Source code for

# -*t coding:Utf-8 -*-
.. currentmodule::

.. autosummary::

from __future__ import print_function
import doctest
import pdb
import numpy as np
import as ma
import numpy.linalg as la
import scipy as sp
import scipy.signal as si
import pylab as plt
import struct as stru
import scipy.stats as st
import scipy.optimize as optimize
import numpy.fft as fft
from import loadmat
import pylayers.util.pyutil as pyu
import pylayers.signal.bsignal as bs
import pylayers.util.geomutil as geu
import pylayers.antprop.antenna as ant
from pylayers.util.project import *
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from scipy.optimize import fmin
import copy

    import h5py
    print('h5py is not installed: Ctilde(object cannot be saved)')

[docs]class AFPchannel(bs.FUsignal): """ Angular Frequency Profile channel Attributes ---------- x : np.array frequency ,Nf y : np.array Amplitude Na,Nf tx : np.array tx coordinate (,3) rx : np.array rx coordinates (,3) az : np.array (,Na) AFP azimutal range in radians theta : link elevation angle phi : link (txrx) azimuth angle (with offset) tau : link delay (ns) offset : float angle in radians azimuth offset w.r.t global frame Methods ------- norm2 construct electrical_delay loadmes toadp estimate peak specular_model """ def __init__(self,x = np.array([]), y = np.array([]), tx = np.array([]), rx = np.array([]), az = np.array([]), label = '', _filename = '', refinement = False, ang_offset = 0 ): bs.FUsignal.__init__(self,x=x,y=y,label='AFP') if len(self.x)!=0: self.fcGHz = self.x[int(len(self.x)/2)] self.tx = tx self.rx = rx self.label = label self.ang_offset = ang_offset self.refinement = refinement = az self._filename = _filename def __add__(self,other): assert(self.y.shape == other.y.shape) assert((self.x == other.x).all()) assert(( == A = AFPchannel() A.x = self.x A.fcGHz = A.x[int(len(A.x)/2)] = A.y = self.y + other.y return A def __sub__(self,other): assert(self.y.shape == other.y.shape) assert((self.x == other.x).all()) assert(( == A = AFPchannel() A.x = self.x A.fcGHz = A.x[int(len(A.x)/2)] = Amod = np.abs(self.y)-np.abs(other.y) A.y = Amod*np.exp(1j*np.angle(self.y)) return A def __repr__(self): cv = 180/np.pi s = 'Angular Frequency Profile: '+self.label+'\n' s = s + 'Tx : '+str(self.tx)+'\n' s = s + 'Rx : '+str(self.rx)+'\n' return s
[docs] def norm2(self): return np.real(np.sum(self.y*np.conj(self.y)))
[docs] def construct(self,tx): S = AFPchannel(x=self.x,y=np.zeros(self.y.shape), for k in range(tx.shape[0]): C = AFPchannel() C.specular_model(tx[k],self.x, S = S + C return S
[docs] def loadmes(self,_filename,_filecal,fcGHz=32.6,BW=1.6,win='rect',ang_offset=0.37,ext='txt',dirmeas='meas/Espoo',refinement=False): """ Load measurement file Measurement files and the associated back to back calibration files are placed in the mes directory of the project. Parameters ---------- _filename : string data matfile name _filecal : string calibration matfile name fcGHz : float center frequency BW : float measurement bandwidth win : string window type in ['rect','hamming','blackman'] ang_offset : float angle in radian ext : string file extension 'txt' | '.mat' diremeas : string Notes ----- This function updates : + self.x (frequency GHz) + self.y + azimuth radians The calibration file _filecal (.mat file) should be added in the data directory In practice for Espoo B2B.mat See Also -------- pylayers.util.pyutil.getlong """ self._filename = _filename self.BW = BW self.fcGHz = fcGHz self.fmin = fcGHz-BW/2. self.fmax = fcGHz+BW/2. = win self.refinement = refinement # read calibration file (Matlab file) in the same directory as measurments (convention) filecal = pyu.getlong(_filecal,dirmeas) U = loadmat(filecal) cal_trf = U['cal_trf'][:,0] # read measurement file (.txt or Mat file) filename = pyu.getlong(_filename,dirmeas) if ext=='txt': D = np.loadtxt(filename,skiprows=2)# load Back 2 Back calibration file amp = D[:,2::2] ang = D[:,3::2] else: D = loadmat(filename) amp = D['amp'] ang = D['ang'] rotationangle = D['rotationangle'].squeeze() # load Back 2 Back calibration file # # Transfer function reconstruction # self.Na = amp.shape[0] self.Nf = amp.shape[1] # # select apodisation window # if win=='hamming': window = np.hamming(self.Nf) elif win=='blackman': window = np.blackman(self.Nf) else: window = np.ones(self.Nf) # # complex transfer function # self.x = np.linspace(self.fmin,self.fmax,self.Nf) self.fcGHz = self.x[int(len(self.x)/2)] self.y = amp*np.exp(1j*ang*np.pi/180.)*cal_trf[None,:]*window # # if extension is txt file comes from ESPOO measurement # # : 5.86 -> 1.94 if ext=='txt': self.azmes = (360-D[:,0])*np.pi/180. = self.azmes + ang_offset - 2*np.pi u = np.where(<0)[u] =[u] + 2*np.pi else: self.azmes = rotationangle*np.pi/180. = ang_offset - self.azmes u = np.where(<0)[u] =[u] + 2*np.pi
[docs] def electrical_delay(self,tauns=0): """ electrical delay Parameters ---------- tauns : float """ self.y = self.y * np.exp(-2*1j*np.pi*self.x*tauns)
[docs] def toadp(self,imax=-1): """ convert afp into adp (frequency->delay) Notes ----- tx and rx need to be defined """ # x : delay (starting at 0 ns) # y : ifft axis 1 (frequency) x = np.linspace(0,(len(self.x)-1)/(self.x[-1]-self.x[0]),len(self.x)) y = np.fft.ifft(self.y,axis=1) if imax!=-1: y = y[:,0:imax] x = x[0:imax] adp = ADPchannel(x=x, y=y,, tx=self.tx, rx=self.rx, fcGHz=self.fcGHz, _filename=self._filename, refinement=self.refinement, ang_offset = self.ang_offset) return adp
def get_path(self): E = float(self.norm2()) tEk = [E/200.,E] A = copy.copy(self) for k in range(10): #while ((tEk[-1]>tEk[0]) and (tEk[-1]>E/100)): xe,C,A = A.estimate() Energy = A.norm2() print(xe) tEk.append(Energy) try: txe = np.vstack((txe,xe)) except: txe = xe[None,:] return(txe)
[docs] def estimate(self,taumax=200,phimax=2*np.pi): """ estimate specular model parameters Parameters ---------- taumax : float phimax : float See Also -------- specular_model """ def cost(xk,f,phi): B = AFPchannel() #B.specular_model2(xk,f,phi) B.specular_model(xk,f,phi) C = self - B return C.norm2() x_0 = self.peak() x_est = optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b(cost, x_0, args=(self.x,, disp=0, approx_grad=1, bounds=((0,2*x_0[0]), (0,taumax), (0,phimax)))[0] #x_est = optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b(cost, # x_0, # args=(self.x,, # disp=0, # approx_grad=1, # bounds=((0,2*x_0[0]), # (0,2), # (0,2), # (0,taumax), # (0,phimax)))[0] #x_est = optimize.fmin(cost,x_0,args=(self.x, Ck = AFPchannel() Ck.specular_model(x_est,self.x, #Ck.specular_model2(x_est,self.x, D = self - Ck return x_est,Ck, D
[docs] def peak(self): adpself = self.toadp() ak,tauk,phik = adpself.peak() x = np.array([ak,tauk,phik]) #x = np.array([ak,1,0,tauk,phik]) return(x)
[docs] def specular_model(self,x,fGHz,phi,wH=[],HPBW=10*np.pi/180,GmaxdB=21): """ Creates an AFP from a discrete specular model Parameters ---------- x : [a0,a1,..,aK,tau0,tau1,...,tauk,phi0,...,phiK] fGHz : phi : wH : windowing on frequency axis HPBW : Half Power Beamwidth Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> rs = np.random.seed(1) >>> E = st.expon(0.5) >>> K = 5 >>> tauk = 250*np.random.rand(K) >>> alphak = E.rvs(K) >>> phik = 2*np.pi*np.random.rand(K) >>> xk = np.hstack((alphak,tauk,phik)) >>> A = AFPchannel() >>> fGHz = np.linspace(27,29,2001) >>> wH = np.ones(len(fGHz)) >>> phi = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,73) >>> A.specular_model(xk,fGHz,phi,wH) """ K = int(len(x)/3) assert(len(x)==3*K) ak = x[0:K][:,None,None] tk = x[K:2*K][:,None,None] pk = x[2*K:3*K][:,None,None] # tf : paths (0) , freq (1), angle (2) if wH ==[]: wH = np.ones(len(fGHz)) tf = ak*np.exp(-2*1j*np.pi*fGHz[None,:,None]*tk)*wH[None,:,None] dphi = pk - phi[None,None,:] Gmax = 10**(GmaxdB/10.) g = np.exp(-(2*np.sqrt(np.log(2))*dphi/HPBW)**2) tfg = tf*g self.x = fGHz self.fcGHz = self.x[int(len(self.x)/2)] # self.y : angle(0) fGHz(1) self.y = np.sum(tfg,axis=0).T = phi
#h = np.fft.ifft(H) def specular_model2(self,x,fGHz,phi,wH=[],HPBW=10*np.pi/180,GmaxdB=21): """ Creates an AFP from a discrete specular model Parameters ---------- x : [a0,a1,..,aK,tau0,tau1,...,tauk,phi0,...,phiK] fGHz : phi : wH : windowing on frequency axis HPBW : Half Power Beamwidth Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> rs = np.random.seed(1) >>> E = st.expon(0.5) >>> K = 5 >>> tauk = 250*np.random.rand(K) >>> alphak = E.rvs(K) >>> phik = 2*np.pi*np.random.rand(K) >>> xk = np.hstack((alphak,tauk,phik)) >>> A = AFPchannel() >>> fGHz = np.linspace(27,29,2001) >>> wH = np.ones(len(fGHz)) >>> phi = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,73) >>> A.specular_model(xk,fGHz,phi,wH) """ K = int(len(x)/3) Nf = len(fGHz) assert(len(x)==5*K) ak = x[0:1*K][:,None,None] bk = x[1*K:2*K][:,None,None] ck = x[2*K:3*K][:,None,None] tk = x[3*K:4*K][:,None,None] pk = x[4*K:5*K][:,None,None] # tf : paths (0) , freq (1), angle (2) if wH ==[]: wH = np.ones(len(fGHz)) a = ak * bk*(fGHz[None,:,None]-fGHz[int(Nf/2)])**ck tf = a*np.exp(-2*1j*np.pi*fGHz[None,:,None]*tk)*wH[None,:,None] dphi = pk - phi[None,None,:] Gmax = 10**(GmaxdB/10.) g = np.exp(-(2*np.sqrt(np.log(2))*dphi/HPBW)**2) tfg = tf*g self.x = fGHz self.fcGHz = self.x[int(len(self.x)/2)] # self.y : angle(0) fGHz(1) self.y = np.sum(tfg,axis=0).T = phi
#h = np.fft.ifft(H)
[docs]class ADPchannel(bs.TUsignal): """ Angular Delay Profile channel Attributes ---------- az : array azimuth in radian ang_offset : theta : float phi : float tau : float _filename : string short filename for saving """ def __init__(self, x = np.array([]), y = np.array([]), az = np.array([]), tx = np.array([]), rx = np.array([]), fcGHz=28, _filename='', refinement = False, ang_offset = 0, ): """ Parameters ---------- x : np.array delay y : np.array angle x delay az : np.array azimuth angle tx : np.array tx coordinates rx : np.array rx coordinates _filename : refinement : boolean False offset : """ bs.TUsignal.__init__(self, x=x, y=y,label='ADP') = az self.tx = tx self.rx = rx self._filename = _filename self.fcGHz = fcGHz self.refinement = refinement self.ang_offset = ang_offset if ((len(self.tx) !=0 ) and (len(self.rx)!= 0)): v = self.tx - self.rx distLOS = np.linalg.norm(v) self.taulos_geo = distLOS/0.3 self.anglos_geo = np.arctan2(v[1],v[0])*180/np.pi if self.anglos_geo<0: self.anglos_geo += 360 LFS = -(32.4 + 20*np.log10(fcGHz) + 20*np.log10(distLOS)) self.alphalos_geo = 10**(LFS/10.) if self.anglos_geo<0: self.anglos_geo = 2*np.pi+self.anglos_geo alphapeak,taupeak,angpeak = self.peak(refinement=refinement) self.angpeak_est = angpeak*180/np.pi self.taupeak_est = taupeak self.alphapeak_est = alphapeak self._filename = _filename def __repr__(self): cv = 180/np.pi s = 'Angular Delay Profile object \n' stx = "%.2f, %.2f, %.2f" % (self.tx[0],self.tx[1],self.tx[2]) srx = "%.2f, %.2f, %.2f" % (self.rx[0],self.rx[1],self.rx[2]) s = s + 'Tx : '+ stx + '\n' s = s + 'Rx : '+ srx + '\n' s = s + 'Angular offset (degrees) : '+str(cv*self.ang_offset)+'\n' s = s + 'agstart : '+str([0]*cv)+' agstop : '+str([-1]*cv)+'\n' if hasattr(self,'alphalos_geo'): alphalosdB = 10*np.log10(self.alphalos_geo) alphapeak_estdB = 20*np.log10(self.alphapeak_est) s = s + 'alpha (geo): '+ '%.2f dB' % alphalosdB+' (est): '+ '%.2f dB' % alphapeak_estdB + ' GdB : '+str(10*np.log10(self.alphapeak_est**2/self.alphalos_geo))+' \n' s = s + 'tau (geo): '+ str(self.taulos_geo)+' (est): '+str(self.taupeak_est)+' \n' s = s + 'ang (geo): '+ str(self.anglos_geo)+' (est): '+str(self.angpeak_est)+'\n' return(s)
[docs] def peak(self, refinement=False): """ evaluate peak of PADP Parameters ---------- refinment : boolean provide a refined version of angular estimation Returns ------- alphapeak, taupeak , phipeak """ alphapeak = np.max(np.abs(self.y)) iphi, itau = np.where(np.abs(self.y)==alphapeak) taupeak = self.x[itau][0] if refinement: pr = np.abs(self.y)[iphi-1:iphi+2,itau].squeeze() azr =[iphi-1:iphi+2] Id = np.sum(pr) In = np.sum(pr*azr) phipeak = In/Id else: phipeak =[iphi] return alphapeak, taupeak, phipeak[0]
[docs] def cut(self,imin=0,imax=1000): self.y = self.y[:,imin:imax] self.x = self.x[imin:imax]
[docs] def correlate(self,adp,thresholddB=-105): """ correlate ADP with an other ADP Parameters ---------- adp : ADPchannel Returns ------- rhoE : energy ratio of padp Eadp/Eself rhoEc : energy ratio of centered padp Ecadp/Ecself rho : normalized intercorrelation : <self-mean(self),adp-mean(adp)>/Eself rhon : intercorrelation of normalized padp <self_normalized,adp_normalized> Notes ----- This can be used to compare a measured PADP with a Ray tracing PADP """ #import ipdb #ipdb.set_trace() # # apply the min dB level thresholding # tmp_self = np.abs(self.y) tmp_adp = np.abs(adp.y) u1 = np.where(20*np.log10(tmp_self)>thresholddB) u2 = np.where(20*np.log10(tmp_adp)>thresholddB) padp_self = np.zeros(tmp_self.shape) padp_adp = np.zeros(tmp_adp.shape) padp_self[u1] = tmp_self[u1] padp_adp[u2] = tmp_adp[u2] padpc_self = padp_self-np.mean(padp_self) padpc_adp = padp_adp-np.mean(padp_adp) Eself = np.max(si.correlate2d(padp_self,padp_self,mode='same')) Ecself = np.max(si.correlate2d(padpc_self,padpc_self,mode='same')) Eadp = np.max(si.correlate2d(padp_adp,padp_adp,mode='same')) Ecadp = np.max(si.correlate2d(padpc_adp,padpc_adp,mode='same')) #Eself = np.sum(padp_self*padp_self) #Ecself = np.sum(padpc_self*padpc_self) #Eadp = np.sum(padp_adp*padp_adp) #Ecadp = np.sum(padpc_adp*padpc_adp) padpcn_self = padpc_self/np.sqrt(Ecself) padpcn_adp = padpc_adp/np.sqrt(Ecadp) rhoE = Eadp/Eself rhoEc = Ecadp/Ecself #rho = np.sum(padpc_self*padpc_adp)/Eself #rhoc = np.sum(padpc_self*padpc_adp)/Ecself #rhon = np.sum(padpcn_self*padpcn_adp) rho = np.max(si.correlate2d(padpc_self,padpc_adp,mode='same'))/Eself rhoc = np.max(si.correlate2d(padpc_self,padpc_adp,mode='same'))/Ecself rhon = np.max(si.correlate2d(padpcn_self,padpcn_adp,mode='same')) return rhoE,rhoEc,rho,rhoc,rhon
[docs] def svd(self): """ perform singular value decomposition of the PADP Notes ----- It creates a dictionnay {'sv':sv,'b':b} """ [U,S,V]=la.svd(self.y) self.d = {} for k,sv in enumerate(S): b = sv*[:,k][:,None],V[k,:][None,:]) self.d[k] = {'sv':sv,'b':b}
[docs] def imshow(self,**kwargs): """ show Angular Delay Profile Parameters ---------- origin: string 'lower' vmax : -65, vmin : -120, interpolation : string 'nearest', alpha:1, imin = 0 imax = -1 dB = True fig = [] ax = [] fonts = 18 label = '' blos = True orientation = -1 bcolorbar = False ang_offset = 450 """ defaults = {'origin':'lower', 'vmax' : -65, 'vmin' : -120, 'interpolation' : 'nearest', 'alpha':1, } for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k] = defaults[k] imin = kwargs.pop('imin',0) imax = kwargs.pop('imax',-1) dB = kwargs.pop('dB',True) fig = kwargs.pop('fig',[]) ax = kwargs.pop('ax',[]) fonts = kwargs.pop('fontsize',18) label = kwargs.pop('label','') blos = kwargs.pop('blos',True) orientation = kwargs.pop('orientation',-1) bcolorbar = kwargs.pop('colorbar',False) ang_offset = kwargs.pop('ang_offset',450) if fig==[]: fig = plt.figure() if ax==[]: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) #rd2deg = 180/np.pi #extent = ([-1]*rd2deg+agoffset, #[0]*rd2deg+agoffset, # self.x[imin],self.x[imax]) #extent = ([0]*rd2deg, #[-1]*rd2deg, # self.x[imin],self.x[imax]) agmin =*180/np.pi agmax =*180/np.pi extent = (agmin,agmax,self.x[imin],self.x[imax]) if orientation==-1: padp = np.abs(self.y)[::-1,imin:imax].T else: padp = np.abs(self.y)[:,imin:imax].T if dB: padp = 20*np.log10(padp) im = ax.imshow(padp,extent=extent,aspect='auto',**kwargs) #plt.axis('equal') if blos: a1 = ang_offset + self.angpeak_est ax.scatter(a1,self.taupeak_est,marker='*',s=70,color='r') if hasattr(self,'anglos_geo'): a2 = ang_offset + self.anglos_geo ax.scatter(a2,self.taulos_geo,marker='D',s=70,color='g') if bcolorbar: cbar = plt.colorbar(im) if dB: cbar.set_label(label+' dB',fontsize=fonts) else: cbar.set_label(label+' linear',fontsize=fonts) for t in t.set_fontsize(fonts) ax.set_ylabel('Propagation delay [ns]',fontsize=fonts) ax.set_xlabel('Angle[deg]',fontsize=fonts) #ax.title('PADP',fontsize=fonts) for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label.set_fontsize(fonts) for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label.set_fontsize(fonts) return fig,ax
[docs] def clean(self,threshold_dB=20): """ clean ADP Parameters ---------- threshold_dB : float Notes ----- All values below Max -threshold are set to zero """ Na = self.y.shape[0] P = np.real(self.y*np.conj(self.y)) MaxdB = 10*np.log10(np.max(P)) u = np.where(10*np.log10(P) < MaxdB-threshold_dB) self.y[u] = 0+0j
[docs] def pap(self, fcGHz=28, fontsize=18, figsize=(10,10), Gmax=22.68, Gmin=19, threshdB=-95, label='', color='k', fig=[], ax=[], xlabel=True, ylabel=True, legend=True): """ Calculate Power Angular Profile Parameters ---------- fcGHz : float fontsize : int figsize : tuple fig : ax : xlabel : boolean ylabel : boolean legen : boolean Returns ------- fig,ax """ Na = self.y.shape[0] # integration over frequency # adp (angle) Gtyp = (Gmax+Gmin)/2. Py = np.real(self.y*np.conj(self.y)) pdp0 = np.sum(Py,axis=0) pdp0dB = 10*np.log10(pdp0) u = pdp0dB > threshdB adp = np.sum(Py[:,u],axis=1) #mPya = np.median(Py,axis=0) #mPya = np.mean(Py,axis=0) #sPy = Py-mPya[None,:] #adp = np.sum(Pyz,axis=1) u = np.where(adp==max(adp))[0] if fig==[]: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) else: fig = fig if ax == []: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: ax = ax #ax.plot(*180/np.pi,10*np.log10(adp),color='r',label=r'$10\log_{10}(\sum_{\tau} PADP(\phi,\tau))$',linewidth=1.5) #ag = np.linspace(45,260,len(adp)) ag =*180/np.pi ax.plot(ag,*180/np.pi, 10*np.log10(adp)-Gtyp, color=color, label=label, linewidth=1.5) ax.vlines(self.anglos_geo,ymin=-130,ymax=-40,linestyles='dashed',color='red') ax.hlines(-120,xmin=ag[0],xmax=ag[-1],linestyles='dashed',color='black') #ax.set_ylim(-80,-60) if xlabel: ax.set_xlabel('Angle [deg]',fontsize=fontsize) if ylabel: ax.set_ylabel('level (dB)',fontsize=fontsize) #ax.set_title(self._filename,fontsize=fontsize) if legend: plt.legend(loc='best') return fig,ax
[docs] def app(self,**kwargs): """ Calculate Angular Power Profile """ Na = self.y.shape[0] app = np.real(np.sum(self.y*np.conj(self.y),axis=1))
[docs] def pltcir(self,phideg,Gain=21): """ plot Channel Impulse Response Parameters ---------- phideg : f Returns ------- fig,ax u """ phi = phideg*np.pi/180. dang = np.abs( - phi) u = np.where(dang==np.min(dang))[0][0] fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) FS = -(32.4+20*np.log10(self.x*0.3)+20*np.log10(self.fcGHz)) plt.semilogx(self.x,20*np.log10(np.abs(self.y[u,:]))-Gain) plt.semilogx(self.x,FS,'k',linewidth=2) return fig,ax,u
[docs] def pdp_v(self,**kwargs): """ Calculate and plot Power Delay Profile Parameters ---------- fcGHz : float """ defaults = { 'figsize':(10,10), 'fontsize':18, 'fig' : [], 'ax': [], 'xlabel': True, 'ylabel': True, 'legend': True, 'losdelay': True, 'freespace': True, 'desembeded': False, 'noisefloor': False, 'typic':True, 'semilogx':True, 'bcir':False, 'raw': False, 'Gmax':22.68, 'Gmin':19, 'threshdB':75, 'imax':-1, 'Tilt':10, 'HPBW':10, 'dphi':5, 'marker':'*', 'color':'k', 'label':'', 'linewidth':1 } for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k]=defaults[k] Gmax = kwargs.pop('Gmax') Gmin = kwargs.pop('Gmin') imax = kwargs.pop('imax') threshdB = kwargs.pop('threshdB') Gtyp = (Gmax+Gmin)/2. # get peak value of the PADP alpha,tau,phi = self.peak() Na = self.y.shape[0] # pdp : power delay profie Py = np.real(self.y*np.conj(self.y)) pap0 = np.sum(Py,axis=1) pap0dB = 10*np.log10(pap0) u = pap0dB>np.percentile(pap0dB,threshdB) pdp = np.sum(Py[u,:],axis=0) pdp = pdp[0:imax] x = self.x[0:imax] # spdp : square root of power delay profie spdp = TUchannel(x=x,y=np.sqrt(pdp)) u = np.where(pdp==max(pdp))[0] FS = -(32.4+20*np.log10(x*0.3)+20*np.log10(self.fcGHz)) AttmaxdB = 20*np.log10(alpha) #Gmax = AttmaxdB-FS[u] #Gmax_r = np.round(Gmax[0]*100)/100. # # The -3dB is specific to the Aalto measurement and desembeding (1/2) # pdp_min = 10*np.log10(pdp)-Gmax-1 pdp_max = 10*np.log10(pdp)-Gmin-1 pdp_typ = 10*np.log10(pdp)-Gtyp-1 uflashing = np.where(pdp_typ>FS) umin = np.where(pdp_min>-118) pdp_min_thr = pdp_min[umin] umax = np.where(pdp_max>-118) pdp_max_thr = pdp_max[umax] PL = -10*np.log10(np.sum(10**(pdp_min_thr/10.))) if kwargs['fig']==[]: fig = plt.figure(figsize=kwargs['figsize']) else: fig = kwargs['fig'] if kwargs['ax'] == []: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: ax = kwargs['ax'] if kwargs['semilogx']: if kwargs['raw']: ax.semilogy(10*np.log10(pdp),x,color='r',label=r'$10\log_{10}(\sum_{\phi} PADP(\phi))$',linewidth=0.5) #ax.semilogx(np.array([tau]),np.array([AttmaxdB]),color='k') if kwargs['desembeded']: ax.semilogy(pdp_min,x,label=r'$10\log_{10}(\sum_{\phi} PADP(\phi)) - $'+str(Gmax),color='green') ax.semilogy(pdp_max,x,label=r'$10\log_{10}(\sum_{\phi} PADP(\phi)) - $'+str(Gmin),color='red') if kwargs['typic']: ax.semilogy(pdp_typ,x,label=kwargs['label'],color=kwargs['color'],linewidth=kwargs['linewidth']) ax.semilogy(pdp_typ[uflashing],x[uflashing],label=kwargs['label'],color='red',linewidth=kwargs['linewidth']) if kwargs['freespace']: if kwargs['typic']: ax.semilogy(FS,x,color=kwargs['color'],linewidth=kwargs['linewidth']+1,label='Free Space path profile') else: ax.semilogy(FS,x,color='k',linewidth=2,label='Free Space path profile') if kwargs['losdelay']: ax.hlines(self.taupeak_est,xmin=-130,xmax=-40,linestyles='dashed',color='blue') ax.hlines(self.taulos_geo,xmin=-130,xmax=-40,linestyles='dashed',color='red') if kwargs['noisefloor']: ax.vlines(-130,ymin=0,ymax=x[-1],linestyles='dashed',color='black') #ax.set_xlim(10,1000) if kwargs['xlabel']: ax.set_ylabel('Delay (ns) log scale',fontsize=kwargs['fontsize']) if kwargs['bcir']: phi = self.angpeak_est*np.pi/180. dang = np.abs( - phi) u = np.where(dang==np.min(dang))[0][0] ax.semilogx(20*np.log10(np.abs(self.y[u,:]))-Gmax,x,color='r') ax.semilogx(20*np.log10(np.abs(self.y[u,:]))-Gmin,x,color='g') else: if kwargs['raw']: ax.plot(10*np.log10(pdp),x,color='r',label=r'$10\log_{10}(\sum_{\phi} PADP(\phi))$',linewidth=0.5) ax.plot(np.array([AttmaxdB]),np.array([tau]),color='k') if kwargs['desembeded']: ax.plot(pdp_min,x,label=r'$10\log_{10}(\sum_{\phi} PADP(\phi)) - $'+str(Gmax)) ax.plot(pdp_max,x,label=r'$10\log_{10}(\sum_{\phi} PADP(\phi)) - $'+str(Gmin)) if kwargs['typic']: ax.plot(pdp_typ,x,label=kwargs['label'],color=kwargs['color']) ax.scatter(pdp_typ[uflashing],x[uflashing],s=80,c='red') if kwargs['freespace']: if kwargs['typic']: ax.plot(FS,x,color=kwargs['color'],linewidth=kwargs['linewidth']+1,label='Free Space path profile') ax.plot(FS-(Gmax-Gmin)/2,x,color='blue',linewidth=0.5,label='Free Space path profile') ax.plot(FS+(Gmax-Gmin)/2,x,color='blue',linewidth=0.5,label='Free Space path profile') else: ax.plot(FS,x,color='k',linewidth=2,label='Free Space path profile') if kwargs['losdelay']: ax.hlines(self.taupeak_est,xmin=-130,xmax=-40,linestyles='dashed',color='blue') ax.hlines(self.taulos_geo,xmin=-130,xmax=-40,linestyles='dashed',color='red') if kwargs['noisefloor']: ax.vlines(-130,ymin=0,ymax=x[-1],linestyles='dashed',color='red') #ax.set_xlim(0,1000) if kwargs['xlabel']: ax.set_ylabel('Delay (ns)',fontsize=kwargs['fontsize']) if kwargs['bcir']: phi = self.angpeak_est*np.pi/180. dang = np.abs( - phi) u = np.where(dang==np.min(dang))[0][0] ax.plot(20*np.log10(np.abs(self.y[u,:]))-Gmax,x,'r') ax.plot(20*np.log10(np.abs(self.y[u,:]))-Gmin,x,'g') if kwargs['ylabel']: ax.set_xlabel('level (dB)',fontsize=kwargs['fontsize']) #ax.set_title(self._filename+' '+str(PL)) if kwargs['legend']: plt.legend(loc='best') ax.set_ylim(0,x[-1]) return fig,ax
[docs] def pdp(self,**kwargs): """ Calculate the Power Delay Profile Parameters ---------- fcGHz : float figsize':(1010) fontsize':18 fig' : [] ax': [] xlabel': True ylabel': True legend': True losdelay': True freespace': True desembeded': False typic':True semilogx':True bcir':False raw': False Gmax':22.68 Gmin':19 Tilt':10 HPBW':10 Returns ------- tau pdp """ defaults = { 'figsize':(10,10), 'fontsize':18, 'fig' : [], 'ax': [], 'xlabel': True, 'ylabel': True, 'legend': True, 'losdelay': True, 'freespace': True, 'desembeded': False, 'typic':True, 'semilogx':True, 'bcir':False, 'raw': False, 'bplot':True, 'Gmax':22.68, 'Gmin':19, 'Tilt':10, 'HPBW':10, 'dphi':5, 'marker':'*', 'color':'k', 'label':'', 'linewidth':1 } for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k] = defaults[k] # get antenna gain extremum # typical value is chosen as the mean value Gmax = kwargs.pop('Gmax') Gmin = kwargs.pop('Gmin') Gtyp = (Gmax+Gmin)/2. # get peak value of the PADP # it is assume that this retreave the LOS component alpha, tau, phi = self.peak() # Na : number of angular steps Na = self.y.shape[0] # pdp : power delay profile pdp = np.real(np.sum(self.y*np.conj(self.y),axis=0)) # delay index of pdp maximum u = np.where(pdp==max(pdp))[0] # omnidirectional free space path loss # spdp : square root of power delay profile spdp = TUchannel(x=self.x,y=np.sqrt(pdp)) u = np.where(pdp==max(pdp))[0] FS = -(32.4+20*np.log10(self.x*0.3)+20*np.log10(self.fcGHz)) AttmaxdB = 20*np.log10(alpha) #Gmax = AttmaxdB-FS[u] #Gmax_r = np.round(Gmax[0]*100)/100. # # The -3dB is specific to the Aalto measurement and desembeding (1/2) # pdpdB = 10*np.log10(pdp) pdp_min = pdpdB-Gmax-1 pdp_max = pdpdB-Gmin-1 pdp_typ = pdpdB-Gtyp-1 umin = np.where(pdp_min>-118) pdp_min_thr = pdp_min[umin] umax = np.where(pdp_max>-118) pdp_max_thr = pdp_max[umax] PL = -10*np.log10(np.sum(10**(pdp_min_thr/10.))) if kwargs['bplot']: if kwargs['fig']==[]: fig = plt.figure(figsize=kwargs['figsize']) else: fig = kwargs['fig'] if kwargs['ax'] == []: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: ax = kwargs['ax'] if kwargs['semilogx']: if kwargs['raw']: ax.semilogx(self.x,10*np.log10(pdp),color='r',label=r'$10\log_{10}(\sum_{\phi} PADP(\phi))$',linewidth=0.5) #ax.semilogx(np.array([tau]),np.array([AttmaxdB]),color='k') if kwargs['desembeded']: ax.semilogx(self.x,pdp_min,label=r'$10\log_{10}(\sum_{\phi} PADP(\phi)) - $'+str(Gmax),color='green') ax.semilogx(self.x,pdp_max,label=r'$10\log_{10}(\sum_{\phi} PADP(\phi)) - $'+str(Gmin),color='red') if kwargs['typic']: ax.semilogx(self.x,pdp_typ,label=kwargs['label'],color=kwargs['color'],linewidth=kwargs['linewidth']) if kwargs['freespace']: if kwargs['typic']: ax.semilogx(self.x,FS,color=kwargs['color'],linewidth=kwargs['linewidth']+1,label='Free Space path profile') else: ax.semilogx(self.x,FS,color='k',linewidth=2,label='Free Space path profile') if kwargs['losdelay']: ax.vlines(self.taupeak_est,ymin=-130,ymax=-40,linestyles='dashed',color='blue') ax.vlines(self.taulos_geo,ymin=-130,ymax=-40,linestyles='dashed',color='red') #ax.set_xlim(10,1000) if kwargs['xlabel']: ax.set_xlabel('Delay (ns) log scale',fontsize=kwargs['fontsize']) if kwargs['bcir']: phi = self.angpeak_est*np.pi/180. dang = np.abs( - phi) u = np.where(dang==np.min(dang))[0][0] ax.semilogx(self.x,20*np.log10(np.abs(self.y[u,:]))-Gmax,color='r') ax.semilogx(self.x,20*np.log10(np.abs(self.y[u,:]))-Gmin,color='g') else: if kwargs['raw']: ax.plot(self.x,10*np.log10(pdp),color='r',label=r'$10\log_{10}(\sum_{\phi} PADP(\phi))$',linewidth=0.5) ax.plot(np.array([tau]),np.array([AttmaxdB]),color='k') if kwargs['desembeded']: ax.plot(self.x,pdp_min,label=r'$10\log_{10}(\sum_{\phi} PADP(\phi)) - $'+str(Gmax)) ax.plot(self.x,pdp_max,label=r'$10\log_{10}(\sum_{\phi} PADP(\phi)) - $'+str(Gmin)) if kwargs['typic']: ax.plot(self.x,pdp_typ,label=kwargs['label'],color=kwargs['color']) if kwargs['freespace']: if kwargs['typic']: ax.plot(self.x,FS,color=kwargs['color'],linewidth=kwargs['linewidth']+1,label='Free Space path profile') else: ax.plot(self.x,FS,color='k',linewidth=2,label='Free Space path profile') if kwargs['losdelay']: ax.vlines(self.taupeak_est,ymin=-130,ymax=-40,linestyles='dashed',color='blue') ax.vlines(self.taulos_geo,ymin=-130,ymax=-40,linestyles='dashed',color='red') #ax.set_xlim(0,1000) if kwargs['xlabel']: ax.set_xlabel('Delay (ns)',fontsize=kwargs['fontsize']) if kwargs['bcir']: phi = self.angpeak_est*np.pi/180. dang = np.abs( - phi) u = np.where(dang==np.min(dang))[0][0] ax.plot(self.x,20*np.log10(np.abs(self.y[u,:]))-Gmax,'r') ax.plot(self.x,20*np.log10(np.abs(self.y[u,:]))-Gmin,'g') if kwargs['ylabel']: ax.set_ylabel('level (dB)',fontsize=kwargs['fontsize']) ax.set_title(self._filename+' '+str(PL)) if kwargs['legend']: plt.legend(loc='best') return fig,ax else: return (self.x,pdp)
# PL = -10*np.log10(np.sum(10**(pdp_min_thr/10.))) # return self.x,pdp # if kwargs['fig']==[]: # fig = plt.figure(figsize=kwargs['figsize']) # else: # fig = kwargs['fig'] # if kwargs['ax'] == []: # ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # else: # ax = kwargs['ax'] # # if kwargs['semilogx']: # if kwargs['raw']: # ax.semilogx(self.x,10*np.log10(pdp),color='r',label=r'$10\log_{10}(\sum_{\phi} PADP(\phi))$',linewidth=0.5) # #ax.semilogx(np.array([tau]),np.array([AttmaxdB]),color='k') # # if kwargs['desembeded']: # ax.semilogx(self.x,pdp_min,label=r'$10\log_{10}(\sum_{\phi} PADP(\phi)) - $'+str(Gmax),color='green') # ax.semilogx(self.x,pdp_max,label=r'$10\log_{10}(\sum_{\phi} PADP(\phi)) - $'+str(Gmin),color='red') # # if kwargs['typic']: # ax.semilogx(self.x,pdp_typ,label=kwargs['label'],color=kwargs['color'],linewidth=kwargs['linewidth']) # # if kwargs['freespace']: # if kwargs['typic']: # ax.semilogx(self.x,FS,color=kwargs['color'],linewidth=kwargs['linewidth']+1,label='Free Space path profile') # else: # ax.semilogx(self.x,FS,color='k',linewidth=2,label='Free Space path profile') # # if kwargs['losdelay']: # ax.vlines(self.taupeak_est,ymin=-130,ymax=-40,linestyles='dashed',color='blue') # ax.vlines(self.taulos_geo,ymin=-130,ymax=-40,linestyles='dashed',color='red') # # #ax.set_xlim(10,1000) # if kwargs['xlabel']: # ax.set_xlabel('Delay (ns) log scale',fontsize=kwargs['fontsize']) # # if kwargs['bcir']: # phi = self.angpeak_est*np.pi/180. # dang = np.abs( - phi) # u = np.where(dang==np.min(dang))[0][0] # ax.semilogx(self.x,20*np.log10(np.abs(self.y[u,:]))-Gmax,color='r') # ax.semilogx(self.x,20*np.log10(np.abs(self.y[u,:]))-Gmin,color='g') # else: # if kwargs['raw']: # ax.plot(self.x,10*np.log10(pdp),color='r',label=r'$10\log_{10}(\sum_{\phi} PADP(\phi))$',linewidth=0.5) # ax.plot(np.array([tau]),np.array([AttmaxdB]),color='k') # # if kwargs['desembeded']: # ax.plot(self.x,pdp_min,label=r'$10\log_{10}(\sum_{\phi} PADP(\phi)) - $'+str(Gmax)) # ax.plot(self.x,pdp_max,label=r'$10\log_{10}(\sum_{\phi} PADP(\phi)) - $'+str(Gmin)) # # if kwargs['typic']: # ax.plot(self.x,pdp_typ,label=kwargs['label'],color=kwargs['color']) # # if kwargs['freespace']: # if kwargs['typic']: # ax.plot(self.x,FS,color=kwargs['color'],linewidth=kwargs['linewidth']+1,label='Free Space path profile') # else: # ax.plot(self.x,FS,color='k',linewidth=2,label='Free Space path profile') # # if kwargs['losdelay']: # ax.vlines(self.taupeak_est,ymin=-130,ymax=-40,linestyles='dashed',color='blue') # ax.vlines(self.taulos_geo,ymin=-130,ymax=-40,linestyles='dashed',color='red') # # #ax.set_xlim(0,1000) # if kwargs['xlabel']: # ax.set_xlabel('Delay (ns)',fontsize=kwargs['fontsize']) # # if kwargs['bcir']: # phi = self.angpeak_est*np.pi/180. # dang = np.abs( - phi) # u = np.where(dang==np.min(dang))[0][0] # ax.plot(self.x,20*np.log10(np.abs(self.y[u,:]))-Gmax,'r') # ax.plot(self.x,20*np.log10(np.abs(self.y[u,:]))-Gmin,'g') # # if kwargs['ylabel']: # ax.set_ylabel('level (dB)',fontsize=kwargs['fontsize']) # ax.set_title(self._filename+' '+str(PL)) # if kwargs['legend']: # plt.legend(loc='best') # # return fig,ax
[docs] def tomap(self,L,**kwargs): """ surimpose PADP on the Layout Parameters ---------- L : Layout xmin : 10 xmax : 400 ymin : 10 ymax : 400, Nx :3000, Ny :3000, 'cmap':'jet', 'mode':'image', 'excess':'los', 'figsize':(20,20), 'thmindB':-110, 'thmaxdB':-108, 'vmindB':-110, 'vmaxdB':-60, 'offset':0, 'display':True, 'compensated':True, 'tauns_excess':0 """ xmin = kwargs.pop('xmin',0) ymin = kwargs.pop('ymin',0) xmax = kwargs.pop('xmax',20) ymax = kwargs.pop('ymax',20) mode = kwargs.pop('mode','sbounce') vmindB = kwargs.pop('vmindB',-110) vmaxdB = kwargs.pop('vmaxdB',-60) thmindB = kwargs.pop('thmindB',-110) thmaxdB = kwargs.pop('thmaxdB',-108) Nx = kwargs.pop('Nx',3000) Ny = kwargs.pop('Ny',3000) cmap = kwargs.pop('cmap','jet') offset = kwargs.pop('offset',0) excess = kwargs.pop('excess','los') display = kwargs.pop('display',True) compensated = kwargs.pop('compensated',False) tauns_excess = kwargs.pop('tauns_excess',0) figsize = kwargs.pop('figsize',(20,20)) if 'fig' not in kwargs: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) else: fig = kwargs['fig'] if 'ax' not in kwargs: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: ax = kwargs['ax'] # # Prepare the array for spatial information in horizontal plane x,y # Nx and Ny should be large enough # Z = np.zeros((Nx,Ny),dtype=complex) # # spatial indexation in x and y # xr = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,Nx) yr = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,Ny) # distance Tx Rx in the horizontal plane (2D) dtx_rx_2D = np.sqrt((self.tx[0]-self.rx[0])**2+(self.tx[1]-self.rx[1])**2) # distance Tx Rx in the horizontal plane (3D) dtx_rx = np.sqrt((self.tx[0]-self.rx[0])**2+(self.tx[1]-self.rx[1])**2+(self.tx[2]-self.rx[2])**2) # distance Tx ground Rx (3D) dtx_gr_rx = np.sqrt(dtx_rx_2D**2+(self.tx[2]+self.rx[2])**2) assert(dtx_gr_rx > dtx_rx) # difference of heights beween Tx and Rx deltah = np.abs(self.tx[2]-self.rx[2]) # # Dt = vec(P,Tx) # Dr = vec(Rx,P) # dxt =(self.tx[0]-xr)[:,None] dyt =(self.tx[1]-yr)[None,:] # # nwt : distance between Tx and each point of the plane # nwr : distance between Rx and each point of the plane # nwt = np.sqrt(dxt*dxt+dyt*dyt) dxr =(xr-self.rx[0])[:,None] dyr =(yr-self.rx[1])[None,:] nwr = np.sqrt(dxr*dxr+dyr*dyr) # dsbounce : elliposidal distance (single bounce hypothesis) dsbounce = nwt+nwr # maximal ellipsoidal distance on the Z selected region dmax = dsbounce.max() taumax = dmax/0.3 # determine index of maximal distance if self.x.max()>taumax: itaumax = np.where(self.x>taumax)[0][0] else: itaumax=len(self.x)-1 # convert maximal distance into maximal delay (self.x is delay) taumax = self.x[itaumax] # determine coefficient between delay and index ( ns --> integer) tau2idx = taumax/itaumax # Determine the angle of arrival # direction of arrival normalization of the vector dxrn = dxr/nwr dyrn = dyr/nwr # angle of arrival in [-pi,pi] phi = np.arctan2(dyrn,dxrn)-offset*np.pi/180 # back in [0-2pi] phi = (1-np.sign(phi))*np.pi+phi #iphi=((315-phi*180/np.pi)/5).astype(int) iphi=((360-phi*180/np.pi)/5).astype(int) drpt = np.sqrt(dxr*dxr+dyr*dyr+dxt*dxt+dyt*dyt) dpr = np.sqrt(dxr*dxr+dyr*dyr) if mode=='sbounce': iid = np.round((np.sqrt(dxt*dxt+dyt*dyt)+np.sqrt(dxr*dxr+dyr*dyr))/(0.3*tau2idx)).astype('int') else: #d = np.round(np.sqrt(dxr*dxr+dyr*dyr)/(0.3*0.625)).astype('int') #d = np.round(np.sqrt(dxr*dxr+dyr*dyr)/(0.3*0.625)).astype('int') alpha = np.arctan(deltah/drpt) dv = dpr/np.cos(alpha) iid = np.round(dv/(0.3*tau2idx)).astype('int') #pdb.set_trace() # # create indexation for spatial region Z # ix = np.arange(Nx)[:,None] iy = np.arange(Ny)[None,:] # ird : index for delays (d for delays) ird = iid[ix,iy].ravel() # irp : index for directio of arrival (p for phi) irp = iphi[ix,iy].ravel() # # (d < dmax ) and (d>dlos+tauns_excess) # iphi >= 0 and iphi < Nphimax ilos = np.round((dtx_rx/(0.3*tau2idx))).astype(int) iground = np.round((dtx_gr_rx/(0.3*tau2idx))).astype(int) iexcess = np.round(tauns_excess/tau2idx).astype(int) if excess=='los': ud = np.where((ird<itaumax) & (ird>ilos+iexcess)) if excess=='ground': ud = np.where((ird<itaumax) & (ird>iground+iexcess)) up = np.where((irp>=0) & (irp<len( # determine the index of points in a corona wich satisfy jointly the # condition on delays and angles # u = np.intersect1d(ud,up) # ravelize Z (2D -> 1D) rz = Z.ravel() # filling rz with self.y nphi,Ntau rz[u] = self.y[irp[u],ird[u]] # # back to matrix form # Z = rz.reshape(Nx,Ny) lmbda = 0.3/self.fcGHz sqG = 10 Z_compensated = Z*(4*np.pi*dtx_rx)/(sqG*lmbda) if compensated: ZdB = 20*np.log10(np.abs(Z_compensated.T)) else: ZdB = 20*np.log10(np.abs(Z.T)) mask = ((ZdB.all()>thmindB) and (ZdB.all()<thmaxdB)) #mzdB = ma.masked_array(ZdB,mask) ZdBmax = ZdB.max() ZdBmin = ZdB.min() # # constructing figure # if display: #fig=plt.figure(figsize=figsize) fig,ax = L.showG('s', fig=fig, ax=ax, labels=0) #plt.axis('on') ax.imshow(ZdB, extent=(xr[0],xr[-1],yr[0],yr[-1]), cmap = cmap, origin = 'lower', alpha = 0.9, vmin = ZdBmax - 60, vmax = ZdBmax, interpolation = 'nearest') #plt.imshow(mzdB,alpha=0.9,origin='lower') ax.plot(self.tx[0],self.tx[1],'og') ax.plot(self.rx[0],self.rx[1],'ob') #plt.colorbar() ax.set_title(self._filename) #plt.savefig(self._filename+'.png') #return Z,np.linspace(xr[0],xr[-1],Nx),np.linspace(yr[0],yr[-1],Ny) return fig,ax
[docs] def polarplot(self,**kwargs): """ polar plot of PADP Parameters ----------- fig ax figsize typ : string Ndec : int decimation factor (1) imax : int max value 150 vmin : float -120 vmax : float -50 cmap : colormap title : PADP Returns ------- fig , ax , pc (colormash) """ defaults = { 'fig':[], 'ax':[], 'figsize':(10,10), 'typ':'l20', 'Ndec':1, 'vmin':-120, 'vmax':-50, 'imax':150, 'alpha':1., 'bcolorbar':True, 'cmap':, 'title':'PADP' } cvel = 0.3 for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k] = defaults[k] if kwargs['fig'] == []: fig = plt.figure(figsize=kwargs['figsize']) else: fig = kwargs.pop('fig') if kwargs['ax'] == []: ax = fig.add_subplot(111,polar=True) else: ax = kwargs.pop('ax') imax = kwargs.pop('imax') Ndec = kwargs.pop('Ndec') vmin = kwargs.pop('vmin') vmax = kwargs.pop('vmax') cmap = kwargs.pop('cmap') alpha = kwargs.pop('alpha') title = kwargs.pop('title') rho,theta = np.meshgrid(self.x*cvel, # convert y data in desired format dt,ylabels = self.cformat(**kwargs) val = dt[:,0::Ndec][:,0:int(imax/Ndec)] th = theta[:,0::Ndec][:,0:int(imax/Ndec)] rh = rho[:,0::Ndec][:,0:int(imax/Ndec)] #vmin = np.min(val) #vmax = np.max(val) #Dynamic = max_val-vmin pc = ax.pcolormesh(th,rh,val,cmap=cmap,vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, alpha=alpha) #ptx = ax.plot(,self.x*cvel,'or') if kwargs['bcolorbar']: fig.colorbar(pc,orientation='horizontal') ax.set_title(title) return fig,ax,pc
#ax.axis('equal') #ax.axis('equal')
[docs] def toafp(self,fmin): """ angular delay profile -> angular frequency profile """ x = np.linspace(0,(len(self.x)-1)/(self.x[-1]-self.x[0]),len(self.x))+fmin y = np.fft.fft(self.y,axis=1) afp = AFPchannel(x=x, y=y,, tx=self.tx, rx=self.rx, _filename = self._filename, refinement = self.refinement, ang_offset = self.ang_offset) return afp
[docs]class TBchannel(bs.TBsignal): """ radio channel in non uniform delay domain """ def __init__(self, x=np.array([]), y=np.array([]),label=[]): #super(TUsignal,self).__init__(x,y,label) bs.TBsignal.__init__(self,x,y,label)
[docs] def tau_Emax(self): """ calculate the delay of max energy peak .. math:: \max_{\tau} y^{2}(\tau) """ y2 = (self.y) ** 2 maxy2 = max(y2) u = np.nonzero(y2 == maxy2)[0] tau_Emax = self.x[u] return(tau_Emax)
[docs] def tau_moy(self, alpha=0.1, threshold_dB = 20, tau0=0): """ calculate mean excess delay starting from delay tau0 Parameters ---------- alpha : float tau0 : float """ u = np.max(self.y*self.y) v = 10**(np.log10(u)-threshold_dB/10.) uf = np.where(self.y*self.y > v) num = np.sum(self.y[uf]*self.y[uf]*self.x[uf[-1]]) den = np.sum(self.y[uf]*self.y[uf]) taum = num/den return(taum)
[docs] def delays(self): r""" calculate delay parameters and orthogonality factor from cir Returns ------- taum : mean excess delay delayspread rms delay spread of : orthogonality factor Neelesh Metha, Andreas Molish, Lary Greenstein "Orthogonality Factor in WCDMA Donlinks in Urban Macrocellular environments" .. :math: \beta0 = 1 \frac{\sum_i=1^L}|\alpha_i|^4}{\left(\sum_i=1^L|\alpha_i|^2)^2} """ self.flatteny(reversible=True) y2 = self.yf*self.yf y4 = y2*y2 taum = sum(self.x*y2,axis=0)/sum(y2,axis=0) delayspread = np.sqrt(sum((self.x-taum)*(self.x-taum)*y2)/sum(y2,axis=0)) of = 1 - sum(y4,axis=0)/sum(y2,axis=0)**2 return taum,delayspread,of
[docs] def Kfactor(self,threshold_dB=20,dB=True): """ determine Ricean K factor Parameters ----------- Threshold_dB : float Only the energy above threshold is taken into account dB : boolean if True value in dB is returned """ t = self.x y = self.y u = np.max(self.y*self.y) v = 10**(np.log10(u)-threshold_dB/10.) vmax = np.where(self.y*self.y==u) Pmax = self.y[vmax]*self.y[vmax] uf = np.where(self.y*self.y>v) Ptot = np.sum(self.y[uf]*self.y[uf]) K = Pmax/(Ptot-Pmax) if dB: K=10*np.log10(K) return K[0]
[docs] def tau_rms(self, alpha=0.1,threshold_dB=20, tau0=0): r""" calculate root mean square delay spread starting from delay tau_0 Parameters ---------- alpha : float threshold : float ( delay interval is defined between :math:`\tau(\alpha)` and :math:`\tau(1 -\alpha)` ) tau0 : float argument for specifying the delay start Notes ----- .. math:: \sqrt{\frac{\int_{\tau(\alpha)}^{\tau(1-\alpha)} (\tau-\tau_m)^{2} PDP(\tau) d\tau} {\int_{\tau(\alpha)}^{\tau(1-\alpha)} PDP(\tau) d\tau}} See Also -------- TUsignal.ecdf TUsignal.tau_moy """ t = self.x y = self.y #cdf, vary = self.ecdf() #pdp = np.diff(cdf.y) u = np.max(self.y*self.y) v = 10**(np.log10(u)-threshold_dB/10.) uf = np.where(self.y*self.y>v) taum = self.tau_moy(tau0,threshold_dB=threshold_dB) num = np.sum(self.y[uf]*self.y[uf]*(self.x[uf[-1]]-taum)**2) den = np.sum(self.y[uf]*self.y[uf]) taurms = np.sqrt(num/den) return taurms
[docs] def toFD(self,fGHz=np.linspace(2,5,256)): """ Transform to Frequency domain Parameters ---------- fGHz : ,Nf frequency in GHz Returns ------- H : Tchannel """ z = np.sum(self.y[:,None]*np.exp(-2*1j*fGHz[None,:]*np.pi*self.x[:,None]),axis=0) H = Tchannel(x=fGHz,y=z,tau=self.x) return H
[docs] def SalehValenzuela(self,**kwargs): """ generic Saleh and Valenzuela Model Parameters ---------- Lam : clusters Poisson Process parameter (ns) lam : rays Poisson Process parameter (ns) Gam : clusters exponential decay factor gam : rays exponential decay factor T : observation duration Examples -------- >>> from import * >>> C=TBchannel() >>> C.SalehValenzuela() >>> f,a = C.stem() """ defaults = { 'Lam' : .1, 'lam' : .5, 'Gam' : 30, 'gam' : 5 , 'T' : 100} for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k]=defaults[k] Lam = kwargs['Lam'] lam = kwargs['lam'] Gam = kwargs['Gam'] gam = kwargs['gam'] T = kwargs['T'] Nr = 1.2*T/Lam Nc = 1.2*T/lam e1 = st.expon(1./Lam) e2 = st.expon(1./lam) # cluster time of arrival tc = np.cumsum(e1.rvs(Nr)) tc = tc[np.where(tc<T)] Nc = len(tc) tauc = np.kron(tc,np.ones((1,Nr)))[0,:] # rays time of arrival taur = np.cumsum(e2.rvs((Nr,Nc)),axis=0).ravel() # exponential decays of cluster and rays etc = np.exp(-tauc/(1.0*Gam)) etr = np.exp(-taur/(1.0*gam)) et = etc*etr tau = tauc+taur # filtering < T and reordering in delay domain tau = tau[np.where(tau<T)] et = et[np.where(tau<T)] u = np.argsort(tau) taus = tau[u] ets = et[u]*np.sign(np.random.rand(len(u))-0.5) # delays and amplitudes self.x = taus self.y = ets
[docs]class TUchannel(TBchannel,bs.TUsignal): """ Uniform channel in delay domain """ def __init__(self, x=np.array([]), y=np.array([]),label=[]): super(TBchannel,self).__init__(x,y,label)
[docs] def toa_max2(self): """ calculate time of arrival max2 method """ THRE = array([]) V = array([]) VL = array([]) M = max(self.y) n = np.nonzero(self.y == M)[0] thre = M v = 1 vl = 0 THRE = np.hstack((THRE, thre)) V = np.hstack((V, v)) VL = np.hstack((VL, vl)) step = M / 1e2 thre = M - step # while thre > M/1e2: while vl < 20: # while v < 50: u = np.nonzero(self.y > thre)[0] v = nbint(u) h = np.nonzero(u > n)[0] g = np.delete(u, h) vl = nbint(g) - 1 THRE = np.hstack((THRE, thre)) V = np.hstack((V, v)) VL = np.hstack((VL, vl)) thre = thre - step plt.plot(1 - THRE / M, V, 'b', drawstyle='steps', label='interval number') plt.plot(1 - THRE / M, VL, '-r', drawstyle='steps', label='interval(Left) number') plt.xlabel('Gamma/Vmax') plt.legend(loc=2) # ylabel('Interval Number')
[docs] def toa_new(self): """ estimate time of arrival (new method) """ t = self.x Max = max(self.y) nmax = np.nonzero(self.y == Max)[0] n = nmax step = Max / 1e2 thre = Max - step delta = 100 d = 0 nint = 0 N = np.array([]) N = np.hstack((N, n)) while delta > 4 * Max / 1e2: u = np.nonzero(self.y > thre)[0] hr = np.nonzero(u > n)[0] g = np.delete(u, hr) if nmax >= 6000: #set the fenetre=6000*0.005=30ns hl = np.nonzero(g < nmax - 6000)[0] u = np.delete(g, hl) else: u = g n_int = nbint(u) - 1 if n_int == 0: d = d + step else: delta = d + step d = 0 n = u[0] N = np.hstack((N, n)) #print(N) thre = thre - step if thre < 0: break if len(N) >= 3: nn = N[-3] else: nn = N[0] tau = t[nn] return tau
[docs] def toa_win(self, w): """ calulate time of arrival (window method) Parameters ---------- w : parameter between 0 and 100 Lei takes w = 9 """ t = self.x maxbruit = max(self.y[0:1000]) Max = max(self.y) nmax = np.nonzero(self.y == Max)[0] n = nmax step = Max / 1e2 thre = Max - step delta = 100 d = 0 nint = 0 N = np.array([]) N = np.hstack((N, n)) # tant delta est plus grande que w% du Max while delta > w * Max / 1e2: u = np.nonzero(self.y > thre)[0] hr = np.nonzero(u > n)[0] g = np.delete(u, hr) if nmax >= 6000: #set the fenetre=6000*0.005=30ns hl = np.nonzero(g < nmax - 6000)[0] u = np.delete(g, hl) else: u = g n_int = nbint(u) - 1 if n_int == 0: thre = thre - step d = d + step else: delta = Max - maxbruit - d - step d = d + step n = u[0] N = np.hstack((N, n)) thre = thre - step if thre < 0: break if len(N) >= 2: nn = N[-2] else: nn = N[0] tau = t[nn] return tau
[docs] def toa_max(self, nint): """ calculate time of arrival descendant threshold based toa estimation Parameters ---------- nint : integer number of intervals """ # # seek fot the maximum value of the signal # M = self.y.max() step = M / 1e2 # plot(self.x,self.y) thre = M - step while step > M / 1e5: # axhline(y=thre,color='green') u = np.where(self.y > thre)[0] # nbint : number of contiguous intervals if pyu.nbint(u) < nint: # down thre = thre - step else: # up + step reduction thre = thre + step step = step / 2. # tau = self.x[u[0]] return tau
[docs] def toa_th(self, thlos, thnlos, visibility=0): """ calculate time of arrival threshold based toa estimation using energy peak """ # # ( ) ^2 # y2 = (self.y) ** 2 maxy2 = max(y2) t = self.x if visibility == 'LOS': th = thlos * maxy2 else: th = thnlos * maxy2 # #In the W1-M1 measurement #thlos=0.05 thnlos=0.15 # v = np.nonzero(y2 >= th)[0] toa = t[v[0]] return toa
[docs] def toa_cum(self, th): """ calculate time of arrival threshold based toa estimation using cumulative energy """ t = self.x y = self.y cdf, vary = self.ecdf() # #In the W1-M1 measurement th=0.15 # v = np.nonzero(cdf.y >= th)[0] toa = t[v[0]] return toa
[docs] def toa_th_tmtm(self): """ calculate time of arrival """ y2 = (self.y) ** 2 maxy2 = max(y2) t = self.x alpha = (np.sqrt(self.Etot()) - np.sqrt(self.Emax())) / \ (np.sqrt(self.Etot()) + np.sqrt(self.Emax())) th = alpha * maxy2 v = np.nonzero(y2 >= th)[0] toa = t[v[0]] return toa
[docs] def toa_th_tm(self): """ calculate time of arrival """ y2 = (self.y) ** 2 maxy2 = max(y2) t = self.x alpha = np.sqrt(self.Emax()) / np.sqrt(self.Etot()) print(alpha) th = alpha * maxy2 v = np.nonzero(y2 >= th)[0] toa = t[v[0]] return toa
[docs] def toa_th_tmt(self): """ calculate time of arrival """ y2 = (self.y) ** 2 maxy2 = max(y2) t = self.x alpha = (np.sqrt(self.Etot( )) - np.sqrt(self.Emax())) / np.sqrt(self.Etot()) print(alpha) th = alpha * maxy2 v = np.nonzero(y2 >= th)[0] toa = t[v[0]] return toa
[docs] def toa_cum_tm(self): """ calculate time of arrival """ y2 = (self.y) ** 2 t = self.x maxy2 = max(y2) u = np.nonzero(y2 == maxy2)[0] cdf, vary = self.ecdf() alpha = np.sqrt(cdf.y[u]) / np.sqrt(cdf.y[-1]) v = np.nonzero(cdf.y >= alpha * cdf.y[u])[0] toa = t[v[0]] return toa
[docs] def toa_cum_tmtm(self): """ calculate time of arrival """ y2 = (self.y) ** 2 t = self.x maxy2 = max(y2) u = np.nonzero(y2 == maxy2)[0] cdf, vary = self.ecdf() alpha = (np.sqrt(cdf.y[-1]) - np.sqrt( cdf.y[u])) / (np.sqrt(cdf.y[-1]) + np.sqrt(cdf.y[u])) v = np.nonzero(cdf.y >= alpha * cdf.y[u])[0] toa = t[v[0]] return toa
[docs] def toa_cum_tmt(self): """ calculate time of arrival """ y2 = (self.y) ** 2 t = self.x maxy2 = max(y2) u = np.nonzero(y2 == maxy2)[0] cdf, vary = self.ecdf() alpha = (np.sqrt(cdf.y[-1]) - np.sqrt(cdf.y[u])) / np.sqrt(cdf.y[-1]) v = np.nonzero(cdf.y >= alpha * cdf.y[u])[0] toa = t[v[0]] return toa
[docs] def psd(self, Tpns=100, R=50,periodic=True): """ calculate power spectral density Parameters ---------- R : Resistance (default 50 Ohms) Ohms Tpns : real Signal period PRP (default 100 ns) .. note:: Notice this interesting property that if time is represented in ns the resulting PSD is expressed in dBm/MHz because there is the same scale factor 1e-9 between second and nanosecond as between dBW/Hz and dBm/MHz If periodic is False the signal duration is taken as period. """ P = self.esd(mode='unilateral') if periodic: P.y = P.y / (R * Tpns) else: P.y = P.y/ (R* (P.x[-1]-P.x[0])) return P
[docs] def awgn(self,PSDdBmpHz=-174,snr=0,seed=1,typ='psd',R=50): """ add a white Gaussian noise Parameters ---------- PSDdBmpHz : float snr : float seed : float typ : string 'psd' | 'snr' R : float Returns ------- n sn See Also -------- bsignal.Noise """ ti = self.x[0] tf = self.x[-1] tsns = self.x[1]-self.x[0] fsGHz = 1./tsns if typ=='snr': Ps =*(tf-ti)) PW = Ps/10**(snr/10.) pWpHz = PW/(fsGHz*1e9) pmWpHz = pWpHz*1e3 PSDdBmpHz = 10*np.log10(pmWpHz) n = Noise(ti = ti, tf = tf+tsns, fsGHz = fsGHz, PSDdBmpHz = PSDdBmpHz, R = R, seed = seed) sn.y = self.y + n.y[0:len(self.x)] sn.x = self.x return sn,n
[docs] def Etau0(self, tau0=0.0, Tint=1, sym=0.25, dB=True): """ calculate energy around delay tau0 Parameters ---------- tau0 : (ns) (0) Tint : Integration time (ns) (1) include the system error sym : symetrie factor 0.5 = symetric (0.25) dB : logscale indicator (True) """ #u = nonzero((tau0 + Tint*(1-sym) > self.x) & (self.x > tau0 - Tint*sym)) u = nonzero((tau0 + Tint > self.x) & (self.x > tau0)) etau0 = self.dx() * sum(self.y[u] * np.conj(self.y[u])) if dB: etau0 = 10 * np.log10(etau0) return(etau0)
[docs] def Ewin(self, tau, Tint=1, sym=0.25, dB=False): """ integrate energy around delay tau Parameters ---------- tau : (ns) (0) Tint : Integration time (ns) (1) include the system error sym : symetrie factor 0.5 = symetric (0.25) dB : logscale indicator (True) """ tstart = tau - Tint * sym tstop = tau + Tint * (1 - sym) u = np.nonzero((self.x > tstart) & (self.x < tstop)) energy = self.dx() * sum(self.y[u] * np.conj(self.y[u])) if dB: energy = 10 * np.log10(energy) return(energy)
[docs] def Etot(self, tau0=0.0, taumax=200, dB=False): """ Etot calculate the energy of the signal Parameters ---------- tau0 : start value for integration dB : (False default) if True value in dB usage : s.Etot(tau0=10,dB=True) """ u = (self.x > tau0) & (self.x < taumax) etot = self.dx() * sum(self.y[u] * np.conj(self.y[u])) if dB: etot = 10 * np.log10(etot) return(etot)
[docs] def Efirst(self, toa, Tint=1, sym=0.25, dB=True): """ calculate the energy of the first path Parameters ---------- toa : float delay value Tint : float duration value (1) sym : float symmetry around delay value ( 0.25) dB : Boolean Returns ------- Efirst : Energy amount in the window (in dB if dB) """ u = np.nonzero((toa + Tint > self.x) & (self.x > toa)) efirst = self.dx() * sum(self.y[u] * np.conj(self.y[u])) if dB: efirst = 10 * np.log10(efirst) return(efirst)
[docs] def Efirst_corr(self, tau0, Sx, Sy, dB=True): """ calculate Efirst utilizing the correlation of signal emission et reponse impulsionnelle Parameters ---------- tau0 Sx Sy dB """ te = self.dx() E0 = sum(Sy * Sy) * te n = int(np.ceil(tau0 / te)) Correlation = np.correlate(self.y, Sy, mode='full') seuil = max(Correlation[len(Sx):len(Sx) + n - 200]) v = np.nonzero(Correlation[len(Sx) + n - 200:] > seuil)[0] if len(v) == 0: ff = seuil / E0 else: w = v[1:] - v[0:-1] w0 = np.nonzero(w != 1)[0] if len(w0) == 0: ff = max(Correlation[len(Sx) + n - 200:][v]) / E0 else: vv = v[0:w0[0] + 1] ff = max(Correlation[len(Sx) + n - 200:][vv]) / E0 if dB: Ef = 20 * np.log10(ff) return(Ef)
[docs] def Efirst_toath(self, tau0, Tint=1, sym=0.25, dB=True): """ calculate Efirst Parameters ---------- tau0 : Time of flight Tint sym dB : if True return value in dBnJ """ te = self.dx() n = int(np.ceil(tau0 / te)) seuil = max(self.y[:n]) v = np.nonzero(self.y[n:] > seuil)[0] if len(v) == 0: toa = n * te else: w = v[1:] - v[0:-1] w0 = np.nonzero(w != 1)[0] if len(w0) == 0: r = max(self.y[n:][v]) toa = np.nonzero(self.y == r)[0] * te else: vv = v[0:w0[0] + 1] r = max(self.y[n:][vv]) toa = np.nonzero(self.y == r)[0] * te u = np.nonzero((toa + Tint * (1 - sym) > self.x) & ( self.x > toa - Tint * sym)) efirst = te * sum(self.y[u] * np.conj(self.y[u])) if dB: efirst = 10 * np.log10(efirst) return(efirst)
[docs] def Epercent(self, N=10): """ return N percentile delay of a cdf Parameters ---------- N : 10 """ cdf, vary = self.ecdf() t = cdf.x Cdf = cdf.y pc = array([]) for i in range(N - 1): u = np.nonzero(Cdf > (i + 1.) / N) tp = t[u[0]] pc = np.hstack((pc, tp)) return(pc)
[docs] def Emax(self, Tint=1, sym=0.5, dB=False): """ calculate the maximum of Energy integrated over a duration Tint A symetry of sym around the max value of the squared signal Parameters ---------- Tint: float Integration time (ns) default 1 sym : float Symmetry factor (default 0.5) dB : boolean default False Notes ----- W1-M1 te = 0.005 ns left = 12 Nright = 33 Tint = 45*te = 0.225 ns sym = 0.25 """ # # ( ) ^2 # y2 = (self.y) ** 2 # # determine time of maximum value of ()^2 # maxy2 = max(y2) u = np.nonzero(y2 == maxy2)[0] te = self.dx() Npt = int(np.ceil(Tint / te)) Nleft = int(np.ceil(sym * Npt)) Nright = int(np.ceil((1 - sym) * Npt)) # # Integration around the maximum value of E^2 # In the W1_M1 measurement # te = 0.005 ns # Nleft = 12 # Nright = 33 # Tint = 45*te = 0.225 ns # sym = 0.25 # Y = y2[u - Nleft:u + Nright] cumY = np.cumsum(Y) maxY = cumY[-1] Emax = maxY * te if dB: return(10 * np.log10(Emax)) return(Emax)
[docs] def tau_Emax(self): """ calculate the delay of max energy peak """ y2 = (self.y) ** 2 t = self.x maxy2 = max(y2) u = np.nonzero(y2 == maxy2)[0] tau_Emax = t[u] return(tau_Emax)
[docs] def aggcir(self,alphak,tauk): """ aggregation of CIR from (alphak,tauk) Parameters ---------- alphak : ndarray CIR path amplitude tauk : ndarray CIR delay values Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> from pylayers.signal.bsignal import * >>> import numpy as np >>> alphak = 10*np.random.rand(7) >>> tauk = 100*np.random.rand(7) >>> tau = np.arange(0,150,0.1) >>> y = np.zeros(len(tau)) >>> # CIR = TUsignal(tau,y) >>> # CIR.aggcir(alphak,tauk) >>> # f,a =CIR.plot(typ=['v']) """ shy = np.shape(self.y) x = self.x eps = (x[1]-x[0])/2 u = map(lambda t: np.where( (x>t-eps) & (x<=t+eps))[0][0],tauk) ynew = np.zeros(len(x)) ynew[u] = alphak if len(shy)>1: self.y = np.vstack((self.y,ynew)) else: self.y = ynew[None,:] self.y = np.delete(self.y,0,0)
[docs] def readcir(self,filename,outdir=[]): """ read channel impulse response Parameters ---------- filename : string long file name if outdir is [] short file name is outdir is != [] outdir : string output directory """ if outdir != []: outdir = 'output/'+outdir filename = getlong(filename, outdir) cir = ios.loadmat(filename) self.x = cir['t'].ravel() self.y = cir['cir'].ravel()
[docs] def readuwb(self, _filename): """ read Waveform from Matlab file Parameters ---------- _filename : file name with extension (.mat) """ outdir = 'output/'+outdir filename = getlong(_filename, outdir) wfm = ios.loadmat(filename) d = wfm['data'][0][0] T0 = d.T0[0][0] / 1e-9 Tres = d.Tres[0][0] / 1e-9 s = d.WformOut1 N = len(s) self.x = np.linspace(T0, T0 + (N - 1) * Tres, N) self.y = s.reshape(len(s))
[docs] def ecdf(self, Tnoise=10, rem_noise=True, in_positivity=True, display=False, normalize=True, delay=0): """ calculate energy cumulative density function Parameters ---------- Tnoise : Time duration of noise only portion (default=5ns) rem_noise : remove noise if True in_positivity : inforce positivity if True normalize : normalize if True (Not implemented) display : display ecdf if True delay : give a delay for vizualization Returns ------- ecdf , vary """ # # ( ) ^2 # t = self.x y = self.y te = self.dx() y2 = y ** 2 # f1 = np.cumsum(y2) * te # retrieve the noise only portion at the beginning of TUsignal # Nnoise = int(np.ceil(Tnoise / te)) tn = t[0:Nnoise] fn = f1[0:Nnoise] stdy = np.std(y[0:Nnoise]) vary = stdy * stdy y = t * vary # # y : linear interpolation of noise ecdf (over whole time base) # #(ar,br)= polyfit(tn,fn,1) #print ar #y = polyval([ar,br],t) if rem_noise: f = f1 - y else: f = f1 # # inforce positivity # if in_positivity: pdf = np.diff(f) u = np.nonzero(pdf < 0)[0] pdf[u] = 0 ecdf = np.cumsum(pdf) else: ecdf = f # # Normalization step # E = ecdf[-1] #print E if normalize: ecdf = ecdf / E # # Resizing # Nt = len(t) Necdf = len(ecdf) N = min(Nt, Necdf) ecdf = bs.TUsignal(t[0:N], ecdf[0:N]) # # Display # if display: plt.subplot(211) ecdf.plot() if normalize: plt.plot(t, 2 * vary * np.sqrt(2 * t) / E, 'r') plt.plot(t, -2 * vary * np.sqrt(2 * t) / E, 'r') else: plt.plot(t, 3 * vary * np.sqrt(2 * t), 'r') plt.plot(t, -3 * vary * np.sqrt(2 * t), 'r') plt.axvline(x=delay, color='red') plt.subplot(212) plt.plot(t, y, color='red') plt.plot(t, f1, color='black') plt.plot(t, f, color='blue') return ecdf, vary
[docs]class TUDchannel(TUchannel): """ Uniform channel in Time domain with delay Attributes ---------- x : ndarray y : ndarray taud : ndarray direct delay taue : ndarray excess delay """ def __init__(self,x=np.array([]),y=np.array([]),taud=np.array([]),taue=np.array([])): super(TUDchannel,self).__init__(x,y) #TUsignal.__init__(self, x, y) self.taud = taud self.taue = taue def __repr__(self): s1 = "Time domain channel with delay \n" s = TUchannel.__repr__(self) s = s1+s return(s)
[docs] def fig(self, N): """ plot a figure of the N first signals Parameters ---------- N : int number of y signal to plot """ x = self.x min = self.y.min() max = self.y.max() ec = max - min ecmax = ec.max() sh = np.shape(self.y) Nmax = sh[0] N1 = int(minimum(N, Nmax)) y1 = self.y[0, :] + (N1 - 1) * ecmax yN1 = self.y[N1 - 1, :] for k in range(N): gk = str(N) + str(1) + str(k) plt.subplot(gk) plot(x, yN1[k, :])
#r.plot(x, yN1, main='Ray response', xlab='Time (ns)', ylab='y', type='l', col='black' ,frame='False', ylim=r.range(y1,yN1) ) #for i in range(N1-1): # yi = self.y[i+1,:] + (N1-i)*ecmax # r.lines(x,yi,col='black')
[docs]class Mchannel(bs.FUsignal): """ Handle the measured channel """ def __init__(self, x , y , **kwargs): """ class constructor Parameters ---------- x : , nfreq frequency GHz y : Nm x Nr x Nt x Nf measured channel """ defaults = { 'Aat': [], 'Aar': [], 'calibrated':True, 'label' :'', 'filename':'', 'mes':'' } for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k]=defaults[k] self.calibrated = kwargs.pop('calibrated') self.label = kwargs.pop('label') self.filename = kwargs.pop('filename') self.mes = kwargs.pop('mes') self.Aat = kwargs.pop('Aat') self.Aar = kwargs.pop('Aar') sh = y.shape self.Nm = sh[0] self.Nr = sh[1] self.Nt = sh[2] self.Nf = sh[3] bs.FUsignal.__init__(self,x=x,y=y,label='Mchannel') def __repr__(self): st = bs.FUsignal.__repr__(self) if self.calibrated: st = st + 'Calibrated' else: st = st + 'Not calibrated' return(st)
[docs] def eig(self,HdH=False): """ calculate eigen values of the transfer matrix. it involves H and Hd against svd() which acts only over H. Returns ------- HdH : Hermitian transfer matrix (nf x nt x nt ) U : Unitary tensor (nf x nt x nt ) S : Singular values (nf x nt) V : = Ud (in that case because HdH Hermitian) (nf x nt x nt) HdH = U L U^{\dagger} """ # H : nm x nr x nt x nf H = self.y # Hd : nm x nt x nr x nf Hd = np.conj(self.y.swapaxes(1,2)) if HdH: #T : nm x nt x nt x nf T = np.einsum('uijk,ujlk->uilk',Hd,H) else: #T : nm x nr x nr x nf T = np.einsum('uijk,ujlk->uilk',H,Hd) # HdH : nm x nf x nr x nr T = T.swapaxes(1,3) #U : nm x nf x (nr|nt) x (nr|nt) #S : nm x nf x (nr|nt) #V : nm x nf x (nr|nt) x (nr|nt) U,S,V = la.svd(T) return (U,S,V)
[docs] def Bcapacity(self,Pt=np.array([1e-3]),Tp=273): """ calculates BLAST deterministic MIMO channel capacity Parameters ---------- Pt : np.array (,NPt) the total power is assumed uniformaly distributed over the whole bandwidth Tp : Receiver Temperature (K) Returns ------- C : sum rate or spectral efficiency (bit/s) np.array (Nf,NPt) rho : SNR np.array (Nf,Nt,NPt) log_2(det(I+(Et/(N0Nt))HH^{H}) Notes ----- The returned value is homogeneous to bit/s the aggregated capacity is obtrained by a simple summation of the returned quantity. To obtain the sum rate or the spectral efficiency in (bit/s/Hz ) the returned value should be divided by the frequency step dfGHz """ fGHz = self.x Nf = len(fGHz) BGHz = fGHz[-1]-fGHz[0] dfGHz = fGHz[1]-fGHz[0] if type(Pt)==float: Pt=np.array([Pt]) # White Noise definition # # Boltzman constantf = len(fGHz) kB = 1.03806488e-23 # N0 ~ J ~ W/Hz ~ W.s N0 = kB*Tp # Evaluation of the transfer tensor # # HdH : U,S,V = self.eig(HdH=True) Ps = Pt/(self.Nt) Pb = N0*BGHz*1e9 # Watt # S : nm x nf x nr # rho : nm x nf x nr x power # rho = (Ps[None,None,None,:]/Pb)*S[:,:,:,None] CB = dfGHz*np.sum(np.log(1+rho)/np.log(2),axis=2) return(rho,CB)
[docs] def WFcapacity(self,Pt=np.array([1e-3]),Tp=273): """ calculates deterministic MIMO channel capacity Parameters ---------- Pt : the total power to be distributed over the different spatial channels using water filling Tp : Receiver Noise Temperature (K) Returns ------- C : capacity (bit/s) rho : SNR (in linear scale) log_2(det(It + HH^{H}) """ fGHz = self.x Nf = len(fGHz) # Bandwidth BGHz = fGHz[-1]-fGHz[0] # Frequency step dfGHz = fGHz[1]-fGHz[0] # White Noise definition # # Boltzman constant kB = 1.03806488e-23 # N0 ~ J ~ W/Hz ~ W.s N0 = kB*Tp # Evaluation of the transfer HHd tensor U,ld,V = self.eig(HdH=True) # # Iterative implementation of Water Filling algorithm # # pb : (nm,nf,nt) noise power (Watt) pb = N0*dfGHz*1e9*np.ones((self.Nm,self.Nf,self.Nt)) # pt : (nm,nf,nt,power) Total power uniformly spread over (nt*nf-1) pt = Pt[None,None,None,:]/((self.Nf-1)*self.Nt) mu = pt Q0 = np.maximum(0,mu-pb[:,:,:,None]/ld[:,:,:,None]) u = np.where(Q0>0)[0] Peff = np.sum(np.sum(Q0,axis=1),axis=1) deltamu = pt while (np.abs(Peff-Pt)>1e-16).any(): mu = mu + deltamu Q = np.maximum(0,mu-pb[:,:,:,None]/ld[:,:,:,None]) Peff = np.sum(np.sum(Q,axis=1),axis=1) #print "mu , Peff : ",mu,Peff usup = np.where(Peff>Pt)[0] mu[:,:,:,usup] = mu[:,:,:,usup]- deltamu[:,:,:,usup] deltamu[:,:,:,usup] = deltamu[:,:,:,usup]/2. Qn = Q/pb[:,:,:,None] rho = Qn*ld[:,:,:,None] Cwf = dfGHz*np.sum(np.log(1+rho)/np.log(2),axis=2) return(rho,Cwf)
[docs] def plot2(self,fig=[],ax=[],mode='time'): if fig ==[]: fig = plt.gcf() if ax ==[]: ax = plt.gca() if mode=='time': cir = self.ift(ffts=1) y = cir.y x = cir.x else: y = self.y x = self.x my = np.mean(np.abs(y),axis=0) yc = np.abs(y)-my[None,...] # TD centered ; TDc.shape : (85, 4, 8, 801) yc2 = np.abs(yc)**2 # square of TD centered ; TDc2.shape : (85, 4, 8, 801) vary = np.mean(yc2,axis=0) #variance of TD ; varTD.shape : (4, 8, 801) cpt = 0 for r in range(self.Nr): for t in range(self.Nt): #cpt=cpt+1 #ax = plt.subplot(self.Nr,self.Nt,cpt) #l1, = ax.plot(self.x,np.sqrt(vary[r,t,:]),color='k',linewidth=1,alpha=1) #l1, = ax.plot(self.x,np.sqrt(vary[r,t,:]),linewidth=1,alpha=1) #l2, = ax.plot(self.x,my[r,t,:],color='r',linewidth=1,alpha=1) l2, = ax.plot(x,my[r,t,:],linewidth=1,alpha=1) ticksx = ax.axes.get_xticklabels() ticksy = ax.axes.get_yticklabels() plt.setp(ticksx, visible=True) plt.setp(ticksy, visible=True) if (r == 0) & (t==1): #l1, = ax.plot(self.x,np.sqrt(vary[r,t,:]),color='k',label='sd',linewidth=1,alpha=1) l2, = ax.plot(x,np.abs(my[r,t,:]),color='r',label='mean',linewidth=1,alpha=1) if (r == 3) & (t==0): plt.setp(ticksx, visible=True) ax.axes.set_xticks(np.arange(x[0],x[-1],0.2)) plt.setp(ticksy, visible=True) if (r == 0) & (t==3): plt.title(r'Evolution of the mean and the standard deviation of $\mathbf{H}(f)$',fontsize=12) if (r == 1) & (t==0): ax.axes.set_ylabel('Amplitude (linear scale $\in [0,1]$)',fontsize=15) if (r == 3) & (t == 3): ax.axes.set_xlabel('Frequency (GHz)',fontsize=15)
[docs]class Tchannel(bs.FUsignal): """ Handle the transmission channel The transmission channel TChannel is obtained through combination of the propagation channel and the antenna transfer functions from both transmitter and receiver. This channel contains all the spatial information for each individual ray. Warning : This is a frequency domain channel deriving from bs.FUsignal Attributes ---------- ray transfer functions (nray,nfreq) dod : direction of depature (rad) [theta_t,phi_t] nray x 2 doa : direction of arrival (rad) [theta_r,phi_r] nray x 2 tau : delay ray k in ns Methods ------- imshow() apply(W) applywavB(Wgam) applywavC(Wgam) chantap(fcGHz,WGHz,Ntap) doddoa() wavefig(w,Nray) rayfig(w,Nray) rssi(ufreq) See Also -------- pylayers.antprop.Ctilde.prop2tran """ def __init__(self, x = np.arange(0,2,1), y = np.arange(0,2,1), tau = np.array(([],)), dod = np.array(([[],[]])).T, doa = np.array(([[],[]])).T, label = ''): """ class constructor Parameters ---------- x : , nfreq frequency GHz y : nray x nfreq path amplitude tau : 1 x nray path delay (ns) dod : direction of departure (nray x 2) doa : direction of arrival (nray x 2) """ self.taud = tau self.taue = np.zeros(len(tau)) # FUDsignal.__init__(self, x, y,taud) self.dod = dod self.doa = doa # , Nf # Nd x Nf x Np x Nu self.label = label = 'rect' self.isFriis = False self.windowed = False self.calibrated = False self.filcal = "calibration.mat" bs.FUsignal.__init__(self,x=x,y=y,label='Channel') def __repr__(self): st = 'Tchannel : Ray transfer function (Nray x Nr x Nt x Nf)\n' st = st+'-----------------------------------------------------\n' st = st + 'freq : '+str(self.x[0])+' '+str(self.x[-1])+' '+str(len(self.x))+"\n" st = st + 'shape : '+str(np.shape(self.y))+"\n" st = st + 'tau (min, max) : '+str(min(self.taud))+' '+str(max(self.taud))+"\n" st = st + 'dist (min,max) : '+str(min(0.3*self.taud))+' '+str(max(0.3*self.taud))+"\n" if self.isFriis: st = st + 'Friis factor -j c/(4 pi f) has been applied' if self.calibrated: st = st+'\n calibrated : Yes\n' else: st = st+'\n calibrated : No\n' if self.windowed: st = st+' windowed : Yes\n' st ='\n' else: st = st+' windowed : No\n' return(st) return(st)
[docs] def saveh5(self,Lfilename,idx,a,b,Ta,Tb): """ save Ctilde object in hdf5 format Parameters ---------- Lfilename : string Layout filename Tilde file identifier number a : np.ndarray postion of point a (transmitter) b : np.ndarray postion of point b (receiver) Ta : np.ndarray rotation matrice of antenna a Tb : np.ndarray rotation matrice of antenna b """ _Lfilename=Lfilename.split('.')[0] filename= _Lfilename +'_' + str(idx).zfill(5) + '.h5' filenameh5=pyu.getlong(filename,pstruc['DIRH']) f=h5py.File(filenameh5,'w') # try/except to avoid loosing the h5 file if # read/write error try: f.attrs['a']=a f.attrs['b']=b f.attrs['Ta']=Ta f.attrs['Tb']=Tb # keys not saved as attribute of h5py file for k,va in self.__dict__.items(): f.create_dataset(k,shape = np.shape(va),data=va) f.close() except: f.close() raise NameError('Channel Tchannel: issue when writting h5py file')
[docs] def loadh5(self,Lfilename,idx, output = True): """ load Ctilde object in hdf5 format Parameters ---------- Lfilename : string Layout filename idx : int file identifier number output : bool return an output precised in return Returns ------- if output: (a,b,Ta,Tb) with a = np.ndarray position of point a (transmitter) b = np.ndarray position of point b (receiver) Ta = np.ndarray rotation matrice of antenna a Tb = np.ndarray rotation matrice of antenna b """ filename = Lfilename.split('.')[0] +'_' + str(idx).zfill(5) + '.h5' filenameh5 = pyu.getlong(filename,pstruc['DIRH']) f=h5py.File(filenameh5, 'r') try: # keys not saved as attribute of h5py file for k,va in f.items(): # if k != 'tau1': # setattr(self,str(k),va[:]) # else : setattr(self,str(k),va) a = f.attrs['a'] b = f.attrs['b'] Ta = f.attrs['Ta'] Tb = f.attrs['Tb'] f.close() self.__init__(self.x, self.y, self.taud, self.dod, self.doa) if output : return a,b,Ta,Tb except: f.close() raise NameError('Channel Tchannel: issue when reading h5py file')
def _saveh5(self,filenameh5,grpname): """ save Tchannel object in hdf5 format compliant with Link Class Parameters ---------- filenameh5 : str file name of h5py file Link format grpname : int groupname in filenameh5 """ filename=pyu.getlong(filenameh5,pstruc['DIRLNK']) # try/except to avoid loosing the h5 file if # read/write error try: fh5=h5py.File(filename,'a') if not grpname in fh5['H'].keys(): fh5['H'].create_group(grpname) else : print('Warning : H/'+grpname +'already exists in '+filenameh5) f=fh5['H/'+grpname] for k,va in self.__dict__.items(): #print(k,va) f.create_dataset(k,shape = np.shape(va),data=va) fh5.close() except: fh5.close() raise NameError('Channel Tchannel: issue when writting h5py file') def _loadh5(self,filenameh5,grpname,**kwargs): """ Load H object in hdf5 format compliant with Link Class Parameters ---------- filenameh5 : str file name of h5py file Link format grpname : int groupname in filenameh5 """ filename=pyu.getlong(filenameh5,pstruc['DIRLNK']) try: fh5=h5py.File(filename,'r') f = fh5['H/'+grpname] # keys not saved as attribute of h5py file for k,va in f.items(): if k !='isFriis': try: setattr(self,str(k),va[:]) except: setattr(self,str(k),va) else : setattr(self,str(k),va) fh5.close() self.__init__(self.x, self.y, self.taud, self.dod, self.doa) except: fh5.close() raise NameError('Channel Tchannel: issue when reading h5py file')
[docs] def apply(self, W=[]): """ apply FUsignal W to the Tchannel Parameters ---------- W : Bsignal.FUsignal It exploits multigrid convolution from Bsignal. Returns ------- V : FUDAsignal Notes ----- Returns :math:`W(f) H_k(f)` + W may have a more important number of points and a smaller frequency band. + If the frequency band of the waveform exceeds the one of the transmission channel, a warning is sent. + W is a FUsignal whose shape doesn't need to be homogeneous with FUChannel H """ if W!=[]: U = W * self else: U = self V = Tchannel(x= U.x, y = U.y, tau = self.taud, dod = self.dod, doa= self.doa) return(V)
[docs] def applywav(self, Wgam=[]): """ apply waveform (time domain ) to obtain the rays impulses response Parameters ---------- Wgam : waveform Returns ------- rir : array, impulse response for each ray separately the size of the array is (nb_rays, support_length) support_length is calculated in regard of the delays of the channel Notes ------ The overall received signal is built in time domain Wgam is applied on each Ray Transfer function See Also -------- """ # product in frequency domain between Channel (self) and waveform Y = self.apply(Wgam) # back in time domain rir = Y.rir(Nz=500,ffts=1) return rir
[docs] def getcir(self,BWGHz=1,Nf=40000,fftshift=False): """ get the channel impulse response Parameters ---------- BWGHz : Bandwidth Nf : Number of frequency points fftshift : boolean See Also -------- """ fGHz = np.linspace(0,BWGHz,Nf) dfGHz = fGHz[1]-fGHz[0] tauns = np.linspace(0,1/dfGHz,Nf) # E : r x nr x nt x f E = np.exp(-2*1j*np.pi*self.taud[:,None,None,None]*fGHz[None,None,None,:]) # self.y : r x nr x nt x f if self.y.shape[3]==E.shape[3]: H = np.sum(E*self.y,axis=0) else: if self.y.shape[3]==1: H = np.sum(E*self.y,axis=0) else: H = np.sum(E*self.y[:,:,:,0][:,:,:,None],axis=0) # back in time - last axis is frequency (axis=2) cir = np.fft.ifft(H,axis=2) if fftshift: cir = np.fft.fftshift(cir,axes=2) tauns = np.linspace(-Nf/(2*BWGHz),Nf/(2*BWGHz)-1/BWGHz,Nf) cir = bs.TUsignal(x=tauns,y=cir) return(cir)
[docs] def get_cir(self,Wgam=[]): """ get Channel impulse response of the channel for a given waveform Parameters ---------- Wgam : waveform Returns ------- ri : TUsignal impulse response for each ray separately See Also -------- """ rir = self.applywav(Wgam) cir = np.sum(rir.y,axis=0) return bs.TUsignal(rir.x, cir)
[docs] def applywavC(self, w, dxw): """ apply waveform method C DEPRECATED Parameters ---------- w : waveform dxw : Notes ----- The overall received signal is built in time domain w is apply on the overall CIR """ print(DeprecationWarning( 'WARNING : Tchannel.applywavC is going to be replaced by Tchannel.applywav')) H = self.H h = H.ft1(500, 1) dxh = h.dx() if (abs(dxh - dxw) > 1e-10): if (dxh < dxw): # reinterpolate w f = interp1d(w.x, w.y) x_new = arange(w.x[0], w.x[-1], dxh)[0:-1] y_new = f(x_new) w = bs.TUsignal(x_new, y_new) else: # reinterpolate h f = interp1d(h.x, h.y) x_new = arange(h.x[0], h.x[-1], dxw)[0:-1] y_new = f(x_new) h = bs.TUsignal(x_new, y_new) ri = h.convolve(w) return(ri)
[docs] def baseband(self,**kwargs): """ Channel transfer function in baseband Parameters ---------- fcGHz : center frequency WMHz : bandwidth in MHz Nf : Number of frequency points """ defaults = {'fcGHz':4.5, 'WMHz':20, 'Nf':100} for key, value in defaults.items(): if key not in kwargs: kwargs[key] = value fcGHz = kwargs['fcGHz'] WMHz = kwargs['WMHz'] Nf = kwargs['Nf'] # self.y : Nray x Nr x Nt x Nf # self.taud : (,Nray) # complex amplitude in baseband # Nray x Nr x Nt x Nf1 abb = self.y*np.exp(-2 * 1j * np.pi *self.taud[:,None,None,None] * fcGHz ) fMHz = np.linspace(-WMHz/2.,WMHz/2,Nf) E = np.exp(-2*1j*np.pi*fMHz[None,None,None,:]*1e-3*self.taud[:,None,None,None]) y = np.sum(abb*E,axis=0) H = bs.FUsignal(x=fMHz,y=y) return(H)
[docs] def chantap(self,**kwargs): """ channel tap Parameters ---------- fcGHz : center frequency WGHz : bandwidth Ntap : int """ defaults = {'fcGHz':4.5, 'WGHz':1, 'Ntap':100} for key, value in defaults.items(): if key not in kwargs: kwargs[key] = value fcGHz=kwargs['fcGHz'] WGHz=kwargs['WGHz'] Ntap=kwargs['Ntap'] # yb : tau x f x 1 yb = self.y[:,:,None]*np.exp(-2 * 1j * np.pi *self.taud[:,None,None] * fcGHz ) # l : 1 x 1 x tap l = np.arange(Ntap)[None,None,:] # l : tau x 1 x 1 tau = self.tau0[:,None,None] # S : tau x f x tap S = np.sinc(l-tau*WGHz) # htap : f x tap htap = np.sum(yb*S,axis=0) htapi = np.sum(htap,axis=0) return htapi
[docs] def applywavB(self, Wgam): """ apply waveform method B (time domain ) DEPRECATED Parameters ---------- Wgam : waveform Returns ------- ri : TUDsignal impulse response for each ray separately Notes ------ The overall received signal is built in time domain Wgam is applied on each Ray Transfer function See Also -------- pylayers.signal.bsignal.TUDsignal.ft1 """ print(DeprecationWarning( 'WARNING : Tchannel.applywavB is going to be replaced by Tchannel.applywav')) # product in frequency domain between Channel (self) and waveform Y = self.apply(Wgam) # back in time domain ri = Y.ft1(Nz=500,ffts=1) return(ri)
[docs] def applywavA(self, Wgam, Tw): """ apply waveform method A DEPRECATED Parameters ---------- Wgam : Tw : The overall received signal is built in frequency domain See Also -------- pylayers.signal.bsignal """ print(DeprecationWarning( 'WARNING : Tchannel.applywavA is going to be replaced by Tchannel.applywav')) Hab = self.H.ft2(0.001) HabW = Hab * Wgam RI = HabW.symHz(10000) ri = RI.ifft(0,'natural') ri.translate(-Tw) return(ri)
[docs] def plotd (self, d='doa', **kwargs): """plot direction of arrival and departure Parameters ---------- d: 'doa' | 'dod' display direction of departure | arrival fig : plt.figure ax : plt.axis phi: tuple (-180, 180) phi angle normalize: bool energy normalized reverse : bool inverse theta and phi representation polar : bool polar representation cmap: matplotlib.cmap mode: 'center' | 'mean' | 'in' see s : float scatter dot size fontsize: float edgecolors: bool colorbar: bool title : bool """ defaults = { 'fig': [], 'ax': [], 'phi': (-180, 180), 'reverse' : True, 'cmap':, 'vmin': [], 'vmax': [], 'mode': 'center', 's': 30, 'fontsize':12, 'edgecolors':'none', 'b3d':False, 'polar':False, 'colorbar':False, 'title':False, 'xa':[], 'xb':[] } for key, value in defaults.items(): if key not in kwargs: kwargs[key] = value di = getattr(self, d, 'doa') # remove non plt.scatter kwargs phi = kwargs.pop('phi') # b3d = kwargs.pop('b3d') the = (0,180) fontsize = kwargs.pop('fontsize') polar = kwargs.pop('polar') fig = kwargs.pop('fig') ax = kwargs.pop('ax') colorbar = kwargs.pop('colorbar') reverse = kwargs.pop('reverse') mode = kwargs.pop('mode') title =kwargs.pop('title') xa = kwargs.pop('xa') xb = kwargs.pop('xb') b3d = kwargs.pop('b3d') vmin = kwargs.pop('vmin') vmax = kwargs.pop('vmax') if fig == []: fig = plt.figure() Etot = + 1e-15 EtotdB = 10*np.log10(Etot) if vmax == []: vmax = EtotdB.max() if vmin == []: vmin = EtotdB.min() EtotdB = np.minimum(EtotdB,vmax) EtotdB = np.maximum(EtotdB,vmin) # col = 1 - (10*log10(Etot)-Emin)/(Emax-Emin) # WARNING polar plot require radian angles # if polar : al = 1. alb = 180. / np.pi phi=np.array(phi) the=np.array(the) if reverse : phi[0] = phi[0]*np.pi/180 phi[1] = phi[1]*np.pi/180 the[0] = the[0] the[1] = the[1] else : phi[0] = phi[0] phi[1] = phi[1] the[0] = the[0]*np.pi/180 the[1] = the[1]*np.pi/180 else : al = 180. / np.pi alb = 180. / np.pi col = ((EtotdB - vmin)/(vmax-vmin)).squeeze() kwargs['c'] = col kwargs['s'] = 200*col kwargs['vmin'] = 0. kwargs['vmax'] = 1. if len(col) != len(di): print("len(col):", len(col)) print("len(di):", len(di)) if ax == []: ax = fig.add_subplot(111, polar=polar) if reverse : scat = ax.scatter(di[:, 1] * al, di[:, 0] * alb, **kwargs) ax.axis((phi[0], phi[1], the[0], the[1])) ax.set_xlabel('$\phi(^{\circ})$', fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_ylabel("$\\theta_t(^{\circ})$", fontsize=fontsize) else: scat = ax.scatter(di[:, 0] * al, di[:, 1] * alb, **kwargs) ax.axis((the[0], the[1], phi[0], phi[1])) ax.set_xlabel("$\\theta_t(^{\circ})$", fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_ylabel('$\phi(^{\circ})$', fontsize=fontsize) if title: ax.set_title(d, fontsize=fontsize+2) if colorbar: b = plt.colorbar(scat,cax=ax) b.set_label('Path Loss (dB)') for t in t.set_fontsize(fontsize) return (fig, ax)
[docs] def plotad(self,a='phi', **kwargs): """plot angular delays Parameters ---------- d: 'doa' | 'dod' display direction of departure | arrival typ : 'ns' | 'm' display delays in nano seconds ( ns) or meter (m) fig : plt.figure ax : plt.axis a : str angle 'theta' | 'phi' normalize: bool energy normalized reverse : bool inverse theta and phi represenation polar : bool polar representation cmap: matplotlib.cmap mode: 'center' | 'mean' | 'in' see s : float scatter dot size fontsize: float edgecolors: bool colorbar: bool titel : bool 'clipval': float remove values below clipval in dB """ defaults = { 'fig': [], 'ax': [], 'normalize':False, 'cmap', 'mode':'center', 's':30, 'fontsize':12, 'edgecolors':'none', 'polar':False, 'colorbar':False, 'taumin':[], 'taumax':[], 'typ':'m', 'title':False, 'clipval': -2500, 'd':'doa' } for key, value in defaults.items(): if key not in kwargs: kwargs[key] = value # remove non plt.scatter kwargs fontsize = kwargs.pop('fontsize') polar = kwargs.pop('polar') fig = kwargs.pop('fig') ax = kwargs.pop('ax') colorbar = kwargs.pop('colorbar') normalize = kwargs.pop('normalize') mode =kwargs.pop('mode') dmin = kwargs.pop('taumin') dmax = kwargs.pop('taumax') title = kwargs.pop('title') typ = kwargs.pop('typ') clipval = kwargs.pop('clipval') do = kwargs.pop('d') if fig == []: fig = plt.figure() if do=='doa': di = self.doa elif do=='dod': di = self.dod if a == 'theta': ang = np.array((0,180)) else : ang = np.array((-180,180)) delay = self.taud if typ =='m': delay = delay*0.3 if dmin == []: dmin = 0.#min(delay) if dmax == []: dmax= max(delay) Etot = + 1e-15 if normalize: Emax = max(Etot) Etot = Etot / Emax # # # # col = 1 - (10*log10(Etot)-Emin)/(Emax-Emin) # WARNING polar plot require radian angles # # if polar : al = 1. else : al = 180. / np.pi col = 10 * np.log10(Etot) cv = np.where(col >= clipval)[0] kwargs['c'] = col[cv] if len(col) != len(di): print("len(col):", len(col)) print("len(di):", len(dir)) if ax == []: ax = fig.add_subplot(111, polar=polar) if a == 'phi': scat = ax.scatter(di[cv, 1] * al, delay[cv], **kwargs) ax.axis((ang[0], ang[1], dmin, dmax)) ax.set_xlabel(r"$\phi(^{\circ})$", fontsize=fontsize) if typ == 'm' : ax.set_ylabel("distance (m)", fontsize=fontsize-2) else : ax.set_ylabel(r"$\phi(^{\circ})$", fontsize=fontsize-2) elif a == 'theta': scat = ax.scatter(di[cv, 0] * al, delay[cv], **kwargs) ax.axis((ang[0], ang[1], dmin,dmax)) ax.set_xlabel(r"$\\theta_t(^{\circ})$", fontsize=fontsize) if typ == 'm' : ax.set_ylabel("distance (m)", fontsize=fontsize-2) else : ax.set_ylabel(r"$\phi(^{\circ})$", fontsize=fontsize-2) if title : ax.set_title('DoA vs delay (ns)', fontsize=fontsize+2) if colorbar: b=fig.colorbar(scat) if normalize: b.set_label('dB') else: b.set_label('Path Loss (dB)') return (fig, ax)
[docs] def doadod(self, **kwargs): """ doadod scatter plot Parameters ---------- phi: tuple (-180, 180) phi angle normalize: bool energy normalized reverse : bool inverse theta and phi represenation polar : bool polar representation cmap: matplotlib.cmap mode: 'center' | 'mean' | 'in' see s : float scatter dot size fontsize: float edgecolors: bool colorbar bool Notes ----- scatter plot of the DoA-DoD channel structure the energy is colorcoded over all couples of DoA-DoD """ defaults = { 'phi':(-180, 180), 'normalize':False, 'reverse' : True, 'cmap', 'mode':'center', 's':30, 'fontsize':12, 'edgecolors':'none', 'polar':False, 'mode':'mean', 'b3d':False, 'xa':0, 'xb':0 } fig = plt.figure() for key, value in defaults.items(): if key not in kwargs: kwargs[key] = value ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121,polar=kwargs['polar']) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122,polar=kwargs['polar']) if kwargs['xa']<kwargs['xb']: fig,ax = self.plotd(d='dod',fig=fig,ax=ax1,**kwargs) fig,ax = self.plotd(d='doa',fig=fig,ax=ax2,**kwargs) else: fig,ax = self.plotd(d='doa',fig=fig,ax=ax1,**kwargs) fig,ax = self.plotd(d='dod',fig=fig,ax=ax2,**kwargs) return fig,ax
[docs] def field(self): tau = self.tau[:,None,None,None] fGHz = self.x[None,None,None,:] E = np.exp(-2*1j*tau*fGHz) F = self.y*E return np.sum(F,axis=0)
#f = bs.FUsignal(x=self.x,y=np.sum(F,axis=0)) #return(f)
[docs] def energy(self,mode='mean',sumray=False): """ calculates channel energy including antennas spatial filtering Parameters ---------- mode : string center | mean | integ (different manner to get the value) Friis : boolean apply the Frris coeff(2/(4p pi f) sumray: boolean ray energy cummulation indicator """ # # r x f # axis 1 : ray # axis 1 : frequency # if self.isFriis: Etot =,axis=1,mode=mode,Friis=False) else: Etot =,axis=1,mode=mode,Friis=True) if sumray: Etot = np.sum(Etot,axis=0) return Etot
[docs] def wavefig(self, w, Nray=5): """ display Parameters ---------- w : waveform Nray : int number of rays to be displayed """ # Construire W W = w.ft() # Appliquer W Y = self.apply(W) # r.require('graphics') # r.postscript('fig.eps') # r('par(mfrow=c(2,2))') # Y.fig(Nray) y = Y.iftd(100, 0, 50, 0) y.fig(Nray)
# r.dev_off() # os.system("gv fig.eps ") # y.fidec() # Sur le FUsignal retourn # A gauche afficher le signal sur chaque rayon # A droite le meme signal decal # En bas a droite le signal resultant
[docs] def rayfig(self, k, W, col='red'): """ build a figure with rays Parameters ---------- k : ray index W : waveform (FUsignal) Notes ----- W is apply on k-th ray and the received signal is built in time domain """ # get the kth Ray Transfer function Hk = bs.FUDsignal(self.H.x, self.H.y[k,:]) dxh = Hk.dx() dxw = W.dx() w0 = W.x[0] # fmin W hk0 = Hk.x[0] # fmin Hk # on s'arrange pour que hk0 soit egal a w0 (ou hk0 soit legerement inferieur a w0) if w0 < hk0: np = ceil((hk0 - w0) / dxh) hk0_new = hk0 - np * dxh x = arange(hk0_new, hk0 + dxh, dxh)[0:-1] Hk.x = hstack((x, Hk.x)) Hk.y = hstack((zeros(np), Hk.y)) if (abs(dxh - dxw) > 1e-10): if (dxh < dxw): # reinterpolate w print(" resampling w") x_new = arange(W.x[0], W.x[-1] + dxh, dxh)[0:-1] Wk = W.resample(x_new) dx = dxh else: # reinterpolate h print(" resampling h") x_new = arange(Hk.x[0], Hk.x[-1] + dxw, dxw)[0:-1] Hk = Hk.resample(x_new) dx = dxw Wk = W
# qHk.x[0]==Wk.x[0]
[docs] def rssi(self,ufreq=0) : """ Compute RSSI value for a frequency index Parameters ---------- ufreq : int index in the frequency range Returns ------- PrdB: float RSSI value in dB $$10\log_10 |a_k|^2$$ PrpdB : float RSSI in a tap over a frequency band ufreq $$10\log_10 |a_k e^{-2j \pi f \tau|^2$$ Notes ----- This function will be deprecated by energy function """ # Amplitude Ak = self.y[:, ufreq] # Power Pr = np.sum(Ak*np.conj(Ak)) # Complex amplitude akp = Ak*np.exp(-2*1j*np.pi*self.x[ufreq]*self.taud) Prp = np.abs(np.sum(akp))**2 PrdB = 10*np.log10(Pr) PrpdB = 10*np.log10(Prp) return PrdB,PrpdB
[docs] def cut(self,threshold=0.99): """ cut the signal at an Energy threshold level Parameters ---------- threshold : float default 0.99 """ self.sort(typ='energy') E = self.eprfl() cumE = np.cumsum(E)/sum(E) v = np.where(cumE[0,:]<threshold)[0] self.taud = self.taud[v] self.taue = self.taue[v] #self.tau = self.tau[v] self.doa = self.doa[v,:] self.dod = self.dod[v,:] self.y = self.y[v,...]
[docs] def sort(self,typ='tau'): """ sort FUD signal Parameters ---------- typ : string which parameter to sort ' 'tau' : (default) 'energy' """ if typ == 'tau': u = np.argsort(self.taud+self.taue) if typ == 'energy': E = self.eprfl() u = np.argsort(E,axis=0)[::-1] u = u[:,0,0] self.taud = self.taud[u] self.taue = self.taue[u] self.doa = self.doa[u] self.dod = self.dod[u] self.y = self.y[u,...] return(u)
[docs] def showtap(self,**kwargs): """ show tap Parameters ---------- same as tap See Also -------- tap """ # f x s x m x tap htap = self.tap(**kwargs) # sum over time m Et_htap = np.sqrt(np.sum(htap*np.conj(htap),axis=i-1))/Nm # sum over s Er_htap = np.sum(htap,axis=1)/Ns corrtap = correlate(Er_htap[0,:,0],np.conj(Er_htap[0,:,0]))
[docs] def tap(self,**kwargs): """ calculate channel tap Parameters ---------- fcGHz : float center frequency WMHz : float bandwidth Ntap : int number of taps (related to bandwith) as the bandwith increases the potential number of taps increases Ns : int number of spatial realizations Nm : int number of time samples the channel is sampled along a distance of half a wavelength Va : velocity of link termination a Vb : velocity of link termination b theta_va : float theta velocity termination a (in radians) phi_va : phi velocity termination a (in radians) theta_vb: theta velocity termination b (in radians) phi_vb : phi velocity termination b (in radians) Examples -------- >>> from pylayers.signal.bsignal import * """ defaults = {'fcGHz':4.5, 'WMHz':1, 'Ntap':3, 'Ns':8, 'Nm':10, 'Va':1, #meter/s 'Vb':1, #meter/s 'theta_va':0, 'phi_va':0, 'theta_vb':0, 'phi_vb':0 } for key, value in defaults.items(): if key not in kwargs: kwargs[key] = value fcGHz=kwargs['fcGHz'] WMHz=kwargs['WMHz'] Ntap=kwargs['Ntap'] Ns=kwargs['Ns'] Nm=kwargs['Nm'] Va = kwargs['Va'] Vb = kwargs['Vb'] # direction of link termination velocity vectors theta_va = kwargs['theta_va'] theta_vb = kwargs['theta_vb'] phi_va = kwargs['phi_va'] phi_vb = kwargs['phi_vb'] Nf = len(self.x) mmax = 0.3*WMHz*1e6/(2*fcGHz*(Va+Vb)) lam = 0.3/fcGHz lamo2 = lam/2. fmaHz = (Va/0.3)*fcGHz fmbHz = (Vb/0.3)*fcGHz # Coherence Time Tca = 9/(14*np.pi*fmaHz) Tcb = 9/(14*np.pi*fmbHz) Tc = 9/(14*np.pi*(fmaHz+fmbHz)) # DoD DoA theta_a = self.dod[:,0] phi_a = self.dod[:,1] theta_b = self.doa[:,0] phi_b = self.doa[:,1] # 3 x r ska = np.array([np.cos(theta_a)*np.cos(phi_a),np.cos(theta_a)*np.sin(phi_a),np.sin(theta_a)]) skb = np.array([np.cos(theta_b)*np.cos(phi_b),np.cos(theta_b)*np.sin(phi_b),np.sin(theta_b)]) # Monte Carlo for spatial realization # s x m x tap ua0 = (np.cos(theta_va)+1)/2 va0 = phi_va/(2*np.pi) ub0 = (np.cos(theta_vb)+1)/2 vb0 = phi_vb/(2*np.pi) # standard deviation of velocity vector orientation is inversely # proportional to velocity magnitude ua = (((1/(Va+0.1))*np.random.rand(Ns)+ua0)%1)[:,None,None] va = (((1/(Va+0.1))*np.random.rand(Ns)+va0)%1)[:,None,None] ub = (((1/(Vb+0.1))*np.random.rand(Ns)+ub0)%1)[:,None,None] vb = (((1/(Vb+0.1))*np.random.rand(Ns)+vb0)%1)[:,None,None] # uniform sampling over the sphere tha = np.arccos(2*va-1) pha = 2*np.pi*ua thb = np.arccos(2*vb-1) phb = 2*np.pi*ub vax = np.cos(tha)*np.cos(pha) vay = np.cos(tha)*np.sin(pha) vaz = np.sin(tha)*np.cos(pha*0) vaxy = np.concatenate([vax[None,None,None,...],vay[None,None,None,...]]) va = np.concatenate([vaxy,vaz[None,None,None,...]]) vbx = np.cos(thb)*np.cos(phb) vby = np.cos(thb)*np.sin(phb) vbz = np.sin(thb)*np.cos(phb*0) vbxy = np.concatenate([vbx[None,None,None,...],vby[None,None,None,...]]) # 3 x r x f x s x m x tap vb = np.concatenate([vbxy,vbz[None,None,None,...]]) # beta : r x f x s x m x tap betaa = np.sum(ska[:,:,None,None,None,None]*va,axis=0) betab = np.sum(skb[:,:,None,None,None,None]*vb,axis=0) # m discrete time axis # r x f x s x m x tap m = np.linspace(0,mmax,Nm)[None,None,None,:,None] # r x f x s x m x tap l = np.arange(Ntap)[None,None,None,None,:] # l : r x f x s x m x tap tau = self.taud[:,None,None,None,None]+ \ self.taue[:,None,None,None,None] ba = betaa*Va*m/(0.3*WMHz*1e6) bb = betab*Vb*m/(0.3*WMHz*1e6) tau2 = tau + ba + bb # S : r x f x s x m x tap (form 2.34 [D. Tse]) S = np.sinc(l-tau2*WMHz/1000.) # sum over r : f x s x m x tap htap = np.sum(S*self.y[...,None,None,None]*np.exp(-2*1j*np.pi*fcGHz*tau2),axis=0) # f x s x m x tap htap = htap.reshape(Nf,Ns,Nm,Ntap) Et_htap = np.sqrt(np.sum(htap*np.conj(htap),axis=2))/Nm Er_htap = np.sum(htap,axis=1)/Ns corrtap = correlate(Er_htap[0,:,0],np.conj(Er_htap[0,:,0])) return(htap,Et_htap,Er_htap,corrtap)
# def minphas(self): # """ construct a minimal phase FUsignal # - Evaluate slope of the phase # - deduce delay # - update delay of FUDSignal # - Compensation of phase slope to obtain minimal phase # This methods updates the excess delay taue member. # The samplinf frequency step should be # # Examples # # -------- # # .. plot:: # # :include-source: # # >>> from pylayers.signal.bsignal import * # # >>> import numpy as np # # >>> fGHz = np.arange(2,11,0.1) # # >>> tau1 = np.array([1,2,3])[:,None] # # >>> y = np.exp(-2*1j*np.pi*fGHz[None,:]*tau1)/fGHz[None,:] # # >>> H = Tchannel(x=fGHz,y=y,tau=np.array([15,17,18])) # # >>> f,a = H.plot(typ=['ru'],xlabels=['Frequency GHz']) # # >>> t1 = plt.suptitle('Before minimal phase compensation') # # >>> H.minphas() # # >>> H.taue # # array([ 1., 2., 3.]) # # >>> f,a = H.plot(typ=['ru'],xlabels=['Frequency GHz']) # # >>> t2 = plt.suptitle('After minimal phase compensation') # """ # f = self.x # phase = np.unwrap(np.angle(self.y)) # dphi = phase[:, -1] - phase[:, 0] # df = self.x[-1] - self.x[0] # slope = dphi / df # #if slope >0: # # print 'm inphas Warning : non causal FUSignal' # #phi0 = +1j*slope*(f[-1]+f[0]/2) # F, S = np.meshgrid(f, slope) # #E = exp(-1j*slope*f+phi0) # E = np.exp(-1j * S * F) # self.y = self.y * E # self.taue = -slope / (2 * np.pi) # # update total delay # #self.tau = self.tau+self.taue
[docs] def ifft(self): """ inverse Fourier Transform Examples -------- >>> from import * >>> L = DLink(verbose=False) >>> aktk = L.eval(force=True) >>> L.H.cut() >>> #T1 = L.H.totime() >>> #f,a = T1.plot(typ='v') >>> #L.H.minphas() >>> #T2 = L.H.totime() >>> #f,a = T2.plot(typ='v') """ y = fft.ifft(self.y) T = 1/(self.x[1]-self.x[0]) x = np.linspace(0,T,len(self.x)) h = TUDchannel(x,y,self.taud,self.taue) return(h)
[docs] def totime(self, Nz=1, ffts=0): """ transform to TUDchannel Parameters ---------- Nz : int Number of zeros for zero padding ffts : nt fftshift indicator (default 0 ) Examples -------- >>> #from import * >>> #L = DLink(verbose=False) >>> #aktk = L.eval() >>> #L.H.cut() >>> #T1 = L.H.totime() >>> #f,a = T1.plot(typ='v') >>> #L.H.minphas() >>> #T2 = L.H.totime() >>> #f,a = T2.plot(typ='v') See Also -------- FUsignal.ift """ Nray = len(self.taud) s = self.ift(Nz, ffts) sy_shifted = fft.fftshift(s.y,axes=-1) h = TUDchannel(s.x, sy_shifted, self.taud,self.taue) return(h)
[docs] def iftd(self, Nz=1, tstart=-10, tstop=100, ffts=0): """ time pasting Parameters ---------- Nz : int Number of zeros tstart : float tstop : float ffts : int fftshift indicator Returns ------- rf : TUsignal (1,N) See Also -------- TUsignal.translate Examples -------- """ tau = self.taud+self.taue Nray = len(tau) s = self.ift(Nz, ffts) x = s.x dx = s.dx() x_new = np.arange(tstart, tstop, dx) yini = np.zeros((Nray, len(x_new))) rf = bs.TUsignal(x_new, yini) # # initializes a void signal # for i in range(Nray): r = bs.TUsignal(x_new, np.zeros(len(x_new))) si = bs.TUsignal(x, s.y[i, :]) si.translate(tau[i]) r = r + si rf.y[i, :] = r.y return rf
[docs] def rir(self, Nz, ffts=0): """ construct ray impulse response Parameters ---------- Nz : number of zeros for zero padding ffts : fftshift indicator 0 no fftshift 1 apply fftshift Returns ------- rir : TUsignal See Also -------- pylayers.signal.bsignal. """ tau = self.taud + self.taue taumin = min(tau) taumax = max(tau) dtau = (taumax-taumin) self.s = self.ift(Nz, ffts) t0 = self.s.x[0] te = self.s.x[-1] shy = self.s.y.shape dx = self.s.x[1]-self.s.x[0] # Delta Tau + Npoints N = np.ceil(dtau/dx)+shy[-1] # convert tau in an integer offset # taumin ray is not shifted itau = np.floor((tau-taumin)/dx).astype(int) U = np.ones((shy[0],shy[-1]),dtype=int) CU = np.cumsum(U,axis=1)-1 #-1 to start @ value 0 rir = np.zeros((shy[0],N)) col1 = np.repeat(np.arange(shy[0],dtype=int),shy[-1]) col2 = (CU+itau[:,None]).ravel() index = np.vstack((col1,col2)).T rir[index[:,0],index[:,1]] = self.s.y.ravel() t = np.linspace(t0+taumin,te+taumax,N) return bs.TUsignal(x=t, y=rir)
[docs] def ft1(self, Nz, ffts=0): """ construct CIR from ifft(RTF) Parameters ---------- Nz : number of zeros for zero padding ffts : fftshift indicator 0 no fftshift 1 apply fftshift Returns ------- r : TUsignal See Also -------- pylayers.signal.bsignal. """ tau = self.taud + self.taue self.s = self.ift(Nz, ffts) x = self.s.x r = bs.TUsignal(x=x, y=np.zeros(self.s.y.shape[1:])) if len(tau) == 1: return(self.s) else: for i in range(len(tau)): si = bs.TUsignal(self.s.x, self.s.y[i, :]) si.translate(tau[i]) r = r + si return r
[docs] def ftau(self, Nz=0, k=0, ffts=0): """ time superposition Parameters ---------- Nz : number of zeros for zero padding k : starting index ffts = 0 no fftshift ffts = 1 apply fftshift Returns ------- r : TUsignal """ tau = self.taud + self.taue s = self.ift(Nz, ffts) x = s.x r = bs.TUsignal(x, np.zeros(len(x))) si = bs.TUsignal(s.x, s.y[k, :]) si.translate(tau[k]) r = r + si return r
[docs] def plot3d(self,fig=[],ax=[]): """ plot in 3D Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> from pylayers.signal.bsignal import * >>> import numpy as np >>> N = 20 >>> fGHz = np.arange(1,3,1) >>> taud = np.sort(np.random.rand(N)) >>> alpha = np.random.rand(N,len(fGHz)) >>> #s = Tchannel(x=fGHz,y=alpha,tau=taud) >>> #s.plot3d() """ Ntau = np.shape(self.y)[0] Nf = np.shape(self.y)[1] if fig==[]: fig = plt.figure() if ax == []: ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection = '3d') for k,f in enumerate(self.x): for i,j in zip(self.taud+self.taue,abs(self.y[:,k])): ax.plot([i,i],[f,f],[0,j],color= 'k') ax.set_xlabel('Delay (ns)') ax.set_xlim3d(0,max(self.taud+self.taue)) ax.set_ylabel('Frequency (fGHz)') ax.set_ylim3d(self.x[0],self.x[-1]) powermin = abs(self.y).min() powermax = abs(self.y).max() ax.set_zlabel('Power (linear)') ax.set_zlim3d(powermin,powermax)
[docs] def ft2(self, df=0.01): """ build channel transfer function (frequency domain) Parameters ---------- df : float frequency step (default 0.01) Notes ----- 1. get fmin and fmax 2. build a new base with frequency step df 3. Initialize a FUsignal with the new frequency base 4. build matrix tau * f (Nray x Nf) 5. buildl matrix E= exp(-2 j pi f tau) 6. resampling of FUDsignal according to f --> S 7. apply the element wise product E .* S 8. add all rays """ fmin = self.x[0] fmax = self.x[-1] tau = self.taud+self.taue f = np.arange(fmin, fmax, df) U = bs.FUsignal(f, np.zeros(len(f))) TAUF = np.outer(tau, f) E = np.exp(-2 * 1j * np.pi * TAUF) S = self.resample(f) ES = E * S.y V = sum(ES, axis=0) U.y = V return U
[docs] def frombuf(self,S,sign=-1): """ load a buffer from vna Parameters ---------- S : buffer sign : int (+1 |-1) for complex reconstruction """ N = len(self.x) u = np.arange(0,N)*2 v = np.arange(0,N)*2+1 S21 = (S[u]+sign*1j*S[v]).reshape((1,N)) self.y = S21
[docs] def capacity(self,Pt,T=290,mode='blast'): """ calculates channel Shannon capacity (no csi) Parameters ---------- Pt : Power transmitted T : Temperature (Kelvin) mode : string Returns ------- C : Channel capacity (bit/s) """ kB = 1.3806488e-23 N0 = kB*T dfGHz = self.x[1]-self.x[0] BGHz = self.x[-1]-self.x[0] Pb = N0*BGHz*1e9 H2 = self.y*np.conj(self.y) snr = Pt[:,None]*H2[None,:]/Pb c = np.log(1+snr)/np.log(2) C = np.sum(c,axis=1)*dfGHz SNR = np.sum(snr,axis=1)*dfGHz return(C,SNR)
[docs] def calibrate(self,filecal='calibration.mat',conjugate=False): """ calibrate data Parameters ---------- filecal : string calibration file name "calibration.mat" conjugate : boolean default False """ self.filecal = filecal Hcal = Tchannel() Hcal.load(filecal) assert (len(self.x) == len(Hcal.x)),"calibration file has not the same number of points" if not self.calibrated: if not(conjugate): self.y = self.y/Hcal.y else: self.y = self.y/np.conj(Hcal.y) self.calibrated = not self.calibrated else: if not(conjugate): self.y = self.y*Hcal.y else: self.y = self.y*np.conj(Hcal.y) self.calibrated = not self.calibrated
[docs] def pdp(self,win='hamming',calibrate=True): """ calculates power delay profile Parameters ---------- win : string window name """ = win if calibrate and not self.calibrated: self.calibrate() if not self.windowed: self.window(win=win) # inverse Fourier transform pdp = self.ift(ffts=1) return pdp
def scatterers(self,pMS,pBS,mode='sbounce'): """ Parameters ---------- mode: Boolean - image | sbounce (single bounce) pMS : np.array (,3) pBS : np.array (,3) ang_offset : float (degrees) Returns ------- xs: estimated x scatterer coordinate ys: estimated y scatterer coordinate """ def fun(p_s,pBS,PMs,tau,phi): """ function to be minimized Parameters ---------- p_s: np.array (,2) 2D scatterer coordinates containing the xs and ys coordinates tau : float (in ns) estimated delay phi : float (in deg.) estimated angle pMS : np.array (,2) containing the x and y MS coordinates pBS : np.array (,2) containing the x and y and z BS coordinates """ d0 = np.sqrt((pBS[0] - p_s[0])**2 + (pBS[1] - p_s[1])**2 + (pBS[2] - p_s[2])**2 ) # distance between the BS and the estimated scatterer d1 = np.sqrt((pMS[0] - p_s[0])**2 + (pMS[1] - p_s[1])**2 + (pMS[2] - p_s[2])**2) # distance between the estimated scatterer and the MS xs = p_s[0] ys = p_s[1] zs = p_s[2] # Equations to be minimized r_fres = 0.3*tau eq1 = r_fres - (d0 + d1) eq2 = xs - pBS[0] - d0 * np.cos(phi) eq3 = ys - pBS[1] - d0 * np.sin(phi) return np.abs(eq1) + np.abs(eq2) + np.abs(eq3) Nscat = np.shape(self.y)[0] phi = self.doa[:,1] tau = self.taud if mode == 'image': # image principal mode xs = pBS[0] + tau*0.3*np.cos(phi) ys = pBS[1] + tau*0.3*np.sin(phi) if mode=='sbounce': # single bounce mode xs = np.array([]) ys = np.array([]) zs = np.array([]) for k in range(Nscat): # loop over the all detected MPCs #zguess = (pMS[0:2] + pBS[0:2])/2. # Initial guess zguess = (pMS + pBS)/2. # Initial guess #z = fmin(fun,zguess,(pBS[0:2],pMS[0:2],tau[k],phi[k]),disp=False) # minimizing Eq. z = fmin(fun,zguess,(pBS,pMS,tau[k],phi[k]),disp=False) # minimizing Eq. xs = np.append(xs,z[0]) ys = np.append(ys,z[1]) zs = np.append(zs,z[2]) return(xs,ys,zs)
[docs]class Ctilde(PyLayers): """ container for the 4 components of the polarimetric ray channel Attributes ---------- Ctt : bsignal.FUsignal Ctp : bsignal.FUsignal Cpt : bsignal.FUsignal Cpp : bsignal.FUsignal tauk : ndarray delays tang : ndarray angles of departure rang : ndarray angles of arrival tangl : ndarray angles of departure (local) rangl : ndarray angles of arrival (local) fGHz : np.array frequency array nfreq : int number of frequency point nray : int number of rays Methods ------- choose load mobility doadod show energy sort prop2tran """ def __init__(self): """ class constructor Notes ----- transpose == False (r,f) transpose == True (f,r) A Ctilde object can be : + returned from eval method of a Rays object. + generated from a statistical model of the propagation channel """ # by default C is expressed between the global frames self.islocal = False # by default antenna rotation matrices are identity self.Ta = np.eye(3) self.Tb = np.eye(3) self.fGHz = np.array([2.4]) # a single ray self.nray = 1 self.Ctt = bs.FUsignal(x=self.fGHz,y=np.array([[1]])) self.Ctp = bs.FUsignal(x=self.fGHz,y=np.array([[0]])) self.Cpt = bs.FUsignal(x=self.fGHz,y=np.array([[0]])) self.Cpp = bs.FUsignal(x=self.fGHz,y=np.array([[1]])) # self.tang = np.array([[np.pi/2,np.pi/2]]) self.rang = np.array([[np.pi/2,3*np.pi/2]]) # self.tangl = np.array([[np.pi/2,np.pi/2]]) self.rangl = np.array([[np.pi/2,3*np.pi/2]]) def __repr__(self): s = 'Ctilde : Ray Propagation Channel Tensor (2x2xrxf)'+'\n---------\n' if self.islocal: s = s + 'between antennas local frames\n' else: s = s + 'between termination global frames\n' s = s + 'Nray : ' + str(self.nray)+'\n' if self.Cpp.x[0]!=self.Cpp.x[-1]: s = s + 'Nfreq : ' + str(len(self.Cpp.x))+'\n' s = s + 'fmin(GHz) : ' + str(self.Cpp.x[0])+'\n' s = s + 'fmax(GHz): ' + str(self.Cpp.x[-1])+'\n' else: s = s + 'fGHz : ' + str(self.Cpp.x[0])+'\n' s = s + '---1st ray 1st freq ---\n' s = s + 'global angles (th,ph) degrees : \n' s = s + str(np.round(self.tang[0,:]*1800/np.pi)/10.)+'\n' s = s + str(np.round(self.rang[0,:]*1800/np.pi)/10.)+'\n' s = s + 'local angles (th,ph) degrees : \n' s = s + str(np.round(self.tangl[0,:]*1800/np.pi)/10.)+'\n' s = s + str(np.round(self.rangl[0,:]*1800/np.pi)/10.)+'\n' s = s + ' | '+ str(self.Ctt.y[0,0])+' '+str(self.Ctp.y[0,0])+' |\n' s = s + ' | '+ str(self.Cpt.y[0,0])+' '+str(self.Cpp.y[0,0])+' |\n' return(s)
[docs] def inforay(self,iray,ifreq=0): """ provide information about a specific ray """ dray = self.tauk[iray]*0.3 draydB = 20*np.log10(1./dray) Ctt = self.Ctt.y[iray,ifreq] Ctp = self.Ctp.y[iray,ifreq] Cpt = self.Cpt.y[iray,ifreq] Cpp = self.Cpp.y[iray,ifreq] Cttc = Ctt*dray Ctpc = Ctp*dray Cppc = Cpp*dray Cptc = Cpt*dray if self.islocal: print("between local frames") print("--------------------") else: print("between global frames") print("--------------------") print('distance losses',draydB) if (np.abs(Cttc)!=0): CttdB = 20*np.log10(np.abs(Ctt)) CttcdB = 20*np.log10(np.abs(Cttc)) else: CttdB = -np.inf CttcdB = -np.inf if (np.abs(Cppc)!=0): CppdB = 20*np.log10(np.abs(Cpp)) CppcdB = 20*np.log10(np.abs(Cppc)) else: CppdB = -np.inf CppcdB = -np.inf if (np.abs(Ctpc)!=0): CtpdB = 20*np.log10(np.abs(Ctp)) CtpcdB =20*np.log10(np.abs(Ctpc)) else: CtpdB = -np.inf CtpcdB = -np.inf if (np.abs(Cptc)!=0): CptdB = 20*np.log10(np.abs(Cpt)) CptcdB = 20*np.log10(np.abs(Cptc)) else: CptdB = -np.inf CptcdB = -np.inf print('Without distance losses (Interactions only)') print("-----------------------------------------------") print('co-pol (tt,pp) dB :',CttcdB,CppcdB) print('cross-pol (tt,pp) dB :',CtpcdB,CptcdB) print('With distance losses (Interactions + distance)') print("-----------------------------------------------") print('co-pol (tt,pp) dB :',CttdB,CppdB) print('cross-pol (tp,pt) dB :',CtpdB,CptdB)
[docs] def saveh5(self,Lfilename,idx,a,b): """ save Ctilde object in hdf5 format Parameters ---------- Lfilename : string Layout filename idx : int file identifier number a : np.ndarray postion of point a (transmitter) b : np.ndarray postion of point b (receiver) """ Lfilename=Lfilename.split('.')[0] _filename= Lfilename +'_' + str(idx).zfill(5) + '.hdf5' filename=pyu.getlong(_filename,pstruc['DIRCT']) # save channel in global basis # new call to locbas if self.islocal: self.locbas() # try/except to avoid loosing the h5 file if # read/write error try: f=h5py.File(filename,'w') f.create_dataset('Ta',shape=np.shape(self.Ta),data=self.Ta) f.create_dataset('Tb',shape=np.shape(self.Tb),data=self.Tb) f.create_dataset('tang',shape=np.shape(self.tang),data=self.tang) f.create_dataset('rang',shape=np.shape(self.rang),data=self.rang) f.create_dataset('tauk',shape=np.shape(self.tauk),data=self.tauk) f.create_dataset('fGHz',shape=np.shape(self.fGHz),data=self.fGHz) f.create_dataset('Ctt_y',shape=np.shape(self.Ctt.y),data=self.Ctt.y) f.create_dataset('Cpp_y',shape=np.shape(self.Cpp.y),data=self.Cpp.y) f.create_dataset('Cpt_y',shape=np.shape(self.Cpt.y),data=self.Cpt.y) f.create_dataset('Ctp_y',shape=np.shape(self.Ctp.y),data=self.Ctp.y) f.create_dataset('Tx',shape=np.shape(a),data=a) f.create_dataset('Rx',shape=np.shape(b),data=b) f.close() except: f.close() raise NameError('Channel.Ctilde: issue when writting h5py file')
[docs] def loadh5(self,Lfilename,idx,output=True): """ load Ctilde object in hdf5 format Parameters ---------- Lfilename : string Layout filename idx : int file identifier number output : bool return an output precised in return Returns ------- if output: (Layout filename , Tx position, Rx position) """ _Lfilename=Lfilename.split('.')[0] _filename= _Lfilename +'_' + str(idx).zfill(5) + '.hdf5' filename=pyu.getlong(_filename,pstruc['DIRCT']) try: f=h5py.File(filename,'r') self.fGHz = f['fGHz'][:] self.tang = f['tang'][:] self.rang = f['rang'][:] self.tauk = f['tauk'][:] self.Ta = f['Ta'][:] self.Tb = f['Tb'][:] Ctt = f['Ctt_y'][:] Cpp = f['Cpp_y'][:] Ctp = f['Ctp_y'][:] Cpt = f['Cpt_y'][:] self.Ctt = bs.FUsignal(self.fGHz, Ctt) self.Ctp = bs.FUsignal(self.fGHz, Ctp) self.Cpt = bs.FUsignal(self.fGHz, Cpt) self.Cpp = bs.FUsignal(self.fGHz, Cpp) tx = f['Tx'][:] rx = f['Rx'][:] self.nfreq = len(self.fGHz) self.nray = np.shape(self.Cpp.y)[0] f.close() except: f.close() raise NameError('Channel.Ctilde: issue when reading h5py file') if output : return (Lfilename ,tx,rx)
def _saveh5(self,filenameh5,grpname): """ save Ctilde object in hdf5 format compliant with Link Class Parameters ---------- filenameh5 : str file name of h5py file Link format grpname : int groupname in filenameh5 """ # back to global frame if self.islocal: self.locbas() filename=pyu.getlong(filenameh5,pstruc['DIRLNK']) # try/except to avoid loosing the h5 file if # read/write error try: fh5=h5py.File(filename,'a') if not grpname in fh5['Ct'].keys(): fh5['Ct'].create_group(grpname) else : print('Warning : Ct/'+grpname +'already exists in '+filenameh5) f=fh5['Ct/'+grpname] # save channel in global basis f.create_dataset('Ta',shape=np.shape(self.Ta),data=self.Ta) f.create_dataset('Tb',shape=np.shape(self.Tb),data=self.Tb) f.create_dataset('tang',shape=np.shape(self.tang),data=self.tang) f.create_dataset('rang',shape=np.shape(self.rang),data=self.rang) f.create_dataset('tauk',shape=np.shape(self.tauk),data=self.tauk) f.create_dataset('fGHz',shape=np.shape(self.fGHz),data=self.fGHz) f.create_dataset('Ctt_y',shape=np.shape(self.Ctt.y),data=self.Ctt.y) f.create_dataset('Cpp_y',shape=np.shape(self.Cpp.y),data=self.Cpp.y) f.create_dataset('Cpt_y',shape=np.shape(self.Cpt.y),data=self.Cpt.y) f.create_dataset('Ctp_y',shape=np.shape(self.Ctp.y),data=self.Ctp.y) fh5.close() except: fh5.close() raise NameError('Channel.Ctilde: issue when writting h5py file')
[docs] def los(self,**kwargs): """ Line of site channel Parameters ---------- d(m) fGHz (,Nf) tang (1x2) rang (1x2) """ defaults = {'pa':np.r_[197,189.8,1.65] ,'pb': np.r_[220,185,6] ,'fGHz':np.r_[32.6] ,'Ta':np.eye(3) ,'Tb':np.array([[0.28378894, -0.8972627, -0.33820628], [-0.57674955, -0.44149706, 0.68734293], [-0.76604425, 0., -0.64278784]]) } for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k]=defaults[k] = kwargs['pa'] self.pb = kwargs['pb'] self.fGHz = kwargs['fGHz'] self.Ta = kwargs['Ta'] self.Tb = kwargs['Tb'] self.nray = 1 si = d = np.r_[np.sqrt(np.sum(si*si))] si = si/d self.tauk = d/0.3 # # ka = - kb for LOS # tha = np.arccos(si[2]) pha = np.arctan2(si[1],si[0]) thb = np.arccos(-si[2]) phb = np.arctan2(-si[1],-si[0]) self.tang = np.array([tha,pha]).reshape((1,2)) self.rang = np.array([thb,phb]).reshape((1,2)) U = np.ones(len(self.fGHz),dtype=complex)/d[0] Z = np.zeros(len(self.fGHz),dtype=complex) self.Ctt = bs.FUsignal(self.fGHz, U) self.Ctp = bs.FUsignal(self.fGHz, Z) self.Cpt = bs.FUsignal(self.fGHz, Z) self.Cpp = bs.FUsignal(self.fGHz, U) self.locbas()
def _loadh5(self,filenameh5,grpname,**kwargs): """ load Ctilde object in hdf5 format Parameters ---------- filenameh5 : str file name of h5py file Link format grpname : int groupname in filenameh5 """ filename=pyu.getlong(filenameh5,pstruc['DIRLNK']) try: fh5=h5py.File(filename,'r') f = fh5['Ct/'+grpname] self.fGHz = f['fGHz'][:] self.tang = f['tang'][:] self.rang = f['rang'][:] self.tauk = f['tauk'][:] self.Ta = f['Ta'][:] self.Tb = f['Tb'][:] Ctt = f['Ctt_y'][:] Cpp = f['Cpp_y'][:] Ctp = f['Ctp_y'][:] Cpt = f['Cpt_y'][:] self.Ctt = bs.FUsignal(self.fGHz, Ctt) self.Ctp = bs.FUsignal(self.fGHz, Ctp) self.Cpt = bs.FUsignal(self.fGHz, Cpt) self.Cpp = bs.FUsignal(self.fGHz, Cpp) self.nfreq = len(self.fGHz) self.nray = np.shape(self.Cpp.y)[0] fh5.close() except: fh5.close() raise NameError('Channel.Ctilde: issue when reading h5py file')
[docs] def mobility(self, v, dt): """ modify channel for uniform mobility Parameters ---------- v : float velocity (m/s) dt : float delta t (s) Notes ----- Calculate a channel field from Ctilde and v(terminal vitese) and dt(time of deplacement) dt en s (observation time between 2 Rx position) v en m/s (vitesse de changement de Rx) Returns ------- tau : modified Ctilde """ c = 0.3 # m/ns celerity of light tauk = self.tauk tang = self.tang rang = self.rang rk = tauk * c rk_mod = abs(rk) sk_ch = rk / rk_mod # cos_alph =dot(v/abs(v),sk_ch) cos_alph = (v * sk_ch) / abs(v) self.cos_alph = cos_alph rk_ch = rk_mod * cos_alph * abs(v) * dt sk_ch_ch = (rk + v * dt) / (rk_ch + cos_alph * abs(v) * dt) tauk_ch = (abs(rk_ch) * sk_ch_ch) / c return(tauk_ch)
[docs] def plotd (self, d='doa', **kwargs): """ plot direction of arrival/departure Parameters ---------- d: string 'doa' | 'dod' display direction of departure | arrival fig : plt.figure ax : plt.axis phi: tuple (-180, 180) phi angle normalize: bool energy normalized reverse : bool inverse theta and phi represenation polar : bool polar representation cmap: matplotlib.cmap mode: 'center' | 'mean' | 'in' see s : float scatter dot size fontsize: float edgecolors: bool colorbar: bool title : bool """ defaults = { 'fig': [], 'ax': [], 'phi':(-180, 180), 'normalize':False, 'reverse' : True, 'cmap', 'mode':'center', 's':30, 'fontsize':22, 'edgecolors':'none', 'b3d':False, 'polar':False, 'colorbar':False, 'title' : False } for key, value in defaults.items(): if key not in kwargs: kwargs[key] = value if d =='dod': tit = 'DOD : A' di = getattr(self, 'tang') elif d == 'doa': tit = 'DOA : B' di = getattr(self, 'rang') else : raise AttributeError('d attribute can only be doa or dod') # remove non plt.scatter kwargs phi = kwargs.pop('phi') b3d = kwargs.pop('b3d') the = (0,180) fontsize = kwargs.pop('fontsize') polar = kwargs.pop('polar') fig = kwargs.pop('fig') ax = kwargs.pop('ax') colorbar = kwargs.pop('colorbar') reverse = kwargs.pop('reverse') normalize = kwargs.pop('normalize') mode = kwargs.pop('mode') title = kwargs.pop('title') if fig == []: fig = plt.figure() Ett, Epp, Etp, Ept =,Friis=True) Etot = Ett+Epp+Etp+Ept + 1e-15 if normalize: Emax = max(Etot) Etot = Etot / Emax # # # # col = 1 - (10*log10(Etot)-Emin)/(Emax-Emin) # WARNING polar plot require radian angles if polar : al = 1. alb = 180. / np.pi phi=np.array(phi) the=np.array(the) if reverse : phi[0] = phi[0]*np.pi/180 phi[1] = phi[1]*np.pi/180 the[0] = the[0] the[1] = the[1] else : phi[0] = phi[0] phi[1] = phi[1] the[0] = the[0]*np.pi/180 the[1] = the[1]*np.pi/180 else : al = 180. / np.pi alb = 180. / np.pi col = 10 * np.log10(Etot) kwargs['c'] = col if len(col) != len(di): print("len(col):", len(col)) print("len(di):", len(dir)) if b3d: ax = fig.add_subplot(111,projection='3d') ax.scatter(1.05*array(xa),1.05*array(ya),1.05*array(za),'b') ax.scatter(1.05*array(xb),1.05*array(yb),1.05*array(zb),'r') else: if ax == []: ax = fig.add_subplot(111, polar=polar) if reverse : scat = ax.scatter(di[:, 1] * al, di[:, 0] * alb, **kwargs) ax.axis((phi[0], phi[1], the[0], the[1])) ax.set_xlabel('$\phi(^{\circ})$', fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_ylabel("$\\theta_t(^{\circ})$", fontsize=fontsize) else: scat = ax.scatter(di[:, 0] * al, di[:, 1] * alb, **kwargs) ax.axis((the[0], the[1], phi[0], phi[1])) ax.set_xlabel("$\\theta_t(^{\circ})$", fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_ylabel('$\phi(^{\circ})$', fontsize=fontsize) if title: ax.set_title(tit, fontsize=fontsize+2) ll = ax.get_xticklabels()+ax.get_yticklabels() for l in ll: l.set_fontsize(fontsize) if colorbar: #divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) #cax = divider.append_axes("right",size="5%",pad=0.05) clb = plt.colorbar(scat,ax=ax) if normalize: clb.set_label('dB',size=fontsize) else: clb.set_label('Path Loss (dB)',size=fontsize) for t in t.set_fontsize(fontsize) return (fig, ax)
[docs] def doadod(self, **kwargs): """ doadod scatter plot Parameters ---------- phi : tuple (-180, 180) phi angle normalize : bool energy normalized reverse : bool inverse theta and phi representation polar : bool polar representation cmap : matplotlib.cmap mode : string 'center' | 'mean' | 'in' s : float scatter dot size fontsize : float edgecolors : bool colorbar : bool xa : xb : Notes ----- scatter plot of the DoA-DoD channel structure the energy is color coded over all couples of DoA-DoD Examples -------- >>> from import * See Also -------- """ defaults = { 'phi':(-180, 180), 'normalize':False, 'reverse' : True, 'cmap', 'mode':'center', 's':30, 'fontsize':12, 'edgecolors':'none', 'polar':False, 'b3d':False, 'mode':'mean', 'colorbar':False, 'xa':0, 'xb':1 } for key, value in defaults.items(): if key not in kwargs: kwargs[key] = value xa = kwargs.pop('xa') xb = kwargs.pop('xb') if 'fig' not in kwargs: fig = plt.gcf() kwargs['fig']=fig else: fig = kwargs['fig'] ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121,polar=kwargs['polar']) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122,polar=kwargs['polar']) if xa<xb: fig,ax1 = self.plotd(d='dod',ax=ax1,**kwargs) fig,ax2 = self.plotd(d='doa',ax=ax2,**kwargs) else: fig,ax1 = self.plotd(d='doa',ax=ax1,**kwargs) fig,ax2 = self.plotd(d='dod',ax=ax2,**kwargs) return fig,[ax1,ax2]
[docs] def locbas(self,**kwargs): """ global reference frame to local reference frame If Tt and Tr are [] the global channel is retrieved Parameters ---------- Ta : rotation matrix 3x3 side a default [] Tb : rotation matrix 3x3 side b default [] Returns ------- This method affects the boolean islocal This method update the ray propagation channel in either local or global frame self.Ta and self.Tb are updated with input parameters Ta an Tb C : ray propagation channel (2x2xrxf) complex either local or global depends on self.islocal boolean value Examples -------- >>> C = Ctilde() >>> Ta = MEulerAngle(np.pi/2,np.pi/2,np.pi/2.) >>> Tb = MEulerAngle(np.pi/3,np.pi/3,np.pi/3.) >>> C.locbas(Ta=Ta,Tb=Tb) """ # get Ctilde frequency axes fGHz = self.fGHz # if rotation matrices are passed in argument # back to global if local if ('Ta' in kwargs) & ('Tb' in kwargs): if self.islocal: self.locbas() self.islocal=False self.Tb = kwargs['Tb'] self.Ta = kwargs['Ta'] # angular axes # # tang : r x 2 # rang : r x 2 # # Ra : 2 x 2 x r # Rb : 2 x 2 x r # # tangl : r x 2 # rangl : r x 2 # tangl,Ra = geu.BTB(self.tang, self.Ta) rangl,Rb = geu.BTB(self.rang, self.Tb) if self.islocal: Ra = Ra.transpose((1,0,2)) self.islocal=False else: Rb = Rb.transpose((1,0,2)) self.islocal=True # # update direction of departure and arrival # self.tangl = tangl self.rangl = rangl #uf = np.ones(self.nfreq) # # r0 : r x 1(f) # #r0 = rb00 r0 = Rb[0,0,:][:, None] #r1 = rb01 r1 = Rb[0,1,:][:, None] t00 = r0 * self.Ctt.y + r1 * self.Cpt.y t01 = r0 * self.Ctp.y + r1 * self.Cpp.y #r0 = rb10 r0 = Rb[1, 0,:][:, None] #r1 = rb11 r1 = Rb[1, 1,:][:, None] t10 = r0 * self.Ctt.y + r1 * self.Cpt.y t11 = r0 * self.Ctp.y + r1 * self.Cpp.y #r0 = ra00 r0 = Ra[0, 0, :][:, None] #r1 = ra10 r1 = Ra[1, 0, :][:, None] Cttl = t00 * r0 + t01 * r1 Cptl = t10 * r0 + t11 * r1 #r0 = ra01 r0 = Ra[0, 1, :][:, None] #r1 = ra11 r1 = Ra[1, 1, :][:, None] Ctpl = t00 * r0 + t01 * r1 Cppl = t10 * r0 + t11 * r1 self.Ctt = bs.FUsignal(fGHz, Cttl) self.Ctp = bs.FUsignal(fGHz, Ctpl) self.Cpt = bs.FUsignal(fGHz, Cptl) self.Cpp = bs.FUsignal(fGHz, Cppl)
#return self
[docs] def Cg2Cl(self, Tt=[], Tr=[]): """ global reference frame to local reference frame If Tt and Tr are [] the global channel is retrieved Parameters ---------- Tt : Tx rotation matrix 3x3 default [] Tr : Rx rotation matrix 3x3 default [] Returns ------- Cl : Ctilde local Examples -------- """ # get frequency axes fGHz = self.fGHz if (Tt !=[]) & (Tr!=[]): self.Ta = Tt self.Tb = Tr else: if (hasattr(self,'Ta')) & (hasattr(self, 'Tb')): self.Ta = self.Ta.transpose() self.Tb = self.Tb.transpose() else: return # get angular axes # Rt (2x2) # Rr (2x2) # # tang : r x 2 # rang : r x 2 # # Rt : 2 x 2 x r # Rr : 2 x 2 x r # # tangl : r x 2 # rangl : r x 2 # tangl , Ra = geu.BTB(self.tang, self.Ta) rangl , Rb = geu.BTB(self.rang, self.Tb) Rb = Rb.transpose((1,0,2)) # # update direction of departure and arrival # self.tang = tangl self.rang = rangl #uf = np.ones(self.nfreq) # # r0 : r x 1(f) # #r0 = np.outer(Rr[0, 0,:], uf) r0 = Rr[0,0,:][:,None] #r1 = np.outer(Rr[0, 1,:], uf) r1 = Rr[0,1,:][:,None] t00 = r0 * self.Ctt.y + r1 * self.Cpt.y t01 = r0 * self.Ctp.y + r1 * self.Cpp.y #r0 = np.outer(Rr[1, 0,:], uf) r0 = Rr[1, 0,:][:,None] #r1 = np.outer(Rr[1, 1,:], uf) r1 = Rr[1, 1,:][:,None] t10 = r0 * self.Ctt.y + r1 * self.Cpt.y t11 = r0 * self.Ctp.y + r1 * self.Cpp.y #r0 = np.outer(Rt[0, 0,:], uf) r0 = Rt[0,0,:][:,None] #r1 = np.outer(Rt[1, 0,:], uf) r1 = Rt[1,0,:][:,None] Cttl = t00 * r0 + t01 * r1 Cptl = t10 * r0 + t11 * r1 #r0 = np.outer(Rt[0, 1,:], uf) r0 = Rt[0,1,:][:,None] #r1 = np.outer(Rt[1, 1,:], uf) r1 = Rt[1,1,:][:,None] Ctpl = t00 * r0 + t01 * r1 Cppl = t10 * r0 + t11 * r1 self.Ctt = bs.FUsignal(fGHz, Cttl) self.Ctp = bs.FUsignal(fGHz, Ctpl) self.Cpt = bs.FUsignal(fGHz, Cptl) self.Cpp = bs.FUsignal(fGHz, Cppl) return self
[docs] def show(self, **kwargs): """ show the propagation channel Parameters ---------- typ : 'm', 'l20' , 'r' cmap : colormap default hot fontsize : int default 14 """ defaults = {'typ': 'm', 'cmap':, 'fontsize':14} for key, value in defaults.items(): if key not in kwargs: kwargs[key] = value if 'fig' not in kwargs: kwargs['fig'] = plt.figure() ax1 = kwargs['fig'].add_subplot(221) fig, ax1 = self.Ctt.imshow(ax=ax1,**kwargs) ax1.set_xlabel('Frequency (GHz)',fontsize=kwargs['fontsize']) ax1.set_title(u'$C_{\\theta\\theta}$',fontsize=kwargs['fontsize']) ax2 = kwargs['fig'].add_subplot(222) fig, ax2 = self.Ctp.imshow(ax=ax2,**kwargs) ax2.set_xlabel('Frequency (GHz)',fontsize=kwargs['fontsize']) ax2.set_title(u'$C_{\\theta\phi}$',fontsize=kwargs['fontsize']) ax3 = kwargs['fig'].add_subplot(223) fig, ax3 = self.Cpt.imshow(ax=ax3,**kwargs) ax3.set_xlabel('Frequency (GHz)',fontsize=kwargs['fontsize']) ax3.set_title(u'$C_{\phi\\theta}$',fontsize=kwargs['fontsize']) ax4 = kwargs['fig'].add_subplot(224) fig, ax4 = self.Cpp.imshow(ax=ax4,**kwargs) ax4.set_xlabel('Frequency (GHz)',fontsize=kwargs['fontsize']) ax4.set_title(u'$C_{\phi\phi}$',fontsize=kwargs['fontsize']) return fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4)
[docs] def check_reciprocity(self, C): """ check channel reciprocity Parameters ---------- C : Ctilde Notes ----- This is not properly implemented """ issue=[] assert np.allclose(self.tauk, C.tauk) for r in range(self.nray): if not np.allclose(self.Ctt.y[r,:], C.Ctt.y[r,:]): issue.append(r) if len(issue) == 0: print("Channel is reciprocal") else: print("WARNING Reciprocity issue WARNING") print(len(issue),'/',self.nray, 'rays are not reciprocal,') print("rays number with an issue :",issue)
# assert np.allclose(self.tang,C.rang) # assert np.allclose(self.rang,C.tang)
[docs] def energy(self,mode='mean',Friis=True,sumray=False): """ calculates energy on each channel Parameters ---------- mode : string 'mean' Friis: boolean True sumray: boolean False Returns ------- ECtt : Energy on co channel tt ECpp : Energy on co channel pp ECtp : Energy on co channel tp ECpt : Energy on co channel pt See Also -------- Notes ----- r x f+ axis 0 : ray axis 1 : frequency """ # # r x f # axis 0 : ray # axis 1 : frequency # ECtt =,Friis=Friis,mode=mode) ECtp =,Friis=Friis,mode=mode) ECpt =,Friis=Friis,mode=mode) ECpp =,Friis=Friis,mode=mode) if sumray: ECtt = np.sum(ECtt,axis=0) ECtp = np.sum(ECtp,axis=0) ECpt = np.sum(ECpt,axis=0) ECpp = np.sum(ECpp,axis=0) return ECtt, ECpp, ECtp, ECpt
[docs] def cut(self,threshold_dB=50): """ cut rays from a energy threshold Parameters ---------- threshold : float default 0.99 """ Ett, Epp, Etp, Ept = Etot = Ett+Epp+Etp+Ept u = np.argsort(Etot)[::-1] #cumE = np.cumsum(Etot[u])/sum(Etot) profdB = 10*np.log10(Etot[u]/np.max(Etot)) #v1 = np.where(cumE<threshold)[0] v = np.where(profdB>-threshold_dB)[0] w = u[v] self.selected = w self.Eselected = Etot[w] self.tauk = self.tauk[w] self.tang = self.tang[w,:] self.rang = self.rang[w,:] self.Ctt.y = self.Ctt.y[w,:] self.Cpp.y = self.Cpp.y[w,:] self.Ctp.y = self.Ctp.y[w,:] self.Cpt.y = self.Cpt.y[w,:]
[docs] def sort(self,typ='tauk'): """ sort Ctilde with respect to typ (default tauk) Parameters ---------- typ : string sort w.r.t 'tauk' : delay (default) 'att' : theta Tx 'atp' : phi Tx 'art' : theta Rx 'arp' : phi Rx 'energy' : energy """ if typ == 'tauk': u = np.argsort(self.tauk) if typ == 'att': u = np.argsort(self.tang[:, 0]) if typ == 'atp': u = np.argsort(self.tang[:, 1]) if typ == 'art': u = np.argsort(self.rang[:, 0]) if typ == 'arp': u = np.argsort(self.rang[:, 1]) if typ == 'energy': Ett, Epp, Etp, Ept = Etot = Ett+Epp+Etp+Ept u = np.argsort(Etot) self.tauk = self.tauk[u] self.tang = self.tang[u,:] self.rang = self.rang[u,:] self.Ctt.y = self.Ctt.y[u,:] self.Cpp.y = self.Cpp.y[u,:] self.Ctp.y = self.Ctp.y[u,:] self.Cpt.y = self.Cpt.y[u,:]
[docs] def prop2tran(self,a=[],b=[],Friis=True,debug=False): r""" transform propagation channel into transmission channel Parameters ---------- a : antenna or array a b : antenna or array b Ta : np.array(3x3) unitary matrice for antenna orientation Tb : np.array(3x3) unitary matrice for antenna orientation Friis : boolean if True scale with :math:`-j\frac{\lambda}{f}` debug : boolean if True the antenna gain for each ray is stored Returns ------- H : Tchannel(bs.FUsignal) """ freq = self.fGHz nfreq = self.nfreq nray = self.nray sh = np.shape(self.Ctt.y) # select default antennas # omni polar theta 't' <=> vertical polarization # if a ==[]: a = ant.Antenna('Omni',param={'pol':'t','GmaxdB':0},fGHz=self.fGHz) if b ==[]: b = ant.Antenna('Omni',param={'pol':'t','GmaxdB':0},fGHz=self.fGHz) a.eval(th = self.tangl[:, 0], ph = self.tangl[:, 1]) Fat = bs.FUsignal(a.fGHz, a.Ft) Fap = bs.FUsignal(a.fGHz, a.Fp) #b.eval(th=self.rangl[:, 0], ph=self.rangl[:, 1], grid=False) b.eval(th = self.rangl[:, 0], ph = self.rangl[:, 1]) Fbt = bs.FUsignal(b.fGHz, b.Ft) Fbp = bs.FUsignal(b.fGHz, b.Fp) # # C : 2 x 2 x r x f # # Ctt : r x f (complex FUsignal) # Cpp : r x f (complex FUsignal) # Ctp : r x f (complex FUsignal) # Cpt : r x f (complex FUsignal) # # a.Ft = r x (Na) x f (complex ndarray) # a.Fp = r x (Na) x f (complex ndarray) # b.Ft = r x (Nb) x f (complex ndarray) # b.Fp = r x (Nb) x f (complex ndarray) # # (r x f ) (r x Nt x f ) # # This exploit * overloading in FUsignal t1 = self.Ctt * Fat + self.Ctp * Fap t2 = self.Cpt * Fat + self.Cpp * Fap # depending on SISO or MIMO case # the shape of the received fields T1 and T2 # # In MIMO case # a.Ft.y.shape == (r x Na x f) # a.Fp.y.shape == (r x Na x f) # In SISO case # a.Ft.y.shape == (r x f) # a.Fp.y.shape == (r x f) # if len(t1.y.shape)==3: T1 = t1.y[:,None,:,:] T2 = t2.y[:,None,:,:] else: T1 = t1.y[:,None,None,:] T2 = t2.y[:,None,None,:] if len(Fbt.y.shape)==3: FBt = Fbt.y[:,:,None,:] FBp = Fbp.y[:,:,None,:] else: FBt = Fbt.y[:,None,None,:] FBp = Fbp.y[:,None,None,:] # determine the common interval on frequency axis if np.sum(t1.x!=Fbt.x)>0: t1x_int = (np.round(t1.x*100)).astype(int) Fbtx_int = (np.round(Fbt.x*100)).astype(int) inter = np.intersect1d(t1x_int,Fbtx_int) ut = np.in1d(t1x_int,inter) uf = np.in1d(Fbtx_int,inter) else: ut = np.arange(len(t1.x)) uf = np.arange(len(Fbt.x)) assert(len(t1.x[ut])==len(Fbt.x[uf])),"problem in common index plage calculation" alpha1 = np.einsum('ljkm,lkim->ljim',FBt[...,uf],T1[...,ut]) alpha2 = np.einsum('ljkm,lkim->ljim',FBp[...,uf],T2[...,ut]) #alpha = t1 * Fbt + t2 * Fbp # Nd x Nr x Nt x Nf alpha = alpha1 + alpha2 self.fGHz = t1.x[ut] H = Tchannel(x = self.fGHz, y = alpha, tau = self.tauk, dod = self.tang, doa = self.rang) if debug : H.alpha=alpha H.Fat=Fat.y H.Fap=Fap.y H.Fbt=Fbt.y H.Fbp=Fbp.y H.Gat=10*np.log10(np.sum(Fat.y*np.conj(Fat.y),axis=1)/len(Fat.x)) H.Gap=10*np.log10(np.sum(Fap.y*np.conj(Fap.y),axis=1)/len(Fap.x)) H.Gbt=10*np.log10(np.sum(Fbt.y*np.conj(Fbt.y),axis=1)/len(Fbt.x)) H.Gbp=10*np.log10(np.sum(Fbp.y*np.conj(Fbp.y),axis=1)/len(Fbp.x)) if Friis: H.applyFriis() return H
if __name__ == "__main__": plt.ion() doctest.testmod()