Source code for pylayers.measures.mesmimo

#-*- coding:Utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
from pylayers.signal.bsignal import *
from pylayers.antprop.aarray import *
from pylayers.util.project import *
from import *
from pylayers.gis.readvrml import *
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
import scipy as sp
import scipy.special as ss
import numpy.linalg as la
from time import sleep
import math as mt
from pylayers.measures.vna.E5072A import *
.. curentmodule:: pylayers.antprop.mesmimo

.. autosummary::


[docs]class MIMO(object): """ This class handles the data coming from a MIMO Channel Sounder Parameters ---------- H : raw channel matrix in frequency domain Hcal : calibrated channel matrix in frequency domain hcal : channel matrix in time domain """ def __init__(self,**kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- filename : string rep : string fminGHz : float fmaxGHz : float Nf calibration : Boolean Nz : int Number of Zeros nT : int (default = 1) Notes ----- Data are placed in the directory mesdir + rep directory """ defaults = { '_filename':'', 'rep':'', 'Nf':1601, 'fminGHz' : 1.8, 'fmaxGHz' :2.2, 'calibration':True, 'time':True, 'Nz' : 100, 'Nt' : 4, 'Nr' : 8, 'Aat': [], 'Aar': [], 'snrdB': np.linspace(0,25,100) } for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k]=defaults[k] _filename = kwargs.pop('_filename') rep = kwargs.pop('rep') Nf = kwargs.pop('Nf') fminGHz = kwargs.pop('fminGHz') fmaxGHz = kwargs.pop('fmaxGHz') calibration = kwargs.pop('calibration') time = kwargs.pop('time') Nz = kwargs.pop('Nz') Nt = kwargs.pop('Nt') Nr = kwargs.pop('Nr') self.snrdB = kwargs.pop('snrdB') self.Aat = kwargs.pop('Aat') self.Aar = kwargs.pop('Aar') if self.Aar == []: self.Aar = AntArray(N=[8,1,1]) if self.Aat == []: self.Aat = AntArray(N=[4,1,1]) self.Nf = Nf self.freq = np.linspace(fminGHz,fmaxGHz,Nf) self.rep = rep self.Nt = Nt self.Nr = Nr #pdb.set_trace() if _filename != '': self.filename = mesdir + rep + _filename # load file self.loadraw() if calibration: self.calibration() if time: # reshaping for using ift (todo update ift for MDA !!) #Hcal = TChannel(x=self.Hcal.x,y=np.reshape(self.Hcal.y,(Nt*Nr,Nf))) Hcal = Tchannel(self.Hcal.x,np.reshape(self.Hcal.y,(Nt*Nr,Nf))) hcal = Hcal.ift(Nz=Nz,ffts=1) shh = hcal.y.shape self.hcal = TUsignal(hcal.x,np.reshape(hcal.y,(Nr,Nt,shh[-1]))) def __repr__(self): st = 'MIMO Object'+'\n' st = st + 'axe 0 Nr : '+str(self.Nr)+ '\n' st = st + 'axe 1 Nt : '+str(self.Nt)+ '\n' st = st + 'axe 2 Nf : '+str(self.Nf)+ '\n' return(st) def __sub__(self,m): N = MIMO() N.freq = self.freq N.Nt = self.Nt N.Nr = self.Nr N.Hcal = self.Hcal - m.Hcal return(N)
[docs] def loadraw(self): """ load a MIMO Nr x Nt raw data sounder file The sounder output file is a 2 columns ASCII csv file Module (dB) ; Angle (Degree) """ fd = open(self.filename) lis = fd.readlines() fd.close() module = [] phasedeg = [] for l in lis: l.replace('\r\n','') g = l.split(';') module.append(float(g[0])) phasedeg.append(float(g[1])) m = np.array(module) phi = np.array(phasedeg)*np.pi/180. m = m.reshape(self.Nr*self.Nt,self.Nf) phi = phi.reshape(self.Nr*self.Nt,self.Nf) y = 10**(m/20)*np.exp(1j*phi) # # Nr x Nt x Nf (8x4x1601) # y = y.reshape(self.Nr,self.Nt,self.Nf) self.H = Tchannel(x=self.freq,y=y)
[docs] def calibration(self): """ Apply calibration files """ for iR in range(self.Nr): for iT in range(self.Nt): _filename = 'Calib'+str(iT+1)+'x'+str(iR+1)+'.txt' C = MIMO(_filename=_filename,rep='/calibration/',calibration=False,Nt=self.Nt) try: #tc = np.vstack((tc,C.H.y[iR*4+iT,:])) tc = np.vstack((tc,C.H.y[iR,iT,:])) except: #tc = C.H.y[iR*4+iT,:] tc = C.H.y[iR,iT,:] #MIMO # Nr x Nt x Nf tc = tc.reshape(self.Nr,self.Nt,self.Nf) # C.freq , Nf self.C = Tchannel(x=C.freq,y=tc) self.Hcal = self.H/self.C del self.H del self.C
[docs] def calHa(self,**kwargs): """ calculate the Ha function (angular domain representation) fcGHz : float duR : grid step in uR duT : grid step in uT time : boolean taumin : float 0 taumax : float Nz : int (20000) See : David Tse (7.70 pp 373) """ defaults = {'fcGHz':2, 'duR':0.05, 'duT':0.05, 'time':False, 'taumin':0, 'taumax':80, 'Nz':20000 } for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k]=defaults[k] fcGHz = kwargs.pop('fcGHz') duR = kwargs.pop('duR') duT = kwargs.pop('duT') time = kwargs.pop('time') taumin = kwargs.pop('taumin') taumax = kwargs.pop('taumax') Nz = kwargs.pop('Nz') # f : m x n x uR x f fGHz = self.freq[None,None,None,:] # m : m x n x uR x f m = np.arange(self.Nr)[:,None,None,None] # uR : m x n x uR x f uR = np.arange(-1,1,duR)[None,None,:,None] # eR : m x n x uR x f eR = np.exp(-1j*np.pi*m*uR*fGHz/fcGHz) # S : m x n x uR x f S = self.Hcal.y[:,:,None,:] * eR # SR : n x uR x uT x f SR = np.sum(S,axis=0)[:,:,None,:] # n : n x uR x uT x f n = np.arange(self.Nt)[:,None,None,None] # uT : n x uR x uT x f uT = np.arange(-1,1,duT)[None,None,:,None] # eT : n x uR x uT x f eT = np.exp(-1j*np.pi*n*uT*fGHz/fcGHz) # summation along axix m and n self.Ha = np.sum(SR*eT,axis=0) self.uR = np.arange(-1,1,duR) self.uT = np.arange(-1,1,duT) NuR = len(self.uR) NuT = len(self.uT) Nf = len(self.freq) if time: #T = fft.ifft(self.h,axis=2) #self.h = abs(fft.fftshift(T,axes=2)) Ha = FUsignal(self.freq,np.reshape(self.Ha,(NuR*NuT,Nf))) ha = Ha.ift(Nz=Nz,ffts=1) ut = np.where((h.x>taumin) & (h.x<taumax))[0] xlim = ha.x[ut] ylim = ha.y[...,ut] npts = len(ut) self.ha = TUsignal(xlim,np.reshape(ylim,(NuR,NuT,npts)))
[docs] def normalize(self): """ Normalization of H """ HdH,U,S,V = self.transfer() HdH = HdH.swapaxes(0,2) self.rg = np.real(np.sqrt(np.trace(HdH)/(self.Nt*self.Nr))) self.Hcal.y = self.Hcal.y/self.rg self.normalize=True
[docs] def svd(self): """ singular value decomposition of matrix H Parameters ---------- The native H matrix is currently (nr x nt x nf ). For applying a broadcasted svd a reshaping in (nf x nr x nt ) is required. In the future, it would be a good thing to define the MIMO matrix as nf x na x nb structure from the begining or ns x nf x na x nb Returns ------- U : nf x nr x nr D : nf x min(nr,nt) Vh : nf x nt x nt """ # H : nr x nt x nf H = self.Hcal.y # H1 : nf x nt x nr H1 = H.swapaxes(0,2) # H2 : nf x nr x nt H2 = H1.swapaxes(1,2) U,D,Vh = la.svd(H2) return(U,D,Vh)
[docs] def transfer(self): """ calculate transfer matrix. it involves H and Hd against svd() which acts only over H. Returns ------- HdH : Hermitian transfer matrix (nf x nt x nt ) U : Unitary tensor (nf x nt x nt ) S : Singular values (nf x nt) V : = Ud (in that case because HdH Hermitian) (nf x nt x nt) HdH = U L U^{\dagger} Transfered to Mchannel DONE """ # H : nr x nt x nf H = self.Hcal.y # Hd : nt x nr x nf Hd = np.conj(self.Hcal.y.swapaxes(0,1)) #HdH : nt x nt x nf HdH = np.einsum('ijk,jlk->ilk',Hd,H) # HdH : nf x nt x nt HdH = HdH.swapaxes(0,2) #U : nf x nt x nt #S : nf x nt #V : nf x nt x nt U,S,V = la.svd(HdH) return (HdH,U,S,V)
[docs] def Bcapacity(self,Pt=np.array([1e-3]),Tp=273): """ calculates BLAST deterministic MIMO channel capacity Parameters ---------- Pt : np.array (,NPt) the total power is assumed uniformaly distributed over the whole bandwidth Tp : Receiver Temperature (K) Returns ------- C : spectral efficiency (bit/s/Hz) np.array (Nf,NPt) rho : SNR np.array (Nf,Nt,NPt) log_2(det(I+(Et/(N0Nt))HH^{H}) Transferd to Mchannel Done """ fGHz = self.Hcal.x Nf = len(fGHz) BGHz = fGHz[-1]-fGHz[0] dfGHz = fGHz[1]-fGHz[0] if type(Pt)==float: Pt=np.array([Pt]) # White Noise definition # # Boltzman constantf = len(fGHz) kB = 1.03806488e-23 # N0 ~ J ~ W/Hz ~ W.s N0 = kB*Tp # Evaluation of the transfer tensor # # HdH : HdH,U,S,V = self.transfer() #singular value decomposition of channel tensor (broadcasted along frequency axis) Us,D,Vsh = self.svd() # Vsh : nf x nt x nt It = np.eye(self.Nt) Ir = np.eye(self.Nr) #Ps = (Pt/Nf)/(self.Nt) Ps = Pt/(self.Nt) #Ps1 = Pt/(self.Nt*self.Nf) # equi amplitude vector (nf,nt,1) #wu = np.sqrt(Ps[None,None,None,:]*np.ones((self.Nf,self.Nt))[:,:,None,None]/self.Nf) # spatial subchanel weights (nf,nt,1) #Vshwu = np.einsum('kijp,kjlp->kilp',Vsh[:,:,:,None],wu) # nf x nt x 1 x power # Ps2 = Vshwu*np.conj(Vshwu) Pb = N0*BGHz*1e9 # Watt #Pb2 = N0*dfGHz*1e9*np.ones((self.Nf,self.Nt)) # rho : nf x nt x power #S2 = np.real(D[:,:,None]*np.conj(D[:,:,None])) # rho = (Ps[None,None,:]/Pb)*S[:,:,None] #rho1 = (Ps1[None,None,:]/Pb2[:,:,None])*S[:,:,None] #rho2 = (Ps2[:,:,0,:]/Pb2[:,:,None])*S2 #pdb.set_trace() #coeff = Ps/Pb #M = It[None,...] + coeff*HdH #detM = la.det(M) #logdetM = np.real(np.log(detM)/np.log(2)) #C1 = dfGHz*logdetM #CB = dfGHz*np.sum(np.log(1+rho)/np.log(2),axis=1) #CB = dfGHz*np.sum(np.log(1+rho)/np.log(2)) CB = dfGHz*np.sum(np.log(1+rho)/np.log(2),axis=1) #CB1 = dfGHz*np.sum(np.log(1+rho1)/np.log(2),axis=1) #CB2 = dfGHz*np.sum(np.log(1+rho2)/np.log(2),axis=1) #return(M,detM,logdetM,C1,C2,S) return(rho,CB)
[docs] def Scapacity(self,Pt=1e-3,Tp=273): """ equivalent SISO capacity """ pass
[docs] def WFcapacity(self,Pt=np.array([1e-3]),Tp=273): """ calculates deterministic MIMO channel capacity Parameters ---------- Pt : the total power to be distributed over the different spatial channels using water filling Tp : Receiver Noise Temperature (K) Returns ------- C : capacity (bit/s) rho : SNR (in linear scale) log_2(det(It + HH^{H}) """ fGHz = self.Hcal.x Nf = len(fGHz) # Bandwidth BGHz = fGHz[-1]-fGHz[0] # Frequency step dfGHz = fGHz[1]-fGHz[0] # White Noise definition # # Boltzman constant kB = 1.03806488e-23 # N0 ~ J ~ W/Hz ~ W.s N0 = kB*Tp # Evaluation of the transfer tensor HdH,U,ld,V = self.transfer() # Identity matrices It = np.eye(self.Nt) Ir = np.eye(self.Nr) # # Iterative implementation of Water Filling algorithm # # pb : (nf,nt) noise power (Watt) pb = N0*dfGHz*1e9*np.ones((self.Nf,self.Nt)) # pt : (nf,nt,power) Total power uniformly spread over (nt*nf-1) pt = Pt[None,None,:]/((self.Nf-1)*self.Nt) mu = pt Q0 = np.maximum(0,mu-pb[:,:,None]/ld[:,:,None]) u = np.where(Q0>0)[0] Peff = np.sum(np.sum(Q0,axis=0),axis=0) deltamu = pt while (np.abs(Peff-Pt)>1e-16).any(): mu = mu + deltamu Q = np.maximum(0,mu-pb[:,:,None]/ld[:,:,None]) Peff = np.sum(np.sum(Q,axis=0),axis=0) #print "mu , Peff : ",mu,Peff usup = np.where(Peff>Pt)[0] mu[:,:,usup] = mu[:,:,usup]- deltamu[:,:,usup] deltamu[:,:,usup] = deltamu[:,:,usup]/2. Qn = Q/pb[:,:,None] rho = Qn*ld[:,:,None] Cwf = dfGHz*np.sum(np.log(1+rho)/np.log(2),axis=1) return(rho,Cwf)
# def ber(self,cmd='QPSK',m = 4, snrdB = np.linspace(0,25,100)): # """computation of bit error rate # Parameters # ---------- # cmd : 'QPSK' or M-QAM # M : number of bit (int) (2 or 4 or 8) # """ # snr = 10**(snrdB/10.) # M = 2**m # eta = np.log(M, 2) # if cmd == 'QPSK': # berqpsk = 0.5 * ss.erfc(sqrt(snr)) # if cmd == 'M-PSK': # bermpsk = 1 / eta * ss.erfc(sqrt(snr * eta) * np.sin(np.pi / M)) # if cmd == 'M-QAM': # bermqam = 2 / eta * (1 - 1 / sqrt(M)) * ss.erfc(sqrt(3 * snr * eta/(2 * (M - 1))) # return(berqpsk,bermpsk,bermqam) # def berplot(self): # """plot BER functions # """ # berqpsk,bermpsk,bermqam = self.ber(cmd='',m = 4, snrdB = np.linspace(0,25,100)) # if cmd == 'QPSK': # plt.semilogy(snrdB,berqpsk,label='QPSK') # if cmd == 'M-PSK': # plt.semilogy(snrdB,bermqpsk,label='QPSK') # if cmd == 'M-QAM': # plt.semilogy(snrdB,bermqam,label='4-PSK') # sns.set_style("darkgrid") # plt.ylim([10**-9, 0.5]) # plt.figure(figsize=(20,20)) # plt.xlabel('SNR(dB)',fontsize=15) # plt.ylabel('Bit Error Rate',fontsize=15) # plt.legend(loc='best') # plt.title("Digital Modulation Bit Error Rate") #
[docs] def linear_ZF(self,cmd='QPSK',m = 4, snrdB = np.linspace(0,25,100)): """linear Zero Forcing precoding Parameters ---------- """ # H : nr x nt x nf H = self.Hcal.y # Hd : nt x nr x nf Hd = np.conj(self.Hcal.y.swapaxes(0,1)) H_inv = np.linalg.inv(H) H_inv_d = np.transpose(H_inv) tr_mat = np.matrix.trace(H_inv*H_inv_d) beta = sqrt(self.Nt/(tr_mat)) W_zf =,H_inv)
[docs] def linear_MMSE(self,cmd='QPSK',m = 4, snrdB = np.linspace(0,25,100)): """linear MMSE precoding Parameters ---------- """ # H : nr x nt x nf H = self.Hcal.y # Hd : nt x nr x nf Hd = np.conj(self.Hcal.y.swapaxes(0,1)) HHd =np.einsum('ijk,jlk->ilk',H,Hd) Hh = np.transpose(H) H_inv = np.linalg.inv(H) H_inv_d = np.transpose(H_inv) tr_mat = np.matrix.trace(H_inv*H_inv_d) beta = sqrt(self.Nt/(tr_mat)) Pt = np.logspace(-3,1,100) kB = 1.3806488e-23 N0 = kB*273 B = 400e6 Pb = N0*B A = np.linalg.inv(HHd + snr) B =,A) W_mmse = beta * B
# def meas(self): # """ Allows meas from VNA and Scanner # """ # defaults = { 'lavrg':'['1','999']', # 'lif':'['1000','300000','500000']', # 'lpoints' : '[201,401,601,801,1601]', # 'Nf':1601, # 'fminGHz' : 1.8, # 'fmaxGHz' :2.2, # 'calibration':True, # 'time':True, # 'Nmeas' : 100, # 'Nt' : 4, # 'Nr' : 8, # 'Aat': [], # 'Aar': [] # } # for k in defaults: # if k not in kwargs: # kwargs[k]=defaults[k] # fminGHz = kwargs.pop('fminGHz') # fmaxGHz = kwargs.pop('fmaxGHz') # lavrg = kwargs.pop('lavrg') # lif = kwargs.pop('lif') # lpoints = kwargs.pop('lpoints') # Nmeas = kwargs.pop('Nmeas') # ################## # ### VNA # ################# # # FROM MAIN OF # vna = SCPI("",verbose=False) # ident = vna.getIdent() # print "Talking to : ",ident # vna.write("FORM:DATA REAL") # #vna.write("SENS:AVER:ON") #'S21',chan=1) # print "channel "+str(chan)+ " selected" # vna.setf(startGHz=1.8,stopGHz=2.2) # print "fstart (GHz) : ",startGHz # print "fstop (fGHz) : ",stopGHz # ###### # vna.setf(fminGHz,fmaxGHz) # prefix = 'cal_' # S = [] # lt = [] # tic = time.time() # for i in lif: # vna.write(":SENS1:BAND " + str(i)) # for n in lpoints: # fGHz = np.linspace(startGHz,stopGHz,n) # vna.setnpoint(n) # com = ":CALC1:DATA:SDAT?\n" # npts = vna.getnpoints() # print "Nbrs of points : ",npts # S = vna.getdata(n) # lt.append(time.time()) # try: # S21.append(S) # except: # S21=S # # #for k in range(Nmeas): # #S = vna.getdata(Npoints=Npoints) # #lt.append(time.time()) # #try: # #S21.append(S) # #except: # #S21=S # toc = time.time() # print toc-tic # #lt.append(toc-tic) # #lS.append(S21) # #del S21 # #vna.close() #'calibration.mat')
[docs] def mulcplot(self,mode,**kwargs): """ """ defaults = { 'types' : ['m'], 'titles' : np.array([['11','12','13','14'], ['21','22','23','34'], ['31','32','33','34'], ['41','42','43','44'], ['51','52','53','54'], ['61','62','63','64'], ['71','72','73','74'], ['81','82','83','84']]), 'ylabels':np.array([['','','',''], ['','','',''], ['','','',''], ['','','',''], ['','','',''], ['','','',''], ['','','',''], ['','','','']]), 'xlabels':np.array([['','','',''], ['','','',''], ['','','',''], ['','','',''], ['','','',''], ['','','',''], ['','','',''], ['fGHz','fGHz','fGHz','fGHz']]), 'labels':np.array([['calibrated','','',''], ['','','',''], ['','','',''], ['','','',''], ['','','',''], ['','','',''], ['','','',''], ['','','','']]) } for key, value in defaults.items(): if key not in kwargs: kwargs[key] = value if mode=='f': fig,ax = self.Hcal.plot(**kwargs) else: kwargs['xlabels'] = np.array([['','','',''], ['','','',''], ['','','',''], ['','','',''], ['','','',''], ['','','',''], ['','','',''], ['t(ns)','t(ns)','t(ns)','t(ns)']]), fig,ax = self.hcal.plot(**kwargs) return(fig,ax) return fig,ax
[docs] def grid(self,M, OR=np.array([3.4,0.73]), OT=np.array([5.29,6.65]), cT=np.array([-0.07,0]), cR=np.array([0.07,0])): """ Evaluate the data on a grid in the plane Parameters ---------- M : np.array() (Nx x Ny) OR : np.array (,2) Origin of receiver [3.4,0.73] OT : np.array (,2) Origin of transmitter [5.29,6.65] cR : np.array (,2) array receiving vector [0.07,0] cT : np.array (,2) array transmitting vector [-0.07,0] Notes ----- Updated object members self.grid : M (Nx x Ny x 2) self.gloc : TUsignal (x (,ntau) y (Nx x Ny,ntau) ) """ aR = cR[0]/np.sqrt(cR[0]**2+cR[1]**2) bR = cR[1]/np.sqrt(cR[0]**2+cR[1]**2) aT = cT[0]/np.sqrt(cT[0]**2+cT[1]**2) bT = cT[1]/np.sqrt(cT[0]**2+cT[1]**2) # mapping uT = (aT*(M[...,0]-OT[0])+bT*(M[...,1]-OT[1]))/np.sqrt((M[...,0]-OT[0])**2+(M[...,1]-OT[1])**2) uR = (aR*(M[...,0]-OR[0])+bR*(M[...,1]-OR[1]))/np.sqrt((M[...,0]-OR[0])**2+(M[...,1]-OR[1])**2) # sampling in uR and uT uuR = self.uR uuT = self.uT # index in uR and uT iUr=np.array(map(lambda x : np.where(abs(uuR-x)==(abs(uuR-x)).min())[0][0], np.ravel(uR))) iUt=np.array(map(lambda x : np.where(abs(uuT-x)==(abs(uuT-x)).min())[0][0], np.ravel(uT))) self.grid = M shM = M.shape self.gloc = TUsignal(self.h.x,self.h.y[iUr,iUt,:])
#self.gloc = self.h[iUr,iUt,:] #shL = gloc.shape #assert(shL[0]==shM[0]*shM[1]) #self.gloc = np.reshape(gloc,(shM[0],shM[1],shL[1])) def plot(self,**kwargs): """ plot channel Pramaters --------- frequency:True phase:True dB:True cal:True fig:[] ax:[] color':'k' """ defaults = {'frequency':True, 'phase':False, 'dB':True, 'cal':True, } for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k]=defaults[k] frequency = kwargs.pop('frequency') phase = kwargs.pop('phase') dB = kwargs.pop('dB') cal = kwargs.pop('cal') fig,ax=plt.subplots(8,self.Nt,sharex=True,sharey=True,**kwargs) if cal: H = self.Hcal else: H = self.H for iR in range(self.Nr): for iT in range(self.Nt): k = iR*4+iT if frequency: if not phase: if dB: #ax[iR,iT].plot(H.x,20*np.log10(abs(H.y[k,:])),color=color) ax[iR,iT].plot(H.x,20*np.log10(abs(H.y[iR,iT,:])),color=color) #ax[iR,iT].plot(H.x,20*np.log10(abs(H.y[iR,iT,:])),color='k') else: #ax[iR,iT].plot(H.x,abs(H.y[k,:]),color='k') ax[iR,iT].plot(H.x,abs(H.y[iR,iT,:]),color='k') else: #ax[iR,iT].plot(H.x,np.unwrap(np.angle(H.y[k,:])),color=color) ax[iR,iT].plot(H.x,np.unwrap(np.angle(H.y[iR,iT,:])),color=color) else: ax[iR,iT].plot(self.h.x,abs(self.h.y[iR,iT,:]),color=color) if (iR==7): ax[iR,iT].set_xlabel('f (GHz)') ax[iR,iT].plot(H.x,np.unwrap(np.angle(H.y[iR,iT,:])),color='k') else: ax[iR,iT].plot(self.hcal.x,abs(self.hcal.y[iR,iT,:]),color='k') if (iR==7): ax[iR,iT].set_xlabel('Frequency (GHz)') ax[iR,iT].set_title(str(iR+1)+'x'+str(iT+1)) return(fig,ax)
[docs] def showgrid(self,**kwargs): """ show the data on a spatial grid Parameters ---------- layout:[], s:50, vmin : 0, vmax: 0.5, linewidth:0, fig:[], ax:[], save:True, filename:'showgrid1', title:'', save:True, dB : False, OR : np.array([3.4,0.73]), OT : np.array([5.29,6.65]), cR : np.array([0.07,0]), cT : np.array([-0.07,0]), target : np.array([]), gating : False, dynamic : 30 Notes ----- This function accepts a Layout as input and allows to display a projection of the spatio-delay volume on a 2D grid. """ defaults = { 'layout':[], 's':50, 'vmin' : 0, 'vmax': 0.5, 'linewidth':0, 'fig':[], 'ax':[], 'save':True, 'filename':'showgrid1', 'title':'', 'save':True, 'dB':False, 'OR' : np.array([3.4,0.73]), 'OT' : np.array([5.29,6.65]), 'cR' : np.array([0.07,0]), 'cT' : np.array([-0.07,0]), 'target' : np.array([]), 'gating':False } for key, value in defaults.items(): if key not in kwargs: kwargs[key] = value OR = kwargs['OR'] OT = kwargs['OT'] cR = kwargs['cR'] cT = kwargs['cT'] ULAR = OR+np.arange(8)[:,np.newaxis]*cR-3.5*cR ULAT = OT+np.arange(4)[:,np.newaxis][::-1]*cT-1.5*cT if kwargs['gating']: dTM = np.sqrt((self.grid[...,0]-OT[0])**2+(self.grid[...,1]-OT[1])**2) dRM = np.sqrt((self.grid[...,0]-OR[0])**2+(self.grid[...,1]-OR[1])**2) # dM : Nx,Ny dM = dTM+dRM # dM : ,Nx x Ny dM = np.ravel(dM) # 6 sigma = 1/400MHz # 6 sigma = 2.5ns # sigma = (2.5/6) # alpha = 1/(2 sigma^2) = 2*(2.5)**2/36 = 0.347 # alpha = 0.347 # Gaussian gate # Laplacian gate # Nx x Ny x Ntau self.gate = np.exp(-alpha*(dM[:,np.newaxis]/0.3-self.gloc.x[np.newaxis,:])**2) data = self.gloc.y*self.gate data = np.sum(abs(data),axis=1) else: data = np.sum(abs(self.gloc.y),axis=1) if kwargs['fig']==[]: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: fig=kwargs['fig'] ax = kwargs['ax'] if kwargs['dB']: data = 20*np.log10(data) vmax = data.max() # clipping @ vmax - dynamic vmin = vmax-kwargs['dynamic'] else: vmin = data.min() vmax = data.max() scat = ax.scatter(self.grid[...,0], self.grid[...,1], c= data, s=kwargs['s'], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, linewidth=kwargs['linewidth']) cb = plt.colorbar(scat) if kwargs['dB']: cb.set_label('Level (dB)') else: cb.set_label('Linear Level') # plot ULAs ax.plot(ULAR[:,0],ULAR[:,1],'+b') ax.plot(ULAT[:,0],ULAT[:,1],'+g') plt.axis('off') # plot target if kwargs['target']!=[]: target = ax.scatter(kwargs['target'][0],kwargs['target'][1],c='black',s=100) # display layout if kwargs['layout'] != []: L = kwargs['layout'] #fig,ax = L.showG('s',fig=fig,ax=ax,nodes=False) L.display['ednodes']=False L.display['nodes']=False L.display['title']=kwargs['title'] fig,ax = L.showG('s',fig=fig,ax=ax,nodes=False) if kwargs['save']: fig.savefig(kwargs['filename']+'.pdf') fig.savefig(kwargs['filename']+'.png') return fig,ax
[docs] def animgrid(self,**kwargs): """ """ defaults = { 'layout':[], 's':100, 'vmin' : 0, 'vmax': 0.5, 'linewidth':0, 'fig':[], 'ax':[], 'filename':'animgrid1', 'save':True, 'abs':True, 'title':'', } for key, value in defaults.items(): if key not in kwargs: kwargs[key] = value if kwargs['fig']==[]: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,20)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if kwargs['layout'] != []: L = kwargs['layout'] fig,ax = L.showG('s',fig=fig,ax=ax,nodes=False) Nframe = self.gloc.y.shape[1] if kwargs['abs']: scat = ax.scatter(self.grid[...,0], self.grid[...,1], c=abs(self.gloc.y[:,0]), s=kwargs['s'], vmin=kwargs['vmin'], vmax=kwargs['vmax'], linewidth=kwargs['linewidth']) else: scat = ax.scatter(self.grid[...,0], self.grid[...,1], c=self.gloc.y[:,0], s=kwargs['s'], vmin=kwargs['vmin'], vmax=kwargs['vmax'], linewidth=kwargs['linewidth']) title = ax.text(0.1,0.9,kwargs['title'],transform=ax.transAxes,fontsize=18) cb = plt.colorbar(scat) delay_template = '%d : tau = %5.2f (ns) d= %5.2f (m)' delay_text = ax.text(0.1,0.9,'',transform=ax.transAxes,fontsize=18) def init(): delay_text.set_text('') if kwargs['abs']: scat.set_array(abs(self.gloc.y[:,0])) else: scat.set_array(self.gloc.y[:,0]) return scat,delay_text def animate(i): delay_text.set_text(delay_template%(i,self.gloc.x[i],self.gloc.x[i]*0.3)) if kwargs['abs']: scat.set_array(abs(self.gloc.y[:,i])) else: scat.set_array(abs(self.gloc.y[:,i])) return scat,delay_text anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init, frames=Nframe, interval=1, blit=True) if kwargs['save']:['filename']+'.mp4', fps=5) return fig,ax,anim
[docs] def plot(self,frequency=True,phase=False,dB=True,cal=True,fig=[],ax=[],color='k'): """ """ if fig==[]: fig,ax=plt.subplots(8,self.Nt,sharex=True,sharey=True) if cal: H = self.Hcal else: H = self.H for iR in range(self.Nr): for iT in range(self.Nt): k = iR*4+iT if frequency: if not phase: if dB: #ax[iR,iT].plot(H.x,20*np.log10(abs(H.y[k,:])),color=color) ax[iR,iT].plot(H.x,20*np.log10(abs(H.y[iR,iT,:])),color=color) else: #ax[iR,iT].plot(H.x,abs(H.y[k,:]),color='k') ax[iR,iT].plot(H.x,abs(H.y[iR,iT,:]),color='k') else: #ax[iR,iT].plot(H.x,np.unwrap(np.angle(H.y[k,:])),color=color) ax[iR,iT].plot(H.x,np.unwrap(np.angle(H.y[iR,iT,:])),color=color) else: ax[iR,iT].plot(self.h.x,abs(self.h.y[iR,iT,:]),color=color) if (iR==7): ax[iR,iT].set_xlabel('f (GHz)') ax[iR,iT].set_title(str(iR+1)+'x'+str(iT+1)) return(fig,ax)