Source code for pylayers.mobility.agent

.. automodule::

Agent Class

.. autoclass:: Agent

import sys
import time
import pdb

if sys.version_info.major==2:
    import ConfigParser
    from SimPy.SimulationRT import Simulation
    import configparser as ConfigParser
    import simpy

from pylayers.mobility.transit.Person import Person
from pylayers.mobility.transit.World import world
from pylayers.mobility.transit.SteeringBehavior import Seek, Separation, Containment, InterpenetrationConstraint, queue_steering_mind

import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
import pandas as pd
import pylayers.util.pyutil as pyu
from import Node, Network
from import Gcom, TX, RX
from pylayers.location.localization import Localization, PLocalization
from pylayers.gis.layout import Layout
from pylayers.util.utilnet import *
#from pylayers.util.pymysqldb import Database

.. currentmodule:: pylayers.mobility.agent

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: generated/


[docs]class Agent(object): """ Class Agent Members ------- args ID name typ net epwr gcom sim wstd sens dcond meca : transit.Person net : sim : PN : rxt rxr """ def __init__(self, **args): """ Mobile Agent Init Parameters ---------- 'ID': string agent ID 'name': string Agent name 'typ': string agent typ . 'ag' for moving agent, 'ap' for static acces point 'pos' : np.array([]) numpy array containing the initial position of the agent 'roomId': int Room number where the agent is initialized (Layout.Gr) 'meca_updt': float update time interval for the mechanical process 'loc': bool enable/disable localization process of the agent 'loc_updt': float update time interval for localization process 'L': pylayers.gis.Layout() 'net', 'wstd': list of string list of used radio access techology of the agent 'world': Soon deprecated 'save': list of string list of save method ( soon deprecated) 'sim':Simpy.SimulationRT.Simulation(), 'epwr': dictionnary dictionnary of emmited power of transsmitter{'wstd#':epwr value} 'sens': dictionnary dictionnary of sensitivity of reveicer {'wstd#':sens value} 'dcond': dictionnary Not used yet 'gcom':pylayers.communication.Gcom() Communication graph 'comm_mod': string Communication between nodes mode: 'autonomous': all TOAs are refreshed regulary 'synchro' : only visilbe TOAs are refreshed """ defaults = {'ID': '0', 'name': 'johndoe', 'typ': 'ag', 'color': 'k', 'pdshow': False, 'pos': np.array([]), 'roomId': -1, 'froom': [], 'wait': [], 'seed': 0, 'cdest': 'random', 'meca_updt': 0.1, 'loc': False, 'loc_updt': 0.5, 'loc_method': ['geo'], 'L': Layout(), 'network': True, 'net': Network(), 'wstd': ['rat1'], 'world': world(), 'save': [], 'sim': simpy.Environment(), 'epwr': {}, 'sens': {}, 'dcond': {}, 'gcom': Gcom(), 'comm_mode': 'autonomous'} for key, value in defaults.items(): if key not in args: args[key] = value self.args = args self.ID = args['ID'] = args['name'] self.typ = args['typ'] # Create Network = args['net'] self.epwr = args['epwr'] self.gcom = args['gcom'] self.sim = args['sim'] self.wstd = args['wstd'] if args['epwr'] == {}: self.epwr = {x: 0 for x in self.wstd} else: self.epwr = args['epwr'] if args['sens'] == {}: self.sens = {x: -180 for x in self.wstd} else: self.sens = args['sens'] try: self.dcond = args['dcond'] except: pass # check if node id already given if self.ID in raise NameError( 'another agent has the ID: ' + self.ID + ' .Please use an other ID') if self.typ == 'ag': # mechanical init self.meca = Person(ID=self.ID, color=args['color'], pdshow=args['pdshow'], roomId=args['roomId'], L=args['L'],, interval=args['meca_updt'], wld=args['world'], sim=args['sim'], seed=args['seed'], moving=True, froom=args['froom'], wait=args['wait'], cdest=args['cdest'], save=args['save'] ) self.meca.behaviors = [Seek(), Containment(), Separation(), InterpenetrationConstraint()] self.meca.steering_mind = queue_steering_mind # Network init self.node = Node(ID=self.ID,, p=conv_vecarr(self.meca.position),, wstd=args['wstd'], epwr=self.epwr, sens=self.sens, typ=self.typ) self.sim.activate(self.meca, self.meca.move(), 0.0) self.PN =[self.ID]['PN'] # Communication init if args['comm_mode'] == 'synchro' and args['network']: # The TOA requests are made every refreshTOA time ( can be modified in agent.ini) # This Mode will be deprecated in future version self.rxr = RX(, ID=self.ID, dcond=self.dcond, gcom=self.gcom, sim=self.sim) self.rxt = RX(, ID=self.ID, dcond=self.dcond, gcom=self.gcom, sim=self.sim) self.sim.activate(self.rxr, self.rxr.refresh_RSS(), 0.0) self.sim.activate(self.rxt, self.rxt.refresh_TOA(), 0.0) elif args['comm_mode'] == 'autonomous' and args['network']: # The requests are made by node only when they are in # visibility of pairs. # self.rxr only manage a refresh RSS process self.rxr = RX(, ID=self.ID, gcom=self.gcom, sim=self.sim) # self.tx manage all requests to other nodes self.tx = TX(, ID=self.ID, gcom=self.gcom, sim=self.sim) # self.tx replies to requests from self.tx self.rx = RX(, ID=self.ID, gcom=self.gcom, sim=self.sim) self.sim.activate(self.rxr, self.rxr.refresh_RSS(), 0.0) self.sim.activate(self.tx, self.tx.request(), 0.0) self.sim.activate(self.rx, self.rx.wait_request(), 0.0) elif self.typ == 'ap': if args['roomId'] == -1: self.node = Node(ID=self.ID, p=self.args['pos'],, wstd=args['wstd'], epwr=self.epwr, sens=self.sens, typ=self.typ) else: pp = np.array(args['L'].Gr.pos[self.args['roomId']]) self.node = Node( ID=self.ID, p=pp,, wstd=args['wstd'], epwr=self.epwr, sens=self.sens, typ=self.typ) self.sim = args['sim'] self.PN =[self.ID]['PN'] self.PN.node[self.ID]['pe'] =[self.ID]['p'] if args['comm_mode'] == 'autonomous' and args['network']: self.rx = RX(, ID=self.ID, gcom=self.gcom, sim=self.sim) self.sim.activate(self.rx, self.rx.wait_request(), 0.0) p = self.args['pos'] self.posdf = pd.DataFrame( {'t': pd.Timestamp(0), 'x': p[0], 'y': p[1], 'z': p[2], 'vx': np.array([0.0]), 'vy': np.array([0.0]), 'ax': np.array([0.0]), 'ay': np.array([0.0]), }, columns=['t', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'vx', 'vy', 'ax', 'ay'], index=np.array([0])) else: raise NameError( 'wrong agent typ, it must be either agent (ag) or acces point (ap) ') if self.typ == 'ap': self.MoA = 1 else: self.MoA = 0 if 'mysql' in args['save']: config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()'simulnet.ini', 'ini')) sql_opt = dict(config.items('Mysql')) db = Database(sql_opt['host'], sql_opt['user'], sql_opt['passwd'], sql_opt['dbname']) db.writenode(self.ID,, self.MoA) if 'txt' in args['save']: pyu.writenode(self) if self.typ != 'ap' and args['loc']: self.loc = Localization(, ID=self.ID, method=args['loc_method']) self.Ploc = PLocalization(loc=self.loc, loc_updt_time=args['loc_updt'], tx=self.tx, sim=args['sim']) self.sim.activate(self.Ploc,, 1.5) def __repr__(self): s = 'General Agent info \n********************\n' s = s + 'name : ' + + '\n' s = s + 'ID: ' + self.ID + '\n' s = s + 'typ: ' + self.typ s = s + '\n\n More Agent information about:' s = s + '\n+ Mecanichal => self.meca' s = s + '\n+ Network =>' s = s + '\n+ Personnal Network => self.PN' s = s + '\n+ Localization => self.loc\n\n' try: s = s + self.PN.__repr__() + '\n\n' except: s = s + 'No network simulated' if self.typ != 'ap': s = s + self.meca.__repr__() + '\n\n' try: s = s + self.loc.__repr__() + '\n\n' except: s = s + 'no localization simulated' return s