Source code for pylayers.gis.osmparser

# -*- moding: utf-8 -*-
Module OSMParser

.. currentmodule:: pylayers.gis.osmparser

.. autosummary::

from osmapi import OsmApi
import geocoder as geo
import sys
import urllib

if sys.version_info.major == 2:
    from  urllib2 import urlopen
    from  urllib.request import urlopen

from pylayers.util.project import *
import pylayers.util.pyutil as pyu
import pylayers.util.geomutil as geu
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
from matplotlib.collections import PolyCollection
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import xml.etree.ElementTree as xml

import pdb

# classes that handle the OSM data file format.
[docs]class Way(object): """ A Way is a polyline or a Polygon (if closed) typ : 0 Polygon 1 LineString """ def __init__(self, refs, tags, coords): """ object constructor Parameters ---------- refs : tags : coords : nodes_sign : int if data comes from osm nodes are >0 in ways sequence if data comes from josm editor nodes are <0 ways sequence """ self.refs = refs self.tags = tags N = len(refs) p = np.zeros((2, N)) self.valid = True for k, nid in enumerate(refs): try: p[0, k] = coords.xy[nid][0] p[1, k] = coords.xy[nid][1] except: self.valid=False break # closed way or open way if self.valid: if (N>=4) & (refs[0]==refs[-1]): self.shp = geu.Polygon(p) self.typ = 0 else: self.shp = geu.LineString(p) self.typ = 1 def __repr__(self): st = '' st = st + str(self.tags) + ':' + str(self.refs) return(st)
[docs] def show(self,fig=[],ax=[]): """ show way Parameters ---------- fig : matplotlib figure ax : axes """ fig, ax = self.shp.plot(fig=fig, ax=ax) return fig, ax
[docs]class Coords(object): """ Coords describes a set of points in OSM Attributes ---------- xy : latlon : cpt : minlon : maxlon : minlat : maxlat : boundary : np.array (minlon,minlat,maxlon,maxlat) Notes ----- """ cpt = 0 latlon = {} xy = {} minlon = 1000 maxlon = -1000 minlat = 1000 maxlat = -1000 def __init__(self,idx=[],latlon=[]): """ """ if latlon!=[]: for k,ix in enumerate(idx): self.latlon[k]=np.array(latlon[k][0],latlon[k][1]) def __repr__(self): st = '' for k in self.xy: st = st + str(k)+ ':' + str(self.xy[k])+'\n' st = st+ 'Ncoords = '+ str(len(self.xy))+'\n' return(st)
[docs] def filter(self,lexcluded): for ix in lexcluded: self.latlon.pop(-np.abs(ix)) self.xy.pop(-np.abs(ix)) self.cpt-=1
[docs] def clean(self): """ reset coordinates """ self.cpt = 0 self.latlon={} self.xy = {} self.minlon = 1000 self.maxlon = -1000 self.minlat = 1000 self.maxlat = -1000
[docs] def coords(self, coords): """ calculates extrema of coords Parameters ---------- coords """ # callback method for coords for osmid, lon, lat in coords: self.latlon[osmid] = np.array([lon, lat]) # find extrema self.minlon = min(lon,self.minlon) self.maxlon = max(lon,self.maxlon) self.minlat = min(lat,self.minlat) self.maxlat = max(lat,self.maxlat) self.cpt += 1 self.boundary = np.array([self.minlon,self.minlat,self.maxlon,self.maxlat])
[docs] def cartesian(self, cart=False, delta=0, projection='cass'): """ convert Latitude/Longitude in cartesian Parameters ---------- cart : Boolean conversion to cartesian delta : offset default 0 : in this case the origin corresponds to the lower left point projection = ['aeqd','gnom','ortho','geos','nsper','moll','lcc','laea','cass'] Notes ----- This method converts latlon coordinates into cartesian x,y coordinates in a given projection (Default Cassini) relatively to specified latlon boundary The basemap objet for back and forth coordinates conversion is returned. The transformation is centered on the mean of latitude and longitude. The cartesian origin (0,0) correspond to the lower left corner (lonmin,latmin) Returns ------- m : Basemap converter Warning ------- If boundary is modified cartesian coordinates change. """ bd = self.boundary print(bd) lon_0 = (bd[0]+bd[2])/2. lat_0 = (bd[1]+bd[3])/2. m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=bd[0]-delta, llcrnrlat=bd[1]-delta, urcrnrlon=bd[2]+delta, urcrnrlat=bd[3]+delta, resolution='i', projection = projection, lon_0=lon_0, lat_0=lat_0) for kid in self.latlon: if cart: x, y = m(self.latlon[kid][0], self.latlon[kid][1]) else: x, y = (self.latlon[kid][0], self.latlon[kid][1]) self.xy[kid] = np.array([x,y]) return(m)
[docs] def from_nodes(self,nodes): """ read coordinates from nodes Parameters ---------- nodes : Nodes """ for osmid in nodes.node: lon = nodes.node[osmid]['lonlat'][0] lat = nodes.node[osmid]['lonlat'][1] self.latlon[osmid] = np.array([lon,lat]) # find extrema self.minlon = min(lon,self.minlon) self.maxlon = max(lon,self.maxlon) self.minlat = min(lat,self.minlat) self.maxlat = max(lat,self.maxlat) self.cpt += 1 self.boundary = np.array([self.minlon, self.minlat, self.maxlon, self.maxlat])
[docs]class Nodes(object): """ osm Nodes container """ node = {} cpt = 0
[docs] def nodes(self,nodes): """ parse tagged nodes """ for osmid, tags, coords in nodes: self.node[osmid] = {} self.node[osmid]['tags'] = tags self.node[osmid]['lonlat'] = coords lon = coords[0] lat = coords[1] self.cpt += 1
def __repr__(self): st = '' for kid in self.node: st = st+str(kid) + ' : ' + str(self.node[kid]['lonlat'])+'\n' return(st)
[docs] def clean(self): self.node= {} self.cpt = 0
[docs] def readmap(self,osmmap): """ read nodes from a map """ for item in osmmap: if item['type']=='node': osmid = -item['data']['id'] if osmid>0: osmid = -osmid lon = item['data']['lon'] lat = item['data']['lat'] self.node[osmid]={} self.node[osmid]['tags'] = item['data']['tag'] self.node[osmid]['lonlat'] = (lon,lat) self.cpt += 1
[docs]class Ways(object): """ Attributes ---------- w : dict way : dict cpt : int way counter Methods ------- ways eval show """ w = {} way = {} cpt = 0
[docs] def ways(self, ways): """ general callback function """ for osmid, tags, refs in ways: self.w[osmid] = [refs,tags] self.cpt += 1
def __repr__(self): st = '' for kid in self.w: st = st + str(self.w[kid])+'\n' return st
[docs] def clean(self): """ clean ways """ self.w = {} self.way = {} self.cpt = 0
[docs] def building(self, ways, height=8.5, min_heigh=0): """ building callback function Parameters ---------- ways : Ways height : float """ for osmid, tags, refs in ways: if 'building' in tags: ntags ={} # height : from ground to roof top if 'height' in tags: ntags['height'] = tags['height'] elif 'building:height' in tags: ntags['height'] = tags['building:height'] else: ntags['height'] = height # min_height : from ground to roof top if 'building:min_height' in tags: ntags['min_height'] = tags['building:min_height'] elif 'min_height' in tags: ntags['min_height'] = tags['min_height'] else: ntags['min_height'] = min_height # material : from ground to roof top if 'building:material' in tags: ntags['material'] = tags['building:material'] elif 'material' in tags: ntags['material'] = tags['material'] else: ntags['material'] = 'WALL' self.w[osmid] = [refs, ntags] self.cpt += 1
def toway(self,coords): """ convert into a Way object Parameters ---------- coords : osm coordinates """ for osmid in self.w: refs = self.w[osmid][0] tags = self.w[osmid][1] away = Way(refs, tags, coords) if away.valid: self.way[osmid] = away
[docs] def show(self, typ=2, **kwargs): """ show all way Parameters ---------- fig : figure ax : axe typ : 0|1|2 (default) 0 : display only way of typ 0 (Polygon) 1 : display only way of typ 1 (Linestring) 2 : display all way (default) """ if 'fig' not in kwargs: fig = plt.figure(**kwargs) else: fig = kwargs['fig'] if 'ax' not in kwargs: ax = fig.gca() else: ax = kwargs['ax'] lpoly = [] lonmin = 360 lonmax = -360 latmin = 360 latmax = -360 for b in self.way: if typ==0: if self.way.typ == 0: p =ways.way[b].shp if typ==1: if self.way.typ == 1: p = self.way[b].shp if typ==2: p = self.way[b].shp lpoly.append(p) city = PolyCollection(lpoly,closed=False) ax.axis((lonmin,lonmax,latmin,latmax)) ax.add_collection(city) ax.autoscale_view() plt.axis('scaled') return(fig,ax)
[docs] def tomaska(self,m,lonlat=True): """ convert to masked array Parameters ---------- m : Basemap object for converting to and from map projection coordinates lonlat : boolean returns in WGS84 format if True Returns ------- ptma : masked array """ tpt = np.empty((2,)) mask = np.ones((2,)) N = len(self.way.keys()) for k,b in enumerate(self.way): # retrieve PolyGon or LineString # progress bar if k%1000==0: print(k,N) shp = self.way[b].shp if type(shp)==geu.Polygon: pa = self.way[b].shp.ndarray() Np = np.shape(pa)[1] for ip in range(Np+1): tpt = np.vstack((tpt,pa[:,ip%Np])) mask = np.vstack((mask,np.array([[0,0]]))) tpt = np.vstack((tpt,np.array([[0,0]]))) mask = np.vstack((mask,np.array([[1,1]]))) if lonlat: (lon,lat) = m(tpt[:,0],tpt[:,1],inverse=True) tpt = np.vstack([lon,lat]).T #vertices =, mask) #return(vertices) return(tpt,mask)
[docs] def showold(self,fig=[],ax=[]): """ show ways Parameters ---------- fig ax """ if fig==[]: fig = plt.figure() elif ax==[]: ax = fig.gca() for b in self.way: tags = self.way[b].tags if ('building' in tags) | ('buildingpart' in tags): print("buildingpart found") try: poly = self.way[b].shp if 'building:roof:colour' in tags: col = '#'+tags['building:roof:colour'] else: col = '#abcdef' fig, ax = poly.plot(fig=fig, ax=ax,color=col) except: print("building: ",b," is not a polygon") plt.axis('scaled') return(fig,ax)
def readmap1(self, osmmap, coords): """ read ways from a map osmmap : OSM Map from josm file coords : coords object previously parsed """ for item in osmmap: if item['type']=='way': way = item['data'] osmid = way['id'] refs_neg = way['nd'] # nodes should have negative index (PyLayers convention) tags = way['tag'] if 'z' in tags: z = tags['z'] if type(z) == str: z = eval(z) if type(z[0])==str: z = (eval(z[0]),eval(z[1])) tags['z'] = z self.w[osmid] = [refs_neg,tags] self.cpt += 1 self.toway(coords) def readmap2(self, osmmap, coords, typ='building'): """ read ways from a map osmmap : OSM Map in json from OsmAPI coords : coords object previously parsed typ : string type of ways to capture """ ltree =[] for item in osmmap: # parse trees if item['type']=='node': node = item['data'] tags = node['tag'] if 'natural' in tags: if tags['natural']=='tree': ltree.append((node['lon'],node['lat'])) if item['type']=='way': way = item['data'] tags = way['tag'] if typ in tags: osmid = way['id'] refs_neg = way['nd'] refs_neg = [ -x for x in refs_neg if x >0] ntags = {} # nodes should have negative index (PyLayers convention) if 'height' in tags: ntags['height'] = tags['height'] elif 'building:height' in tags: ntags['height'] = tags['building:height'] # min_height : from ground to roof top if 'building:min_height' in tags: ntags['min_height'] = tags['building:min_height'] elif 'min_height' in tags: ntags['min_height'] = tags['min_height'] # material : from ground to roof top if 'building:material' in tags: ntags['material'] = tags['building:material'] elif 'material' in tags: ntags['material'] = tags['material'] if 'z' in tags: z = tags['z'] if type(z) == str: z = eval(z) if type(z[0])==str: z = (eval(z[0]),eval(z[1])) ntags['z'] = z #print('osmparser readmap2',ntags) self.w[osmid] = [refs_neg, ntags] self.cpt += 1 self.toway(coords) return(ltree)
[docs]class Relations(object): relation = {} cpt = 0
[docs] def relations(self,rels): for osmid,tags,member in rels: self.relation[osmid]={} self.relation[osmid]['tags']=tags self.relation[osmid]['members']=member self.cpt = self.cpt+1
[docs] def clean(self): self.relation= {} self.cpt = 0
[docs]class FloorPlan(nx.DiGraph): """ FloorPlan class derived from nx.DigGraph Methods ------- build : recursive construction of floor plan show : show the floor plan """ def __init__(self,rootid,coords,nodes,ways,relations): """ object constructor Parameters ---------- rootid coords nodes ways relations """ nx.DiGraph.__init__(self) self.rootid=rootid self.coords = coords self.nodes = nodes self.ways = ways self.relations = relations def __repr__(self): st = str(self.rootid)+'\n' levels = nx.neighbors(self,self.rootid) st = st + '---'+'\n' for l in levels: nw = len(nx.neighbors(self,l)) st = st + str(l)+' : '+ str(nw) + '\n' return(st)
[docs] def build(self,typ,eid): """ Notes : recursive construction Parameters ---------- typ : string 'relation' | 'way' | 'node' """ if typ=='relation': tags = self.relations.relation[eid]['tags'] members = self.relations.relation[eid]['members'] if typ=='way': tags = self.ways.way[eid].tags members = self.ways.way[eid].refs if typ=='node': try: tags = self.nodes.node[eid]['tags'] except: tags = None members = None self.add_node(eid,tags=tags,type=typ) if members is not None: for m in members: if typ=='relation': eidn = m[0] typn = m[1] if typ=='way': eidn = m typn = 'node' self.add_edge(eid,eidn) #self =,eid=eidn),eid=eidn)
[docs] def show(self,nid=None,fig=[],ax=[]): """ show the floorplan Parameters ---------- nid : int fig : plt.figure ax : """ if fig==[]: fig = plt.figure() elif ax==[]: ax = fig.gca() if nid ==None: nid = self.rootid nb = nx.neighbors(self,nid) for k in nb: #print k,self.node[k]['type'],self.node[k]['tags'] if self.node[k]['type']=='way': fig,ax = self.ways.way[k].show(fig=fig,ax=ax) else: fig,ax =,fig=fig,ax=ax) return fig,ax
# # Functions # getbdg # #
[docs]def getosm(**kwargs): """ get osm region from osmapi Parameters ---------- address : string latlon : tuple or 0 dist_m : float bcart : boolean level_height : float typical level height for deriving building height from # levels typical_height : float typical height for building when no information Returns ------- coords nodes ways dpoly m latlon : tuple or 0 Notes ----- There are 3 ways to read an Open Street Map structure 1 - From an osm file ex : filename = 'B11.osm' 2 - From an osm (lat,lon) string or tuple of float 3 - From an osm address string if latlon tuple is precised, it has priority over the address string """ filename = kwargs.pop('filename','') bcart = kwargs.pop('cart', False) typ = kwargs.pop('typ','indoor') level_height = kwargs.pop('level_height', 3.45) typical_height = kwargs.pop('typical_height', 10) bexcluded = kwargs.pop('bexcluded', False) # from coordinates if filename == '': address = kwargs.pop('address','Rennes') latlon = kwargs.pop('latlon', 0) dist_m = kwargs.pop('dist_m', 400) rad_to_deg = (180/np.pi) if latlon == 0: resp = geo.arcgis(address) try: lat = resp.geojson['features'][0]['properties']['lat'] lon = resp.geojson['features'][0]['properties']['lng'] except: print(place) else: lat = latlon[0] lon = latlon[1] rad_to_deg = (180/np.pi) # if latlon == 0: # place = geo.osm(address) # try: # lat, lon = place.latlng # except: # print(place) # else: # lat = latlon[0] # lon = latlon[1] r_earth = 6370e3 alpha = (dist_m/r_earth)*rad_to_deg # # get map from OsmApi (Database query) # same extension in longitude and latitude # Osm = OsmApi() osmmap = Osm.Map(lon-alpha, lat-alpha, lon+alpha, lat+alpha) else: # # get map from osm (xml) file # type : 'node' # 'ways' # latlon = 0 e = xml.parse(filename).getroot() osmmap = [] lnode_key = ['id', 'lat', 'lon'] lway_key = ['id'] for i in e: d = {} d['type'] = i.tag d['data'] = i.attrib #print(i.tag) if d['type'] == 'node': for k in lnode_key: try: d['data'][k] = eval(d['data'][k]) except: pass if k == 'id': if not 'action' in d['data']: d['data'][k] = -d['data'][k] d['data']['tag'] = {} elif d['type'] == 'way': lk = i.getchildren() nd = [] tag = {} for k in lk: if k.tag == 'nd': nd.append(eval(k.get('ref'))) if k.tag == 'tag': tag[k.get('k')] = k.get('v') d['data']['nd'] = nd d['data']['tag'] = tag # for k in lway_key: # lk = k.get_children() # print(lk) # d['data'][k]=eval(d['data'][k]) # d['data']['visible']=eval(d['data']['visible']) osmmap.append(d) nodes = Nodes() nodes.clean() nodes.readmap(osmmap) coords = Coords() coords.clean() coords.from_nodes(nodes) m = coords.cartesian(cart=bcart) ways = Ways() ways.clean() lat = coords.latlon[list(coords.latlon.keys())[0]][0] lon = coords.latlon[list(coords.latlon.keys())[0]][1] if typ == 'indoor': ways.readmap1(osmmap, coords) else: ltree = ways.readmap2(osmmap, coords) # list of nodes involved in buildings lnodes_id=[] for iw in ways.w: lnodes_id += ways.w[iw][0] # list of all nodes involved in buildings lnodes_id = np.unique(np.array(lnodes_id)) # list of all nodes lnodes_full = np.unique(np.array(list(coords.latlon.keys()))) # intersection True if nodes not involved in building mask = np.in1d(lnodes_full, lnodes_id, invert=True) # nodes not involved in buildings if typ != 'indoor' and bexcluded: lexcluded = lnodes_full[mask] coords.filter(lexcluded) dpoly = {} for iw in ways.w: ways.way[iw].tags = {} # # slab and materials extraction # if 'material' in ways.w[iw][1]: ways.way[iw].tags['slab']=ways.w[iw][1]['material'] elif 'building:material' in ways.w[iw][1]: ways.way[iw].tags['slab']=ways.w[iw][1]['building:material'] else: ways.way[iw].tags['slab']='WALL' # min_height if 'building:min_height' in ways.w[iw][1]: min_height = eval(ways.w[iw][1]['building:min_height']) else: min_height = 0 # height if 'height' in ways.w[iw][1]: ways.way[iw].tags['z'] = (min_height, eval(ways.w[iw][1]['height'])) elif 'building:height' in ways.w[iw][1]: ways.way[iw].tags['z'] = (min_height, eval(ways.w[iw][1]['building:height'])) elif 'building:levels' in ways.w[iw][1]: nb_levels = eval(ways.w[iw][1]['building:levels']) if type(nb_levels)!=int: try: nb_levels = max(nb_levels) except: nb_levels=2 ways.way[iw].tags['z'] = (min_height, nb_levels*level_height) elif 'levels' in ways.w[iw][1]: nb_levels = eval(ways.w[iw][1]['levels']) if type(nb_levels)!=int: try: nb_levels=max(nb_levels) except: nb_levels=2 ways.way[iw].tags['z'] = (min_height, nb_levels*level_height) else: ways.way[iw].tags['z'] = (0,typical_height) ptpoly = [coords.xy[x] for x in ways.w[iw][0]] dpoly[iw] = geu.Polygon(ptpoly, vnodes=ways.w[iw][0]) dpoly[iw].coorddeter() return coords, nodes, ways, m, (lat,lon), dpoly
[docs]def extract(alat,alon,fileosm,fileout): """ extraction of an osm sub region using osmconvert Parameters ---------- alat : array of latitude (1xn) alon : array of longitude (1xn) fileosm : source osm file filout : output osm file Returns ------- m : Basemap oject for coordinates conversion Notes ----- This function takes two (1xn) arrays of latitude an longitude values Calculates extrema of those values. Invokes osmconvert script on a source fileosm and extract the corresponding zone in the fileout file. The functions returns a basemap object for coordinates conversion on this file. """ latmax = alat.max() latmin = alat.min() lonmax = alon.max() lonmin = alon.min() lon_0=(lonmax+lonmin)/2 lat_0=(latmax+latmin)/2 command = 'osmconvert -b='+str(lonmin)+','\ + str(latmin)+','+str(lonmax)+','\ + str(latmax)+' '+fileosm +' > '+ fileout+'.osm' print(command) os.system(command) m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=lonmin,llcrnrlat=latmin,urcrnrlon=lonmax,urcrnrlat=latmax, resolution='i',projection='cass',lon_0=lon_0,lat_0=lat_0) return(m)
[docs]def getbdg(fileosm,verbose=False): """ get building from osm file Parameters ---------- fileosm : string Returns ------- zone : list of Polygon """ coords,nodes,ways,relation,m = osmparse(fileosm,typ='outdoor',verbose=verbose) zone = [] for w in ways.way: zone.append(ways.way[w].shp) return(zone)
[docs]def buildingsparse(filename): """ parse buildings Parameters ---------- filename : string """ coords,nodes,ways,relations,m = osmparse(filename) for bid in relations.relation: tags = relations.relation[bid]['tags'] if tags['type']=='outdoor': print("Constructing Indoor building ", bid) bdg = FloorPlan(bid,coords,nodes,ways,relations)'relation',eid=bid) return bdg,m