi Ft : Normalized Ftheta (ntheta,nphi,nf) Fp : Normalized Fphi (ntheta,nphi,nf) sqG : square root of gain (ntheta,nphi,nf) theta : theta base 1 x ntheta phi : phi base 1 x phi C : VSH Coefficients Methods ------- info : Display information about antenna vsh : calculates Vector Spherical Harmonics show3 : Geomview diagram plot3d : 3D diagram plotting using matplotlib toolkit Antenna trx file can be stored in various order natural : HFSS ncp : near filed chamber It is important when initializing an antenna object to be aware of the typ of trx file .trx (ASCII Vectorial antenna Pattern) F Phi Theta Fphi Ftheta """ def __init__(self,typ='Omni',**kwargs): """ class constructor Parameters ---------- typ : 'Omni','Gauss','WirePlate','3GPP','atoll' _filename : string antenna file name directory : str antenna subdirectory of the current project the file is seek in the $BASENAME/ant directory nf : integer number of frequency ntheta : integer number of theta (default 181) nphi : integer number of phi (default 90) source : string source of data { 'satimo' | 'cst' | 'hfss' } Notes ----- The supported data formats for storing antenna patterns are 'mat': Matlab File 'vsh2': unthresholded vector spherical coefficients 'vsh3': thresholded vector spherical cpoefficients 'atoll': Atoll antenna file format 'trx' : Satimo NFC raw data 'trx1' : Satimo NFC raw data (deprecated) A = Antenna('my_antenna.mat') """ defaults = {'directory': 'ant', 'source':'satimo', 'ntheta':90, 'nphi':181, 'L':90, # L max 'param':{}, } for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k] = defaults[k] if 'fGHz' in kwargs: if type(kwargs['fGHz'])==np.ndarray: self.fGHz=kwargs['fGHz'] else: self.fGHz=np.array([kwargs['fGHz']]) #mayavi selection self._is_selected=False self.source = kwargs['source'] self.param = kwargs['param'] # super(Antenna,self).__init__() #Pattern.__init__(self) # # if typ string has an extension it is a file # if isinstance(typ,str): AntennaName,Extension = os.path.splitext(typ) self.ext = Extension[1:] if self.ext=='': self.fromfile = False else: self.fromfile = True else: self.fromfile = True self.tau = 0 self.evaluated = False #determine if pattern for all theta/phi is constructed if self.fromfile: if isinstance(typ,str): self._filename = typ if self.ext == 'vsh3': self.typ='vsh3' self.loadvsh3() if self.ext == 'vsh2': self.typ='vsh2' self.loadvsh2() if self.ext == 'sh3': self.typ='sh3' self.loadsh3() if self.ext == 'sh2': self.typ='sh2' self.loadsh2() if self.ext == 'trx1': self.typ='trx' self.load_trx(kwargs['directory'],,self.nth,self.nph) if self.ext == 'trx': self.typ='trx' self.loadtrx(kwargs['directory'],kwargs['param']) if self.ext == 'mat': self.typ='mat' self.loadmat(kwargs['directory']) if self.ext == 'cst': self.typ='cst' if self.ext == 'txt': self.typ='atoll' self.load_atoll(kwargs['directory']) elif isinstance(typ,list): self._filename = typ self.ext='hfss' self.loadhfss(typ, self.nth, self.nph) else: # not from file self.typ = typ self._filename = typ if self.typ=='vsh3': self.initvsh() else: self.eval() def __repr__(self): st = '' st = st + 'type : ' + self.typ +'\n' st = st+'------------------------\n' if 'param' in self.__dict__: for k in self.param: st = st + ' ' + k + ' : ' + str(self.param[k])+'\n' if hasattr(self,'atoll'): for k1 in list(dict(self.atoll).keys()): st = st + str(k1)+'\n' for k2 in self.atoll[k1]: st = st + ' '+ str(k2)+'\n' st = st+'------------------------\n' rtd = 180./np.pi if self.fromfile: if isinstance(self._filename,str): st = st + 'file name : ' + self._filename+'\n' else: for i in range(len(self._filename)): st = st + 'FileName : ' + self._filename[i]+'\n' # #st = st + 'file type : ' + self.typ+'\n' if 'fGHz' in self.__dict__: st = st + "fmin : %4.2f" % (self.fGHz[0]) + "GHz\n" st = st + "fmax : %4.2f" % (self.fGHz[-1]) + "GHz\n" try: st = st + "step : %4.2f" % (1000*(self.fGHz[1]-self.fGHz[0])) + "MHz\n" except: st = st + "step : None\n" st = st + "Nf : %d" % (len(self.fGHz)) +"\n" # # if hasattr(self,'C'): st = st + self.C.__repr__() if hasattr(self,'S'): st = st + self.S.__repr__() if self.evaluated: st = st + '-----------------------\n' st = st + ' evaluated \n' st = st + '-----------------------\n' st = st + "Ntheta : %d" % (self.nth) + "\n" st = st + "Nphi : %d" % (self.nph) + "\n" # kwargs[k] = defaults[k] u = np.where(self.sqG==self.sqG.max()) if self.grid: if len(u[0])>1: S = self.sqG[(u[0][0],u[1][0],u[2][0])] ut = u[0][0] up = u[1][0] uf = u[2][0] else: S = self.sqG[u] ut = u[0] up = u[1] uf = u[2] else: if len(u[0])>1: S = self.sqG[(u[0][0],u[1][0])] ud = u[0][0] uf = u[1][0] else: S = self.sqG[u] ud = u[0] uf = u[1] st = st + "GdBmax :"+str(self.GdBmax[0])+' '+str(self.GdBmax[-1])+'\n' st = st + "Gmax direction : .sl" + str('\n' st = st + "Orientation of E field in Gmax direction : .el " + str(self.el)+'\n' st = st + "Orientation of H field in Gmax direction : .hl " + str(self.hl)+'\n' st = st + "effective HPBW : .ehpbw " + str(self.ehpbw[0])+' '+str(self.ehpbw[-1])+'\n' if self.source=='satimo': GdB = 20*np.log10(S) # see WHERE1 D4.1 sec if self.source=='cst': GdB = 20*np.log10(S/np.sqrt(30)) #st = st + "GmaxdB : %4.2f dB \n" % (GdB) st = st + " f = %4.2f GHz \n" % (self.fGHz[uf]) if self.grid: st = st + " theta = %4.2f (degrees) \n" % (self.theta[ut]*rtd) st = st + " phi = %4.2f (degrees) \n" % (self.phi[up]*rtd) else: st = st + " Ray n :" + str(ud)+' \n' else: st = st + 'Not evaluated\n' # # # if self.typ == 'mat': # #st = st + self.DataFile + '\n' # st = st + 'antenna name : '+ self.AntennaName + '\n' # st = st + 'date : ' + self.Date +'\n' # st = st + 'time : ' + self.StartTime +'\n' # st = st + 'Notes : ' + self.Notes+'\n' # st = st + 'Serie : ' + str(self.Serie)+'\n' # st = st + 'Run : ' + str(self.Run)+'\n' # st = st + "Nb theta (lat) : "+ str(self.nth)+'\n' # st = st + "Nb phi (lon) :"+ str(self.nph)+'\n' # # if self.typ == 'Gauss': # st = st + 'Gaussian pattern' + '\n' # st = st + 'phi0 : ' + str(self.p0) +'\n' # st = st + 'theta0 :' + str(self.t0) + '\n' # st = st + 'phi 3dB :' + str(self.p3) + '\n' # st = st + 'theta 3dB :' + str(self.t3) + '\n' # st = st + 'Gain dB :' + str(self.GdB) + '\n' # st = st + 'Gain linear :' + str(self.G ) + '\n' # st = st + 'sqrt G :' + str(self.sqG) + '\n' return(st)
[docs] def initvsh(self,lmax=45): """ Initialize a void vsh structure Parameters ---------- fGHz : array lmax : int level max """ nf = len(self.fGHz) Br = 1j * np.zeros((nf, lmax, lmax-1)) Bi = 1j * np.zeros((nf, lmax, lmax-1)) Cr = 1j * np.zeros((nf, lmax, lmax-1)) Ci = 1j * np.zeros((nf, lmax, lmax-1)) Br = VCoeff(typ='s1', fmin=self.fGHz[0], fmax=self.fGHz[-1], data=Br) Bi = VCoeff(typ='s1', fmin=self.fGHz[0], fmax=self.fGHz[-1], data=Bi) Cr = VCoeff(typ='s1', fmin=self.fGHz[0], fmax=self.fGHz[-1], data=Cr) Ci = VCoeff(typ='s1', fmin=self.fGHz[0], fmax=self.fGHz[-1], data=Ci) self.C = VSHCoeff(Br, Bi, Cr, Ci)
[docs] def ls(self, typ='vsh3'): """ list the antenna files in antenna project directory Parameters ---------- typ : string optional {'mat'|'trx'|'vsh2'|'sh2'|'vsh3'|'sh3'} Returns ------- lfile_s : list sorted list of all the .str file of strdir """ if typ=='vsh3': pathname = pstruc['DIRANT'] + '/*.' + typ if typ=='sh3': pathname = pstruc['DIRANT'] + '/*.' + typ if typ=='mat': pathname = pstruc['DIRANT'] + '/*.' + typ if typ=='trx': pathname = pstruc['DIRANT'] + '/*.' + typ lfile_l = glob.glob(basename+'/'+pathname) lfile_s = [] for fi in lfile_l: fis = pyu.getshort(fi) lfile_s.append(fis) lfile_s.sort() return lfile_s
[docs] def photo(self,directory=''): """ show a picture of the antenna Parameters ---------- directory : string """ if directory == '': directory = os.path.join('ant','UWBAN','PhotosVideos') _filename = 'IMG_'+self.PhotoFile.split('-')[1]+'.JPG' filename = pyu.getlong(_filename,directory) I =
[docs] def load_atoll(self,directory="ant"): """ load antenna from Atoll file Atoll format provides Antenna gain in the horizontal and vertical plane for different frequencies and different tilt values Parameters ---------- directory : string Notes ----- attol dictionnary is created atoll[keyband][polar]['hor'] = Ghor.reshape(360,ct,cf) atoll[keyband][polar]['ver'] = Gver.reshape(360,ct,cf) atoll[keyband][polar]['tilt'] = np.array(tilt) atoll[keyband][polar]['freq'] = np.array(tilt) """ _filemat = self._filename fileatoll = pyu.getlong(_filemat, directory) fd = open(fileatoll) lis = fd.readlines() tab = [] for li in lis: lispl= li.split('\t') if (lispl[0]!=''): tab.append(lispl) deg_to_rad = np.pi/180. lbs_to_kg = 0.45359237 columns = tab[0] #pdb.set_trace() for k in np.arange(len(tab)-1): df = pd.DataFrame([tab[k+1]],columns=columns) try: dff=dff.append(df) except: dff= df self.raw = dff dff = dff.iloc[:,[0,8,9,10,2,5,7,14,11,16,17,13,6,12]] #dff = df['Name','Gain (dBi)','FMin','FMax','FREQUENCY','Pattern','V_WIDTH','H_WIDTH','DIMENSIONS HxWxD (INCHES)','WEIGHT (LBS)'] dff.columns = ['Name','Fmin','Fmax','F','Gmax','G','Hpbw','H_width','V_width','HxWxD','Weight','Tilt','Etilt','Ftob'] dff=dff.apply(lambda x :pd.to_numeric(x,errors='ignore')) # # Parse polarization in the field name # upolarp45 = ['(+45)' in x for x in dff['Name']] upolarm45 = ['(-45)' in x for x in dff['Name']] if (sum(upolarp45)>0): dff.loc[upolarp45,'Polar']=45 if (sum(upolarm45)>0): dff.loc[upolarm45,'Polar']=-45 atoll = {} dfband = dff.groupby(['Fmin']) for b in dfband: keyband = str(b[0])+'-'+str(b[1]['Fmax'].values[0]) atoll[keyband]={} # band dfpol = b[1].groupby(['Polar']) for p in dfpol: atoll[keyband][p[0]] = {} # polar dftilt = p[1].groupby(['Tilt']) Ghor = np.empty((360,1)) # angle , tilt , frequency Gver = np.empty((360,1)) # angle , ct = 0 tilt = [] for t in dftilt: dffreq = t[1].groupby(['F']) ct+=1 cf=0 tilt.append(t[0]) freq = [] for f in dffreq: freq.append(f[0]) cf+=1 if len(f[1])==1: df = f[1] else: df = f[1].iloc[0:1] Gmax = df['Gmax'].values str1 = df.loc[:,'G'].values[0].replace(' ',' ') lstr = str1.split(' ') Pattern = [ eval(x) for x in lstr[0:-1]] # 4 fist field / # of points Nd,db,dc,Np = Pattern[0:4] #print(Nd,b,c,Np) tmp = np.array(Pattern[4:4+2*Np]).reshape(Np,2) ah = tmp[:,0] ghor = Gmax-tmp[:,1] # 4 fist field / # of points da,db,dc,dd = Pattern[4+2*Np:4+2*Np+4] #pdb.set_trace() #print a,b,c,d tmp = np.array(Pattern[4+2*Np+4:]).reshape(dc,2) gver = Gmax-tmp[:,0] av = tmp[:,1] try: Ghor = np.hstack((Ghor,ghor[:,None])) Gver = np.hstack((Gver,gver[:,None])) except: pdb.set_trace() Ghor = np.delete(Ghor,0,1) Gver = np.delete(Gver,0,1) atoll[keyband][p[0]]['hor'] = Ghor.reshape(360,ct,cf) atoll[keyband][p[0]]['ver'] = Gver.reshape(360,ct,cf) atoll[keyband][p[0]]['tilt'] = np.array(tilt) atoll[keyband][p[0]]['freq'] = np.array(freq) self.atoll = atoll
# lbands : list of antenna bands # Gmax = eval(self.df['Gain (dBi)'].values[0]) #fig = plt.figure() #ax =plt.gca(projection='polar') #ax =plt.gca() #ax.plot(H2[:,1]*deg_to_rad,Gain-H2[:,0],'r',label='vertical',linewidth=2) #ax.plot(H1[:,0]*deg_to_rad,Gain-H1[:,1],'b',label='horizontal',linewidth=2) #ax.set_rmin(-30) #plt.title(dir1+'/'+filename+' Gain : '+df['Gain (dBi)'].values[0]) #BXD-634X638XCF-EDIN.txt #BXD-636X638XCF-EDIN.txt
[docs] def loadmat(self, directory="ant"): """ load an antenna stored in a mat file Parameters ---------- directory : str , optional default 'ant' Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from pylayers.antprop.antenna import * >>> A = Antenna('S1R1.mat',directory='ant/UWBAN/Matfile') >>> f,a = A.plotG(plan='theta',angdeg=0) >>> f,a = A.plotG(plan='phi',angdeg=90,fig=f,ax=a) >>> txt = plt.title('S1R1 antenna : st loadmat') >>> """ _filemat = self._filename filemat = pyu.getlong(_filemat, directory) d = io.loadmat(filemat, squeeze_me=True, struct_as_record=False) ext = _filemat.replace('.mat', '') d = d[ext] # # # self.typ = 'mat' self.Date = str(d.Date) self.Notes = str(d.Notes) self.PhotoFile = str(d.PhotoFile) self.Serie = eval(str(d.Serie)) self.Run = eval(str(d.Run)) self.DataFile = str(d.DataFile) self.StartTime = str(d.StartTime) self.AntennaName = str(d.AntennaName) self.fGHz = d.freq/1.e9 self.theta = d.theta self.phi = d.phi self.Ft = d.Ftheta self.Fp = d.Fphi self.Fp = self.Fp.swapaxes(0, 2) self.Fp = self.Fp.swapaxes(0, 1) self.Ft = self.Ft.swapaxes(0, 2) self.Ft = self.Ft.swapaxes(0, 1) Gr = np.real(self.Fp * np.conj(self.Fp) + \ self.Ft * np.conj(self.Ft)) self.sqG = np.sqrt(Gr) self.nth = len(self.theta) self.nph = len(self.phi) if type(self.fGHz) == float: = 1 else: = len(self.fGHz) self.evaluated = True self.grid = True
[docs] def load_trx(self, directory="ant", nf=104, ntheta=181, nphi=90, ncol=6): """ load a trx file (deprecated) Parameters ---------- directory : str directory where is located the trx file (default : ant) nf : float number of frequency points ntheta : float number of theta nphi : float number of phi TODO : DEPRECATED (Fix the Ft and Fp format with Nf as last axis) """ _filetrx = self._filename filename = pyu.getlong(_filetrx, directory) if ncol == 6: pattern = """^.*\t.*\t.*\t.*\t.*\t.*\t.*$""" else: pattern = """^.*\t.*\t.*\t.*\t.*\t.*\t.*\t.*$""" fd = open(filename, 'r') d ='\r\n') fd.close() k = 0 #while ((,d[k]) is None ) & (,d[k]) is None )): while, d[k]) is None: k = k + 1 d = d[k:] N = len(d) del d[N - 1] r = '\t'.join(d) r.replace(' ', '') d = np.array(r.split()).astype('float') # # TODO Parsing the header # #nf = 104 #nphi = 90 #ntheta = 181 N = nf * nphi * ntheta d = d.reshape(N, 7) F = d[:, 0] PHI = d[:, 1] THETA = d[:, 2] Fphi = d[:, 3] + d[:, 4] * 1j Ftheta = d[:, 5] + d[:, 6] * 1j self.Fp = Fphi.reshape((nf, nphi, ntheta)) self.Ft = Ftheta.reshape((nf, nphi, ntheta)) Ttheta = THETA.reshape((nf, nphi, ntheta)) Tphi = PHI.reshape((nf, nphi, ntheta)) Tf = F.reshape((nf, nphi, ntheta)) self.Fp = self.Fp.swapaxes(1, 2) self.Ft = self.Ft.swapaxes(1, 2) Ttheta = Ttheta.swapaxes(1, 2) Tphi = Tphi.swapaxes(1, 2) Tf = Tf.swapaxes(1, 2) self.fGHz = Tf[:, 0, 0] self.theta = Ttheta[0, :, 0] #self.phi = Tphi[0,0,:] # # Temporaire # A1 = self.Fp[:, 90:181, :] A2 = self.Fp[:, 0:91, :] self.Fp = np.concatenate((A1, A2[:, ::-1, :]), axis=2) A1 = self.Ft[:, 90:181, :] A2 = self.Ft[:, 0:91, :] self.Ft = np.concatenate((A1, A2[:, ::-1, :]), axis=2) self.theta = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 91) self.phi = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 180, endpoint=False) self.nth = 91 self.nph = 180 = 104 self.evaluated = True
[docs] def pattern(self,theta=[],phi=[],typ='s3'): """ return multidimensionnal radiation patterns Parameters ---------- theta : array 1xNt phi : array 1xNp typ : string {s1|s2|s3} """ if theta == []: theta = np.linspace(0,np.pi,30) if phi == []: phi = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,60) self.grid = True Nt = len(theta) Np = len(phi) Nf = len(self.fGHz) #Th = np.kron(theta, np.ones(Np)) #Ph = np.kron(np.ones(Nt), phi) if typ =='s1': FTh, FPh = self.Fsynth1(theta, phi) if typ =='s2': FTh, FPh = self.Fsynth2b(theta,phi) if typ =='s3': FTh, FPh = self.Fsynth3(theta, phi) #FTh = Fth.reshape(Nf, Nt, Np) #FPh = Fph.reshape(Nf, Nt, Np) return(FTh,FPh)
[docs] def coeffshow(self,**kwargs): """ display antenna coefficient typ : string 'ssh' |'vsh' L : maximum level kf : frequency index vmin : float vmax : float """ defaults = {'typ':'vsh', 'L':20, 'kf':46, 'vmin':-40, 'vmax':0, 'cmap':cm.hot_r, 'dB':True } for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k]=defaults[k] L = kwargs['L'] kf = kwargs['kf'] # calculates mode energy # linear and log scale # E : f , l , m if kwargs['typ']=='vsh': E ='s1') if kwargs['typ']=='ssh': E ='s1') # Aem : f,l # calculates energy integrated over m Aem = np.sum(E,axis=2) Aem_dB = 10*np.log10(Aem) # Ael : f,m # calculates energy integrated over l Ael = np.sum(E,axis=1) Ael_dB = 10*np.log10(Ael) fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.set_figwidth(15) fig.set_figheight(10) if kwargs['dB']: im = ax.imshow(10*np.log10(E[kf,:,:]), vmin = kwargs['vmin'], vmax = kwargs['vmax'], extent =[-L,L,L,0], interpolation = 'nearest', cmap = kwargs['cmap']) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) axHistx = divider.append_axes("top", 1., pad=0.5, sharex=ax) axHisty = divider.append_axes("left", 1., pad=0.5, sharey=ax),L),Aem) #axHisty.barh(range(0,L),Ael ) axHistx.yaxis.set_ticks(np.array([0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8])) axHisty.xaxis.set_ticks(np.array([0,0.1,0.2,0.3])) cbar = plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax) fig.tight_layout() plt.text(-0.02,0.6 ,'levels', horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top', transform=ax.transAxes, rotation =90, fontsize= 15) plt.text(0.6,1.1 ,'free space', horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize= 15) plt.text(0.55,-0.1 ,'modes', horizontalalignment='right' ,verticalalignment='top', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize= 15) return fig,ax
[docs] def errel(self,kf=-1, dsf=1, typ='s3'): """ calculates error between antenna pattern and reference pattern Parameters ---------- kf : integer frequency index. If k=-1 integration over all frequency dsf : down sampling factor typ : Returns ------- errelTh : float relative error on :math:`F_{\\theta}` errelPh : float relative error on :math:`F_{\phi}` errel : float Notes ----- .. math:: \epsilon_r^{\\theta} = \\frac{|F_{\\theta}(\\theta,\phi)-\hat{F}_{\\theta}(\\theta,\phi)|^2} {|F_{\\theta}(\\theta,\phi)|^2} \epsilon_r^{\phi} = \\frac{|F_{\phi}(\\theta,\phi)-\hat{F}_{\phi}(\\theta,\phi)|^2} {|F_{\\theta}(\\theta,\phi)|^2} """ # # Retrieve angular bases from the down sampling factor dsf # theta = self.theta[::dsf] phi = self.phi[::dsf] Nt = len(theta) Np = len(phi) #Th = np.kron(theta, np.ones(Np)) #Ph = np.kron(np.ones(Nt), phi) if typ =='s1': FTh, FPh = self.Fsynth1(theta, phi) if typ =='s2': FTh, FPh = self.Fsynth2b(theta, phi) if typ =='s3': FTh, FPh = self.Fsynth3(theta, phi) #FTh = Fth.reshape(, Nt, Np) #FPh = Fph.reshape(, Nt, Np) # # Jacobian # #st = outer(sin(theta),ones(len(phi))) st = np.sin(theta).reshape((len(theta), 1)) # # Construct difference between reference and reconstructed # if kf!=-1: dTh = (FTh[kf, :, :] - self.Ft[kf, ::dsf, ::dsf]) dPh = (FPh[kf, :, :] - self.Fp[kf, ::dsf, ::dsf]) # # squaring + Jacobian # dTh2 = np.real(dTh * np.conj(dTh)) * st dPh2 = np.real(dPh * np.conj(dPh)) * st vTh2 = np.real(self.Ft[kf, ::dsf, ::dsf] \ * np.conj(self.Ft[kf, ::dsf, ::dsf])) * st vPh2 = np.real(self.Fp[kf, ::dsf, ::dsf] \ * np.conj(self.Fp[kf, ::dsf, ::dsf])) * st mvTh2 = np.sum(vTh2) mvPh2 = np.sum(vPh2) errTh = np.sum(dTh2) errPh = np.sum(dPh2) else: dTh = (FTh[:, :, :] - self.Ft[:, ::dsf, ::dsf]) dPh = (FPh[:, :, :] - self.Fp[:, ::dsf, ::dsf]) # # squaring + Jacobian # dTh2 = np.real(dTh * np.conj(dTh)) * st dPh2 = np.real(dPh * np.conj(dPh)) * st vTh2 = np.real(self.Ft[:, ::dsf, ::dsf] \ * np.conj(self.Ft[:, ::dsf, ::dsf])) * st vPh2 = np.real(self.Fp[:, ::dsf, ::dsf] \ * np.conj(self.Fp[:, ::dsf, ::dsf])) * st mvTh2 = np.sum(vTh2) mvPh2 = np.sum(vPh2) errTh = np.sum(dTh2) errPh = np.sum(dPh2) errelTh = (errTh / mvTh2) errelPh = (errPh / mvPh2) errel =( (errTh + errPh) / (mvTh2 + mvPh2)) return(errelTh, errelPh, errel)
[docs] def loadhfss(self,lfa = [], Nt=72,Np=37): """ load antenna from HFSS file Parameters ---------- lfa : list of antenna file Nt : int Number of angle theta Np : int Number of angle phi Notes ----- One file per frequency point th , ph , abs_grlz,th_absdB,th_phase,ph_absdB,ph_phase_ax_ratio """ # lfa : list file antenna = len(lfa) fGHz = [] lacsv = [] Fphi = np.empty((,self.nth,self.nph)) Ftheta = np.empty((,self.nth,self.nph)) SqG = np.empty((,self.nth,self.nph)) for i in range (len(lfa)): fGHz.append(eval(lfa[i].split('.csv')[0][-4])) lacsv.append(pd.read_csv(lfa[i], header=False, sep=',', names=['th','ph','abs_grlz','th_absdB','th_phase','ph_absdB','ph_phase','ax_ratio'], index_col=False)) th=lacsv[i].th.reshape(Np,Nt)*np.pi/180. ph=lacsv[i].ph.reshape(Np,Nt)*np.pi/180. Greal = lacsv[i].abs_grlz.reshape(Np,Nt) th_dB = lacsv[i].th_absdB.reshape(Np,Nt) ph_dB = lacsv[i].ph_absdB.reshape(Np,Nt) th_lin = pow(10,th_dB/20.) ph_lin = pow(10,ph_dB/20.) #th_phase = lacsv[i].th_phase.reshape(72,37)*np.pi/180. #ph_phase = lacsv[i].ph_phase.reshape(72,37)*np.pi/180. #axratio=lacsv[i].ax_ratio.reshape(72,37) Fphi[i,:,:] = ph_lin.swapaxes(1,0) Ftheta[i,:,:] = th_lin.swapaxes(1,0) SqG[i,:,:] = Greal.swapaxes(1,0) self.fGHz = np.array(fGHz) #self.theta = th[0,:].reshape(Nt,1) #self.phi = ph[:,0].reshape(1,Np) self.theta = th[0,:] self.phi = ph[:,0] self.Fp=Fphi self.Ft=Ftheta self.sqG=SqG
[docs] def loadtrx(self,directory,param={}): """ load trx file (SATIMO Near Field Chamber raw data) Parameters ---------- directory self._filename: short name of the antenna file the file is seek in the $BASENAME/ant directory fmin fmax Nf phmin phmax Nphi thmin thmax Ntheta #EDelay 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 10 121 0 6.19 72 0 3.14 37 0 param : dict mode : string mode 1 : columns are organized ['f','phi','th','ReFph','ImFphi','ReFth','ImFth'] mode 2 : columns are organized ['f','phi','th','GdB','GdB_ph','GdB_th'] mode2 corresponds to TRXV2 The measured values of Fp Ft and sqG and the associated theta and phi range are stored using the underscore prefix. e.g. self._Ft; self._Fp; self._sqG Notes ------ for mode 2 : it is require to create a header file "header_<_filename>.txt with the structure # fmin fmax Nf phmin phmax Nphi thmin thmax Ntheta #EDelay and to remove header for trx file. Warning Mode 2 invert automatocally apply _swap_theta_phi ! """ if param== {}: param = {'mode' : 1} _filetrx = self._filename _headtrx = 'header_' + _filetrx _headtrx = _headtrx.replace('trx', 'txt') headtrx = pyu.getlong(_headtrx, directory) filename = pyu.getlong(_filetrx, directory) # # Trx header structure # # fmin fmax Nf phmin phmax Nphi thmin thmax Ntheta #EDelay # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 # 1 10 121 0 6.19 72 0 3.14 37 0 # # foh = open(headtrx) ligh = foh.close() fmin = eval(ligh.split()[0]) fmax = eval(ligh.split()[1]) nf = eval(ligh.split()[2]) phmin = eval(ligh.split()[3]) phmax = eval(ligh.split()[4]) nphi = eval(ligh.split()[5]) thmin = eval(ligh.split()[6]) thmax = eval(ligh.split()[7]) ntheta = eval(ligh.split()[8]) # # The electrical delay in column 9 is optional # try: tau = eval(ligh.split()[9]) # tau : delay (ns) except: tau = 0 # # Data are stored in 7 columns in mode 1 # # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 # f phi th ReFph ImFphi ReFth ImFth # # fi = open(filename) d = np.array( N = len(d) if param['mode'] == 1: M = N / 7 d = d.reshape(M, 7) elif param['mode'] == 2: M = N / 6 d = d.reshape(M, 6) d = d.astype('float') f = d[:, 0] if f[0] == 0: print("error : frequency cannot be zero") # detect frequency unit # if values are above 2000 its means frequency is not expressed # in GHz # if (f[0] > 2000): f = f / 1.0e9 phi = d[:, 1] theta = d[:, 2] # # type : refers to the way the angular values are stored in the file # Detection of file type # # nfc # f phi theta # 2 1 0 # Natural # f phi theta # 2 0 1 # # auto detect storage mode looping # dphi = abs(phi[0] - phi[1]) dtheta = abs(theta[0] - theta[1]) if (dphi == 0) & (dtheta != 0): typ = 'nfc' if (dtheta == 0) & (dphi != 0): typ = 'natural' self.typ = typ if param['mode']==1: Fphi = d[:, 3] + d[:, 4] * 1j Ftheta = d[:, 5] + d[:, 6] * 1j elif param['mode']==2: Fphi = 10**(d[:, 4]/20) Ftheta = 10**(d[:, 5]/20) # # Normalization # G = np.real(Fphi * np.conj(Fphi) + Ftheta * np.conj(Ftheta)) SqG = np.sqrt(G) #Fphi = Fphi/SqG #Ftheta = Ftheta/SqG #Fphi = Fphi #Ftheta = Ftheta # # Reshaping # if typ == 'natural': self._Fp = Fphi.reshape((nf, ntheta, nphi)) self._Ft = Ftheta.reshape((nf, ntheta, nphi)) self._sqG = SqG.reshape((nf, ntheta, nphi)) Ttheta = theta.reshape((nf, ntheta, nphi)) Tphi = phi.reshape((nf, ntheta, nphi)) Tf = f.reshape((nf, ntheta, nphi)) self._Fp = self.Fp.swapaxes(0, 1).swapaxes(1,2) self._Ft = self.Ft.swapaxes(0, 1).swapaxes(1,2) self._sqG = self.sqG.swapaxes(0, 1).swapaxes(1,2) Ttheta = Ttheta.swapaxes(0, 1).swapaxes(1,2) Tphi = Tphi.swapaxes(0, 1).swapaxes(1,2) Tf = Tf.swapaxes(0, 1).swapaxes(1,2) if typ == 'nfc': self._Fp = Fphi.reshape((nf, nphi, ntheta)) self._Ft = Ftheta.reshape((nf, nphi, ntheta)) self._sqG = SqG.reshape((nf, nphi, ntheta)) Ttheta = theta.reshape((nf, nphi, ntheta)) Tphi = phi.reshape((nf, nphi, ntheta)) Tf = f.reshape((nf, nphi, ntheta)) # # Force natural order (f,theta,phi) # This is not the order of the satimo nfc which is (f,phi,theta) # # self.Fp = self.Fp.swapaxes(1, 2) # self.Ft = self.Ft.swapaxes(1, 2) # self.sqG = self.sqG.swapaxes(1, 2) self._Fp = self._Fp.swapaxes(0, 2) self._Ft = self._Ft.swapaxes(0, 2) self._sqG = self._sqG.swapaxes(0, 2) Ttheta = Ttheta.swapaxes(0, 2) Tphi = Tphi.swapaxes(0, 2) Tf = Tf.swapaxes(0, 2) # sqg=np.sqrt(10**(d[:,3]/10)) # self.sqG=sqg.reshape((nf, nphi, ntheta)).swapaxes(0, 2) self._fGHz = Tf[0, 0, :] self._theta = Ttheta[:, 0, 0] self._phi = Tphi[0, :, 0] # # check header consistency # np.testing.assert_almost_equal(self._fGHz[0],fmin,6) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(self._fGHz[-1],fmax,6) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(self._theta[0],thmin,3) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(self._theta[-1],thmax,3) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(self._phi[0],phmin,3) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(self._phi[-1],phmax,3) self._nf = nf self._nth = ntheta self._nph = nphi self._tau = tau if param['mode']==2: self._swap_theta_phi() self.evaluated = False
def _swap_theta_phi(self): """ swapping theta and phi in case where e.g. theta in [0, 2*pi] and phi in [0,pi] swapping allow to correctly return with the assumption where theta in [0,pi] and phi [0,2*pi] and allow e.g using vsh methods. """ assert self._nth>self._nph,'nth < nph so swapping is not possible' mid_nth = int(np.ceil(self._nth/2.)) new_nph = self._nph*2 # process for self.sqG B1=self._sqG[:mid_nth,...]#self.sqG[:65,...] B2=self._sqG[mid_nth:,...]#self.sqG[65:,...] B2i= B2[::-1,...] R=np.zeros((mid_nth,new_nph,self._nf))#R=np.zeros((65,128,31)) R[:,:mid_nth-1,:]=B1 #R[:,:64,:]=B1 R[:-1,mid_nth-1:,:]=B2i # R[:-1,64:,:]=B2i R[-1,mid_nth-1:,:]=B1[-1,:,:]# R[-1,64:,:]=B1[-1,:,:] self._sqG = R # process for self.Ft B1=self._Ft[:mid_nth,...]#self.Ft[:65,...] B2=self._Ft[mid_nth:,...]#self.Ft[65:,...] B2i= B2[::-1,...] R=np.zeros((mid_nth,new_nph,self._nf))#R=np.zeros((65,128,31)) R[:,:mid_nth-1,:]=B1 #R[:,:64,:]=B1 R[:-1,mid_nth-1:,:]=B2i # R[:-1,64:,:]=B2i R[-1,mid_nth-1:,:]=B1[-1,:,:]# R[-1,64:,:]=B1[-1,:,:] self._Ft = R # process for self.Fp B1=self._Fp[:mid_nth,...]#self.Ft[:65,...] B2=self._Fp[mid_nth:,...]#self.Ft[65:,...] B2i= B2[::-1,...] R=np.zeros((mid_nth,new_nph,self._nf))#R=np.zeros((65,128,31)) R[:,:mid_nth-1,:]=B1 #R[:,:64,:]=B1 R[:-1,mid_nth-1:,:]=B2i # R[:-1,64:,:]=B2i R[-1,mid_nth-1:,:]=B1[-1,:,:]# R[-1,64:,:]=B1[-1,:,:] self._Fp = R # update theta,phi self._theta = np.linspace(0,np.pi,mid_nth) self._phi = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,new_nph) self._nth = mid_nth self._nph = new_nph
[docs] def checkpole(self, kf=0): """ display the reconstructed field on pole for integrity verification Parameters ---------- kf : int frequency index default 0 """ Ft0 = self.Ft[kf, 0, :] Fp0 = self.Fp[kf, 0, :] Ftp = self.Ft[kf, -1, :] Fpp = self.Fp[kf, -1, :] phi = self.phi Ex0 = Ft0 * np.cos(phi) - Fp0 * np.sin(phi) Ey0 = Ft0 * np.sin(phi) + Fp0 * np.cos(phi) Exp = Ftp * np.cos(phi) - Fpp * np.sin(phi) Eyp = Ftp * np.sin(phi) + Fpp * np.cos(phi) plt.subplot(4, 2, 1) plt.plot(phi, np.real(Ex0)) plt.subplot(4, 2, 2) plt.plot(phi, np.imag(Ex0)) plt.subplot(4, 2, 3) plt.plot(phi, np.real(Ey0)) plt.subplot(4, 2, 4) plt.plot(phi, np.imag(Ey0)) plt.subplot(4, 2, 5) plt.plot(phi, np.real(Exp)) plt.subplot(4, 2, 6) plt.plot(phi, np.imag(Exp)) plt.subplot(4, 2, 7) plt.plot(phi, np.real(Eyp)) plt.subplot(4, 2, 8) plt.plot(phi, np.imag(Eyp))
[docs] def info(self): """ gives info about antenna object """ print(self._filename) print("type : ", self.typ) if self.typ == 'mat': print(self.DataFile) print(self.AntennaName) print(self.Date) print(self.StartTime) print(self.Notes) print(self.Serie) print(self.Run) print("Nb theta (lat) :", self.nth) print("Nb phi (lon) :", self.nph) if self.typ =='nfc': print( "--------------------------") print( "fmin (GHz) :", self.fGHz[0]) print( "fmax (GHz) :", self.fGHz[-1]) print( "Nf :", print( "thmin (rad) :", self.theta[0]) print( "thmax (rad) :", self.theta[-1]) print( "Nth :", self.nth) print( "phmin (rad) :", self.phi[0]) print( "phmax (rad) :", self.phi[-1]) print( "Nph :", self.nph) try: except: print("No vsh coefficient calculated yet") def _show3(self,bnewfig = True, bcolorbar =True, name=[], binteract=False, btitle=True, bcircle=True, **kwargs ): """ show3 mayavi Parameters ---------- btitle : boolean display title bcolorbar : boolean display colorbar binteract : boolean enable interactive mode bcircle : boolean draw a circle newfig: boolean see also -------- antprop.antenna._computemesh """ if not self.evaluated: self.eval(pattern=True) # k is the frequency index if hasattr(self, 'p'): lpshp = len(self.p.shape) sum_index = tuple(np.arange(1, lpshp)) po = np.mean(self.p, axis=sum_index) kwargs['po'] = po x, y, z, k, scalar = self._computemesh(**kwargs) if bnewfig: mlab.clf() f = mlab.figure(bgcolor=(1, 1, 1), fgcolor=(0, 0, 0)) else: f = mlab.gcf() if 'opacity' in kwargs: opacity = kwargs['opacity'] else: opacity = 1 self._mayamesh = mlab.mesh(x, y, z, scalars= scalar, resolution = 1, opacity = opacity,reset_zoom=False) if name == []: f.children[-1].name = 'Antenna ' + self._filename else : f.children[-1].name = name + self._filename if bcolorbar : mlab.colorbar() if btitle: mlab.title(self._filename + ' @ ' + str(self.fGHz[k]) + ' GHz',height=1,size=0.5) def circle(typ='xy',a=1.2): phi = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 2000) if typ=='xy': return [ a*np.cos(phi) , a*np.sin(phi) , np.zeros(len(phi)) ] if typ=='yz': return [ np.zeros(len(phi)), a*np.cos(phi) , a*np.sin(phi) ] if typ=='xz': return [ a*np.cos(phi), a*np.zeros(len(phi)), np.sin(phi) ] # draw 3D circle around the pattern if bcircle: xc,yc,zc =circle('xy') # blue mlab.plot3d(xc,yc,zc,color=(0,0,1)) xc,yc,zc =circle('yz') # red mlab.plot3d(xc,yc,zc,color=(1,0,0)) xc,yc,zc =circle('xz') # green mlab.plot3d(xc,yc,zc,color=(0,1,0)) if binteract: self._outline = mlab.outline(self._mayamesh, color=(.7, .7, .7)) self._outline.visible=False def picker_callback(picker): """ Picker callback: this get called when on pick events. """ if in self._outline.visible = not self._outline.visible self._is_selected=self._outline.visible picker = f.on_mouse_pick(picker_callback) return(f) def _computemesh(self,**kwargs): """ compute mesh from theta phi Parameters ---------- fGHz : np.array() default [] : takes center frequency fa[len(fa)/2] po : np.array() location point of the antenna T : np.array rotation matrix minr : float minimum radius in meter maxr : float maximum radius in meters tag : string ilog : boolean title : boolean Returns ------- (x, y, z, k) x , y , z values in cartesian axis k frequency point evaluated """ defaults = {'fGHz': [], 'po': np.array([0, 0, 0]), 'T': np.eye(3), 'minr': 0.1, 'maxr': 1, 'scale': 1., 'tag' : 'Pat', 'txru' : 0, 'ilog' : False, 'title': True, } for key, value in defaults.items(): if key not in kwargs: kwargs[key] = value fGHz = kwargs['fGHz'] minr = kwargs['minr'] maxr = kwargs['maxr'] tag = kwargs['tag'] ilog = kwargs['ilog'] txru = kwargs['txru'] scale = kwargs['scale'] po = kwargs['po'] # T is an unitary matrix T = kwargs['T'] if fGHz == []: # self.ext == '' <=> mathematically generated => nf = 1 if self.ext != '': k = int(len(self.fGHz)/2) else: k = 0 else : if self.ext != '': k = np.where(self.fGHz>=fGHz)[0][0] else: k = 0 if len(self.Ft.shape)==2: r = self.sqG[:,k] elif len(self.Ft.shape)==3: r = self.sqG[:,:,k] else: r = self.sqG[:,:,txru,k] th = self.theta[:,None] phi = self.phi[None,:] if ilog : r = 10*np.log10(abs(r)) else: r = abs(r) if r.max() != r.min(): u = (r - r.min()) /(r.max() - r.min()) else : u = r r = minr + (maxr-minr) * u x = scale*r * np.sin(th) * np.cos(phi) y = scale*r * np.sin(th) * np.sin(phi) z = scale*r * np.cos(th) if z.shape[1] != y.shape[1]: z = z*np.ones(y.shape[1]) p = np.concatenate((x[...,None], y[...,None], z[...,None]),axis=2) # # antenna cs -> glogal cs # q : Nt x Np x 3 q = np.einsum('ij,klj->kli',T,p) # # translation # scalar=(q[...,0]**2+q[...,1]**2+q[...,2]**2) q[...,0]=q[...,0]+po[0] q[...,1]=q[...,1]+po[1] q[...,2]=q[...,2]+po[2] x = q[...,0] y = q[...,1] z = q[...,2] return x, y, z, k, scalar
[docs] def show3(self,k=0,po=[],T=[],txru=0,typ='G', mode='linear', silent=False): """ show3 geomview Parameters ---------- k : frequency index po : poition of the antenna T : GCS of the antenna typ : string 'G' | 'Ft' | 'Fp' mode : string 'linear'| 'not implemented' silent : boolean True | False Examples -------- >>> from pylayers.antprop.antenna import * >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pylab as plt >>> A = Antenna('defant.sh3') >>> #A.show3() """ if not self.evaluated: self.eval(pattern=True) f = self.fGHz[k] # 3 axis : nth x nph x nf if len(self.Ft.shape)==3: if typ == 'G': V = self.sqG[:, :,k] if typ == 'Ft': V = self.Ft[:, :,k] if typ == 'Fp': V = self.Fp[:, :,k] if typ == 'Ft': V = self.Ft[:,:,k] # 4 axis : nth x nph x ntxru x nf if len(self.Ft.shape)==4: if typ == 'G': V = self.sqG[:, :, txru,k] if typ == 'Ft': V = self.Ft[:, : ,txru,k] if typ == 'Fp': V = self.Fp[:, :,txru,k] if po ==[]: po = np.array([0, 0, 0]) if T ==[]: T = np.eye(3) _filename = 'antbody' geo = geu.Geomoff(_filename) # geo.pattern requires the following shapes # theta (Ntx1) # phi (1xNp) #if len(np.shape(self.theta))==1: # theta = self.theta[:,None] #else: # theta=self.theta theta = self.theta #if len(np.shape(self.phi))==1: # phi = self.phi[None,:] #else: # phi=self.phi phi = self.phi geo.pattern(theta,phi,V,po=po,T=T,ilog=False,minr=0.01,maxr=0.2) #filename = geom_pattern(self.theta, self.phi, V, k, po, minr, maxr, typ) #filename = geom_pattern(self.theta, self.phi, V, k, po, minr, maxr, typ) if not silent: geo.show3()
[docs] def plot3d(self, k=0, typ='Gain', col=True): """ show 3D pattern in matplotlib Parameters ---------- k : frequency index typ = 'Gain' = 'Ftheta' = 'Fphi' if col -> color coded plot3D else -> simple plot3D """ fig = plt.figure() ax = axes3d.Axes3D(fig) if typ == 'Gain': V = self.sqG[:, :,k] if typ == 'Ftheta': V = self.Ft[ :, :,k] if typ == 'Fphi': V = self.Fp[ :, :,k] vt = np.ones(self.nth) vp = np.ones(self.nph) Th = np.outer(self.theta, vp) Ph = np.outer(vt, self.phi) pdb.set_trace() X = abs(V) * np.cos(Ph) * np.sin(Th) Y = abs(V) * np.sin(Ph) * np.sin(Th) Z = abs(V) * np.cos(Th) ax.set_xlabel('X') ax.set_ylabel('Y') ax.set_zlabel('Z') if col: ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.hot_r,shade=True) else: ax.plot3D(np.ravel(X), np.ravel(Y), np.ravel(Z))
[docs] def pol3d(self, k=0, R=50, St=4, Sp=4, silent=False): """ Display polarisation diagram in 3D Parameters ---------- k : int frequency index R : float radius of the sphere St : int downsampling factor along theta Sp : int downsampling factor along phi silent : Boolean (if True the file is created and not displayed') The file created is named : Polar{ifreq}.list it is placed in the /geom directory of the project """ _filename = 'Polar' + str(10000 + k)[1:] + '.list' filename = pyu.getlong(_filename, pstruc['DIRGEOM']) fd = open(filename, "w") fd.write("LIST\n") Nt = self.nth Np = self.nph N = 10 plth = np.arange(0, Nt, St) plph = np.arange(0, Np, Sp) for m in plph: for n in plth: #theta = self.theta[n,0] theta = self.theta[n] #print "m,theta= :",m,theta*180/np.pi #phi = self.phi[0,m] phi = self.phi[m] #print "n,phi=:",n,phi*180/np.pi B = geu.vec_sph(theta, phi) p = R * np.array((np.cos(phi) * np.sin(theta), np.sin(phi) * np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta))) fd.write('{\n') geu.ellipse(fd, p, B[0, :], B[1, :], self.Ft[n, m , k], self.Fp[n, m , k], N) fd.write('}\n') fd.close() if not silent: chaine = "geomview " + filename + " 2>/dev/null &" os.system(chaine)
[docs] def mse(self, Fth, Fph, N=0): """ mean square error between original and reconstructed Parameters ---------- Fth : np.array Fph : np.array N : int Notes ----- Calculate the relative mean square error between original pattern A.Ftheta , A.Fphi and the pattern given as argument of the function Fth , Fph The mse is evaluated on both polarization and normalized over the energy of each original pattern. The function returns the maximum between those two errors N is a parameter which allows to suppress value at the pole for the calculation of the error if N=0 all values are kept else N < n < Nt - N """ sh = np.shape(self.Ft) Nf = sh[0] Nt = sh[1] Np = sh[2] # plage de theta (exclusion du pole) pt = np.arange(N, Nt - N, 1) Fthr = Fth.reshape(sh) Fphr = Fph.reshape(sh) Gr = np.real(Fphr * np.conj(Fphr) + Fthr * np.conj(Fthr)) SqGr = np.sqrt(Gr) Fthr = Fthr[:, pt, :].ravel() Fphr = Fphr[:, pt, :].ravel() SqGr = SqGr[:, pt, :].ravel() Ftho = self.Ft[:, pt, :].ravel() Fpho = self.Fp[:, pt, :].ravel() SqGo = self.sqG[:, pt, :].ravel() Etho = np.sqrt(, Ftho)) Epho = np.sqrt(, Fpho)) Eo = np.sqrt(, Ftho) +, Fpho)) errth = Ftho - Fthr errph = Fpho - Fphr Err = np.real(np.sqrt(, errth) +, errph))) Errth = np.real(np.sqrt(, errth))) Errph = np.real(np.sqrt(, errph))) #Errth_rel = Errth/Etho #Errph_rel = Errph/Epho Errth_rel = Errth / Eo Errph_rel = Errph / Eo Err_rel = Err / Eo return Err_rel, Errth_rel, Errph_rel
[docs] def getdelay(self,delayCandidates = np.arange(-10,10,0.001)): """ get electrical delay Parameters ---------- delayCandidates : ndarray dalay in (ns) default np.arange(-10,10,0.001) Returns ------- electricalDelay : float Author : Troels Pedersen (Aalborg University) B.Uguen """ if self.evaluated: maxPowerInd = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(abs(self.Ft)),np.shape(self.Ft)) elD = delayCandidates[np.argmax(abs([maxPowerInd[0],maxPowerInd[1],:] ,np.exp(2j*np.pi*self.fGHz[:,None] *delayCandidates[None,:]))))] #electricalDelay = delayCandidates[np.argmax(abs( #[:,maxPowerInd[1],maxPowerInd[2]] # ,np.exp(2j*np.pi*freq.reshape(len(freq),1) # *delayCandidates.reshape(1,len(delayCandidates)))) # ))] return(elD) else: raise Warning('Antenna has not been evaluated')
[docs] def elec_delay(self,tau): r""" apply an electrical delay Parameters ---------- tau : float electrical delay in nanoseconds Notes ----- This function applies an electrical delay math::`\exp{+2 j \pi f \tau)` on the phase of diagram math::``F_{\theta}`` and math::`F_{\phi}` Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> from pylayers.antprop.antenna import * >>> A = Antenna('S2R2.sh3') >>> A.eval() >>> tau = A.getdelay() >>> A.elec_delay(tau) """ self.tau = self.tau+tau if self.evaluated: Ftheta = self.Ft Fphi = self.Fp sh = np.shape(Ftheta) e = np.exp(2 * np.pi * 1j * self.fGHz[None,None,:]* tau) #E = np.outer(e, ones(sh[1] * sh[2])) #Fth = Ftheta.reshape(sh[0], sh[1] * sh[2]) #EFth = Fth * E #self.Ft = EFth.reshape(sh[0], sh[1], sh[2]) self.Ft = self.Ft*e self.Fp = self.Fp*e #Fph = Fphi.reshape(sh[0], sh[1] * sh[2]) #EFph = Fph * E #self.Fp = EFph.reshape(sh[0], sh[1], sh[2]) else: raise Warning('antenna has not been evaluated')
[docs] def Fsynth(self,theta=[],phi=[],): """ Perform Antenna synthesis Parameters ---------- theta : np.array phi : np.array call Antenna.Fpatt or Antenna.Fsynth3 Notes ----- The antenna pattern synthesis is done either from spherical harmonics coefficients or from an analytical expression of the radiation pattern. """ if ((self.fromfile) or (self.typ=='vsh') or (self.typ=='ssh')): Ft,Fp = self.Fsynth3(theta,phi) self.gain() self.evaluated=True else : Ft = self.Ft Fp = self.Fp self.theta = theta self.phi = phi eval('self.p'+self.typ)() #Ft,Fp = self.Fpatt(theta,phi,pattern) return (Ft,Fp)
#def Fsynth1(self, theta, phi, k=0):
[docs] def Fsynth1(self, theta, phi): """ calculate complex antenna pattern from VSH Coefficients (shape 1) Parameters ---------- theta : ndarray (1xNdir) phi : ndarray (1xNdir) k : int frequency index Returns ------- Ft , Fp """ Nt = len(theta) Np = len(phi) if self.grid: theta = np.kron(theta, np.ones(Np)) phi = np.kron(np.ones(Nt),phi) nray = len(theta) #Br = self.C.Br.s1[k, :, :] #Bi = self.C.Bi.s1[k, :, :] #Cr = self.C.Cr.s1[k, :, :] #Ci = self.C.Ci.s1[k, :, :] Br = self.C.Br.s1[:, :, :] Bi = self.C.Bi.s1[:, :, :] Cr = self.C.Cr.s1[:, :, :] Ci = self.C.Ci.s1[:, :, :] N = self.C.Br.N1 M = self.C.Br.M1 #print "N,M",N,M # # The - sign is necessary to get the good reconstruction # deduced from observation # May be it comes from a different definition of theta in SPHEREPACK x = -np.cos(theta) Pmm1n, Pmp1n = AFLegendre3(N, M, x) ind = index_vsh(N, M) n = ind[:, 0] m = ind[:, 1] #~ V, W = VW(n, m, x, phi, Pmm1n, Pmp1n) V, W = VW(n, m, x, phi) # # broadcasting along frequency axis # V = np.expand_dims(V,0) W = np.expand_dims(V,0) # # k : frequency axis # l : coeff l # m # Fth = np.eisum('klm,kilm->ki',Br,np.real(V.T)) - \ # np.eisum('klm,kilm->ki',Bi,np.imag(V.T)) + \ # np.eisum('klm,kilm->ki',Ci,np.real(W.T)) + \ # np.eisum('klm,kilm->ki',Cr,np.imag(W.T)) # Fph = -np.eisum('klm,kilm->ki',Cr,np.real(V.T)) + \ # np.eisum('klm,kilm->ki',Ci,np.imag(V.T)) + \ # np.eisum('klm,kilm->ki',Bi,np.real(W.T)) + \ # np.eisum('klm,kilm->ki',Br,np.imag(W.T)) Brr = Br[:,l,m] Bir = Bi[:,l,m] Crr = Cr[:,l,m] Cir = Ci[:,l,m] Fth =, np.real(V.T)) - \, np.imag(V.T)) + \, np.real(W.T)) + \, np.imag(W.T)) Fph =, np.real(V.T)) + \, np.imag(V.T)) + \, np.real(W.T)) + \, np.imag(W.T)) #Fth =, np.real(V.T)) - \ #, np.imag(V.T)) + \ #, np.real(W.T)) + \ #, np.imag(W.T)) #Fph =, np.real(V.T)) + \ #, np.imag(V.T)) + \ #, np.real(W.T)) + \ #, np.imag(W.T)) if self.grid: Nf = len(self.fGHz) Fth = Fth.reshape(Nf, Nt, Np) Fph = Fph.reshape(Nf, Nt, Np) return Fth, Fph
[docs] def Fsynth2s(self,dsf=1): """ pattern synthesis from shape 2 vsh coefficients Parameters ---------- phi Notes ----- Calculate complex antenna pattern from VSH Coefficients (shape 2) for the specified directions (theta,phi) theta and phi arrays needs to have the same size """ theta = self.theta[::dsf] phi = self.phi[::dsf] Nt = len(theta) Np = len(phi) theta = np.kron(theta, np.ones(Np)) phi = np.kron(np.ones(Nt), phi) Ndir = len(theta) Br = self.C.Br.s2 # Nf x K2 Bi = self.C.Bi.s2 # Nf x K2 Cr = self.C.Cr.s2 # Nf x K2 Ci = self.C.Ci.s2 # Nf x K2 Nf = np.shape(self.C.Br.s2)[0] K2 = np.shape(self.C.Br.s2)[1] L = self.C.Br.N2 # int M = self.C.Br.M2 # int #print "N,M",N,M # # The - sign is necessary to get the good reconstruction # deduced from observation # May be it comes from a different definition of theta in SPHEREPACK x = -np.cos(theta) Pmm1n, Pmp1n = AFLegendre3(L, M, x) ind = index_vsh(L, M) l = ind[:, 0] m = ind[:, 1] V, W = VW2(l, m, x, phi, Pmm1n, Pmp1n) # K2 x Ndir # Fth , Fph are Nf x Ndir tEBr = [] tEBi = [] tECr = [] tECi = [] for k in range(K2): BrVr =[:,k].reshape(Nf,1), np.real(V.T)[k,:].reshape(1,Ndir)) BiVi =[:,k].reshape(Nf,1), np.imag(V.T)[k,:].reshape(1,Ndir)) CiWr =[:,k].reshape(Nf,1), np.real(W.T)[k,:].reshape(1,Ndir)) CrWi =[:,k].reshape(Nf,1), np.imag(W.T)[k,:].reshape(1,Ndir)) CrVr =[:,k].reshape(Nf,1), np.real(V.T)[k,:].reshape(1,Ndir)) CiVi =[:,k].reshape(Nf,1), np.imag(V.T)[k,:].reshape(1,Ndir)) BiWr =[:,k].reshape(Nf,1), np.real(W.T)[k,:].reshape(1,Ndir)) BrWi =[:,k].reshape(Nf,1), np.imag(W.T)[k,:].reshape(1,Ndir)) EBr = np.sum(BrVr*np.conj(BrVr)*np.sin(theta)) + \ np.sum(BrWi*np.conj(BrWi)*np.sin(theta)) EBi = np.sum(BiVi*np.conj(BiVi)*np.sin(theta)) + \ np.sum(BiWr*np.conj(BiWr)*np.sin(theta)) ECr = np.sum(CrWi*np.conj(CrWi)*np.sin(theta)) + \ + np.sum(CrVr*np.conj(CrVr)*np.sin(theta)) ECi = np.sum(CiWr*np.conj(CiWr)*np.sin(theta)) + \ + np.sum(CiVi*np.conj(CiVi)*np.sin(theta)) tEBr.append(EBr) tEBi.append(EBi) tECr.append(ECr) tECi.append(ECi) #Fth =, np.real(V.T)) -, np.imag(V.T)) + \ #, np.real(W.T)) +, np.imag(W.T)) #Fph =, np.real(V.T)) +, np.imag(V.T)) + \ #, np.real(W.T)) +, np.imag(W.T)) return np.array(tEBr),np.array(tEBi),np.array(tECr),np.array(tECi)
[docs] def Fsynth2b(self, theta, phi): """ pattern synthesis from shape 2 vsh coefficients Parameters ---------- theta : 1 x Nt phi : 1 x Np Notes ----- Calculate complex antenna pattern from VSH Coefficients (shape 2) for the specified directions (theta,phi) theta and phi arrays needs to have the same size """ Nt = len(theta) Np = len(phi) if self.grid: theta = np.kron(theta, np.ones(Np)) phi = np.kron(np.ones(Nt),phi) Br = self.C.Br.s2 # Nf x K2 Bi = self.C.Bi.s2 # Nf x K2 Cr = self.C.Cr.s2 # Nf x K2 Ci = self.C.Ci.s2 # Nf x K2 L = self.C.Br.N2 # int M = self.C.Br.M2 # int #print "N,M",N,M # # The - sign is necessary to get the good reconstruction # deduced from observation # May be it comes from a different definition of theta in SPHEREPACK x = -np.cos(theta) Pmm1n, Pmp1n = AFLegendre3(L, M, x) ind = index_vsh(L, M) l = ind[:, 0] m = ind[:, 1] V, W = VW2(l, m, x, phi, Pmm1n, Pmp1n) # K2 x Ndir # Fth , Fph are Nf x Ndir Fth =, np.real(V.T)) -, np.imag(V.T)) + \, np.real(W.T)) +, np.imag(W.T)) Fph =, np.real(V.T)) +, np.imag(V.T)) + \, np.real(W.T)) +, np.imag(W.T)) if self.grid: Nf = len(self.fGHz) Fth = Fth.reshape(Nf, Nt, Np) Fph = Fph.reshape(Nf, Nt, Np) return Fth, Fph
[docs] def Fsynth2(self, theta, phi, typ = 'vsh'): """ pattern synthesis from shape 2 vsh coeff Parameters ---------- theta : array 1 x Nt phi : array 1 x Np pattern : boolean default False typ : string {vsh | ssh} Notes ----- Calculate complex antenna pattern from VSH Coefficients (shape 2) for the specified directions (theta,phi) theta and phi arrays needs to have the same size """ self.nth = len(theta) self.nph = len(phi) = len(self.fGHz) if typ =='vsh' : if self.grid: theta = np.kron(theta, np.ones(self.nph)) phi = np.kron(np.ones(self.nth),phi) Br = self.C.Br.s2 Bi = self.C.Bi.s2 Cr = self.C.Cr.s2 Ci = self.C.Ci.s2 N = self.C.Br.N2 M = self.C.Br.M2 #print "N,M",N,M # # The - sign is necessary to get the good reconstruction # deduced from observation # May be it comes from a different definition of theta in SPHEREPACK x = -np.cos(theta) Pmm1n, Pmp1n = AFLegendre3(N, M, x) ind = index_vsh(N, M) n = ind[:, 0] m = ind[:, 1] #~ V, W = VW(n, m, x, phi, Pmm1n, Pmp1n) V, W = VW(n, m, x, phi) Fth =, np.real(V.T)) -, np.imag(V.T)) + \, np.real(W.T)) +, np.imag(W.T)) Fph =, np.real(V.T)) +, np.imag(V.T)) + \, np.real(W.T)) +, np.imag(W.T)) if self.grid: Fth = Fth.reshape(, self.nth, self.nph) Fph = Fph.reshape(, self.nth, self.nph) if typ=='ssh': cx = self.S.Cx.s2 cy = self.S.Cy.s2 cz = self.S.Cz.s2 lmax = self.S.Cx.lmax Y ,indx = SSHFunc(lmax, theta,phi) Ex =,Y).reshape(,self.nth,self.nph) Ey =,Y).reshape(,self.nth,self.nph) Ez =,Y).reshape(,self.nth,self.nph) Fth,Fph = CartToSphere (theta, phi, Ex, Ey,Ez, bfreq = True ) self.evaluated = True return Fth, Fph
[docs] def Fsynth3(self,theta=[],phi=[],typ='vsh'): r""" synthesis of a complex antenna pattern from SH coefficients (vsh or ssh in shape 3) Ndir is the number of directions Parameters ---------- theta : ndarray (1xNdir if not pattern) (1xNtheta if pattern) phi : ndarray (1xNdir if not pattter) (1xNphi if pattern) pattern : boolean if True theta and phi are reorganized for building the pattern typ : 'vsh' | 'ssh' | 'hfss' Returns ------- if self.grid: Fth : ndarray (Ntheta x Nphi) Fph : ndarray (Ntheta x Nphi) else: Fth : ndarray (1 x Ndir) Fph : ndarray (1 x Ndir) See Also -------- Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> from pylayers.antprop.antenna import * >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pylab as plt >>> A = Antenna('defant.vsh3') >>> F = A.eval(grid=True) All Br,Cr,Bi,Ci have the same (l,m) index in order to evaluate only once the V,W function If the data comes from a cst file like the antenna used in WHERE1 D4.1 the pattern is multiplied by $\frac{4\pi}{120\pi}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{30}$ """ #typ = self.typ #self._filename.split('.')[1] #if typ=='satimo': # coeff=1. #if typ=='cst': # coeff=1./sqrt(30) #assert typ in ['ssh','vsh','hfss'], assert (hasattr(self,'C') or hasattr(self,'S')),"No SH coeffs evaluated" Nf = len(self.fGHz) if theta==[]: theta=np.linspace(0,np.pi,45) if phi == []: phi= np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,90) Nt = len(theta) Np = len(phi) self.nth = len(theta) self.nph = len(phi) if self.grid: #self.theta = theta[:,None] #self.phi = phi[None,:] self.theta = theta self.phi = phi theta = np.kron(theta, np.ones(Np)) phi = np.kron(np.ones(Nt),phi) if typ =='vsh': nray = len(theta) Br = self.C.Br.s3 lBr = self.C.Br.ind3[:, 0] mBr = self.C.Br.ind3[:, 1] Bi = self.C.Bi.s3 Cr = self.C.Cr.s3 Ci = self.C.Ci.s3 L = lBr.max() M = mBr.max() # vector spherical harmonics basis functions V, W = VW(lBr, mBr, theta, phi) Fth =, np.real(V.T)) - \, np.imag(V.T)) + \, np.real(W.T)) + \, np.imag(W.T)) Fph =, np.real(V.T)) + \, np.imag(V.T)) + \, np.real(W.T)) + \, np.imag(W.T)) if self.grid: Fth = Fth.reshape(Nf, Nt, Np) Fph = Fph.reshape(Nf, Nt, Np) if typ == 'ssh': cx = self.S.Cx.s3 cy = self.S.Cy.s3 cz = self.S.Cz.s3 lmax = self.S.Cx.lmax Y ,indx = SSHFunc2(lmax, theta,phi) #k = self.S.Cx.k2[:,0] # same k for x y and z k = self.S.Cx.k2 if pattern : Ex =,Y[k]) Ey =,Y[k]) Ez =,Y[k]) Fth,Fph = CartToSphere(theta, phi, Ex, Ey,Ez, bfreq = True, pattern = True ) Fth = Fth.reshape(Nf,Nt,Np) Fph = Fph.reshape(Nf,Nt,Np) else: Ex =,Y[k]) Ey =,Y[k]) Ez =,Y[k]) Fth,Fph = CartToSphere (theta, phi, Ex, Ey,Ez, bfreq = True, pattern = False) #self.Fp = Fph #self.Ft = Fth #G = np.real(Fph * np.conj(Fph) + Fth * np.conj(Fth)) #self.sqG = np.sqrt(G) #if self.grid: # self.Fp = Fph # self.Ft = Fth # G = np.real(Fph * np.conj(Fph) + Fth * np.conj(Fth)) # self.sqG = np.sqrt(G) self.evaluated = True #if typ == 'hfss': # scipy.interpolate.griddata() # Fth = self.Ft # Fph = self.Fp # TODO create 2 different functions for pattern and not pattern #if not self.grid: return Fth, Fph
#else: # return None,None
[docs] def movie_vsh(self, mode='linear'): """ animates vector spherical coeff w.r.t frequency Parameters ---------- mode : string 'linear' | """ Brmin = abs(self.C.Br[:, 0:20, 0:20]).min() Brmax = abs(self.C.Br[:, 0:20, 0:20]).max() Bimin = abs(self.C.Bi[:, 0:20, 0:20]).min() Bimax = abs(self.C.Bi[:, 0:20, 0:20]).max() Crmin = abs(self.C.Cr[:, 0:20, 0:20]).min() Crmax = abs(self.C.Cr[:, 0:20, 0:20]).max() Cimin = abs(self.C.Ci[:, 0:20, 0:20]).min() Cimax = abs(self.C.Ci[:, 0:20, 0:20]).max() # print(Brmin, Brmax, Bimin, Bimax, Crmin, Crmax, Cimin, Cimax) for k in range( plt.figure() stf = ' f=' + str(self.fGHz[k]) + ' GHz' subplot(221) pcolor(abs(self.C.Br.s1[k, 0:20, 0:20]), vmin=Brmin, vmax=Brmax, edgecolors='k') #xlabel('m',fontsize=12) ylabel('n', fontsize=12) title('$|Br_{n}^{(m)}|$' + stf, fontsize=10) colorbar() subplot(222) pcolor(abs(self.C.Bi.s1[k, 0:20, 0:20]), vmin=Bimin, vmax=Bimax, edgecolors='k') #xlabel('m',fontsize=12) ylabel('n', fontsize=12) title('$|Bi_{n}^{(m)}|$' + stf, fontsize=10) colorbar() subplot(223) pcolor(abs(self.C.Cr.s1[k, 0:20, 0:20]), vmin=Crmin, vmax=Crmax, edgecolors='k') xlabel('m', fontsize=12) #ylabel('n',fontsize=12) title('$|Cr_{n}^{(m)}|$' + stf, fontsize=10) colorbar() subplot(224) pcolor(abs(self.C.Ci.s1[k, 0:20, 0:20]), vmin=Cimin, vmax=Cimax, edgecolors='k') xlabel('m', fontsize=12) #ylabel('n',fontsize=12) title('$|Ci_{n}^{(m)}|$' + stf, fontsize=10) colorbar() filename = str('%03d' % k) + '.png' savefig(filename, dpi=100) clf() command = ('mencoder', 'mf://*.png', '-mf', 'type=png:w=800:h=600:fps=1', '-ovc', 'lavc', '-lavcopts', 'vcodec=mpeg4', '-oac', 'copy', '-o', 'vshcoeff.avi') subprocess.check_call(command)
[docs] def minsh3(self, emax=0.05): """ creates vsh3 with significant coeff until given relative reconstruction error Parameters ---------- emax : float error default 0.05 Notes ----- Create antenna's vsh3 file which only contains the significant vsh coefficients in shape 3, in order to obtain a reconstruction maximal error = emax This function requires a reading of .trx file before being executed """ #th = np.kron(self.theta, np.ones(self.nph)) #ph = np.kron(np.ones(self.nth), self.phi) if not self.grid: self.grid = True Fth3, Fph3 = self.Fsynth3(self.theta, self.phi) Err = self.mse(Fth3, Fph3, 0) Enc = self.C.ens3() n = len(Enc) pos = 0 while (pos < n) & (Err[0] < emax): Emin = Enc[pos] d = self.C.drag3(Emin) Fth3, Fph3 = self.Fsynth3(self.theta, self.phi) Err = self.mse(Fth3, Fph3, 0) if Err[0] >= emax: i = d[0][0] i3 = d[1][0] self.C.put3(i, i3) Fth3, Fph3 = self.Fsynth3(self.theta,self.phi) Err = self.mse(Fth3, Fph3, 0) pos = pos + 1
[docs] def savevsh3(self,force=False): """ save antenna in vsh3 format Create a .vsh3 antenna file """ # create vsh3 file _filevsh3 = os.path.splitext(self._filename)[0]+'.vsh3' filevsh3 = pyu.getlong(_filevsh3, pstruc['DIRANT']) #filevsh3 = pyu.getlong(self._filename,'ant') if os.path.isfile(filevsh3) and not force: print( filevsh3, ' already exist') else: print( 'create ', filevsh3, ' file') coeff = {} coeff['fmin'] = self.fGHz[0] coeff['fmax'] = self.fGHz[-1] coeff['Br.ind'] = self.C.Br.ind3 coeff['Bi.ind'] = self.C.Bi.ind3 coeff['Cr.ind'] = self.C.Cr.ind3 coeff['Ci.ind'] = self.C.Ci.ind3 coeff['Br.k'] = self.C.Br.k2 coeff['Bi.k'] = self.C.Bi.k2 coeff['Cr.k'] = self.C.Cr.k2 coeff['Ci.k'] = self.C.Ci.k2 coeff['Br.s3'] = self.C.Br.s3 coeff['Bi.s3'] = self.C.Bi.s3 coeff['Cr.s3'] = self.C.Cr.s3 coeff['Ci.s3'] = self.C.Ci.s3 if self.evaluated: coeff['sl'] = coeff['el'] = self.el io.savemat(filevsh3, coeff, appendmat=False)
[docs] def savesh2(self): """ save coeff in .sh2 antenna file """ # create sh2 file #typ = self._filename.split('.')[1] #self.typ = typ _filesh2 = self._filename.replace('.'+ self.typ, '.sh2') filesh2 = pyu.getlong(_filesh2, pstruc['DIRANT']) if os.path.isfile(filesh2): print(filesh2, ' already exist') else: print('create ', filesh2, ' file') coeff = {} coeff['fmin'] = self.fGHz[0] coeff['fmax'] = self.fGHz[-1] coeff['Cx.ind'] = self.S.Cx.ind2 coeff['Cy.ind'] = self.S.Cy.ind2 coeff['Cz.ind'] = self.S.Cz.ind2 coeff['Cx.lmax']= self.S.Cx.lmax coeff['Cy.lmax']= self.S.Cy.lmax coeff['Cz.lmax']= self.S.Cz.lmax coeff['Cx.s2'] = self.S.Cx.s2 coeff['Cy.s2'] = self.S.Cy.s2 coeff['Cz.s2'] = self.S.Cz.s2 io.savemat(filesh2, coeff, appendmat=False)
[docs] def savesh3(self): """ save antenna in sh3 format create a .sh3 antenna file """ # create sh3 file # if self._filename has an extension # it is replace by .sh3 #typ = self._filename.split('.')[1] #self.typ = typ _filesh3 = self._filename.replace('.'+ self.typ, '.sh3') filesh3 = pyu.getlong(_filesh3, pstruc['DIRANT']) if os.path.isfile(filesh3): print(filesh3, ' already exist') else: print('create ', filesh3, ' file') coeff = {} coeff['fmin'] = self.fGHz[0] coeff['fmax'] = self.fGHz[-1] coeff['Cx.ind'] = self.S.Cx.ind3 coeff['Cy.ind'] = self.S.Cy.ind3 coeff['Cz.ind'] = self.S.Cz.ind3 coeff['Cx.k'] = self.S.Cx.k2 coeff['Cy.k'] = self.S.Cy.k2 coeff['Cz.k'] = self.S.Cz.k2 coeff['Cx.lmax']= self.S.Cx.lmax coeff['Cy.lmax']= self.S.Cy.lmax coeff['Cz.lmax']= self.S.Cz.lmax coeff['Cx.s3'] = self.S.Cx.s3 coeff['Cy.s3'] = self.S.Cy.s3 coeff['Cz.s3'] = self.S.Cz.s3 io.savemat(filesh3, coeff, appendmat=False)
[docs] def loadvsh3(self): """ Load antenna's vsh3 file vsh3 file contains a thresholded version of vsh coefficients in shape 3 """ _filevsh3 = self._filename filevsh3 = pyu.getlong(_filevsh3, pstruc['DIRANT']) self.evaluated = False if os.path.isfile(filevsh3): coeff = io.loadmat(filevsh3, appendmat=False) # # This test is to fix a problem with 2 different # behavior of io.loadmat # if type(coeff['fmin']) == float: fmin = coeff['fmin'] fmax = coeff['fmax'] else: fmin = coeff['fmin'][0][0] fmax = coeff['fmax'][0][0] # .. Warning # Warning modification takes only one dimension for k # if the .vsh3 format evolve it may not work anymore # Br = VCoeff('s3', fmin, fmax, coeff['Br.s3'], coeff['Br.ind'], coeff['Br.k'][0]) Bi = VCoeff('s3', fmin, fmax, coeff['Bi.s3'], coeff['Bi.ind'], coeff['Bi.k'][0]) Cr = VCoeff('s3', fmin, fmax, coeff['Cr.s3'], coeff['Cr.ind'], coeff['Cr.k'][0]) Ci = VCoeff('s3', fmin, fmax, coeff['Ci.s3'], coeff['Ci.ind'], coeff['Ci.k'][0]) self.C = VSHCoeff(Br, Bi, Cr, Ci) = np.shape(Br.s3)[0] self.fGHz = np.linspace(fmin, fmax, if 'sl' in coeff: = coeff['sl'][0] self.el = coeff['el'][0] else: print(_filevsh3, ' does not exist')
[docs] def loadsh3(self): """ Load antenna's sh3 file sh3 file contains a thesholded version of ssh coefficients in shape 3 """ _filesh3 = self._filename.split('.')[0]+'.sh3' filesh3 = pyu.getlong(_filesh3, pstruc['DIRANT']) self.evaluated = False if os.path.isfile(filesh3): coeff = io.loadmat(filesh3, appendmat=False) # # This test is to fix a problem with 2 different # behavior of io.loadmat # if type(coeff['fmin']) == float: fmin = coeff['fmin'] fmax = coeff['fmax'] else: fmin = coeff['fmin'][0][0] fmax = coeff['fmax'][0][0] # .. Warning # Warning modification takes only one dimension for k # if the .sh3 format evolve it may not work anymore # if type(coeff['Cx.lmax']) == float: lmax = coeff['Cx.lmax'] else: lmax = coeff['Cx.lmax'][0][0] Cx = SCoeff(typ = 's3', fmin = fmin , fmax = fmax , lmax = lmax, data = coeff['Cx.s3'], ind = coeff['Cx.ind'], k = np.squeeze(coeff['Cx.k'])) Cy = SCoeff(typ= 's3', fmin = fmin , fmax = fmax , lmax = lmax, data = coeff['Cy.s3'], ind = coeff['Cy.ind'], k = np.squeeze(coeff['Cy.k'])) Cz = SCoeff(typ = 's3', fmin = fmin , fmax = fmax , data = coeff['Cz.s3'], lmax = lmax, ind = coeff['Cz.ind'], k = np.squeeze(coeff['Cz.k'])) if not 'S' in self.__dict__.keys(): self.S = SSHCoeff(Cx, Cy,Cz) else: self.S.sets3(Cx,Cy,Cz) = np.shape(Cx.s3)[0] self.fGHz = np.linspace(fmin, fmax, else: print(_filesh3, ' does not exist')
[docs] def savevsh2(self, filename = ''): """ save coeff in a .vsh2 antenna file Parameters ---------- filename : string """ # create vsh2 file if filename == '': _filevsh2 = self._filename.replace('.trx', '.vsh2') _filevsh2 = filename filevsh2 = pyu.getlong(_filevsh2, pstruc['DIRANT']) if os.path.isfile(filevsh2): print(filevsh2, ' already exist') else: print('create ', filevsh2, ' file') coeff = {} coeff['fmin'] = self.fGHz[0] coeff['fmax'] = self.fGHz[-1] coeff['Br.ind'] = self.C.Br.ind2 coeff['Bi.ind'] = self.C.Bi.ind2 coeff['Cr.ind'] = self.C.Cr.ind2 coeff['Ci.ind'] = self.C.Ci.ind2 coeff['Br.s2'] = self.C.Br.s2 coeff['Bi.s2'] = self.C.Bi.s2 coeff['Cr.s2'] = self.C.Cr.s2 coeff['Ci.s2'] = self.C.Ci.s2 io.savemat(filevsh2, coeff, appendmat=False)
[docs] def loadsh2(self): """ load spherical harmonics coefficient in shape 2 """ _filesh2 = self._filename.split('.')[0]+'.sh2' filesh2 = pyu.getlong(_filesh2, pstruc['DIRANT']) if os.path.isfile(filesh2): coeff = io.loadmat(filesh2, appendmat=False) # # This test is to fix a problem with 2 different # behavior of io.loadmat # if type(coeff['fmin']) == float: fmin = coeff['fmin'] fmax = coeff['fmax'] else: fmin = coeff['fmin'][0][0] fmax = coeff['fmax'][0][0] if type(coeff['Cx.lmax']) == float: lmax = coeff['Cx.lmax'] else: lmax = coeff['Cx.lmax'][0][0] Cx = SCoeff(typ='s2', fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, lmax = lmax, data=coeff['Cx.s2'], ind=coeff['Cx.ind']) Cy = SCoeff(typ='s2', fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, lmax = lmax, data=coeff['Cy.s2'], ind=coeff['Cy.ind']) Cz = SCoeff(typ='s2', fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, lmax = lmax, data=coeff['Cz.s2'], ind=coeff['Cz.ind']) self.S = SSHCoeff(Cx, Cy,Cz) Nf = np.shape(Cx.s2)[0] self.fGHz = np.linspace(fmin, fmax, Nf) else: print( _filesh2, ' does not exist')
[docs] def loadvsh2(self): """ load antenna from .vsh2 file format Load antenna's vsh2 file which only contains the vsh coefficients in shape 2 """ _filevsh2 = self._filename filevsh2 = pyu.getlong(_filevsh2, pstruc['DIRANT']) if os.path.isfile(filevsh2): coeff = io.loadmat(filevsh2, appendmat=False) # # This test is to fix a problem with 2 different # behavior of io.loadmat # if type(coeff['fmin']) == float: fmin = coeff['fmin'] fmax = coeff['fmax'] else: fmin = coeff['fmin'][0][0] fmax = coeff['fmax'][0][0] Br = VCoeff(typ='s2', fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, data=coeff['Br.s2'], ind=coeff['Br.ind']) Bi = VCoeff(typ='s2', fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, data=coeff['Bi.s2'], ind=coeff['Bi.ind']) Cr = VCoeff(typ='s2', fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, data=coeff['Cr.s2'], ind=coeff['Cr.ind']) Ci = VCoeff(typ='s2', fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, data=coeff['Ci.s2'], ind=coeff['Ci.ind']) self.C = VSHCoeff(Br, Bi, Cr, Ci) Nf = np.shape(Br.s2)[0] self.fGHz = np.linspace(fmin, fmax, Nf) else: print( _filevsh2, ' does not exist')
[docs] def loadvsh3_old(self): """ Load antenna vsh coefficients in shape 3 """ _filevsh3 = self._filename filevsh3 = getlong(_filevsh3, pstruc['DIRANT']) fmin = 2. fmax = 8. if os.path.isfile(filevsh3): coeff = io.loadmat(filevsh3, appendmat=False) Br = VCoeff('s3', fmin, fmax, coeff['Br.s3'], coeff['Br.ind'], coeff['Br.k']) Bi = VCoeff('s3', fmin, fmax, coeff['Bi.s3'], coeff['Bi.ind'], coeff['Bi.k']) Cr = VCoeff('s3', fmin, fmax, coeff['Cr.s3'], coeff['Cr.ind'], coeff['Cr.k']) Ci = VCoeff('s3', fmin, fmax, coeff['Ci.s3'], coeff['Ci.ind'], coeff['Ci.k']) self.C = VSHCoeff(Br, Bi, Cr, Ci) self.fGHz = np.linspace(fmin, fmax, 121) else: print(_filevsh3, ' does not exist')
[docs] def pol2cart(self, ith): """ converts FTheta, FPhi to Fx,Fy,Fz for theta=ith Parameters ---------- ith : theta index Returns ------- Fx Fy Fz See Also -------- cart2pol """ Fth = self.Ft[:, ith, :] Fph = self.Fp[:, ith, :] th = self.theta[ith] ph = self.phi Fx = Fth * np.cos(th) * np.cos(ph) - Fph * np.sin(ph) Fy = Fth * np.cos(th) * np.sin(ph) + Fph * np.cos(ph) Fz = (-1) * Fth * np.sin(th) return(Fx, Fy, Fz)
[docs] def cart2pol(self, Fx, Fy, Fz, ith): """ converts Fx,Fy,Fz to Ftheta, Fphi for theta=ith Parameters ---------- Fx : np.array Fy : np.array Fz : np.array ith : theta index See Also -------- pol2cart """ th = self.theta[ith] ph = self.phi Fth = Fx * np.cos(th) * np.cos(ph) + Fy * np.cos(th) * np.sin(ph) - Fz * np.sin(th) Fph = -Fx * np.sin(ph) + Fy * np.cos(th) SqG = np.sqrt(np.real(Fph * np.conj(Fph) + Fth * np.conj(Fth))) self.sqG[:, ith, :] = SqG self.Ft[:, ith, :] = Fth self.Fp[:, ith, :] = Fph
[docs]def forcesympol(A): """ plot VSH transform vsh basis in 3D plot Parameters ---------- n,m : integer values (m<=n) theta : ndarray phi : ndarray sf : boolean if sf : plotted figures are saved in a *.png file else : plotted figures aren't saved Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> from pylayers.antprop.antenna import * >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import numpy as np >>> n=5 >>> m=3 >>> theta = np.linspace(0,np.pi,30) >>> phi = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,60) >>> plotVW(n,m,theta,phi) """ # calculate v and w if m <= n: theta[np.where(theta == np.pi / 2)[0]] = np.pi / 2 + \ 1e-10 # .. todo :: not clean x = -np.cos(theta) Pmm1n, Pmp1n = AFLegendre(n, m, x) t1 = np.sqrt((n + m) * (n - m + 1)) t2 = np.sqrt((n - m) * (n + m + 1)) y1 = t1 * Pmm1n[:, m, n] - t2 * Pmp1n[:, m, n] y2 = t1 * Pmm1n[:, m, n] + t2 * Pmp1n[:, m, n] Ephi = np.exp(1j * m * phi) cphi = np.cos(m * phi) if m == 0: sphi = 1e-10 else: sphi = np.sin(m * phi) ny = len(y1) ne = len(Ephi) vy = np.ones(ny) ve = np.ones(ne) Y1 = np.outer(y1, ve) Y2 = np.outer(y2, ve) EPh = np.outer(vy, Ephi) const = (-1.0) ** n / (2 * np.sqrt(n * (n + 1))) V = const * Y1 * EPh #V[np.isinf(V)|isnan(V)]=0 Vcos = cphi * V Vsin = sphi * V if m == 0: #W=np.zeros((len(theta),len(phi))) W = np.ones((len(theta), len(phi))) * 1e-10 else: Waux = Y2 * EPh x1 = 1.0 / x W = np.outer(x1, const) * Waux Wcos = cphi * W Wsin = sphi * W # plot V and W Ntheta = np.size(theta) vt = np.ones(Ntheta) Nphi = np.size(phi) vp = np.ones(Nphi) Phi = np.outer(vt, phi) Theta = np.outer(theta, vp) #figdirV='/home/rburghel/Bureau/bases_decomposition_VW/base_V_Vsin_Vcos/' figdirV = './' ext1 = '.pdf' ext2 = '.eps' ext3 = '.png' fig = plt.figure() ax = axes3d.Axes3D(fig) X = abs(V) * np.cos(Phi) * np.sin(Theta) Y = abs(V) * np.sin(Phi) * np.sin(Theta) Z = abs(V) * np.cos(Theta) ax.set_xlabel('X') ax.set_ylabel('Y') ax.set_zlabel('Z') ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.hot_r) ax.set_xlim3d([-1, 1]) ax.set_ylim3d([-1, 1]) ax.set_zlim3d([-1, 1]) if sf: sz = fig.get_size_inches() fig.set_size_inches(sz * 1.8) figname = figdirV + 'V' + str(n) + str(m) fig.savefig(figname + ext1, orientation='portrait') fig.savefig(figname + ext2, orientation='portrait') fig.savefig(figname + ext3, orientation='portrait') fig = plt.figure() ax = axes3d.Axes3D(fig) X = abs(Vcos) * np.cos(Phi) * np.sin(Theta) Y = abs(Vcos) * np.sin(Phi) * np.sin(Theta) Z = abs(Vcos) * np.cos(Theta) ax.set_xlabel('X') ax.set_ylabel('Y') ax.set_zlabel('Z') ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.hot_r) ax.set_xlim3d([-1, 1]) ax.set_ylim3d([-1, 1]) ax.set_zlim3d([-1, 1]) if sf: sz = fig.get_size_inches() fig.set_size_inches(sz * 1.8) figname = figdirV + 'Vcos' + str(n) + str(m) + '.jpg' fig.savefig(figname + ext1, orientation='portrait') fig.savefig(figname + ext2, orientation='portrait') fig.savefig(figname + ext3, orientation='portrait') fig = plt.figure() ax = axes3d.Axes3D(fig) X = abs(Vsin) * np.cos(Phi) * np.sin(Theta) Y = abs(Vsin) * np.sin(Phi) * np.sin(Theta) Z = abs(Vsin) * np.cos(Theta) ax.set_xlabel('X') ax.set_ylabel('Y') ax.set_zlabel('Z') ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.hot_r) ax.set_xlim3d([-1, 1]) ax.set_ylim3d([-1, 1]) ax.set_zlim3d([-1, 1]) if sf: sz = fig.get_size_inches() fig.set_size_inches(sz * 1.8) figname = figdirV + 'Vsin' + str(n) + str(m) + '.jpg' fig.savefig(figname + ext1, orientation='portrait') fig.savefig(figname + ext2, orientation='portrait') fig.savefig(figname + ext3, orientation='portrait') #figdirW='/home/rburghel/Bureau/bases_decomposition_VW/base_W_Wsin_Wcos/' figdirW = './' fig = plt.figure() ax = axes3d.Axes3D(fig) X = abs(W) * np.cos(Phi) * np.sin(Theta) Y = abs(W) * np.sin(Phi) * np.sin(Theta) Z = abs(W) * np.cos(Theta) ax.set_xlabel('X') ax.set_ylabel('Y') ax.set_zlabel('Z') ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.hot_r) ax.set_xlim3d([-1, 1]) ax.set_ylim3d([-1, 1]) ax.set_zlim3d([-1, 1]) if sf: sz = fig.get_size_inches() fig.set_size_inches(sz * 1.8) figname = figdirW + 'W' + str(n) + str(m) fig.savefig(figname + ext1, orientation='portrait') fig.savefig(figname + ext2, orientation='portrait') fig.savefig(figname + ext3, orientation='portrait') fig = plt.figure() ax = axes3d.Axes3D(fig) X = abs(Wcos) * np.cos(Phi) * np.sin(Theta) Y = abs(Wcos) * np.sin(Phi) * np.sin(Theta) Z = abs(Wcos) * np.cos(Theta) ax.set_xlabel('X') ax.set_ylabel('Y') ax.set_zlabel('Z') ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.hot_r) ax.set_xlim3d([-1, 1]) ax.set_ylim3d([-1, 1]) ax.set_zlim3d([-1, 1]) if sf: sz = fig.get_size_inches() fig.set_size_inches(sz * 1.8) figname = figdirW + 'Wcos' + str(n) + str(m) fig.savefig(figname + ext1, orientation='portrait') fig.savefig(figname + ext2, orientation='portrait') fig.savefig(figname + ext3, orientation='portrait') fig = plt.figure() ax = axes3d.Axes3D(fig) X = abs(Wsin) * np.cos(Phi) * np.sin(Theta) Y = abs(Wsin) * np.sin(Phi) * np.sin(Theta) fig = plt.figure() ax = axes3d.Axes3D(fig) X = abs(Wsin) * np.cos(Phi) * np.sin(Theta) Y = abs(Wsin) * np.sin(Phi) * np.sin(Theta) Z = abs(Wsin) * np.cos(Theta) ax.set_xlabel('X') ax.set_ylabel('Y') ax.set_zlabel('Z') ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.hot_r) ax.set_xlim3d([-1, 1]) ax.set_ylim3d([-1, 1]) ax.set_zlim3d([-1, 1]) if sf: sz = fig.get_size_inches() fig.set_size_inches(sz * 1.8) figname = figdirW + 'Wsin' + str(n) + str(m) fig.savefig(figname + ext1, orientation='portrait') fig.savefig(figname + ext2, orientation='portrait') fig.savefig(figname + ext3, orientation='portrait') else: print("Error: m>n!!!")
[docs]def compdiag(k, A, th, ph, Fthr, Fphr, typ='modulus', lang='english', fontsize=18): """ makes comparison between original pattern and reconstructed pattern Parameters ---------- k : frequency index A : Antenna ph : phi base (1 x Np) th : theta base (1 x Nt) Fthr : Fth output of Fsynth Nf x (Ntheta*Tphi) Fphr : Fth output of Fsynth Nf x (Ntheta*Tphi) lang = 'french' = 'english' """ Nf = np.shape(Fthr)[0] #Fthr = Fthr.reshape(Nf,len(th),len(ph)) #Fphr = Fphr.reshape(Nf,len(th),len(ph)) plt.figure() rc('text', usetex=True) Ftho = A.Ftheta Fpho = A.Fphi # limites module Fthr, Ftho, Fphr, Fpho maxTr = abs(Fthr[:, :, k]).max() maxTo = abs(Ftho[:, :, k ]).max() MmT = max(maxTr, maxTo) minTr = abs(Fthr[ :, :, k ]).min() minTo = abs(Ftho[ :, :, k ]).min() mmT = min(minTr, minTo) maxPr = abs(Fphr[ :, :, k ]).max() maxPo = abs(Fpho[ :, :, k ]).max() MmP = max(maxPr, maxPo) minPr = abs(Fphr[ :, :, k ]).min() minPo = abs(Fpho[ :, :, k ]).min() mmP = min(minPr, minPo) # limites real Fthr, Ftho, Fphr, Fpho maxTrr = np.real(Fthr[ :, :, k ]).max() maxTor = np.real(Ftho[ :, :, k ]).max() MrT = max(maxTrr, maxTor) minTrr = np.real(Fthr[ :, :, k ]).min() minTor = np.real(Ftho[ :, :, k ]).min() mrT = min(minTrr, minTor) maxPrr = np.real(Fphr[ :, :, k ]).max() maxPor = np.real(Fpho[ :, :, k ]).max() MrP = max(maxPrr, maxPor) minPrr = np.real(Fphr[ :, :, k ]).min() minPor = np.real(Fpho[ :, :, k ]).min() mrP = min(minPrr, minPor) # limites real Fthr, Ftho, Fphr, Fpho maxTri = np.imag(Fthr[ :, :, k ]).max() maxToi = np.imag(Ftho[ :, :, k ]).max() MiT = max(maxTri, maxToi) minTri = np.imag(Fthr[ :, :, k ]).min() minToi = np.imag(Ftho[ :, :, k ]).min() miT = min(minTri, minToi) maxPri = np.imag(Fphr[ :, :, k ]).max() maxPoi = np.imag(Fpho[ :, :, k ]).max() MiP = max(maxPri, maxPoi) minPri = np.imag(Fphr[ :, :, k ]).min() minPoi = np.imag(Fpho[ :, :, k ]).min() miP = min(minPri, minPoi) # limithes arg Fth,Fph maxATr = np.angle(Fthr[ :, :, k ]).max() maxATo = np.angle(Ftho[ :, :, k ]).max() maT = max(maxATr, maxATo) minATr = np.angle(Fthr[ :, :, k ]).min() minATo = np.angle(Ftho[ :, :, k ]).min() maT0 = min(minATr, minATo) maxAPr = np.angle(Fphr[ :, :, k ]).max() maxAPo = np.angle(Fpho[ :, :, k ]).max() maP = max(maxAPr, maxAPo) minAPr = np.angle(Fphr[ :, :, k ]).min() minAPo = np.angle(Fpho[ :, :, k ]).min() maP0 = min(minAPr, minAPo) ax = plt.axes([0, 0, 360, 180]) rtd = 180 / np.pi plt.subplot(221) if typ == 'modulus': # #cmap=cm.jet #pcolor(A.phi*rtd,A.theta*rtd,abs(Ftho[k,:,:]),vmin=0,vmax=mmT) # #cmap= gray #pcolor(A.phi*rtd,A.theta*rtd,abs(Ftho[k,:,:]),cmap=cm.gray_r,vmin=0,vmax=mmT) # plt.pcolor(A.phi * rtd, A.theta * rtd, abs(Ftho[ :, :, k ]), cmap=cm.hot_r, vmin=mmT, vmax=MmT) plt.title(r'$|F_{\theta}|$ original', fontsize=fontsize) if typ == 'real': #pcolor(A.phi*rtd,A.theta*rtd,real(Ftho[k,:,:]),cmap=cm.gray_r,vmin=0,vmax=mmT) plt.pcolor(A.phi * rtd, A.theta * rtd, np.real(Ftho[ :, :, k ]), cmap=cm.hot_r, vmin=mrT, vmax=MrT) title(r'Re ($F_{\theta}$) original', fontsize=fontsize) if typ == 'imag': #pcolor(A.phi*rtd,A.theta*rtd,imag(Ftho[k,:,:]),cmap=cm.gray_r,vmin=0,vmax=mmT) pcolor(A.phi * rtd, A.theta * rtd, np.imag(Ftho[ :, :, k ]), cmap=cm.hot_r, vmin=miT, vmax=MiT) title(r'Im ($F_{\theta}$) original', fontsize=fontsize) if typ == 'phase': #pcolor(A.phi*rtd,A.theta*rtd,angle(Ftho[k,:,:]),cmap=cm.gray_r,vmin=maT0,vmax=maT) plt.pcolor(A.phi * rtd, A.theta * rtd, np.angle(Ftho[ :, :, k ]), cmap=cm.hot_r, vmin=maT0, vmax=maT) if lang == 'french': plt.title(r'Arg ($F_{\theta}$) original', fontsize=fontsize) else: plt.title(r'Ang ($F_{\theta}$) original', fontsize=fontsize) plt.axis([0, 360, 0, 180]) plt.ylabel(r'$\theta$ (deg)', fontsize=fontsize) plt.xticks(fontsize=fontsize) plt.yticks(fontsize=fontsize) cbar = plt.colorbar() for t in t.set_fontsize(fontsize) plt.subplot(222) if typ == 'modulus': plt.pcolor(A.phi * rtd, A.theta * rtd, abs(Fpho[:, :, k ]), cmap=cm.hot_r, vmin=mmP, vmax=MmP) plt.title('$|F_{\phi}|$ original', fontsize=fontsize) if typ == 'real': plt.pcolor(A.phi * rtd, A.theta * rtd, np.real(Fpho[ :, :, k ]), cmap=cm.hot_r, vmin=mrP, vmax=MrP) plt.title('Re ($F_{\phi}$) original', fontsize=fontsize) if typ == 'imag': plt.pcolor(A.phi * rtd, A.theta * rtd, np.imag(Fpho[ :, :, k ]), cmap=cm.hot_r, vmin=miP, vmax=MiP) plt.title('Im ($F_{\phi}$) original', fontsize=fontsize) if typ == 'phase': plt.pcolor(A.phi * rtd, A.theta * rtd, np.angle(Fpho[ :, :, k ]), cmap=cm.hot_r, vmin=maP0, vmax=maP) if lang == 'french': plt.title('Arg ($F_{\phi}$) original', fontsize=fontsize) else: plt.title('Ang ($F_{\phi}$) original', fontsize=fontsize) plt.axis([0, 360, 0, 180]) plt.xticks(fontsize=fontsize) plt.yticks(fontsize=fontsize) cbar = plt.colorbar() for t in t.set_fontsize(fontsize) plt.subplot(223) if typ == 'modulus': plt.pcolor(ph * rtd, th * rtd, abs(Fthr[:, :, k ]), cmap=cm.hot_r, vmin=mmT, vmax=MmT) if lang == 'french': plt.title(r'$|F_{\theta}|$ reconstruit', fontsize=fontsize) else: plt.title(r'$|F_{\theta}|$ reconstructed', fontsize=fontsize) if typ == 'real': plt.pcolor(ph * rtd, th * rtd, np.real(Fthr[:,:,k ]), cmap=cm.hot_r, vmin=mrT, vmax=MrT) if lang == 'french': title(r'Re ($F_{\theta}$) reconstruit', fontsize=fontsize) else: title(r'Re ($F_{\theta}$) reconstructed', fontsize=fontsize) if typ == 'imag': plt.pcolor(ph * rtd, th * rtd, np.imag(Fthr[ :, :, k ]), cmap=cm.hot_r, vmin=miT, vmax=MiT) if lang == 'french': plt.title(r'Im ($F_{\theta}$) reconstruit', fontsize=fontsize) else: plt.title(r'Im ($F_{\theta}$) reconstructed', fontsize=fontsize) if typ == 'phase': plt.pcolor(A.phi * rtd, A.theta * rtd, np.angle(Fthr[:,:,k]), cmap=cm.hot_r, vmin=maT0, vmax=maT) if lang == 'french': plt.title(r'Arg ($F_{\theta}$) reconstruit', fontsize=fontsize) else: plt.title(r'Ang ($F_{\theta}$) reconstructed', fontsize=fontsize) plt.axis([0, 360, 0, 180]) plt.xlabel(r'$\phi$ (deg)', fontsize=fontsize) plt.ylabel(r'$\theta$ (deg)', fontsize=fontsize) plt.xticks(fontsize=fontsize) plt.yticks(fontsize=fontsize) cbar = plt.colorbar() for t in t.set_fontsize(fontsize) plt.subplot(224) if typ == 'modulus': plt.pcolor(ph * rtd, th * rtd, abs(Fphr[ :, :,k]), cmap=cm.hot_r, vmin=mmP, vmax=MmP) if lang == 'french': plt.title('$|F_{\phi}|$ reconstruit', fontsize=fontsize) else: plt.title('$|F_{\phi}|$ reconstructed', fontsize=fontsize) if typ == 'real': plt.pcolor(ph * rtd, th * rtd, np.real(Fphr[ :, :,k]), cmap=cm.hot_r, vmin=mrP, vmax=MrP) if lang == 'french': plt.title('Re ($F_{\phi}$) reconstruit', fontsize=fontsize) else: plt.title('Re ($F_{\phi}$) reconstructed', fontsize=fontsize) if typ == 'imag': plt.pcolor(ph * rtd, th * rtd, np.imag(Fphr[ :, :,k]), cmap=cm.hot_r, vmin=miP, vmax=MiP) if lang == 'french': plt.title('Im ($F_{\phi}$) reconstruit', fontsize=fontsize) else: plt.title('Im ($F_{\phi}$) reconstructed', fontsize=fontsize) if typ == 'phase': plt.pcolor(A.phi * rtd, A.theta * rtd, np.angle(Fphr[ :, :,k]), cmap=cm.hot_r, vmin=maP0, vmax=maP) if lang == 'french': plt.title('Arg ($F_{\phi}$) reconstruit', fontsize=fontsize) else: plt.title('Ang ($F_{\phi}$) reconstructed', fontsize=fontsize) plt.axis([0, 360, 0, 180]) plt.xlabel(r'$\phi$ (deg)', fontsize=fontsize) plt.xticks(fontsize=fontsize) plt.yticks(fontsize=fontsize) cbar = plt.colorbar() for t in t.set_fontsize(fontsize)
[docs]def BeamGauss(theta,phi,Gmax=19.77,HPBW_az=10,HPBW_el=40,Tilt=10): """ Beam with a Gaussian shape Parameters ---------- theta : float angle in degree phi : float angle in degree Gmax : float HPBW_az : float Half Power Beamwidth azimuth degree HPBW_el : float Half Power Beamwidth elevation degree Tilt : float angle in degree """ c = np.pi/180. az = c*(theta-(Tilt+90))*2*np.sqrt(np.log(2)) el = c*phi*2*np.sqrt(np.log(2)) taz = -(az/(HPBW_az*c))**2 tel = -(el/(HPBW_el*c))**2 gain = 10**(Gmax/10.)*np.exp(taz)*np.exp(tel) return(gain)
[docs]def show3D(F, theta, phi, k, col=True): """ show 3D matplotlib diagram Parameters ---------- F : ndarray (Nf,Nt,Np) theta : ndarray (1xNt) angle phi : ndarray (1xNp) angle theta : ndarray (Nt) k : int frequency index col : boolean if col -> color coded plot3D if col == False -> simple plot3D Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from pylayers.antprop.antenna import * >>> A = Antenna('defant.vsh3') >>> A.eval(grid=True) Warnings -------- len(theta) must be equal with shape(F)[1] len(phi) must be equal with shape(F)[2] """ nth = len(theta) nph = len(phi) if k >= np.shape(F)[0]: print('Error: frequency index k not in F defined interval') if nth != np.shape(F)[1]: print('Error: shape mistmatch between theta and F') if nph != np.shape(F)[2]: print('Error: shape mistmatch between phi and F') fig = plt.figure() ax = axes3d.Axes3D(fig) V = F[k, :, :] vt = np.ones(nth) vp = np.ones(nph) Th = np.outer(theta, vp) Ph = np.outer(vt, phi) X = abs(V) * np.cos(Ph) * np.sin(Th) Y = abs(V) * np.sin(Ph) * np.sin(Th) Z = abs(V) * np.cos(Th) ax.set_xlabel('X') ax.set_ylabel('Y') ax.set_zlabel('Z') if (col): ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.hot_r) else: ax.plot3D(np.ravel(X), np.ravel(Y), np.ravel(Z))
[docs]class AntPosRot(Antenna): """ Antenna + position + Rotation Notes ----- This class implement an antenna at a position p with an orientation T """ def __init__(self,name,p,T): #super(AntPosRot,self).__init__(self,typ=name) Antenna.__init__(self,typ=name) self.p = p self.T = T def __repr__(self): st = self._filename+'\n\n' st = st +"p: "+ str(self.p)+'\n\n' st = st +"T: "+ str(self.T)+'\n' return(st)
[docs] def show3(self,**kwargs): self._show3(newfig=False, interact=False, T=self.T, po=self.p, **kwargs)
[docs] def field(self,p): """ calculate field at points p Parameters ---------- p : np.array (N,3) observation point """ rad_to_deg = 180/np.pi assert p.shape[-1]==3 if len(p.shape)==1: r = p[None,:]-self.p[None,:] else: r = p-self.p[None,:] dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(r*r,axis=-1))[:,None] u = r/dist th = np.arccos(u[:,2]) ph = np.arctan2(u[:,1],u[:,0]) tang = np.vstack((th,ph)).T #print("global",tang*rad_to_deg) tangl,Rt = geu.BTB(tang, self.T) #print("local",tangl*rad_to_deg) self.eval(th=tangl[:,0],ph=tangl[:,1],grid=False) E = (self.Ft[:,None,:]*self.T[:,2][None,:,None] +self.Fp[:,None,:]*self.T[:,0][None,:,None]) P = np.exp(-1j*2*np.pi*self.fGHz[None,None,:]*dist[...,None]/0.3)/dist[...,None] EP = E*P return(EP)
def _gain(Ft,Fp): """ calculates antenna gain Parameters ---------- Ft Fp Returns ------- G : np.array(Nt,Np,Nf) dtype:float linear gain or np.array(Nr,Nf) sqG : np.array(Nt,Np,Nf) dtype:float linear sqare root of gain or np.array(Nr,Nf) efficiency : np.array (,Nf) dtype:float efficiency hpster : np.array (,Nf) dtype:float half power solid angle : 1 ~ 4pi steradian ehpbw : np.array (,Nf) dtyp:float equivalent half power beamwidth (radians) Notes ----- .. math:: G(\theta,phi) = |F_{\\theta}|^2 + |F_{\\phi}|^2 """ G = np.real( Fp * np.conj(Fp) + Ft * np.conj(Ft) ) return(G) def _hpbw(G,th,ph): """ half power beamwidth Parameters ---------- Gain : Ftheta Nt x Np th : np.array ,Nt ph : np.array ,Np Returns ------- ehpbw : effective half power beamwidth hpster : half power solid angle (steradians) """ # GdB = 10*np.log10(G) GdBmax = np.max(np.max(GdB,axis=0),axis=0) dt = th[1]-th[0] dp = ph[1]-ph[0] Nt = len(th) Np = len(ph) Nf = GdB.shape[2] hpster = np.zeros(Nf) ehpbw = np.zeros(Nf) for k in range(Nf): U = np.zeros((Nt,Np)) A = GdB[:,:,k]*np.ones(Nt)[:,None]*np.ones(Np)[None,:] u = np.where(A>(GdBmax[k]-3)) U[u] = 1 V = U*np.sin(th)[:,None] hpster[k] = np.sum(V)*dt*dp/(4*np.pi) ehpbw[k] = np.arccos(1-2*hpster[k]) return ehpbw,hpster def _efficiency(G,th,ph): """ determine antenna efficiency Parameters ---------- Gain : Ftheta Nt x Np th : np.array ,Nt ph : np.array ,Np Returns ------- oefficiency : """ # dt = th[1]-th[0] dp = ph[1]-ph[0] Nt = len(th) Np = len(ph) Gs = G*np.sin(th)[:,None,None]*np.ones(Np)[None,:,None] efficiency = np.sum(np.sum(Gs,axis=0),axis=0)*dt*dp/(4*np.pi) return efficiency def _dirmax(G,th,ph): """ determine information in Gmax direction Parameters ---------- Gain : Ftheta Nt x Np th : np.array ,Nt # GdBmax (,Nf) # Get direction of Gmax and get the polarisation state in that direction # Returns -------- """ GdB = 10*np.log10(G) GdBmax = np.max(np.max(GdB,axis=0),axis=0) umax = np.array(np.where(GdB==GdBmax))[:,0] theta_max = th[umax[0]] phi_max = ph[umax[1]] M = geu.SphericalBasis(np.array([[theta_max,phi_max]])) sl = M[:,2].squeeze() uth = M[:,0] uph = M[:,1] el = Ft[tuple(umax)]*uth + Fp[tuple(umax)]*uph eln = el/np.linalg.norm(el) el = np.abs(eln.squeeze()) hl = np.cross(sl,el) return GdBmax,theta_max,phi_max,(hl,sl,el)
[docs]def F0(nu,sigma): """ F0 function for horn antenna pattern Parameters ---------- nu : np.array (....,nf) sigma : np.array (,nf) Notes ----- 18.3.2 """ nuos = nu/sigma argp = nuos + sigma argm = nuos - sigma expf = np.exp(1j*(np.pi/2)*nuos**2) sf = 1./sigma sp , cp = fresnel(argp) sm , cm = fresnel(argm) Fp = cp-1j*sp Fm = cm-1j*sm F = sf*expf*(Fp -Fm) return F
[docs]def F1(nu,sigma): """ F1 function for horn antenna pattern 18.3.3 """ F = 0.5*(F0(nu+0.5,sigma)+F0(nu-0.5,sigma)) return F
if (__name__ == "__main__"): doctest.testmod()