Source code for pylayers.signal.standard

.. currentmodule:: pylayers.signal.standard

.. autosummary::

import numpy as np
import json
import sys

if sys.version_info.major==2:
    import ConfigParser
    import configparser as ConfigParser

import pylayers.util.pyutil as pyu
import pylayers.antprop.antenna as ant
from pylayers.util.project import *

[docs]class Band(PyLayers,dict): """ A Band is a structured portion of the spectrum A band is subdivided into channels """ def __init__(self,**kwargs): """ """ defaults = { 'zone' : 'Europe', 'name' : 'ISM24', 'fstart' : 2.412, 'fstop' : 2.472, 'fstep' : 5, 'bmhz' : 20 } for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k]=defaults[k] self['zone'] = kwargs['zone'] self['name'] = kwargs['name'] self['fstart'] = kwargs['fstart'] self['fstop'] = kwargs['fstop'] self['fstep'] = kwargs['fstep'] self['bmhz'] = kwargs['bmhz'] self.channelize()
[docs] def channelize(self): """ """ self.chan={} self.fcghz = np.arange(self['fstart'],self['fstop'],self['fstep']/1000.) for k,fc in enumerate(self.fcghz): if (fc>=4) & (fc<5): channum = int(np.round((fc-4)*200)) if (fc>=5) & (fc<6): channum = int(np.round((fc-5)*200)) if fc<4: channum = k+1 self.chan[channum] = Channel(fc,self['bmhz'])
[docs] def select(self,lchan): """ select a dictionnary of channel from a list of channels """ dchan = {} for k,chan in enumerate(lchan): dchan[k] = self[chan] return(dchan)
[docs] def load(self,bandname,_fileini='spectrum.ini'): """ load spectrum """ self._fileini = _fileini self.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() fp = open(pyu.getlong(_fileini,pstruc['DIRSIMUL'])) self.config.readfp(fp) band = dict(self.config.items(bandname)) self['name'] = bandname self['zone'] = band['zone'] self['fstart'] = eval(band['fstart']) self['fstop'] = eval(band['fstop']) self['fstep'] = eval(band['fstep']) self['bmhz'] = eval(band['bmhz']) self.channelize()
[docs]class Channel(PyLayers,dict): """ a radio channel abstraction """ def __init__(self,fcghz,bmhz,gmhz=0): """ Parameters ---------- fcghz : float center frequency bmhz : float effective bandwith gmhz : float guard frequency (inter channel gap) """ self['fcGHz'] = fcghz self['BMHz'] = bmhz self['GMHz'] = gmhz self.fghz = np.array([fcghz-(bmhz+gmhz)/2000.,fcghz+(bmhz+gmhz)/2000.]) def __repr__(self): """ representation """ st = str(self['fcGHz'])+' : ['+str(self.fghz[0])+','+str(self.fghz[1])+']\n' return(st) def __add__(self,chan): """ add two adjascent channels """ if (self.fghz[1]==chan.fghz[0]): self['fcGHz'] = self.fghz[1] self['BMHz'] = self['BMHZ']+chan['BMHz'] self.fghz[1]=chan.fghz[1] elif (self.fghz[0]==chan.fghz[1]): self['fcGHz'] = self.fghz[0] self['BMHz'] = self['BMHZ']+chan['BMHz'] self.fghz[0]=chan.fghz[0] else: pass return(self)
[docs] def overlap(self,C): """ tests wether 2 channels overlap Parameters ---------- C : Channel Returns ------- ov : int 1 if overlaping channel 0 otherwise Notes ----- To be used later for optimization purpose """ if ( ( (self.f[1]>C.f[0]) & (self.f[1] < C.f[1])) | ( (self.f[0]<C.f[1]) & (self.f[0] > C.f[0]))): return(1) else: return(0)
[docs] def capacity(self,SNRdB): """ calculates channel capacity Parameters ---------- SNRdB : SNR in dB Returns ------- C : Channel capacity in Mbit/s (M=1e6) """ C = self.bmhz*np.log(1+10**(SNRdB/10.))/np.log(2) return(C)
[docs]class Wstandard(PyLayers,dict): """ Wireless standard class The various available standard are described in a wstd.json file """ def __init__(self,stdname='',_filejson='wstd.json'): """ Parameters ---------- name : string Examples --------- >>> from pylayers.signal.standard import * >>> Wifiag =Wstandard('ieee80211ah') """ = stdname if stdname != '': self.load(stdname) def __repr__(self): try: st ='\n' st = st+'-------------------------\n' for k in np.sort(self.chan.keys()): st = st + str(k) +' : '+ self.chan[k].__repr__() except: st = 'No standard loaded \n' st = st+'Check available standards with ls() method \n' return(st)
[docs] def load(self, stdname, _fileini='wstd.json'): """ load a standard from file Parameters ---------- stdname : string standard name _fileini : string file containing the description of available standards """ filename = pyu.getlong(_fileini,pstruc['DIRSIMUL']) fp = open(filename) stds = json.load(fp) fp.close() std = stds[stdname] for k in std: if k!= "channels": try: self[k] = eval(std[k]) except: self[k] = std[k] else: chan = std[k] for k in chan: bandname = k fstart=chan[k]['fstart'] fstop =chan[k]['fstop'] smhz =chan[k]['smhz'] bmhz = chan[k]['bmhz'] gmhz = chan[k]['gmhz'] if'generic': self.bandplan(fstart=fstart,fstop=fstop,smhz=smhz,bmhz=bmhz,gmhz=gmhz,chan=False) else: self.bandplan(fstart=fstart,fstop=fstop,smhz=smhz,bmhz=bmhz,gmhz=gmhz)
[docs] def ls(self): """ list all available standards Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> from pylayers.signal.standard import * >>> W =Wstandard('ieee80211ah') >>> """ fp = open(pyu.getlong('wstd.json',pstruc['DIRSIMUL'])) stds = json.load(fp) fp.close() for k in stds: print(k + ' , ',)
[docs] def power(self, band, info ='max', unit='mw'): """ Returns power information for a given channel Parameters ---------- band : int /float/string 'bandnb' : band number 'fghz' : frequency 'bandname' : band name info : string ('max'|'min'|'step') requested information about power unit : string ('mw'|db) miliwatt or db Returns ------- Pmaxmw power informations for given bandnb/fghz/ """ fp = open(pyu.getlong('wstd.json',pstruc['DIRSIMUL'])) stds = json.load(fp) fp.close() std = stds[] if info == 'max': ii = 'pmaxmw' if info == 'min': ii = 'pminmw' if info == 'step': ii = 'pstepmw' # band is a band number if isinstance(band,int): try: fc = self.chan[band]['fcGHz'] except: raise bandeError('incorrect channel number') # band is a frequency elif isinstance(band,float): fc = band # band is a band name elif isinstance(band,str): try: f0 = std['channels'][band]['fstart'] f1 = std['channels'][band]['fstop'] bmhz = std['channels'][band]['bmhz'] gmhz = std['channels'][band]['gmhz'] f0g = f0 - (bmhz+gmhz)/2000. f1g = f0 + (bmhz+gmhz)/2000. fc = (f1g+f0g)/2. except: raise TypeError('Incorrect band name') for k in std['channels'].keys(): f0 = std['channels'][k]['fstart'] f1 = std['channels'][k]['fstop'] bmhz = std['channels'][k]['bmhz'] gmhz = std['channels'][k]['gmhz'] f0g = f0 - (bmhz+gmhz)/2000. f1g = f1 + (bmhz+gmhz)/2000. bb = fc >= f0g and fc <= f1g if bb: power = stds[]['channels'][k][ii] if unit.lower() == 'db': power = 10*np.log10(power) return power raise NameError('Requested information not in standard')
[docs] def bandplan(self,fstart,fstop,smhz=5,bmhz=20,gmhz=2,chan=True): """ construct the different channels of the standard Parameters ---------- fstart : start frequency GHz fstop : stop frequency GHz smhz : step between adjacscent channels bmhz : useful channel bandwidth gmhz : gap between channels """ if not(hasattr(self,'chan')): self.chan={} Nchannel = np.round((fstop-fstart)/(smhz/1000.)).astype(int)+1 fcghz = np.linspace(fstart,fstop,Nchannel,endpoint=True) if chan: for k,fc in enumerate(fcghz): if (fc>=4) & (fc<5): channum = int(np.round((fc-4)*200)) if (fc>=5) & (fc<6): channum = int(np.round((fc-5)*200)) if fc<4: channum = k+1 self.chan[channum] = Channel(fc,bmhz,gmhz) else: for k,fc in enumerate(fcghz): self.chan[k]=Channel(fc,fcghz[1]-fcghz[0],0) try: self.fcghz=np.hstack((self.fcghz,fcghz)) except: self.fcghz=fcghz self.fcghz=np.sort(self.fcghz)
[docs]class AP(dict): """ Access Point Attributes ---------- pos : np.array(,3) AP position in 3D wstd : Wireless standard PtdBm : Transmit Power channels : list of used channels snsdBm : float receiver sensitivity nant : int number of antennas """ def __init__(self,**kwargs): """ Examples -------- >>> import pylayers.signal.standard as std >>> AP1 = AP() >>> AP1.load() """ self['name'] = kwargs.pop('name','default') self['p'] = kwargs.pop('p',np.array([0,0,1.2])) self['PtdBm'] = kwargs.pop('PtdBm',0) self['chan'] = kwargs.pop('chan',[11]) self['sensdBm'] = kwargs.pop('sensdBm',-94) self['nant'] = kwargs.pop('nant',1) self['on'] = kwargs.pop('on',True) self['ant'] = kwargs.pop('ant','Omni') self['phideg'] = kwargs.pop('phideg',0) self['wstd'] = kwargs.pop('wstd','ieee80211b') self.s = Wstandard(self['wstd']) self.A = ant.Antenna(self['ant']) def __repr__(self): """ specific representation It respects keys of the dictionnary """ st = 'name : '+str(self['name'])+'\n' st = st + 'p : '+str(self['p'])+'\n' st = st+ 'PtdBm : '+str(self['PtdBm'])+'\n' st = st+ 'channels : '+str(self['chan'])+' ' for k in self['chan']: st = st + self.s.chan[k].__repr__() st = st+ 'sensdBm : '+str(self['sensdBm'])+'\n' st = st+ 'ant : '+str(self['ant'])+'\n' st = st+ 'phi (deg) : '+str(self['phideg'])+'\n' st = st+ 'nant : '+str(self['nant'])+'\n' st = st+ 'On : '+str(self['on'])+'\n' return(st)
[docs] def load(self,name,_fileini='defAP.json'): """ loading an access point from file Parameters ---------- _fileini : string access point description ini file """ self._fileini = _fileini fileini = pyu.getlong(_fileini,pstruc['DIRSIMUL']) fp = open(fileini,"r") ap = json.load(fp) self['name'] = name dap = ap[name] self['p'] = eval(dap['pos']) wstd = dap['wstd'] self['PtdBm'] = dap['ptdbm'] self['channels'] = eval(dap['chan']) self['sensdBm'] = dap['snsdbm'] self['nant'] = dap['nant'] standard = Wstandard(wstd) self.s = standard fp.close()