Source code for pylayers.antprop.rays

# -*- coding: latin1 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
.. currentmodule:: pylayers.antprop.rays

.. autosummary::

import doctest
import os
import sys
import glob
#    from tvtk.api import tvtk
#    from mayavi.sources.vtk_data_source import VTKDataSource
    from mayavi import mlab
    print('Layout:Mayavi is not installed')
import pdb
import os
import copy
if sys.version_info.major==2:
    import ConfigParser
    import configparser
import glob
import doctest
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm
import struct as stru
import pylayers.util.geomutil as geu
import pylayers.util.pyutil as pyu
from pylayers.util.project import *
from pylayers.antprop.interactions import *
from pylayers.antprop.slab import *
from import Ctilde
from pylayers.gis.layout import Layout
import pylayers.signal.bsignal as bs
import shapely.geometry as shg
import h5py
import operator

[docs]class Rays(PyLayers, dict): """ Class handling a set of rays Attributes ---------- pTx : np.array transmitter (3,) pRx : np.array receiver (3,) B : IntB B0 : IntB I : Interactions I.I : np.array (f,nI,3,3) I.T : IntT I.T.A : np.array (f,iT,3,3) I.R : IntR I.R.A : np.array (f,iR,3,3) I.D : IntD I.D.A : np.array (f,iD,3,3) Lfilename : string Layout name delays : np.array ray delays dis : np.array ray distance = delays*0.3 nray : int number of rays evaluated : boolean are rays evaluated ? is3D : boolean are rays 2d or 3d rays ? isbased : boolean locbas has been applied ? filles : boolean filled has been applied ? los : boolean Line of sight boolean fGHz : np.array frequency points for evaluation origin_sig_name : string signature file which produces the rays Notes ----- The Rays object is obtained from a signature. It is a container for a set of rays between a source and a target point defining a radio link. Once a Rays object has been obtained in 2D, it is transformed in 3D via the **to3D** method. This method takes two parameters : the height from floor to ceil, and the number N of multiple reflections to account for. Once the 3d rays have been calculated, the local basis are evaluated along those rays. This is done through the **locbas** method Once the local basis have been calculated the different interactions along rays can be informed via the **fillinter** method. Once the interactions are informed the field along rays can be evaluated via the **eval** method """ def __init__(self, pTx, pRx): """ object constructor Parameters ---------- pTx : np.array transmitter coordinates pRx : np.array receiver coordinates """ self.pTx = pTx self.pRx = pRx self.nray = 0 self.nray2D = 0 self.raypt = 0 self.los = False self.is3D = False self.isbased = False self.filled = False self.evaluated = False def __len__(self): Nray = 0 for k in self.keys(): sh = np.shape(self[k]['sig']) Nray = Nray + sh[2] return Nray # def __add__(self,r): # if (not r.is3D) and (not r.isbased) and (not self.is3D) and (not self.isbased) : # raise AttributeError('both Ray structures must be 3D and based to be added') # for ni in r: # if self.has_key(ni): # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() # # check if som rays already exists # # if so, don't add them # lur = np.array([]) # for ur in range(self[ni]['pt'].shape[2]): # udifferent = np.where(np.all(np.all(r[ni]['pt'][...,ur][...,None]!=self[ni]['pt'],axis=0),axis=0))[0] # lur = np.hstack((lur,udifferent )) # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() # self[ni]['pt'] = np.concatenate((self[ni]['pt'],r[ni]['pt']),axis=2) # self[ni]['sig'] = np.concatenate((self[ni]['sig'],r[ni]['sig']),axis=2) # self[ni]['si'] = np.concatenate((self[ni]['si'],r[ni]['si']),axis=1) # self[ni]['rayidx'] = np.concatenate((self[ni]['rayidx'],r[ni]['rayidx']),axis=0) # self[ni]['dis'] = np.concatenate((self[ni]['dis'],r[ni]['dis']),axis=0) # self[ni]['vsi'] = np.concatenate((self[ni]['vsi'],r[ni]['vsi']),axis=1) # self[ni]['nbrays'] += 1 # if ni != 0: # self[ni]['BiN'] = np.concatenate((self[ni]['BiN'],r[ni]['BiN']),axis=2) # self[ni]['Bi'] = np.concatenate((self[ni]['Bi'],r[ni]['Bi']),axis=3) # self[ni]['Bo'] = np.concatenate((self[ni]['Bo'],r[ni]['Bo']),axis=3) # self[ni]['Bo0'] = np.concatenate((self[ni]['Bo0'],r[ni]['Bo0']),axis=2) # self[ni]['scpr'] = np.concatenate((self[ni]['scpr'],r[ni]['scpr']),axis=1) # self[ni]['norm'] = np.concatenate((self[ni]['norm'],r[ni]['norm']),axis=2) # self[ni]['B'] = np.concatenate((self[ni]['B'],r[ni]['B']),axis=3) # self[ni]['aod'] = np.concatenate((self[ni]['aod'],r[ni]['aod']),axis=1) # self[ni]['aoa'] = np.concatenate((self[ni]['aoa'],r[ni]['aoa']),axis=1) # self[ni]['theta'] = np.concatenate((self[ni]['theta'],r[ni]['theta']),axis=1) # if r[ni].has_key('diffidx'): # if self[ni].has_key('diffidx'): # self[ni]['diffidx'] = np.concatenate((self[ni]['diffidx'],r[ni]['diffidx'])) # self[ni]['diffvect'] = np.concatenate((self[ni]['diffvect'],r[ni]['diffvect']),axis=1) # self[ni]['diffslabs'].append(r[ni]['diffslabs']) # else: # self[ni]['diffidx'] = r['diffidx'] # self[ni]['diffvect'] = r['diffvect'] # self[ni]['diffslabs'] = r['diffslabs'] # else: # self[ni]=r[ni] def __repr__(self): s = '' ni = 0 nl = 0 lgi = list(self.keys()) lgi.sort() if self.is3D: s = self.__class__.__name__ + '3D\n' + '----------'+'\n' for k in lgi: r = self[k]['rayidx'] nr = len(r) s = s + str(k)+' / '+str(nr)+ ' : '+str(r)+'\n' ni = ni + nr*k nl = nl + nr*(2*k+1) nray2D = self.nray2D else: s = self.__class__.__name__ + '2D\n' + '----------'+'\n' nray2D = len(self) if self.los: s = s + "LOS " if self.isbased: s = s + "based " if self.filled: s = s + "filled " s = s + '\n' s = s + 'N2Drays : '+ str(nray2D) + '\n' if hasattr(self,'nb_origin_sig'): s = s + 'from '+ str(self.nb_origin_sig) + ' signatures\n' s = s + '#Rays/#Sig: '+ str(nray2D/(1.*self.nb_origin_sig) ) s = s + '\npTx : '+ str(self.pTx) + '\npRx : ' + str(self.pRx)+'\n' if not self.is3D: ray_cpt = 0 for k in lgi: #sk = np.shape(self[k]['sig'])[2] s = s + str(k) + ':\n' sig = self[k]['sig'][0,:] sha0 = sig.shape[0] sha1 = sig.shape[1] #pdb.set_trace() for l in np.arange(sha1): s = s + ' '+str(ray_cpt)+':' ray_cpt +=1 for n in np.arange(sha0): s = s + ' '+str(sig[n,l]) s = s+'\n' #pdb.set_trace() #s = s + str(sk) + 'rays with' + str(k) + ' interactions' return(s)
[docs] def saveh5(self,idx=0): """ save rays in hdf5 format Parameters ---------- idx : int See Also -------- loadh5 """ filename = self.filename+'_'+str(idx) filenameh5=pyu.getlong(filename+'.h5',pstruc['DIRR3D']) # try/except to avoid loosing the h5 file if # read/write error try: f=h5py.File(filenameh5,'w') # keys not saved as attribute of h5py file notattr = ['I','B','B0','delays','dis'] for a in self.__dict__.keys(): if a not in notattr: f.attrs[a]=getattr(self,a) for k in self.keys(): f.create_group(str(k)) for kk in self[k].keys(): if kk == 'sig2d': # Need to find an efficient way to save the signatures # 2d which have created the rays pass elif kk == 'nbrays': f[str(k)].create_dataset(kk,shape=(1,),data=np.array([self[k][kk]])) else: f[str(k)].create_dataset(kk,shape=np.shape(self[k][kk]),data=self[k][kk]) f.close() except: f.close() raise NameError('Rays: issue when writting h5py file') print(filenameh5)
[docs] def loadh5(self,filename=[],idx=0): """ load rays hdf5 format Parameters ---------- idx : int """ if filename == []: filenameh5 = self.filename+'_'+str(idx)+'.h5' else : filenameh5 = filename filename=pyu.getlong(filenameh5,pstruc['DIRR3D']) print(filename) # try/except to avoid loosing the h5 file if # read/write error try: f = h5py.File(filename,'r') for k in f.keys(): self.update({eval(k):{}}) for kk in f[k].keys(): self[eval(k)].update({kk:f[k][str(kk)][:]}) for a,va in f.attrs.items(): setattr(self,a,va) f.close() except: f.close() raise NameError('Rays: issue when reading h5py file') # fill if save was filled # temporary solution in order to avoid # creating save for Interactions classes if self.filled: #Lname = self.Lfilename Lname = '_'.join(self.filename.split('_')[0:-1]) + '.lay' #Lname = self.filename.split('_')[0] + '.lay' L=Layout(Lname) self.fillinter(L) if self.evaluated: return self.val(self.fGHz)
def _saveh5(self,filenameh5,grpname): """ Save rays h5py format compliant with Links Class Parameters ---------- filenameh5 : string filename of the h5py file (from Links Class) grpname : string groupname of the h5py file (from Links Class) See Also -------- pylayers.simul.links """ filenameh5=pyu.getlong(filenameh5,pstruc['DIRLNK']) # try/except to avoid loosing the h5 file if # read/write error #try: fh5=h5py.File(filenameh5,'a') if self.is3D: if not grpname in fh5['ray'].keys(): fh5['ray'].create_group(grpname) else : print('ray/'+grpname +'already exists in '+filenameh5) f = fh5['ray/'+grpname] else: if not grpname in fh5['ray2'].keys(): fh5['ray2'].create_group(grpname) else : print('ray2/'+grpname +'already exists in '+filenameh5) f = fh5['ray2/'+grpname] # keys not saved as attribute of h5py file notattr = ['I','B','B0','dis'] for a in self.__dict__.keys(): if a not in notattr: if type(a)==str: a.encode('utf-8') if a=='_luw': la = [ x.encode('utf8') for x in getattr(self,a) ] f.attrs[a] = la else: f.attrs[a] = getattr(self,a) for k in self.keys(): f.create_group(str(k)) for kk in self[k].keys(): if kk == 'sig2d': # Need to find an efficient way to save the signatures # 2d which have created the rays pass elif kk == 'nbrays': f[str(k)].create_dataset(kk,shape=(1,),data=np.array([self[k][kk]])) else: if kk=='diffslabs': ldiffslabs = [ x.encode('utf8') for x in self[k][kk] ] f[str(k)].create_dataset(kk,shape=np.shape(self[k][kk]),data=ldiffslabs) else: f[str(k)].create_dataset(kk,shape=np.shape(self[k][kk]),data=self[k][kk]) fh5.close() #except: # fh5.close() # raise NameError('Rays: issue when writting h5py file') def _loadh5(self,filenameh5,grpname,**kwargs): """ load rays h5py format compliant with Links Class Parameters ---------- filenameh5 : string filename of the h5py file (from Links Class) grpname : string groupname of the h5py file (from Links Class) kwargs may contain a L: layout object if L = [] the layout is loaded from the layout name stored into the h5 file if L = Layout the layout passed in arg is used See Also -------- pylayers.simul.links """ filename=pyu.getlong(filenameh5,pstruc['DIRLNK']) # try/except to avoid loosing the h5 file if # read/write error try: fh5=h5py.File(filename,'r') if self.is3D: argfile = 'ray/'+grpname else: argfile = 'ray2/'+grpname f = fh5[argfile] for k in f.keys(): self.update({eval(k):{}}) for kk in f[k].keys(): self[eval(k)].update({kk:f[k][str(kk)][:]}) for a,va in f.attrs.items(): setattr(self,a,va) fh5.close() except: fh5.close() raise NameError('Rays: issue when reading h5py file') # fill if save was filled # temporary solution in order to avoid # creating save for Interactions classes if self.filled: if 'L' in kwargs: self.L=kwargs['L'] else: self.L = Layout(self.Lfilename,bbuild=True) try: self.L.dumpr() except: self.L.dumpw() # L=Layout(self.Lfilename,bbuild=True) self.fillinter(self.L) # if self.evaluated: # return self.eval(self.fGHz)
[docs] def reciprocal(self): """ switch tx and rx """ r = Rays(self.pRx,self.pTx) r.is3D = self.is3D r.nray = self.nray r.origin_sig_name = self.origin_sig_name r.nb_origin_sig = self.nb_origin_sig for k in self: r[k]={} r[k]['pt']=self[k]['pt'][:,::-1,:] r[k]['sig']=self[k]['sig'][:,::-1,:] return(r)
[docs] def check_reciprocity(self,r): """ check ray reciprocity in comparing two reciprocal rays Parameters ---------- r : rays reciprocal to self """ # permutation of all termination points assert (self.pTx==r.pRx).all() assert (self.pRx==r.pTx).all() # for all group of interctions for k in self: # same distances assert (np.allclose(self[k]['dis'],r[k]['dis'])) # same points when reading from right to left assert (np.allclose(self[k]['pt'],r[k]['pt'][:,::-1,:])) # same signature reading from right to left assert (np.allclose(self[k]['sig'],r[k]['sig'][:,::-1,:])) # if local basis have been evaluated if (self.isbased) & (r.isbased): #assert (np.allclose(self[k]['nstrwall'],r[k]['nstrwall'][:,::-1,:])) assert (np.allclose(self[k]['norm'],r[k]['norm'][:,::-1,:])), 'interaction block:' + str(k) #assert ((np.mod(self[k]['aoa']-r[k]['aod'],2*np.pi)==0).all()) #assert ((np.mod(self[k]['aod']-r[k]['aoa'],2*np.pi)==0).all()) # 1st output basis is equal to last input basis of the reciprocal ray assert (np.allclose(self[k]['Bo0'],r[k]['BiN'])), 'interaction block:' + str(k) # last input basis is equal to 1st output basis of the reciprocal ray assert (np.allclose(self[k]['BiN'],r[k]['Bo0'])), 'interaction block:' + str(k) # vsi vectors are inversed assert (np.allclose(self[k]['vsi'],-r[k]['vsi'][:,::-1,:])), 'interaction block:' + str(k) assert (np.allclose(abs(self[k]['scpr']),abs(r[k]['scpr'][::-1,:]))), 'interaction block:' + str(k) assert (np.allclose(self[k]['theta'],r[k]['theta'][::-1,:])), 'interaction block:' + str(k) assert (np.allclose(self[k]['Bi'],r[k]['Bo'][:,:,::-1,:])), 'interaction block:' + str(k) assert (np.allclose(self[k]['Bo'],r[k]['Bi'][:,:,::-1,:])), 'interaction block:' + str(k) assert (np.allclose(self[k]['B'],r[k]['B'][:,:,::-1,:].swapaxes(0,1))), 'interaction block:' + str(k) if self.evaluated : for ir in range(self.nray): iint1 = self.ray(ir) iint2 = r.ray(ir) # check Interactions A1 = self.I.I[:, iint1, :, :] A2 = r.I.I[:, iint2, :, :][:,::-1,:,:] assert np.allclose(A1,A2),pdb.set_trace() # check bases # ray 1 : B0 | B[0] | B[1] | B[2] | B[3] | B[4] # ray 2 : B[4] | B[3] | B[2] | B[1] | B[0] | B0 assert np.allclose([ir,:,:],[iint2,:,:][-1,:,:].swapaxes(1,0)) assert np.allclose([ir,:,:],[iint1,:,:][-1,:,:].swapaxes(1,0)) assert np.allclose([iint1,:,:][:-1],[iint2,:,:][:-1][::-1,:,:].swapaxes(2,1))
[docs] def sort(self): """ sort rays TODO : not finished """ u = np.argsort(self.dis)
[docs] def rayfromtyp_order(self,nD=[1],nR=[1],nT=[1],llo='&&'): """ Return rays from a given type (R|T|D) to a given order ( number of interaction) list logic operator : llo ['op0op1'] nD <op0> nR <op1> nT Parameters ---------- nD = list|int requested number of Diffraction nR = list|int requested number of Reflection nT = list|int requested number of Transmission llo = list logic operator [op0,op1] nD <op0> nR <op1> nT Returns ------- lr : list list of ray index matching the typ & order conditions """ if not isinstance(nD,list): nD=[nD] if not isinstance(nR,list): nR=[nR] if not isinstance(nT,list): nT=[nT] op = {'and':operator.and_, 'or':operator.or_, '&':operator.and_, '|':operator.or_, } lr=[] for ur,r in enumerate(range(self.nray)): li = self.ray2ityp(r) nRli = li.count('R') nTli = li.count('T') nDli = li.count('D') cD = (nDli in nD) cR = (nRli in nR) cT = (nTli in nT) # if (nDli in nD) and (nRli in nR) and (nTli in nT) : if op[llo[1].lower()]( op[llo[0].lower()](cD,cR) , cT): lr.append(r) elif (self.los) and (1 in nT ) and (0 in nD) and (0 in nR) and (ur == 0): lr.append(r) return lr
[docs] def extract_typ_order(self,L,nD=[1],nR=[1],nT=[1],llo='&&'): """ Extract group of rays from a certain type (R|T|D) at a order ( <=> given number of interaction) list logic operator : llo [op0,op1] nD <op0> nR <op1> nT Parameters ---------- L : Layout nD = list|int requested number of Diffraction nR = list|int requested number of Reflection nT = list|int requested number of Transmission llo = list logic operator [op0,op1] nD <op0> nR <op1> nT Returns ------- R : Rays object New Rays object containing rays matching the typ/order conditions """ lr = self.rayfromtyp_order(nD=nD,nR=nR,nT=nT,llo=llo) return self.extract(lr,L)
[docs] def extract(self,lnr,L): """ Extract a group of rays Parameters ---------- lnr : list of rays indexes L : Layout """ if not isinstance(lnr,list): lnr=[lnr] r = Rays(self.pTx,self.pRx) r.is3D = self.is3D for unr,nr in enumerate(lnr): #r.nray2D = #r.nb_origin_sig = 1 ni = self.ray2nbi(nr) ur = np.where(self[ni]['rayidx']==nr)[0][0] if ni == 0: los = True else: los = False if 'D' in self.typ(nr): diff=True else: diff=False if 'diffvect' in self[ni]: # check if the ray has diffraction interaction inter = self.ray2iidx(nr)[:,0] uD = np.where([i in inter for i in self[ni]['diffidx']])[0] else: uD=[] diffkey = ['diffvect','diffidx','diffslabs'] cray = {} for k in self[ni].keys(): if ni ==0: cray = self[ni] break elif k not in ['nbrays','rayidx','dis','nstrwall','nstrswall']: tab = self[ni][k] if type(tab)==np.ndarray and k not in diffkey: try: cray[k] = tab[...,ur][...,np.newaxis] except: import ipdb ipdb.set_trace() if diff : if k in diffkey : if k != 'diffslabs': cray[k]=tab[...,uD][...,np.newaxis] else: if len(uD)>0 : cray[k]=[tab[uD]] else: cray[k]=[] cray['nbrays'] = unr+1 # keep only one ray r.nray = unr+1 #cray['rayidx']=np.array([self[ni]['rayidx'][nr]]) # ray index in the whole structure cray['rayidx'] = np.array([unr]) cray['dis'] = np.array([self[ni]['dis'][ur]]) if ni in r: # R[ni]['sig2d'].append(self[k]['sig2d'][ur]) if not los : r[ni]['BiN'] = np.concatenate((r[ni]['BiN'],cray['BiN']),axis=2) r[ni]['Bo'] = np.concatenate((r[ni]['Bo'],cray['Bo']),axis=3) r[ni]['Bi'] = np.concatenate((r[ni]['Bi'],cray['Bi']),axis=3) if diff: if 'diffidx' in r[ni]: r[ni]['diffidx'] = np.concatenate((r[ni]['diffidx'],cray['diffidx'])) r[ni]['diffvect'] = np.concatenate((r[ni]['diffvect'],cray['diffvect']),axis=1) r[ni]['diffslabs'].append(cray['diffslabs']) else: r[ni]['diffidx'] = cray['diffidx'] r[ni]['diffvect'] = cray['diffvect'] r[ni]['diffslabs'] = cray['diffslabs'] r[ni]['nbrays'] += 1 r[ni]['B'] = np.concatenate((r[ni]['B'], cray['B']), axis=3) r[ni]['pt'] = np.concatenate((r[ni]['pt'], cray['pt']), axis=2) r[ni]['rayidx'] = np.concatenate((r[ni]['rayidx'], cray['rayidx']), axis=0) r[ni]['Bo0'] = np.concatenate((r[ni]['Bo0'],cray['Bo0']), axis=2) r[ni]['scpr'] = np.concatenate((r[ni]['scpr'], cray['scpr']), axis=1) r[ni]['aod'] = np.concatenate((r[ni]['aod'], cray['aod']), axis=1) r[ni]['si'] = np.concatenate((r[ni]['si'], cray['si']), axis=1) r[ni]['sig'] = np.concatenate((r[ni]['sig'], cray['sig']), axis=2) # r[ni]['sig2d'] = np.concatenate((r[ni]['sig2d'],cray['sig2d']),axis=2) r[ni]['aoa'] = np.concatenate((r[ni]['aoa'], cray['aoa']), axis=1) r[ni]['vsi'] = np.concatenate((r[ni]['vsi'], cray['vsi']), axis=2) r[ni]['theta'] = np.concatenate((r[ni]['theta'], cray['theta']), axis=1) r[ni]['norm'] = np.concatenate((r[ni]['norm'], cray['norm']), axis=2) r[ni]['dis'] = np.concatenate((r[ni]['dis'], cray['dis']), axis=0) else: r[ni] = cray # r[ni]['rays'] = to be done HERE r.locbas(L) r.fillinter(L) return(r)
[docs] def extract_old(self,nr,L): """ Extract a single ray Parameters ---------- nr : ray index L : Layout """ r = Rays(self.pTx,self.pRx) r.is3D = self.is3D r.nray2D = 1 r.nb_origin_sig = 1 #ni = self._ray2nbi[nr] #ur = np.where(self[ni]['rayidx']==nr)[0][0] ni,ur = self.ir2a(nr) if 'D' in self.typ(nr): diff=True else: diff=False if 'diffvect' in self[ni]: # check if the ray has diffraction interaction inter = self.ray2iidx(nr)[:,0] uD = np.where([i in inter for i in self[ni]['diffidx']])[0] else: uD=[] diffkey = ['diffvect','diffidx','diffslabs'] r[ni] = {} for k in self[ni].keys(): if k not in ['nbrays','rayidx','dis','nstrwall','nstrswall']: tab = self[ni][k] if type(tab)==np.ndarray and k not in diffkey: r[ni][k] = tab[...,ur][...,np.newaxis] if diff : if k in diffkey : if k != 'diffslabs': r[ni][k]=tab[...,uD][...,np.newaxis] else: if len(uD)>0 : r[ni][k]=tab[uD] else: r[ni][k]=[] r[ni]['nrays'] = 1 # keep only one ray r.nray = 1 #r[ni]['rayidx']=np.array([self[ni]['rayidx'][nr]]) # ray index in the whole structure r[ni]['rayidx'] = np.array([0]) r[ni]['dis'] = np.array([self[ni]['dis'][ur]]) r.locbas(L) r.fillinter(L) return(r)
[docs] def show(self,**kwargs): """ plot 2D rays within the simulated environment Parameters ---------- rlist : list (default []= all rays) list of indices of ray in interaction group graph : string t type of graph to be displayed 's','r','t',.. fig : figure ax : axis L : Layout alpha : float 1 linewidth : float 0.1 color : string 'black' ms : int marker size : 5 layout : boolean True points : boolean True ER : ray energy """ defaults = {'rlist': [], 'fig': [], 'ax': [], 'L': [], 'graph': 's', 'color': 'black', 'alpha': 1, 'linewidth': 0.5, 'ms': 5, 'vmin':0, 'vmax':-70, 'cmap':, 'layout': True, 'points': True, 'labels': False, 'bcolorbar': False } for key, value in defaults.items(): if key not in kwargs: kwargs[key] = value if kwargs['fig'] ==[]: fig = plt.figure() if kwargs['ax'] ==[]: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # # display the Layout # if kwargs['layout'] == True: if kwargs['L'] != []: fig,ax = kwargs['L'].showG(**kwargs) else : raise AttributeError('Please give a Layout file as argument') else: fig = kwargs['fig'] ax = kwargs['ax'] # # display Tx and Rx # if kwargs['points'] ==True: ax.plot(self.pTx[0], self.pTx[1], 'or',ms=kwargs['ms']) ax.plot(self.pRx[0], self.pRx[1], 'og',ms=kwargs['ms']) # i=-1 all rays # else block of interactions i # plot all rays if kwargs['rlist'] == []: # list of group of interactions lgrint = self.keys() for i in lgrint: # list of rays lray = range(len(self[i]['pt'][0, 0, :])) #if self.filled : # ax.set_title('rays index :'+ str(self[i]['rayidx'])) for j in lray: addr_ray = (i,j) index_ray = self.a2ir(addr_ray) ray = np.hstack((self.pTx[0:2].reshape((2, 1)), np.hstack((self[i]['pt'][0:2, :, j], self.pRx[0:2].reshape((2, 1)))) )) if 'ER' not in kwargs: ax.plot(ray[0, :], ray[1, :], alpha = kwargs['alpha'], color = kwargs['color'], linewidth = kwargs['linewidth']) else: EdB = 10*np.log10(ER[index_ray]) ERdB = 10*np.log10(E) vscale = 1.-(max(ERdB)-EdB)/(max(ERdB)-min(ERdB)) linewidth = 3*vscale alpha = vscale cmap = color = cmap(vscale) ax.plot(ray[0, :], ray[1, :], alpha = alpha, color = color, linewidth = linewidth) ax.axis('off') #if self.filled : # ax.set_title('rays index :'+ str(self[i]['rayidx'][lray])) else: rlist = kwargs['rlist'] # 3D ray if self.is3D: nbi = self._ray2nbi[rlist] nr = np.array((nbi,rlist)) unb = np.unique(nr[0,:]) unr = {int(i):np.where(nr[0,:]==i)[0] for i in unb} for i in unb: raynb = (nr[1,unr[i]]).astype(int) nbr = len(raynb) ptidx = [np.where(self[i]['rayidx']==x)[0][0] for x in raynb] for j in ptidx: ray = np.hstack((self.pTx[0:2].reshape((2, 1)), np.hstack((self[i]['pt'][0:2, :, j], self.pRx[0:2].reshape((2, 1)))) )) ax.plot(ray[0, :], ray[1, :], alpha = kwargs['alpha'], color = kwargs['color'], linewidth = kwargs['linewidth']) ax.axis('off') # 2D ray else: for i in rlist: lray = range(len(self[i]['pt'][0, 0, :])) #if self.filled : # ax.set_title('rays index :'+ str(self[i]['rayidx'])) for j in lray: ray = np.hstack((self.pTx[0:2].reshape((2, 1)), np.hstack((self[i]['pt'][0:2, :, j], self.pRx[0:2].reshape((2, 1)))) )) ax.plot(ray[0, :], ray[1, :], alpha=kwargs['alpha'], color=kwargs['color'], linewidth=kwargs['linewidth']) ax.axis('off') if kwargs['bcolorbar']: # axes : left , bottom , width , height sm = = kwargs['cmap'], norm = plt.Normalize(vmin=kwargs['vmin'],vmax=kwargs['vmax'])) sm._A = [] # necessary set_array cax = fig.add_axes([0.18,0.35, 0.35, 0.025]) #cb = plt.colorbar(sm,cax=cax,orientation='horizontal') cb = plt.colorbar(sm,cax=cax,orientation='horizontal') cb.set_label('Level (dB)', fontsize=24) return(fig,ax)
[docs] def mirror(self, H=3, N=1, za = [], zb= []): """ mirror a ray termination Parameters ---------- H : float ceil height (default 3m) if H=0 only floor reflection is calculated (outdoor case) if H=-1 floor and ceil reflection are inhibited (2D test case) N : int handle the number of mirror reflexions za : float height of the point where the parametrization starts ( e.g. pTx[2]) zb : float height of the point where the parametrization ends ( e.g. pRx[2]) Returns ------- d : dict k : zm v: alpham k : zp v: alphap Examples -------- >>> ptx = np.array([1,1,1.5]) >>> prx = np.array([2,2,1.2]) >>> r = Rays(ptx,prx) >>> d = r.mirror() >>> d[-1.5] array([ 0.55555556]) Notes ----- d is a dictionnary whose keys are heights along the vertical from where are emanating the reflected rays. Values of d are the parameterization (0< () <1) along the ray where are situated the different reflection points. """ km = np.arange(-N+1, N+1, 1) kp = np.arange(-N, N+1, 1) # # heights of transmitter and receiver # if za == []: za=self.pTx[2] if zb == []: zb=self.pRx[2] ht = za hr = zb assert (hr<H or H==0 or H == -1),"mirror : receiver higher than ceil height" assert (ht<H or H==0 or H == -1),"mirror : transmitter higher than ceil height" zkp = 2*kp*H + ht zkm = 2*km*H - ht d = {} if H>0: for zm in zkm: if zm < 0: bup = H pas = H km = int(np.ceil(zm/H)) else: bup = 0 pas = -H km = int(np.floor(zm/H)) thrm = np.arange(km*H, bup, pas) d[zm] = abs(thrm-zm)/abs(hr-zm) for zp in zkp: if zp < 0: bup = H pas = H kp = int(np.ceil(zp/H)) else: bup = 0 pas = -H kp = int(np.floor(zp/H)) thrp = np.arange(kp*H, bup, pas) d[zp] = abs(thrp-zp)/abs(hr-zp) elif H==0: d[-ht] = np.array([ht/(ht+hr)]) d[ht] = np.array([]) elif H==-1: d[ht] = np.array([]) # print "zp",zp # print "kp",kp # print "thrp",thrp # print "alphap",d[zp] return d
[docs] def to3D(self, L, H=3, N=1, rmoutceilR=True): """ transform 2D ray to 3D ray Parameters ---------- L : Layout object H : float ceil height (default 3m) if H= 0 only floor reflection is calculated (outdoor case) if H=-1 floor and ceil reflection are inhibited (2D test case) N : int number of mirror reflexions rmoutceilR : bool Remove ceil reflexions in cycles (Gt nodes) with indoor=False attribute Returns ------- r3d : Rays See Also -------- mirror """ if H==-1: rmoutceilR=False tx = self.pTx rx = self.pRx # # Phase 1 : calculate Tx images height and parameterization in the # vertical plane # d = self.mirror(H=H, N=N, za=tx[2], zb=rx[2]) # # Elimination of invalid diffraction point # If the diffaction point is a separation between 2 air wall # it should be removed. # # Phase 2 : calculate 2D parameterization in the horizontal plane # # for all group of interactions for i in self: pts = self[i]['pt'][0:2, :, :] sig = self[i]['sig'] if pts.shape[2]!=0: # broadcasting of t and r t = self.pTx[0:2].reshape((2, 1, 1)) * \ np.ones((1, 1, len(pts[0, 0, :]))) r = self.pRx[0:2].reshape((2, 1, 1)) * \ np.ones((1, 1, len(pts[0, 0, :]))) pts1 = np.hstack((t, np.hstack((pts, r)))) else: t = self.pTx[0:2].reshape((2, 1, 1)) r = self.pRx[0:2].reshape((2, 1, 1)) pts1 = np.hstack((t,r)) # append t and r to interaction points in 2D si1 = pts1[:, 1:, :] - pts1[:, :-1, :] # array of all ray segments distances si = np.sqrt(np.sum(si1 * si1, axis=0)) # array of cumulative distance of 2D ray al1 = np.cumsum(si, axis=0) # initialize parameterization parameter alpha self[i]['alpha'] = np.zeros(np.shape(si[:-1, :])) for j in range(len(self[i]['alpha'][:, 0])): # get alpha self[i]['alpha'][j, :] = np.sum(si[0:j+1, :], axis=0) \ /np.sum(si, axis=0) # get z coordinate self[i]['pt'][2, j, :] = tx[2] + self[i]['alpha'][j, :] \ * (rx[2] - tx[2]) # # Phase 3 : Initialize 3D rays dictionnary # r3d = Rays(tx, rx) r3d.los = self.los r3d.is3D = True r3d.nray2D = len(self) r3d.nb_origin_sig = self.nb_origin_sig # # Phase 4 : Fill 3D rays information # # Two nested loops # # for all interaction group # for all type of 3D rays # 1) extension # 2) sort # 3) coordinates as a function of parameter # for k in self: # for all interaction group k # k = int(k) # Number of rays in interaction group k Nrayk = np.shape(self[k]['alpha'])[1] # get 2D horizontal parameterization a1 = self[k]['alpha'] #if (k==1): # pdb.set_trace() # get 2D signature sig = self[k]['sig'] #print "signatures 2D ",sig #print "----" sigsave = copy.copy(sig) # add parameterization of tx and rx (0,1) a1 = np.concatenate((np.zeros((1, Nrayk)), a1, np.ones((1, Nrayk)))) # reshape signature in adding tx and rx if sig.shape[0]!=0: sig = np.hstack((np.zeros((2, 1, Nrayk), dtype=int), sig, np.zeros((2, 1, Nrayk), dtype=int))) # add signature of Tx and Rx (0,0)) else: sig = np.hstack((np.zeros((2, 1, Nrayk), dtype=int), np.zeros((2, 1, Nrayk), dtype=int))) # broadcast tx and rx Tx = tx.reshape(3, 1, 1)*np.ones((1, 1, Nrayk)) Rx = rx.reshape(3, 1, 1)*np.ones((1, 1, Nrayk)) if k!=0: # pte is the sequence of point in 3D ndim =3 ( ndim x k x Nrayk) pte = self[k]['pt'] # ndim x k+2 x Nrayk pte = np.hstack((Tx, pte, Rx)) else: pte = np.hstack((Tx, Rx)) # extension for l in d: # for each vertical pattern (C,F,CF,FC,....) #print k,l,d[l] Nint = len(d[l]) # number of additional interaction #if ((k==1) & (l==5.0)):print if Nint > 0: # if new interaction ==> need extension # a1e : extended horizontal+vertical parameterization a1e = np.concatenate((a1, d[l].reshape(len(d[l]), 1)* np.ones((1, Nrayk)))) # get sorted indices ks = np.argsort(a1e, axis=0) # a1es : extended sorted horizontal + vertical parameterization a1es = np.sort(a1e, axis=0) # #### Check if it exists the same parameter value in the horizontal plane # #### and the vertical plane. Move parameter if so. da1es = np.diff(a1es,axis=0) pda1es = np.where(da1es<1e-10) a1es[pda1es]=a1es[pda1es]-1e-3 # prepare an extended sequence of points ( ndim x (Nint+k+2) x Nrayk ) ptee = np.hstack((pte, np.zeros((3, Nint, Nrayk)))) # # Boolean ceil/floor detector # # u is 4 (floor interaction ) # 5 (ceil interaction ) # depending on the vertical pattern l. # # l <0 corresponds to last reflexion on floor # l >0 corresponds to last reflexion on ceil # # u =0 (floor) or 1 (ceil) # if l < 0: # u = np.mod(range(Nint), 2) # else: # u = 1 - np.mod(range(Nint), 2) if l < 0 and Nint%2 ==1: # l<0 Nint odd u = np.mod(range(Nint), 2) elif l > 0 and Nint%2 ==1: # l>0 Nint odd u = 1 - np.mod(range(Nint), 2) elif l < 0 and Nint%2 ==0: # l<0 Nint even u = 1 - np.mod(range(Nint), 2) elif l > 0 and Nint%2 ==0: # l>0 Nint even u = np.mod(range(Nint), 2) # u = u + 4 # # At that point we introduce the signature of the new # introduced points on the ceil and/or floor. # # A signature is composed of two lines # esigs sup line : interaction number # esigi inf line : interaction type # esigs = np.zeros((1, Nint, Nrayk), dtype=int) esigi = u.reshape(1, Nint, 1)* np.ones((1, 1, Nrayk), dtype=int) # esig : extension of the signature esig = np.vstack((esigs, esigi)) # sige : signature extended ( 2 x (Nint+k+2) x Nrayk ) sige = np.hstack((sig, esig)) # # 2 x (Nint+k+2) x Nrayk # # sort extended sequence of points # and extended sequence of signatures with the sorting # index ks obtained from argsort of merge parametization # # sequence of extended sorted points # ptees = ptee[:, ks, range(Nrayk)] siges = sige[:, ks, range(Nrayk)] # extended and sorted signature iint_f, iray_f = np.where(siges[ 1, :] == 4) # floor interaction iint_c, iray_c = np.where(siges[ 1, :] == 5) # ceil interaction #print siges # # find the list of the previous and next point around the # new ceil or floor point. The case of successive ceil or # floor reflexion make # # Tous les points prcdents qui ne sont pas des Ceils ou # des floors et tous les points suivants qui ne sont pas # des points de rflexion ceil ou floor # # Afin de tenir compte du rayon et du groupe d'interactions # concerne, il faut passer un tuple qui concatene la valeur # de l'indice d'interaction floor ou ceil et l'indice de # rayons du groupe associe (d'ou le zip) # # Cette sequence d'instruction fixe le bug #133 # # Antrieurement il y avait une hypothese de succession # immediate d'un point 2D renseigne. # try: iintm_f = [ np.where( (siges[1,0:x[0],x[1]]!=4) & (siges[1,0:x[0],x[1]]!=5))[0][-1] for x in zip(iint_f,iray_f) ] iintp_f = [ np.where( (siges[1,x[0]:,x[1]]!=4) & (siges[1,x[0]:,x[1]]!=5))[0][0]+x[0] for x in zip(iint_f,iray_f) ] iintm_c = [ np.where( (siges[1,0:x[0],x[1]]!=4) & (siges[1,0:x[0],x[1]]!=5))[0][-1] for x in zip(iint_c,iray_c) ] iintp_c = [ np.where( (siges[1,x[0]:,x[1]]!=4) & (siges[1,x[0]:,x[1]]!=5))[0][0]+x[0] for x in zip(iint_c,iray_c) ] except: pdb.set_trace() # Update coordinate in the horizontal plane # # # The new interaction ceil or floor has no coordinates in # the horizontal plane. # Those coordinates are evaluated first by finding a sub # parameterization of the point with respect to the two # known adjascent interaction point j-1 and j+1 (Thales) # #iintm_f = iint_f - 1 #iintp_f = iint_f + 1 #iintm_c = iint_c - 1 #iintp_c = iint_c + 1 # # If there are floor points # if len(iint_f)>0: a1esm_f = a1es[iintm_f, iray_f] a1esc_f = a1es[iint_f, iray_f] a1esp_f = a1es[iintp_f, iray_f] pteesm_f = ptees[0:2, iintm_f, iray_f] pteesp_f = ptees[0:2, iintp_f, iray_f] coeff_f = (a1esc_f-a1esm_f)/(a1esp_f-a1esm_f) ptees[0:2, iint_f, iray_f] = pteesm_f + coeff_f*(pteesp_f-pteesm_f) # # If there are ceil points # if len(iint_c)>0: a1esm_c = a1es[iintm_c, iray_c] a1esc_c = a1es[iint_c, iray_c] a1esp_c = a1es[iintp_c, iray_c] pteesm_c = ptees[0:2, iintm_c, iray_c] pteesp_c = ptees[0:2, iintp_c, iray_c] coeff_c = (a1esc_c-a1esm_c)/(a1esp_c-a1esm_c) ptees[0:2, iint_c, iray_c] = pteesm_c + coeff_c*(pteesp_c-pteesm_c) if H != 0: z = np.mod(l+a1es*(rx[2]-l), 2*H) pz = np.where(z > H) z[pz] = 2*H-z[pz] ptees[2, :] = z # case where ceil reflection are inhibited elif H==0: z = abs(l+a1es*(rx[2]-l)) # pz = np.where(z > H) # z[pz] = 2*H-z[pz] ptees[2, :] = z # recopy old 2D parameterization (no extension) else: a1es = a1 ks = np.argsort(a1es, axis=0) ptees = pte # fixing bug siges = copy.copy(sig) #print siges #--------------------------------- # handling multi segment (iso segments) # Height of reflexion interaction # Height of diffraction interaction #--------------------------------- # # ptes (3 x i+2 x r ) if len(L.lsss)>0: # # lsss : list of sub segments ( iso segments siges) # lnss : list of diffaction point involving lsss = np.array(L.lsss) lnss = np.array(L.lnss) # array of structure element (nstr) with TxRx extension (nstr=0) anstr = siges[0,:,:] # type of interaction typi = siges[1,:,:] # lss : list of subsegments in the current signature # # scalability : avoid a loop over all the subsegments in lsss # lss = [ x for x in lsss if x in anstr.ravel()] ray_to_delete = [] for s in lss: u = np.where(anstr==s) if len(u)>0: zs = ptees[2,u[0],u[1]] zinterval = L.Gs.node[s]['z'] unot_in_interval = ~((zs<=zinterval[1]) & (zs>=zinterval[0])) ray_to_delete.extend(u[1][unot_in_interval]) # lns : list of diffraction points in the current signature # with involving multi segments (iso) # scalability : avoid a loop over all the points in lnss # lns = [ x for x in lnss if x in anstr.ravel()] # # loop over multi diffraction points # for npt in lns: # diffraction cornet in espoo.lay #if npt==-225: # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() u = np.where(anstr==npt) if len(u)>0: # height of the diffraction point zp = ptees[2,u[0],u[1]] # # At which couple of segments belongs this height ? # get_diffslab function answers that question # ltu_seg,ltu_slab = L.get_diffslab(npt,zp) # # delete rays where diffraction point is connected to # 2 AIR segments # [ray_to_delete.append(u[1][i]) for i in range(len(zp)) if ((ltu_slab[i][0]=='AIR') & (ltu_slab[i][1]=='AIR'))] # #zinterval = L.Gs.node[s]['z'] # # if (zs<=zinterval[1]) & (zs>=zinterval[0]): # if ((tu_slab[0]!='AIR') & (tu_slab[1]!='AIR')): # #print(npt , zp) # pass # else: # ray_to_delete.append(u[1][0]) # # nstr : structure number # nstr = np.delete(nstr,ray_to_delete,axis=1) # typi : type of interaction typi = np.delete(typi,ray_to_delete,axis=1) # 3d sequence of points ptees = np.delete(ptees,ray_to_delete,axis=2) # extended (floor/ceil) signature siges = np.delete(siges,ray_to_delete,axis=2) if rmoutceilR: # 1 determine Ceil reflexion index # uc (inter x ray) uc = np.where(siges[1,:,:]==5) ptc = ptees[:,uc[0],uc[1]] if len(uc[0]) !=0: P = shg.MultiPoint(ptc[:2,:].T) # to determine the cycle where ceil reflexions append # uinter(nb pt x nb cycles) mapnode = list(L.Gt.nodes()) uinter = np.array([[L.Gt.node[x]['polyg'].contains(p) for x in mapnode if x>0] for p in P]) # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() #[plt.scatter(p.xy[0],p.xy[1],c='r') for up,p in enumerate(P) if uinter[0,up]] #[ plt.scatter(p.xy[0],p.xy[1],c='r') for up,p in enumerate(P) if uinter[0,up]] # find points are indoor/outdoor cycles upt,ucy = np.where(uinter) uout = np.where([not L.Gt.node[mapnode[u+1]]['indoor'] for u in ucy])[0] #ucy+1 is to manage cycle 0 # 3 remove ceil reflexions of outdoor cycles if len(uout)>0: ptees = np.delete(ptees,uc[1][uout],axis=2) siges = np.delete(siges,uc[1][uout],axis=2) sigsave = np.delete(sigsave,uc[1][uout],axis=2) if k+Nint in r3d: r3d[k+Nint]['pt'] = np.dstack((r3d[k+Nint]['pt'], ptees)) r3d[k+Nint]['sig'] = np.dstack((r3d[k+Nint]['sig'], siges)) r3d[k+Nint]['sig2d'].append(sigsave) else: if ptees.shape[2]!=0: r3d[k+Nint] = {} r3d[k+Nint]['pt'] = ptees r3d[k+Nint]['sig'] = siges r3d[k+Nint]['sig2d'] = [sigsave] # ax=plt.gca() # uu = np.where(ptees[2,...]==3.0) # ax.plot(ptees[0,uu[0],uu[1]],ptees[1,uu[0],uu[1]],'ok') # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() # # Add Line Of Sight ray information # pt = [tx,rx] # sig = [0,0] # #pdb.set_trace() # if (self.los) & (np.sqrt(np.sum((tx-rx)**2)) !=0) : # r3d[0] = {} # r3d[0]['sig'] = np.zeros((2,2,1)) # r3d[0]['sig2d'] = np.zeros((2,2,1)) # r3d[0]['pt'] = np.zeros((3,2,1)) # r3d[0]['pt'][:,0,:] = tx[:,np.newaxis] # r3d[0]['pt'][:,1,:] = rx[:,np.newaxis] # r3d.nray = reduce(lambda x,y : y + np.shape(r3d[x]['sig'])[2],lnint) # count total number of ray # evaluate length of ray segment # # vsi # si # dis # val =0 for k in r3d.keys(): nrayk = np.shape(r3d[k]['sig'])[2] r3d[k]['nbrays'] = nrayk r3d[k]['rayidx'] = np.arange(nrayk)+val r3d.nray = r3d.nray + nrayk val=r3d[k]['rayidx'][-1]+1 # 3 : x,y,z # i : interaction index # r : ray index # # k : group of interactions index # v = r3d[k]['pt'][:, 1:, :]-r3d[k]['pt'][:, 0:-1, :] lsi = np.sqrt(np.sum(v*v, axis=0)) rlength = np.sum(lsi,axis=0) if (lsi.any()==0): pdb.set_trace() if not (lsi.all()>0): pdb.set_trace() #assert(lsi.all()>0) if (len(np.where(lsi==0.))==0) : pdb.set_trace() # # sort rays w.r.t their length # u = np.argsort(rlength) r3d[k]['pt'] = r3d[k]['pt'][:,:,u] r3d[k]['sig'] = r3d[k]['sig'][:,:,u] #r3d[k]['sig2d'] = r3d[k]['sig2d'][:,:,u] si = v/lsi # ndim , nint - 1 , nray # vsi : 3 x (i+1) x r r3d[k]['vsi'] = si[:,:,u] # si : (i+1) x r r3d[k]['si'] = lsi[:,u] r3d[k]['dis'] = rlength[u] r3d.delays = np.zeros((r3d.nray)) for k in r3d.keys(): ir = r3d[k]['rayidx'] r3d.delays[ir] = r3d[k]['dis']/0.3 r3d.origin_sig_name = self.origin_sig_name r3d.Lfilename = L._filename r3d.filename = L._filename.split('.')[0] + '_' + str(r3d.nray) return(r3d)
[docs] def get_rays_slabs(self,L,ir): """ return the slabs for a given interaction index Parameters ---------- L : Layout ir : interaction block Returns ------- numpy array of slabs strings at the shape (ir,r) ir : number of interactions ( of the interaction block) r : number of rays """ v=np.vectorize( lambda t: L.Gs.node[t]['name'] if (t!=0) and (t>0) else '_') return v(self[ir]['sig'][0])
[docs] def remove_aw(self,L): """ remove AIR interactions """ # def consecutive(data, stepsize=1): # return np.split(data, np.where(np.diff(data) != stepsize)[0]+1) R = Rays(self.pTx,self.pRx) R.__dict__.update(self.__dict__) # R.is3D=True # R.nray = self.nray # R.nray2D = self.nray2D # R.nray2D = self.nray2D # R.nray2D = self.nray2D for k in self: lr = self[k]['sig'].shape[1] inter = self.get_rays_slabs(L,k) for ur,r in enumerate(inter.T): not_air_mask = ~((r =='_AIR') | (r == 'AIR' )) nb_air = sum(~not_air_mask) if nb_air != 0 : new_bi = k-nb_air # +2 : add tx & rx interaciton # -1 : 2 interactions correspond to 1 distance lsi = new_bi + 2 - 1 si = np.zeros(lsi) si_old = self[k]['si'][:,ur] vsi = np.zeros((3,lsi)) vsi_old = self[k]['vsi'][...,ur] sig = self[k]['sig'][:,not_air_mask,ur][...,None] # sig2d = self[k]['sig2d'][0][...,ur] pt = self[k]['pt'][:,not_air_mask,ur][...,None] u = 0 si_aw = 0 # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() for uold,b in enumerate(not_air_mask[1:]): if b: # update new si with sum of all # distance from preceding airwall si[u] = si_old[uold] + si_aw # keep vsi from the last airwall # because vsi don't change on an airwall vsi[:,u] = vsi_old[:,uold] u += 1 si_aw=0 else: si_aw += si_old[uold] si = si[...,None] vsi = vsi[...,None] dis = np.array([np.sum(si)]) assert np.allclose(dis,np.sum(si_old)) else: # no air wall case, fill R with self values new_bi = k pt = self[k]['pt'][...,ur][...,None] sig = self[k]['sig'][...,ur][...,None] # sig2d = self[k]['sig2d'][0][...,ur] si = self[k]['si'][:,ur][:,None] vsi = self[k]['vsi'][...,ur][...,None] dis = np.array([self[k]['dis'][ur]]) if new_bi in R: # R[new_bi]['sig2d'].append(self[k]['sig2d'][ur]) R[new_bi]['pt'] = np.concatenate((R[new_bi]['pt'],pt),axis=2) R[new_bi]['sig'] = np.concatenate((R[new_bi]['sig'],sig),axis=2) R[new_bi]['rayidx'] = np.concatenate((R[new_bi]['rayidx'],np.array([self[k]['rayidx'][ur]]))) R[new_bi]['si'] = np.concatenate((R[new_bi]['si'],si),axis=1) R[new_bi]['vsi'] = np.concatenate((R[new_bi]['vsi'],vsi),axis=2) R[new_bi]['dis'] = np.concatenate((R[new_bi]['dis'],dis),axis=0) else: R[new_bi] = {} # R[new_bi]['sig2d'] = [self[k]['sig2d'][0][...,ur]] R[new_bi]['pt'] = pt R[new_bi]['sig'] = sig R[new_bi]['rayidx'] = np.array([self[k]['rayidx'][ur]]) R[new_bi]['si'] = si R[new_bi]['vsi'] = vsi R[new_bi]['dis'] = dis if 0 in R: R.los=True X = [[R[k]['rayidx'][u] for u in range(len(R[k]['rayidx']))] for k in R] R._rayidx_aw = sum(X,[]) return R
[docs] def length(self,typ=2): """ calculate length of rays Parameters ---------- typ : int men1 : length of all segments 2 : accumulated length """ dk = {} for k in self: # for all interaction group k # 3 x Ni-1 x Nr vk = self[k]['pt'][:,1:,:]-self[k]['pt'][:,0:-1,:] d1 = np.sqrt(np.sum(vk*vk,axis=0)) d2 = np.sum(d1,axis=0) if typ==1: dk[k] = d1 if typ==2: dk[k] = d2 return(dk)
[docs] def simplify(self): if not self.is3D: return None for ir in self: print(self[ik]['si'])
[docs] def locbas(self, L): """ calculate ray local bas Parameters ---------- L : Layout Notes ----- This method adds for each group of interactions the following members norm : np.array 3 x i x r (interaction vector) nstrwall : np.array nstr of interactions vsi : np.array 3 x (i+1) x r aod : np.array 2 x r aoa : np.array 2 x r BoO : np.array 3 x 3 x r Bi : np.array 3 x 3 x r Bo : np.array 3 x 3 x r BiN : np.array 3 x 3 x r scpr : np.array i x r theta : np.array i x r rays : int nbrays : int rayidx : np.array diffslabs : list diffvect : np.array (phi0,phi,beta,NN) """ # # extract normal in np.array # # nsegment x 3 norm = np.array(list(nx.get_node_attributes(L.Gs,'norm').values())) # nsegment x k key = np.array(list(dict(nx.get_node_attributes(L.Gs,'norm')).keys())) # maximum number for refering to segment # not to be confused with a segment number nsmax = max(L.Gs.node.keys()) mapping = np.zeros(nsmax+1, dtype=int) mapping[key] = np.arange(len(key), dtype=int) # # Structure number : nstr # the structure number is < 0 for points # > 0 for segments # A segment can have several subsegments (until 100) # nstrs is the nstr of the segment if subsegment : # nstr is the glabal which allows to recover the slab values # idx = np.array(()) if self.los: idxts = 1 nbrayt = 1 else: idxts = 0 nbrayt = 0 # list of used wedges luw=[] lgi = list(self.keys()) lgi.sort() for k in lgi: # # k is the number of interactions in the block # #print(k,self[11]['rayidx']) if k != 0: # structure number (segment or point) # nstr : i x r nstr = self[k]['sig'][0, 1:-1, :] # ityp : i x r ityp = self[k]['sig'][1, 1:-1, :] # nstr of underlying segment # position of interaction corresponding to a sub segment # print nstr # # uss : index of subsegment # subsegments are not nodes of Gs but have positive nstr index # uss = np.where(nstr > nsmax) # print uss nstrs = copy.copy(nstr) # # if subsegments have been found # if len(uss) >0: ind = nstr[uss]- nsmax-1 nstrs[uss] = np.array(L.lsss)[ind] # print nstr #print nstrs #pdb.set_trace() nray = np.shape(nstr)[1] uwall = np.where((ityp == 2) | (ityp == 3)) udiff = np.where((ityp == 1)) ufloor= np.where((ityp == 4)) uceil = np.where((ityp == 5)) nstrwall = nstr[uwall[0], uwall[1]] # nstr of walls nstrswall = nstrs[uwall[0], uwall[1]] # nstrs of walls self[k]['nstrwall'] = nstrwall # store nstr without subsegment self[k]['nstrswall'] = nstrswall # store nstr with subsegment self[k]['norm'] = np.zeros((3, k, nray)) # 3 x int x nray # norm : 3 x i x r # # norm is the vector associated to the interaction # For the diffraction case the normal is replaced by the unit # vector along the wedge directed upward. # self[k]['norm'][:, uwall[0], uwall[1]] = norm[mapping[nstrswall],:].T self[k]['norm'][2, ufloor[0], ufloor[1]] = np.ones(len(ufloor[0])) self[k]['norm'][2, uceil[0], uceil[1]] = -np.ones(len(uceil[0])) self[k]['norm'][2, udiff[0], udiff[1]] = np.ones(len(udiff[0])) normcheck = np.sum(self[k]['norm']*self[k]['norm'],axis=0) assert normcheck.all()>0.99,pdb.set_trace() # 3 : x,y,z # i : interaction index # r : ray index # # k : group of interactions index # #v = self[k]['pt'][:, 1:, :]-self[k]['pt'][:, 0:-1, :] #lsi = np.sqrt(np.sum(v*v, axis=0)) #if (lsi.any()==0): # pdb.set_trace() #assert(lsi.all()>0) #if (len(np.where(lsi==0.))==0) : # pdb.set_trace() #si = v/lsi # ndim , nint - 1 , nray # si : 3 x (i+1) x r si = self[k]['vsi'] # si : (i+1) x r #self[k]['si'] = lsi #self[k]['dis'] = np.sum(lsi,axis=0) # normal : 3 x i x r vn = self[k]['norm'] # s_in : 3 x i x r s_in = si[:, 0:-1, :] # s_out : 3 x i x r s_out = si[:, 1:, :] # # AOD (rad) # # th : ,r thd = np.arccos(si[2, 0, :]) # ph : ,r phd = np.arctan2(si[1, 0, :], si[0, 0, :]) # aod : 2 x r (radians) self[k]['aod'] = np.vstack((thd, phd)) # eth : 3 x r eth = np.array([np.cos(thd) * np.cos(phd), np.cos(thd) * np.sin(phd), -np.sin(thd)]) # eph : 3 x r eph = np.array([-np.sin(phd), np.cos(phd), np.zeros(len(phd))]) # Bo0 : 3 x 3 x r Bo0 = np.concatenate((si[:, 0, None, :], eth[:, None, :], eph[:, None, :]), axis=1) self[k]['Bo0'] = Bo0 # # scalar product si . norm # # vn : 3 x i x r # s_in : 3 x i x r # # scpr : i x r # scpr = np.sum(vn*si[:,0:-1,:], axis=0) self[k]['scpr'] = scpr self[k]['theta'] = np.arccos(abs(scpr)) # *180/np.pi def fix_colinear(w): """ w : vector """ nw = np.sqrt(np.sum(w*w, axis=0)) u = np.where(nw==0) if len(u[0])!=0: logger.debug('colinear situation detected') if (u[0].any() or u[1].any()) \ or (u[0].any()==0 or u[1].any()==0): uu = np.array([u[0],u[1]]).T #determine which interaction and rays #present the colinearity issue uvv = abs(vn[2,uu[:,0],uu[:,1]])>0.99 # uv : nbi x nbr colinear index uv = uu[uvv] # uh : nbi x nbr anti-colinear index uh = uu[np.logical_not(uvv)] try: #fix w for colinear index w[:,uv[:,0],uv[:,1]] = np.array(([1,0,0]))[:,None] # update normal nw[uv[:,0],uv[:,1]] = np.sqrt(np.sum( w[:,uv[:,0],uh[:,1]]*w[:,uv[:,0],uv[:,1]],axis=0)) except: pass try: # fix w for anti-colinear index w[:,uh[:,0],uh[:,1]] = np.array(([0,0,1]))[:,None] # update normal nw[uh[:,0],uh[:,1]] = \ np.sqrt(np.sum(w[:,uh[:,0],uh[:,1]]*w[:,uh[:,0],uh[:,1]],axis=0)) except: pass return w, nw # # Warning need to handle singular case when s_in // vn # # w : 3 x i x r # w = np.cross(s_in, vn, axisa=0, axisb=0, axisc=0) # nw : i x r w, nw = fix_colinear(w) wn = w/nw v = np.cross(wn, s_in, axisa=0, axisb=0, axisc=0) es_in = np.expand_dims(s_in, axis=1) ew = np.expand_dims(wn, axis=1) ev = np.expand_dims(v, axis=1) # Bi 3 x 3 x i x r Bi = np.concatenate((es_in,ew,ev),axis=1) # self[k]['Bi'] 3 x 3 x i x r self[k]['Bi'] = Bi ################################ w = np.cross(s_out, vn, axisa=0, axisb=0, axisc=0) w, nw = fix_colinear(w) #wn = w/np.sqrt(np.sum(w*w, axis=0)) wn = w/nw v = np.cross(wn, s_out, axisa=0, axisb=0, axisc=0) es_out = np.expand_dims(s_out, axis=1) ew = np.expand_dims(wn, axis=1) ev = np.expand_dims(v, axis=1) # Bi 3 x 3 x i x r Bo = np.concatenate((es_out,ew,ev),axis=1) # self[k]['Bo'] 3 x 3 x i x r self[k]['Bo'] = Bo # # AOA (rad) # # th : ,r # fix doa/dod reciprocity #th = np.arccos(si[2, -1, :]) tha = np.arccos(si[2, -1, :]) # th : ,r #ph = np.arctan2(si[1, -1, :], si[0, -1, :]) pha = np.arctan2(si[1, -1, :], si[0, -1, :]) # aoa : 2 x r (radians) self[k]['aoa'] = np.vstack((tha, pha)) eth = np.array([np.cos(tha) * np.cos(pha), np.cos(tha) * np.sin(pha), -np.sin(tha)]) eph = np.array([-np.sin(pha), np.cos(pha), np.zeros(len(pha))]) # Bo0 : 3 x 3 x r BiN = np.concatenate((si[:,-1,None,:], eth[:, None, :], eph[:, None, :]), axis=1) self[k]['BiN'] = BiN #self[k]['BiN'] = np.concatenate((-si[:,-1,np.newaxis,:],eth[:,np.newaxis,:], # eph[:,np.newaxis,:]),axis=1) # Creation of B from Bi and Bo # is done after the potential diffraction # computation ## index creation ################## # create index for retrieving interactions # integer offset : total size idx idxts = idxts + idx.size idx = idxts + np.arange(ityp.size).reshape(np.shape(ityp),order='F') nbray = np.shape(idx)[1] self[k]['rays'] = idx self[k]['nbrays'] = nbray self[k]['rayidx'] = nbrayt + np.arange(nbray) # create a numpy array to relate the ray index to its corresponding # number of interactions #pdb.set_trace() _ray2nbi = np.ones((nbray), dtype=int) try: self._ray2nbi = np.hstack((self._ray2nbi,_ray2nbi)) except: self._ray2nbi = _ray2nbi self._ray2nbi[self[k]['rayidx']] = k nbrayt = nbrayt + nbray self.raypt = self.raypt + self[k]['nbrays'] ################################# # Start diffraction specific case ################################# if len(udiff[0]) != 0 : Z = np.where(ityp.T==1) udiff=Z[1],Z[0] # diffseg,udiffseg = np.unique(nstr[udiff],return_inverse=True) diffupt=nstr[udiff] # position of diff seg (- because iupnt accept > 0 reference to points) # # TO BE FIXED # #ptdiff =[:,L.iupnt[-diffupt]] ptdiff = np.array([ (L.Gs.pos[x][0],L.Gs.pos[x][1]) for x in diffupt ]).T self[k]['diffidx'] = idx[udiff[0],udiff[1]] # get tail head position of seg associated to diff point lair =['AIR'] +['_AIR'] #aseg = map(lambda x : filter(lambda y : y not in lair, # nx.neighbors(L.Gs,x)), # diffupt) aseg = [ [ y for y in nx.neighbors(L.Gs,x) if y not in lair ] for x in diffupt ] #manage flat angle : diffraction by flat segment e.g. door limitation) [aseg[ix].extend(x) for ix,x in enumerate(aseg) if len(x)==1] # get points positions #pdb.set_trace() pts = np.array([ L.seg2pts([x[0],x[1]]) for x in aseg ]) #self[k]['diffslabs']=[str([L.Gs.node[x[0]]['name']])+'_' # + str([L.Gs.node[x[1]]['name']]]) for x in aseg] self[k]['diffslabs']=[ L.Gs.node[x[0]]['name']+'@' + L.Gs.node[x[1]]['name'] for x in aseg] uwl = np.unique(self[k]['diffslabs']).tolist() luw.extend(uwl) pt1 = pts[:,0:2,0] #tail seg1 ph1 = pts[:,2:4,0] #head seg1 pt2 = pts[:,0:2,1] #tail seg2 ph2 = pts[:,2:4,1] #head seg2 #pts is (nb_diffraction_points x 4 x 2) #- The dimension 4 represent the 2x2 points: t1,h1 and t2,h2 # tail and head of segment 1 and 2 respectively # a segment #- The dimension 2 is x,y # # The following aims to determine which tails and heads of # segments associated to a given diffraction point # are connected # # # point diff is pt1 updpt1 = np.where(np.sum(ptdiff.T==pt1,axis=1)==2)[0] # point diff is ph1 updph1 = np.where(np.sum(ptdiff.T==ph1,axis=1)==2)[0] # point diff is pt2 updpt2 = np.where(np.sum(ptdiff.T==pt2,axis=1)==2)[0] # point diff is ph2 updph2 = np.where(np.sum(ptdiff.T==ph2,axis=1)==2)[0] pa = np.empty((len(diffupt),2)) pb = np.empty((len(diffupt),2)) ####seg 1 : #if pt1 diff point => ph1 is the other point pa[updpt1]= ph1[updpt1] #if ph1 diff point => pt1 is the other point pa[updph1]= pt1[updph1] ####seg 2 : #if pt2 diff point => ph2 is the other point pb[updpt2]= ph2[updpt2] #if ph2 diff point => pt2 is the other point pb[updph2]= pt2[updph2] pt = ptdiff.T # NN : (nb_diffraction_points) # alpha wegde (a.k.a. wedge parameters, a.k.a wedge aperture) NN = (360.-geu.sector(pa.T,pb.T,pt.T))/180. # NN = (2.-NN)*np.pi #angle between face 0, diffraction point and s_in #s_in[:2,udiff[0],udiff[1]] : # s_in of insteractions udiff (2D) restricted to diffraction points vptpa = pt-pa vptpan = vptpa.T / np.sqrt(np.sum((vptpa)*(vptpa),axis=1)) # vpapt= pa-pt # papt : direction vector of face 0 # vpaptn = vpapt.T / np.sqrt(np.sum((vpapt)*(vpapt),axis=1)) sid = s_in[:,udiff[0],udiff[1]] #s_in restricted to diff sod = s_out[:,udiff[0],udiff[1]] #s_out restricted to diff vnormz = self[k]['norm'][:, udiff[0], udiff[1]] #phi0 = arccos(dot(sid*vpavptn)) # phi0 = geu.vecang(sid[:2],vpaptn) uleft = geu.isleft(pa.T,pt.T,pb.T) phi0 = geu.vecang(vptpan,sid[:2]) phi0[~uleft] = geu.vecang(sid[:2,~uleft],vptpan[:,~uleft]) # phi0 = np.arccos(np.sum(sid[:2]*vpaptn,axis=0)) #phi = arccos(dot(sod*vpavptn)) # phi = np.arccos(np.sum(-sod[:2]*vpaptn,axis=0)) phi = geu.vecang(vptpan,-sod[:2]) phi[~uleft] = geu.vecang(-sod[:2,~uleft],vptpan[:,~uleft]) # beta #it is important to check if the sid comes from left or right #to this end assume that sid vector is composed #of 2 point : (0,0) and sid # compared to the position of the diffraction point in x # with an elevation=0 sidxz = sid[[0,2]] vnormxz = vnormz[[0,2]] zero = np.zeros((2,ptdiff.shape[1])) zdiff = np.vstack((ptdiff[0],zero[0])) left = geu.isleft(zero,sidxz,zdiff) beta = np.arccos(np.sum(vnormz*sid,axis=0)) # self[k]['diffvect'] is (4 x Nb_rays ) # for axis 0 lenght 4 represent : # 0 => phi0 # 1 => phi # 2 => beta # 3 => N (wedge parameter) self[k]['diffvect']=np.array((phi0,phi,beta,NN)) ###### #Bi diffract ##### #w is the \perp \soft in diff w = np.cross(-sid, vnormz, axisa=0, axisb=0, axisc=0) # nw : i x r w, nw = fix_colinear(w) wn = w/nw # Handling channel reciprocity s_in --> -s_in #v = np.cross(wn, s_in, axisa=0, axisb=0, axisc=0) v = np.cross(wn, -sid, axisa=0, axisb=0, axisc=0) e_sid = np.expand_dims(-sid, axis=1) ew = np.expand_dims(wn, axis=1) ev = np.expand_dims(v, axis=1) # Bid 3 x 3 x (i,r)diff Bid = np.concatenate((e_sid,ev, ew), axis=1) #update Bi for diffracted rays Bi[:,:,udiff[0],udiff[1]] = Bid ###### #Bo diffract ##### w = np.cross(sod,vnormz, axisa=0, axisb=0, axisc=0) w, nw = fix_colinear(w) wn = w/nw #wn = w/np.sqrt(np.sum(w*w, axis=0)) v = np.cross(wn, sod, axisa=0, axisb=0, axisc=0) e_sod = np.expand_dims(sod, axis=1) ew = np.expand_dims(wn, axis=1) ev = np.expand_dims(v, axis=1) # Bod 3 x 3 x (i,r)diff Bod = np.concatenate((e_sod,ev, ew), axis=1) #update Bo for diffracted rays Bo[:,:,udiff[0],udiff[1]] = Bod ################################# # End of diffraction specific case ################################## # # pasting (Bo0,B,BiN) # # B : 3 x 3 x i x r Bo = np.concatenate((Bo0[:, :, np.newaxis, :], Bo), axis=2) Bi = np.concatenate((Bi, BiN[:, :, np.newaxis, :]), axis=2) # B : 3 x 3 x i x r self[k]['B'] = np.einsum('xv...,xw...->vw...', Bi, Bo) #self[k]['B'] = np.einsum('vx...,xw...->vw...', Bi, Bo) #BiN = np.array([si[:,-1,:], eth, eph]) # ndim x 3 x Nray #self[k]['BiN']=BiN # self[k]['B']=np.sum(self[k]['Bi'][:2,:2,np.newaxis]*self[k]['Bo'][np.newaxis,:2,:2],axis=1) # if los exists else : self[k]['nstrwall'] = np.array(()) self[k]['norm'] = np.array(()) si = np.sqrt(np.sum((self[0]['pt'][:,0]-self[0]['pt'][:,1])**2,axis=0)) self[k]['si'] = np.vstack((si,0.)) self[k]['vsi'] = (self[0]['pt'][:,1]-self[0]['pt'][:,0])/si self[k]['dis'] = np.array((si)) vsi = self[k]['vsi'] thd = np.arccos(vsi[2]) phd = np.arctan2(vsi[1], vsi[0]) self[k]['aod'] = np.vstack((thd, phd)) self[k]['Bo0'] = np.array(()) self[k]['scpr'] = np.array(()) self[k]['theta'] = np.zeros((1,1)) # # The following derivation of the doa is the actual chosen angle convention # Those angles are relative to natural spherical coordinates system in the gcs of the scene. # # for a LOS path : # tha = pi - thd # pha = phd - pi # #self[k]['aoa'] = np.vstack((np.pi-thd, phd-np.pi)) self[k]['aoa'] = np.vstack((thd,phd)) E = np.eye(2)[:,:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis] self[k]['B'] = np.dstack((E,E)) ze = np.array([0]) self[k]['rays'] = np.array(([[0]])) self[k]['nbrays'] = 1 self[k]['rayidx'] = ze self.raypt = 1 self._ray2nbi = ze self._luw = np.unique(luw).tolist() self.isbased = True
[docs] def fillinter(self, L, append=False): """ fill ray interactions Parameters ---------- L : Layout append : Boolean If True append new rays to existing structure Notes ------- This method adds the following members I : Interactions B : IntB B0 : IntB """ # reinitialized ray pointer if not in append mode if not append: self.raypt = 0 # stacked interactions I = Interactions( # rotation basis B = IntB( B0 = IntB( # # LOS Interaction # Los = IntL() # Reflexion R = IntR( # Transmission T = IntT( # Diffraction D = IntD( idx = np.array(()) if self.los: idxts = 1 nbrayt = 1 else: idxts = 0 nbrayt = 0 # Transform dictionnary of slab name to array # slv = nx.get_node_attributes(L.Gs, "name").values() # slk = nx.get_node_attributes(L.Gs, "name").keys() # find all material used in simulation #uslv = np.unique(L.sla[1:]) uslv = # # add CEIL and FLOOR # #uslv = np.hstack((uslv, np.array(('CEIL', 'FLOOR')))) # create reverse dictionnary with all material as a key # and associated point/segment as a value #dsla = {} #for s in uslv: # dsla[s] = np.where(s == np.array(slv))[0] nsmax = max(L.Gs.node.keys()) #sla = np.zeros((nsmax+1), dtype='S20') # array type str with more than 1 character # warning use zeros instead of empty because slab zero # is virtually used before assigning correct slab to ceil and floor # # sla is an array of string. # each value of Gs node is the index of the corresponding slab # #sla[slk] = np.array(slv) R.dusl = dict.fromkeys(uslv, np.array((), dtype=int)) T.dusl = dict.fromkeys(uslv, np.array((), dtype=int)) #to be specified and limited to used wedges if hasattr(self,'_luw'): D.dusl = dict.fromkeys(self._luw, np.array((), dtype=int)) # transmission/reflection slab array tsl = np.array(()) rsl = np.array(()) # diffraction wedge list dw = np.array(()) # loop on group of interactions for k in self: if k !=0: uR = uT = uD = uRf = uRc = 0. # structure number (segment or point) # nstr : i x r nstr = self[k]['sig'][0, 1:-1, :] # ityp : i x r ityp = self[k]['sig'][1, 1:-1, :] # theta : i x r ( related to interactions ) theta = self[k]['theta'] # (i+1) x r si = self[k]['si'] # distance in s_in = si[0:-1,:] # distance in s_out = si[1:,:] if 'diffvect' in self[k]: dvec = self[k]['diffvect'] ldsl = self[k]['diffslabs'] dix = self[k]['diffidx'] ## flatten information ###################### # flatten nstr (1 dimension) # size1 = i x r size1 = nstr.size # flatten ityp (method faster than np.ravel() ) nstrf = np.reshape(nstr,size1,order='F') itypf = ityp.reshape(size1,order='F') thetaf = theta.reshape(size1,order='F') #sif = si[0, :, :].reshape(si[0, :, :].size) # ## index creation / already done in rays.locbas # ################## # # create index for retrieving interactions # # integer offset : total size idx # idxts = idxts + idx.size # idx = idxts + np.arange(ityp.size).reshape(np.shape(ityp),order='F') # nbray = np.shape(idx)[1] # self[k]['rays'] = idx # self[k]['nbrays'] = nbray # self[k]['rayidx'] = nbrayt + np.arange(nbray) # # create a numpy array to relate the ray index to its corresponding # # number of interactions # # _ray2nbi = np.ones((nbray)) # #try: # # self._ray2nbi=np.hstack((self._ray2nbi,_ray2nbi)) # #except: # # self._ray2nbi=_ray2nbi # #self._ray2nbi[self[k]['rayidx']] = k # nbrayt = nbrayt + nbray # #self.raypt = self.raypt + self[k]['nbrays'] idxf = self[k]['rays'].reshape(self[k]['rays'].size,order='F') # (i+1)xr # size2 = si[:, :].size nbray = self[k]['nbrays'] # TODO # dirty fix # nbray is either an int or an array. why ? if type(nbray)==np.ndarray: nbray=nbray[0] # ,(i+1)xr # sif = si[:, :].reshape(size2,order='F') # TO BE REMOVE s_inf = s_in[:, :].reshape(ityp.size,order='F') s_outf = s_out[:, :].reshape(ityp.size,order='F') # 2x2,(i+1)xr # # self[k]['B'] 3 x 3 x i x r # # first unitary matrix (3x3xr) b0 = self[k]['B'][:,:,0,:] # first unitary matrix 1: # dimension i and r are merged b = self[k]['B'][:,:,1:,:].reshape(3, 3, size2-nbray,order='F') ## find used slab ################## # find slab type for the rnstr # nstrf is a number of slab # this is a problem for handling subsegment # # seek for interactions position ################################ uD = np.where((itypf == 1))[0] uR = np.where((itypf == 2))[0] uT = np.where((itypf == 3))[0] uRf = np.where((itypf == 4))[0] uRc = np.where((itypf == 5))[0] # assign floor and ceil slab ############################ slT = [ L.Gs.node[x]['name'] for x in nstrf[uT] ] slR = [ L.Gs.node[x]['name'] for x in nstrf[uR] ] # WARNING # in future versions floor and ceil could be different for each cycle. # this information would be directly obtained from L.Gs # then the two following lines would have to be modified slRf = np.array(['FLOOR']*len(uRf)) slRc = np.array(['CEIL']*len(uRc)) # Fill the used slab ##################### tsl = np.hstack((tsl, slT)) rsl = np.hstack((rsl, slR, slRf, slRc)) if 'diffvect' in self[k]: dw = np.hstack((dw,self[k]['diffslabs'])) ## for s in uslv: ## ## T.dusl[s]=np.hstack((T.dusl[s],len(T.idx) + np.where(sl[uT]==s)[0])) ## R.dusl[s]=np.hstack((R.dusl[s],len(R.idx) + np.where(sl[uR]==s)[0])) ## R.dusl['FLOOR']=np.hstack((R.dusl['FLOOR'],len(R.idx)+len(uR) + np.where(sl[uRf]=='FLOOR')[0])) # R.dusl['CEIL']=np.hstack((R.dusl['CEIL'],len(R.idx)+len(uR)+len(uRf) + # np.where(sl[uRc]=='CEIL')[0])) # Basis # Hugr issue with B index # Friedman version Bs was entering in the index # maybe B can have the same index that interactions # but this must be managed when evaluation of CIR is made # BU 10/4/2013 # .. todo: This is no longer idxf the good index # why the transposition b is first 2x2x(i+1)xr # idxf is (ixr) # # need to check how B is used in eval() # # Warning # ------- # B.idx refers to an interaction index # whereas B0.idx refers to a ray number # B.stack(data=b.T, idx=idxf) # B0.stack(data=b0.T,idx=self[k]['rayidx']) B.stack(data=b.T, idx=idxf) B0.stack(data=b0.T,idx=self[k]['rayidx']) ### Reflexion ############ ### wall reflexion #(theta, s_in,s_out) R.stack(data=np.array((thetaf[uR], s_inf[uR], s_outf[uR])).T, idx=idxf[uR]) # floor reflexion R.stack(data=np.array((thetaf[uRf], s_inf[uRf], s_outf[uRf])).T, idx=idxf[uRf]) # ceil reflexion R.stack(data=np.array((thetaf[uRc], s_inf[uRc], s_outf[uRc])).T, idx=idxf[uRc]) # R.stack(data=np.array((thetaf[uR], sif[uR], sif[uR+1])).T, # idx=idxf[uR]) # # floor reflexion # R.stack(data=np.array((thetaf[uRf], sif[uRf], sif[uRf+1])).T, # idx=idxf[uRf]) # # ceil reflexion # R.stack(data=np.array((thetaf[uRc], sif[uRc], sif[uRc+1])).T, # idx=idxf[uRc]) ### sl[idxf[uT]] # Transmision ############ # (theta, s_in,s_out) # T.stack(data=np.array((thetaf[uT], sif[uT], sif[uT+1])).T, idx=idxf[uT]) T.stack(data=np.array((thetaf[uT], s_inf[uT], s_outf[uT])).T, idx=idxf[uT]) ### #Diffraction #phi0,phi,si,sd,N,mat0,matN,beta # if 'diffvect' in self[k]: # self[k]['diffvect'] = ((phi0,phi,beta,N) x (nb_rayxnb_interactions) ) #si and so are stacked at the end of self[k]['diffvect'] #as well: #data = (6 x (nb_rayxnb_interactions) ) # ((phi0,phi,beta,N,sin,sout) x (nb_rayxnb_interactions) ) data = np.vstack((self[k]['diffvect'],s_inf[uD],s_outf[uD])) D.stack(data=data.T,idx=self[k]['diffidx'])#idxf[uD]) elif self.los: ze = np.array([0]) #self[k]['rays'] = np.array(([[0]])) #self[k]['nbrays'] = 1 #self[k]['rayidx'] = ze #self.raypt = 1 #self._ray2nbi=ze B.stack(data=np.eye(3)[np.newaxis,:,:], idx=ze) B0.stack(data=np.eye(3)[np.newaxis,:,:],idx=ze) if len(tsl)>0: T.create_dusl(tsl) if len(rsl)>0: R.create_dusl(rsl) if len(dw)>0: D.create_dusl(dw) # create interactions structure self.I = I self.I.add([T, R, D]) # create rotation base B self.B = B # create rotation base B0 self.B0 = B0 self.filled = True
[docs] def eval(self,fGHz=np.array([2.4]),bfacdiv=False,ib=[]): """ field evaluation of rays Parameters ---------- fGHz : array frequency in GHz ib : list of interactions block """ #print 'Rays evaluation' self.fGHz=fGHz # evaluation of all interactions # # core calculation of all interactions is done here # self.I.eval(fGHz) # if np.isnan(self.I.I).any(): # pdb.set_trace() # evaluation of base B (2x2) # B and B0 do no depend on frequency # just an axis extension (np.newaxis) #pdb.set_trace() # 1 x i x 3 x 3 B =[np.newaxis,...] B = B.swapaxes(2,3) # 1 x r x 3 x 3 B0 =[np.newaxis,...] B0 = B0.swapaxes(2,3) # Ct : f x r x 3 x 3 Ct = np.zeros((, self.nray, 3, 3), dtype=complex) # delays : ,r self.delays = np.zeros((self.nray)) # dis : ,r self.dis = np.zeros((self.nray)) #nf : number of frequency point nf = aod= np.empty((2,self.nray)) aoa= np.empty((2,self.nray)) # loop on interaction blocks if ib==[]: ib=self.keys() # loop over group of interactions for l in ib: # ir : ray index ir = self[l]['rayidx'] aoa[:,ir]=self[l]['aoa'] aod[:,ir]=self[l]['aod'] if l != 0: # l stands for the number of interactions r = self[l]['nbrays'] # dirty fix should not be an array if type(r)==np.ndarray: r = r[0] # reshape in order to have a 1D list of index # reshape ray index rrl = self[l]['rays'].reshape(r*l,order='F') # get the corresponding evaluated interactions # # reshape error can be tricky to debug. # # f , r , l , 2 , 2 A = self.I.I[:, rrl, :, :].reshape(, r, l, 3, 3) # get the corresponding unitary matrix B # 1 , r , l , 2 , 2 #Bl = B[:, rrl, :, :].reshape(, r, l, 2, 2,order='F') Bl = B[:, rrl, :, :].reshape(1, r, l, 3, 3) # get the first unitary matrix B0l B0l = B0[:,ir,:, :] # get alpha alpha = self.I.alpha[rrl].reshape(r, l,order='F') # # get gamma gamma = self.I.gamma[rrl].reshape(r, l,order='F') # # get si0 si0 = self.I.si0[rrl].reshape(r, l,order='F') # # get sout sout = self.I.sout[rrl].reshape(r, l,order='F') try: del Z except: pass #print "\nrays",ir #print "-----------------------" ## loop on all the interactions of ray with l interactions for i in range(0, l): ############################################ ## # Divergence factor D ### not yet implementented ############################################ # if i == 0: # pdb.set_trace() # D0 = 1./si0[:,1] # rho1 = si0[:,1]*alpha[:,i] # rho2 = si0[:,1]*alpha[:,i]*gamma[:,i] # D =np.sqrt( # ( (rho1 ) / (rho1 + sout[:,i]) ) # *( (rho2) / (rho2 + sout[:,i]))) # D=D*D0 # rho1=rho1+(sout[:,i]*alpha[:,i]) # rho2=rho2+(sout[:,i]*alpha[:,i]*gamma[:,i]) # # ## gerer le loss # if np.isnan(D).any(): # p=np.nonzero(np.isnan(D))[0] # D[p]=1./sout[p,1] # else : # D=np.sqrt( # ( (rho1 ) / (rho1 + sout[:,i]) ) # *( (rho2) / (rho2 + sout[:,i]))) # # rho1=rho1+(sout[:,i]*alpha[:,i]) # rho2=rho2+(sout[:,i]*alpha[:,i]*gamma[:,i]) ############################################ # A0 (X dot Y) # | | | # v v v ########################## ## B # I # B # I # B # ########################## # \_____/ \______/ # | | # Atmp(i) Atmp(i+1) # # Z=Atmp(i) dot Atmp(i+1) #X = A [:, :, i, :, :] #Y = Bl[:, :, i, :, :] # pdb.set_trace() if i == 0: ## First Basis added Atmp = A[:, :, i, :, :] B00 = B0l[:, :, :, :] Z = np.sum(Atmp[..., :, :, np.newaxis] *B00[..., np.newaxis, :, :], axis=-2) else: Atmp = A[:, :, i, :, :] BB = Bl[:, :, i-1, :, :] Ztmp = np.sum(Atmp[..., :, :, np.newaxis] *BB[..., np.newaxis, :, :], axis=-2) Z = np.sum(Ztmp[..., :, :, np.newaxis] *Z[..., np.newaxis, :, :], axis=-2) if i == l-1: BB = Bl[:, :, i, :, :] Z = np.sum(BB[..., :, :, np.newaxis] *Z[..., np.newaxis, :, :], axis=-2) # fill the C tilde MDA Ct[:,ir, :, :] = Z[:, :, :, :] # if bfacdiv: Ct[:,ir, :, :] = Ct[:, ir, :, :]*1./(self[l]['dis'][np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]) else: Ct[:,ir, :, :] = Ct[:, ir, :, :]*1./(self[l]['dis'][np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]) self.delays[ir] = self[l]['dis']/0.3 self.dis[ir] = self[l]['dis'] # # true LOS when no interaction # if self.los: Ct[:,0, :, :]= np.eye(3,3)[None,None,:,:] #self[0]['dis'] = self[0]['si'][0] # Fris Ct[:,0, :, :] = Ct[:,0, :, :]*1./(self[0]['dis'][None, :, None, None]) self.delays[0] = self[0]['dis']/0.3 self.dis[0] = self[0]['dis'] # To be corrected in a future version # # Ct : nf , Nray , theta , phi # # to # # Ct : Nray x nf , theta , phi # Ct = np.swapaxes(Ct, 1, 0) #c11 = Ct[:,:,0,0] #c12 = Ct[:,:,0,1] #c21 = Ct[:,:,1,0] #c22 = Ct[:,:,1,1] c11 = Ct[:,:,1,1] c12 = Ct[:,:,1,2] c21 = Ct[:,:,2,1] c22 = Ct[:,:,2,2] # # Construction of the Ctilde propagation channel structure # Cn = Ctilde() # Cn.Cpp = bs.FUsignal(self.I.fGHz, c11) # Cn.Cpt = bs.FUsignal(self.I.fGHz, c12) # Cn.Ctp = bs.FUsignal(self.I.fGHz, c21) # Cn.Ctt = bs.FUsignal(self.I.fGHz, c22) Cn.Ctt = bs.FUsignal(self.I.fGHz, c11) Cn.Ctp = bs.FUsignal(self.I.fGHz, c12) Cn.Cpt = bs.FUsignal(self.I.fGHz, c21) Cn.Cpp = bs.FUsignal(self.I.fGHz, c22) Cn.nfreq = Cn.nray = self.nray Cn.tauk = self.delays Cn.fGHz = self.I.fGHz # r x 2 Cn.tang = aod.T Cn.tangl = aod.T # r x 2 # # recover angle of arrival convention # Cn.rang = np.hstack([np.pi-aoa.T[:,[0]],aoa.T[:,[1]]-np.pi]) Cn.rangl = np.hstack([np.pi-aoa.T[:,[0]],aoa.T[:,[1]]-np.pi]) # add aoa and aod self.evaluated = True return(Cn)
[docs] def rayfromseg(self,ls): ''' DEPRECATED use raysfromnstr instead ''' DeprecationWarning('function name update: use raysfromnstr instead') return self.rayfromnstr(ls)
[docs] def rayfromnstr(self,ls): """ returns the indexes of rays for a given interaction list """ if not isinstance(ls,list): ls = [ls] lur = [] for k in self: aib = self[k]['sig'][0,...] for i in ls : # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() ui, ur = np.where(aib == i) lur.extend(self[k]['rayidx'][ur].tolist()) return np.sort(lur)
[docs] def rayfromdelay(self,t0=0,t1=[]): """ returns the indexes of rays between 2 timestamps t0 and t1 """ if t1 == []: t1 = self.delays.max() u = np.where((self.delays>t0) & (self.delays<t1))[0] return u
[docs] def ray2slab(self,L,ir): """ return the slabs for a given interaction index Parameters ---------- L : Layout ir : interaction block Returns ------- numpy array of slabs strings at the shape (ir,r) ir : number of interactions ( of the interaction block) r : number of rays """ v=np.vectorize( lambda t: L.Gs.node[t]['name'] if (t!=0) and (t>0) else '_') return v(self[ir]['sig'][0])
[docs] def ray(self, r): """ returns the index of interactions of r Parameters ---------- r : integer ray index Returns ------- ir : nd.array index of interactions of r Examples -------- """ raypos = np.nonzero(self[self._ray2nbi[r]]['rayidx'] == r)[0] return(self[self._ray2nbi[r]]['rays'][:,raypos][:,0])
[docs] def ir2a(self,ir): """ index ray 2 address ray Parameters ---------- ir : integer Returns ------- (ni,ux) : tuple address (group of interactions, index) """ assert ir < self.nray, "wrong ray index" ni = self._ray2nbi[ir] ur = np.where(self[ni]['rayidx']==ir)[0][0] return(ni,ur)
[docs] def a2ir(self,t): """ address ray 2 index ray Parameters ---------- t = (ni,ux) : tuple address (group of interactions, index) ray address Returns ------- ir : integer ray index """ assert t[0] in self.keys(), "wrong number of interactions" ir = self[t[0]]['rayidx'][t[1]] return(ir)
[docs] def ray2ityp(self,r): """ return interaction type for a given ray Parameters ---------- r : integer ray index Returns ------- lt : list list of type of interactions """ di = {1:'D',2:'R',3:'T',4:'R',5:'R'} sig = self.ray2sig(r) sig = sig[1,1:-1] return [di[s] for s in sig]
[docs] def ray2nbi(self,r): """ Get interaction block/number of interactions of a given ray Parameters ---------- r : integer ray index Returns ------- nbi : int interaction block number """ i = self._ray2nbi[r] return i
[docs] def ray2iidx(self,ir): """ Get interactions index of a given ray Parameters ---------- ir : integer ray index Returns ------- iidx : array interaction index """ unbi = self.ray2nbi(ir) ur = np.where(self[unbi]['rayidx']==ir)[0] return self[unbi]['rays'][:,ur]
[docs] def ray2sig(self,ir): """ get signature to corresponding ray """ unbi = self.ray2nbi(ir) ur = np.where(self[unbi]['rayidx']==ir)[0] return self[unbi]['sig'][:,:,ur].squeeze()
[docs] def ray2sig2d(self,ir): """ get signature to corresponding ray """ sig = self.ray2sig(ir) sig = sig.squeeze() sig = sig[:,1:-1] # remove extremal 0 unfc = np.where(sig[1,:]<4)[0]# index floor cell sig2d = sig[:,unfc] return sig2d
[docs] def ray2inter(self,ir,L,Si): """ get interaction list (Gi style) from a ray Parameters ---------- ir : ray index L : Layout Si : Signatures object """ sig = self.ray2sig2d(ir) return Si.sig2inter(L,sig)
[docs] def slab_nb(self, ir): """ returns the slab numbers of r Parameters ---------- ir : integer ray index Returns ------- isl : slabs number """ raypos = np.nonzero(self[self._ray2nbi[ir]]['rayidx'] == ir)[0] return(self[self._ray2nbi[ir]]['sig'][0,1:-1,raypos[0]])
[docs] def vis(self,ir,L): typ = ['Tx'] + self.typ(ir) + ['Rx'] slab_nb = self.slab_nb(ir) slab_nb = np.insert(slab_nb,0,0) slab_nb = np.insert(slab_nb,len(slab_nb),0) nbi = self._ray2nbi[ir] raypos = np.nonzero(self[nbi]['rayidx'] == ir)[0] pt = self[nbi]['pt'][:,:,raypos] tz = pt[2].ravel() slab = [ L.Gs.node[x]['name'] for x in slab_nb if x > 0] st = '' for t in typ: st = st + t+' ' print(st) st = '' for s in slab_nb: st = st + str(s)+' ' print(st) st = '' for z in tz: st = st + str(z)+' ' print(st) print(slab)
[docs] def typ(self, ir,fromR=True): """ returns interactions list type of a given ray Parameters ---------- ir : integer ray index fromR : bool True : get information from signature in R False: get information in R.I """ # # In this function we can see that the ceil and floor # are hard coded as reflection. This is going to evolve # for implementation of multi floor # if fromR: di = {0:'L',1:'D',2:'R',3:'T',4:'R',5:'R'} nbi = self._ray2nbi[ir] raypos = np.nonzero(self[nbi]['rayidx'] == ir)[0] inter = self[nbi]['sig'][1,1:-1,raypos][0] return [di[i] for i in inter] else: a = self.ray(r) return(self.I.typ[a])
[docs] def dump(self,ir,L,ifGHz=0,filename='dumpray.ray'): """ dump the full information of a ray in a file """ nbi = self._ray2nbi[ir] ur = np.where(self[nbi]['rayidx']==ir)[0][0] fd=open(filename,'w') fd.write('ray #'+str(ir)+'\n') fd.write(str(ur)+ ' th ray from the group of ' + str(nbi)+' Interactions' +'\n') cy_a = L.pt2cy(self.pTx) cy_b = L.pt2cy(self.pRx) #fd.write('Tx #'+str(self.pTx)+'\n') #fd.write('Rx #'+str(self.pRx)+'\n') if self.evaluated: ray = self.ray(ir) typ = self.typ(ir) slabnb = self.slab_nb(ir) fd.write(' ray #'+str(ray)+'\n') #fd.write(' typ #'+str(typ)+'\n') fd.write(' slab #'+str(slabnb)+'\n') for k in range(nbi+2): if k==0: fd.write('Tx : ') elif k==(nbi+1): fd.write('Rx : ') else: six = slabnb[k-1] if six==0: slabname='FLOOR' cyc =[-2,-3] else: slabname = L.Gs.node[six]['name'] cyc = L.Gs.node[six]['ncycles'] if typ[k-1]=='T': fd.write('T '+slabname +' ('+str(six)+','+str(cyc[0])+','+str(cyc[1])+')') if typ[k-1]=='R': fd.write('R '+slabname +' ('+str(six)+',)') if typ[k-1]=='D': fd.write('D ('+str(six)+') :') fd.write(str(self[nbi]['pt'][:,k,ur])+'\n' ) if k==0: fd.write(' '+str(cy_a)+'\n') elif k==(nbi+1): fd.write(' '+str(cy_b)+'\n') if k==0: for l in range(3): if l<2: fd.write('\t'+str(self[nbi]['Bo0'][l,:,ur]) +'\t'+str(self[nbi]['B'][l,:,0,ur])+'\n') else: fd.write('\t'+str(self[nbi]['Bo0'][l,:,ur]) +'\n') elif k==(nbi+1): for l in range(3): fd.write('\t'+str(self[nbi]['BiN'][l,:,ur])+'\n') else: for l in range(3): if l<2: fd.write('\t'+str(self[nbi]['Bi'][l,:,k-1,ur])+'\t'+ str(self[nbi]['Bo'][l,:,k-1,ur]) +'\t'+str(self[nbi]['B'][l,:,k-1,ur])+'\n') else: fd.write('\t'+str(self[nbi]['Bi'][l,:,k-1,ur])+'\t'+ str(self[nbi]['Bo'][l,:,k-1,ur])+'\n') fd.close()
[docs] def info(self,ir,ifGHz=0,bB=True,matrix=False): """ provides information for a given ray r Parameters ---------- ir : int ray index ifGHz : int frequency index bB: boolean display Basis matrix : display matrix """ if self.evaluated: print('-------------------------') print('Informations of ray #', ir) print('-------------------------\n') ray = self.ray(ir) typ = self.typ(ir) slabnb = self.slab_nb(ir) # if there is a diffraction, phi0, phi, beta are shown if 'D' in typ: diff =True print('{0:5} , {1:4}, {2:10}, {3:7}, {4:7}, {5:10}, {6:10}, {7:4}, {8:4}, {9:4}'\ .format('Index', 'type', 'slab', 'nstr' , 'th(rad)', 'alpha', 'gamma2', 'phi0', 'phi', 'beta')) else : diff =False print('{0:5} , {1:4}, {2:10}, {3:7}, {4:7}, {5:10}, {6:10}'\ .format('Index', 'type', 'slab', 'nstr', 'th(rad)', 'alpha', 'gamma2')) print('{0:5} , {1:4}, {2:10}, {3:7}, {4:7.2}, {5:10.2}, {6:10.2}'\ .format(ir, 'B0','-', '-', '-', '-', '-')) for iidx, i in enumerate(typ): # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() if i == 'T' or i == 'R' or i =='D': I = getattr(self.I, i) for slab in I.dusl.keys(): # print slab midx = I.dusl[slab] # print midx Iidx = np.array((I.idx))[midx] if i != 'D': th =[I.dusl[slab], 0] gamma = I.gamma[midx] alpha = I.alpha[midx] else : # from IPython.core.debugger import Tracer # Tracer()() th=['-']*max(max(Iidx),1) gamma = ['NC']*max(max(Iidx),1) alpha = ['NC']*max(max(Iidx),1) udiff = np.where(self.I.D.idx==ray[iidx])[0] phi0 = self.I.D.phi0[udiff][0] phi=self.I.D.phi[udiff][0] beta=self.I.D.beta[udiff][0] for ii, Ii in enumerate(Iidx): if Ii == ray[iidx]: if i=='D': print('{0:5} , {1:4}, {2:10}, {3:7}, {4:7.2}, {5:10}, {6:10}, {7:3.4}, {8:3.4}, {9:3.4}'\ .format(Ii, i, slab, slabnb[iidx], th[ii], alpha[ii], gamma[ii],phi0,phi,beta)) else: print('{0:5} , {1:4}, {2:10}, {3:7}, {4:7.2}, {5:10.2}, {6:10.2}'\ .format(Ii, i, slab, slabnb[iidx], th[ii], alpha[ii], gamma[ii])) else: if bB: print('{0:5} , {1:4}, {2:10}, {3:7}, {4:7.2}, {5:10.2}, {6:10.2}'.format(ray[iidx], 'B', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-')) # print '{0:5} , {1:4}, {2:10}, {3:7}, {4:10}, {5:10}'.format(ray[iidx], i, '-', '-', '-', '-') if matrix: print('\n----------------------------------------') print(' Matrix of ray #', ir, 'at f=', self.I.fGHz[ifGHz]) print('----------------------------------------') lmat = [] ltran = [] if bB: print('rotation matrix#', 'type: B0') B0 =[ir,:,:] addr = self.ir2a(ir) Bo0 = self[addr[0]]['Bo0'][:,:,addr[1]] Bi1 = self[addr[0]]['Bi'][:,:,0,addr[1]] U =,Bo0) assert np.allclose(B0,U) lmat.append(B0) ltran.append(B0) print(B0) for iidx, i in enumerate(typ): print('interaction #', ray[iidx], 'type:', i) # f x l x 2 x 2 I = self.I.I[ifGHz, ray[iidx], :, :] print(I) lmat.append(I) if bB: print('rotation matrix#',[ray[iidx]], 'type: B') B =[ray[iidx], :, :] print(B) lmat.append(B) ltran.append(B) # evaluate matrix product PM0=np.eye(3) PM1=np.eye(3) for m in lmat[::-1]:,m) for m in ltran[::-1]:,m) print("matrix product with interactions (dB)") print(20*np.log10(np.abs(PM0[1,1])),' ',20*np.log10(np.abs(PM0[1,2]))) print(20*np.log10(np.abs(PM0[2,1])),' ',20*np.log10(np.abs(PM0[2,2]))) print("matrix product without interactions (dB)") print(20*np.log10(np.abs(PM1[1,1])),' ',20*np.log10(np.abs(PM1[1,2]))) print(20*np.log10(np.abs(PM1[2,1])),' ',20*np.log10(np.abs(PM1[2,2]))) return(PM0) else: print('\nto display matrix, use matrix=True on call') else: print('Rays have not been evaluated yet')
[docs] def signature(self, u , typ='full'): """ extract ray signature Parameters ---------- u : tuple orr int if tuple addr if int index Returns ------- sig : ndarray Notes ----- Signature of a ray is store as a member r[nint]['sig'] """ if type(u)==tuple: addr = u else: addr = self.ir2a(u) if typ=='full': sig = self[addr[0]]['sig'][:,:,addr[1]] else: pass return(sig)
[docs] def show3d(self, ray, bdis=True, bbas=False, bstruc=True, col=np.array([1, 0, 1]), id=0, linewidth=1): """ plot a set of 3D rays Parameters ---------- ray : block : int interaction block bdis : Boolean if False return .vect filename (True) bbas : Boolean display local basis (False) bstruc : Boolean display structure (True) col : ndarray() 1x3 color of the ray ([1,0,1]) id : Integer id of the ray (default 0) linewidth : Integer default 1 """ filerac = pyu.getlong("ray" + str(id), pstruc['DIRGEOM']) _filerac = pyu.getshort(filerac) filename_list = filerac + '.list' filename_vect = filerac + '.vect' try: fo = open(filename_vect, "w") except: raise NameError(filename) fo.write("appearance { linewidth %d }\n" % linewidth) fo.write("VECT\n") fo.write("1 %d 1\n\n" % len(ray[0, :])) fo.write("%d\n" % len(ray[0, :])) fo.write("1\n") for i in range(len(ray[0, :])): fo.write("%g %g %g\n" % (ray[0, i], ray[1, i], ray[2, i])) # fo.write("%d %d %d 0\n" % (col[0],col[1],col[2])) fo.write("%g %g %g 0\n" % (col[0], col[1], col[2])) fo.close() # # Ajout des bases locales # fo = open(filename_list, "w") fo.write("LIST\n") fo.write("{<" + filename_vect + "}\n") if (bstruc): # fo.write("{<}\n") fo.write("{<" + _filestr + ".off}\n") filename = filename_list fo.close() if (bdis): # # Geomview Visualisation # chaine = "geomview -nopanel -b 1 1 1 " + filename + \ " 2>/dev/null &" os.system(chaine) else: return(filename)
def _show3(self,L=[],rlist=[],newfig=False,cmap='hot',**kwargs): """ plot 3D rays in environment using Mayavi Parameters ---------- L : Layout object Layout to be displayed rlist : list list of index rays newfig : boolean (default: False) if true create a new mayavi figure else : use the current ER: Ray energy """ if newfig: mlab.clf() f = mlab.figure(bgcolor=(1, 1, 1), fgcolor=(0, 0, 0)) else : f = mlab.gcf() # view=mlab.view() if L != []: try: L._filename except: raise NameError('L argument must be a layout object') L._show3() if 'ER' in kwargs: ER = kwargs['ER'] color_range = np.linspace( 0, 1., len(ER))#np.linspace( 0, np.pi, len(ER)) uER = ER.argsort()[::-1] colors= color_range[uER] if rlist ==[]: nbi = self.keys() for i in nbi: r = range(np.shape(self[i]['pt'])[2]) ridx = self[i]['rayidx'] # number of rays nbr = len(r) # current number of interactions cnbi = i + 2 # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() pt = self[i]['pt'][:,:,r].reshape(3,cnbi*nbr,order='F') l0 = np.array([np.arange(0,cnbi-1)+k*cnbi for k in range(nbr)]).ravel() l1 = l0+1 connection = np.vstack((l0,l1)).T if 'ER' in kwargs: rc = np.repeat(colors[ridx],cnbi) rc[::cnbi]=0 src = mlab.pipeline.scalar_scatter(pt[0,:], pt[1,:], pt[2,:],rc,colormap=cmap) else: src = mlab.pipeline.scalar_scatter(pt[0,:], pt[1,:], pt[2,:]) src.mlab_source.dataset.lines=connection src.update() lines = mlab.pipeline.stripper(src) mlab.pipeline.surface(lines,opacity=0.5,colormap=cmap) f.children[-1].name='Rays with ' + str(i) + 'interactions' else : nbi = self._ray2nbi[rlist] nr = np.array((nbi,rlist)) unb = np.unique(nr[0,:]) unr = {int(i):np.where(nr[0,:]==i)[0] for i in unb} for i in unb: raynb = (nr[1,unr[i]]).astype(int) nbr=len(raynb) ptidx = [np.where(self[i]['rayidx']==x)[0][0] for x in raynb] # current number of interactions cnbi = i + 2 pt = self[i]['pt'][:,:,ptidx].reshape(3,cnbi*nbr,order='F') # lines = np.arange(cnbi*nbr).reshape(cnbi,nbr) lines = np.arange(cnbi*nbr).reshape(nbr,cnbi) # mesh = tvtk.PolyData(points=pt.T, polys=lines) mesh = tvtk.PolyData(points=pt.T, polys=lines) mlab.pipeline.surface(mlab.pipeline.extract_edges(mesh), color=(0, 0, 0), ) f.children[-1].name='Rays with ' + str(int(i)) + 'interactions' # mlab.view(view[0],view[1],view[2],view[3]) return(f)
[docs] def show3(self, L=[], bdis=True, bstruc=True, bbasi = False, bbaso = False, id=0, ilist=[], raylist=[],centered=True): """ plot 3D rays within the simulated environment Parameters ---------- bdis : boolean True bstruc : boolean True bbasi : boolean display input basis of each interaction of rays bbaso : boolean display ouput basis of each interaction of rays id : int L : Layout object Layout to be displayed ilist : list of group of interactions raylist : list of index rays centered : boolean if True center the layout before display """ try: L._filename except: raise NameError('L argument must be a layout object') if not centered: pg=np.array([[0],[0],[0]]) strucname= L._filename.split('.')[0] pg = L.geomfile(centered=centered) pg = np.hstack((pg,0.)).reshape(3,1) if ilist == []: ilist = self.keys() pTx = self.pTx.reshape((3, 1))-pg pRx = self.pRx.reshape((3, 1))-pg filename = pyu.getlong("grRay" + str(id) + ".list", pstruc['DIRGEOM']) fo = open(filename, "w") fo.write("LIST\n") if bstruc: fo.write("{<"+strucname+".off}\n") if bbasi: if not self.isbased: raise NameError('Bases have not been computed (self.locbas(Layout)') else: base_listi = geu.Geomlist('baselisti',clear=True) base_listi.append("LIST\n") if bbaso: if not self.isbased: raise NameError('Bases have not been computed (self.locbas(Layout)') else: base_listo = geu.Geomlist('baselisto',clear=True) base_listo.append("LIST\n") # fo.write("{<}\n") k = 0 for i in ilist: if raylist == []: rlist = range(np.shape(self[i]['pt'])[2]) else: rlist = raylist for j in rlist: ray = np.hstack((pTx,np.hstack((self[i]['pt'][:, :, j]-pg, pRx)))) # ray = rays[i]['pt'][:,:,j] col = np.array([0, 0, 0]) # print ray fileray = self.show3d(ray=ray, bdis=False, bstruc=False, col=col, id=k) k += 1 fo.write("{< " + fileray + " }\n") if bbasi: for inter in range(i): filebi = 'bi_' + str(j) + '_' + str(i) + '_' +str(inter) basi = geu.GeomVect(filebi) basi.geomBase(self[i]['Bi'][:,:,inter,j],pt=self[i]['pt'][:,inter+1,j]-pg[:,0]) base_listi.append("{<" + filebi +'.vect' "}\n") filebi = 'bi_' + str(j) + '_' + str(i) + '_' +str(inter-1) basi = geu.GeomVect(filebi) basi.geomBase(self[i]['BiN'][:,:,j],pt=self[i]['pt'][:,-1,j]-pg[:,0]) base_listi.append("{<" + filebi +'.vect' "}\n") if bbaso: for inter in range(i): filebo = 'bo_' + str(j) + '_' + str(i) + '_' +str(inter) baso = geu.GeomVect(filebo) baso.geomBase(self[i]['Bo'][:,:,inter,j],pt=self[i]['pt'][:,inter+1,j]-pg[:,0]) base_listo.append("{<" + filebo +'.vect' "}\n") filebo = 'bo_' + str(j) + '_' + str(i) + '_' +str(inter+1) baso = geu.GeomVect(filebo) baso.geomBase(self[i]['Bo0'][:,:,j],pt=self[i]['pt'][:,0,j]-pg[:,0]) base_listo.append("{<" + filebo +'.vect' "}\n") if bbasi: fo.write("{< " + "baselisti.list}\n") if bbaso: fo.write("{< " + "baselisto.list}\n") fo.close() if (bdis): chaine = "geomview " + filename + " 2>/dev/null &" os.system(chaine) else: return(filename)
if __name__ == "__main__": doctest.testmod()