Source code for pylayers.measures.cormoran

# -*- coding:Utf-8 -*-

This module handles CORMORAN measurement data

CorSer Class

.. autoclass:: CorSer


Useful members

distdf : distance between radio nodes (122 columns)
devdf  : device data frame

#import mayavi.mlab as mlabc
import os
import pdb
import sys
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import as ma
import as io
from pylayers.util.project import *
from pylayers.util.pyutil import *
from pylayers.mobility.ban.body import *
from pylayers.gis.layout import *
import pylayers.antprop.antenna as antenna

from matplotlib.widgets import Slider, CheckButtons, Button, Cursor
from pylayers.signal.DF import *

# from moviepy.editor import *
from skimage import img_as_ubyte
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable

import pickle
    from tvtk.api import tvtk
    from mayavi.sources.vtk_data_source import VTKDataSource
    from mayavi import mlab
    print('Layout:Mayavi is not installed')
#Those lines handle incompatibility between mayavi and VTK
#and redirect noisy warning message into a log file
# import vtk
# output=vtk.vtkFileOutputWindow()
# output.SetFileName("mayaviwarninglog.tmp")
# vtk.vtkOutputWindow().SetInstance(output)

[docs]def cor_log(short=True): """ display cormoran measurement campaign logfile Parameters ---------- short : boolean enable short version Examples -------- >>> from pylayers.measures.cormoran import * >>> cor_log(short=True) """ filelog = os.path.join(os.environ['CORMORAN'],'RAW','Doc','MeasurementLog.csv') log = pd.read_csv(filelog) if short : log['day'] = [x.split('/')[0] for x in log['Date'].values] log['serie']=log['Meas Serie'] return log[['serie','day','Subject','techno','Short Notes']] else: return log
[docs]def time2npa(lt): """ convert pd.datetime.time to numpy array Parameters ---------- lt : pd.datetime.time Returns ------- ta : numpy array time in seconds """ ta = (lt.microsecond*1e-6+ lt.second+ lt.minute*60+ lt.hour*3600) return(ta)
[docs]class CorSer(PyLayers): """ Handle CORMORAN measurement data Hikob data handling from CORMORAN measurement campaign 11/06/2014 single subject (Bernard and Nicolas) 12/06/2014 several subject (Jihad, Eric , Nicolas) """ def __init__(self,serie=6,day=11,source='CITI',layout=False): """ Parameters ---------- serie : int day : int source : string Notes ----- The environment variable CORMORAN is indicating the location of data directory """ assert (day in [11,12]),"wrong day" try: self.rootdir = os.environ['CORMORAN'] except: raise NameError('Please add a CORMORAN environement variable \ pointing to the data') # infos self.serie = serie = day self.loadlog() if day == 11: if serie in [7,8]: raise 'Serie '+str(serie) + ' has no hkb data and will not be loaded' if day ==12: if serie in [17,18,19,20]: raise AttributeError('Serie '+str(serie) + \ ' has no hkb data and will not be loaded') #Measures if day==11: self.stcr = [1,2,3,4,10,11,12,32,33,34,35,9,17,18,19,20,25,26] self.shkb = [5,6,13,14,15,16,21,22,23,24,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35] = [5,6,7,8,13,14,15,16,21,22,23,24,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35] self.mocap = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35] self.mocapinterf=[] if day==12: self.stcr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16] self.shkb = [9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24] = [9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24] self.mocap =[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24] self.mocapinterf = [5,6,7,8,13,14,15,16,21,22,23,24,] self.typ='' # HIKOB if serie in self.shkb: self._loadhkb(serie=serie,day=day,source=source) # IR-UWB TCR if serie in self.stcr: self._loadTCR(serie=serie,day=day) # BeSpoon if serie in self._loadBS(serie=serie,day=day) # set filename if self.typ=='FULL': self._filename = 'Sc' + self.scenario + '_S' + str(self.serie) + '_R' + str( + '_' + self.typ.capitalize() else: self._filename = 'Sc' + self.scenario + '_S' + str(self.serie) + '_R' + str( + '_' + self.typ #Layout if layout: self.L= Layout('MOCAP-small2.lay') # Load Infrastructure Nodes self._loadinfranodes() # Load cameras self._loadcam() #BODY & interferers self.subject = str(self.log['Subject'].values[0].replace('jihad','Jihad')).split(' ') #filter typos in self.subject self.subject = [ x for x in self.subject if len(x)!=0 ] if 'Jihad' in self.subject : uj = self.subject.index('Jihad') self.subject[uj]='Jihan' if serie in self.mocap : # load bodies from mocap file self._loadbody(serie=serie,day=day) self._distancematrix() self._computedevpdf() if isinstance(self.B,dict): for b in self.B: if hasattr(self,'L'): self.B[b].traj.Lfilename=copy.copy(self.L._filename) else: self.B[b].traj.Lfilename='notloaded' else : self.B.traj.Lfilename=copy.copy(self.L._filename) # reference time is tmocap self.tmocap = self.B[self.subject[0]].time # load offset dict self.offset= self._load_offset_dict() ######################## #realign Radio on mocap ######################## # 1 - Resample radio time => mocap time # 2 - (if available) apply offset if ('BS' in self.typ) or ('FULL' in self.typ): print( '\nBS data frame index: ',) self._align_on_devdf(typ='BS') print( 'Align on mocap OK...',) try: self._apply_offset('BS') print ('time-offset applied OK') except: print ('WARNING time-offset NOT applied') print ('No BS offset not yet set => use self.offset_setter ') if ('TCR' in self.typ) or ('FULL' in self.typ): print ('\nTCR data frame index:', ) self._align_on_devdf(typ='TCR') print ('Align on mocap OK...',) try: self._apply_offset('TCR') print ('time-offset applied OK') except: print ('WARNING time-offset NOT applied') print ('No TCR offset not yet set => use self.offset_setter') if ('HK' in self.typ) or ('FULL' in self.typ): print ('\nHKB data frame index:',) self._align_on_devdf(typ='HKB') print ('Align on mocap OK...',) try: # self._apply_offset('HKB') print ('time-offset applied OK') except: print ('WARNING time-offset NOT applied') print ('No HKB offset not yet set => use self.offset_setter') print ('\nCreate distance Dataframe...',) self._computedistdf() print ('OK',) def __repr__(self): st = '' st = st + 'filename : ' + self._filename + '\n' st = st + 'filewear : ' + self.filewear + '\n' st = st + 'filebody : ' + self.filebody + '\n' st = st + 'filemocap : ' + self.filemocap + '\n' st = st + 'Day : '+ str('/06/2014'+'\n' st = st + 'Serie : '+ str(self.serie)+'\n' st = st + 'Scenario : '+str(self.scenario)+'\n' st = st + 'Run : '+ str('\n' st = st + 'Type : '+ str(self.typ)+'\n' st = st + 'Original Video Id : '+ str('\n' st = st + 'Subject(s) : ' for k in self.subject: st = st + k + ' ' st = st + '\n\n' st = st+'Body available: ' + str('B' in dir(self)) + '\n\n' try : st = st+'BeSPoon : '+self._fileBS+'\n' except: pass try : st = st+'HIKOB : '+self._filehkb+'\n' except: pass try : st = st+'TCR : '+self._fileTCR+'\n' except: pass st = st + '----------------------\n\n' for k in self.log.columns: st = st + k + ' :' + str(self.log[k].values)+'\n' return(st) # @property # def dev(self): # """ display device techno, id , id on body, body owner,... # """ # title = '{0:21} | {1:7} | {2:8} | {3:10} '.format('Name in Dataframe', 'Real Id', 'Body Id', 'Subject') # print title + '\n' + '-'*len(title) # if ('HK' in self.typ) or ('FULL' in self.typ): # hkbkeys = self.idHKB.keys() # hkbkeys.sort() # for d in hkbkeys: # dev = self.devmapper(self.idHKB[d],'HKB') # print '{0:21} | {1:7} | {2:8} | {3:10} '.format(dev[0],dev[1],dev[2],dev[3]) # if ('TCR' in self.typ) or ('FULL' in self.typ): # tcrkeys = self.idTCR.keys() # tcrkeys.sort() # for d in tcrkeys: # dev = self.devmapper(self.idTCR[d],'TCR') # print '{0:21} | {1:7} | {2:8} | {3:10} '.format(dev[0],dev[1],dev[2],dev[3]) @property def dev(self): """ display device techno, id , id on body, body owner,... """ title = '{0:21} | {1:7} | {2:8} | {3:10} '.format('Name in Dataframe', 'Real Id', 'Body Id', 'Subject') print( title + '\n' + '='*len(title)) # access points HKB for d in self.din: if ('HK' in d) : dev = self.devmapper(d,'HKB') print('{0:21} | {1:7} | {2:8} | {3:10} '.format(dev[0],dev[1],dev[2],dev[3])) if 'FULL' in self.typ: print ('{0:21} | {1:7} | {2:8} | {3:10} '.format('','','','')) for d in self.din: if ('BS' in d) : dev = self.devmapper(d,'BS') print ('{0:21} | {1:7} | {2:8} | {3:10} '.format(dev[0],dev[1],dev[2],dev[3])) if 'FULL' in self.typ: print ('{0:21} | {1:7} | {2:8} | {3:10} '.format('','','','')) # access points TCR for d in self.din: if ('TCR' in d) : dev = self.devmapper(d,'TCR') print ('{0:21} | {1:7} | {2:8} | {3:10} '.format(dev[0],dev[1],dev[2],dev[3])) print ('{0:66}'.format('-'*len(title) )) #device per RAT per body for b in self.B: if b not in self.interf: #HKB per body for d in self.B[b].dev.keys(): if ('HK' in d): dev = self.devmapper(d,'HKB') print( '{0:21} | {1:7} | {2:8} | {3:10} '.format(dev[0],dev[1],dev[2],dev[3])) #bespoon if ('FULL' in self.typ) or ('HKB' in self.typ): print( '{0:21} | {1:7} | {2:8} | {3:10} '.format('','','','')) for d in self.B[b].dev.keys(): if ('BS' in d): dev = self.devmapper(d,'BS') print( '{0:21} | {1:7} | {2:8} | {3:10} '.format(dev[0],dev[1],dev[2],dev[3])) # print '{0:66}'.format('-'*len(title) ) #TCR per body if 'FULL' in self.typ: print ('{0:21} | {1:7} | {2:8} | {3:10} '.format('','','','')) for d in self.B[b].dev.keys(): if ('TCR' in d): dev = self.devmapper(d,'TCR') print ('{0:21} | {1:7} | {2:8} | {3:10} '.format(dev[0],dev[1],dev[2],dev[3])) print ('{0:66}'.format('-'*len(title) )) @property def ant(self): """ display device techno, id , id on body, body owner,... """ title = '{0:21} | {1:7} | {2:8} | {3:10} '.format('Name in Dataframe', 'Real Id', 'Body Id', 'Subject') print (title + '\n' + '='*len(title) ) # access points HKB for d in self.din: if ('HK' in d) : dev = self.devmapper(d,'HKB') print ('{0:21} | {1:7} | {2:8} | {3:10} '.format(dev[0],dev[1],dev[2],dev[3])) if 'FULL' in self.typ: print ('{0:21} | {1:7} | {2:8} | {3:10} '.format('','','','')) for d in self.din: if ('BS' in d) : dev = self.devmapper(d,'BS') print ('{0:21} | {1:7} | {2:8} | {3:10} '.format(dev[0],dev[1],dev[2],dev[3])) if 'FULL' in self.typ: print( '{0:21} | {1:7} | {2:8} | {3:10} '.format('','','','')) # access points TCR for d in self.din: if ('TCR' in d) : dev = self.devmapper(d,'TCR') print( '{0:21} | {1:7} | {2:8} | {3:10} '.format(dev[0],dev[1],dev[2],dev[3])) print ('{0:66}'.format('-'*len(title) )) #device per RAT per body for b in self.B: if b not in self.interf: #HKB per body for d in self.B[b].dev.keys(): if ('HK' in d): dev = self.devmapper(d,'HKB') print( '{0:21} | {1:7} | {2:8} | {3:10} '.format(dev[0],dev[1],dev[2],dev[3])) #bespoon if ('FULL' in self.typ) or ('HKB' in self.typ): print( '{0:21} | {1:7} | {2:8} | {3:10} '.format('','','','')) for d in self.B[b].dev.keys(): if ('BS' in d): dev = self.devmapper(d,'BS') print( '{0:21} | {1:7} | {2:8} | {3:10} '.format(dev[0],dev[1],dev[2],dev[3])) # print '{0:66}'.format('-'*len(title) ) #TCR per body if 'FULL' in self.typ: print( '{0:21} | {1:7} | {2:8} | {3:10} '.format('','','','')) for d in self.B[b].dev.keys(): if ('TCR' in d): dev = self.devmapper(d,'TCR') print( '{0:21} | {1:7} | {2:8} | {3:10} '.format(dev[0],dev[1],dev[2],dev[3])) print( '{0:66}'.format('-'*len(title) )) def _loadcam(self): """ load camera position Returns ------- update """ = np.array([ [-6502.16643961174,5440.97951452912,2296.44437108561], [-7782.34866625776,4998.47624994092,2417.5861326688], [8308.82897665828,3618.50516290547,2698.07710953287], [5606.68337709102,-6354.17891528277,2500.27779697402], [-8237.91886515041,-2332.98639475305,4765.31798299242], [5496.0942989988,6216.91946236788,2433.30012872688], [-8296.19706598514,2430.07325486109,4794.01607841197], [7718.37527064615,-4644.26760522485,2584.75330667172], [8471.27154730777,-3043.74550832061,2683.45089703377], [-8213.04824602894,-4034.57371591121,2368.54548665579], [-7184.66711497403,-4950.49444503781,2317.68563412347], [7531.66103727189,5279.02353243886,2479.36291603544], [-6303.08628709464,-7057.06193926342,2288.84938553817], [-5441.17834354692,6637.93014323586,2315.15657646861], [8287.79937470615,59.1614281340528,4809.14535447027] ])*1e-3 def _loadinfranodes(self): """ load infrastructure nodes nico A4 mpts[6,7,8] X A3 A1 mpts[9,10,11] mpts[3,4,5] X X A2 mpts[0,1,2] X TCR = mpts[0,3,6,9] HKB = mpts[1,2, 4,5, 7,8, 10,11] bernard A3 mpts[3,4,5] X A2 A4 mpts[6,7,8] mpts[0,1,2] X X A1 mpts[9,10,11] X TCR = mpts[0,3,6,9] HKB = mpts[1,2, 4,5, 7,8, 10,11] """ filename = os.path.join(self.rootdir,'RAW','11-06-2014','MOCAP','scene.c3d') print( "\nload infrastructure node position:",) a, self.infraname, pts, i = c3d.ReadC3d(filename) pts = pts/1000. mpts = np.mean(pts, axis=0) self.din={} if ('HK' in self.typ) or ('FULL' in self.typ): uhkb = np.array([[1,2], [4,5], [7,8], [10,11]]) mphkb = np.mean(mpts[uhkb], axis=1) self.din.update( {'HKB:1':{'p' : mphkb[3], # 'T' : np.eye(3), 's3off' : 0.}, 'HKB:2':{'p' : mphkb[2], # 'T': np.array([[-0.44807362, 0.89399666, 0.], # [-0.89399666, -0.44807362, 0.], # [ 0.,0.,1. ]]), 's3off':0.} , 'HKB:3':{'p':mphkb[1], # 'T':array([[-0.59846007, -0.80115264, 0.], # [ 0.80115264, -0.59846007, 0.], # [ 0.,0., 1.]]), 's3off':0.}, 'HKB:4':{'p':mphkb[0], # 'T':array([[-0.44807362, -0.89399666, 0.], # [ 0.89399666, -0.44807362, 0.], # [ 0.,0., 1.]]), 's3off':0.} }) # TCR:31 is the coordinator which was not captured. # The position has been determined via optimization if ('TCR' in self.typ) or ('FULL' in self.typ): self.din.update({'TCR:32':{'p':mpts[9], 'T':np.eye(3), 's3off':0.1}, 'TCR:24':{'p':mpts[6], # 'T': np.array([[-0.44807362, 0.89399666, 0.], # [-0.89399666, -0.44807362, 0.], # [ 0.,0.,1. ]]), 's3off':0.1}, 'TCR:27':{'p':mpts[3], # 'T':array([[-0.59846007, -0.80115264, 0.], # [ 0.80115264, -0.59846007, 0.], # [ 0.,0., 1.]]), 's3off':0.1}, 'TCR:28':{'p':mpts[0], # 'T':array([[-0.44807362, -0.89399666, 0.], # [ 0.89399666, -0.44807362, 0.], # [ 0.,0., 1.]]), 's3off':0.1}, 'TCR:31':{'p':array([1.7719,-3.2655,1.74]), # 'T':array([[-0.44807362, -0.89399666, 0.], # [ 0.89399666, -0.44807362, 0.], # [ 0.,0., 1.]]), 's3off':0.0} }) if == 12: #BS idem HKB:1 and HKB:2 if ('BS' in self.typ) or ('FULL' in self.typ): self.din.update( {'BS:74':{'p':mphkb[3], # 'T':np.eye(3), 's3off':-0.2}, 'BS:157':{'p':mphkb[2], # 'T': np.array([[-0.44807362, 0.89399666, 0.], # [-0.89399666, -0.44807362, 0.], # [ 0.,0.,1. ]]), 's3off':-0.2} , }) #load extra information from inifile (antenna, rotation matrix,...) inifile = os.path.join(self.rootdir,'POST-TREATED',str('-06-2014','BodyandWear','AccesPoints.ini') config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() for d in self.din: self.din[d]['antname']=config.get(d,'file') self.din[d]['ant']=antenna.Antenna(config.get(d,'file')) self.din[d]['T']=eval(config.get(d,'t')) self.din[d]['comment']=config.get(d,'comment') # self.pts= np.empty((12,3)) # self.pts[:,0]= -mpts[:,1] # self.pts[:,1]= mpts[:,0] # self.pts[:,2]= mpts[:,2] # return mpts # self.dist = np.sqrt(np.sum((mpts[:,np.newaxis,:]-mpts[np.newaxis,:])**2,axis=2))
[docs] def loadlog(self): """ load in self.log the log of the current serie from MeasurementLog.csv """ filelog = os.path.join(self.rootdir,'RAW','Doc','MeasurementLog.csv') log = pd.read_csv(filelog) date = str('/06/14' self.log = log[(log['Meas Serie'] == self.serie) & (log['Date'] == date)]
def _loadbody(self,day=11,serie=''): """ load body from motion capture file Parameters ---------- day : serie : """ assert day in [11,12],"wrong day in _loadbody" self.B={} color=['LightBlue','YellowGreen','PaleVioletRed','white','white','white','white','white','white','white'] for us,subject in enumerate(self.subject): print( "\nload ",subject, " body:",) seriestr = str(self.serie).zfill(3) if day == 11: self.filemocap = os.path.join(self.rootdir,'RAW',str('-06-2014','MOCAP','serie_'+seriestr+'.c3d') elif day == 12: self.filemocap = os.path.join(self.rootdir,'RAW',str('-06-2014','MOCAP','Nav_serie_'+seriestr+'.c3d') # body and wear directory baw = os.path.join(self.rootdir,'POST-TREATED',str('-06-2014','BodyandWear') if subject =='Jihad': subject ='Jihan' # # Load body cylinder description : "Subject.ini" # Load wearable device description (contains antenna filename) : # self.filebody = os.path.join(baw, subject + '.ini') self.filewear = os.path.join(baw,subject + '_' +str('-06-2014_' + self.typ + '.ini') if len(self.subject) >1 or self.mocapinterf: multi_subject=True else: multi_subject=False self.B.update({subject:Body(_filebody=self.filebody, _filemocap=self.filemocap,unit = 'mm', loop=False, _filewear=self.filewear, centered=False, multi_subject_mocap=multi_subject, color=color[us])}) if self.serie in self.mocapinterf: self.interf = ['Anis_Cylindre:', 'Benoit_Cylindre:', 'Bernard_Cylindre:', 'Claude_Cylindre:', 'Meriem_Cylindre:'] intertmp=[] if self.serie==13: self.interf.remove('Bernard_Cylindre:') for ui,i in enumerate(self.interf): #try: print( "load ",i, " interfering body:",) _filemocap = pyu.getshort(self.filemocap) self.B.update({i:Cylinder(name=i, _filemocap=_filemocap, unit = 'mm', color = color[ui])}) intertmp.append(i) #except: # print "Warning ! load ",i, " FAIL !" self.interf=intertmp else : self.interf=[] # if len(self.subject) == 1: # self.B = self.B[self.subject] def _loadTCR(self,day=11,serie='',scenario='20',run=1): """ load TCR data Parameters ---------- day : serie : scenario : run : """ # # TNET : (NodeId,MAC) # self.TNET={0:31, 1:2, 7:24, 8:25, 9:26, 10:27, 11:28, 12:30, 14:32, 15:33, 16:34, 17:35, 18:36, 19:37, 20:48, 21:49} if day==11: self.dTCR ={'Unused':49, 'COORD':31, 'AP1':32, 'AP2':24, 'AP3':27, 'AP4':28, 'HeadRight':34, 'TorsoTopRight':25, 'TorsoTopLeft':30, 'BackCenter':35, 'HipRight':2, 'WristRight':26, 'WristLeft':48, 'KneeLeft':33, 'AnkleRight':36, 'AnkleLeft':37} dirname = os.path.join(self.rootdir,'POST-TREATED','11-06-2014','TCR') if day==12: dirname = os.path.join(self.rootdir,'POST-TREATED','12-06-2014','TCR') self.dTCR ={ 'COORD':31, 'AP1':32, 'AP2':24, 'AP3':27, 'AP4':28, 'Jihad:TorsoTopRight':35, 'Jihad:TorsoTopLeft':2, 'Jihad:BackCenter':33, 'Jihad:ShoulderLeft':37, 'Nicolas:TorsoTopRight':34, 'Nicolas:TorsoTopLeft':49, 'Nicolas:BackCenter':48, 'Nicolas:ShoulderLeft':36, 'Eric:TorsoCenter':30, 'Eric:BackCenter':25, 'Eric:ShoulderLeft':26} # # TCR : (Name , MAC) # iTCR : (MAC , Name) # dTCR : (NodeId, Name) # self.idTCR={} for k in self.dTCR: self.idTCR[self.dTCR[k]]=k dTCRni={} for k in self.TNET.keys(): dTCRni[k]=self.idTCR[self.TNET[k]] files = os.listdir(dirname) if serie != '': try: self._fileTCR = filter(lambda x : '_S'+str(serie)+'_' in x ,files)[0] except: self._fileTCR = filter(lambda x : '_s'+str(serie)+'_' in x ,files)[0] tt = self._fileTCR.split('_') self.scenario=tt[0].replace('Sc','') = tt[2].replace('R','') self.typ = tt[3].replace('.csv','').upper() = 'NA' else: filesc = filter(lambda x : 'Sc'+scenario in x ,files) self._fileTCR = filter(lambda x : 'R'+str(run) in x ,filsc)[0] self.scenario= scenario = str(run) filename = os.path.join(dirname,self._fileTCR) dtTCR = pd.read_csv(filename) tcr={} for k in dTCRni: for l in dTCRni: if k!=l: d = dtTCR[((dtTCR['ida']==k) & (dtTCR['idb']==l))] d.drop_duplicates('time',inplace=True) del d['lqi'] del d['ida'] del d['idb'] d = d[d['time']!=-1] d.index = d['time'] del d['time'] if len(d)!=0: sr = pd.Series(d['dist']/1000,index=d.index) tcr[dTCRni[k]+'-'+dTCRni[l]]= sr self.tcr = pd.DataFrame(tcr) self.tcr = self.tcr.fillna(0) ts = 75366400./1e9 t = np.array(self.tcr.index)*ts t = t-t[0] self.tcr.index = t self.ttcr=self.tcr.index def _loadBS(self,day=11,serie='',scenario='20',run=1): """ load BeSpoon data Parameters ---------- day : int serie : string scenario : string run : int """ if day == 11: self.dBS = {'WristRight':157,'AnkleRight':74,'HandRight':0} elif day == 12: self.dBS = {'AP1':157,'AP2':74,'HandRight':0} self.idBS={} for k in self.dBS: self.idBS[self.dBS[k]]=k if day==11: dirname = os.path.join(self.rootdir,'POST-TREATED','11-06-2014','BeSpoon') if day==12: dirname = os.path.join(self.rootdir,'POST-TREATED','12-06-2014','BeSpoon') files = os.listdir(dirname) if serie != '': #self._fileBS = filter(lambda x : 'S'+str(serie) in x ,files)[0] self._fileBS = [ x for x in files if 'S'+str(serie) in x ][0] else: self._fileBS = [ x for x in files if 'R'+str(serie) in x ][0] #filesc = filter(lambda x : 'Sc'+scenario in x ,files) self._fileBS = filter(lambda x : 'R'+str(run) in x ,filsc)[0] bespo = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(dirname,self._fileBS),index_col='ts') gb = bespo.groupby(['Sensor']) #get device id devid,idevid = np.unique(bespo['Sensor'],return_index=True) # get index of each group dgb={d:gb.get_group(d) for d in devid} lgb=[] for i in dgb: ind = dgb[i].index/1e3 dti = pd.to_datetime(ind,unit='s') npai = time2npa(dti) npai = npai - npai[0] dgb[i].index=pd.Index(npai) lgb.append(pd.DataFrame(dgb[i]['d'].values,columns=[self.idBS[0]+'-'+self.idBS[i]],index=dgb[i].index)) df = lgb[0].join(lgb[1]) self.bespo = df #self.s157 = self.bespo[self.bespo['Sensor']==157] #self.s157.set_index(self.s157['tu'].values/1e9) #self.s74 = self.bespo[self.bespo['Sensor']==74] #self.s74.set_index(self.s74['tu'].values/1e9) #t157 = np.array(self.s157['tu']/(1e9)) #self.t157 = t157-t157[0] #t74 = np.array(self.s74['tu']/(1e9)) #self.t74 = t74 - t74[0] def _loadhkb(self,day=11,serie='',scenario='20',run=1,source='CITI'): """ load hkb measurement data Parameters ---------- day : string serie : string scenario : string run : int source : 'string' Returns ------- update self.hkb """ if day == 11: if serie == 5: source = 'UR1' if day==11: self.dHKB ={'AP1':1,'AP2':2,'AP3':3,'AP4':4, 'HeadRight':5,'TorsoTopRight':6,'TorsoTopLeft':7,'BackCenter':8,'ElbowRight':9,'ElbowLeft':10,'HipRight':11,'WristRight':12,'WristLeft':13,'KneeLeft':14,'AnkleRight':16,'AnkleLeft':15} if source=='UR1' : dirname = os.path.join(self.rootdir,'POST-TREATED','11-06-2014','HIKOB') elif source=='CITI': dirname = os.path.join(self.rootdir,'POST-TREATED','11-06-2014','HIKOB','CITI') if day==12: self.dHKB= {'AP1':1,'AP2':2,'AP3':3,'AP4':4,'Jihad:TorsoTopRight':10,'Jihad:TorsoTopLeft':9,'Jihad:BackCenter':11,'JihadShoulderLeft':12, 'Nicolas:TorsoTopRight':6,'Nicolas:TorsoTopLeft':5,'Nicolas:BackCenter':7,'Nicolas:ShoulderLeft':8, 'Eric:TooTopRight':15,'Eric:TorsoTopLeft':13,'Eric:BackCenter':16,'Eric:ShoulderLeft':14} #if source=='UR1': dirname = os.path.join(self.rootdir,'POST-TREATED','12-06-2014','HIKOB') files = os.listdir(dirname) self.idHKB={} for k in self.dHKB: self.idHKB[self.dHKB[k]]=k if serie != '': self._filehkb = [ x for x in files if 'S'+str(serie) in x][0] tt = self._filehkb.split('_') if source == 'UR1': self.scenario=tt[0].replace('Sc','') = tt[2].replace('R','') self.typ = tt[3] = tt[4].replace('.mat','') elif source == 'CITI': self.scenario=tt[0].replace('Sc','')+tt[1] = tt[3].replace('r','') self.typ = tt[4] if self.typ == 'HKB': self.typ = 'HKBS' = tt[5].replace('.mat','') else: filesc = [ x for x in files if x in 'Sc'+scenario ][0] if source=='UR1': self._filehkb = [ x for x in filesc if x in 'R'+str(run)][0] else: self._filehkb = [ x for x in filesc if x in 'r'+str(run)][0] data = io.loadmat(os.path.join(dirname,self._filehkb)) if source=='UR1': self.rssi = data['rssi'] self.thkb = data['t'] else: self.rssi = data['val'] self.thkb = np.arange(np.shape(self.rssi)[2])*25.832e-3 def topandas(): try: self.hkb = pd.DataFrame(index=self.thkb[0]) except: self.hkb = pd.DataFrame(index=self.thkb) for k in self.idHKB: for l in self.idHKB: if k!=l: col = self.idHKB[k]+'-'+self.idHKB[l] rcol = self.idHKB[l]+'-'+self.idHKB[k] if rcol not in self.hkb.columns: rssi = self.rssi[k-1,l-1,:] self.hkb[col] = rssi topandas() self.hkb = self.hkb[self.hkb!=0]
[docs] def compute_visibility(self,techno='HKB',square_mda=True,all_links=True): """ determine visibility of links for a given techno Parameters ---------- techno string select the given radio technology of the nodes to determine the visibility matrix square_mda boolean select ouput format True : (device x device x timestamp) False : (link x timestamp) all_links : bool compute all links or just those for which data is available Return ------ if square_mda = True intersection : (ndevice x nbdevice x nb_timestamp) matrice of intersection (1 if link is cut 0 otherwise) links : (nbdevice) name of the links if square_mda = False intersection : (nblink x nb_timestamp) matrice of intersection (1 if link is cut 0 otherwise) links : (nblink x2) name of the links Example ------- >>> from pylayers.measures.cormoran import * >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> C=CorSer(serie=14,day=12) >>> inter,links=C.compute_visibility(techno='TCR',square_mda=True) >>> inter.shape (15, 15, 12473) >>>C.imshowvisibility_i(inter,links) """ if techno == 'TCR': if not ((self.typ == 'TCR') or (self.typ == 'FULL')): raise AttributeError('Serie has not data for techno: ',techno) hname = self.tcr.keys() dnode=copy.copy(self.dTCR) dnode.pop('COORD') prefix = 'TCR:' elif techno=='HKB': if not ((self.typ == 'HKBS') or (self.typ == 'FULL')): raise AttributeError('Serie has not data for techno: '+techno) hname = self.hkb.keys() dnode=self.dHKB prefix = 'HKB:' # get link list if all_links: import itertools links =[l for l in itertools.combinations(dnode.keys(),2)] else: links=[n.split('-') for n in hname] links = [l for l in links if ('COORD' not in l[0]) and ('COORD' not in l[1])] #mapping between device name in self.hkb and on body/in self.devdf dev_bid = [self.devmapper(k,techno=techno)[2] for k in dnode.keys()] nb_totaldev=len(np.unique(self.devdf['id'])) # extract all dev position on body # Mpdev : (3 x (nb devices and nb infra nodes) x nb_timestamp) Mpdev = np.empty((3,len(dev_bid),len(self.devdf.index)/nb_totaldev)) # get all positions for ik,i in enumerate(dev_bid) : if i in self.din: Mpdev[:,ik,:] = self.din[i]['p'][:,np.newaxis] else: pts = self.devdf[self.devdf['id']==i][['x','y','z']].values.T if!=0: Mpdev[:,ik,:] = pts # create A and B from links nA = np.array([prefix+ str(dnode[l[0]]) for l in links]) nB = np.array([prefix+ str(dnode[l[1]]) for l in links]) dma = dict(zip(dev_bid,range(len(dev_bid)))) mnA = [dma[n] for n in nA] mnB = [dma[n] for n in nB] A=Mpdev[:,mnA] B=Mpdev[:,mnB] # intersect2D matrix is # d_0: nb links #d_1: (cylinder number) * nb body + 1 * nb cylinder_object # d_2 : nb frame intersect2D = np.zeros((len(links), 11*len(self.subject) + len(self.interf), Mpdev.shape[-1])) # usub : index axes subject usub_start=0 usub_stop=0 # C-D correspond to bodies segments #C or D : 3 x 11 body segments x time # radius of cylinders are (nb_cylinder x time) for b in self.B: print( 'processing shadowing from ',b) # if b is a body not a cylinder if not 'Cylindre' in b: uta = self.B[b].sl[:,0].astype('int') uhe = self.B[b].sl[:,1].astype('int') rad = self.B[b].sl[:,2] C = self.B[b].d[:,uta,:] D = self.B[b].d[:,uhe,:] try: radius = np.concatenate((radius,rad[:,np.newaxis]*np.ones((1,C.shape[2]))),axis=0) except: radius = rad[:,np.newaxis]*np.ones((1,C.shape[2])) usub_start=usub_stop usub_stop=usub_stop+11 else: cyl = self.B[b] # top of cylinder top = cyl.d[:,cyl.topnode,:] # bottom of cylinder =top with z =0 bottom = copy.copy(cyl.d[:,cyl.topnode,:]) bottom[2,:]=0.02 #top 3 x 1 X time C=top[:,np.newaxis,:] D=bottom[:,np.newaxis,:] radius = np.concatenate((radius,cyl.radius[np.newaxis])) usub_start=usub_stop usub_stop=usub_stop+1 f,g,X,Y,alpha,beta,dmin=seg.segdist(A,B,C,D,hard=True) intersect2D[:,usub_start:usub_stop,:]=g # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() #USEFUL Lines for debug ######################### # def plt3d(ndev=53,ncyl=0,kl=11499): # fig=plt.figure() # ax=fig.add_subplot(111,projection='3d') # if not isinstance(kl,list): # kl=[kl] # for ktime in kl: # ax.plot([A[0,ndev,ktime],B[0,ndev,ktime]],[A[1,ndev,ktime],B[1,ndev,ktime]],[A[2,ndev,ktime],B[2,ndev,ktime]]) # [ax.plot([C[0,k,ktime],D[0,k,ktime]],[C[1,k,ktime],D[1,k,ktime]],[C[2,k,ktime],D[2,k,ktime]],'k') for k in range(11) ] # ax.plot([X[0,ndev,ncyl,ktime],Y[0,ndev,ncyl,ktime]],[X[1,ndev,ncyl,ktime],Y[1,ndev,ncyl,ktime]],[X[2,ndev,ncyl,ktime],Y[2,ndev,ncyl,ktime]]) # ax.auto_scale_xyz([-5, 5], [-5, 5], [0, 2]) # # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() uinter1 = np.where((intersect2D<=(radius-0.01))) uinter0 = np.where((intersect2D>(radius-0.01))) # intersect2D_=copy.copy(intersect2D) intersect2D[uinter1[0],uinter1[1],uinter1[2]]=1 intersect2D[uinter0[0],uinter0[1],uinter0[2]]=0 # #integrate the effect of all bodies by summing on axis 1 intersect = np.sum(intersect2D,axis=1)>0 if square_mda: dev= np.unique(links) ddev = dict(zip(dev,range(len(dev)))) lmap = np.array(map(lambda x: (ddev[x[0]],ddev[x[1]]),links)) M = np.nan*np.ones((len(dev),len(dev),intersect.shape[-1])) for i in range(len(intersect)): id1 = lmap[i][0] id2 = lmap[i][1] M[id1,id2,:]=intersect[i,:] M[id2,id1,:]=intersect[i,:] intersect=M links = dev self._visilinks = links self._visiintersect = intersect return intersect,links
[docs] def imshowvisibility(self,techno='HKB',t=0,**kwargs): """ imshow visibility mda Parameters ---------- techno : (HKB|TCR) t : float time in second Examples -------- >>> from pylayers.measures.cormoran import * >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> C=CorSer(serie=6,day=12) >>> inter,links=C.compute_visibility(techno='TCR',square_mda=True) >>> i,l=C.imshowvisibility_i(inter,links) See Also -------- pylayers.measures.CorSer.compute_visibility() """ defaults = { 'grid':True, } for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k] = defaults[k] if 'fig' not in kwargs: fig = plt.figure() else: fig = kwargs.pop('fig') if 'ax' not in kwargs: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: ax = kwargs.pop('ax') if not '_visiintersect' in dir(self): print( 'Visibility computed only once') self.compute_visibility(techno=techno) links = self._visilinks inter = self._visiintersect kt=np.where(self.tmocap <= t)[0][-1] plt.xticks(np.arange(0, len(links), 1.0)) plt.yticks(np.arange(0, len(links), 1.0)) ax.set_xlim([-0.5,len(links)-0.5]) ax.set_ylim([len(links)-0.5,-0.5]) ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('top') xtickNames = plt.setp(ax, xticklabels=links) ytickNames = plt.setp(ax, yticklabels=links) plt.setp(xtickNames, rotation=90, fontsize=8) plt.setp(ytickNames, rotation=0, fontsize=8) ims=[] ax.imshow(inter[:,:,kt],interpolation='nearest') if kwargs['grid']: ax.grid() return fig,ax
def _show3i(self,t=0,**kwargs): """ show3 interactive """ fig =plt.figure(num='Jog',figsize=(5,1.5)) #set time to -10 is a trick to make appear interferers cylinder #because __refreshshow3i only update the data of the cylinder. # if cylinder is not present in the first _show3, they are not displayed # later. time=self.B[self.subject[0]].time fId = np.where(time<= t)[0][-1] kwargs['bodytime']=[self.tmocap[-10]] kwargs['returnfig']=True kwargs['tagtraj']=False mayafig = self._show3(**kwargs) self.__refreshshow3i(fId) # ax.grid() # matplotlib Widgets slax=plt.axes([0.1, 0.5, 0.8, 0.3]) slax.set_title('t='+str(time[fId]),loc='left') sliderx = Slider(slax, "time", 0, len(time), valinit=fId, color='#AAAAAA') def update_x(val): value = int(sliderx.val) self.__refreshshow3i(val) slax.set_title('t='+str(time[val]),loc='left') fig.canvas.draw_idle() sliderx.on_changed(update_x) def plus(event): sliderx.set_val(sliderx.val +1) fig.canvas.draw_idle() def minus(event): sliderx.set_val(sliderx.val -1) fig.canvas.draw_idle() def pplus(event): sliderx.set_val(sliderx.val +10) fig.canvas.draw_idle() def mminus(event): sliderx.set_val(sliderx.val -10) fig.canvas.draw_idle() #QUIT by pressing 'q' def press(event): if event.key == 'q': mlab.close(mayafig) plt.close(fig) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', press) #-1 frame axes axm = plt.axes([0.2, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15]) bm = Button(axm, '-1') bm.on_clicked(minus) #+1 frame axes axp = plt.axes([0.7, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15]) bp = Button(axp, '+1') bp.on_clicked(plus) #-10 frames axes axmm = plt.axes([0.1, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15]) bmm = Button(axmm, '-10') bmm.on_clicked(mminus) #+10 frames axes axpp = plt.axes([0.8, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15]) bpp = Button(axpp, '+10') bpp.on_clicked(pplus) def _show3idemo(self,t=0,**kwargs): """ show3 interactive """ defaults={'nodename':'TorsoTopLeft'} for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k] = defaults[k] fig =plt.figure(num='Jog',figsize=(5,1.5)) #set time to -10 is a trick to make appear interferers cylinder #because __refreshshow3i only update the data of the cylinder. # if cylinder is not present in the first _show3, they are not displayed # later. time=self.B[self.subject[0]].time fId = np.where(time<= t)[0][-1] kwargs['bodytime']=[self.tmocap[-10]] kwargs['returnfig']=True kwargs['tagtraj']=False mayafig = self._show3(**kwargs) self.__refreshshow3i(fId) # ax.grid() # matplotlib Widgets slax=plt.axes([0.1, 0.5, 0.8, 0.3]) slax.set_title('t='+str(time[fId]),loc='left') sliderx = Slider(slax, "time", 0, len(time), valinit=fId, color='#AAAAAA') def update_x(val): value = int(sliderx.val) self.__refreshshow3i(val) slax.set_title('t='+str(time[val]),loc='left') vline0.set_data(([time[value],time[value]],[0,1])) vline1.set_data(([time[value],time[value]],[0,1])) vline2.set_data(([time[value],time[value]],[0,1])) vline3.set_data(([time[value],time[value]],[0,1])) fig.canvas.draw_idle() fig2.canvas.draw_idle() sliderx.on_changed(update_x) def plus(event): sliderx.set_val(sliderx.val +1) fig.canvas.draw_idle() def minus(event): sliderx.set_val(sliderx.val -1) fig.canvas.draw_idle() def pplus(event): sliderx.set_val(sliderx.val +10) fig.canvas.draw_idle() def mminus(event): sliderx.set_val(sliderx.val -10) fig.canvas.draw_idle() #QUIT by pressing 'q' def press(event): if event.key == 'q': mlab.close(mayafig) plt.close(fig) plt.close(fig2) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', press) #-1 frame axes axm = plt.axes([0.2, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15]) bm = Button(axm, '-1') bm.on_clicked(minus) #+1 frame axes axp = plt.axes([0.7, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15]) bp = Button(axp, '+1') bp.on_clicked(plus) #-10 frames axes axmm = plt.axes([0.1, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15]) bmm = Button(axmm, '-10') bmm.on_clicked(mminus) #+10 frames axes axpp = plt.axes([0.8, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15]) bpp = Button(axpp, '+10') bpp.on_clicked(pplus) fig2,ax2 = plt.subplots(4,1,figsize=(12,6)) ax2=ax2.ravel() df0 = self.getlink(kwargs['nodename'],'AP1',techno='HKB') df0.plot(ax=ax2[0],fig=fig2) df1 = self.getlink(kwargs['nodename'],'AP2',techno='HKB') df1.plot(ax=ax2[1],fig=fig2) df2 = self.getlink(kwargs['nodename'],'AP3',techno='HKB') df2.plot(ax=ax2[2],fig=fig2) df3 = self.getlink(kwargs['nodename'],'AP4',techno='HKB') df3.plot(ax=ax2[3],fig=fig2) ax2[0].set_ylabel('AP1') ax2[1].set_ylabel('AP2') ax2[2].set_ylabel('AP3') ax2[3].set_ylabel('AP4') vline0 = ax2[0].axvline(x=time[fId], color='red') vline1 = ax2[1].axvline(x=time[fId], color='red') vline2 = ax2[2].axvline(x=time[fId], color='red') vline3 = ax2[3].axvline(x=time[fId], color='red') fig2.suptitle(kwargs['nodename']) def __refreshshow3i(self,kt): """ show3 update for interactive mode USED in imshowvisibility_i """ t=self.tmocap[kt] for ib,b in enumerate(self.B): self.B[b].settopos(t=t,cs=True) try: # body X=np.hstack((self.B[b]._pta,self.B[b]._phe)) self.B[b]._mayapts.mlab_source.set(x=X[0,:], y=X[1,:], z=X[2,:]) # device udev = [self.B[b].dev[i]['uc3d'][0] for i in self.B[b].dev] Xd=self.B[b]._f[kt,udev,:].T self.B[b]._mayadev.mlab_source.set(x=Xd[0,:], y=Xd[1,:], z=Xd[2,:]) # name uupper = np.where(X[2]==X[2].max())[0] self.B[b]._mayaname.actors.pop() self.B[b]._mayaname = mlab.text3d(X[0,uupper][0],X[1,uupper][0],X[2,uupper][0],self.B[b].name,scale=0.05,color=(1,0,0)) # s = np.hstack((cylrad,cylrad)) except: # cylinder X=np.vstack((self.B[b].top,self.B[b].bottom)) self.B[b]._mayapts.mlab_source.set(x=X[:,0], y=X[:,1], z=X[:,2]) # name self.B[b]._mayaname.actors.pop() self.B[b]._mayaname = mlab.text3d(self.B[b].top[0],self.B[b].top[1],self.B[b].top[2],self.B[b].name,scale=0.05,color=(1,0,0)) #vdict V = self.B[b].traj[['vx','vy','vz']].iloc[self.B[b].toposFrameId].values self.B[b]._mayavdic.mlab_source.set(x= self.B[b].top[0],y=self.B[b].top[1],z=self.B[b].top[2],u=V[ 0],v=V[ 1],w=V[ 2])
[docs] def imshowvisibility_i(self,techno='HKB',t=0,**kwargs): """ imshow visibility mda interactive Parameters ---------- inter : (nb link x nb link x timestamps) links : (nblinks) time : intial time (s) Example ------- >>> from pylayers.measures.cormoran import * >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> C=CorSer(serie=6,day=12) >>> inter,links=C.visimda(techno='TCR',square_mda=True) >>> i,l=C.imshowvisibility_i(inter,links) """ # if in_ipynb(): # notebook = False #program launch in ipyhon notebook # from IPython.html import widgets # Widget definitions # from IPython.display import display, clear_output# Used to display widgets in the notebook # else : # notebook = False if not '_visiintersect' in dir(self): print( 'Visibility is computed only once, Please wait\n') self.compute_visibility(techno=techno) links = self._visilinks inter = self._visiintersect fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.3) time=self.tmocap fId = np.where(time<=t)[0][-1] vertc = [(0,-10),(0,-10),(0,10),(0,-10)] poly = plt.Polygon(vertc) pp = ax.add_patch(poly) plt.xticks(np.arange(0, len(links), 1.0)) plt.yticks(np.arange(0, len(links), 1.0)) ax.set_xlim([-0.5,len(links)-0.5]) ax.set_ylim([len(links)-0.5,-0.5]) ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('top') xtickNames = plt.setp(ax, xticklabels=links) ytickNames = plt.setp(ax, yticklabels=links) plt.setp(xtickNames, rotation=90, fontsize=8) plt.setp(ytickNames, rotation=0, fontsize=8) ims=[] l=ax.imshow(inter[:,:,fId],interpolation='nearest') #set time to -10 is a trick to make appear interferers cylinder #because __refreshshow3i only update the data of the cylinder. # if cylinder is not present in the first _show3, they are not displayed # later. kwargs['bodytime']=[self.tmocap[-10]] kwargs['returnfig']=True kwargs['tagtraj']=False mayafig = self._show3(**kwargs) self.__refreshshow3i(fId) # ax.grid() # matplotlib Widgets slax=plt.axes([0.1, 0.15, 0.8, 0.05]) slax.set_title('t='+str(time[fId]),loc='left') sliderx = Slider(slax, "time", 0, inter.shape[-1], valinit=fId, color='#AAAAAA') # else : # int_range = widgets.IntSliderWidget(min=0,max=inter.shape[-1],step=1,value=fId) # display(int_range) def update_x(val): value = int(sliderx.val) sliderx.valtext.set_text('{}'.format(value)) l.set_data(inter[:,:,value]) self.__refreshshow3i(val) slax.set_title('t='+str(time[val]),loc='left') fig.canvas.draw_idle() sliderx.on_changed(update_x) # else: # def update_x(name,value): # clear_output(wait=True) # display(plt.gcf()) # plt.imshow(inter[:,:,value],interpolation='nearest') # # l.set_data(inter[:,:,value]) # kwargs['bodytime']=[self.tmocap[value]] # self._show3(**kwargs) # myu.inotshow('fig1',width=200,height=200,magnification=1) # # slax.set_title('t='+str(time[val]),loc='left') # # fig.canvas.draw_idle() # int_range.on_trait_change(update_x, 'value') def plus(event): sliderx.set_val(sliderx.val +1) fig.canvas.draw_idle() # if not notebook: sliderx.on_changed(update_x) def minus(event): sliderx.set_val(sliderx.val -1) fig.canvas.draw_idle() # if not notebook: sliderx.on_changed(update_x) def pplus(event): sliderx.set_val(sliderx.val +10) fig.canvas.draw_idle() # if not notebook: sliderx.on_changed(update_x) def mminus(event): sliderx.set_val(sliderx.val -10) fig.canvas.draw_idle() # if not notebook: sliderx.on_changed(update_x) # #QUIT by pressing 'q' # def press(event): # if event.key == 'q': # mlab.close(mayafig) # plt.close(fig) # fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', press) # if not notebook: #-1 frame axes axm = plt.axes([0.3, 0.05, 0.1, 0.075]) bm = Button(axm, '-1') bm.on_clicked(minus) #+1 frame axes axp = plt.axes([0.7, 0.05, 0.1, 0.075]) bp = Button(axp, '+1') bp.on_clicked(plus) #-10 frames axes axmm = plt.axes([0.1, 0.05, 0.1, 0.075]) bmm = Button(axmm, '-10') bmm.on_clicked(mminus) #+10 frames axes axpp = plt.axes([0.9, 0.05, 0.1, 0.075]) bpp = Button(axpp, '+10') bpp.on_clicked(pplus)
def _distancematrix(self): """Compute the ditance matrix between the nodes self.dist : (nb frame x nb_node x nb_node) self.dist_nodesmap : list of used nodes (useful to make the association ;) ) """ if not isinstance(self.B,dict): B={self.subject[0]:self.B} else : B=self.B bn= [] for b in B: if 'dev' in dir(B[b]): tdev=[] for k in B[b].dev: bn.append(k) tdev.append(B[b].dev[k]['uc3d'][0]) tdev=np.array(tdev) try: pnb = np.concatenate((pnb,B[b]._f[:,tdev,:]),axis=1) except: pnb = B[b]._f[:,tdev,:] ln = [] uin = [] # infrastructure nodes if ('HK' in self.typ) or ('FULL' in self.typ): uin.extend(['HKB:1','HKB:2','HKB:3','HKB:4']) if ('TCR' in self.typ) or ('FULL' in self.typ): # TCR:31 is the coordinator (1.7719,-3.26) uin.extend(['TCR:32','TCR:24','TCR:27','TCR:28','TCR:31']) if == 12: if ('BS' in self.typ) or ('FULL' in self.typ): uin.extend(['BS:74','BS:157']) ln = uin + bn pin = np.array([self.din[d]['p'] for d in uin]) pin2 = np.empty((pnb.shape[0],pin.shape[0],pin.shape[1])) pin2[:,:,:] = pin p = np.concatenate((pin2,pnb),axis=1) self.points = p self.dist = np.sqrt(np.sum((p[:,:,np.newaxis,:]-p[:,np.newaxis,:,:])**2,axis=3)) self.dist_nodesmap = ln def _computedistdf(self): """Compute the distance dataframe from distance matrix """ # HIKOB if ('HK' in self.typ) or ('FULL' in self.typ): devmap = {self.devmapper(k,'hkb')[0]:self.devmapper(k,'hkb')[2] for k in self.dHKB} udev = np.array([[self.dist_nodesmap.index(devmap[k.split('-')[0]]),self.dist_nodesmap.index(devmap[k.split('-')[1]])] for k in self.hkb.keys()]) iudev =np.array([(self.dist_nodesmap[u[0]]+'-'+self.dist_nodesmap[u[1]]) for u in udev]) df = pd.DataFrame(self.dist[:,udev[:,0],udev[:,1]],columns=iudev,index=self.tmocap) # BE Spoon if ('BS' in self.typ) or ('FULL' in self.typ): devmap = {self.devmapper(k,'BS')[0]:self.devmapper(k,'BS')[2] for k in self.dBS} udev = np.array([[self.dist_nodesmap.index(devmap[k.split('-')[0]]),self.dist_nodesmap.index(devmap[k.split('-')[1]])] for k in self.bespo.keys()]) iudev =np.array([(self.dist_nodesmap[u[0]]+'-'+self.dist_nodesmap[u[1]]) for u in udev]) dfb = pd.DataFrame(self.dist[:,udev[:,0],udev[:,1]],columns=iudev,index=self.tmocap) df = df.join(dfb) del dfb if ('TCR' in self.typ) or ('FULL' in self.typ): devmap = {self.devmapper(k,'tcr')[0]:self.devmapper(k,'tcr')[2] for k in self.dTCR} udev = np.array([[self.dist_nodesmap.index(devmap[k.split('-')[0]]), self.dist_nodesmap.index(devmap[k.split('-')[1]])] for k in self.tcr.keys() ]) # for k in self.tcr.keys() if not 'COORD' in k]) iudev =np.array([(self.dist_nodesmap[u[0]]+'-'+self.dist_nodesmap[u[1]]) for u in udev]) dft = pd.DataFrame(self.dist[:,udev[:,0],udev[:,1]],columns=iudev,index=self.tmocap) if ('FULL' in self.typ): df = df.join(dft) else : df = dft del dft self.distdf=df # def accessdm(self,a,b,techno=''): # """ access to the distance matrix # give name|id of node a and b and a given techno. retrun Groung truth # distance between the 2 nodes # # """ # # a,ia,bia,subja=self.devmapper(a,techno) # # b,ib,bib,subjb=self.devmapper(b,techno) # if 'HKB' in techno : # if isinstance(a,str): # ia = self.dHKB[a] # else: # ia = a # a = self.idHKB[a] # if isinstance(b,str): # ib = self.dHKB[b] # else: # ib = b # b = self.idHKB[b] # elif 'TCR' in techno : # if isinstance(a,str): # ia = self.dTCR[a] # else: # ia = a # a = self.idTCR[a] # if isinstance(b,str): # ib = self.dTCR[b] # else: # ib = b # b = self.idTCR[b] # else : # raise AttributeError('please give only 1 techno or radio node') # ka = techno+':'+str(ia) # kb = techno+':'+str(ib) # ua = self.dist_nodesmap.index(ka) # ub = self.dist_nodesmap.index(kb) # return(ua,ub) # c3ds = self.B._f.shape # if 'Full' in self.typ: # pdev= np.empty((c3ds[0],len(self.dHKB)+len(self.tcr)+len(bs),3)) # elif 'HK' in self.typ: # pdev= np.empty((c3ds[0],len(self.dHKB)+len(bs),3)) # elif 'TCR' in self.typ: # pdev= np.empty((c3ds[0],len(self.tcr),3)) # else: # raise AttributeError('invalid self.typ') # # DB = self.B.D2 # ludev = np.array([[i,[i]['uc3d'][0]] for i in]) # for i in ludev: # pdev[:,eval(i[0])-1,:] = self.B._f[:,i[1],:] # # self.dist = np.sqrt(np.sum((mpts[:,np.newaxis,:]-mpts[np.newaxis,:])**2,axis=2))
[docs] def vlc(self): """ play video of the associated serie """ videofile = os.path.join(self.rootdir,'POST-TREATED', str('-06-2014','Videos') ldir = os.listdir(videofile) luldir = map(lambda x : self._filename in x,ldir) try: uldir = luldir.index(True) _filename = ldir[uldir] filename = os.path.join(videofile,_filename) os.system('vlc '+filename +'&' ) except: raise AttributeError('file '+ self._filename + ' not found')
[docs] def snapshot(self,t0=0,offset=15.5,title=True,save=False,fig=[],ax=[],figsize=(10,10)): """ single snapshot plot Parameters ---------- t0: float offset : float title : boolean save : boolean fig ax figsize : tuple Examples -------- """ if fig ==[]: fig=plt.figure(figsize=figsize) if ax == []: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if 'video_sec' in self.offset[self._filename]: offset = self.offset[self._filename]['video_sec'] elif offset != '': offset = offset else: offset=0 videofile = os.path.join(self.rootdir,'POST-TREATED',str('-06-2014','Videos') ldir = os.listdir(videofile) luldir = map(lambda x : self._filename in x,ldir) uldir = luldir.index(True) _filename = ldir[uldir] filename = os.path.join(videofile,_filename) vc = VideoFileClip(filename) F0 = vc.get_frame(t0+offset) I0 = img_as_ubyte(F0) ax.imshow(F0) if title: ax.set_title('t = '+str(t0)+'s') if save : plt.savefig(self._filename +'_'+str(t0) + '_snap.png',format='png') return fig,ax
[docs] def snapshots(self,t0=0,t1=10,offset=15.5): """ take snapshots Parameters ---------- t0 : float t1 : float """ if 'video_sec' in self.offset[self._filename]: offset = self.offset[self._filename]['video_sec'] elif offset != '': offset = offset else: offset=0 videofile = os.path.join(self.rootdir,'POST-TREATED',str('-06-2014','Videos') ldir = os.listdir(videofile) luldir = [ self._filename in x for x in ldir ] uldir = luldir.index(True) _filename = ldir[uldir] filename = os.path.join(videofile,_filename) vc = VideoFileClip(filename) F0 = vc.get_frame(t0+offset) F1 = vc.get_frame(t1+offset) I0 = img_as_ubyte(F0) I1 = img_as_ubyte(F1) plt.subplot(121) plt.imshow(F0) plt.title('t = '+str(t0)+'s') plt.subplot(122) plt.imshow(F1) plt.title('t = '+str(t1)+'s')
def _show3(self,**kwargs): """ mayavi 3d show of scenario Parameters ---------- L : boolean display layout (True) body :boolean display bodytime(True) bodyname : boolean display body name bodytime: list list of time instant where body topos has to be shown devsize : float device on body size (100) devlist : list list of device name to show on body pattern : boolean display devices pattern trajectory : boolean display trajectory (True) tagtraj : boolean tag on trajectory at the 'bodytime' instants (True) tagname : list name of the tagtrajs tagpoffset : ndarray offset of the tag positions (nb_of_tags x 3) fontsizetag : float size of the tag names inodes : boolean display infrastructure nodes inname : boolean display infra strucutre node name innamesize : float, size of name of infrastructure nodes (0.1) incolor: str color of infrastructure nodes ('r') insize size of infrastructure nodes (0.1) camera : boolean display Vicon camera position (True) cameracolor : str color of camera nodes ('b') camerasize : float size of camera nodes (0.1) Examples -------- >>> S = Corser(6) >>> S._show3() """ defaults = { 'L':True, 'body':True, 'bodyname':True, 'subject':[], 'interf':True, 'trajectory' :False, 'trajectory_list' :[], 'devsize':100, 'devlist':[], 'pattern':False, 'inodes' : True, 'inname' : True, 'innamesize' : 0.1, 'incolor' : 'r', 'insize' : 0.1, 'camera':True, 'cameracolor' :'k', 'camerasize' :0.1, 'bodytime':[], 'tagtraj':True, 'tagname':[], 'tagpoffset':[], 'fontsizetag':0.1, 'trajectory_color_range':True, 'trajectory_linewidth':0.01 } for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k] = defaults[k] cold = pyu.coldict() camhex = cold[kwargs['cameracolor']] cam_color = tuple(pyu.rgb(camhex)/255.) inhex = cold[kwargs['incolor']] in_color = tuple(pyu.rgb(inhex)/255.) if kwargs['subject'] == []: subject = self.subject else: subject = kwargs['subject'] if kwargs['L']: self.L._show3(opacity=0.5) v = self.din.items() if kwargs['inodes']: X= np.array([v[i][1]['p'] for i in range(len(v))]) mlab.points3d(X[:,0],X[:,1], X[:,2],scale_factor=kwargs['insize'],color=in_color) if kwargs['pattern']: for i in range(len(v)): if not hasattr(self.din[v[i][0]]['ant'],'SqG'): self.din[v[i][0]]['ant'].eval() self.din[v[i][0]]['ant']._show3(po=v[i][1]['p'], T=self.din[v[i][0]]['T'], ilog=False, minr=0.01, maxr=0.2, newfig=False, title=False, colorbar=False, ) if kwargs['inname']: [mlab.text3d(v[i][1]['p'][0], v[i][1]['p'][1], v[i][1]['p'][2]+v[i][1]['s3off'], v[i][0], scale=kwargs['innamesize'],color=in_color) for i in range(len(v))] if kwargs['body']: if kwargs['bodytime']==[]: time =np.linspace(0,self.B[subject[0]].time[-1],5).astype(int) # time=range(10,100,20) else : time=kwargs['bodytime'] for ki, i in enumerate(time): for ib,b in enumerate(subject): self.B[b].settopos(t=i,cs=True) self.B[b]._show3(dev=True, name = kwargs['bodyname'], devlist=kwargs['devlist'], devsize=kwargs['devsize'], tube_sides=12, pattern=kwargs['pattern']) if kwargs['tagtraj']: X=self.B[b].traj[['x','y','z']].values[self.B[b].toposFrameId] if kwargs['tagpoffset']==[]: X[2]=X[2]+0.2 else : X=X+kwargs['tagpoffset'][ki] if kwargs['tagname']==[]: name = 't='+str(i)+'s' else : name = str(kwargs['tagname'][ki]) mlab.text3d(X[0],X[1],X[2],name,scale=kwargs['fontsizetag']) if kwargs['interf']: for ib,b in enumerate(self.interf): self.B[b].settopos(t=i,cs=True) self.B[b]._show3(name=kwargs['bodyname'],tube_sides=12) if kwargs['trajectory']: if kwargs['trajectory_list']==[]: tr_subject = subject else: tr_subject = kwargs['trajectory_list'] for b in tr_subject: self.B[b].traj._show3(color_range=kwargs['trajectory_color_range'], linewidth=kwargs['trajectory_linewidth']) if kwargs['camera'] : mlab.points3d([:,0],[:,1],[:,2],scale_factor=kwargs['camerasize'],color=cam_color) mlab.view(-111.44127634143871, 60.40674368088245, 24.492297713984197, array([-0.07235499, 0.04868631, -0.00314969])) mlab.view(-128.66519195313163, 50.708933839573511, 24.492297713984247, np.array([-0.07235499, 0.04868631, -0.00314969]))
[docs] def anim(self): self._show3(body=False,inname=False,trajectory=False) [self.B[b].anim() for b in self.B] mlab.view(-43.413544538477254, 74.048193730704611, 11.425837641867618, array([ 0.48298163, 0.67806043, 0.0987967 ]))
[docs] def imshow(self,time=100,kind='time'): """ DEPRECATED Parameters ---------- kind : string 'mean','std' """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) self.D = self.rssi-self.rssi.swapaxes(0,1) try: timeindex = np.where(self.thkb[0]-time>0)[0][0] except: timeindex = np.where(self.thkb-time>0)[0][0] if kind=='time': dt1 = self.rssi[:,:,timeindex] dt2 = self.D[:,:,timeindex] if kind == 'mean': dt1 = ma.masked_invalid(self.rssi).mean(axis=2) dt2 = ma.masked_invalid(self.D).mean(axis=2) if kind == 'std': dt1 = ma.masked_invalid(self.rssi).std(axis=2) dt2 = ma.masked_invalid(self.D).std(axis=2) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121) #img1 = ax1.imshow(self.rssi[:,:,timeindex],interpolation='nearest',origin='lower') img1 = ax1.imshow(dt1,interpolation='nearest') labels = [ self.idHKB[x] for x in range(1,17)] plt.xticks(range(16),labels,rotation=80,fontsize=14) plt.yticks(range(16),labels,fontsize=14) if kind=='time': plt.title('t = '+str(time)+ ' s') if kind=='mean': plt.title(u'$mean(\mathbf{L})$') if kind=='std': plt.title(u'$std(\mathbf{L})$') divider = make_axes_locatable(ax1) cax1 = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) clb1 = fig.colorbar(img1,cax1) clb1.set_label('level dBm',fontsize=14) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122) #img2 = ax2.imshow(self.D[:,:,timeindex],interpolation='nearest',origin='lower') img2 = ax2.imshow(dt2,interpolation='nearest') plt.title(u'$\mathbf{L}-\mathbf{L}^T$') divider = make_axes_locatable(ax2) plt.xticks(range(16),labels,rotation=80,fontsize=14) plt.yticks(range(16),labels,fontsize=14) cax2 = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) clb2 = fig.colorbar(img2,cax2) clb2.set_label('level dBm',fontsize=14) plt.tight_layout() #for k in range(1,17): # for l in range(1,17): # self.dHKB[(k,l)]=iHKB[k]+' - '+iHKB[l] # cpt = cpt + 1 return fig,(ax1,ax2)
[docs] def lk2nd(self,lk): """ transcode a lk from Id to real name Parameters ---------- lk : string Examples -------- >>> C=Corser(6) >>> lk = 'HKB:15-HKB:7' >>> C.lk2nd(lk) """ u = lk.replace('HKB:','').split('-') v = [ self.idHKB[int(x)] for x in u ] return(v)
def _load_offset_dict(self): """ load offset_dictionnary.bin Returns ------- d : dict {'Sc20_S5_R1_HKBS': {'hkb_index': -148, 'video_sec': 32.622087273809527}, 'Sc20_S6_R2_HKBS': {'bs_index': -124, 'hkb_index': -157}, 'Sc21a_S13_R1_HKBS': {'hkb_index': 537}, 'Sc21a_S14_R2_HKBS': {'hkb_index': 752}, 'Sc21a_S15_R3_HKBS': {'hkb_index': 438}, 'Sc21a_S16_R4_HKBS': {'hkb_index': 224}, 'Sc21b_S21_R1_HKBS': {'hkb_index': 368}, 'Sc21b_S22_R2_HKBS': {'hkb_index': -333}, 'Sc21b_S23_R3_HKBS': {'hkb_index': 136}, 'Sc22a_S9_R1_Full': {'hkb_index': 678}} Notes ----- This is used for synchronization purpose """ path = os.path.join(os.environ['CORMORAN'],'POST-TREATED') d = pickle.load( open( os.path.join(path,'offset_dictionnary.bin'), "rb" ) ) return d def _save_offset_dict(self,d): path = os.path.join(os.environ['CORMORAN'],'POST-TREATED') d = pickle.dump( d, open( os.path.join(path,'offset_dictionnary.bin'), "wb" ) ) def _save_data_off_dict(self,filename,typ,value): """ save - a given "value" of an for, - a serie/run "filename", - of a given typ (video|hkb|tcr|...) """ d = self._load_offset_dict() try: d[filename].update({typ:value}) except: d[filename]={} d[filename][typ]=value self._save_offset_dict(d)
[docs] def offset_setter_video(self,a='AP1',b='WristRight',**kwargs): """ video offset setter """ defaults = { 'inverse':True } for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k] = defaults[k] fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=2,ncols=1) fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.3) if isinstance(a,str): ia = self.dHKB[a] else: ia = a a = self.idHKB[a] if isinstance(b,str): ib = self.dHKB[b] else: ib = bq b = self.idHKB[b] time = self.thkb if len(time) == 1: time=time[0] sab = self.hkb[a+'-'+b].values sabt = self.hkb[a+'-'+b].index hkb = axs[1].plot(sabt,sab,label = a+'-'+b) axs[1].legend() try : init = self.offset[self._filename]['video_sec'] except: init=time[0] videofile = os.path.join(self.rootdir,'POST-TREATED',str('-06-2014','Videos') ldir = os.listdir(videofile) luldir = [ self._filename in x for x in ldir ] uldir = luldir.index(True) _filename = ldir[uldir] filename = os.path.join(videofile,_filename) vc = VideoFileClip(filename) F0 = vc.get_frame(init) I0 = img_as_ubyte(F0) axs[0].imshow(F0) ######## # slider ######## slide_xoffset_ax = plt.axes([0.1, 0.15, 0.8, 0.05]) sliderx = Slider(slide_xoffset_ax, "video offset", 0, self.hkb.index[-1], valinit=init, color='#AAAAAA') # vertc = [(0,-10),(0,-10),(0,10),(0,-10)] # poly = plt.Polygon(vertc) # pp = axs[1].add_patch(poly) def update_x(val): F0 = vc.get_frame(val) I0 = img_as_ubyte(F0) axs[0].imshow(F0) fig.canvas.draw_idle() sliderx.on_changed(update_x) # def cursor(val): # try : # pp.remove() # except: # pass # vertc = [(sabt[0]+val,min(sab)-10),(sabt[0]+val,min(sab)-10),(sabt[0]+val,max(sab)+10),(sabt[0]+val,max(sab)-10)] # poly = plt.Polygon(vertc) # pp = axs[1].add_patch(poly) # sliderx.on_changed(cursor) def plus(event): sliderx.set_val(sliderx.val +0.2) fig.canvas.draw_idle() sliderx.on_changed(update_x) def minus(event): sliderx.set_val(sliderx.val -0.2) fig.canvas.draw_idle() sliderx.on_changed(update_x) def setter(event): self._save_data_off_dict(self._filename,'video_sec',sliderx.val) self.offset= self._load_offset_dict() axp = plt.axes([0.3, 0.05, 0.1, 0.075]) axset = plt.axes([0.5, 0.05, 0.1, 0.075]) axm = plt.axes([0.7, 0.05, 0.1, 0.075]) bp = Button(axp, '<-') bp.on_clicked(minus) bset = Button(axset, 'SET offs.') bset.on_clicked(setter) bm = Button(axm, '->') bm.on_clicked(plus)
[docs] def offset_setter(self,a='HKB:1',b='HKB:12',techno='',**kwargs): """ offset setter """ defaults = { 'inverse':True } for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k] = defaults[k] if plt.isinteractive(): interactive = True plt.ioff() else : interactive = False fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2, left=0.3) a,ia,bia,subja,techno=self.devmapper(a,techno) b,ib,bib,subjb,techno=self.devmapper(b,techno) time = self.tmocap if len(time.shape) == 2: time = time[0,:] try : init = time[0]#self.offset[self._filename]['hkb_index'] except: init=time[0] var = self.getlinkd(ia,ib,techno).values if kwargs['inverse']: var = 10*np.log10(1./(var)**2) gt = ax.plot(time,var) ab = self.getlink(ia,ib,techno) sab = ab.values sabt = ab.index.values technoval = ax.plot(sabt,sab) ######## # slider ######## slide_xoffset_ax = plt.axes([0.1, 0.15, 0.8, 0.02]) sliderx = Slider(slide_xoffset_ax, techno + " offset", -(len(sabt)/16), (len(sabt)/16), valinit=init, color='#AAAAAA') slide_yoffset_ax = plt.axes([0.1, 0.10, 0.8, 0.02]) slidery = Slider(slide_yoffset_ax, "gt_yoff", -100, 0, valinit=0, color='#AAAAAA') slide_alpha_ax = plt.axes([0.1, 0.05, 0.8, 0.02]) slideralpha = Slider(slide_alpha_ax, "gt_alpha", 0, 60, valinit=30, color='#AAAAAA') def update_x(val): value = int(sliderx.val) rtechnoval = np.roll(sab,value) sliderx.valtext.set_text('{}'.format(value)) technoval[0].set_xdata(sabt) technoval[0].set_ydata(rtechnoval) fig.canvas.draw_idle() sliderx.on_changed(update_x) sliderx.drawon = False def update_y(val): yoff = slidery.val alpha = slideralpha.val gt[0].set_ydata(alpha*var + yoff) fig.canvas.draw_idle() #initpurpose update_y(5) slidery.on_changed(update_y) slideralpha.on_changed(update_y) def setter(event): value = int(sliderx.val) try : nval = self.offset[self._filename][techno.lower()+'_index'] + value except : nval = value self._save_data_off_dict(self._filename,techno.lower()+'_index',nval) self.offset= self._load_offset_dict() ax.set_title('WARNING : Please Reload serie to Valide offset change',color='r',weight='bold') axset = plt.axes([0.0, 0.5, 0.2, 0.05]) bset = Button(axset, 'SET ' +techno+' offs.') bset.on_clicked(setter) if interactive : plt.ion()
# def offset_setter_hkb(self,a='AP1',b='WristRight',**kwargs): # """ offset setter # """ # defaults = { 'inverse':True # } # for k in defaults: # if k not in kwargs: # kwargs[k] = defaults[k] # if plt.isinteractive(): # interactive = True # plt.ioff() # else : # interactive = False # fig, ax = plt.subplots() # fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2, left=0.3) # a,ia,bia,subja,techno=self.devmapper(a,'HKB') # b,ib,bib,subjb,techno=self.devmapper(b,'HKB') # time = self.thkb # if len(time.shape) == 2: # time = time[0,:] # try : # init = time[0]#self.offset[self._filename]['hkb_index'] # except: # init=time[0] # var = self.getlinkd(ia,ib,'HKB').values # if kwargs['inverse']: # var = 10*np.log10(1./(var)**2) # gt = ax.plot(self.B[self.B.keys()[0]].time,var) # sab = self.hkb[a+'-'+b].values # sabt = self.hkb[a+'-'+b].index # hkb = ax.plot(sabt,sab) # ######## # # slider # ######## # slide_xoffset_ax = plt.axes([0.1, 0.15, 0.8, 0.02]) # sliderx = Slider(slide_xoffset_ax, "hkb offset", -(len(sabt)/16), (len(sabt)/16), # valinit=init, color='#AAAAAA') # slide_yoffset_ax = plt.axes([0.1, 0.10, 0.8, 0.02]) # slidery = Slider(slide_yoffset_ax, "gt_yoff", -100, 0, # valinit=0, color='#AAAAAA') # slide_alpha_ax = plt.axes([0.1, 0.05, 0.8, 0.02]) # slideralpha = Slider(slide_alpha_ax, "gt_alpha", 0, 10, # valinit=5, color='#AAAAAA') # def update_x(val): # value = int(sliderx.val) # rhkb = np.roll(sab,value) # sliderx.valtext.set_text('{}'.format(value)) # hkb[0].set_xdata(sabt) # hkb[0].set_ydata(rhkb) # fig.canvas.draw_idle() # sliderx.on_changed(update_x) # sliderx.drawon = False # def update_y(val): # yoff = slidery.val # alpha = slideralpha.val # gt[0].set_ydata(alpha*var + yoff) # fig.canvas.draw_idle() # #initpurpose # update_y(5) # slidery.on_changed(update_y) # slideralpha.on_changed(update_y) # def setter(event): # value = int(sliderx.val) # try : # nval = self.offset[self._filename]['hkb_index'] + value # except : # nval = value # self._save_data_off_dict(self._filename,'hkb_index',nval) # self.offset= self._load_offset_dict() # ax.set_title('WARNING : Please Reload serie to Valide offset change',color='r',weight='bold') # axset = plt.axes([0.0, 0.5, 0.2, 0.05]) # bset = Button(axset, 'SET offs.') # bset.on_clicked(setter) # # if interactive: # plt.ion()
[docs] def mtlbsave(self): """ Matlab format save S{day}_{serie} node_name node_place node_coord HKB.{linkname}.tr HKB.{linkname}.rssi HKB.{linkname}.td HKB.{linkname}.dist HKB.{linkname}.sh HKB.{linkname}.dsh TCR.{linkname}.tr HKB.{linkname}.range HKB.{linkname}.td HKB.{linkname}.dist HKB.{linkname}.sh """ key = 'S'+str('_'+str(self.serie) filemat = key+'.mat' d = {} d[key]={} d[key]['node_name'] = self.dist_nodesmap d[key]['node_place'] = [ self.devmapper(x)[0] for x in self.dist_nodesmap ] d[key]['node_coord'] = self.points for subject in self.interf: sub = subject.replace(':','') d[key][sub]=np.mean(self.B[subject].d,axis=1) if ('HKB' in self.typ.upper()) or ('FULL' in self.typ.upper()): d[key]['HKB']={} links = list(self.hkb.columns) inter,lks = self.compute_visibility(techno='HKB') for l in links: ls = l.split('-') nl = ls[0]+'_'+ls[1] nl=nl.replace('Jihad','J').replace('Nicolas','N').replace('Eric','E') d[key]['HKB'][nl] = {} ix0 = np.where(lks==ls[0])[0] ix1 = np.where(lks==ls[1])[0] Ssh = inter[ix0,ix1,:] Srssi= self.getlink(ls[0],ls[1],techno='HKB') # get distances between nodes Sdist = self.getlinkd(ls[0],ls[1],techno='HKB') dsh = dist_sh2rssi(Sdist,Ssh,15) # rssi d[key]['HKB'][nl]['rssi'] = Srssi.values # dsh d[key]['HKB'][nl]['dsh'] = dsh #d['S6'][nl]['rssi_dec'] = np.roll(Srssi.values,-dec) d[key]['HKB'][nl]['sh'] = Ssh # time rssi #d[key]['HKB'][nl]['trh'] = np.array(Srssi.index) d[key]['trh'] = np.array(Srssi.index) # distance d[key]['HKB'][nl]['dist'] = Sdist.values # time mocap #d[key]['HKB'][nl]['td'] = np.array(Sdist.index) d[key]['tm'] = np.array(Sdist.index) if ('TCR' in self.typ.upper()) or ('FULL' in self.typ.upper()): d[key]['TCR']={} links = list(self.tcr.columns) inter,lks = self.compute_visibility(techno='TCR') for l in links: ls = l.split('-') # to shorten matlab keys surname are replaced by first letter nl = ls[0]+'_'+ls[1] nl=nl.replace('Jihad','J').replace('Nicolas','N').replace('Eric','E') d[key]['TCR'][nl] = {} ix0 = np.where(lks==ls[0])[0] ix1 = np.where(lks==ls[1])[0] # intersection on the link Ssh = inter[ix0,ix1,:] Srange= self.getlink(ls[0],ls[1],techno='TCR') # get distances between nodes Sdist = self.getlinkd(ls[0],ls[1],techno='TCR') # rssi d[key]['TCR'][nl]['range'] = Srange.values # dsh #d['S6'][nl]['rssi_dec'] = np.roll(Srssi.values,-dec) d[key]['TCR'][nl]['sh'] = Ssh # time rssi #d[key]['TCR'][nl]['tr'] = np.array(Srange.index) d[key]['trt'] = np.array(Srange.index) # distance d[key]['TCR'][nl]['dist'] = Sdist.values # time mocap #d[key]['TCR'][nl]['td'] = np.array(Sdist.index) d[key]['tm'] = np.array(Sdist.index) self.matlab = d io.savemat(filemat,d)
[docs] def pltvisi(self,a,b,techno='',**kwargs): """ plot visibility between link a and b Attributes ---------- color: fill color hatch: hatch type label_pos: ('top'|'bottom'|'') postion of the label label_pos_off: float offset of postion of the label label_mob: str prefix of label in mobility label_stat: str prefix of label static Examples -------- >>> from pylayers.measures.cormoran import * >>> S = CorSer(6) >>> f,ax = S.plthkb('AP1','TorsoTopLeft',techno='HKB') >>> f,ax = S.pltvisi('AP1','TorsoTopLeft',techno='HKB',fig=f,ax=ax) >>> f,ax = S.pltmob(fig=f,ax=ax) >>> plt.title('hatch = visibility / gray= mobility') >>> """ defaults = { 'fig':[], 'figsize':(10,10), 'ax':[], 'color':'', 'hatch':'//', 'label_pos':'', 'label_pos_off':5, 'label_vis':'V', 'label_hide':'H' } for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k] = defaults[k] if kwargs['fig']==[]: fig = plt.figure(figsize=kwargs['figsize']) else : fig=kwargs['fig'] if kwargs['ax'] ==[]: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else : ax = kwargs['ax'] aa= ax.axis() a,ia,nna,subjecta,technoa = self.devmapper(a,techno) b,ib,nnb,subjectb,technob = self.devmapper(b,techno) vv,tv,tseg,itseg = self._visiarray(nna,nnb) # vv.any : it exist NLOS regions if vv.any(): if kwargs['color']=='': fig,ax=plu.rectplot(tv,tseg,ylim=aa[2:], fill=False, hatch=kwargs['hatch'], fig=fig,ax=ax) else : fig,ax=plu.rectplot(tv,tseg,ylim=aa[2:], color=kwargs['color'], hatch=kwargs['hatch'], fig=fig,ax=ax) if kwargs['label_pos']!='': if kwargs['label_pos'] == 'top': yposV = aa[3]-kwargs['label_pos_off']+0.5 yposH = aa[3]-kwargs['label_pos_off']-0.5 elif kwargs['label_pos'] == 'bottom': yposV = aa[2]+kwargs['label_pos_off']+0.5 yposH = aa[2]+kwargs['label_pos_off']+0.5 xposV= tv[tseg.mean(axis=1).astype(int)] xposH= tv[itseg.mean(axis=1).astype(int)] [ax.text(x,yposV,kwargs['label_vis']+str(ix+1)) for ix,x in enumerate(xposV)] [ax.text(x,yposH,kwargs['label_hide']+str(ix+1)) for ix,x in enumerate(xposH)] return fig,ax
[docs] def pltmob(self,**kwargs): """ plot mobility Parameters ---------- subject: str subject to display () if '', take the fist one from self.subject) showvel : boolean display filtered velocity velth: float (0.7) velocity threshold fo : int (5) filter order fw: float (0.02) 0 < fw < 1 (fN <=> 1) time_offset : int add time_offset to start later Examples -------- >>> from pylayers.measures.cormoran import * >>> S = CorSer(6) >>> f,ax = S.plthkb('AP1','TorsoTopLeft',techno='HKB') >>> #f,ax = S.pltvisi('AP1','TorsoTopLeft',techno='HKB',fig=f,ax=ax) >>> f,ax = S.pltmob(fig=f,ax=ax) >>> plt.title('hatch = visibility / gray= mobility') >>> """ defaults = { 'subject':'', 'fig':[], 'figsize':(10,10), 'ax':[], 'showvel':False, 'velth':0.07, 'fo':5, 'fw':0.02, 'ylim':(), 'time_offset':0, 'color':'gray', 'hatch':'', 'label_pos':'top', 'label_pos_off':2, 'label_mob':'M', 'label_stat':'S' } for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k] = defaults[k] if kwargs['fig']==[]: fig = plt.figure(figsize=kwargs['figsize']) else : fig=kwargs['fig'] if kwargs['ax'] ==[]: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else : ax = kwargs['ax'] if kwargs['subject']=='': subject=self.B.keys()[0] else: subject=kwargs['subject'] V=self.B[subject].traj[['vx','vy']].values Vi=np.sqrt((V[:,0]**2+V[:,1]**2)) f=DF() f.butter(kwargs['fo'],kwargs['fw'],'lowpass') Vif=f.filter(Vi) if kwargs['time_offset']>=0: zmo = np.zeros(kwargs['time_offset']) tmp = np.insert(Vif,zmo,0) Vif = tmp[:len(Vif)] else: zmo = np.zeros(-kwargs['time_offset']) tmp = np.concatenate((Vif,zmo)) Vif = tmp[-kwargs['time_offset']:len(Vif)-kwargs['time_offset']] if kwargs['showvel']: fig2 = plt.figure() ax2=fig2.add_subplot(111) ax2.plot(self.B[subject].time[:-2],Vif) ax2.plot(Vif) cursor2 = Cursor(ax2, useblit=True, color='gray', linewidth=1) null = np.where(Vif<kwargs['velth'])[0] unu1 = np.where(np.diff(null)!=1)[0] unu2 = np.where(np.diff(null[::-1])!=-1)[0] unu2 = len(null)-unu2 unu = np.concatenate((unu1,unu2)) unu = np.sort(unu) sunu = unu.shape if sunu[0]%2: unu=np.insert(unu,-1,len(null)-1) sunu = unu.shape nullr=null[unu].reshape(sunu[0]/2,2) if kwargs['ylim'] != (): ylim = kwargs['ylim'] else : axlim = ax.axis() ylim = [axlim[2],axlim[3]] fig , ax =plu.rectplot(self.B[subject].time,nullr,ylim=ylim, color=kwargs['color'], hatch=kwargs['hatch'], fig=fig,ax=ax) inullr = copy.copy(nullr) bb = np.insert(inullr[:,1],0,0) ee = np.hstack((inullr[:,0],null[-1])) inullr = np.array((bb,ee)).T # remove last inullr = inullr[:-1,:] if kwargs['label_pos']!='': if kwargs['label_pos'] == 'top': yposM = ylim[1]-kwargs['label_pos_off']+0.5 yposS = ylim[1]-kwargs['label_pos_off']-0.5 elif kwargs['label_pos'] == 'bottom': yposM = ylim[0]+kwargs['label_pos_off']+0.5 yposS = ylim[0]+kwargs['label_pos_off']+0.5 xposM= self.B[subject].time[nullr.mean(axis=1).astype(int)] xposS= self.B[subject].time[inullr.mean(axis=1).astype(int)] [ax.text(x,yposM,kwargs['label_mob']+str(ix+1), horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') for ix,x in enumerate(xposM)] [ax.text(x,yposS,kwargs['label_stat']+str(ix+1), horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') for ix,x in enumerate(xposS)] return fig,ax
[docs] def animhkb(self,a,b,interval=10,save=False): """ Parameters ---------- a : node name |number b : node name | number save : bool """ import matplotlib.animation as animation x = self.hkb.index link = a+'-'+b y = self.hkb[link].values fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.xlim(0,x[-1]) line = [ax.plot(x, y, animated=True)[0]] def animate(i): line[0].set_ydata(y[:i]) line[0].set_xdata(x[:i]) return line ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, xrange(1, len(x)), interval=interval, blit=True) if save:'.mp4') plt.title(link) plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('RSS (dBm)')
[docs] def animhkbAP(self,a,AP_list,interval=1,save=False,**kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- a : node name AP_nb=[] save : bool Example ------- >>> from pylayers.measures.cormoran import * >>> S = CorSer(6) >>> S.animhkbAP('TorsoTopLeft',['AP1','AP2','AP3','AP4'],interval=100,xstart=58,figsize=(20,2)) """ import matplotlib.animation as animation defaults = { 'fig':[], 'figsize':(10,10), 'ax':[], 'label':'', 'xstart':0 } for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k] = defaults[k] if kwargs['fig']==[]: fig = plt.figure(figsize=kwargs['figsize']) else : fig=kwargs['fig'] if kwargs['ax'] ==[]: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else : ax = kwargs['ax'] ust = np.where(self.hkb.index>=kwargs['xstart'])[0][0] x = self.hkb.index[ust:] links = [l+'-'+a for l in AP_list] ly = [self.hkb[l].values[ust:] for l in links] color=['k','b','g','r'] plt.xlim(kwargs['xstart'],x[-1]+3) line = [ax.plot(x, y, animated=True, color=color[iy], label=AP_list[iy]+'-'+kwargs['label'])[0] for iy,y in enumerate(ly)] def animate(i): for iy,y in enumerate(ly): line[iy].set_ydata(y[:i]) line[iy].set_xdata(x[:i]) return line plt.legend() plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('RSS (dBm)') ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, xrange(0, len(x)), interval=interval, blit=True) if save:'.mp4') #plt.title(links)
[docs] def plot(self,a,b,techno='',t='',**kwargs): """ ploting Parameters ---------- a : str | int name |id b : str | int name |id techno : str (optional) radio techno t : float | list (optional) given time or [start,stop] time color : color distance : boolean (False) plot distance instead of value lin : boolean (False) display linear value instead of dB sqrtinv : boolean (False) apply : "sqrt (1/ dataset)" xoffset : float (0) add an offset on x axis yoffset : float (1|1e3|1e6) add an offset on y axis title : boolean (True) display title shortlabel : boolean (True) enable short labelling fontsize : int (18) font size returnlines : boolean if True return the matplotlib ploted lines Examples -------- >>> from pylayers.measures.cormoran import * >>> S = CorSer(6) >>> f,ax = S.plot('AP1','TorsoTopLeft',techno='HKB') >>> f,ax = S.pltvisi('AP1','TorsoTopLeft',techno='HKB',fig=f,ax=ax) >>> #f,ax = S.pltmob(fig=f,ax=ax) >>> #plt.title('hatch = visibility / gray= mobility') >>> """ defaults = { 'fig':[], 'ax':[], 'figsize':(6,4), 'color':'g', 'distance':False, 'lin':False, 'xoffset':0, 'yoffset': 1e6, 'sqrtinv':False, 'title':True, 'shortlabel':True, 'fontsize':18, 'returnlines':False } for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k] = defaults[k] a,ia,bia,subja,techno=self.devmapper(a,techno) b,ib,bib,subjb,techno=self.devmapper(b,techno) ###create a short labeling if kwargs['shortlabel']: #find uppercase position uu = np.nonzero([l.isupper() or l.isdigit() for l in a])[0] #cretae string from list labela = ''.join([a[i] for i in uu]) uu = np.nonzero([l.isupper() or l.isdigit() for l in b])[0] #cretae string from list labelb = ''.join([b[i] for i in uu]) label = labela +'-'+labelb else: label = a+'-'+b if kwargs['distance']: label = 'dist ' + label if kwargs['fig']==[]: fig = plt.figure(figsize=kwargs['figsize']) else : fig=kwargs['fig'] if kwargs['ax'] ==[]: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else : ax = kwargs['ax'] # get dataframe if not kwargs['distance']: df = self.getlink(a,b,techno,t) title = 'Received Power between ' + label ylabel = 'Received Power dBm' else : df = self.getlinkd(a,b,techno,t) title = 'Distance between ' + label ylabel = 'distance (m)' #post processing on dataframe if kwargs['lin']: df = 10**(df/10) * kwargs['yoffset'] if kwargs['sqrtinv']: df = np.sqrt(1./df) ylabel = u'$ (mW)^{-1/2} linear scale$' lines = df.plot(ax=ax,color=kwargs['color'],label=label) # Managing labelling if kwargs['title']: ax.set_title(label=title,fontsize=kwargs['fontsize']) if kwargs['lin']: if kwargs['yoffset']==1: ylabel = 'mW' if kwargs['yoffset']==1e3: ylabel = u'$\micro$W' if kwargs['yoffset']==1e6: ylabel = u'nW' ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) # if kwargs['data']==True: # #ax.plot(self.thkb[0],self.rssi[ia,ib,:]) # #ax.plot(self.thkb[0],self.rssi[ib,ia,:]) # sab = self.hkb[a+'-'+b] # if not(kwargs['dB']): # sab = 10**(sab/10) * kwargs['yoffset'] # if kwargs['distance']: # sab = np.sqrt(1/sab) # if kwargs['reciprocal']: # sba = 10**(sba/10 ) * kwargs['yoffset'] # sba = np.sqrt(1/sba) # sab[t0:t1].plot(ax=ax,color=kwargs['colorab'],label=label,xlim=(t0,t1)) # if kwargs['reciprocal']: # sba[t0:t1].plot(ax=ax,color=kwargs['colorba'],label=label) # #title = 'Received Power ' + self.title1 # if kwargs['dis_title']: # #title = self.title1+kwargs['tit'] # title = kwargs['tit'] # ax.set_title(label=title,fontsize=kwargs['fontsize']) # if not kwargs['distance']: # if kwargs['dB']: # ax.set_ylabel('Received Power dBm') # else: # if kwargs['yoffset']==1: # ax.set_ylabel('mW') # if kwargs['yoffset']==1e3: # ax.set_ylabel(u'$\micro$W') # if kwargs['yoffset']==1e6: # ax.set_ylabel(u'nW') # else: # ax.set_ylabel(u'$\prop (mW)^{-1/2} linear scale$') # if kwargs['reciprocal']==True: # # if kwargs['data']==True: # # ax2=fig.add_subplot(212) # r = self.hkb[a+'-'+b][self.hkb[a+'-'+b]!=0]- self.hkb[b+'-'+a][self.hkb[b+'-'+a]!=0] # r[t0:t1].plot(ax=ax2) # ax2.set_title('Reciprocity offset',fontsize=kwargs['fontsize']) if not kwargs['returnlines']: return fig,ax else: return fig,ax,lines
[docs] def plthkb(self,a,b,techno='HKB',**kwargs): """ plot Hikob devices DEPRECATED Parameters ---------- a : node name |number b : node name | number t0 : start time t1 : stop time Examples -------- >>> from pylayers.measures.cormoran import * >>> S = CorSer(6) >>> f,ax = S.plthkb('AP1','TorsoTopLeft',techno='HKB') >>> f,ax = S.pltvisi('AP1','TorsoTopLeft',techno='HKB',fig=f,ax=ax) >>> f,ax = S.pltmob(fig=f,ax=ax) >>> plt.title('hatch = visibility / gray= mobility') >>> """ defaults = { 't0':0, 't1':-1, 'fig':[], 'ax':[], 'figsize':(8,8), 'xoffset':0, 'yoffset': 1e6, 'reciprocal':False, 'dB':True, 'data':True, 'colorab':'g', 'colorba':'b', 'distance':False, 'fontsize':18, 'shortlabel':True, 'dis_title':True, 'xlim':(), 'tit':'' } for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k] = defaults[k] t0 =kwargs['t0'] t1 =kwargs['t1'] if t1 ==-1: try: t1=self.thkb[0][-1] except: t1=self.thkb[-1] a,ia,bia,subja,technoa=self.devmapper(a,techno) b,ib,bib,subjb,technob=self.devmapper(b,techno) if kwargs['shortlabel']: #find uppercase position uu = np.nonzero([l.isupper() or l.isdigit() for l in a])[0] #cretae string from list labela = ''.join([a[i] for i in uu]) uu = np.nonzero([l.isupper() or l.isdigit() for l in b])[0] #cretae string from list labelb = ''.join([b[i] for i in uu]) label = labela +'-'+labelb else: label = a+'-'+b if kwargs['fig']==[]: fig = plt.figure(figsize=kwargs['figsize']) else : fig=kwargs['fig'] if kwargs['ax'] ==[]: if kwargs['reciprocal']: ax = fig.add_subplot(211) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212) else : ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else : ax = kwargs['ax'] if kwargs['data']==True: #ax.plot(self.thkb[0],self.rssi[ia,ib,:]) #ax.plot(self.thkb[0],self.rssi[ib,ia,:]) sab = self.hkb[a+'-'+b] if not(kwargs['dB']): sab = 10**(sab/10) * kwargs['yoffset'] if kwargs['distance']: sab = np.sqrt(1/sab) if kwargs['reciprocal']: sba = 10**(sba/10 ) * kwargs['yoffset'] sba = np.sqrt(1/sba) sab[t0:t1].plot(ax=ax,color=kwargs['colorab'],label=label,xlim=(t0,t1)) if kwargs['reciprocal']: sba[t0:t1].plot(ax=ax,color=kwargs['colorba'],label=label) #title = 'Received Power ' + self.title1 if kwargs['dis_title']: #title = self.title1+kwargs['tit'] title = kwargs['tit'] ax.set_title(label=title,fontsize=kwargs['fontsize']) if not kwargs['distance']: if kwargs['dB']: ax.set_ylabel('Received Power dBm') else: if kwargs['yoffset']==1: ax.set_ylabel('mW') if kwargs['yoffset']==1e3: ax.set_ylabel(u'$\micro$W') if kwargs['yoffset']==1e6: ax.set_ylabel(u'nW') else: ax.set_ylabel(u'$\prop (mW)^{-1/2} linear scale$') if kwargs['reciprocal']==True: # if kwargs['data']==True: # ax2=fig.add_subplot(212) r = self.hkb[a+'-'+b][self.hkb[a+'-'+b]!=0]- self.hkb[b+'-'+a][self.hkb[b+'-'+a]!=0] r[t0:t1].plot(ax=ax2) ax2.set_title('Reciprocity offset',fontsize=kwargs['fontsize']) return fig,ax
[docs] def plttcr(self,a,b,**kwargs): """ plot TCR devices Parameters ---------- a : node name |number b : node name | number t0 : start time t1 : stop time """ defaults = { 't0':0, 't1':-1, 'fig':[], 'ax':[], 'figsize':(8,8), 'data':True, 'colorab':'g', 'colorba':'b', 'linestyle':'default', 'inverse':False } for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k] = defaults[k] t0 =kwargs['t0'] t1 =kwargs['t1'] if t1 ==-1: t1=self.ttcr[-1] if isinstance(a,str): ia = self.dTCR[a] else: ia = a a = self.idTCR[a] if isinstance(b,str): ib = self.dTCR[b] else: ib = b b = self.idTCR[b] if kwargs['fig']==[]: fig = plt.figure(figsize=kwargs['figsize']) else: fig = kwargs['fig'] if kwargs['ax'] ==[]: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else : ax=kwargs['ax'] if kwargs['data']==True: #ax.plot(self.thkb[0],self.rssi[ia,ib,:]) #ax.plot(self.thkb[0],self.rssi[ib,ia,:]) if kwargs['inverse']: sab = 1./(self.tcr[a+'-'+b])**2 sba = 1./(self.tcr[b+'-'+a])**2 else: sab = self.tcr[a+'-'+b] sba = self.tcr[b+'-'+a] sab[t0:t1].plot(ax=ax,color=kwargs['colorab'],marker='o',linestyle=kwargs['linestyle']) sba[t0:t1].plot(ax=ax,color=kwargs['colorba'],marker='o',linestyle=kwargs['linestyle']) ax.set_title(a+'-'+b) return fig,ax
[docs] def pltgt(self,a,b,**kwargs): """ plt ground truth Parameters ---------- t0 t1 fig ax figsize: tuple linestyle' inverse :False, display 1/distance instead of distance log : boolean display log for distance intead of distance gammma':1., mulitplication factor for log : gamma*log(distance) this can be used to fit RSS mode : string 'HKB' | 'TCR' | 'FULL' visi : boolean, display visibility color: string color ('k'|'m'|'g'), color to display the visibility area hatch': strin hatch type ('//') hatch type to hatch visibility area fontsize: int title fontsize Example ------- >>> from pylayers.measures.cormoran import * >>> S=CorSer(6) >>> S.pltgt('AP1','TorsoTopLeft') """ defaults = { 'subject':'', 't0':0, 't1':-1, 'fig':[], 'ax':[], 'figsize':(8,8), 'linestyle':'default', 'inverse':False, 'log':True, 'gamma':-40, 'mode':'HKB', 'visi': True, 'fontsize': 14, 'color':'k', 'hatch':'' } for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k] = defaults[k] #t0 =kwargs.pop('t0') #t1 =kwargs.pop('t1') #if t1 ==-1: #t1=self.thkb[-1] # t1=self.ttcr[-1] label = a+'-'+b mode = kwargs.pop('mode') inverse = kwargs.pop('inverse') log = kwargs.pop('log') gamma = kwargs.pop('gamma') visibility = kwargs.pop('visi') fontsize = kwargs.pop('fontsize') hatch = kwargs.pop('hatch') subject = kwargs.pop('subject') if subject=='': subject=self.B.keys()[0] else: subject=subject if kwargs['fig']==[]: figsize = kwargs.pop('figsize') kwargs.pop('fig') fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) else: kwargs.pop('figsize') fig = kwargs.pop('fig') if kwargs['ax'] ==[]: kwargs.pop('ax') ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else : ax=kwargs.pop('ax') if mode == 'HKB' or mode == 'FULL': if isinstance(a,str): iahk = self.dHKB[a] else: iahk = a a = self.idHKB[a] if isinstance(b,str): ibhk = self.dHKB[b] else: ibhk = b b = self.idHKB[b] var = self.getlink(iahk,ibhk,'HKB') #var = U.values #time = U.index #pdb.set_trace() if inverse: var = 1./(var) ax.set_ylabel(u'$m^{-2}$',fontsize=fontsize) if log : #var = gamma*10*np.log10(var) var = 20*np.log10(var)+gamma ax.set_ylabel(u'$- 20 \log_{10}(d)'+str(gamma)+'$ (dB)',fontsize=fontsize) plt.ylim(-65,-40) else: ax.set_ylabel(u'meters',fontsize=fontsize) if log : var = gamma*10*np.log10(var)+gamma ax.set_ylabel(u'$10log_{10}m^{-2}$',fontsize=fontsize) #ax.plot(self.B[subject].time,var,label=label,**kwargs) var.plot() # # TCR |Full # if mode == 'TCR' or mode == 'FULL': if isinstance(a,str): iatcr = self.dTCR[a] else: iatcr = a a = self.idTCR[a] if isinstance(b,str): ibtcr = self.dTCR[b] else: ibtcr = b b = self.idTCR[b] var = self.getlink(iatcr,ibtcr,'TCR').values #if inverse: # var = 1./(var)**2 # if log : # var = gamma*10*np.log10(var) #else: # if log : # var = gamma*10*np.log10(var) #pdb.set_trace() #ax.plot(self.B[subject].time,var,**kwargs) ax.plot(self.B[subject].ttcr,var,**kwargs) if visibility: aa= ax.axis() vv,tv,tseg,itseg = self._visiarray(a,b) # vv.any : it exist NLOS regions if vv.any(): fig,ax=plu.rectplot(tv,tseg,ylim=aa[2:],color=kwargs['color'],hatch=hatch,fig=fig,ax=ax) # for t in tseg: #axs[cptax].plot(visi.index.values,visi.values,'r') #if inverse: # ax.set_title(u'Motion Capture Ground Truth : inverse of squared distance',fontsize=fontsize+1) #else: # ax.set_title('Motion Capture Ground Truth : evolution of distance (m)',fontsize=fontsize+1) ax.set_xlabel('Time (s)',fontsize=fontsize) plt.tight_layout() return fig, ax
[docs] def pltlk(self,a,b,**kwargs): """ plot links Parameters ---------- a : string node a name b : string node b name display: list techno to be displayed figsize t0: float time start t1 : float time stop colhk: plt.color color of hk curve colhk2:plt.color color of hk curve2 ( if recirpocal) linestylehk: linestyle hk coltcr: color tcr curve coltcr2: color of tcr curve2 ( if recirpocal) linestyletcr: linestyle tcr colgt: color ground truth inversegt: invert ground truth loggt: bool apply a log10 factor to ground truth gammagt: applly a gamma factor to ground truth (if loggt ! ) fontsize: font size of legend visi: display visibility indicator axs : list of matplotlib axes Example ------- >>> from pylayers.measures.cormoran import * >>> S=CorSer(6) >>> S.pltlk('AP1','TorsoTopLeft') """ defaults = { 'display':[], 'figsize':(8,8), 't0':0, 't1':-1, 'colhk':'g', 'colhk2':'b', 'linestylehk':'default', 'coltcr':'g', 'coltcr2':'b', 'linestyletcr':'step', 'colgt': 'k', 'inversegt':True, 'loggt':True, 'gammagt':-40, 'fontsize':14, 'visi':True, 'axs' :[], 'gt':True, 'tit':'' } for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k] = defaults[k] display = kwargs.pop('display') if not isinstance(display,list): display=[display] if display == []: if ('tcr' in dir(self)) and ('hkb' in dir(self)): display.append('FULL') elif 'tcr' in dir(self): display.append('TCR') elif 'hkb' in dir(self): display.append('HKB') display = [t.upper() for t in display] if 'FULL' in display: ld = 2 elif 'TCR' in display or 'HKB' in display: ld = 2 #Axes management if kwargs['axs'] == []: kwargs.pop('axs') fig,axs = plt.subplots(nrows=ld,ncols=1,figsize=kwargs['figsize'],sharex=True) else : fig =plt.gcf() axs = kwargs.pop('axs') cptax= 0 # HKB plot if 'HKB' in display or 'FULL' in display: if ('HKB' in self.typ.upper()) or ('FULL' in self.typ.upper()): if isinstance(a,str): iahk = self.dHKB[a] else : raise AttributeError('in self.pltlk, nodes id must be a string') if isinstance(b,str): ibhk = self.dHKB[b] else : raise AttributeError('in self.pltlk, nodes id must be a string') else : raise AttributeError('HK not available for the given scenario') kwargs['fig']=fig kwargs['ax']=axs[cptax] kwargs['colorab']=kwargs.pop('colhk') kwargs['colorba']=kwargs.pop('colhk2') kwargs['linestyle']=kwargs.pop('linestylehk') kwargs['tit']=kwargs.pop('tit') fig,axs[cptax]=self.plthkb(a,b,reciprocal=False,**kwargs) cptax+=1 else : kwargs.pop('colhk') kwargs.pop('colhk2') kwargs.pop('linestylehk') #TCR plot if 'TCR' in display or 'FULL' in display: if ('TCR' in self.typ.upper()) or ('FULL' in self.typ.upper()): if isinstance(a,str): iatcr = self.dTCR[a] else : raise AttributeError('in self.pltlk, nodes id must be a string') if isinstance(b,str): ibtcr = self.dTCR[b] else : raise AttributeError('in self.pltlk, nodes id must be a string') else : raise AttributeError('TCR not available for the given scenario') kwargs['fig']=fig kwargs['ax']=axs[cptax] kwargs['colorab']=kwargs.pop('coltcr') kwargs['colorba']=kwargs.pop('coltcr2') kwargs['linestyle']=kwargs.pop('linestyletcr') tcrlink = a+'-'+b #plot only if link exist if tcrlink in self.tcr: fig,axs[cptax]=self.plttcr(a,b,**kwargs) else : kwargs.pop('coltcr') kwargs.pop('coltcr2') kwargs.pop('linestyletcr') #cptax+=1 # # Ground Truth # # # HKB |Full # if kwargs.pop('gt'): kwargs['color'] = kwargs.pop('colgt') kwargs.pop('colorab') kwargs.pop('colorba') kwargs['ax']=axs[cptax] kwargs['inverse']=kwargs.pop('inversegt') kwargs['log']=kwargs.pop('loggt') kwargs['gamma']=kwargs.pop('gammagt') kwargs.pop('tit') if 'HKB' in display or 'FULL' in display: kwargs['mode']= 'HKB' fig,axs[cptax] = self.pltgt(a,b,**kwargs) elif 'TCR' in display or 'FULL' in display: kwargs['mode']= 'TCR' fig,axs[cptax] = self.pltgt(a,b,**kwargs) return fig,axs
# aa = axs[cptax].axis() # # calculates visibility and display NLOS region # as a yellow patch over the shadowed region #
[docs] def showpattern(self,a,techno='HKB',**kwargs): """ show pattern configuation for a given link and frame Parameters ---------- a : int link index technoa : string 'HKB'|'TCR'|'BS' technob default 'HKB'|'TCR'|'BS' phi : float antenna elevation in rad fig : ax : t : float phi : float pi/2 ap : boolean """ defaults = { 'fig':[], 'ax':[], 't':0, 'phi':np.pi/2., 'ap':False } for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k] = defaults[k] if kwargs['fig'] == []: fig=plt.figure() else : fig = kwargs['fig'] if kwargs['ax'] == []: ax=fig.add_subplot(111) else : ax = kwargs['ax'] # display nodes # # # a,ia,ba,subjecta,techno = self.devmapper(a,techno) pa = self.getdevp(a,techno=techno,t=kwargs['t']).values if len(pa.shape) >1: pa=pa[0] ax.plot(pa[0],pa[1],'ob') ax.text(pa[0],pa[1],ba) if subjecta != '': self.B[subjecta].settopos(t=kwargs['t']) self.B[subjecta].dev[ba]['ant'].eval() xa,ya,z,sa,v = self.B[subjecta].dev[ba]['ant']._computemesh(po=pa,T=self.B[subjecta].acs[ba],minr=0.01,maxr=0.1,ilog=False) p2 = np.where(self.B[subjecta].dev[ba]['ant'].phi<=kwargs['phi'])[0][-1] # ax.plot(xa[:,p2],ya[:,p2]) ax.plot(xa[p2,:],ya[p2,:]) else: self.din[ba]['ant'].eval() xa,ya,z,sa,v = self.din[ba]['ant']._computemesh(po=self.din[ba]['p'],T=self.din[ba]['T'],minr=0.01,maxr=0.1,ilog=False) p2 = np.where(self.din[ba]['ant'].phi<=kwargs['phi'])[0][-1] ax.plot(xa[:,p2],ya[:,p2]) return fig,ax
# if A.ndim==2: # plt.plot(A[iframe,0],A[iframe,1],'ob') # plt.text(A[iframe,0],A[iframe,1],a) # else: # plt.plot(A[0],A[1],'or') # #plt.text(A[0],A[1],a) # if B.ndim==2: # plt.plot(B[iframe,0],B[iframe,1],style) # plt.text(B[iframe,0]+0.1,B[iframe,1]+0.1,b) # else: # plt.plot(B[0],B[1],'ob') # plt.text(B[0],B[1],b) # plt.xlim(-6,6) # plt.ylim(-5,5) # self.B[subjecta].settopos(t=t) # self.B[subjectb].settopos(t=t) # # # display body # #pc = self.B.d[:,2,iframe] +[:,iframe].T # pc0 = self.B[subjecta].d[:,0,iframe] + self.B[subjecta].pg[:,iframe].T # pc1 = self.B[subjecta].d[:,1,iframe] + self.B[subjecta].pg[:,iframe].T # pc15 = self.B[subjecta].d[:,15,iframe] + self.B[subjecta].pg[:,iframe].T # #plt.plot(pc0[0],pc0[1],'og') # #plt.text(pc0[0]+0.1,pc0[1],str(iframe)) # #plt.plot(pc1[0],pc1[1],'og') # #plt.plot(pc15[0],pc15[1],'og') # #ci00 = plt.Circle((pc0[0],pc0[1]),self.B[subjecta].sl[0,2],color='green',alpha=0.6) # #ci01 = plt.Circle((pc1[0],pc1[1]),self.B[subjecta].sl[0,2],color='green',alpha=0.1) # #ci100 = plt.Circle((pc0[0],pc0[1]),self.B[subjecta].sl[10,2],color='red',alpha=0.1) # ci1015 = plt.Circle((pc15[0],pc15[1]),self.B[subjecta].sl[10,2],color='green',alpha=0.5) # plt.axis('equal') # ax = plt.gca() # ax.add_patch(ci1015) # #ax.add_patch(ci01) # #ax.add_patch(ci100) # #ax.add_patch(ci1015) # #its = self.B[subjecta].intersectBody(A[iframe,:],B[iframe,:],topos=False,frameId=iframe) # #x.set_title('frameId :'+str(iframe)+' '+str(its.T))
[docs] def visidev(self,a,b,technoa='HKB',technob='HKB',dsf=10): """ get link visibility status Returns ------- visi : pandas Series 0 : LOS 1 : NLOS """ A,B = self.getlinkp(a,b,technoa=technoa,technob=technob) A=A.values B=B.values aa,ia,ba,subjecta,technoa= self.devmapper(a,technoa) ab,ib,bb,subjectb,technob= self.devmapper(b,technob) if 'AP' not in aa: Nframe = A.shape[0] if 'AP' not in ab: Nframe = B.shape[0] else: Nframe = len(self.B[self.B.keys()[0]].time) iframe = np.arange(0,Nframe-1,dsf) tvisi = [] # # A : Nframe x 3 # B : Nframe x 3 # : 3 x Nframe # if subjecta != '': subject = subjecta elif subjectb != '': subject = subjectb else : raise AttributeError('Visibility can only be determine on a body for now') if self.B[subject].centered: A = A-self.B[subject].pg.T B = B-self.B[subject].pg.T for k in iframe: if len(np.shape(A))<2: A=A[np.newaxis,:]*np.ones((len(B),3)) if len(np.shape(B))<2: B=B[np.newaxis,:]*np.ones((len(A),3)) its = self.B[subject].intersectBody(A[k,:],B[k,:],topos=False,frameId=k) tvisi.append(its.any()) visi = pd.Series(tvisi,index=iframe/100.) #return(visi,iframe) return(visi)
[docs] def visidev2(self,a,b,technoa='HKB',technob='HKB',trange=[]): """ get link visibility status Returns ------- trange : nd array time range visi : pandas Series 0 : LOS 1 : NLOS """ A,B = self.getlinkp(a,b,technoa,technob) A=A.values B=B.values aa,ia,ba,subjecta,technoa= self.devmapper(a,technoa) ab,ib,bb,subjectb,technob= self.devmapper(b,technob) if 'AP' not in a: Nframe = A.shape[0] if 'AP' not in b: Nframe = B.shape[0] # iframe = np.arange(0,Nframe-1,dsf) tvisi = [] # # A : Nframe x 3 # B : Nframe x 3 # : 3 x Nframe # if subjecta != '': subject = subjecta elif subjectb != '': subject = subjectb else : raise AttributeError('Visibility can only be determine on a body for now') if self.B[subject].centered: A = A-self.B[subject].pg.T B = B-self.B[subject].pg.T for t in trange: fid = self.B[subject].posvel(self.B[subjecta].traj,t)[0] its = self.B[subject].intersectBody(A[fid,:],B[fid,:],topos=False,frameId=fid) tvisi.append(its.any()) visi = pd.Series(tvisi,index=trange) #return(visi,iframe) return(visi)
def _visiarray(self,a,b,technoa='HKB',technob='HKB'): """ create entries for plu.rectplot """ visi = self.visidev(a,b,technoa=technoa,technob=technob) tv = visi.index.values vv = visi.values.astype(int) if (not(vv.all()) and vv.any()): df = vv[1:]-vv[0:-1] um = np.where(df==1)[0] ud = np.where(df==-1)[0] lum = len(um) lud = len(ud) # # impose same size and starting # on leading edge um and endinf on # falling edge ud # if lum==lud: if ud[0]<um[0]: um = np.hstack((np.array([0]),um)) ud = np.hstack((ud,np.array([len(vv)-1]))) else: if ((lum<lud) & (vv[0]==1)): um = np.hstack((np.array([0]),um)) if ((lud<lum) & (vv[len(vv)-1]==1)): ud = np.hstack((ud,np.array([len(vv)-1]))) tseg = np.array(zip(um,ud)) #else: # tseg = np.array(zip(ud,um)) else: if vv.all(): tseg = np.array(zip(np.array([0]),np.array([len(vv)-1]))) else : tseg = np.array([[0,0]]) itseg = copy.copy(tseg) bb = np.insert(itseg[:,1],0,0) ee = np.hstack((itseg[:,0],len(vv))) itseg = np.array((bb,ee)).T # bb = np.hstack((bb,len(vv))) return vv,tv,tseg,itseg # def _computedevpdf(self): # """ create a timestamped data frame # with all positions of devices # """ # t=self.B.traj.time() # pos = np.empty((len(t),12,3)) # for ik,k in enumerate(t): # self.B.settopos(t=k) # pos[ik,:,:]=self.B.getlinkp() # df=[] # for d in range(pos.shape[1]): # df_tmp=pd.DataFrame(pos[:,d,:],columns=['x','y','z'],index=t) # df_tmp['id'][d] # try : # df = pd.concat([df,df_tmp]) # except: # df = df_tmp # df = df.sort_index() # cols=['id','x','y','z'] # self.devdf=df[cols] def _computedevpdf(self): """ create a timestamped data frame with positions of all devices """ if not isinstance(self.B,dict): B={self.subject[0]:self.B} else : B=self.B for b in B: if 'dev' in dir(B[b]): dev = B[b].dev.keys() udev=[B[b].dev[d]['uc3d'] for d in dev] postmp = np.array([np.mean(B[b]._f[:,u,:],axis=1) for u in udev]) pos = postmp.swapaxes(0,1) t = B[b].time for d in range(len(dev)): df_tmp=pd.DataFrame(pos[:,d,:],columns=['x','y','z'],index=t) df_tmp[['vx','vy','vz']]=df_tmp.diff()/(t[1]-t[0]) df_tmp['v']=np.sqrt(np.sum(df_tmp[['vx','vy','vz']]**2,axis=1)) df_tmp[['ax','ay','az']]=df_tmp[['vx','vy','vz']].diff()/(t[1]-t[0]) df_tmp['a']=np.sqrt(np.sum(df_tmp[['ax','ay','az']]**2,axis=1)) df_tmp['id'] = list(B[b].dev.keys())[d] df_tmp['subject']=B[b].name try : df = pd.concat([df,df_tmp]) except: df = df_tmp for i in self.din: pos = self.din[i]['p'] pos2 = pos[:,np.newaxis]*np.ones(len(t)) df_tmp=pd.DataFrame(pos2.T,columns=['x','y','z'],index=t) df_tmp['v']=0. df_tmp['vx']=0. df_tmp['vy']=0. df_tmp['vz']=0. df_tmp['a']=0. df_tmp['ax']=0. df_tmp['ay']=0. df_tmp['az']=0. df_tmp['subject']='' df_tmp['id']=i df = pd.concat([df,df_tmp]) df = df.sort_index() cols=['id','subject','x','y','z','v','vx','vy','vz','a','ax','ay','az'] self.devdf=df[cols] # if ('HKB' in self.typ) or ('FULL' in selftyp): # self.devdf=self._align_devdf_on_hkb(self.devdf,self.hkb)
[docs] def export_csv(self,**kwargs): """ export to csv devices positions Parameters ---------- unit : string ('mm'|'cm'|'m'), unit of positions in csv(default mm) tunit: string time unit in csv (default 'ns') 'alias': dict dictionnary to replace name of the devices into the csv . example : if you want to replace a device id named 'TCR:34' to an id = 5, you have to add an entry in the alias dictionnary as : alias.update({'TCR34':5}) offset : np.array apply an offset on positions Return ------ a csv file into the folder <PylayersProject>/netsave """ defaults={'unit' :'mm', 'tunit':'ns', 'offset':np.array(([0,0,0])), 'alias':{}} for key, value in defaults.items(): if key not in kwargs: kwargs[key] = value unit=kwargs.pop('unit') tunit=kwargs.pop('tunit') alias = kwargs.pop('alias') if alias == {}: alias={'TCR:49':4 #Nicolas TorsoLeft ,'TCR:34':5 #Nicolas TorsoRight ,'TCR:48':6 #Nicolas Back ,'TCR:36':7 #Nicolas Shoulder ,'TCR:2':8 # Jihad TorsoLeft ,'TCR:35':9 #Jihad TorsoRight ,'TCR:33':10 #Jihad Back ,'TCR:37':11 #Jihad Shoulder ,'TCR:30':12 #Eric Torso ,'TCR:25':13 #Eric Back ,'TCR:26':14 # Eric Shoulder } filename =pyu.getlong(self._filename,pstruc['DIRNETSAVE']) + '.csv' df = copy.deepcopy(self.devdf) ldf = df[['id','x','y','z']] #rename devices if alias != {}: for k in alias: u=ldf['id'] == k ldf.iloc[u.values,0]=str(alias[k]) # fix position unit if unit == 'm': _unit = 1. if unit == 'cm': _unit = 1e2 if unit == 'mm': _unit = 1e3 ldf.loc[:,'x']=ldf.loc[:,'x']*_unit-kwargs['offset'][0] ldf.loc[:,'y']=ldf.loc[:,'y']*_unit-kwargs['offset'][1] ldf.loc[:,'z']=ldf.loc[:,'z']*_unit-kwargs['offset'][2] # fix time unit if tunit == 'ms': _tunit = 1e3 if tunit == 'us': _tunit = 1e6 if tunit == 'ns': _tunit = 1e9 # add timestamp column ldf['Timestamp']=ldf.index*_tunit ldf.to_csv(filename, sep = ' ',index=False)
[docs] def savemat(self): """ save in Matlab Format """ d ={} # Access Point Coordinates pAP1 = self.getdevp(1,t=[0,100]) pAP2 = self.getdevp(2,t=[0,100]) pAP3 = self.getdevp(3,t=[0,100]) pAP4 = self.getdevp(4,t=[0,100]) t = self.hkb.index.values AP=np.array([[pAP1['x'][0],pAP1['y'][0]], [pAP2['x'][0],pAP2['y'][0]], [pAP3['x'][0],pAP3['y'][0]], [pAP4['x'][0],pAP4['y'][0]] ]) pTTR = self.getdevp('TorsoTopRight',techno='HKB',t=[0,100]) pTTL = self.getdevp('TorsoTopLeft',techno='HKB',t=[0,100]) pBC = self.getdevp('BackCenter',techno='HKB',t=[0,100]) d['AP']=AP d['pTTR'] = np.array([pTTR['x'],pTTR['y']]) d['pTTL'] = np.array([pTTL['x'],pTTL['y']]) d['pBC'] = np.array([pBC['x'],pBC['y']]) # observables radios TTR/TTL/BC TTR_1 = self.hkb['AP1-TorsoTopRight'].values TTL_1 = self.hkb['AP1-TorsoTopLeft'].values BC_1 = self.hkb['AP1-BackCenter'].values Rho1R = BC_1-TTR_1 Rho1L = BC_1-TTL_1 RhoM1R = np.nanmax(Rho1R) Rhom1R = np.nanmin(Rho1R) RhoM1L = np.nanmax(Rho1L) Rhom1L = np.nanmin(Rho1L) ### AP2 TTR_2= self.hkb['AP2-TorsoTopRight'].values TTL_2= self.hkb['AP2-TorsoTopLeft'].values BC_2 = self.hkb['AP2-BackCenter'].values Rho2R = BC_2-TTR_2 Rho2L = BC_2-TTL_2 RhoM2R=np.nanmax(Rho2R) Rhom2R=np.nanmin(Rho2R) RhoM2L=np.nanmax(Rho2L) Rhom2L=np.nanmin(Rho2L) ### AP3 TTR_3= self.hkb['AP3-TorsoTopRight'].values TTL_3= self.hkb['AP3-TorsoTopLeft'].values BC_3 = self.hkb['AP3-BackCenter'].values Rho3R = BC_3-TTR_3 Rho3L = BC_3-TTL_3 RhoM3R=np.nanmax(Rho3R) Rhom3R=np.nanmin(Rho3R) RhoM3L=np.nanmax(Rho3L) Rhom3L=np.nanmin(Rho3L) ### AP4 TTR_4= self.hkb['AP4-TorsoTopRight'].values TTL_4= self.hkb['AP4-TorsoTopLeft'].values BC_4 = self.hkb['AP4-BackCenter'].values Rho4R = BC_4-TTR_4 Rho4L = BC_4-TTL_4 RhoM4R=np.nanmax(Rho4R) Rhom4R=np.nanmin(Rho4R) RhoM4L=np.nanmax(Rho4L) Rhom4L=np.nanmin(Rho4L) d['ttr1'] = TTR_1 d['ttr2'] = TTR_2 d['ttr3'] = TTR_3 d['ttr4'] = TTR_4 d['ttl1'] = TTL_1 d['ttl2'] = TTL_2 d['ttl3'] = TTL_3 d['ttl4'] = TTL_4 d['bc1'] = BC_1 d['bc2'] = BC_2 d['bc3'] = BC_3 d['bc4'] = BC_4 d['time']=t[0:10001] vpRC = (pTTR-pBC) vpLC = (pTTL-pBC) vp = (pTTR-pBC)+(pTTL-pBC) # unitary vectors vpRC = array([vpRC['x'],vpRC['y']]) vpLC = array([vpLC['x'],vpLC['y']]) vp = array([vp['x'],vp['y']]) # unitary vectors vpn = vp/np.sqrt(np.sum(vp*vp,axis=0)) vpRCn = vpRC/np.sqrt(np.sum(vpRC*vpRC,axis=0)) vpLCn = vpLC/np.sqrt(np.sum(vpLC*vpLC,axis=0)) # coord des AP p1 = pAP1.ix[0] p2 = pAP2.ix[0] p3 = pAP3.ix[0] p4 = pAP4.ix[0] v1C = p1-pBC v2C = p2-pBC v3C = p3-pBC v4C = p4-pBC v1C = np.array((v1C.x.values,v1C.y.values)) v2C = np.array((v2C.x.values,v2C.y.values)) v3C = np.array((v3C.x.values,v3C.y.values)) v4C = np.array((v4C.x.values,v4C.y.values)) v1Cn = v1C/(sqrt(np.sum(v1C*v1C,axis=0))) v2Cn = v2C/(sqrt(np.sum(v2C*v2C,axis=0))) v3Cn = v3C/(sqrt(np.sum(v3C*v3C,axis=0))) v4Cn = v4C/(sqrt(np.sum(v4C*v4C,axis=0))) cr1 = np.cross(vpn,v1Cn,axis=0) cr2 = np.cross(vpn,v2Cn,axis=0) cr3 = np.cross(vpn,v3Cn,axis=0) cr4 = np.cross(vpn,v4Cn,axis=0) cr1R = np.cross(vpRCn,v1Cn,axis=0) cr2R = np.cross(vpRCn,v2Cn,axis=0) cr3R = np.cross(vpRCn,v3Cn,axis=0) cr4R = np.cross(vpRCn,v4Cn,axis=0) cr1L = np.cross(vpLCn,v1Cn,axis=0) cr2L = np.cross(vpLCn,v2Cn,axis=0) cr3L = np.cross(vpLCn,v3Cn,axis=0) cr4L = np.cross(vpLCn,v4Cn,axis=0) dvpnv1n = sum(vpn*v1Cn,axis=0) dvpnv2n = sum(vpn*v2Cn,axis=0) dvpnv3n = sum(vpn*v3Cn,axis=0) dvpnv4n = sum(vpn*v4Cn,axis=0) dvpnv1Rn = sum(vpRCn*v1Cn,axis=0) dvpnv2Rn = sum(vpRCn*v2Cn,axis=0) dvpnv3Rn = sum(vpRCn*v3Cn,axis=0) dvpnv4Rn = sum(vpRCn*v4Cn,axis=0) dvpnv1Ln = sum(vpLCn*v1Cn,axis=0) dvpnv2Ln = sum(vpLCn*v2Cn,axis=0) dvpnv3Ln = sum(vpLCn*v3Cn,axis=0) dvpnv4Ln = sum(vpLCn*v4Cn,axis=0) alf1R = np.arctan2(cr1R,dvpnv1Rn) alf2R = np.arctan2(cr2R,dvpnv2Rn) alf3R = np.arctan2(cr3R,dvpnv3Rn) alf4R = np.arctan2(cr4R,dvpnv4Rn) alf1L = np.arctan2(cr1L,dvpnv1Ln) alf2L = np.arctan2(cr2L,dvpnv2Ln) alf3L = np.arctan2(cr3L,dvpnv3Ln) alf4L = np.arctan2(cr4L,dvpnv4Ln) d['al1R_gt'] = alf1R d['al2R_gt'] = alf2R d['al3R_gt'] = alf3R d['al4R_gt'] = alf4R d['al1L_gt'] = alf1L d['al2L_gt'] = alf2L d['al3L_gt'] = alf3L d['al4L_gt'] = alf4L d['al1R_est']=np.nan_to_num(al1ebR[0:10001]) d['al2R_est']=np.nan_to_num(al2ebR[0:10001]) d['al3R_est']=np.nan_to_num(al3ebR[0:10001]) d['al4R_est']=np.nan_to_num(al4ebR[0:10001]) d['al1L_est']=np.nan_to_num(al1ebL[0:10001]) d['al2L_est']=np.nan_to_num(al2ebL[0:10001]) d['al3L_est']=np.nan_to_num(al3ebL[0:10001]) d['al4L_est']=np.nan_to_num(al4ebL[0:10001]) _filename = self.filemocap.replace('.c3d','.mat') savemat(_filename,d)
[docs] def getlinkd(self,a,b,techno='',t=''): """ get the distance for a link between devices Parameters ---------- a : str | int name |id b : str | int name |id optional techno : str radio techno t : float | list given time or [start,stop] time Returns ------- dist : np.array() all distances for all timestamps for the given link Examples -------- >>> from pylayers.measures.cormoran import * >>> S = CorSer(serie=6) >>> d = S.getlinkd('AP1','WristLeft',techno='HKB') """ ra = a rb = b a,ia,nna,subjecta,techno = self.devmapper(a,techno) b,ib,nnb,subjectb,techno = self.devmapper(b,techno) df = self.distdf if (nna +'-' + nnb) in self.distdf.keys(): link = nna +'-' + nnb elif (nnb +'-' + nna) in self.distdf.keys(): link = nnb +'-' + nna else : raise AttributeError('Link between ' + str(ra) +' and ' + str(rb) + ' is not available in distdf dataframe') #determine time if isinstance(t,list): tstart = t[0] tstop = t[-1] val = df[(df.index >= tstart) & (df.index <= tstop)][link] elif t == '': val = df[link] else : hstep = (df.index[1]-df.index[0])/2. val = df[(df.index >= t-hstep) & (df.index <= t+hstep)][link] return val
[docs] def getlinkp(self,a,b,technoa='',technob='',t='',fId=''): """ get a link devices positions Parameters ---------- a : str | int name |id b : str | int name |id optional : technoa : str radio techno technob : str radio techno t : float | list given time | [time_start,time_stop] OR fId : int frame id Returns ------- pa,pb : np.array() Examples -------- >>> from pylayers.measures.cormoran import * >>> S=CorSer(serie=34) >>> a,b=S.getlinkp('AP1','WristLeft') """ pa = self.getdevp(a,technoa,t,fId) pb = self.getdevp(b,technob,t,fId) return pa,pb
[docs] def getdevp(self,a,techno='',t='',fId=''): """ get a device position Parameters ---------- a : str | int name |id techno : str radio techno optional : t : float | list given time |[time_start,time_stop] Returns ------- pa : np.array() Examples -------- >>> from pylayers.measures.cormoran import * >>> S=CorSer(serie=34) >>> a=S.getdevp('AP1','WristLeft') """ a,ia,nna,subjecta,techno = self.devmapper(a,techno) device_select = self.devdf['id'] == nna if isinstance(t,list): tstart = t[0] tstop = t[-1] #findex = np.where((self.tmocap>=tstart) & (self.tmocap<=tstop))[0] elif t == '': tstart = 0.0 tstop = 1000000 else : hstep = (self.devdf[device_select].index[1]-self.devdf[device_select].index[0])/2. tstart = t-hstep tstop = t+hstep pa = self.devdf[(self.devdf.index >= tstart) & (self.devdf.index <= tstop) & device_select][['x','y','z']] return pa
[docs] def devmapper(self,a,techno=''): """ retrieve name of device if input is number or retrieve number of device if input is name Parameters ---------- a : str | int name |id |bodyid techno : str radio techno Returns ------- a : string dev name ia : int dev number ba : string dev refernce in body subject : string body owning the device """ subject='' #if a is a bodyid (e.g. 'HKB:16') or a body part (e.g. AnkleRight) if isinstance(a,str): # case where body id is given as input if ('HKB' in a) or ('TCR' in a ) or ('BS' in a ) : ba = a techno, ia = a.split(':') ia=int(ia) try: if techno.upper() == 'TCR': a = self.idTCR[ia] elif (techno.upper() == 'HKB'): a = self.idHKB[ia] elif (techno.upper() == 'BS'): a = self.idBS[ia] except: raise AttributeError('No device ' + a + ' for techno ' +techno) for b in self.B: if not 'Cylindre' in b: if ba in self.B[b].dev.keys(): subject = b break #case where body part (e.g. AnkleRight) is given. Here techno is mandatory else : if techno == '': if self.typ != 'FULL': if self.typ == 'HKBS': raise AttributeError('Please indicate the radio techno in argument : HKB or BS') else : techno = self.typ else: raise AttributeError('Please indicate the radio techno in argument : TCR, HKB, BS') try : if techno.upper() == 'TCR': ia = self.dTCR[a] ba='TCR:'+str(ia) elif (techno.upper() == 'HKB') : ia = self.dHKB[a] ba='HKB:'+str(ia) elif techno.upper() == 'BS': ia = self.dBS[a] ba='BS:'+str(ia) except: raise AttributeError('No device on body part: ' + a + ' for techno ' +techno) for b in self.B: if not 'Cylindre' in b: if ba in self.B[b].dev.keys(): subject = b break # an id (number) is given else: # techno autodetection raise an error if conflict and invite to precise radio techno if techno == '': if hasattr(self,'idHKB'): if a in self.idHKB.keys() : if techno == '': techno = 'HKB' else : raise AttributeError('Please indicate the radio techno in argument : TCR, HKB, BS') if hasattr(self,'idBS'): if a in self.idBS.keys(): if techno == '': techno = 'BS' else : raise AttributeError('Please indicate the radio techno in argument : TCR, HKB, BS') if hasattr(self,'idTCR'): if a in self.idTCR.keys(): if techno == '': techno = 'TCR' else : raise AttributeError('Please indicate the radio techno in argument : TCR, HKB, BS') try : if techno.upper() == 'TCR': ia = a a = self.idTCR[a] ba='TCR:'+str(ia) elif (techno.upper() == 'HKB') : ia = a a = self.idHKB[a] ba='HKB:'+str(ia) elif (techno.upper() == 'BS') : ia = a a = self.idBS[a] ba='BS:'+str(ia) except: raise AttributeError('No device with ID: ' + str(a) + ' for techno ' +techno) for b in self.B: if not 'Cylindre' in b: if ba in self.B[b].dev.keys(): subject = b break return a,ia,ba,subject,techno
[docs] def align(self,devdf,hkbdf): """ DEPRECATED align time of 2 data frames: the time delta of the second data frame is applyied on the first one (e.g. time for devdf donwsampled by hkb data frame time) Parameters ---------- devdf : device dataframe hkbdf : hkbdataframe Return ------ devdfc : aligned copy device dataframe hkbdfc : aligned copy hkbdataframe Examples -------- >>> from pylayers.measures.cormoran import * >>> S=CorSer(6) >>> devdf = S.devdf[S.devdf['id']=='HKB:15'] >>> hkbdf = S.hkb['AP1-AnkleLeft'] >>> devdf2,hkbdf2 = S.align(devdf,hkbdf) """ print ('warning DEPRECATED') devdfc=copy.deepcopy(devdf) hkbdfc=copy.deepcopy(hkbdf) idev = devdfc.index ihkb = hkbdfc.index devdfc.index = pd.to_datetime(idev,unit='s') hkbdfc.index = pd.to_datetime(ihkb,unit='s') import ipdb ipdb.set_trace() sf = (hkbdfc.index[2]-hkbdfc.index[1]).microseconds devdfc= devdfc.resample(str(sf)+'U') devdfc.index = pd.Series([val.time() for val in devdfc.index]) hkbdfc.index = pd.Series([val.time() for val in hkbdfc.index]) return devdfc,hkbdfc
def _apply_offset(self,techno): """ apply offset from self.offset[self._filename][techno+'_index'] if offset >0 add np.nan at the begining if offset <0 first values of self.hkb will be dropped """ if techno == 'HKB': df = self.hkb elif techno == 'TCR': df = self.tcr elif techno == 'BS': df = self.bespo else : raise AttributeError('Unknown tecnology got applying offset') offset = self.offset[self._filename][techno.lower()+'_index'] if offset <= 0 : index = df.index df = df.iloc[-offset:] df.index = index[0:offset] else : #extract time values npahkbi = df.index.values step = npahkbi[1]- npahkbi[0] nstart = npahkbi[0]+ (step * (offset)) df.index = pd.Index(npahkbi + nstart) #add blank at begining df = pd.DataFrame({},columns=df.keys(),index=npahkbi[:offset]) ndf=pd.concat([df,df]) df=ndf if techno == 'HKB': self.thkb = df.index elif techno == 'TCR': self.ttcr = df.index elif techno == 'BS': self.tbs = df.index def _apply_hkb_offset(self): """ apply offset from self.offset[self._filename]['hkb_index'] if offset >0 add np.nan at the begining if offset <0 first values of self.hkb will be dropped """ # offset = self.offset[self._filename]['hkb_index'] # if offset >=0: # self.hkb = self.hkb.iloc[offset:] # else : # # new length # lhkb = len(self.hkb) + (-offset) # #extract time values # npahkbi = self.hkb.index.values # #calculate new termianl time # step = npahkbi[1]- npahkbi[0] # nstop = npahkbi[-1]+ (step * (-offset)) # ni = np.linspace(0,nstop,lhkb) # df = pd.DataFrame({},columns=self.hkb.keys(),index=ni[0:-offset]) # self.hkb.index=pd.Index(ni[-offset:]) # ndf=pd.concat([df,self.hkb]) # self.hkb=ndf offset = self.offset[self._filename]['hkb_index'] if offset <= 0 : index = self.hkb.index self.hkb = self.hkb.iloc[-offset:] self.hkb.index = index[0:offset] else : #extract time values npahkbi = self.hkb.index.values step = npahkbi[1]- npahkbi[0] nstart = npahkbi[0]+ (step * (offset)) self.hkb.index = pd.Index(npahkbi + nstart) #add blank at begining df = pd.DataFrame({},columns=self.hkb.keys(),index=npahkbi[:offset]) ndf=pd.concat([df,self.hkb]) self.hkb=ndf self.thkb = self.hkb.index def _align_on_devdf(self,typ=''): """ align hkb or bs time on device data frame (devdf) time index In place (a.k.a. replace old self.hkb by the resampled one) Parameters ---------- typp : 'HKB' |'BS' Examples -------- >>> from pylayers.measures.cormoran import * >>> S = CorSer(6) >>> devdf = S.devdf[S.devdf['id']=='HKB:15'] >>> hkbdf = S.hkb['AP1-AnkleLeft'] >>> devdf2 = S._align_on_hkb(devdf,hkbdf,typ ='HKB') """ if typ == 'HKB': idf = self.hkb elif typ == 'BS': idf = self.bespo elif typ == 'TCR': idf = self.tcr # mocap time # # 0 0.010001 0.020002 mocapindex = pd.to_datetime(self.tmocap,unit='s') # radio time # 0 0.023 0.0473 idf.index = pd.to_datetime(idf.index,unit='s') sf = (mocapindex[2]-mocapindex[1]).microseconds df = idf.resample(str(sf)+'U',fill_method='ffill') nindex = time2npa(df.index) df.index = pd.Index(nindex) if typ == 'HKB': self.hkb = df elif typ == 'BS': self.bespo = df elif typ == 'TCR': self.tcr = df def _align_devdf_on_hkb(self,devdf,hkbdf): """ NOT USED Practically align time of 2 data frames: the time delta of the second data frame is applyied on the first one (e.g. time for devdf donwsampled by hkb data frame time) Parameters ---------- devdf : device dataframe hkbdf : hkbdataframe Return ------ devdfc : aligned copy device dataframe hkbdfc : aligned copy hkbdataframe Examples -------- >>> from pylayers.measures.cormoran import * >>> S=CorSer(6) >>> devdf = S.devdf[S.devdf['id']=='HKB:15'] >>> hkbdf = S.hkb['AP1-AnkleLeft'] >>> devdf2 = S._align_devdf_on_hkb(devdf,hkbdf) """ devdfc=copy.deepcopy(devdf) hkbdfc=copy.deepcopy(hkbdf) idev = devdfc.index ihkb = hkbdfc.index devdfc.index = pd.to_datetime(idev,unit='s') hkbdfc.index = pd.to_datetime(ihkb,unit='s') sf = (hkbdfc.index[2]-hkbdfc.index[1]).microseconds # cannot resapmple devdf directly because multiple similar index values #need to resampl each groupby separately gb = devdfc.groupby(['id']) #get device id devid,idevid = np.unique(devdfc['id'],return_index=True) #save corresponding subject to each device subject = {devid[i]:devdfc['subject'].iloc[i] for i in idevid} # resample each group separatley dgb={d:gb.get_group(d).resample(str(sf)+'U') for d in devid} #re insert subject and device id information in each resampled group for d in dgb: dgb[d]['subject']=subject[d] dgb[d]['id']=d # create the realigned Dataframe lgb = [dgb[d] for d in dgb] df = pd.concat(lgb) df.sort_index(inplace=True) nindex = time2npa(df.index) df.index = pd.Index(nindex) cols=['id','subject','x','y','z','v','vx','vy','vz','a','ax','ay','az'] df=df[cols] return df
[docs]def dist_sh2rssi(dist,Ssh,offsetdB=15): """ Parameters ---------- dist Ssh offsetdB : float """ if type(dist)==pd.Series: z1 = 10*np.log10((1./dist**2)).values else: z1 = 10*np.log10((1./dist**2)) u = np.where(Ssh[0]==1)[0] z1[u] = z1[u]-offsetdB z1 = z1-np.mean(z1) return(z1)
# z2 = Srssi.values # z2m = np.mean(z2[~np.isnan(z2)]) # z2[np.isnan(z2)]=z2m # z2 = z2-np.mean(z2) # z1n = z1/np.sqrt(np.sum(z1*z1)) # z2n = z2/np.sqrt(np.sum(z2*z2)) # cn,dec,ratio = resync(z1n,z2n) # tdec.append(dec) #tratio.append(ratio) #if ratio > maxratio: # maxratio = ratio # def get_data(self,a,b): # T=self.tcr[a+'-'+b] #'-tcr' # H=self.hkb[a+'-'+b] #'-hkb' # udhk = self.accessdm(a,b,'HKB') # udtcr = self.accessdm(a,b,'HKB') # dist_tcr=self.dist[:,udtcr[0],udtcr[1]] # dist_hkb=self.dist[:,udhk[0],udhk[1]] # tdist=np.linspace(0,self.dist.shape[0]/100.,self.dist.shape[0]) # D_tcr=pd.Series(dist_tcr,index=tdist) # = 'dist-tcr' # D_hkb=pd.Series(dist_hkb,index=tdist) # = 'dist-hkb' # return T,H,D_tcr,D_hkb # def get_dataframes(self,a,b): # """ assemble all series in a DataFrame # """ # T,H,DT,DH = self.get_data(a,b) # NH=(np.sqrt(1/(10**(H/10)))/4e4) # NHc=NH-NH.mean() # DHc=DH-DH.mean() # inh = NHc.index # idh = DHc.index # NHc.index = pd.to_datetime(inh,unit='m') # DHc.index = pd.to_datetime(idh,unit='m') # sD = (DHc.index[1]-DHc.index[0]) # sf= str(int(sD.microseconds*1e-3)) + 'ms' # NHcr = NHc.resample(sf,fill_method='ffill') # return NHcr,DHc