Source code for pylayers.simul.exploit

from __future__ import print_function
from pylayers.util import project
from pylayers.signal.bsignal import *
import pylayers.util.pyutil as pyu
import sys

if sys.version_info.major==2:
    import ConfigParser
    import configparser as ConfigParser

import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import itertools
import pdb

.. currentmodule:: pylayers.simul.exploit

.. autosummary::


[docs]class Exploit(object): """ class Exploit Methods ------- load """ def __init__(self,simnetfile='simulnet.ini'): self.simnetfile=simnetfile self.load()
[docs] def load(self): """ Load simulnet_data configuration file """ self.simcfg = ConfigParser.ConfigParser(),pstruc['DIRNETSAVE'])) pdb.set_trace() self.Lfilename = self.simcfg.get('layout','layoutname') self.lAG = eval(self.simcfg.get('nodes','ag')) self.lAP = eval(self.simcfg.get('nodes','ap')) self.uptime = eval(self.simcfg.get('simulation','updatetime')) # create a Simul object with the correct layout self.S = Simul() self.S.layout(self.Lfilename,'matDB.ini','slabDB.ini') self.lap = len(self.lAP) self.lag = len(self.lAG) self.L = self.S.L try: self.L.dumpr() print('Layout graphs are loaded from ',basename,'/struc') except: = sl #self.L.loadGr(G1) print('First time your use the Layout.Graphs are curently build, it may take few minutes.') self.L.buildGt() self.L.dumpw()
[docs] def compute(self): """ Compute Raytracing simulation with the given simulation files """ # ### STEP 1 : all mobile node with all agent # self.S.clean_project(verbose=True) for apidx,ap in enumerate(self.lAP): self.S.tx = RadioNode(typ='tx',name=ap) self.S.tx.loadini(ap+'.ini',rep=pstruc['DIRNETSAVE']) for agidx,ag in enumerate(self.lAG): print('---------------------') print(' Raytracing for : ') print(' AP #',self.lAP[apidx-1] ,' / AG #',ag) print('---------------------') print(' Computed :') print('AP:',apidx-1,'/',self.lap+1) print('AG:',agidx,'/',self.lag) print('---------------------') self.S.rx = RadioNode(typ='rx',name=ag) self.S.rx.loadini(ag+'.ini',rep=pstruc['DIRNETSAVE']),range(1,self.S.rx.N+1)) #### STEP 2 : all mobile/mobile icag = itertools.combinations(self.lAG,2) for cag in icag: self.S.tx = RadioNode(typ='tx',name=cag[0]) self.S.tx.loadini(cag[0]+'.ini',rep=pstruc['DIRNETSAVE']) self.S.rx = RadioNode(typ='tx',name=cag[1]) self.S.rx.loadini(cag[1]+'.ini',rep=pstruc['DIRNETSAVE']) lidxpts = range(1,self.S.rx.N+1) print('---------------------') print(' Raytracing for : ') print(' AG #', cag[0] ,' / AG #',cag[1]) print('---------------------') for n in lidxpts: print(' trajectory point #',n,'/',self.S.rx.N+1) print('---------------------'),n)
[docs] def pltcir(self,itx,irx,pn,fig=[]): """ plot channel impulse response for Tx,Rx and a specified position Parameters ---------- itx : int node number irx : int node number pn : int position index of the Rx fig : """ if fig == []: fig = plt.figure(2) fig.clf() cir = TUsignal() spn = str(pn) line = 'defaultcir-' +str(itx) +'-'+str(irx)+'-p'+spn.zfill(3) try: cir.readcir(line,str(itx)) except: return False print('load : ',line,'.mat') return True
[docs] def pltciri(self,itx,irx): """ plot channel impulse response interactively. display all nodes position of Tx and Rx and choose for which link the CIR is displayed. Once self.pltciri(node1,node2) is called : 1) Press 't' on the displayed graph to chose the Tx 2) Press 'x' on the displayed graph to chose the Rx 3) Press Enter to display CIR betwen Tx-Rx Parameters ---------- itx : int node number irx : int node number usage >>> W=W2() >>> W.pltciri(6,1) """ plt.ion() fig1 = plt.figure(1) ax=fig1.add_subplot(111) self.ax2 = fig1.add_subplot(111) self.L.showG(fig=fig1,graph='') self.S.tx = RadioNode(typ='tx',name=itx) self.S.tx.loadini(str(itx)+'.ini',rep=pstruc['DIRNETSAVE']) self.S.rx = RadioNode(typ='rx',name=irx) self.S.rx.loadini(str(irx)+'.ini',rep=pstruc['DIRNETSAVE']) ax.plot(self.S.tx.position[0,:],self.S.tx.position[1,:],'ob') ax.plot(self.S.rx.position[0,:],self.S.rx.position[1,:],'or') print( '1. Press \'t\' and click to select a Tx ') print( '2. Press \'x\' and click to select a Rx ' ) print( '3. Press Enter to see the associated CIR ' ) self.key='' self.x1='' self.x2='' self.y1='' self.y2='' self.n1='' self.n2='' self.pos1='' self.pos2='' self.c1=[] self.c2=[] cid=fig1.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.onclick) cid=fig1.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.on_key)
[docs] def onclick(self,event): """ Events on click """ if event.button == 1: print( self.key) if self.key =='t': self.x1 = event.xdata self.y1 = event.ydata self.n1,self.pos1=self.srchpoint(self.x1,self.y1) print( 'select node1(Tx) # ',self.n1,) if self.key =='x': self.x2 = event.xdata self.y2 = event.ydata self.n2,self.pos2=self.srchpoint(self.x2,self.y2) print( 'select node2(Rx) # ',self.n2, ', at position #', self.pos2+1) if self.key == 'enter': pass
[docs] def on_key(self,event): """ Events on key stroke """ if event.key == 't': self.key = 't' if event.key == 'x': self.key = 'x' if event.key == 'enter': inv=False case = '' if self.pos1 !='' and self.pos2 !='': if self.n1 == self.n2: print( 'ERROR :tx and rx on the same node') else : if str(self.n1) in self.lAG and str(self.n2) in self.lAG: upos = self.pos2[0]+1 case = '2agents' elif str(self.n2) in self.lAP: upos = self.pos1[0]+1 else : upos = self.pos2[0]+1 if self.pltcir(self.n1,self.n2,upos): pass else: self.pltcir(self.n2,self.n1,upos) inv=True print( inv) ### manage black cross for involved nodes try: self.c1.pop(0).remove() self.c2.pop(0).remove() except: pass if case == '2agents': ### manage 2 mobile nodes self.c1=self.ax2.plot(self.S.tx.position[0,upos-1],self.S.tx.position[1,upos-1],'xk',ms=10.,mew=3.) self.c2=self.ax2.plot(self.S.rx.position[0,upos-1],self.S.rx.position[1,upos-1],'xk',ms=10.,mew=3.) else: if self.S.tx.N == 1: self.c1=self.ax2.plot(self.S.tx.position[0,0],self.S.tx.position[1,0],'xk',ms=10.,mew=3.) self.c2=self.ax2.plot(self.S.rx.position[0,upos-1],self.S.rx.position[1,upos-1],'xk',ms=10.,mew=3.) else : self.c1=self.ax2.plot(self.S.tx.position[0,upos-1],self.S.tx.position[1,upos-1],'xk',ms=10.,mew=3.) self.c2=self.ax2.plot(self.S.rx.position[0,0],self.S.rx.position[1,0],'xk',ms=10.,mew=3.)
# ### manage 2 mobile nodes to take position of the 2nd click # if str( in self.lAG and str( in self.lAG : # self.pos1 = self.pos2 #
[docs] def srchpoint(self,x,y): """ Search from the closest point (x,y) into self.tx.position and self.rx.position Returns ------- N : int node ID pos : int index of the closest position """ t = self.S.tx.position[:2,:] r = self.S.rx.position[:2,:] p = np.array((x,y)) d1 = np.sqrt(np.sum((t.T-p)**2,axis=1)) d2 = np.sqrt(np.sum((r.T-p)**2,axis=1)) d1m=np.min(d1) d2m=np.min(d2) if d1m < d2m: n = pos = np.nonzero(d1==d1m)[0] else : n = pos = np.nonzero(d2==d2m)[0] return (n,pos)
#cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', onclick) if (__name__ == "__main__"): E=Exploit() E.compute() E.pltciri(1,2)