Source code for pylayers.mobility.ban.body

# -*- coding:Utf-8 -*-

Body Class

This class implements the body model

.. autoclass:: Body

Cylinder Class

.. autoclass:: Cylinder

#import mayavi.mlab as mlab
import os
import sys
import copy
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as sp

if sys.version_info.major==2:
    import ConfigParser
    import configparser as ConfigParser

from pylayers.mobility.ban import c3d
import pylayers.mobility.trajectory as tr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pylayers.antprop.antenna as ant
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import pandas as pd
import networkx as nx
import pdb as pdb
from pylayers.util.project import *
import pylayers.util.pyutil as pyu
import pylayers.util.plotutil as plu
import pylayers.util.geomutil as geu
import pylayers.mobility.ban.DeuxSeg as seg
import doctest
import itertools as itt
from pylayers.util.project import *

    from mayavi import mlab
    from import visual
    print ('mayavi not installed')

[docs]class Body(PyLayers): """ Class to manage a Body model Members ------- ncyl : number of cylinder sl : d : topos : vtopos : Methods ------- load center posvel loadC3D settopos setccs setdcs geomfile plot3d movie cylinder_basis_k cyl_antenna """ def __init__(self, _filebody='John.ini', _filemocap=[], _filewear = [], traj=[], unit='cm', loop=True, centered=True, multi_subject_mocap=False, color='white'): """ object constructor Parameters ---------- _filebody : string _filemocap : string unit : str unit of the mocap file 'm'|'cm'|'mm' _filewear : string traj : tr.Trajectory loop : bool True : indicate if the mocap file is used as a sequence to be looped on a trajectory (default) False: the mocap is self sufficient and describes the complete body movement See Also -------- pylayers.mobility.trajectory """ self._multi_subject_mocap=multi_subject_mocap # extract name from _filebody = _filebody.replace('.ini','') di = self.load(_filebody,_filemocap,unit,_filewear) # if _filemocap != []: # if unit==[]: # raise AttributeError('Please set the unit of the mocap file mm|cm|m') # self.loadC3D(filename=_filemocap,unit=unit) # # When the motion capture is on the correct global coordinate system # as for example for data coming from the CORMORAN measurement # campaign it is not required to center the body. # centering makes sense only when using the topos projection. # # self.cylfromc3d(centered=centered) try: self.ccsfromc3d(di) self.mocapccs=True except: self.mocapccs=False if isinstance(traj,tr.Trajectory): self.traj=traj self.centered=centered self.mocap_loop=loop self.color=color # otherwise self.traj use values from c3d file # obtain in self.loadC3D def __repr__(self): st = '' st = "My name is : " + + '\n\n' for k in if[k]['status']=='simulated': st = st + 'I have a '[k]['name']+' device with id #'+k+' ' side = str([k]['cyl'])[-1] if side=='l': st = st+'on the left ' if side=='r': st = st+'on the right ' if side=='u': st = st+'on the upper part of ' if side=='b': st = st+'on the lower part of ' st = st + str([k]['cyl'])[0:-1] st = st + ' witn antenna '+ str([k]['file'])+'\n' else : st = st + 'I have a '[k]['name']+' device with id #'+k+' on '+\[k]['radiomarkname']+'\t'+\ '-> Antenna '+ str([k]['file']).split('.')[0]+'\n' if 'topos' not in dir(self): st = st+ '\nI am nowhere yet\n\n' else : st = st + '\n@ t=' +str(self.time[self.toposFrameId]) +' (frameID='+ str(self.toposFrameId) +'),\n'+'My centroid position is ' +str([:2,self.toposFrameId])+"\n\n" if 'filewear' in dir(self): st = st +'filewear : '+ self.filewear +'\n' if 'filename' in dir(self): st = st +'filename : '+ self.filename +'\n' if 'nframes' in dir(self): st = st +'nframes : ' + str(self.nframes) +'\n' if 'pg' in dir(self): st = st + 'Centered : True'+'\n' #if 'mocapinfo' in dir(self): # st = st + str(self.mocapinfo)+'\n' if 'tmocap' in dir(self): st = st + 'Mocap Duration : ' + str(self.Tmocap)+'\n' if 'vmocap' in dir(self): st = st + 'Mocap Speed : ' + "%2.3f" % self.vmocap+' m/s \n' st = st + '\n' return(st)
[docs] def load(self,_filebody='John.ini',_filemocap=[],unit=[],_filewear=[]): """ load a body ini file Parameters ---------- _filebody : body short filename Notes ----- A body .ini file contains 4 sections + section [nodes] Node number = Node name + section [cylinder] CylinderId = {'t':tail node number, 'h':head node number , 'r': cylinder' radius} + section [wearable] + section [mocap] """ # check if local or global path if ('/' in _filebody) or ('\\' in _filebody): filebody = _filebody ne = os.path.basename(_filebody) = os.path.splitext(ne)[0] else : filebody = pyu.getlong(_filebody,pstruc['DIRBODY']) if not os.path.isfile(filebody): raise NameError(_filebody + ' cannot be found in' + filebody) config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() sections = config.sections() di = {} for section in sections: di[section] = {} options = config.options(section) for option in options: if section=='cylinder' or option =='nframes': di[section][option] = eval(config.get(section,option)) else: di[section][option] = config.get(section,option) keys = map(lambda x : eval(x),di['nodes'].keys()) nodes_Id = {k:v for (k,v) in zip(keys,di['nodes'].values())} # identifier are always 4 character. otherwise its a list fnid = filter(lambda x: len(x[1])>4 , nodes_Id.items()) for k,v in fnid: # clean bracket and coma vc = v.split('[')[1].split(']')[0].split(',') nodes_Id.update({k:vc}) self.nodes_Id=nodes_Id = np.ndarray(shape=(len(di['cylinder'].keys()),3)) self.dcyl = {} for cyl in di['cylinder'].keys(): t = di['cylinder'][cyl]['t'] h = di['cylinder'][cyl]['h'] r = di['cylinder'][cyl]['r'] i = di['cylinder'][cyl]['i'] self.dcyl[cyl]=i #pdb.set_trace() # # sl : segment list of the body # line index of sl corresponds to cylinder id from .ini file #[i,:] = np.array([t,h,r]) self.ncyl = len(di['cylinder'].values()) self.idcyl={} [self.idcyl.update({v:k}) for k,v in self.dcyl.items()] # if a mocap file is given in the config file if _filemocap == []: unit = di['mocap']['unit'] nframes = di['mocap']['nframes'] self.loadC3D(di['mocap']['file'],nframes = nframes, unit = unit) else: if unit == []: raise AttributeError('Please indicate the unit of the motion capture file') self.loadC3D(_filemocap, unit = unit) # # update devices dict from wearable file # try : del except: pass{} # # parse section wearables : # # read default in ini file if _filewear == []: devfilename = pyu.getlong(di['wearable']['file'],pstruc['DIRWEAR']) self.filewear = di['wearable']['file'] if not os.path.exists(devfilename): raise AttributeError('the wareable file '+di['wearable']['file']+ ' cannot be found in $BASENAME/'+pstruc['DIRWEAR']) else : #check if local or global path if ('/' or '\\') in _filewear: devfilename = _filewear else : devfilename = pyu.getlong(_filewear,pstruc['DIRWEAR']) self.filewear = devfilename if not os.path.exists(devfilename): raise AttributeError('the wareable file '+ devfilename + ' cannot be found') devconf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() sections = devconf.sections() = {} for section in sections:[section] = {} options = devconf.options(section) for option in options: # non case sensitive in .ini file if option=='t': option=option.upper() #manage non string data try:[section][option]=eval(devconf.get(section,option)) except:[section][option]=devconf.get(section,option) if option == 'file': # # For each device load the antenna from the filename # # TODO : Modify antenna class in order to load an antenna # from a pattern function #[section]['ant'] = ant.Antenna([section]['file']) try: ump = [ in str(p).lower() for p in self._s] if sum(ump) >1: # Handle case CorSer (serie=3,day=11) self._mocap_prefix='Bernard:' else: self._mocap_prefix = self._s[ump.index(True)] except: self._mocap_prefix = self._p[-1].split(':')[0]+':' # # filter real device and get devices # rd = dict(filter(lambda x: x[1]['status']== 'real', # for d in rd : # if[d]['name'] == 'hikob': # bd = [[d]['radiomarkname'] in n for n in self._p if not 'TCR' in n] #[d]['uc3d'] = np.where(bd)[0] # else : # bd = [[d]['radiomarkname'] in n for n in self._p] #[d]['uc3d'] = np.where(bd)[0] # if len([d]['uc3d']) == 0: # print 'Warning : device ',d, 'not present in mocap' # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() prefix = ['Bernard:','Bernard_','NicolasCormoran:', 'Nicolas_FullBody_ClusterOnly:', 'Eric_FullBody_ClusterOnly:', 'Jihan_FullBody_ClusterOnly2:', 'Jihan_FullBody_ClusterOnly:', # j12s8 'Jihan_FullBody_sansClusters:', # j12s21 'Nicolas_FullBody_sansClusters:', # j12s21 'Eric_FullBody_sansClusters:', # j12s21 'Nicolas_FullBody:', 'Jihan_FullBody:', 'Eric_FullBody:'] self._mocanodes = self._p for p in prefix: tmpnode=[] for n in self._mocanodes: tmpnode.append(str(n).replace(p,'')) self._mocanodes = tmpnode # 2 remove multiple entries due to orientation marker self._mocanodes = [str(n).split(':')[0] for n in self._mocanodes] for d in rd : if[d]['name'] == 'hikob': bd = [[d]['radiomarkname'] in n for n in self._mocanodes if not 'TCR' in n][d]['uc3d'] = np.where(bd)[0] else : bd = [[d]['radiomarkname'] in n for n in self._mocanodes][d]['uc3d'] = np.where(bd)[0] return(di)
[docs] def loadC3D(self, filename='07_01.c3d', nframes=-1 ,unit='cm'): """ load nframes of motion capture C3D file Parameters ---------- filename : string file name nframes : int number of frames unit : str (mm|cm|mm unit of c3d file rot : list ['x','y','z'] swap axes of the c3d file """ #if 'pg' in dir(self): # del # s, p, f, info = c3d.read_c3d(filename) self._s, self._p, self._f, info = c3d.ReadC3d(filename) self._s = [ s.decode() for s in self._s ] self._p = [ p.decode() for p in self._p ] if self._multi_subject_mocap: us = [us for us, s in enumerate(self._s) if in s ] up = [up for up, p in enumerate(self._p) if in p ] if len(us) == 0: raise AttributeError( +' is not in the MOCAP file :' +filename) #in case of multiple body into the mocap file, #mocap is restricted to nodes belonging to a single body. #the body is automatically selected by using the # self._f =self._f[:,up,:] self._s=[s for s in self._s if in s ] self._p=[p for p in self._p if in p ] self.mocapinfo = info self.filename = filename if nframes!=-1: self.nframes = nframes else: self.nframes = np.shape(self._f)[0] # # s : prefix # p : list of points name # f : nframe x npoints x 3 # self.unit = unit if unit == 'cm': self._unit = 1e-2 elif unit == 'mm': self._unit = 1e-3 elif unit == 'm': self._unit = 1. else : raise AttributeError('unit'+unit + 'not recognized') # duration of the motion capture snapshot self._f=self._f*self._unit self.Tmocap = (self.nframes-1) / info['VideoFrameRate'] # time base of the motion capture file (sec) self.time = np.linspace(0,self.Tmocap,self.nframes)
[docs] def ccsfromc3d(self,config): """ Create ccs from C3D file Parameters ---------- config : dictionnary """ #dmn = dictionnary of mocap nodes position in self._p # for further ccs from marker creation self._dmn={n:un for un,n in enumerate(self._mocanodes)} self._ccs=np.empty((11,3,3,self.nframes)) #T10 5 strn 7 for k,v in config['ccs'].items(): # clean bracket and coma vc = v.split('[')[1].split(']')[0].split(',') #get position in uc3d of marker uccs=map(lambda x: self._dmn[x],vc) #1 vector carried by cylinder axis # 1.1 get cylinder number related to body part k upart = config['cylinder'][k]['i'] #1.2 get tail and head position in self.d kta =[upart,0].astype(int) khe =[upart,1].astype(int) #1.3 create cylinder axis vector ca = self.d[:,kta,:]-self.d[:,khe,:] #2 . create 2 extra vectors #2.1 determine their positions # pccs = position of cylinder coordinates system (Nframe x Npts x 3) #determine associated vetors pccs = self._f[:,uccs,:] # vccs = vectors of cylinder coordinates system (3 x 2(Npt) x Nframe) vccs = self.d[:,kta,np.newaxis,:] - pccs[:,:,:].T # vccs = pccs[:,0,np.newaxis,:]-pccs[:,1:,:] # vccs = vectors of cylinder coordinates system (3 x 3(Npt) x Nframe) # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() vccs=np.concatenate((ca[:,np.newaxis,:],vccs),axis=1) self._ccs[self.dcyl[k],:,:,:]=geu.gram_schmidt(vccs)
# check ccs continuity #~ W=self._ccs[self.dcyl[k],:,:,:] #~ W1=W[:,:,:-1] #~ W2=W[:,:,1:] #~ W1r=np.rollaxis(W1,2) #~ W2r=np.rollaxis(W2,2) #~ W2ri=np.linalg.inv(W2r) #~ R=np.einsum('ijk,ikl->ijl',W1r,W2ri) #~ assert len(np.where(np.linalg.det(R)<1e-9)[0]) <1
[docs] def cylfromc3d(self,centered = False): """ Create cylinders from C3D file Parameters ---------- centered : boolean False """ # # motion capture data # # self.d : 3 x npoints x nframes # # number of points is determined by the ini file self.npoints = len(self.nodes_Id) # self.d = np.ndarray(shape=(3, self.npoints, self.nframes)) #if self.d[2,:,:].max()>50: # extract only known nodes in nodes_Id self.d = np.zeros((3, self.npoints, self.nframes)) #print self._p for i in self.nodes_Id: # node name = 4 characters if not isinstance(self.nodes_Id[i],list) : try: idx = self._p.index(self._mocap_prefix + self.nodes_Id[i]) except: # fixing naming in serie 15 add '_1' try: idx = self._p.index(self._mocap_prefix + self.nodes_Id[i]+'_1') except: idx = self._p.index(self._mocap_prefix + self.nodes_Id[i]+'_2') self.d[:,i,:] = self._f[0:self.nframes, idx, :].T # perform center of mass of the nodes else : lnid = len(self.nodes_Id[i]) for k in range(lnid): nodename = self.nodes_Id[i][k].replace(' ','') try: idx = self._p.index(str(self._mocap_prefix) + nodename) except: try: # fixing naming in serie 15 add '_1' idx = self._p.index(str(self._mocap_prefix) + nodename+'_1') except: pdb.set_trace() idx = self._p.index(str(self._mocap_prefix) + nodename+'_2') try: tmp = tmp +self._f[0:self.nframes, idx, :].T except: tmp = self._f[0:self.nframes, idx, :].T self.d[:,i,:] = tmp / (1.*lnid) del tmp # f.T : 3 x npoints x nframe # # cm to meter conversion if required # self.d = self.d = np.sum(self.d,axis=1)/self.npoints[2,:] = 0 #self.nodes_Id[15]='bottom' if centered: self.centered = False self.init_traj()
[docs] def network(self): """ evaluate network topology and dynamics This function evaluates distance, velocity and acceleration of the radio network nodes self.D2 : distances between radio nodes self.V2 : velocities between radio nodes self.A2 : accelerations between radio nodes """ self.ddev = {} tdev = [] for k in self.ddev[k] =[k]['radiomarkname'] tdev.append([k]['uc3d'][0]) tdev = np.array(tdev) Net = self._f[:,tdev,:] D = Net[:,:,np.newaxis,:]-Net[:,np.newaxis,:,:] V = (D[1:,:,:,:]-D[0:-1,:,:,:])/0.01 A = (V[1:,:,:,:]-V[0:-1,:,:,:])/0.01 Nt = D.shape[0] Nd = D.shape[1] D2 = np.sqrt(np.sum(D*D,axis=3)) self.D2 = D2.reshape(Nt,Nd,Nd) V2 = np.sqrt(np.sum(V*V,axis=3)) self.V2 = V2.reshape(Nt-1,Nd,Nd) A2 = np.sqrt(np.sum(A*A,axis=3)) self.A2 = A2.reshape(Nt-2,Nd,Nd)
[docs] def rdpdf(self): """ real device position dataframe """ # dictionary of device dataframe df={} {df.update( {d:pd.DataFrame( columns=['dev_id','dev_x','dev_y','dev_z'],index=self.traj.index)}) for d in} for d in df[d]['dev_id'] = d try: df[d]['dev_x'] = np.mean(self._f[:len(self.time)-2,[d]['uc3d'],0],axis=1) df[d]['dev_y'] = np.mean(self._f[:len(self.time)-2,[d]['uc3d'],1],axis=1) df[d]['dev_z'] = np.mean(self._f[:len(self.time)-2,[d]['uc3d'],2],axis=1) except: df[d]['dev_x'] = self._f[:len(self.time)-2,[d]['uc3d'][0],0] df[d]['dev_y'] = self._f[:len(self.time)-2,[d]['uc3d'][0],1] df[d]['dev_z'] = self._f[:len(self.time)-2,[d]['uc3d'][0],2] # gather all devices in a single dataframe: addf = pd.DataFrame() for d in df: addf = pd.concat([addf,df[d]]) addf = addf.sort_index() return addf
[docs] def dpdf(self,tr=[],tunit='ns',poffset=False): """ device position dataframe return a dataframe with body and devices positions along the self.traj Parameters ---------- tr : ndarray timerange Returns ------- cdf: pd.DataFrame complete device data frame Example ------- >>> from pylayers.mobility.ban.body import * >>> T = tr.Trajectories() >>> T.loadh5() >>> B=Body(traj=T[0]) >>> cdf = B.dpdf() """ if not isinstance(tr,np.ndarray): traj = self.traj else : traj = self.traj.copy() tstart = tr[0] tstop = tr[-1] tstep = tr[1]-tr[0] sf = traj.ts/tstep traj = traj.resample(sf = sf, tstart = tstart, tstop = tstop) # dictionary of device dataframe df={} {df.update( {d:pd.DataFrame( columns=['dev_id','dev_x','dev_y','dev_z'],index=traj.index)}) for d in} dp=[] for it,t in enumerate(traj.time()): self.settopos(traj = traj,t=t,cs=True) dp.append(np.array(self.getdevp(df.keys()))) dp =np.array(dp) for ud,d in enumerate(df.keys()): df[d]['dev_id']=d df[d].ix[:,['dev_x','dev_y','dev_z']]=dp[:,ud,:] # for ud,d in enumerate(df.keys()): # df[d].ix[it,['dev_id']]=d # df[d].ix[it,['dev_x','dev_y','dev_z']]=dp[ud] # gather all devices in a single dataframe: addf = pd.DataFrame() for d in df: addf = pd.concat([addf,df[d]]) # join device dataframe with mobility data frame ddf = traj.join(addf) ddf['name'] = # complete dataframe ddf['timestamp']= map(lambda x: str(x.hour).zfill(2) + ':' + str(x.minute).zfill(2) + ':' + str(x.second).zfill(2) + '.' + str(x.microsecond).zfill(2)[:3],ddf.index) if tunit == 'ns': ddf['timestamp']= map(lambda x: x.microsecond*1e3+x.second*1e9+60*1e9*x.minute+3600*1e9*x.hour,ddf.index) if poffset: mx = min(min(ddf['x']),min(ddf['dev_x'])) ddf['x']=ddf['x']-mx ddf['dev_x']=ddf['dev_x']-mx my = min(min(ddf['y']),min(ddf['dev_y'])) ddf['y']=ddf['y']-my ddf['dev_y']=ddf['dev_y']-my mz = min(min(ddf['z']),min(ddf['dev_z'])) ddf['z']=ddf['z']-mz ddf['dev_z']=ddf['dev_z']-mz return ddf
[docs] def export_csv(self, unit = 'mm',df = [],_filename ='default.csv', col =['dev_id', 'dev_x', 'dev_y', 'dev_z', 'timestamp'],**kwargs): """ """ if _filename == 'default.csv': _filename = + '.csv' filename =pyu.getlong(_filename,pstruc['DIRNETSAVE']) if isinstance(df,pd.DataFrame): ddf = df else : ddf = self.dpdf(**kwargs) ldf = ddf[col] ldf.rename(columns={'dev_id':'id', 'dev_x':'x', 'dev_y':'y', 'dev_z':'z'},inplace=True) if unit == 'm': _unit = 1. if unit == 'cm': _unit = 1e2 if unit == 'mm': _unit = 1e3 ldf.loc[:,'x']=ldf.loc[:,'x']*_unit ldf.loc[:,'y']=ldf.loc[:,'y']*_unit ldf.loc[:,'z']=ldf.loc[:,'z']*_unit ldf.to_csv(filename, sep = ' ',index=False) return ldf
[docs] def init_traj(self): """ create trajectory object from given trajectory or mocap """ # speed vector of the gravity centernp. =[:,1:][:,0:-1] # duplicate last spped vector for size homogeneity = np.hstack((,[:,-1][:,np.newaxis])) # length of trajectory d =[0:-1,1:][0:-1,0:-1] # creates a trajectory associated to mocap file self.traj = tr.Trajectory() self.traj.generate(t=self.time,,name=self.filename) self.smocap = np.cumsum(np.sqrt(np.sum(d*d,axis=0))) self.vmocap = self.smocap[-1]/self.Tmocap
[docs] def center(self,force=False): """ centering the body Returns ------- : center of gravity : velocity self.d : set of centered frames self.smocap : integrated distance self.vmocap : averaged velocity Notes ----- The center method creates a centered version of the motion capture data stored in self.d It also calculates : self.smocap : total distance along trajectory self.vmocap : averaged speed along trajectory Here only the projection of the body centroid in the plan 0xy is calculated """ # self.d : 3 x 16 x Nf # : 3 x Nf if not self.centered or force: self.d = self.d -[:,np.newaxis,:] self.centered = True
[docs] def posvel(self,traj,t): """ calculate position and velocity traj : Tajectory DataFrame nx3 t : float trajectory time for evaluation of topos Returns ------- kf : frame integer index kt : trajectory integer index vsn : normalized speed vector along motion capture trajectory (source) wsn : planar vector orthogonal to vsn vtn : normalized speed vector along motion trajectory (target) wtn : planar vector orthogonal to wtn Notes ----- This funtion takes as argument a trajectory which is a panda dataframe and a time value in the time scale of the trajectory. t value should of course be in the interval between trajecroty extremal times tmin and tmax. smax is the maximum distance covered in the whole motion capture sequence. sk is the distance covered from the begining of the trajectory until the trajectory time t. The ratio between those 2 distance is rounded to the nearest integer. :math:`\delta = s_k -\lceil \frac{s_k}{s_{max}} s_{max}` k_f is the index of the topos motion capture into the MOCAP _____________________________________________________ |__________|__________|____________|___________|_____ kf=2 tmin tmax 0 smax sk """ # t should be in the trajectory time range assert ((t>=traj.tmin) & (t<=traj.tmax)),'posvel: t not in trajectory time range' sk = traj.distance(t) # covered distance along trajectory at time t smax = self.smocap[-1] ks = int(np.floor(sk/smax)) # number of full MOCAP sequences of frames df = sk - ks*smax # covered distance into the sequence kf = np.where(self.smocap>=df)[0][0] #tf = self.Tmocap/(1.0*self.nframes) # frame body time sampling period #timetraj = traj.time() #tt = timetraj[1]-timetraj[0] # trajectory time sampling period kt = int(np.floor((t-traj.tmin)/traj.ts)) # trajectory time integer index # : 3 x Nframes # traj : Nptraj x 3 (t,x,y) # # BODY SIDE # # vs : speed vector along motion capture frame # vsn : unitary speed vector along motion capture frame # vs =[0:-1,kf] -[0:-1,kf-1] nvs = np.sqrt(,vs)) if nvs != 0 : vsn = vs/nvs else : vsn = vs wsn = np.array([vsn[1],-vsn[0]]) # # # TRAJECTORY SIDE (Topos) # # # vt : speed vector along trajectory # vt = np.array([traj['vx'][kt],traj['vy'][kt]]) nvt = np.sqrt(,vt)) if nvt != 0: vtn = vt/nvt else : vtn=vt wtn = np.array([vtn[1],-vtn[0]]) # vt = traj[kt+1,1:] - traj[kt,1:] # vt = traj[kt+1,1:] - traj[kt,1:] return(kf,kt,vsn,wsn,vtn,wtn)
[docs] def time2frame(self,t): return np.where(self.time<=t)[0][-1]
[docs] def frame2time(self,f): return self.time[f]
[docs] def settopos(self,traj=[],t=0,cs=True,treadmill=False,p0=np.array(([0.,0.]))): """ translate the body on a time stamped trajectory Parameters ---------- traj : ndarray (3,N) t,x,y t : float time for evaluation of topos (seconds) this value should be in the range of the trajectory timestamp Returns ------- self.topos self.vtopos Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> import numpy as np >>> import pylayers.mobility.trajectory as tr >>> import pylayers.mobility.ban.body as body >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> time = np.arange(0,10,0.1) >>> v = 4000/3600. >>> x = v*time >>> y = np.zeros(len(time)) >>> traj = tr.Trajectory() >>> traj.generate() >>> John = body.Body() >>> John.settopos(traj,2.3) >>> fig,ax ='xz',color='b') >>> plt.title('xz') >>> Notes ----- topos is the current spatial global position of a body configuration. this method takes as argument a trajectory and a time value t in the trajectory time-scale. See Also -------- pylayers.util.geomutil.affine """ # # psa : origin source # psb = psa+vsn : a point in the direction of pedestrian motion # # pta : target translation # ptb = pta+vtn : a point in the direction of trajectory # # kt : trajectory integer index # kf : frame integer index if not isinstance(traj,tr.Trajectory): traj = self.traj kf,kt,vsn,wsn,vtn,wtn = self.posvel(traj,t) if self.mocap_loop: psa = np.array([0,0]) psb = psa + vsn psc = psa + wsn if treadmill: pta=p0 else: pta = np.hstack((traj['x'].values[kt],traj['y'].values[kt])) ptb = pta + vtn ptc = pta + wtn self.centroid = pta X = np.array([[0,0],[psb[0],psb[1]],[psc[0],psc[1]]]).T Y = np.array([[pta[0],pta[1]],[ptb[0],ptb[1]],[ptc[0],ptc[1]]]).T a,b = geu.affine(X,Y) A = np.eye(3) B = np.zeros((3,1)) A[0:-1,0:-1] = a B[0:-1,:] = b # # TOPOS = A d + B d == BODY at kf frame # self.topos = (,self.d[:,:,kf])+B) else : self.topos = self.d[:,:,kf] self.vtopos = np.hstack((vtn,np.array([0])))[:,np.newaxis] self.toposFrameId = kf # self.traj=traj kta =[:,0].astype(int) khe =[:,1].astype(int) self._pta = np.array([self.topos[0, kta], self.topos[1, kta], self.topos[2, kta]]) self._phe = np.array([self.topos[0, khe], self.topos[1, khe], self.topos[2, khe]]) # if asked for calculation of coordinates systems if cs: self.setcs(topos=True)
[docs] def setcs(self, topos = True, frameId =0): """ set coordinates systems from a topos or a frame id Parameters ---------- topos : boolean default : True frameId : int default 0 See Also -------- pylayers.mobility.ban.body.setccs() pylayers.mobility.ban.body.setdcs() pylayers.mobility.ban.body.setacs() """ # calculate cylinder coordinate system self.setccs(topos=topos,frameId=frameId) # calculate device coordinate system self.setdcs(topos=topos,frameId=frameId) # calculate antenna coordinate system self.setacs()
[docs] def setdcs(self, topos = True, frameId =0): """ set device coordinate system (dcs) from a topos This method evaluates the set of all dcs. It provides the information necessary for device placement on the body. If N is the number of antenna an dcs is an MDA of size 3x4xN Parameters ---------- topos : boolean default : True frameId : int default 0 Returns ------- self.dcs : dictionnary Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> import numpy as np >>> import pylayers.mobility.trajectory as tr >>> import pylayers.mobility.ban.body as body >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> time = np.arange(0,10,0.1) >>> v = 4000/3600. >>> x = v*time >>> y = np.zeros(len(time)) >>> traj = tr.Trajectory() >>> traj.generate() >>> bc = body.Body() >>> bc.settopos(traj,2.3,2) >>> bc.setccs(topos=True) >>> bc.setdcs() >>>'yz',color='b',widthfactor=80) >>> """ self.dcs = {} for dev in if[dev]['status'] == 'simulated': # retrieving antenna placement information from dictionnary ant cylname =[dev]['cyl'] Id = self.dcyl[cylname] alpha =[dev]['a']*np.pi/180. l =[dev]['l'] h =[dev]['h'] # getting cylinder information #pdb.set_trace() #~ a_edge = np.array(l_edge) #~ a_data = a_edge[:,2] #~ dtk = filter(lambda x: x['id']==str(Id),a_data) #~ k = np.where(a_data ==dtk)[0][0] #~ kta = ed[0] #~ khe = ed[1] kta = int([int(Id),0]) khe = int([int(Id),1]) Rcyl =[int(Id),2] if topos == True : pta = np.array(self.topos[:,kta]) phe = np.array(self.topos[:,khe]) else: pta = np.array(self.d[:,kta, frameId]) phe = np.array(self.d[:,khe, frameId]) vl = phe - pta lmax = np.sqrt(,vl)) #CCS = self.ccs[k,:,:] CCS = self.ccs[Id,:,:] #self.nodes_Id[kta],self.nodes_Id[khe] # applying rotation and translation Rot = np.array([[np.cos(alpha),-np.sin(alpha),0],[np.sin(alpha),np.cos(alpha),0],[0,0,1]]) CCSr =,Rot) neworigin = pta + CCSr[:,2]*(l*lmax) + CCSr[:,0]*(Rcyl+h) self.dcs[dev] = np.hstack((neworigin[:,np.newaxis],CCSr)) else : if 'toposFrameId' in dir(self): fId = self.toposFrameId else : fId = frameId if len([dev]['uc3d']) > 2: # mp : marker pos mp = self._f[fId,[dev]['uc3d'],:] vm = np.diff(mp,axis=0) vm = vm[:3] mvm = np.sqrt(np.sum((vm*vm),axis=0)) T = vm/mvm T[:,2]=np.cross(T[:,0],T[:,1]) T[:,1]=np.cross(T[:,0],T[:,2]) Tn = T/np.sqrt(np.sum(T*T,axis=0)) mp0 = mp[0] # self.dcs[dev] = np.hstack((mp0[:,np.newaxis],T)) else: # associated cylinder # if not[dev].has_key('asscyl'): # # find the closest cylinder to the device #[:,0].astype(int) #[:,1].astype(int) # pta = self.d[:,c0,0] # phe = self.d[:,c1,0] # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() # # vector tail head # th = phe - pta # thl = np.sqrt(np.sum(th**2,axis=0)) # # vector tail device # de = self._f[0,[dev]['uc3d'],:] # td = pta - de[0,:,np.newaxis] # tdl = np.sqrt(np.sum(td**2,axis=0)) # do = [[:,i],td[:,i]) for i in range(th.shape[1])] # # distance matrix # d = abs(tdl*np.sin(do/(tdl*thl))) # # closest cylinder # md = np.where(min(d)==d)[0] #[dev]['asscyl']= md[0] if not[dev].has_key('asscyl'): # find the closest cylinder to the device[:,0].astype(int)[:,1].astype(int) pta = self.d[:,c0,0] phe = self.d[:,c1,0] de = self._f[0,[dev]['uc3d'][0],:][np.newaxis] dtad = np.sqrt(np.sum((pta-de.T)**2,axis=0)) dhed = np.sqrt(np.sum((phe-de.T)**2,axis=0)) mta = np.min(dtad) mhe = np.min(dhed) #select the smallest distance as best candidate if mta < mhe : um = np.where(dtad==mta)[0] else : um = np.where(dhed==mhe)[0][dev]['asscyl']= um[0] mp0 = np.mean(self._f[fId,[dev]['uc3d'],:],axis=0) Tn = self.ccs[[dev]['asscyl'],:,:] self.dcs[dev] = np.hstack((mp0[:,np.newaxis],Tn))
[docs] def setacs(self): """ set antenna coordinate system (acs) from a topos or a set of frames """ self.acs = {} for dev in if[dev]['status'] == 'simulated': Rab =[dev]['T'] U = self.dcs[dev] # extract only orthonormal basis Rbg = U[:,1:] self.acs[dev] =,Rab) else : self.acs[dev] =[dev]['TTT']
[docs] def c3d2traj(self): """ convert c3d file to trajectory """ traj = tr.trajectory() return traj
[docs] def getdevp(self,id=-1): """ get device position Parameters ---------- id : str | list device id. frameId : int frameid t : float time Returns ------- device position """ # if frameId != []: # self.setcs(topos=False,frameId=frameId) # elif t !=[]: # fId,kt,vsn,wsn,vtn,wtn = self.posvel(self.traj,t) # print fId # self.setcs(topos=False,frameId=fId) # else: if not 'dcs' in dir(self): raise AttributeError('Body\'s dcs not yet set.\ Use settopos() or precise a frameId or time') if id == -1: return np.array([self.dcs[i][:,0] for i in self.dcs.keys()]) if isinstance(id,list): return np.array([self.dcs[i][:,0] for i in id]) else : return self.dcs[id][:,0]
def _rdposition(self): """ real devices positions """ dp = {} dev = udev = np.array([[i]['uc3d'][0] for i in dev]) p = self._f[:,udev,:] dist = np.sqrt(np.sum((p[:,:,np.newaxis,:]-p[:,np.newaxis,:,:])**2,axis=3)) for ud,d in enumerate(dev) : dp[d]=p[:,ud,:] return dist,dp
[docs] def getdevT(self,id=-1,t=[],frameId=[]): """ get device orientation Parameters ---------- id : str | list device id. frameId : int frameid t : float time Returns ------- device orientation """ if not 'dcs' in dir(self): raise AttributeError('Body\'s dcs not yet set.\ Use settopos() or precise a frameId or time') if id == -1: return np.array([self.dcs[i][:,1:] for i in self.dcs.keys()]) if isinstance(id,list): return np.array([self.dcs[i][:,1:] for i in id]) else : return self.dcs[id][:,1:]
[docs] def chronophoto(self,**kwargs): """ chronophotography of the body movement (a.k.a. position as a function of time) Parameters ---------- tstart : float starting time in second tend : float ending time in second, tstep : float time step between tstart and tend sstep : float spatial step (distance between 2 instant) planes : list list of planes to be displayed ['xz','xy','yz'] dev : bool show devices dev : bool show devices ids See Also -------- """ defaults = {'tstart':10, 'tend':40, 'tstep':5, 'sstep':2, 'planes':['xz','xy','yz'], 'figsize':(10,10), 'sharex':False } fargs={} for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: fargs[k] = defaults[k] else: fargs[k] = kwargs.pop(k) fstart=np.where(fargs['tstart']<=self.time)[0][0] fend=np.where(fargs['tend']<=self.time)[0][0] mocaptres = self.Tmocap/self.nframes step = int(fargs['tstep']/mocaptres) trange=np.arange(fargs['tstart'],fargs['tend'],fargs['tstep']) frange=range(fstart,fend,step) vstep=np.arange(0,len(frange))*fargs['sstep'] fig,axs = plt.subplots(nrows =len(fargs['planes']), ncols=1,sharex=fargs['sharex'], figsize=fargs['figsize']) if not isinstance(axs,np.ndarray): axs=np.array([axs]) for p,ax in enumerate(axs): for uf,f in enumerate(frange): fig,'b',plane=fargs['planes'][p], offset=vstep[uf], frameId=f,fig=fig,ax=ax, **kwargs) ax.set_aspect('auto') ax.set_ylabel('position (m)') ax.set_title('Plane ' + fargs['planes'][p]) ax.set_xlabel('time (s)') ax.set_xlim(vstep[0]-fargs['sstep'] ,vstep[-1]+fargs['sstep']) if 'z' in fargs['planes'][p]: ax.set_ylim(0,2) else : ax.set_ylim(-2,2) tl = ax.get_xticklabels() labrange = np.round(10*np.linspace(fargs['tstart']-fargs['tstep'],fargs['tend']+fargs['tstep'],len(tl)))/10. ax.set_xticklabels(labrange) plt.tight_layout() return fig,ax
[docs] def movie(self,**kwargs): """ creates a geomview movie Parameters ---------- lframe : [] verbose : False topos : True wire : True ccs : False dcs : False struc : True traj : [] filestruc:'' See Also -------- Body.geomfile """ defaults = {'lframe':[], 'verbose':False, 'topos': True, 'wire': True, 'ccs': False, 'dcs': False, 'struc':True, 'pattern':False, 'traj':[], 'filestruc':'' } for key, value in defaults.items(): if key not in kwargs: kwargs[key] = value if not kwargs['topos']: for k in range(self.nframes): self.geomfile(iframe=k,verbose=True) else: t = kwargs['traj'].time() for k,tt in enumerate(t): stk = str(k).zfill(6) # for string alignement self.settopos(traj=kwargs['traj'],t=tt) if kwargs['ccs']: self.setccs(topos=True) if kwargs['dcs']: self.setdcs() kwargs['tag']=stk self.geomfile(**kwargs)
[docs] def anim(self): """ animate body Example ------- >>> from pylayers.mobility.trajectory import * >>> from pylayers.mobility.ban.body import * >>> from pylayers.gis.layout import * >>> T=Trajectories() >>> T.loadh5() >>> L=Layout(T.Lfilename) >>> B = Body() >>> B.settopos(T[0],t=0,cs=True) >>> L._show3() >>> B.anim(B) """ self._show3() kta =[:,0].astype(int) khe =[:,1].astype(int) t=self.traj.time() anim = range(5000,self.nframes,10) ##init antennas if 'topos' in dir(self): Ant = {} for key in self.dcs.keys(): Ant[key]=ant.Antenna([key]['file']) if not hasattr(Ant[key],'sqG'): Ant[key].eval() Ant[key]._show3(po=self.dcs[key][:,0], T=self.acs[key], ilog=False, minr=0.01, maxr=0.2, newfig=False, title=False, colorbar=False) while True: if 'topos' in dir(self): for k in anim:#range(len(t)): self.settopos(t=t[k],cs=True) # connections=zip(range(0,self.ncyl),range(self.ncyl,2*self.ncyl)) X=np.hstack((self._pta,self._phe)) # s = np.hstack((cylrad,cylrad)) self._mayapts.mlab_source.set(x=X[0,:], y=X[1,:], z=X[2,:]) for key in self.dcs.keys(): x, y, z ,k,scalar = Ant[key]._computemesh(po=self.dcs[key][:,0], T=self.acs[key], ilog=False, minr=0.01, maxr=0.2, newfig=False, title=False, colorbar=False) Ant[key]._mayamesh.mlab_source.set(x=x, y=y, z=z,scalar=scalar) yield else: for k in anim: pta = np.array([self.d[0, kta, k], self.d[1, kta, k], self.d[2, kta, k]]) phe = np.array([self.d[0, khe, k], self.d[1, khe, k], self.d[2, khe, k]]) # connections=zip(range(0,self.ncyl),range(self.ncyl,2*self.ncyl)) X=np.hstack((pta,phe)) # s = np.hstack((cylrad,cylrad)) self._mayapts.mlab_source.set(x=X[0,:], y=X[1,:], z=X[2,:]) yield
[docs] def animc3d(self): """ animate c3d file Example ------- >>> from pylayers.mobility.trajectory import * >>> from pylayers.mobility.ban.body import * >>> B = Body() >>> B.animc3d(B) """ self._plot3d(typ='c3d',text=False) # s, p, f, info = c3d.read_c3d(self.filename) s, p, f, info = c3d.ReadC3d(self.filename) f=f/10. fig = mlab.gcf() fig.scene.disable_render=False fig.scene.anti_aliasing_frames=0 while True: for k in range(self.nframes): # s = np.hstack((cylrad,cylrad)) self._mayapts.mlab_source.set(x=f[k,:,0], y=f[k,:,1], z=f[k,:,2]) yield
def _plot3d(self,**kwargs): """ display points and their name for body or original C3D file Parameters ---------- typ : str (body|c3d) choose points to be displayed (body or c3d) text: boolean diplay nodes name """ defaults={'typ':'body', 'text':True, 'edge':False, 'ncolor':'b', 'ecolor':'b', 'iframe' : 0 } for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k] = defaults[k] fig = mlab.gcf() if 'toposFrameId' in dir(self): fId = self.toposFrameId else : fId = kwargs['iframe'] cold = pyu.coldict() ncolhex = cold[kwargs['ncolor']] pt_color = tuple(pyu.rgb(ncolhex)/255.) ecolhex = cold[kwargs['ecolor']] ed_color = tuple(pyu.rgb(ecolhex)/255.) if kwargs['typ'] == 'c3d': # s, p, f, info = c3d.ReadC3d(self.filename) self._mayapts=mlab.points3d(self._f[fId,:,0],self._f[fId,:,1],self._f[fId,:,2],scale_factor=0.05,opacity=0.5) fig.children[-1].__setattr__('name',self.filename ) if kwargs['text']: self._mayaptstxt=[mlab.text3d(self._f[fId,i,0],self._f[fId,i,1],self._f[fId,i,2],self._p[i].replace(self._s[0],''), scale=(50.*self._unit,50.*self._unit,50.*self._unit), color=(0,0,0)) for i in range(len(self._p))] else : kta =[:,0].astype(int) khe =[:,1].astype(int) cylrad =[:,2] if 'topos' in dir(self): pta = np.array([self.topos[0, kta], self.topos[1, kta], self.topos[2, kta]]) phe = np.array([self.topos[0, khe], self.topos[1, khe], self.topos[2, khe]]) else: pta = np.array([self.d[0, kta, fId], self.d[1, kta, fId], self.d[2, kta, fId]]) phe = np.array([self.d[0, khe, fId], self.d[1, khe, fId], self.d[2, khe, fId]]) X=np.hstack((pta,phe)) s = np.hstack((cylrad,cylrad)) self._mayapts = mlab.points3d(X[0,:],X[1,:], X[2,:], 5*s , scale_factor=0.1, resolution=10, color =pt_color) if kwargs['edge']: connections=zip(range(0,self.ncyl),range(self.ncyl,2*self.ncyl)) self._mayapts.mlab_source.dataset.lines = np.array(connections) tube =, tube_radius=0.005) mlab.pipeline.surface(tube,color=ed_color) fig.children[-1].__setattr__('name', ) if kwargs['text']: self._mayaptstxt=[mlab.text3d(X[0,i],X[1,i], X[2,i],self.idcyl[i], scale=(50.*self._unit,50.*self._unit,50.*self._unit), color=(0,0,0)) for i in range(self.ncyl)]
[docs] def plot3d(self,iframe=0,topos=False,fig=[],ax=[],col='b'): """ scatter 3d plot Parameters ---------- iframe : int topos : boolean fig : ax : col : string Returns ------- fig,ax """ if fig == []: fig = plt.figure() if ax == []: ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') if not topos: ax.scatter(self.d[0, :, iframe], self.d[1, :, iframe], self.d[2, :, iframe], color=col) else: ax.scatter(self.topos[0, :], self.topos[1, :], self.topos[2, :], color=col) for k in range([0]): # e0 : tail node of cylinder segment e0 =[k, 0] # e1 : head node of cylinder segment e1 =[k, 1] if not topos: pA = self.d[:, e0, iframe].reshape(3,1) pB = self.d[:, e1, iframe].reshape(3,1) else: pA = self.topos[:, e0].reshape(3,1) pB = self.topos[:, e1].reshape(3,1) ax.plot(np.array([pA[0][0],pB[0][0]]), np.array([pA[1][0],pB[1][0]]), np.array([pA[2][0],pB[2][0]]), zdir='z',c=col) #ax.auto_scale_xyz([-2,2], [-2, 1], [-2, 2]) ax.autoscale(enable=True) return(fig,ax)
def _show3(self,**kwargs): """ mayavi visualization Parameters ---------- name : boolean (False) display body name Cylinders --------- cylinder : boolean (True) dispaly body cylinder widthfactor : float cylinder scaling factor (default 1.0) tube_sides : int (6) number of sides of polygone to approximate cylinder opacity : float (1) set body opacity ccs : boolean show ccs if True Devices ------- dcs : boolean (False) show dcs if True devlist: list list of devices to display devtyp : list ([]) list of device type ( when multiple RAT) devcolor : color ('g') device color devid : boolean show device id devopacity : float (1) device opacity devsize : float device size pattern : boolean (False) show pattern if True Config ------- iframe : int frame index (default 0 ) k : frequency index select frequency index for displaying antenna pattern save : boolean (False) save _show3 into file returnfig': boolean (False) return mlab.figure instance Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> from pylayers.mobility.trajectory import * >>> from pylayers.mobility.ban.body import * >>> b = Body() >>> traj = Trajectory() >>> traj.generate() >>> b.settopos(traj,t=3,cs=True) #>>> b._show3(topos=True,pattern=True) """ defaults = {'iframe' : 0, 'name':False, 'cylinder':True, 'widthfactor' : 1., 'tube_sides' : 6, 'opacity':1, 'pattern':False, 'dev':False, 'devlist':[], 'ccs':False, 'dcs':False, 'devcolor':'green', 'devid':False, 'devopacity':1, 'devsize':5e1, 'devtyp':[], 'k':0, 'save':False, 'mocanodes':False, 'returnfig':False} for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k] = defaults[k] args = {} for k in kwargs: if k not in defaults: args[k] = kwargs[k] f = mlab.gcf() #visual.set_viewer(f) #f.scene.background=(1,1,1) fId = kwargs['iframe'] cold = pyu.coldict() colhex = cold[self.color] body_color = tuple(pyu.rgb(colhex)/255.) kta =[:,0].astype(int) khe =[:,1].astype(int) cylrad =[:,2] if 'topos' in dir(self): X=np.hstack((self._pta,self._phe)) else: pta = np.array([self.d[0, kta, fId], self.d[1, kta, fId], self.d[2, kta, fId]]) phe = np.array([self.d[0, khe, fId], self.d[1, khe, fId], self.d[2, khe, fId]]) X=np.hstack((pta,phe)) if kwargs['cylinder']: connections=zip(range(0,self.ncyl),range(self.ncyl,2*self.ncyl)) s = np.hstack((cylrad*kwargs['widthfactor'],cylrad*kwargs['widthfactor'])) #pts = mlab.points3d(X[0,:],X[1,:], X[2,:], 5*s , # scale_factor=0.1, resolution=10) self._mayapts = mlab.pipeline.line_source(X[0,:],X[1,:], X[2,:], s , scale_factor=0.001, resolution=10) self._mayapts.mlab_source.dataset.lines = np.array(connections) tube =, tube_radius=0.05,tube_sides=kwargs['tube_sides']) tube.filter.radius_factor = 1. tube.filter.vary_radius = 'vary_radius_by_absolute_scalar' mlab.pipeline.surface(tube, color=body_color,opacity=kwargs['opacity']) f.children[-1].__setattr__('name', ) # ax = phe-pta # l = np.sqrt(np.sum((ax**2), axis=0)) # cyl = [visual.Cylinder(pos=(pta[0, i],pta[1, i],pta[2, i]), # axis=(ax[0, i],ax[1, i],ax[2, i]), # radius=cylrad[i]*kwargs['widthfactor'], # length=l[i], resolution=1) for i in range(self.ncyl) # ] # [mlab.pipeline.surface(cyl[i].polydata, color=body_color) # for i in range(self.ncyl)] # partnames = [ +' ' +self.idcyl[k] for k in range(self.ncyl)] # [f.children[k].__setattr__('name', partnames[k]+str(k)) # for k in range(self.ncyl)] if kwargs['mocanodes']: center =[:,fId] X=self._f[fId,:,:].T mlab.points3d(X[0,:],X[1,:], X[2,:], scale_factor=20*self._unit, resolution=10) [mlab.text3d(X[0,i], X[1,i], X[2,i],self._p[i].split(':')[1], scale=0.01, color=(1,0,0)) for i in range(len(self._p)) ] if kwargs['name']: uupper = np.where(X[2]==X[2].max())[0] self._mayaname = mlab.text3d(X[0,uupper][0],X[1,uupper][0],X[2,uupper][0],,scale=0.05,color=(1,0,0)) if kwargs['dev']: colhex = cold[kwargs['devcolor']] dev_color = tuple(pyu.rgb(colhex)/255.) if kwargs['devlist'] == []: devlist = else : devlist = [d for d in if d in kwargs['devlist']] if 'dcs' in dir(self): X=np.array(self.getdevp(devlist)).T else: udev = [[i]['uc3d'][0] for i in devlist] center =[:,fId] X=self._f[fId,udev,:].T-center[:,np.newaxis] if len(devlist) != 0: self._mayadev = mlab.points3d(X[0,:],X[1,:], X[2,:], scale_factor=kwargs['devsize']*self._unit, resolution=10, color = dev_color, opacity=kwargs['devopacity']) nodename = if kwargs['devid']: if kwargs['devtyp']== []: udt = np.arange(len(nodename)) else: devtyp = np.unique([[x]['name'] for x in devlist]) ln =[filter(lambda x: d in x,nodename) for d in devtyp] udev = [[nodename.index(n) for n in ln[i]] for i in range(len(ln))] for dt in kwargs['devtyp']: udt = np.where(devtyp == dt)[0] [mlab.text3d(X[0,i], X[1,i], X[2,i],nodename[i], scale=0.05, color=(1,0,0)) for i in range(len(nodename)) if i in udev[udt]] if kwargs['ccs']: # to be improved col=np.linspace(0,1,11)[:,np.newaxis]*np.ones((11,3)) col[:,0]=0 for k in range(len(self.ccs)): usl =[k] pt = (self.topos[:,usl[0].astype(int)]+self.topos[:,usl[1].astype(int)])/2. pt = pt+cylrad[k]*kwargs['widthfactor']*self.ccs[k, :, 0] pte = np.repeat(pt[:,np.newaxis],3,axis=1) ccs = mlab.quiver3d(pte[0], pte[1], pte[2], self.ccs[k, 0], self.ccs[k, 1], self.ccs[k, 2], scale_factor=2e2*self._unit,color=tuple(col[k])) # for k in range(self.ncyl): # kta = int([k,0]) # khe = int([k,1]) # cylrad =[k,2] # if kwargs['topos']: # pta = np.array([self.topos[0, kta], self.topos[1, kta], self.topos[2, kta]]) # phe = np.array([self.topos[0, khe], self.topos[1, khe], self.topos[2, khe]]) # else: # pta = np.array([self.d[0, kta, fId], self.d[1, kta, fId], self.d[2, kta, fId]]) # phe = np.array([self.d[0, khe, fId], self.d[1, khe, fId], self.d[2, khe, fId]]) # cyl = visual.Cylinder(pos=(pta[0],pta[1],pta[2]),axis=(ax[0],ax[1],ax[2]), radius=cylrad*kwargs['widthfactor'],length=l) # mlab.pipeline.surface(cyl.polydata,color=body_color) # f.children[-1] +' ' +self.idcyl[k] # # if kwargs['dcs']: for key in self.dcs.keys(): U = self.dcs[key] pt = U[:,0] pte = np.repeat(pt[:,np.newaxis],3,axis=1) dcs = mlab.quiver3d(pte[0],pte[1],pte[2],self.dcs[key][0,1:],self.dcs[key][1,1:],self.dcs[key][2,1:],scale_factor=2e2*self._unit) if kwargs['pattern']: self.setacs() for key in devlist: if not hasattr([key]['ant'],'sqG'):[key]['ant'].eval() U = self.dcs[key] V =[key]['ant'].sqG[kwargs['k'],:,:] T = self.acs[key][key]['ant']._show3(po=U[:,0], T=T, ilog=False, minr=0.01, maxr=0.2, newfig=False, title=False, colorbar=False, ) if kwargs['save']: fig = mlab.gcf() mlab.savefig('Body.png',figure=fig) if kwargs['returnfig']: return fig
[docs] def show(self,**kwargs): """ show a 2D plane projection of the body Parameters ---------- frameiId : int plane : string 'yz' | 'xz' | 'xy' widthfactor : int topos : boolean default False offset = np.array() 1,3 Todo """ defaults = {'frameId' : 0, 'plane': 'yz', 'widthfactor' : 10, 'dev':False, 'devid':False, 'topos':False, 'offset':0} for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k] = defaults[k] offset = np.array([kwargs['offset'],0])[:,np.newaxis] args = {} for k in kwargs: if k not in defaults: args[k] = kwargs[k] if kwargs['plane'] == 'yz' or kwargs['plane'] == 'zy': ax1 = 1 ax2 = 2 elif kwargs['plane'] == 'xz' or kwargs['plane'] == 'zx': ax1 = 0 ax2 = 2 elif kwargs['plane'] == 'xy' or kwargs['plane'] == 'yx': ax1 = 0 ax2 = 1 else : raise AttributeError('Incorrect plane') fId = kwargs['frameId'] for k in range(self.ncyl): kta =[k,0] khe =[k,1] cylrad =[k,2] if 'topos' in dir(self): pta = np.array([self.topos[ax1, kta], self.topos[ax2, kta]])[:,np.newaxis] phe = np.array([self.topos[ax1, khe], self.topos[ax2, khe]])[:,np.newaxis] else: pta = np.array([self.d[ax1, kta, fId], self.d[ax2, kta, fId]])[:,np.newaxis] phe = np.array([self.d[ax1, khe, fId], self.d[ax2, khe, fId]])[:,np.newaxis] fig,ax = plu.displot(pta+offset,phe+offset,linewidth = cylrad*kwargs['widthfactor'],**args) # display devices if kwargs['dev']: if 'dcs' in dir(self): pdev = np.array(self.getdevp( ax.plot(pdev[:,ax1]+offset[0],pdev[:,ax2]+offset[1],'og') else : iudev = [(i,[i]['uc3d'][0]) for i in] udev = [i[1] for i in iudev] center =[:,fId] ax.plot(self._f[fId,udev,ax1]+offset[0]-center[ax1], self._f[fId,udev,ax2]+offset[1]-center[ax2],'or') if kwargs['devid']: for u in iudev: ax.text(self._f[fId,u[1],ax1]+offset[0]-center[ax1], self._f[fId,u[1],ax2]+offset[1]-center[ax2],u[0]) # print center #ax.plot(self._f[fId,udev,1]+offset[0]-center[1],self._f[fId,udev,2]+offset[1]-center[0],'or') plt.axis('scaled') return(fig,ax)
[docs] def show3(self,**kwargs): """ create geomfile for frame iframe Parameters ---------- iframe : int frame number (useless if topos == True) topos : boolean if True shows the current body topos tag : aditional string for naming file .off (useless if topos==False) """ defaults = { 'iframe': 0, 'verbose':False, 'topos':False, 'tag':'', 'wire':False, 'ccs':False, 'lccs':[], 'dcs':False, 'struc':False, 'pattern':False, 'filestruc':'' } for key, value in defaults.items(): if key not in kwargs: kwargs[key] = value bdy = self.geomfile(**kwargs) bdy.show3()
[docs] def geomfile(self,**kwargs): """ create a geomview file from a body configuration Parameters ---------- iframe : int frame id (useless if topos==True) verbose : boolean topos : boolean frame id or topos wire : boolean body as a wire or cylinder ccs : boolean display cylinder coordinate system cacs : boolean display cylinder antenna coordinate system acs : boolean display antenna coordinate system struc : boolean displat structure layout tag : string filestruc : string name of the Layout Notes ----- This function creates either a 3d representation of the frame iframe or if topos==True a representation of the current topos. """ defaults = { 'iframe': 0, 'verbose':False, 'topos':False, 'tag':'', 'wire': False, 'ccs': False, 'lccs': [], 'dcs': False, 'ldcs': [], 'struc':False, 'pattern':False, 'velocity':False, 'filestruc':'', 'fileant':'defant.vsh3', 'k':0 } for key, value in defaults.items(): if key not in kwargs: kwargs[key] = value iframe = kwargs['iframe'] Ant = ant.Antenna(kwargs['fileant']) Ant.eval() if kwargs['lccs']==[]: lccs = np.arange(11) else: lccs = kwargs['lccs'] if not kwargs['wire']: # load reference cylinder #cyl = geu.Geomoff('cylinder') cyl = geu.Geomoff('cylinder') ptc = cyl.loadpt() if not kwargs['topos']: _filebody = str(iframe).zfill(4)+'body' else: if kwargs['tag']!='': _filebody = kwargs['tag']+'-body' else: _filebody = 'body' bodylist = geu.Geomlist(_filebody,clear=True) filestruc = pyu.getlong(kwargs['filestruc'],"geom") bodylist.append("LIST\n") # add layout if kwargs['struc']: bodylist.append('{<'+filestruc+'}\n') if kwargs['verbose']: print ("LIST\n") dbody = {} for k in range([0]): # e0 : tail node of cylinder segment e0 =[k,0] # e1 : head node of cylinder segment e1 =[k,1] Rcyl =[k,2] if not kwargs['topos']: pA = self.d[:,e0,iframe].reshape(3,1) pB = self.d[:,e1,iframe].reshape(3,1) vg =[:,iframe][:,np.newaxis] else: pA = self.topos[:,e0].reshape(3,1) pB = self.topos[:,e1].reshape(3,1) vg = self.vtopos pM = (pA+pB)/2. if kwargs['wire']: dbody[k]=(pA,pB) else: # affine transformation of cylinder T = geu.onb(pA,pB,vg) Y = np.hstack((pM,pA,pB,pM+Rcyl*T[0,:,0].reshape(3,1), pM+Rcyl*T[0,:,1].reshape(3,1), pB+Rcyl*T[0,:,0].reshape(3,1))) # idem geu.affine for a specific cylinder #A,B = geu.cylmap(Y,r=2,l=6) A,B = geu.cylmap(Y) ptn =,ptc.T)+B if not kwargs['topos']: _filename = 'edge'+str(k)+'-'+str(kwargs['iframe'])+'.off' else: _filename = kwargs['tag']+'-edge'+str(k)+'.off' filename = pyu.getlong(_filename,"geom") cyl.savept(ptn.T,_filename) bodylist.append('{<'+filename+'}\n') if kwargs['verbose']: print('{<'+filename+'}\n') # display selected cylinder coordinate system if kwargs['ccs']: if k in lccs: fileccs = kwargs['tag']+'ccs'+str(k) geov = geu.GeomVect(fileccs) pt = pA[:,0]+Rcyl*self.ccs[k,:,0] geov.geomBase(self.ccs[k,:,:],pt=pt,scale=0.1) bodylist.append('{<'+fileccs+'.vect'+"}\n") # display antenna cylinder coordinate system if kwargs['dcs']: for key in self.dcs.keys(): filedcs = kwargs['tag']+'dcs-'+key U = self.dcs[key] geoa = geu.GeomVect(filedcs) geoa.geomBase(U[:,1:],pt=U[:,0],scale=0.1) bodylist.append('{<'+filedcs+'.vect'+"}\n") # display antenna pattern if kwargs['pattern']: self.setacs() for key in self.dcs.keys(): Ant = ant.Antenna([key]['file']) if not hasattr(Ant,'sqG'): Ant.eval() U = self.dcs[key] _filepatt = kwargs['tag']+'patt-'+key geo = geu.Geomoff(_filepatt) if not hasattr(Ant,'sqG'): Ant.eval() V = Ant.sqG[kwargs['k'],:,:] #T = U[:,1:] #Rab =[key]['T'] #T = np.vstack((U[:,1+DT[0]],U[:,1+DT[1]],U[:,1+DT[2]])) #Rbg = U[:,1:] # combine rotation antenna -> body -> global #T =,Rab) #T = np.eye(3) T = self.acs[key] geo.pattern(Ant.theta,Ant.phi,V,po=U[:,0],T=T,ilog=False,minr=0.01,maxr=0.2) bodylist.append('{<'+_filepatt+'.off'+"}\n") # wireframe body if kwargs['wire']: if not kwargs['topos']: _filebody = 'body'+str(kwargs['iframe']) else: _filebody = kwargs['tag']+'bwire' bodygv = geu.GeomVect(_filebody,clear=True) bodygv.segments(dbody,i2d=False,linewidth=5) bodylist.append('{<'+_filebody+'.vect}\n') if kwargs['velocity']: _filevelo = kwargs['tag']+'velo' velo = geu.GeomVect(_filevelo,clear=True) pta = phe = ds = {0:(pta,phe)} velo.segments(ds,i2d=True,linewidth=3) bodylist.append('{<'+_filevelo+'.vect}\n') return(bodylist)
[docs] def setccs(self,frameId=0,topos=False): """ set cylinder coordinate system Parameters ---------- frameId : int frame id in the mocap dataframe (default 0) topos : boolean default False Returns ------- self.ccs : ndarray (nc,3,3) Notes ----- There are as many frames as cylinders (body graph edges) ccs is a MDA (nc x 3 x 3 ) where nc denotes the number of cylinders For each cylinder there is an attached coordinate systems 1st vector 2nd """ if self.mocapccs : if not topos: self.ccs=self._ccs[:,:,:,frameId] else: self.ccs=self._ccs[:,:,:,self.toposFrameId] else : nc = self.ncyl # # ccs : nc x 3 x 3 # self.ccs = np.empty((nc,3,3)) for k in range([0]): # e0 : tail node of cylinder segment e0 = int([k,0]) # e1 : head node of cylinder segment e1 = int([k,1]) if not topos: # pA : tail point pA = self.d[:,e0,frameId].reshape(3,1) # pB : head point pB = self.d[:,e1,frameId].reshape(3,1) vg =[:,frameId][:,np.newaxis] else: # pA : tail point pA = self.topos[:,e0].reshape(3,1) # pB : head point pB = self.topos[:,e1].reshape(3,1) # vtopos : mean topos velociy vg = self.vtopos pM = (pA+pB)/2. # create an orthonormal basis # 1 st vector : vg normalized (blue) # 2 nd vector : 3 x 1 # 3 rd vector : PB-PA normalized T = geu.onb(pA,pB,vg) self.ccs[k,:,:] = T
#~ # e0 : tail node of cylinder segment #~ e0 = e[0] #~ # e1 : head node of cylinder segment #~ e1 = e[1] #~ if not topos: #~ # pA : tail point #~ pA = self.d[:,e0,frameId].reshape(3,1) #~ # pB : head point #~ pB = self.d[:,e1,frameId].reshape(3,1) #~ vg =[:,frameId][:,np.newaxis] #~ else: #~ # pA : tail point #~ pA = self.topos[:,e0].reshape(3,1) #~ # pB : head point #~ pB = self.topos[:,e1].reshape(3,1) #~ # vtopos : mean topos velociy #~ vg = self.vtopos #~ pM = (pA+pB)/2. #~ # create an orthonormal basis #~ # 1 st vector : vg normalized (blue) #~ # 2 nd vector : 3 x 1 #~ # 3 rd vector : PA-PB normalized #~ T = geu.onb(pA,pB,vg) #~ self.ccs[k,:,:] = T
[docs] def intersectBody(self,A,B, topos = True, frameId = 0, cyl =[]): """ intersect Body Parameters ---------- A : np.array (3,) B : np.array (3,) topos : boolean frameId : 0 cyl : list exclusion list Returns ------- intersect : np.array (,ncyl) O : AB not intersected by cylinder 1 : AB intersected by cylinder """ intersect = np.zeros((self.ncyl,1)) mu = np.zeros((self.ncyl,1)) lmd = 0.075 for k in range (self.ncyl): if k not in cyl: if topos == True: kta =[k,0] khe =[k,1] C = self.topos[:,kta] D = self.topos[:,khe] else: kta =[k,0] khe =[k,1] C = self.d[:,kta,frameId] D = self.d[:,khe,frameId] alpha, beta,dmin = seg.dmin3d(A,B,C,D) if alpha < 0: alpha = np.zeros(alpha.shape) if alpha > 1 : alpha = np.ones(alpha.shape) if beta < 0: beta = np.zeros(beta.shape) if beta > 1: beta = np.ones(beta.shape) dmin = np.sqrt(seg.dist (A,B,C,D,alpha,beta)[1]) if dmin <[k,2]: intersect[k]=1 break # if 0 < alpha < 1 and 0 < beta < 1 : # #print 'dmin = ', dmin # #print 'r = ',[k,2] # dAB = np.sqrt(sum((A-B)**2)) # if alpha != 0: # mu[k] =([k,2])*np.sqrt(2/(lmd*dAB*abs(alpha)*abs(1-alpha))) return intersect
[docs] def intersectBody3(self,A,B, topos = True, frameId = 0): """ intersect body new version Parameters ---------- A B topos frameId cyl Returns ------- intersect : np.array (,ncyl) O : AB not intersected by cylinder 1 : AB intersected by cylinder """ loss_dB = 0 # in dB loss_lin =1/10**(loss_dB/10.0) for k in [10]: if topos == True: kta = int([k,0]) khe = int([k,1]) C = self.topos[:,kta] D = self.topos[:,khe] else: kta =[k,0] khe =[k,1] C = self.d[:,kta,frameId] D = self.d[:,khe,frameId] alpha, beta,dmin = seg.dmin3d(A,B,C,D) if alpha < 0: alpha = np.zeros(alpha.shape) if alpha > 1 : alpha = np.ones(alpha.shape) if beta < 0: beta = np.zeros(beta.shape) if beta > 1: beta = np.ones(beta.shape) dmin = np.sqrt(seg.dist (A,B,C,D,alpha,beta)[1]) #~ if dmin <[k,2]: #~ intersect=1 lmd = 0.06 #~ if 0 < alpha < 1 and 0 < beta < 1 : loss1_dB = 0 loss2_dB = 0 if dmin <[k,2]: """ in this case intersection is True """ #pdb.set_trace() dAB = np.sqrt(sum((A-B)**2)) #nu1 =([k,2]-dmin)*np.sqrt((2/lmd)*dAB*abs(alpha)*abs(1-alpha))) nu1 =([k,2]-dmin)*np.sqrt(2/(lmd*dAB*abs(alpha)*abs(1-alpha)))*0.05 nu2 =([k,2])*np.sqrt(2/(lmd*dAB*abs(alpha)*abs(1-alpha)))*0.05 if -0.7 < nu1 : loss1_dB = 6.9 + 20*np.log10(np.sqrt((nu1-0.1)**2+1)+nu1-0.1) else : loss1_dB = 0.0 if -0.7 < nu2 : loss2_dB = 6.9 + 20*np.log10(np.sqrt((nu2-0.1)**2+1)+nu2-0.1) else : loss2_dB = 0.0 loss_dB =10*np.log10(10**(loss1_dB/10.0)+10**(loss2_dB/10.0)) loss_lin =1.0/10**(loss_dB/10.0) return loss_lin#, loss_dB, loss1_dB, loss2_dB
[docs] def cylinder_basis_k(self, frameId): """ cylinder basis k Parameters ---------- frameId : int """ nc = self.c.shape[0] self.basisk = np.ndarray(shape=(nc, 9)) for i in range(nc): u0 = self.ccs[i, 0:3] v0 = self.ccs[i, 3:6] w0 = self.ccs[i, 6:] v1 = self.c[i, 4:7, frameId] - self.c[i, 1:4, frameId] v1 = v1 / np.linalg.norm(v1) uk, vk, wk = ChangeBasis(u0, v0, w0, v1) self.basisk[i, 0:3] = uk self.basisk[i, 3:6] = vk self.basisk[i, 6:] = wk
[docs] def cyl_antenna(self, cylinderId, l, alpha, frameId=0): """ cylinder antenna Parameters ---------- cylinderId : int index of cylinder l : distance from origin of cylider alpha : angle from reference direction frameId : frameId """ r = self.c[cylinderId, 7, frameId] x = r * np.cos(alpha) y = r * np.sin(alpha) z = l if frameId == 0: u0 = self.ccs[cylinderId, 0:3] v0 = self.ccs[cylinderId, 3:6] w0 = self.ccs[cylinderId, 6:] else: self.cylinder_basis_k(frameId) u0 = self.basisk[cylinderId, 0:3] v0 = self.basisk[cylinderId, 3:6] w0 = self.basisk[cylinderId, 6:] self.ant = x.reshape((len(x)), 1) * u0 + \ y.reshape((len(y)), 1) * w0 + \ z.reshape((len(z)), 1) * v0
def _checkdevid(self): """ display """ for k in print (k,[k]['uc3d'])
[docs]def translate(cycle, new_origin): """ rotate a cycle of frames by an angle alpha Parameters ---------- cycle : np.array 3 x np x nf alpha : float angle in radians Returns ------- cycle modified : np.array 3 x np x nf """ cycle_tr = np.ndarray(shape=cycle.shape) old_origin = cycle[:, 0, 0] cycle_tr = cycle + new_origin.reshape((3, 1, 1)) - \ old_origin.reshape((3, 1, 1)) return cycle_tr
[docs]def rotation(cycle, alpha=np.pi/2): """ rotate a cycle of frames by an angle alpha Parameters ---------- cycle : np.array 3 x np x nf alpha : float angle in radians Returns ------- cycle modified : np.array 3 x np x nf """ cycle_rot = np.ndarray(shape=cycle.shape) cycle_rot[0, :, :] = (cycle[0, :, :]) * np.cos(alpha) + (cycle[1, :, :]) * np.sin(alpha) cycle_rot[1, :, :] = -(cycle[0, :, :]) * np.sin(alpha) + (cycle[1, :, :]) * np.cos(alpha) cycle_rot[2, :, :] = cycle[2, :, :] cycle_rot = translate(cycle_rot, cycle[:, 0, 0]) return cycle_rot
[docs]def Global_Trajectory(cycle, traj): """ global trajectory Parameters ---------- cycle : walking step cycle (2 step), shape = (3,npoints = 16, nframes = 126) traj : trajectory described by the gravity center, shape =(3,nposition) We assume that the body moves straight between two successive positions Returns ------- data : list list """ data = [] fr_start_index = 0 ref_fr = cycle[:, :, 0] vect_ortho = ref_fr[:, 3] - ref_fr[:, 4] vect_ortho = vect_ortho / np.linalg.norm(vect_ortho) v = np.random.random(3) v = v -, vect_ortho), vect_ortho) v[2] = 0 vect_ant = v / np.linalg.norm(v) for i in range(1, traj.shape[1]): print( 'i = ', i) vect_depl = traj.T[i] - traj.T[i - 1] vect_depl = vect_depl / np.linalg.norm(vect_depl) alpha = np.arccos(, vect_depl)) cycle_i = rotation(cycle, alpha) dist_inter = dist(traj.T[i], traj.T[i - 1]) Nfr = int(dist_inter * 126.0 / 140.0) cycle_i = translate(cycle_i, traj.T[i - 1]) if Nfr < 126: if fr_start_index + Nfr < 126: data.append(cycle_i[:, :, fr_start_index:fr_start_index + Nfr]) fr_start_index = fr_start_index + Nfr else: data.append(cycle_i[:, :, fr_start_index:]) cycle_i = translate(cycle_i, cycle_i[:, 0, -1] + vect_depl) data.append(cycle_i[:, :, 0:fr_start_index + Nfr - 126]) fr_start_index = fr_start_index + Nfr - 126 return data
[docs]def ChangeBasis(u0, v0, w0, v1): """ change basis Parameters ---------- u0 v0 w0 v1 """ # Rotate with respect to axe w v2 = v1 -, w0), w0) # projection of v1 on plan (u,v) v2 = v2 / np.linalg.norm(v2) c =, u0) s =, v0) u1 =, u0) -, v0) u1 = u1 / np.linalg.norm(u1) w1 = np.cross(u1, v1) return u1, v1, w1
[docs]def dist(A, B): """ evaluate the distance between two points A and B Parameters ---------- A : 2D point B : 2D point """ d = np.sqrt((A[0] - B[0]) ** 2 + (A[1] - B[1]) ** 2 + (A[2] - B[2]) ** 2) return d
if __name__ == '__main__': # plt.ion() # doctest.testmod() bd = Body(_filebody='John.ini') lt = tr.importsn() traj = tr.Trajectory() traj.generate() bd.settopos(traj,0.3,cs=True) #bd.setccs(topos=True) #bd.setdcs() #bd.show3(k=46,wire=True,dcs=True,topos=True,pattern=True) bd._show3(k=46,ccs=True,topos=True,pattern=True,newfig=False) #bd.show3(wire=True,dcs=True,topos=True) #bd.show3(wire=False,dcs=True,topos=True)[0],wire=True,dcs=False,pattern=False,filestruc='') """ Class for handling interfering bodies in CORMORAN measurement data navigation series day 12/06/2014 """ def __init__(self,name = 'Meriem_Cylindre:', _filemocap='Nav_serie_006.c3d', unit='mm', color='white'): = name filemocap = os.environ['CORMORAN']+ '/RAW/12-06-2014/MOCAP/'+ _filemocap self.loadC3D(filemocap,unit=unit) self.init_traj() self.color=color self.settopos(t=0) def __repr__(self): st = '' st = "I am cylinder : " + + '\n\n' if 'topos' not in dir(self): st = st+ '\nI am nowhere yet\n\n' else : st = st + '\n@ t=' +str(self.time[self.toposFrameId]) +' (frameID='+ str(self.toposFrameId) +'),\n'+'My centroid position is ' +str([:2,self.toposFrameId])+"\n\n" st = st + '\n' return(st) def loadC3D(self, filename='Nav_serie_006.c3d', nframes=-1 ,unit='cm'): """ load nframes of motion capture C3D file Parameters ---------- filename : string file name nframes : int number of frames unit : str (mm|cm|mm unit of c3d file rot : list ['x','y','z'] swap axes of the c3d file """ #if 'pg' in dir(self): # del # s, p, f, info = c3d.read_c3d(filename) self._s, self._p, self._f, info = c3d.ReadC3d(filename) us = [us for us, s in enumerate(self._s) if in s ] up = [up for up, p in enumerate(self._p) if in p ] if len(us) == 0: raise AttributeError( +' is not in the MOCAP file :' +filename) #in case of multiple body into the mocap file, #mocap is restricted to nodes belonging to a single body. #the body is automatically selected by using the # self._f =self._f[:,up,:] self._s=[s for s in self._s if in s ] self._p=[p for p in self._p if in p ] self.mocapinfo = info if nframes!=-1: self.nframes = nframes else: self.nframes = np.shape(self._f)[0] # # s : prefix # p : list of points name # f : nframe x npoints x 3 # self.unit = unit if unit == 'cm': self._unit = 1e-2 elif unit == 'mm': self._unit = 1e-3 elif unit == 'm': self._unit = 1. else : raise AttributeError('unit'+unit + 'not recognized') # duration of the motion capture snapshot self._f=self._f*self._unit # d node data self.d = self._f[0:self.nframes,:,:].T # pg : center of gravity = np.mean(self.d,axis=1)[2,:]=0 self.radius = np.sqrt(np.sum((self.d[:,0,:]-self.d[:,1,:])**2,axis=0))/2. heighestpos = np.max(self.d[2,:,:]) self.topnode = np.where(self.d[2,:,:]==heighestpos)[0][0] self.Tmocap = self.nframes / info['VideoFrameRate'] # time base of the motion capture file (sec) self.time = np.linspace(0,self.Tmocap,self.nframes) def settopos(self,t,**kwargs): ut = np.where(t<=self.time)[0][0] self.topos =self.d[:,:,ut] = self.topos[:,self.topnode] self.bottom = copy.copy( self.bottom[2]=0 self.toposradius =self.radius[ut] self.toposFrameId = ut def init_traj(self): """ create trajectory object from given trajectory or mocap """ # speed vector of the gravity centernp. =[:,1:][:,0:-1] # duplicate last spped vector for size homogeneity = np.hstack((,[:,-1][:,np.newaxis])) # length of trajectory d =[0:-1,1:][0:-1,0:-1] # creates a trajectory associated to mocap file self.traj = tr.Trajectory() self.traj.generate(t=self.time,, self.smocap = np.cumsum(np.sqrt(np.sum(d*d,axis=0))) self.vmocap = self.smocap[-1]/self.Tmocap def _show3(self,**kwargs): """ mayavi visualization """ defaults = {'iframe' : 0, 'name':False, 'widthfactor' : 1., 'tube_sides' : 6, 'opacity':1, 'vecdir':True } for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k] = defaults[k] args = {} for k in kwargs: if k not in defaults: args[k] = kwargs[k] f = mlab.gcf() fId = kwargs['iframe'] cold = pyu.coldict() colhex = cold[self.color] cyl_color = tuple(pyu.rgb(colhex)/255.) X=np.vstack((,self.bottom)) connections=(0,1) s = np.hstack((self.toposradius,self.toposradius)) #pts = mlab.points3d(X[0,:],X[1,:], X[2,:], 5*s , # scale_factor=0.1, resolution=10) self._mayapts = mlab.pipeline.line_source(X[:,0],X[:,1], X[:,2], s , scale_factor=0.001, resolution=10) self._mayapts.mlab_source.dataset.lines = np.array([connections]) tube =, tube_radius=0.05,tube_sides=kwargs['tube_sides']) tube.filter.radius_factor = 1. tube.filter.vary_radius = 'vary_radius_by_absolute_scalar' mlab.pipeline.surface(tube, color=cyl_color,opacity=kwargs['opacity']) f.children[-1].__setattr__('name', ) if kwargs['name']: self._mayaname = mlab.text3d([0],[1],[2],,scale=0.05,color=(1,0,0)) if kwargs['vecdir']: V = self.traj[['vx','vy','vz']].iloc[self.toposFrameId].values self._mayavdic = mlab.quiver3d([0],[1],[2], V[ 0], V[ 1], V[ 2], scale_factor=2e2*self._unit) #@mlab.animate(delay=100) def anim(self): """ animate cylinder Example ------- >>> from pylayers.mobility.trajectory import * >>> from pylayers.mobility.ban.body import * >>> from pylayers.gis.layout import * >>> T=Trajectories() >>> T.loadh5() >>> L=Layout(T.Lfilename) >>> B = Body() >>> B.settopos(T[0],t=0,cs=True) >>> L._show3() >>> B.anim(B) """ self._show3() t=self.traj.time() anim = range(5000,self.nframes,10) while True: for k in anim:#range(len(t)): self.settopos(t=t[k],cs=True) # connections=zip(range(0,self.ncyl),range(self.ncyl,2*self.ncyl)) X=np.vstack((,self.bottom)) # s = np.hstack((cylrad,cylrad)) self._mayapts.mlab_source.set(x=X[:,0], y=X[:,1], z=X[:,2]) yield